July 2019

A Quarterly Update On The Northern Community Support Group


The Northern CSG Turns One Women’s Basketball Carnival in Broadmeadows Welcome to another edition of the Northern CSG newsletter, The Northern news. It is hard to believe the program is now almost a Top Left: The competition was fierce year old. Top right: To the victor belong the spoils. Winners In recent months there has been a heavy were awarded medals and trophies. focus on employment activities, with both Bottom Left: Fans project sites delivering programs in this cheering their side on. space. Project sites have also run programs Bottom right: Officials keeping on family violence, an issue which deeply score. impacts all Victorians. In this quarter we also welcomed and farewelled the month of . This meant Eid celebrations were th in full swing in the suburbs of Preston and On Saturday the 20 of April Preston and MyCenter in partnership with Broadmeadows. Inner African Australian Partnership (IMAAP), organised a women’s basketball tournament. The event titled All-Star Women’s Basketball The Northern CSG is a pilot program auspiced by the Competition included 15 teams across two divisions, with over 100 staff, Australian Multicultural Foundation (AMF) in partnership volunteers and spectators also present. Teams from all over Melbourne with MyCentre, Preston Mosque and the Victorian participated in the day long carnival, with fellow CSG’s Himilo Community Government. The project involves working with the Connect and The Huddle also fielding teams. The Northern CSG sides performed Muslim community in the Northern suburbs of Melbourne. very well in the inaugural tournament. The Preston Mosque team came The aim is to provide young people and the broader community, with the support and opportunities they need to runners-up in the A-division whilst the MyCentre team won the B division. The achieve their full potential and develop a sense of event was supported by Reclink Australia, Basketball and the belonging in Australia. Broadmeadows Basketball Association. The event has been deemed a huge success, with planning already underway for the next tournament to possibly For more information please write to take place later in the year. [email protected]

MyCentre and Victoria Police join forces to compete in youth soccer tournament

On the 18th of April, 12 young males from MyCenter participated in a soccer tournament organised by Melbourne City FC. The 7 a side tournament is open to 15 to 18 year olds and is part of the A-League team’s community outreach program City in the Community. The MyCentre team, under the coaching tutelage of Victoria Police Multicultural Liaison Officer, Sen Cons. Peter Scherer and MyCentre Northern CSG Project Officer Jalal Soueid, performed admirably against tough opposition and reached the semi-finals. The activity was a great opportunity for Police and young males to develop positive relationships in a fun social setting.

Top: The MyCentre team with opposition team members.

Right: Leading Senior Constable Peter Scherer giving last minute instructions to the boys before they go out onto the field

Left: The MyCentre squad with Melbourne City FC footballers Nathaniel Atkinson and Lachlan Wales

The various speakers. From left to right William Gaguin, Cesar Diaz, Pushpa Navaratnam and Selcan Kurnali

Students listening to their instructors Preston Mosque Employment Workshop Preston Mosque President Tarek Khodr in conversation with the Premier.

Self Defense Classes at On Saturday 11th of July, Preston Mosque organised an employment workshop titled Career Skills: Winning interviews. The day-long event was held at the Islamic Museum of Australia. Preston Mosque William Gaguin from HR consultancy firm Polyglot Group was the first speaker. He provided the audience with practical advice on resume writing and job interview tips. This was followed by a th On the 6 of July Preston Mosque ran a self-defence presentation by Multicultural Relations Officer, Cesar Diaz. Mr Diaz spoke class for women. The class was delivered by two about employment and volunteer opportunities at Darebin Council. The next speaker, Pushpa female taekwondo instructors, both black belts. The event proved very popular, attracting 35 females of Navaratnam (Education and Careers Adviser at Melbourne Polytechnic), spoke about training all ages. Preston intends on running opportunities and career pathways. She gave the audience information on emerging industries. classes on a semi-regular basis moving forward. The workshop concluded with a slide show presentation by Selcan Kurnali from the Islamic Council of Victoria. The presentation focussed on setting and achieving career goals and Activities such as this are vital in developing confidence and self-esteem for female members of objectives. the community. Furthermore, engaging in meaningful social activities improves overall health The event attracted over 30 participants from a variety of backgrounds and age groups. Three and wellbeing, and helps participants develop a of the participants secured internship opportunities which were made available on the day. sense of belonging to the community. Preston Mosque has already begun planning for its next employment event to take place later

in the year.

MyCentre School

MyCentre and Holiday Fun Preston Mosque

Celebrate Eid

Above: Festival patrons queuing up for rides at MyCentre

Right: Enjoying the ride th On the weekend of 8 of June, MyCentre organised a festival to celebrate the end of the

month of Ramadan. The two- Climbing walls (top) and the famous ninja obstacle course (below) day carnival style event had many rides and activities for children. On the Sunday Top: A wide variety of rides at MyCentre

morning, a 3-hour period was Right: Families enjoying the carnival atmosphere

dedicated specifically for th On Saturday the 8 of June, Preston children with special needs. Mosque organised an Eid Fun Day to

Over 1000 people attended the mark the end of the month of Ramadan. festival across the two days. The event focused on attracting new

Muslims as well as their families, and non-Muslims in the Darebin area. Activities included pony rides, arts and On Monday the 1st of July, as part of its school craft activities, jumping castles, farm holiday program, MyCentre organised an excursion animals, and a Quran reading to GoClimb indoor climbing play centre. Activities competition. Over 200 people attended the day-long event, including many non- included rock climbing and a ninja obstacle course, There was plenty of fun to be had indoors too Muslim families. where the young participants had the opportunity to

test their strength, agility and coordination.

Pony makes an appearance at Preston Mosque Plenty of interest shown for farm animals

Family Violence Workshop at MyCentre

On the 23rd of April MyCentre delivered a family violence workshop titled Sister’s Workshop - Family Relationships

and Parenting, with a focus on building positive family relationships. Speakers included Genine Clements from

ParentZone, who has considerable experience in the family violence field, and Manal Shehab who was able to present on the issue from a cultural lens. Information was also

provided on where to go for support. Genine Clements (top) and Manal Shehab (bottom) Family violence directly affects one in five Victorian women explain the societal impact of family over the course of their lifetime. It is the leading contributor violence to the audience. to preventable death, disability and illness in Victorian women aged 15 to 44 years. The Northern CSG community leaders are committed to combating this scourge on society. Morning Tea for New Muslims

On Friday the 7th of June, Preston Mosque Women’s Committee organised a morning tea for new Muslims. The 15 females in attendance had the opportunity to come together and build friendships, discuss issues and challenges and learn the basics of faith from credible sources. Events such as this are vital for new Muslims, as it helps them develop a connection to the community and not feel isolated.

Family Violence Forum at Preston Mosque Some of the stallholders at the expo On Saturday the 4th of May, Preston Mosque organised an event titled Don’t Be Angry, where the Mosque’s religious Careers Expo at Preston Mosque advisor Sheikh delivered a talk to a On 18/4/2019 Preston Mosque organised an largely male audience, on family violence Employment/Careers Expo for jobseekers and those looking and its impact on the community and to further their education and skills. Stallholders at the expo society more broadly. In his talk, Sheikh included Melbourne Polytechnic, AGA-Apprenticeships Plus, Ali used examples from Islamic texts and Job Training Institute, Australian Federal Police, ICV- historical narrations which encourage Empower Muslim Youth, VicSeg New Futures, LaTrobe positive family relationships. University Islamic Society, City of Darebin, Headspace,

Family violence is predominantly, Muslim Legal Network and Reclink Australia. perpetrated by men against women and children. Regrettably, it occurs in all The expo gave organisations the opportunity to showcase communities. The Nothern CSG project their programs and initiatives in the sites have been working tirelessly in training/employment/careers space, and provide participants educating the community about this with resources and advice to pursue careers they are scourge on society. passionate about. The expo attracted over 80 visitors, with a considerable amount of referrals made to the various service providers. Cultural Awareness Training for Service Providers

MyCentre delivered Cultural Awareness Training for local service providers, so they are better equipped when working with the Muslim community. 23 people attended the training from a range of organisations, including Victoria Police, Jesuit Social Services, Banksia Gardens Community Services and Headspace. Topics covered during the session included Islamic history and beliefs, Best practice standards when working with Muslim clients, Religious/cultural considerations, and The Australian Muslim Community.

ask the experts >>> A relative of mine suffers from substance Q: addiction. Is there any help available to him?

The Muslim Youth, Adult & Families (MYAF) program was established to support individuals and families from the Muslim community who are experiencing alcohol and drug related issues. MYAF offers help with counselling, youth support, A: education programs, support groups and referrals to other support services. The MYAF program is strengthened by significant Islamic community partners, principally MyCentre with endorsement by the Islamic Council of Victoria.

The MYAF program is a service delivered to the community free of cost and is based at MyCentre Support Services at 831 Pascoe Vale Rd, Glenroy 3046. For further information or assistance, please contact 9078 3840.