ICV Annual Report 20141.Cdr
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ANNUAL REPORT 2013-14 ISLAMIC COUNCIL OF VICTORIA INDEX MEMBERS 3 OUR PEOPLE 4 OUR SERVICES 4 PRESIDENT’S REPORT 5 GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORT 6 PEOPLE BEHIND THE ICV & CITY MOSQUE 7 ADVOCACY 8 ZAKAT 9 HOSPITAL CHAPLAINCY 10-11 EMERGENCY ASSIST 11 ICV COMMUNITY LEADERS ANNUAL DINNER 2014 12 ICV STAFF AND VOLUNTEERS DINNER 12 BENDIGO ISLAMIC CENTRE EID DINNER 13 OFFICE FOR WOMEN 14 PASSION CAFÉ 14 YOUTH ENGAGEMENT 15-16 ROYAL MELBOURNE HOSPITAL FRIDAY PRAYERS 16 MULTIFAITH - JCMA STRATEGIC PLANNING DAY 17 MULTIFAITH - JCMA RELIGION IN THE MEDIA 17 MULTIFAITH - JCMA SUPER SUNDAY SEMINAR 18 MULTIFAITH - HELEN HEATH FAREWELLS JCMA 19 MULTIFAITH - JOURNEY TO JERUSALEM 19 MUSLIM LEADERSHIP PROGRAM 20 INDONESIA EXCHANGE PROGRAM 20 IMAMS STUDY TOUR TO TURKEY 21 IMAM’S TOUR OF THE IMA 21 EVENTS OF 2014 22 TREASURER'S REPORT 23 ISLAMIC COUNCIL OF VICTORIA 2 ANNUAL REPORT 2013-14 MEMBERS AFGHAN ISLAMIC SOCIETY ALBANIAN AUSTRALIAN ISLAMIC SOCIETY ALBANIAN MUSLIM SOCIETY OF SHEPPARTON AL-EHSAN CENTRE ARARAT ISLAMIC WELFARE ASSOCIATION ASWJ AUSTRALIA BANGLADESH ISLAMIC COUNCIL INC. AUSTRALIAN BOSNIAN ISLAMIC CENTRE DEER PARK AUSTRALIAN ISLAMIC MISSION AUSTRALIAN ISLAMIC SOCIAL ASSOCIATION (MILLI GORUS) AUSTRALIAN MUSLIM MEDIA AUSTRALIAN MUSLIM SOCIAL SERVICES AGENCY (AMSSA) BENDIGO ISLAMIC ASSOCIATION INC BENEVOLENCE AUSTRALIA BILALE ETHIOOPIAN COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION VICTORIA BOSNIA HERCEGOVINA ISLAMIC SOCIETY CYPRUS TURKISH ISLAMIC COMMUNITY INC. DANDENONG TURKISH ISLAMIC CULTURAL SOCIETY DARUSSALAM SOCOETY EL SEDEAQ ISLAMIC SOCIETY ERITREAN ISLAMIC SOCIETY OF AUSTRALIA FEDERATION OF AUSTRALIAN MUSLIM STUDENTS AND YOUTH (FAMSY) GOULBURN VALLEY TURKISH ISLAMIC & CULTURAL SOCIETY HIRA HIYC IISCA IMAN INDONESIAN MUSLIM COMMUNITY OF VICTORIA (IMCV) ISLAMIC ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA ISLAMIC ASSOCIATION OF MONASH MOSQUE INC. ISLAMIC CALL SOCIETY OF AUSTRALIA ISLAMIC SOCIETY OF ALBURY-WODONGA ISLAMIC SOCIETY OF BALLARAT ISLAMIC SOCIETY OF MELBOURNE EASTERN REGION ISLAMIC SOCIETY OF VICTORIA - PRESTON MOSQUE MAAREFA GROUP MANO RIVER ASSOCIATION OF VICTORIA MYCENTRE AND IISNA NEWPORT ISLAMIC SOCIETY UNITED MUSLIM MIGRANT ASSOCIATION UNITED SRI LANKAN MUSLIM ASSOCIATION IN AUSTRALIA (USMAA) WERRIBEE ISLAMIC CENTRE AFFILIATE MEMBERS ARKAN TOLEDO CARE WITH ME ISLAMIC WEEKEND SCHOOL MUSLIM LEGAL NETWORK ISLAMIC COUNCIL OF VICTORIA 3 ANNUAL REPORT 2013-14 OUR PEOPLE OUR SERVICES EXECUTIVES 1.CISP – Community Integration Support Program Nadeem Hussain P resident 2.City Mosque & Religious Services Mohamad Tabiaat Vice President 3.Emergency Assist Ghaith Krayem Secretary 4.Hospital Chaplaincy Eugenia Flynn T reasurer 5.MLP – Muslim Leadership Program Almir Colan Executive Member 6.Multifaith & Multicultural Engagement Ecehan B. Gulbayrak Executive Member 7.Muslim Connect – Post Release Rehabilitation Program Osama Saad Executive Member 8.NILS – No Interest Loan Scheme 9.Ofce for Women RETIRED EXECUTIVES 10.Ofce for Youth Maryum Chaudhry Vice President 11.Prison Chaplaincy Nazeem Hussain Executive Member 12.Ramadan Iftar & Eid Prayers Mohamad Tabbaa Executive Member 13.Refugee & Asylum Seeker Support Sam Soueid Executive Member 14.Youth Engagement Program Monique Toohey Executive Member 15.Zakat STAFF Nail Aykan General Manager Sumeyya Sener Kutlu Executive Assistant Bahriye Bol Communications Ofcer Cornelius Romein IT Administrator Rahil Khan Chaplaincy Co -ordinator Altaf Hussain Senior P rison Chaplain Sheikh Abdinur Weli ICV Imam Sheikh Mustafa Sarakibi ICV Imam & Prison Chaplain Ayman Islam Zakat Ofcer Asma Siddiq NILS Ofcer Lina Ayoubi Hospital Chaplaincy Co-ordinator Anthony Vitale CISP P rogram Manager Remzi Unal CISP Liaison Ofcer Muhammad Ali Hijazi Chaplaincy Yasemin Erbas-Dent ICV Emergency Assist Project Manager Esref Avda Muslim Connect Project Ofcer RETIRED STAFF Nurbanu Emniyet Assistant General Manager Nur Shkembi Arts Ofcer Medine Nur Sahin W omen's Support Ofcer ISLAMIC COUNCIL OF VICTORIA 4 ANNUAL REPORT 2013-14 PRESIDENT’S REPORT Assalaamu alaykum wa Islam is our greatest blessing, and “living” it rahmatullahi wa everyday is in accordance with the Prophet barakatahu Muhammad's (sas) guidance. When practised completely, Islam benefits and enriches any society We praise God, we seek it touches. Given the current political climate, I His forgiveness, and suspect more of the ICV and Muslim community's send our peace and efforts will be on reaching out to the broader blessings on our beloved Victorian community to ensure Islam is properly Prophet understood. Muhammad (sas). The Executive Committee have done a fantastic job It is the Executive in difficult times, bringing great energy and Committee's (“Exco”) diversity of skills to the organisation and they pleasure to present the should be proud of their efforts. I thank them all, Annual Report for the Islamic Council of Victoria and any success, after Allah, is due to their hard Inc (“ICV”) for the year ended 30 June 2014. This work and vision. is the second and final year of the current Exco's two year term. As a team, we have been privileged On a separate note, it was pleasing to be able to to serve the community and we ask Allah to accept continue to improve many of the ICV's current and count our efforts as good deeds in our scale services and events, such as providing iftar for on the Day of Judgement. nearly 10,000 people over the course of Ramadan at the ICV's Jeffcott Street premises, our Hospital While the past 12 months saw us continue with our and Prison Chaplaincy services, and the ICV's strategy to increase the ICV's proactive Qard Hassan and Zakat programs, to name a few. workstreams, the immediate 6 months preceeding this report have been arguably the most I truly believe the ICV is blessed with the best challenging times our community has experienced group of staff and volunteers of any non-profit in a number of years. organisation in this state. This is no accident. As is so often the case, the culture for excellence is set Clearly our media and advocacy work has been from the top, and in our case ICV General significant in recent times, and the key planks to Manager Nail Aykan continues to raise the bar our strategy have been to: every year, doing an exceptional job in his role and leading our staff and volunteers with energy - push our state and federal politicians to show and inspiration. An organisation's strength is its true leadership by using responsible language and people, and this is certainly the case at ICV. uniting Australians of all faiths and cultures rather than dividing; I'd also like to thank the member societies for their - work with the media and other stakeholders to ongoing support of the ICV. It is due to their promote more responsible and balanced maturity and support that the Victorian Muslim journalism; community is often recognised as one of the most - encourage law enforcement to adequately harmonious and unified communities. It is your address all forms of extremism, including hate ongoing interest and support that makes ICV a based crime against Muslims; successful and relevant representative body. - encourage Australian Security policy makers to devote more of their energy and spending to We ask Allah to keep us sincere and on the right understand the underlying root causes of deemed path, and ask your forgiveness for any security threats to improve prevention. shortcomings. Our vision statement “to foster and enable a Wassalaam vibrant Islamic community where Muslims enrich society through the values of Islam” is even more Nadeem Hussain relevant today. President ISLAMIC COUNCIL OF VICTORIA 5 ANNUAL REPORT 2013-14 GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORT Each year the Annual Hence I wish to take this opportunity to thank my Report is an opportunity to wonderful team of staff, across all our services, for look back on the they have individually and collectively served the achievements of the organisation with dedication and genuine previous year with an eye commitment. I wish to pay my personal gratitude to Sr to the road ahead. It is Nurbanu Emniyet (Assistant GM), Sr Sumeyya Kutlu also a chance to reflect on (Office Manager) and Sr Bahriye Bol what we stand for and (Communications Officer) and Ayman Islam (Zakat how our numerous Manager) for their devotion and personal support activities, both as a peak over many years. council and as a community as a whole, I also wish to highlight and acknowledge the many have helped to advance people who serve the ICV on a daily basis over many the values we aspire to. years, who by virtue of their humbleness tend to be oversighted, namely our Imams Sheikh Abdi Nur and The year brought many challenges and Sheikh Moustapha, our caretaker Br Mensur and our accomplishments, both for the ICV and for the IT Administrator & Friday collections Br Cornelius for Muslims communities in the state of Victoria. It has their tireless works. And not to forget our numerous been an exceptionally challenging and yet rewarding volunteers who continues to make incredible period. differences in people's lives. It is a privilege to work with such a passionate and dedicated group of people One of the key features of the 2013/14 period has who strive to better serve our community at every been our abilities to form, strengthen and broaden opportunity. our partnerships and strategic alliances with many important groups, to name a few; In particular I thank my president Nadeem Hussain for his leadership, adherence to Islamic principles and - The Victorian Board of Imams and ANIC unwavering commitment to the organisation - a - Al Wasat Newspaper president who has made an important and lasting - Diyanet (Turkish Ministry of Religious Affairs) contribution. I also thank our Executive Committee - OHPI - Online Hate Prevention Institute team for their support, community spirits, conviction and vigour throughout the term, both our current and These strategic partnerships give additional purpose, retired board members. I wish all retiring executives direction and cohesiveness to the myriad of activities well for the future and look forward to their continued that we carry out as the ICV.