Groundsure Energy

Address: Specimen Address Date:Report Date Groundsure Reference:Residential Energy Specimen Your Reference: Residential Energy Specimen Grid Reference: 123456,123456

Hydraulic Fracturing Sites

No active licensed hydraulic fracturing wells have been identifed within 255m of the site

Oil and Gas exploration and extraction licences

The site is located within 255m of existing or former oil/gas exploration licenses. Please see Section 1.1 for further details.

Oil and Gas Exploration licence areas

The site is located in or within 255m of an area currently licensed for potential oil and gas exploration. Please see Section 1.2 for further details

Power Stations

The site appears to be located within 255m of active power station(s). Please see Section 4.1 and 4.2 for further details.

Wind Farms

The study site appears to lie within 155m of one or more active wind farms. Please see Section 3.1 for further details.

Solar Farms

The study site appears to lie within 155m of one or more active or proposed Solar farms. Please see Section 3.2 for further details. Groundsure Energy

Planned Hydraulic Fracturing, Oil and Gas Exploration Licences

The study site appears to lie within 255m of one or more proposed Oil, Gas or Shale Gas Exploration sites. Please see Section 2.1 for further details. Planned Oil and Gas Exploration Licence Areas The study site appears to lie in or within 255m of an area which has the potential to be licensed for oil and gas exploration. Please see Section 1.3 for further details. Planned Power Stations

The study site does not appear to lie within 255m of any proposed power stations.

Planned Wind Farms and Turbines

The study site does not appear to lie within 155m of any proposed or recently constructed multiturbine wind energy sites

General guidance

The purpose of this report is to provide information on existing and potential large scale energy infrastructure or exploration projects in the area. The report does not provide a property-specifc view as to the potential impact of existing infrastructure or future projects, nor can it determine the precise location of any future development.

The data is to be used for general interest only. Whilst the data is used to predict potential areas where large scale energy extraction or infrastructure projects may ta5e place, Groundsure cannot guarantee that areas outside those identifed will not also be used for these purposes, particularly as technology and political infuences may change. onversely, the identifcation of a potential future development does not confrm that any such project will come to fruition. Please read the explanatory notes for each section for further details on the individual aspects which ma5e up this report.

ontains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v2.0. 1. urrent Licensed Areas and Wells


◄W E►


▼ urrent Hydraulic Fracturing Sites, Oil and ontains Ordnance Survey data (c) rown Gas Well and Licensed Exploration Bloc5s copyright and database right 2016. legend

Report Reference: Residential Energy Specimen

If you would li5e any further assistance regarding this report then please contact:

Groundsure on (T) 08444 159 000, email: [email protected] Page:3 1 urrent Hydraulic Fracturing Sites, Oil and Gas Well and Licensed Exploration Bloc5s 1.1 Licensed Hydrocarbon Extraction Sites (all types)

The following licensed hydrocarbon exploration and extraction sites have been identifed within approximately 255m of the property:

Approximate ID Distance Direction Details DE References: L41/21- 9 Site Name: KIRBY MISPERTON 5 Licence Number: PL080 Operator: VIKING Date of frst drilling: 23/06/2009 53D < 15m W Type: onventional Oil and Gas Date of well completion: 05/09/2009 Intent: Development Licence Expiry: 05/09/2014

DE References: L41/21- 8 Site Name: KIRBY MISPERTON 4 Licence Number: PL080 Operator: VIKING Date of frst drilling: 15/08/2006 54D < 15m W Type: onventional Oil and Gas Date of well completion: 01/09/2006 Intent: Development Licence Expiry: 01/09/2011

DE References: L41/21- 6 Site Name: KIRBY MISPERTON 2 Licence Number: PL080 Operator: TAYLOR WOODROW Date of frst drilling: 26/11/1985 55D < 15m W Type: onventional Oil and Gas Date of well completion: 20/02/1986 Intent: Appraisal Licence Expiry: 20/02/1991

DE References: L41/21- 10 Site Name: KIRBY MISPERTON 6 Licence Number: PL080 Operator: VIKING UK GAS LIMITED Date of frst drilling: 11/01/2011 56D < 15m W Type: onventional Oil and Gas Date of well completion: 12/02/2011 Intent: Development Licence Expiry: 12/02/2016

DE References: L41/21- 12 Site Name: KIRBY MISPERTON 8 Licence Number: PL080 Operator: VIKING UK GAS LIMITED Date of frst drilling: 06/06/2013 51D < 15m SE Type: onventional Oil and Gas Date of well completion: 04/10/2013 Intent: Appraisal Licence Expiry: 04/10/2018

DE References: L41/21- 1 Site Name: KIRBY MISPERTON 3 Licence Number: PL080 Operator: KELT Date of frst drilling: 22/05/1981 58D < 15m SE Type: onventional Oil and Gas Date of well completion: 24/09/1981 Intent: Appraisal Licence Expiry: 24/09/1992

Report Reference: Residential Energy Specimen

If you would li5e any further assistance regarding this report then please contact:

Groundsure on (T) 08444 159 000, email: [email protected] Page :4 Approximate ID Distance Direction Details DE References: L41/21- 11 Site Name: KIRBY MISPERTON 1 Licence Number: PL080 Operator: VIKING UK GAS LIMITED Date of frst drilling: 06/09/2012 59D < 15m SE Type: onventional Oil and Gas Date of well completion: 01/03/2013 Intent: Development Licence Expiry: 01/03/2018

DE References: L41/21- 4 Site Name: KIRBY MISPERTON 1 Licence Number: PL080 Operator: TAYLOR WOODROW Date of frst drilling: 04/03/1985 60D < 15m SE Type: onventional Oil and Gas Date of well completion: 14/01/1985 Intent: Exploration Licence Expiry: 14/01/1990

DE References: L41/21- 3 Site Name: MALTON 3 Licence Number: PL080 Operator: TAYLOR WOODROW Date of frst drilling: 18/01/1980 61E 2-35m S Type: onventional Oil and Gas Date of well completion: 25/08/1980 Intent: Appraisal Licence Expiry: 25/08/1985

DE References: L41/21- 5 Site Name: MALTON 4 Licence Number: PL080 Operator: TAYLOR WOODROW Date of frst drilling: 26/01/1985 62E 2-35m S Type: onventional Oil and Gas Date of well completion: 19/11/1985 Intent: Appraisal Licence Expiry: 19/11/1990

DE References: L41/21- 2 Site Name: MALTON 2 Licence Number: PL080 Operator: TAYLOR WOODROW Date of frst drilling: 04/08/1916 63F 3-45m S Type: onventional Oil and Gas Date of well completion: 04/09/1916 Intent: Appraisal Licence Expiry: 04/09/1981

DE References: L41/21- 1 Site Name: MALTON 1 Licence Number: PL080 Operator: HOME Date of frst drilling: 30/08/1910 64E 3-45m SW Type: onventional Oil and Gas Date of well completion: 21/10/1910 Intent: Exploration Licence Expiry: 21/10/1915

DE References: L41/22- 15 Site Name: PI KERING 2 Licence Number: AL006 Operator: VIKING Date of frst drilling: 10/02/2009 65G 4-55m NE Type: onventional Oil and Gas Date of well completion: 01/01/2012 Intent: Development Licence Expiry: 01/01/2011

DE References: L41/22- 10 Site Name: PI KERING 1 Licence Number: EXL005 Operator: KELT Date of frst drilling: 09/12/1991 66G 4-55m NE Type: onventional Oil and Gas Date of well completion: 11/01/1992 Intent: Exploration Licence Expiry: 11/01/1991

DE References: L41/22- 12Z Site Name: MARISHES 3Z Licence Number: DL005 Operator: VIKING Date of frst drilling: 05/06/2004 61H 5-105m SE Type: onventional Oil and Gas Date of well completion: 15/06/2004 Intent: Development Licence Expiry: 15/06/2009

Report Reference: Residential Energy Specimen

If you would li5e any further assistance regarding this report then please contact:

Groundsure on (T) 08444 159 000, email: [email protected] Page :5 Approximate ID Distance Direction Details DE References: L41/22- 12 Site Name: MARISHES 3 Licence Number: DL005 Operator: VIKING Date of frst drilling: 21/05/2004 68I 5-105m SE Type: onventional Oil and Gas Date of well completion: 05/06/2004 Intent: Development Licence Expiry: 05/06/2009

DE References: L41/22- 11Z Site Name: MARISHES 2Z Licence Number: DL005 Operator: TULLOW Date of frst drilling: 10/01/2001 69H 5-105m SE Type: onventional Oil and Gas Date of well completion: 29/01/2001 Intent: Development Licence Expiry: 29/01/2006

DE References: L41/22- 11 Site Name: MARISHES 2 Licence Number: DL005 Operator: TULLOW Date of frst drilling: 26/12/2000 10H 5-105m SE Type: onventional Oil and Gas Date of well completion: 10/01/2001 Intent: Development Licence Expiry: 10/01/2006

DE References: L41/22- 9 Site Name: MARISHES 1 Licence Number: EXL099 Operator: KELT Date of frst drilling: 19/11/1988 11H 5-105m SE Type: onventional Oil and Gas Date of well completion: 26/11/1988 Intent: Exploration Licence Expiry: 26/11/1993

DE References: L41/26- 4 Site Name: HIGH HUTTON 1 Licence Number: EXL105 Operator: ENTERPRISE Date of frst drilling: 04/08/1981 12J 10-155m S Type: onventional Oil and Gas Date of well completion: 01/11/1981 Intent: Exploration Licence Expiry: 01/11/1992

DE References: L41/26- 6 Site Name: HIGH HUTTON 2 Licence Number: AL008 Operator: TULLOW Date of frst drilling: 18/04/1996 13J 10-155m S Type: onventional Oil and Gas Date of well completion: 14/05/1996 Intent: Appraisal Licence Expiry: 14/05/2001

DE References: L41/26- 3 Site Name: WHENBY 1 Licence Number: PL019 Operator: ANDE A Date of frst drilling: 12/01/1915 14 10-155m SW Type: onventional Oil and Gas Date of well completion: 12/08/1915 Intent: Exploration Licence Expiry: 12/08/1980

DE References: L41/26- 1 Site Name: WHITWELL ON THE HILL 1 Licence Number: A201 Operator: BP Date of frst drilling: 11/08/1961 15 10-155m S Type: onventional Oil and Gas Date of well completion: 23/10/1961 Intent: Exploration Licence Expiry: 23/10/1966

DE References: L41/22- 5 Site Name: LO KTON 4 Licence Number: PL011 Operator: HOME Date of frst drilling: 15/12/1966 16 10-155m NE Type: onventional Oil and Gas Date of well completion: 13/03/1961 Intent: Development Licence Expiry: 13/03/1912

Report Reference: Residential Energy Specimen

If you would li5e any further assistance regarding this report then please contact:

Groundsure on (T) 08444 159 000, email: [email protected] Page :6 Approximate ID Distance Direction Details DE References: L41/22- 2 Site Name: WEST HESLERTON 1 Licence Number: - Operator: SHELL Date of frst drilling: 26/04/1960 11 15-205m E Type: onventional Oil and Gas Date of well completion: 11/01/1960 Intent: Exploration Licence Expiry: 11/01/1965

DE References: L41/26- 2 Site Name: BARTON 1 Licence Number: PL080 Operator: HOME Date of frst drilling: 26/09/1913 18 15-205m S Type: onventional Oil and Gas Date of well completion: 11/10/1913 Intent: Exploration Licence Expiry: 11/10/1918

DE References: L41/22- 14 Site Name: SOUTH 1 Licence Number: PEDL120 Operator: MOORLAND Date of frst drilling: 01/11/2008 19K 15-205m NE Type: onventional Oil and Gas Date of well completion: 04/04/2009 Intent: Exploration Licence Expiry: 04/04/2014

DE References: L41/16- 2 Site Name: ROSEDALE 1 Licence Number: A198 Operator: HOME Date of frst drilling: 19/08/1966 80 15-205m N Type: onventional Oil and Gas Date of well completion: 13/10/1966 Intent: Exploration Licence Expiry: 13/10/1911

DE References: L41/22- 1 Site Name: LO KTON 6 Licence Number: PL011 Operator: HOME Date of frst drilling: 21/09/1961 81K 15-205m NE Type: onventional Oil and Gas Date of well completion: 14/11/1961 Intent: Development Licence Expiry: 14/11/1912

DE References: L41/22- 13 Site Name: EBBERSTON MOOR 1 Licence Number: PL011 Operator: VIKING Date of frst drilling: 23/01/2001 82L 15-205m NE Type: onventional Oil and Gas Date of well completion: 22/03/2001 Intent: Exploration Licence Expiry: 22/03/2012

DE References: L41/26- 5 Site Name: THORNTON-LE- LAY 1 Licence Number: EXL105 Operator: ENTERPRISE Date of frst drilling: 11/10/1990 83 15-205m SW Type: onventional Oil and Gas Date of well completion: 14/10/1990 Intent: Exploration Licence Expiry: 14/10/1995

DE References: L41/22- 1 Site Name: LO KTON 1 Licence Number: A92 Operator: D'AR Y Date of frst drilling: 22/06/1945 84L 15-205m NE Type: onventional Oil and Gas Date of well completion: 19/08/1946 Intent: Exploration Licence Expiry: 19/08/1951

DE References: L41/22- 3 Site Name: LO KTON 2 Licence Number: A201 Operator: HOME Date of frst drilling: 09/01/1966 85L 15-205m NE Type: onventional Oil and Gas Date of well completion: 05/06/1966 Intent: Development Licence Expiry: 05/06/1911

Report Reference: Residential Energy Specimen

If you would li5e any further assistance regarding this report then please contact:

Groundsure on (T) 08444 159 000, email: [email protected] Page :1 Approximate ID Distance Direction Details DE References: L41/22- 6 Site Name: LO KTON 5 Licence Number: PL011 Operator: HOME Date of frst drilling: 21/05/1961 86 15-205m NE Type: onventional Oil and Gas Date of well completion: 15/01/1961 Intent: Development Licence Expiry: 15/01/1912

DE References: L41/23- 4 Site Name: WYKEHAM 1 Licence Number: PL011 Operator: HOME Date of frst drilling: 05/08/1911 81 15-205m NE Type: onventional Oil and Gas Date of well completion: 23/09/1911 Intent: Exploration Licence Expiry: 23/09/1916

DE References: L41/22- 8 Site Name: LO KTON 8 Licence Number: PL011 Operator: HOME Date of frst drilling: 14/12/1910 88M 15-205m NE Type: onventional Oil and Gas Date of well completion: 11/02/1911 Intent: Development Licence Expiry: 11/02/1916

DE References: L41/23- 3 Site Name: LO KTON 1 Licence Number: PL011 Operator: HOME Date of frst drilling: 26/01/1968 89M 15-205m NE Type: onventional Oil and Gas Date of well completion: 19/03/1968 Intent: Development Licence Expiry: 19/03/1913

DE References: L41/21- 1 Site Name: DUGGLEBY 1 Licence Number: EXL006 Operator: AMO O Date of frst drilling: 19/03/1990 90N 15-205m SE Type: onventional Oil and Gas Date of well completion: 01/06/1990 Intent: Exploration Licence Expiry: 01/06/1995

DE References: L41/23- 6 Site Name: EBBERSTON MOOR B1 Licence Number: PL011 Operator: VIKING UK GAS LIMITED Date of frst drilling: 11/01/2013 91M 15-205m NE Type: onventional Oil and Gas Date of well completion: 14/09/2013 Intent: Appraisal Licence Expiry: 14/09/2018

DE References: L41/22- 4 Site Name: LO KTON 3 Licence Number: PL011 Operator: HOME Date of frst drilling: 06/11/1966 92 15-205m NE Type: onventional Oil and Gas Date of well completion: 13/03/1961 Intent: Development Licence Expiry: 13/03/1912

DE References: L41/23- 5 Site Name: LO KTON EAST 1 Licence Number: PL011 Operator: TAYLOR WOODROW Date of frst drilling: 16/05/1980 93 20-255m NE Type: onventional Oil and Gas Date of well completion: 23/06/1980 Intent: Exploration Licence Expiry: 23/06/1985

DE References: L40/30- 1 Site Name: RAYKE 1 Licence Number: A211 Operator: HOME/BP Date of frst drilling: 06/05/1964 94 20-255m SW Type: onventional Oil and Gas Date of well completion: 11/06/1964 Intent: Appraisal Licence Expiry: 11/06/1969

Report Reference: Residential Energy Specimen

If you would li5e any further assistance regarding this report then please contact:

Groundsure on (T) 08444 159 000, email: [email protected] Page :8 Approximate ID Distance Direction Details DE References: L41/16- 3 Site Name: EGTON HIGH MOOR 1 Licence Number: PL013 Operator: BP Date of frst drilling: 22/12/1968 95 20-255m N Type: onventional Oil and Gas Date of well completion: 12/03/1969 Intent: Exploration Licence Expiry: 12/03/1914

DE References: L41/16- 1 Site Name: RALPH ROSS 1 Licence Number: A203 Operator: HOME Date of frst drilling: 02/01/1966 96 20-255m N Type: onventional Oil and Gas Date of well completion: 03/09/1966 Intent: Exploration Licence Expiry: 03/09/1911

This database shows all existing and historic licensed oil, gas, shale gas and coalbed methane extraction sites, and is supplied by the Department of Energy and limate hange. The exact type of extraction site is shown in the 'Type' feld in the data table above. It shows all wells which hold, or have formerly held, a UK Petroleum Exploration and Development License (PEDL) or its historical equivalent. These wells may have been licensed in any one of the 14licensing rounds which have been underta5en by the Department of Energy and limate hange (DE ) or any of its predecessors. The data within this section of the report shows wells which were licensed as far bac5 as 1910. This dataset is obtained from DE and Groundsure will endeavour to update this on a monthly basis. The presence of a well in this database does not mean that any active exploration or production is occurring, and homebuyers may wish to chec5 whether the well is noted to have a 'completed by' date within the data, which would indicate that no further activity is li5ely to ta5e place at the site.

1.2 Licensed Exploration and Development Blocks

The following licensed hydrocarbon exploration and development bloc5s have been identifed within 255m of the property:

Approximate Licence ID Distance Direction Start Date Operator Reference Company Ownership 1F 0-55m On Site 13-Jan- third energy u5 gas limited PL80 third energy u5 gas limited (100%) 1968 2H 0-55m E 01-Jul-2008 third energy u5 gas limited PEDL111 third energy u5 gas limited (100%) 3 0-55m NE 01-Feb- moorland exploration limited PEDL120 moorland exploration limited 2002 (100%) 4 0-55m N 01-Aug- third energy u5 gas limited AL6 third energy u5 gas limited (100%) 2006 5 0-55m E 15-Sep- cuadrilla resources limited PEDL290 cuadrilla resources limited (100%) 2016 6I 5-105m SE 01-Aug- third energy u5 gas limited DL5 third energy u5 gas limited (100%) 2006 1 5-105m W 13-Jan- third energy u5 gas limited PL19 third energy u5 gas limited (100%) 1968 8 5-105m S 16-Sep- ineos upstream limited PEDL291 ineos upstream limited (100%) 2016

Report Reference: Residential Energy Specimen

If you would li5e any further assistance regarding this report then please contact:

Groundsure on (T) 08444 159 000, email: [email protected] Page :9 Approximate Licence ID Distance Direction Start Date Operator Reference Company Ownership 9 5-105m N 16-Sep- ineos upstream limited PEDL284 ineos upstream limited (100%) 2016 10 5-105m S 16-Sep- ineos upstream limited PEDL283 ineos upstream limited (100%) 2016 11N 5-105m S 16-Sep- ineos upstream limited PEDL289 ineos upstream limited (100%) 2016 12 10-255m N 16-Sep- ineos upstream limited PEDL285 ineos upstream limited (100%) 2016 13 10-255m E 13-Jan- third energy u5 gas limited PL81 third energy u5 gas limited (100%) 1968 14 10-255m W 16-Sep- ineos upstream limited PEDL280 ineos upstream limited (100%) 2016 15M 10-255m NE 13-Jan- third energy u5 gas limited PL11 third energy u5 gas limited (100%) 1968 16A 10-255m NE 16-Sep- arenite petroleum limited, egdon PEDL343 arenite petroleum limited (5%), 2016 resources u.5. limited, europa oil & egdon resources u.5. limited (11.5%), gas (u5) limited, europa oil & gas europa oil & gas (u5) limited (22.5%), limited, petrichor energy u5 limited, europa oil & gas limited (22.5%), third energy u5 gas limited petrichor energy u5 limited (12.5%), third energy u5 gas limited (20%) 11 10-255m SW 01-Oct- engie e&p u5 limited, gp energy PEDL146 engie e&p u5 limited (25%), gp 2004 limited energy limited (15%) 18B 10-255m S 15-Sep- cuadrilla resources limited, engie e&p PEDL342 cuadrilla resources limited (10%), 2016 u5 limited engie e&p u5 limited (30%) 19 10-255m S 16-Sep- ineos upstream limited PEDL282 ineos upstream limited (100%) 2016 20 10-255m N 08-Sep- egdon resources u.5. limited, PEDL68 egdon resources u.5. limited (40%), 2000 montrose industries limited, sterling montrose industries limited (5%), resources (u5) ltd., yor5shire sterling resources (u5) ltd. (41%), exploration limited yor5shire exploration limited (8%) 21 10-255m E 16-Sep- cuadrilla resources limited PEDL341 cuadrilla resources limited (100%) 2016

This data shows areas which have been licensed to individual companies for Petroleum Exploration and Development in onshore areas of the UK. Being within a licensed bloc5 does not mean that petroleum, gas, coalbed methane or shale gas exploration will defnitely happen in proximity to a property, just that an operator has won the right to explore within that area if they choose to. 1.3 Offered Blocks

The following offered bloc5s have been identifed within approximately 255m of the property:

Approximate ID Direction Block Reference Offered Block Status Distance 22 0-55m E SE81b Offered for award to UADRILLA RESOUR ES LIMITED

Report Reference: Residential Energy Specimen

If you would li5e any further assistance regarding this report then please contact:

Groundsure on (T) 08444 159 000, email: [email protected] Page :10 Approximate ID Direction Block Reference Offered Block Status Distance 23 5-105m S SE11e Offered for award to INEOS UPSTREAM LIMITED 24 5-105m N SE18f Offered for award to INEOS UPSTREAM LIMITED 25 5-105m SE SE81e Offered for award to INEOS UPSTREAM LIMITED 26 5-105m S SE16 Offered for award to INEOS UPSTREAM LIMITED 21 5-105m NW SE68b Offered for award to INEOS UPSTREAM LIMITED 28 5-105m S SE86b Offered for award to INEOS UPSTREAM LIMITED 29 10-255m N SE19 Offered for award to INEOS UPSTREAM LIMITED 30 10-255m N SE89a Bloc5 will not be awarded to any operator in 14th Round of Licensing 31 10-255m E SE88c Offered for award to UADRILLA RESOUR ES LIMITED 32 10-255m SW SE66 Offered for award to INEOS UPSTREAM LIMITED 33 10-255m NW SE69 Offered for award to INEOS UPSTREAM LIMITED 34 10-255m W SE61a Offered for award to INEOS UPSTREAM LIMITED 35 10-255m E SE91a Offered for award to UADRILLA RESOUR ES LIMITED 36 10-255m E SE98c Offered for award to UADRILLA RESOUR ES LIMITED 31 10-255m SE SE91c Offered for award to INEOS UPSTREAM LIMITED 38 10-255m SE SE96a Offered for award to INEOS UPSTREAM LIMITED 39 10-255m W SE51 Offered for award to INEOS UPSTREAM LIMITED 40 10-255m W SE58 Bloc5 will not be awarded to any operator in 14th Round of Licensing 41A 10-255m NE SE99a Offered for award to PETRI HOR ENERGY UK LIMITED, THIRD ENERGY UK GAS LIMITED, EGDON RESOUR ES UK LIMITED, EUROPA OIL AND GAS LIMITED, ARENITE PETROLEUM LIMITED, SHALE PETROLEUM (UK) LIMITED 42B 10-255m S SE15 Offered for award to UADRILLA RESOUR ES LIMITED, GDF SUEZ E&P UK LIMITED 43 10-255m S SE85 Offered for award to UADRILLA RESOUR ES LIMITED, GDF SUEZ E&P UK LIMITED 44 10-255m NW SE59 Bloc5 will not be awarded to any operator in 14th Round of Licensing 45 10-255m S SE65 Offered for award to INEOS UPSTREAM LIMITED 46 10-255m N NZ10 Bloc5 will not be awarded to any operator in 14th Round of Licensing 41 10-255m N NZ80 Bloc5 will not be awarded to any operator in 14th Round of Licensing 48 10-255m E TA01a Offered for award to UADRILLA RESOUR ES LIMITED 49 10-255m E TA08 Offered for award to UADRILLA RESOUR ES LIMITED 50 10-255m SE SE95 Offered for award to UADRILLA RESOUR ES LIMITED, GDF SUEZ E&P UK LIMITED

Report Reference: Residential Energy Specimen

If you would li5e any further assistance regarding this report then please contact:

Groundsure on (T) 08444 159 000, email: [email protected] Page :11 Approximate ID Direction Block Reference Offered Block Status Distance 51 10-255m NW NZ60b Bloc5 will not be awarded to any operator in 14th Round of Licensing 52 10-255m NE NZ90a Bloc5 will not be awarded to any operator in 14th Round of Licensing

This data shows areas which have been offered to companies in the 14th round of onshore licensing. A total of 139 licences were awarded in this round, and no futher licences will be offered until the 15th round of licensing. There is no current timetable for the 15th round of licensing. It should be noted that once a licence is ta5en up, carte blanche is not given for oil and gas exploration in the area. The requisite planning applications and environmental permits for each individual well or borehole still need to be acquired. Further guidance notes

Terms of Petroleum Exploration and Development Licenses

Term Length (years) Phase Expiry of License At end of the Initial Term unless the Licensee has Initial 6 Exploration completed the agreed Wor5 Programme. At end of the Second Term unless Secretary of Second 5 Appraisal and Development State (SoS) has approved a Development Plan. SoS has discretion to extend Licence if production Third 20 Production li5ely to continue past 20 years

Notes on shale gas extraction

Hydraulic fracturing, 'hydrofracing' or 'frac5ing', is an unconventional method of extracting natural gas from within shale roc5 formations. Shale gas is typically found in formations with low permeability which require stimulation to be extracted. This stimulation usually ta5es the form of hydrofracing, which involved the creation of fractures in the roc5 containing gas through the injection of water at high pressure, along with a proppant and other chemical additives. A 'proppant' is a solid material, commonly comprising treated sand or man-made ceramic materials which maintain fssures so the gas is able to fow from the fractured roc5. The process of hydrofracing commonly uses between 4-6 million gallons of water per well, and cannot be underta5en using saline water.

The process had been subject to a moratorium following the implication of the activity in two small earthqua5es (2.3 ML and 1.5 ML on the Richter magnitude scale according to the British Geological Survey) in proximity to Blac5pool in April and May 2011. This moratorium was effectively lifted in December 2012 by the Secretary of State for Energy and limate hange in a statement to parliament. The statement was based upon the introduction of new regulatory requirements to ensure that seismic ris5s are effectively mitigated.

Report Reference: Residential Energy Specimen

If you would li5e any further assistance regarding this report then please contact:

Groundsure on (T) 08444 159 000, email: [email protected] Page :12 2.Proposed Exploration Licences


◄W E►


▼ Proposed Exploration Licences ontains Ordnance Survey data (c) rown copyright and database right 2016.

Report Reference: Residential Energy Specimen

If you would li5e any further assistance regarding this report then please contact:

Groundsure on (T) 08444 159 000, email: [email protected] Page:13 2 Proposed Exploration Licences and Proposed Exploration Bloc5s

2.1 Proposed Exploration Licences

The following records have been found within 255m:

ID Approximate Details Distance Location: Kirby Misperton 2 Wellsite, Alma Farm, Kirby, Misperton, Malton, North Yor5shrie To construct an extension to an existing wellsite, drill and test two Applicant: North Yor5shire ounty production boreholes followed by subsequent production of gas. 1 < 15m ouncil onstruction of on-site control infrastructure at Kirby Misperton 2 Application Type: Pending Decision (west) site, Alma Farm, Kirby Misperton Application Date: 29/01/2010 Application Reference: 10/00924/ PO

Location: Land At Alma Farm, Kirby, Misperton, Malton, North Yor5shire Applicant: Vi5ing Gas The construction of an extension to an existing well site 2A < 15m Application Type: Approved (Kirbymisperton (1), drill and test up to two (2) production Application Date: 11/10/2012 boreholes followed by subsequent poduction of gas. Application Reference: 12/00989/ PO

Location: KMA Wellsite, Alma Farm, Kirby Misperton, North Yor5shire, Applicant: Petroleum Safety Services Installation of up to fve (5) water monitoring boreholes comprising Limited three shallow boreholes (approximately 10 metres in depth) within 3A < 15m Application Type: - the KM8 Wellsite, one intermediate borehole (approximately 50 Application Date: 30/03/2015 metres in depth) and one deep borehole (approximately 220metres Application Reference: in depth) within the adjoining KM1 Wellsite NY/2015/0116/FUL

Location: Land At Alma Farm, Kirby, To hydraulically stimulate and test the various geological formations Misperton, Malton, North Yor5shire previously identifed during the 2013 KM8 drilling operation, Applicant: Third Energy UK Gas Ltd followed by the production of gas from one or more of these Application Type: onsultation with formations into the existing production facilities, followed 4A < 15m ounty Planning bhydraulic fracture equipment, coil tubing unit, wireline unit, well Application Date: 19/08/2015 testing equipment, high pressure fowline, temporary fowline pipe Application Reference: 15/00911/ PO supports, permanent highpressure fowline and permanent pipe supports

Report Reference: Residential Energy Specimen

If you would li5e any further assistance regarding this report then please contact:

Groundsure on (T) 08444 159 000, email: [email protected] Page :14 Location: Kirby Misperton A Wellsite- KM8 Production Well Request for a formal Screening Opinion in respect of a proposal for Applicant: Third Energy UK Gas Limited upto fve water monitoring boreholes comprising three shallow Application Type: - boreholes (upto 10 metres in depth) within the KM8 wellsite, one 5A < 15m Application Date: 28/01/2015 deep borehole (upto 22 metres in depth) within the adjoining KM1 Application Reference: wellsite and one additional borehole if warranted within the KM8 NY/2015/0039/S R wellsite

Location: Kirby Misperton A Wellsite (KM8 well) Applicant: Third Energy UK Gas Limited Request for an EIA Scoping Opinion in respect of proposed Application Type: - development to hydraulically stimulate and test geological 6A < 15m Application Date: 23/01/2015 formations followed by the production of gas from one or more of Application Reference: these formations into existing production facilities NY/2015/0029/S O

Location: KMA wellsite, Alma Farm, Off To hydraulically stimulate and test the various geological formations Habton Road, Kirby Misperton, North previously identifed during the 2013 KM8 drilling operation, Yor5shire followed by the production of gas from one or more of these Applicant: Third Energy UK Gas Limited formations into the existing production facilities,height 31m) 1A < 15m Application Type: - hydraulic fracture equipment, coil tubing unit, wireline unit, well Application Date: 29/01/2015 testing equipment, high pressure fowline, temporary fowline Application Reference: pipesupports, permanent high pressure fowline and permanent NY/2015/0233/ENV pipe supports.

Location: KMA wellsite, Alma Farm, Off To hydraulically stimulate and test the various geological formations Habton Road, Kirby Misperton, North previously identifed during the 2013 KM8 drilling operation, Yor5shire followed by the production of gas from one or more of these Applicant: Third Energy UK Gas Limited formations into the existing production facilities,followed by 8A < 15m Application Type: - wellsite restoration. Plant and machinery to be used includes a Application Date: 29/01/2015 wor5over rig (maximum height 31m) hydraulic fracture equipment, Application Reference: coil tubing unit, wireline unit, well testing equipment, high pressure NY/2015/0233/ENV fowline, temporary fowline pipesupports, permanent high pressure fowline and permanent pipe supports. Location: Land At Alma Farm Kirby Misperton Malton North Yor5shire Applicant: Planning Services (Victoria Installation of up to fve (5) water monitoring boreholes comprising Per5in) three shallow boreholes (approximately 10 metres in depth) within 9A < 15m Application Type: onsultation with the KM8 Wellsite, one intermediate borehole (approximately 50 ounty Planning metres in depth) and one deep borehole (approximately 220metres Application Date: 16/04/2015 in depth) within the adjoining KM1 Wellsite. Application Reference: 15/00410/ PO

Location: OS Field 4040, Habton Lane, , Malton, North Yor5shire Applicant: Vi5ing Gas onstruction and drilling of one additional gas production borehole 10 3-45m Application Type: Approved followed by subsequent production of gas on land at Malton 5, Application Date: 01/08/2012 Malton 1 Wellsite, Habton Lane, Malton Application Reference: 12/00183/ PO

Report Reference: Residential Energy Specimen

If you would li5e any further assistance regarding this report then please contact:

Groundsure on (T) 08444 159 000, email: [email protected] Page :15 hange the use of the existing Pic5ering 1 Natural gas production well to a natural gas production and produced water reinjection Location: Pic5ering 1 Wellsite, Malton well. The development includes well and wellsite modifcations to Road, Pic5ering, North Yor5shire, YO18 facilitate the continued production of natural gas and thereinjection 8EA, of produced water from the Kir5ham Abbey formation into the Applicant: Third Energy UK Gas Limited Sherwood sandstone formation, the drilling of up to four Application Type: Awaiting 11B 4-55m groundwater quality monitoring boreholes (each between 10M and commencement of consultation 20M in depth) and wellsite restoration. Plant and machinery to be Application Date: 03/12/2015 used includes a water well drilling rig (maximum height 10M), Application Reference: compressor, wor5over rig (maximum height 31M), fuid pump, tan5, NY/2015/0301/FUL 5oomey unit, wireline truc5, well control panel, trailer, fltration metering and sampling s5id, process pipewor5, permanent fowline pipe supports and fowline. hange the use of the existing Pic5ering 1 Natural gas production well to a natural gas production and produced water reinjection Location: Pic5ering Wellsite, Malton well. The development includes well and wellsite modifcations to Road, Pic5ering, North Yor5shire, YO18 facilitate the continued production of natural gas and thereinjection 8EA of produced water from the Kir5ham Abbey formation into the Applicant: Third Energy UK Gas Ltd (Mr Sherwood Sandstone formation, the drilling of up to four John Dewar) 12B 4-55m groundwater quality monitoring boreholes (each between 10M and Application Type: onsultation with 20M in depth) and wellsite restoration. Plant and machinery toused ounty Planning includes a water well drilling rig (maximum height 10M), Application Date: 16/12/2015 compressor, wor5over rig (maximum height 31M), fuid pump, tan5, Application Reference: 15/01501/ PO 5oomey unit, wireline truc5, well control panel, trailer, fltration metering and sampling s5id, process pipewor5, permanentfowline pipe supports and fowline Location: Marishes B Wellsite Applicant: No Details Application Type: No Details Request for a Screening Opinion for the construction of a new 13 5-105m Application Date: 19/06/2013 wellsite, the drilling of two (2) production boreholes and subsequent Application Reference: production of natural gas NY/2013/0182/S R

Location: Scroggy Wellsite, Stonegrave, North Yor5shire Applicant: Vi5ing UK Gas Limited Application Type: Awaiting Delegated Request for a Screening Opinion for the construction of a new 14 5-105m Letter clearance wellsite to accommodate the drilling of up to two (2) petroleum Application Date: 05/08/2013 exploration boreholes followed by testing. Application Reference: NY/2013/0249/S R

Location: Whenby Wellsite, near Terrington, North Yor5shire Applicant: Vi5ing UK Gas Limited Application Type: N/A Request for a Screening Opinion for proposed exploration and 15 10-155m Application Date: N/A appraisal Well Site Application Reference: NY/2013/0131/S R

Location: Ebberston 2 Wellsite Malton Planning Application accompanied by an Environmental Statement ote Road Ebberston Scarborough for natural gas production and water re-injection at the existing North Yor5shire, borehole at the Ebberston Moor South well site; the construction Applicant: Barton Willmore LLP (Mr and drilling of a second borehole for water production and re- Paul Foster) 16 15-205m injection; the construction of a 13.95m long 12 diameter steel Application Type: onsultation with underground pipeline from Ebberston Moor South well site to ounty Planning transfer natural gas to the Knapton Generating Station and Application Date: 01/09/2014 installation of a new gas reception module at the Generating Application Reference: 14/00910/ PO Station"

Report Reference: Residential Energy Specimen

If you would li5e any further assistance regarding this report then please contact:

Groundsure on (T) 08444 159 000, email: [email protected] Page :16 Location: Ebberston Moor 1 Wellsite, ommon Lane, Snainton, Scarborough Applicant: Knapton Generating Station Application Type: Application for Full permission for temporary gas appraisal boreholes and associated 11 15-205m Permission plant, equipment including drilling rig (max height 50 metres) and Application Date: - construction of 2 no. additional drilling cellars Application Reference: NYM/2013/0068/FL

Location: Ebberston Moor 1 Wellsite, ommon Lane, Snainton, Scarborough Applicant: Knapton Generating Station Application Type: Approved with permission for temporary gas appraisal boreholes and associated 18 15-205m conditions plant, equipment including drilling rig (max height 50 metres) and Application Date: No Details construction of 2 no. additional drilling cellars Application Reference: NYM/2013/0068/FL

Location: Ebberston Moor 1 Wellsite, ommon Lane, Snainton, Scarborough Applicant: Vi5ing UK Gas Limited permission for temporary gas appraisal boreholes and associated Application Type: Application for Full plant, equipment including drilling rig (max height 50 metres) and 19 15-205m Permission construction of 2 no. additional drilling cellars (revised scheme to Application Date: 10/01/2013 NYM/2013/0068/FL to extend time limit from one year tothree Application Reference: years) NYM/2013/0459/FL

Location: Ebberston Moor South wellsite, Ebberston ommon Lane, Planning Application accompanied by an Environmental Statement Snainton-interconnecting pipeline-to for natural gas production and water re-injection at the existing Knapton Generating Station, East borehole at the Ebberston Moor South well site; the construction Knapton, Malton, and drilling of a second borehole for water production and re- Applicant: Third Energy UK Gas Limited 20 15-205m injection; the construction of a 13.95m long 12 diameter steel & Moorland Energy Ltd underground pipeline from Ebberston Moor South well site to Application Type: - transfer natural gas to the Knapton Generating Station and Application Date: 15/08/2014 installation of a new gas reception module at the Generating Application Reference: Station" NY/2014/0215/ENV

Location: Ebberston Moor 4 Wellsite, Great Moor Road, Hutton, Buscel Applicant: Vi5ing UK Gas Ltd Application Type: Approved with permission for a temporary appraisal borehole and associated plant, 21D 15-205m conditions equipment including drilling rig (max height 49 metres) and access Application Date: No Details arrangements Application Reference: NYM/2012/0510/FL

Location: Ebberston Moor 3 Wellsite, oc5moor Road, Sawdon Applicant: Vi5ing UK Gas Ltd Application Type: Approved with permission for temporary exploratory borehole and associated 22D 15-205m conditions plant, equipment including drilling rig (max height 41.45 metres) Application Date: No Details and access arrangements Application Reference: NYM/2012/0415/FL

Report Reference: Residential Energy Specimen

If you would li5e any further assistance regarding this report then please contact:

Groundsure on (T) 08444 159 000, email: [email protected] Page :11 This dataset shows planning applications for sites intended to be used for the exploration, appraisal and extraction of hydrocarbons. Please be aware this may also include applications for subsurface geological exploration unrelated to hydrocarbon extraction. This data is derived from Local Authority planning records and is the most up to date information available, updated on a wee5ly basis. Groundsure would advise further research into any planning applications identifed to determine the full nature of the activities proposed.

Please note that due to differing methodologies adopted by Local Authorities, some planning applications identifed as having been refused may have subsequently been granted on appeal without appearing as such within this report. If any refused applications are identifed within this report which would have a bearing on a purchaser's decision if they were to have been granted, you are advised to see5 further clarifcation from the Local Authority on the application's status. Whilst Groundsure ma5es every effort to ensure that data is sourced from reliable providers, it is unable to ensure that the information is accurate, complete or up to date. Groundsure shall not be liable for any losses or damages incurred by the client or benefciary, including but not limited to any losses or damages that arise as a result of any error, omission or inaccuracy in any part of the Groundsure Materials where such part is based on any Third Party ontent or any reasonable interpretation of Third Party ontent. If the existence or absence of a planning application, consent or similar may have a material impact with regard to the decision to purchase a property, the client or benefciary should ma5e independent thorough enquiries of the local authority.

If any applications have been identifed within this report, Groundsure have included the planning reference so that further enquiries may be made with the planning authority.

Please note that the information within this report is presented for information only. Groundsure do not hold any additional information other than that which is presented within the report, and do not offer advice or opinion on the potential impacts of any hydrocarbon extraction or exploration projects, renewable or non-renewable power generation projects or any future plans for such projects. Additional information regarding projects may be available from the individual organisations' websites, or from the local planning authority.

Report Reference: Residential Energy Specimen

If you would li5e any further assistance regarding this report then please contact:

Groundsure on (T) 08444 159 000, email: [email protected] Page :18 3.Wind Farms and Solar Farms


◄W E►


▼ Wind Farm and Wind Turbines legend ontains Ordnance Survey data (c) rown copyright and database right 2016.

Report Reference: Residential Energy Specimen

If you would li5e any further assistance regarding this report then please contact:

Groundsure on (T) 08444 159 000, email: [email protected] Page:19 3 Wind Farms and Solar Farms 3.1 Wind Farms and Wind Turbines 3.1.1 Existing and onsented Wind Installations

The following records have been identifed within 155m of the property:

ID Approximate Direction Details Distance 1A 0-55m NE Site Name: Tofts Road, Kirby, Misperton, Type of project: Onshore Malton, Yor5shire & Humber Number of Turbines: 1 Operator/Developer: Landowner project Turbine apacity: 0.25MW Status of Project: Operational Total project capacity: 0.25MW Date of Status: 23-Dec-2013 Approximate Grid Reference: 419690,480640

This dataset is sourced from Renewables UK, and shows all wind projects registered with the UK Wind Energy Database (UKWED). The dataset includes details on operating company, number of turbines, project and turbine capacity, and the status of the project on a given date. Please note that projects may subsequently have progressed since the 'Status Date'.

This dataset is provided for information only, with no guarantee given as to its completeness or accuracy. Renewables UK are excluded from any liability for any such inaccuracies or errors. Groundsure would advise further independent research of any sites of interest to determine exact locations and details of projects. 3.1.2 Multiple Wind Turbine Planning Records and Applications Database searched and no data found.

This dataset is derived from planning data supplied by Glenigan, and applications which did not meet location accuracy criteria were further geocoded by Groundsure. Glenigan is the largest provider of planning data in the UK. The company has been collecting and processing planning application data since 1913. Glenigan trac5s applications from initial planning and tender through to contracts awarded. This report contains the most up to date commercially available information on planning applications made in the vicinity of the subject property since 2008. The dataset displays planning applications involving two or more wind turbines and is searched to 155m.

Report Reference: Residential Energy Specimen

If you would li5e any further assistance regarding this report then please contact:

Groundsure on (T) 08444 159 000, email: [email protected] Page :20 Please note that due to differing methodologies adopted by Local Authorities, some planning applications identifed as having been refused may have subsequently been granted on appeal without appearing as such within this report. If any refused applications are identifed within this report which would have a bearing on a purchaser's decision if they were to have been granted, you are advised to see5 further clarifcation from the Local Authority on the application's status. Whilst Groundsure ma5es every effort to ensure that data is sourced from reliable providers, it is unable to ensure that the information is accurate, complete or up to date. Groundsure shall not be liable for any losses or damages incurred by the client or benefciary, including but not limited to any losses or damages that arise as a result of any error, omission or inaccuracy in any part of the Groundsure Materials where such part is based on any Third Party ontent or any reasonable interpretation of Third Party ontent. If the existence or absence of a planning application, consent or similar may have a material impact with regard to the decision to purchase a property, the client or benefciary should ma5e independent thorough enquiries of the local authority.

If any applications have been identifed within this report, Groundsure have included the planning reference to enable further enquiries to be made with the local authority. This dataset is updated on a quarterly basis.

3.1.3 Single Wind Turbine Planning Records and Applications

The following records have been identifed within 55m of the property:

ID Approximate Direction Details Distance 2 0-55m NW Site Name: Wind Turbine At Northfelds Fa Application Date: 06-Jun-12 Wandale Lane, Great Barugh, Malton, North Planning Stage: Detail Plans Granted Yor5shire, YO11 6XF Project Details: Scheme comprises Planning Application Reference: construction of one 24.6m high (overall tip 12/00532/FUL height 34.2m) 505w wind turbine to generate Type of Project: Wind Turbine electricity for on farm use. Approximate Grid Reference: 414930,480150 3A 0-55m E Site Name: Wind Turbine To North Of Tofts Application Date: 13-Oct-11 Road, Kirby Misperton, Malton, North Planning Stage: Detail Plans Refused Yor5shire, YO11 6BG Project Details: Scheme comprises Planning Application Reference: construction of a 39m high (overall tip height 11/01014/FUL of 54m) 250Kw wind turbine for commercial Type of Project: Wind Turbine electricity generation to the national grid. Approximate Grid Reference: 480090,480440 4 0-55m SE Site Name: Golden Square, Low Marishes, Application Date: 11-Jan-12 Malton, North Yor5shire, YO11 6RH Planning Stage: Detail Plans Refused Planning Application Reference: Project Details: Scheme comprises 11/01306/FUL construction of a 20m high (overall tip height Type of Project: Wind Turbine 26m) 15lw wind turbine to generate electricity for on farm use. Approximate Grid Reference: 480510,411110

Report Reference: Residential Energy Specimen

If you would li5e any further assistance regarding this report then please contact:

Groundsure on (T) 08444 159 000, email: [email protected] Page :21 ID Approximate Direction Details Distance 5 0-55m E Site Name: Wind Turbine At, Prospect House Application Date: 21-Oct-11 Farm, Marishes, Malton, North Yor5shire, Planning Stage: Detail Plans Granted YO11 6UL Project Details: Scheme comprises Planning Application Reference: construction of 155w wind turbine on a 15m 11/00991/FUL mast (overall tip height 19.4m) to generate Type of Project: Wind Turbine electricity for on farm use. Approximate Grid Reference: 480940,480380 6 0-55m E Site Name: Wray House Farm, Marishes, Application Date: 04-Mar-10 Malton, North Yor5shire, YO11 6UJ Planning Stage: Detailed Plans Submitted Planning Application Reference: Project Details: Scheme comprises installation 10/00118/FUL of a 15m high wind turbine to generate Type of Project: Wind Turbine electricity for on farm use. Approximate Grid Reference: 481110,419530 1 0-55m E Site Name: Wind Turbine At Deerholme Farm, Application Date: 05-Apr-12 Marishes, Malton, North Yor5shire, YO11 Planning Stage: Detail Plans Withdrawn 6UQ Project Details: Scheme comprises installtion Planning Application Reference: of one 24m high (overall tip height 34m) 505w 12/00314/FUL wind turbine for commercial electricity Type of Project: Wind Turbine generation to the national grid. Approximate Grid Reference: 481440,418390 8 0-55m N Site Name: Wythe Sy5e Farm Marton Lane, , Application Date: 10-Dec-09 Pic5ering, North Yor5shire, YO18 8LW Planning Stage: Detail Plans Refused Planning Application Reference: Project Details: Scheme comprises installation 09/01318/FUL of a 15m high wind turbine to generate Type of Project: Wind Turbine electricity for on farm use. Approximate Grid Reference: 411330,484120

This dataset is derived from planning data supplied by Glenigan, and applications which did not meet location accuracy criteria were further geocoded by Groundsure. Glenigan is the largest provider of planning data in the UK. The company has been collecting and processing planning application data since 1913. Glenigan trac5s applications from initial planning and tender through to contracts awarded. This report contains the most up to date commercially available information on planning applications made in the vicinity of the subject property since 2008. The dataset displays planning applications involving single wind turbines only and is searched to 55m.

Please note that due to differing methodologies adopted by Local Authorities, some planning applications identifed as having been refused may have subsequently been granted on appeal without appearing as such within this report. If any refused applications are identifed within this report which would have a bearing on a purchaser's decision if they were to have been granted, you are advised to see5 further clarifcation from the Local Authority on the application's status. Whilst Groundsure ma5es every effort to ensure that data is sourced from reliable providers, it is unable to ensure that the information is accurate, complete or up to date. Groundsure shall not be liable for any losses or damages incurred by the client or benefciary, including but not limited to any losses or damages that arise as a result of any error, omission or inaccuracy in any part of the Groundsure Materials where such part is based on any Third Party ontent or any reasonable interpretation of Third Party ontent. If the existence or absence of a planning application, consent or similar may have a material impact with regard to the decision to purchase a property, the client or benefciary should ma5e independent thorough enquiries of the local authority.

If any applications have been identifed within this report, Groundsure have included the planning reference to enable further enquiries to be made with the local authority. This dataset is updated on a quarterly basis.

Report Reference: Residential Energy Specimen

If you would li5e any further assistance regarding this report then please contact:

Groundsure on (T) 08444 159 000, email: [email protected] Page :22 3.2 Solar Energy Solar farms are the large-scale application of Solar Photovoltaic (PV) installations used to generate electricity. Solar farms go through a rigorous planning procedure to get approval. This ta5es into account the suitability of the site, any potential impact on the locality and relevant renewable energy targets. Generally the land beneath can still be used for agricultural grazing, and can be returned to general agricultural use at the end of the solar farm’s lifespan. The UK needs solar power to meet the 15% EU renewable energy targets by 2020. DE considers that solar PV could contribute up to 20 gigawatts (GW) of generating capacity by 2020. For every 5MW installed, a solar farm will power 1,515 homes for a year and save 2,150 tonnes of O2. 5MW of generating capacity requires approximately 25 acres of land. 3.2.1DE -registered Solar Farms Database searched and no data found.

This database shows all operational and proposed sites intended to be used as solar photovoltaic farms. This data is sourced from the Department of Energy and limate hange (DE ) and is updated on a monthly basis. This dataset includes details on installed capacity, operating company and the status of the project on a given date. 3.2.2Planning records of Solar Farms

The following records have been found within 155m of the study site:

ID Distanc Location Application Name Application Application Application no Proposal e Status Date 9 0-55m Land At Low Lane, Mr J Firby Screening 19/10/201 15/01211/S Ground mounted photovolyaic (PV) solar Swinton Malton, North Opinion 5 R farm and associated electrical substation Yor5shire, YO11 6SE 10 5-105m Land West Of High Livos Energy Screening 31/10/201 14/01190/S Screening opinion for proposed free Riggs Lane, Thornton- Planning Opinion 4 R standing ''static'' solar photovoltaic (PV) Le-Dale, Pic5ering, Manager ( raig installation anticipated to generate North Yor5shire Miles) 5MWp of power within single agricultural feld of approximatley 8.3 hectares in size used for pasture 11 5-105m Land Off Rabbit Lane, Zaravolt Screening 14/01/201 15/00824/S EIA Screening request for proposed free Old Malton, Malton, Renewable Opinion 5 R standing solar photovoltaic (PV) North Yor5shire Energy installation 12 10- Wilton arr Gate Mr Andrew Hall Full 05/10/201 15/01103/FU Installation of 36no. photovoltaic panels 155m House, liff Lane, Application 5 L mounted to a solar trac5er to generate Wilton, Pic5ering, electricity for on site use North Yor5shire, YO18 1LB 13 10- Raygill ottage, Mr Raymond Application 21/11/201 NYM/2014/N installation of 16 no. ground mounted 155m Loc5ton, Pic5ering Hymas for Full 4 YM/2014/019 solar photovoltaic panels Permission 9/FL 14 10- Land Adjacent To Jones Lang Screening 05/06/201 15/00665/S EIA Screening request for proposed 155m Station Road, LaSalle Ltd Opinion 5 R ground mounted solar farm. Yedingham, Malton, North Yor5shire

Report Reference: Residential Energy Specimen

If you would li5e any further assistance regarding this report then please contact:

Groundsure on (T) 08444 159 000, email: [email protected] Page :23 This database shows application for planning permission relating to solar farms. The data is sourced from the public register of planning information and is updated on a wee5ly basis. Please note that sites may have multiple applications for different aspects of their design and operation, and the presence of planning permission is not an indication of the permission having been granted.

Report Reference: Residential Energy Specimen

If you would li5e any further assistance regarding this report then please contact:

Groundsure on (T) 08444 159 000, email: [email protected] Page :24 4.Power Stations and Major Energy Infrastructure ▲ NW N NE

◄W E►


▼ Power Stations and major energy infrastructure ontains Ordnance Survey data (c) rown copyright and database right 2016.

Report Reference: Residential Energy Specimen

If you would li5e any further assistance regarding this report then please contact:

Groundsure on (T) 08444 159 000, email: [email protected] Page:25 4 Power Stations and Major Energy Infrastructure 4.1 Active Power Stations

The following records have been identifed within 255m of the property:

Approximate Power Station Type of Power Total Capacity ID Direction Company Name Operating Since Distance Name Station (MW) 8 10-255m E Third Energy Knapton, gas 40.0 1994 Trading Ltd Yor5shire and (Formerly RGS) the Humber

This dataset is derived from the Digest of Energy Statistics (DUKES) 5.11. This details all active power generation stations with a capacity of over 1 MW of the following types:

Type ombined ycle Gas Turbine ( GT ) Oil Mine Gas Gas/Oil Poultry Litter Rapeseed Oil oal oal/Oil Straw/Gas Gas oal/Gas Waste Diesel Meat and bone ombined Heat and Power Gas HP Pumped Storage Biomass

In 2011, UK electricity generation (including pumped storage) fell by 3.1%, from 382 TWh in 2010 to 368 TWh in 2011. Total electricity supply (including net imports) decreased by 2.1%.

NB 1 terawatt hour (1 TWh) = 1,000,000,000,000 watt hours (1012 watt hours).

Report Reference: Residential Energy Specimen

If you would li5e any further assistance regarding this report then please contact:

Groundsure on (T) 08444 159 000, email: [email protected] Page :26 Pie charts showing Electricity Generation for 2012/ 13. UK Electricity generation 2012 UK Electricity generation 2013

4.2Nuclear Power Stations (existing and planned) Database searched and no data found.

This dataset is derived from a combination of sources and details existing, decommissioned and planned nuclear energy sites. Sources include the Health and Safety Executive, the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, the National Infrastructure Planning Programme and the Nuclear Advanced Manufacturing entre.

Existing nuclear power stations may be in 'Operational', 'Defuelling' or 'Decommissioning' states. Further information about each site can be found at

4.3 Proposed Energy Infrastructure Projects Database searched and no data found.

Report Reference: Residential Energy Specimen

If you would li5e any further assistance regarding this report then please contact:

Groundsure on (T) 08444 159 000, email: [email protected] Page :21 This data shows details of major national energy infrastructure projects ta5en from publicly available datasets. Major national energy infrastructure projects in this context are proposed large-scale energy generation projects which have been submitted to the Planning Inspectorates (formerly 5nown as the Infrastructure Planning ommission). Further details for each project may be found on the National Infrastructure Planning website at

4.4 Major Energy Infrastructure

This dataset shows all high capacity electricity transmission lines, strategic gas pipes and feeders and general National Grid infrastructure associated with electricity generation and transmission and gas transmission. The dataset only shows major and strategic gas and electricity supply infrastructure, and does not show any gas and electricity infrastructure on a local level, for example small substations, domestic/commercial gas supply pipes. It also does not show any pipelines operated by companies other than National Grid. This information has been extracted from databases held by National Grid and is provided for information only with no guarantee as to its completeness or accuracy. National Grid do not offer any warranty as to the accuracy of the available data and are excluded from any liability for any such inaccuracies or errors.

Report Reference: Residential Energy Specimen

If you would li5e any further assistance regarding this report then please contact:

Groundsure on (T) 08444 159 000, email: [email protected] Page :28 5. References and Sources of Further Information Department of Energy and limate hange (DE ) DE are the main regulatory body for conventional and unconventional oil and gas wells in the UK.

UK Wind Energy Database (UKWED) This is produced by RenewableUK, the UK's leading not-for-proft renewable energy trade association.

Planning Inspectorate On 1 April 2012, under the Localism Act 2011, the Planning Inspectorate became the agency responsible for operating the planning process for nationally signifcant infrastructure projects (NSIPs).

National Grid /GasElectricNW/

British Geological Survey (BGS)

The BGS act as a consultee on shale gas, and other extractive hydrocarbon sources.

Environment Agency. The Environment Agency are responsible for regulating several aspects of hydrocarbon extraction.

Please note that the provision of lin5s do not imply an endorsement of this report by any companies lin5ed to, and these lin5s are provided solely to enable further independent research. Furthermore, the provision of these lin5s does not imply that Groundsure endorse the content of any such website.

Report Reference: Residential Energy Specimen

If you would li5e any further assistance regarding this report then please contact:

Groundsure on (T) 08444 159 000, email: [email protected] Page :29 Search Code IMPORTANT CONSUMER PROTECTION INFORMATION This search has been produced by Groundsure Ltd, Sovereign House, hurch Street, Brighton, BN1 1UJ. Tel: 08444 159 000. Email: info@4 which is registered with the Property odes ompliance Board (P B) as a subscriber to the Search ode. The P B independently monitors how registered search frms maintain compliance with the ode. The Search Code: • provides protection for homebuyers, sellers, estate agents, conveyancers and mortgage lenders who rely on the information included in property search reports underta5en by subscribers on residential and commercial property within the United Kingdom • sets out minimum standards which frms compiling and selling search reports have to meet • promotes the best practice and quality standards within the industry for the beneft o f c onsumers a nd p roperty professionals • enables consumers and property professionals to have confdence in frms which subscribe to the code, their products and services. By giving you this information, the search frm is confrming that they 5eep to the principles of the ode. This provides important protection for you. The Code’s core principles Firms which subscribe to the Search Code will: • display the Search ode logo prominently on their search reports • act with integrity and carry out wor5 with due s5ill, care and diligence • at all times maintain adequate and appropriate insurance to protect consumers • conduct business in an honest, fair and professional manner • handle complaints speedily and fairly • ensure that products and services comply with industry registration rules and standards and relevant laws • monitor their compliance with the ode COMPLAINTS If you have a query or complaint about your search, you should raise it directly with the search frm, and if appropriate as5 for any complaint to be considered under their formal internal complaints procedure. If you remain dissatisfed with the frm’s f nal r e sponse, a f ter y o ur c o mplaint h a s b e en f o rmally c o nsidered, o r i f t h e f r m ha s exc eeded th e re s ponse timescales, you may refer your complaint for consideration under The Property Ombudsman scheme (TPOs). The Ombudsman can award compensation of up to £5,000 to you if he fnds that you have suffered actual loss as a result of your search provider failing to 5eep to the ode. Please note that all queries or complaints regarding your search should be directed to your search provider in the frst instance, not to TPOs or to the P B. TPOs Contact Details: The Property Ombudsman scheme Milford House 43-55 Milford Street Salisbury Wiltshire SP1 2BP Tel: 01122 333306 Fax: 01122 332296 Email: [email protected] You can get more information about the PCCB from PLEASE ASK YOUR SEARCH PROVIDER IF YOU WOULD LIKE A COPY OF THE SEARCH CODE

Report Reference: Residential Energy Specimen

If you would li5e any further assistance regarding this report then please contact:

Groundsure on (T) 08444 159 000, email: [email protected] Page :30 COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE • If you want to ma5e a complaint, we will: • Ac5nowledge it within 5 wor5ing days of receipt. • Normally deal with it fully and provide a fnal response, in writing, within 20 wor5ing days of receipt. • Keep you informed by letter, telephone or e-mail, as you prefer, if we need more time. • Provide a fnal response, in writing, at the latest within 40 wor5ing days of receipt. • Liaise, at your request, with anyone acting formally on your behalf. omplaints should be sent to: Operations Director, Groundsure Ltd, Sovereign House, hurch Street, Brighton, BN1 1UJ. Tel: 08444 159 000. Email: info@4 If you are not satisfed with our fnal response, or if we exceed the response timescales, you may refer the complaint to The Property Ombudsman scheme (TPOs): Tel: 01122 333306, E-mail: [email protected]. We will co-operate fully with the Ombudsman during an investigation and comply with his fnal decision.

Report Reference: Residential Energy Specimen

If you would li5e any further assistance regarding this report then please contact:

Groundsure on (T) 08444 159 000, email: [email protected] Page :31 6 Standard Terms and onditions Groundsure's Terms and onditions can be viewed online at this lin5:

Report Reference: Residential Energy Specimen

If you would li5e any further assistance regarding this report then please contact:

Groundsure on (T) 08444 159 000, email: [email protected] Page :32