Large-scale structure and function Andrew S Belmont*, Steffen Dietzel, Anne C Nye, Yuri G Strukov, and Tudorita Tumbar

Recent results in living cells have now established the Here we review recent observations demonstrating the existence of levels of chromatin folding above the 30 nm fiber compaction of interphase chromatin into stable, larger- within interphase . We discuss the potential scale structures well above the level of the 30 nm functional impact of this large-scale chromatin organization, chromatin fiber in compaction ratio. We discuss models for including its possible role in regulating gene expression. this large-scale chromatin organization and evidence for differential compaction in different regions. Addresses We then describe recent experiments implying functional Department of Cell and Structural , University of Illinois, connections between large-scale chromatin organization Urbana-Champaign, B107 CLSL, 601 South Goodwin Avenue, and regulation of transcription and replication. Finally, we Urbana, IL 61801, USA briefly discuss the possible connections between cis-acting *e-mail: [email protected] sequences — such as SAR/MARs (scaffold-associated Current Opinion in Cell Biology 1999, 11:307–311 regions/matrix associated regions), locus control regions http://biomednet.com/elecref/0955067401100307 (LCRs), and boundary elements — and the establishment of distinct, large-scale chromatin domains. Related topics, © Elsevier Science Ltd ISSN 0955-0674 concerning nuclear architecture and subnuclear organelles, Abbreviations nuclear matrices or scaffolding, and arrangement and BrUTP bromouridine triphosphate mobility of interphase chromosomes relative to nuclear ES cells embryonic stem cells structure, have been reviewed elsewhere [3–6]. FISH fluorescence in situ hybridization GFP green fluorescent protein HMG protein high mobility group protein In vivo confirmation of interphase large-scale LCR locus control region chromatin organization SAR/MAR scaffold-associated region/matrix-associated region Correlative light and electron microscopy indicated the SMC structural maintenance of chromosomes existence of discrete, large-scale chromatin fibers formed by the folding of 10 nm and 30 nm chromatin fibers and with estimated packing ratios of hundreds to thousands Introduction [7–9]. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) directly In the typical textbook model of chromatin structure, measured packing ratios in this range [10] and demonstrat- DNA folds around nucleosomes, nucleosomes form 10 nm ed that interphase chromosomes formed compact, fibers which fold helically into 30 nm chromatin fibers, and well-defined territories [11]. Recent in vivo imaging more these 30 nm fibers form loops organized radially from a clearly demonstrates this large-scale chromatin organiza- prophase chromosome axis that coils to form the fully con- tion. HeLa cells constitutively expressing a green densed chromosome [1]. fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged histone H2B show simi- lar fine nuclear chromosomal substructure [12•] to that Several points should be stressed concerning this text- observed previously by DNA staining of aldehyde fixed book model. First, there exists a hierarchy in the extent of cells [7]. Microinjection of fluorescent nucleotides fol- our knowledge, which parallels the actual chromatin struc- lowed by long chases of several cell generations with ture hierarchy. Most poorly understood is the large-scale random chromosome segregation produced cells with a chromatin folding of 10 and 30 nm chromatin fibers into small number of spatially distinct, labeled compact chro- interphase and mitotic chromosomes. Second, this text- mosome territories [13••]. Subchromosome regions book model describes mitotic chromosome organization measuring ∼0.2–0.4 µm in diameter were visualized. because it is derived largely from experiments on metaphase chromosomes. Few experiments have directly Combining tagging of chromosome sites — by engineering examined interphase chromosome structure. Third, the cell lines that express GFP-tagged lac repressor proteins basic motivation underlying the investigation of these dif- which bind to introduced lac operator direct repeats — ferent levels of chromatin organization has been the with gene amplification has allowed selective visualization expectation of a strong relationship between chromatin of small, amplified chromosome regions in living cells structure and DNA function. This expectation has been [14,15••]. Different cell clones contain amplified chromo- validated recently for nucleosome structure and spacing some regions of characteristic condensation, ranging from with, for instance, the discovery of transcription factors highly condensed to highly extended (Figure 1). The most and repressors as components of chromatin modifying typical conformation shows confinement to compact terri- activities [2]. For large-scale chromatin structure this tories but with obvious internal substructure suggestive of expectation has been strengthened by many observations fibrillar folding. Immunogold staining and electron but has not yet been proven. microscopy revealed ~100 nm large-scale chromatin fibers, 308 Nucleus and gene expression

Figure 1

Visualization of amplified chromosome regions using lac operator arrays and GFP-tagged lac repressor binding. Different cell clones after gene amplification show amplified chromosome regions of characteristic condensation ranging from (a) highly condensed to (c) highly extended. Most clones show an appearance similar to (b) in which the amplified chromosome regions are compact but show internal substructure suggestive of fibrillar folding. (a–c) are images from living cells expressing the GFP-tagged lac repressor. No image processing was used other than reducing contrast to enhance the low nuclear background fluorescence. The clone shown in (c) shows highly extended fibers or fiber segments. In some cells, symmetrical staining patterns (arrows) suggest paired sister . Scale bar = 2 µm.

similar to the large-scale chromatin organization of bulk might, under certain circumstances, give rise to a fiber, with chromatin [14]. Significantly, distinct fibers could be an elliptical 60–90 nm cross-section [20,21]. unambiguously traced for over 5 µm in length in living cells by light microscopy, providing a striking demonstra- A third model proposes a successive, helical coiling of tion of the existence of large-scale chromatin fibers. 10 nm fibers into 30–50 nm diameter tubes and of these into 200 nm diameter tubes, which coil into ~600 nm Direct visualization of extended large-scale chromatin metaphase chromatids [22]. fibers in vivo revealed changes in length of less than 15% over periods of several hours (G Li, A Belmont, unpub- Finally, a folded chromonema model is based on in vivo lished data), thus demonstrating stability of large-scale light microscopy combined with transmission electron chromatin folding. Small, local conformational changes microscopy ultrastructural analysis of folding intermedi- were seen and frequently appeared to occur though bend- ates during the transition into and out of mitosis. In this ing or coiling of pre-existing structures. A general model an ~100 nm diameter chromonema fiber folds into a immobility of interphase chromosomes has been observed 200–300 nm diameter prophase , which coils to (as reviewed elsewhere [6]). Subchromosomal domains in form the metaphase chromosome [8,9,14,15••]. general were stable with respect to shape and condensa- tion over periods of several hours [13••]. Differential large-scale chromatin compaction and functional correlations Models of large-scale chromatin folding If the large-scale level of chromatin organization plays an Structural analysis has led to the proposal of four models important functional role other than general chromosome of large-scale chromatin organization. The differences condensation, we would expect to see reproducible folding between these four models reflect the technical difficul- differences for specific chromosome loci. We have already ties associated with investigating large-scale chromatin mentioned reproducible differences in compaction for vari- structure and the uncertainties introduced by various ous amplified chromosome regions (Figure 1); however, the extraction and preparation methods traditionally used to cause and significance of these differences remain unknown. study chromosome structure. There are long-standing observations of heterochromatin A giant-loop, random-walk model was proposed for inter- associated condensation and reduced nuclease and methy- phase chromosomes based on statistical analysis of the lase accessibility for different chromosome regions. mean separation between two chromosome sites as a func- Attributing this variation in enzyme accessibility to the tion of genomic distance [16]. Numerical modeling has correct level(s) of chromatin folding has been problematic. shown the compatibility between these measurements and Comparison of inactive and active X chromosome domains polymer based models that include large-scale chromatin using FISH revealed characteristic differences in geometry organization above the 30 nm fiber level [17•]. A well but not volume with the active X chromosome territory known radial-loop, helical-coil model of mitotic chromo- showing a more convoluted and larger surface area [23]. some structure [18,19] has been extended to interphase This result is difficult to reconcile with previous light and chromosomes by postulating a particular loop geometry that electron microscopy showing denser staining, implying a Large-scale chromatin structure and function Belmont et al. 309

smaller volume, for the inactive X chromosome. Structural labeling at the edge of condensed, large-scale chromatin changes associated with DNA denaturation or measure- domains [27–29], and a recent light microscopy FISH ment errors related to light microscopy resolution study, which showed BrUTP incorporation within the inte- limitations possibly could obscure actual volume differ- rior of chromosome territories [30•]. If there are ences. These caveats not withstanding, this experiment accessibility limitations these are more likely to map to the does place constraints on the differences in structure of periphery of large-scale chromatin fibers, or larger chromo- active and inactive X chromosome and rules out significant some domains formed by the folding of these fibers, rather volume changes of several fold or more. than to the surface of chromosome territories.

Interestingly, dosage compensation in C. elegans involves an Dramatic changes in overall nuclear morphology and SMC (structural maintenance of chromosomes) complex intranuclear DNA distribution accompany differentiation, containing components shared with the mitotic SMC con- mitogen stimulation, and transformation, although the func- densin complex. This implies that there is a possible tional significance of these changes remains unclear. Cell functional link between interphase chromosome condensa- cycle changes in chromatin structure have been well docu- tion and transcriptional repression [24••]. FISH mented, although most work has focused on lower levels of measurements of interphase distances between pairs of organization. Because of the tremendous heterogeneity in probes separated by 0.1–1.5 mega basepairs (Mbp) did show large-scale chromatin compaction between different chro- compaction differences in human fibroblasts for two differ- mosomal regions within the same nucleus, it has never been ent R and G banded regions, with the gene enriched R obvious how tightly correlated structural changes in large- bands showing less compaction [25••]. A dramatic extension scale chromatin organization are to progression. of large-scale chromatin fibers — including the decondensa- Examining the cell cycle dynamics of a heterochromatic, tion of a ~90 Mbp heterochromatic chromosome arm into a amplified chromosome arm has demonstrated a precise ~30 µm long chromonema fiber — has been seen after tar- choreography of changes in large-scale chromatin organiza- geting of the acidic activation domain of VP16 via a lac tion, which is tightly correlated with DNA replication [15••]. repressor fusion protein to amplified chromosome regions Cell cycle variation in overall compaction of individual chro- containing large numbers of lac operator repeats (T Tumbar, mosome arms, estimated by the distance between proximal G Sudlow, A Belmont, unpublished data). This targeting and distal loci, was demonstrated by FISH in Drosophila lar- was accompanied by transcriptional activation but the val interphase nuclei [31••]. extension of large-scale chromatin fibers was not dependent on RNA polymerase II activity. The dramatic conformation- Cis-acting sequences and propagation of al changes in this artificial system may represent an changes in large-scale chromatin organization exaggeration of a natural physiological response that would The regulation of large-scale chromatin structure is believed normally be localized to a smaller region surrounding to be mediated by cis-acting sequences capable of acting over endogenous loci during transcriptional activation. tens to hundreds of kilobases. Potential candidate sequences include SAR/MAR sequences, boundary elements, Large-scale chromatin organization might affect transcrip- enhancers that interact with distant promoters, and LCRs; all tion by presenting an accessibility barrier to large protein have been reviewed elsewhere [32–35]. These sequences complexes. An interchromosome domain compartment have been defined largely through biochemical and func- (ICD) model was proposed in which active genes map to tional assays and postulated as having a structural role. the surface of chromosome territories [11]. This was moti- vated by the uniform, compact appearance of chromosome Recent studies have provided further evidence for long- territories by FISH and by the preferential distribution range propagation of chromatin changes involving towards the periphery of chromosome territories demon- cis-acting sequences. For example, there is now evidence strated so far for a small number of genes [26]. The idea of of additional sequences causing increased chromatin a compact chromosome territory that might limit accessi- accessibility located even further upstream than the bility is contradicted, however, by the actual chromatin known LCR sequences in the mouse and human β-globin distribution observed at higher resolution by both light and loci [36••,37••]. Silencing of transgene repeats occurs as an electron microscopy [9]. More recently, a chromosome all or none event, suggesting a cooperative effect which painting study that combined confocal microscopy and might involve changes in chromatin structure over dis- deconvolution, revealed considerable internal substructure tances exceeding 100 kilobases; insulator sequences from within chromosome territories that is more compatible the chicken β-globin gene prevent this silencing and might with previous ultrastructural work (PJ Verschure, I van der act as boundaries to propagation of distinct chromatin Kraan, R van Driel, personal communication). Moreover, structures [38••]. A synthetic protein designed to bind sites of transcription, marked by incorporation of BrUTP, tightly to SAR/MAR sequences has been shown to inhibit occurred at the edge or between chromosome subdomains mitotic chromosome condensation [39] and to reduce posi- within a chromosome territory. These results are more con- tion effect variegation spreading from a SAR rich block of sistent with previous electron microscopy localization of heterochromatin [40•]. Interestingly, in vivo cross-linking uridine and BrUTP incorporation, which showed heavy experiments indicate a broad distribution of binding sites 310 Nucleus and gene expression

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