Dear local resident

Hydraulic Fracturing at Kirby Misperton

Any day now Third Energy want to start fracking at the Kirby Misperton wellsite.

Last week, Third Energy wrote to you to update you on progress. We wanted to take the opportunity to inform you about some of the key issues we see regarding fracking here in .

There are so many reasons why fracking should not be given the go-ahead, from the risks to your local environment and to the climate. We also know that Third Energy want to start fracking while the three tests recommended by the Government’s independent advisors, the Committee on Climate Change have not been met.

Friends of the Earth has worked alongside many of you over the last few years to prevent fracking starting. Let’s not forget that companies like Third Energy want to develop this industry into something much bigger than just the well at KM8.

Here’s what Third Energy’s director, John Dewar, said in Westminster in 2015:

“Bearing in mind we have nine existing sites in and around the area that we do not foresee the need for more than 10 more sites. We have provided numbers for how many wells we would put on those sites. Depending on the size of the site, it could be 10 to 20. If it was a bigger site, it could be 20 to 50.”

We have serious concerns over the potential for environmental impacts should fracking start at KM8. We know many of these concerns are shared by people in the villages surrounding the wellsite.

For instance, we have provided expert evidence to the Secretary of State over the inadequacy of Third Energy’s baseline groundwater monitoring and questioned whether it complies with legal requirements under the Petroleum Act 1998.

Your former MP, Baroness McIntosh, demanded last week that the people of Ryedale be heard on this important issue.

So far thousands of people have written to the Secretary of State, Greg Clark, who will make the final decision on whether or not to give the final consent for fracking. If you have not done so already, there is no better time to write to him now.

Greg Clark can be emailed at [email protected] Or his parliamentary address is

The Rt Hon Greg Clark MP Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy 1 Victoria St London SW1H 0ET

If you would like more information on fracking please visit

We will continue to stand by you and resist this company, and indeed this industry. In we are surrounded by countries who have put a stop to fracking, it is deeply unfair that your village has been singled out for this unwanted incursion.

Yours sincerely,

Simon Bowens Campaigner Friends of the Earth

Please feel free to contact Friends of the Earth for more information on the above: Email: [email protected] Phone: 0207 4901555 Post: Friends of the Earth Devonshire House 37 York Place Leeds LS1 2ED