Protein T1 C1 Accession No. Description

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Protein T1 C1 Accession No. Description Protein T1 C1 Accession No. Description SW:143B_HUMAN + + P31946 14-3-3 protein beta/alpha (protein kinase c inhibitor protein-1) (kcip-1) (protein 1054). 14-3-3 protein epsilon (mitochondrial import stimulation factor l subunit) (protein SW:143E_HUMAN + + P42655 P29360 Q63631 kinase c inhibitor protein-1) (kcip-1) (14-3-3e). SW:143S_HUMAN + - P31947 14-3-3 protein sigma (stratifin) (epithelial cell marker protein 1). SW:143T_HUMAN + - P27348 14-3-3 protein tau (14-3-3 protein theta) (14-3-3 protein t-cell) (hs1 protein). 14-3-3 protein zeta/delta (protein kinase c inhibitor protein-1) (kcip-1) (factor SW:143Z_HUMAN + + P29312 P29213 activating exoenzyme s) (fas). P01889 Q29638 Q29681 Q29854 Q29861 Q31613 hla class i histocompatibility antigen, b-7 alpha chain precursor (mhc class i antigen SW:1B07_HUMAN + - Q9GIX1 Q9TP95 b*7). hla class i histocompatibility antigen, b-14 alpha chain precursor (mhc class i antigen SW:1B14_HUMAN + - P30462 O02862 P30463 b*14). P30479 O19595 Q29848 hla class i histocompatibility antigen, b-41 alpha chain precursor (mhc class i antigen SW:1B41_HUMAN + - Q9MY79 Q9MY94 b*41) (bw-41). hla class i histocompatibility antigen, b-42 alpha chain precursor (mhc class i antigen SW:1B42_HUMAN + - P30480 P79555 b*42). P30488 O19615 O19624 O19641 O19783 O46702 hla class i histocompatibility antigen, b-50 alpha chain precursor (mhc class i antigen SW:1B50_HUMAN + - O78172 Q9TQG1 b*50) (bw-50) (b-21). hla class i histocompatibility antigen, b-54 alpha chain precursor (mhc class i antigen SW:1B54_HUMAN + - P30492 Q9TPQ9 b*54) (bw-54) (bw-22). P30495 O19758 P30496 hla class i histocompatibility antigen, b-56 alpha chain precursor (mhc class i antigen SW:1B56_HUMAN - + P79490 Q9GIM3 Q9GJ17 b*56) (bw-56) (bw-22). P18465 O62917 P30497 hla class i histocompatibility antigen, b-57 alpha chain precursor (mhc class i antigen SW:1B57_HUMAN + - P79496 Q29679 b*57) (bw-57). P04222 O62883 O78060 O78068 O78069 P30503 Q29743 Q29992 Q29993 hla class i histocompatibility antigen, cw-3 alpha chain precursor (mhc class i antigen SW:1C03_HUMAN + - Q9GIK8 Q9TQB4 cw*3). Q07000 O78165 Q29864 Q29991 Q31605 Q9BD28 hla class i histocompatibility antigen, cw-15 alpha chain precursor (mhc class i antigen SW:1C15_HUMAN + - Q9GJ33 Q9MY49 cw*15). serine/threonine protein phosphatase 2a, 65 kda regulatory subunit a, alpha isoform (pp2a, subunit a, pr65-alpha isoform) (pp2a, subunit a, r1-alpha isoform) (medium SW:2AAA_HUMAN + + P30153 Q13773 tumor antigen-associated 61 kda protein). serine/threonine protein phosphatase 2a, 65 kda regulatory subunit a, beta isoform SW:2AAB_HUMAN + + P30154 O75620 (pp2a, subunit a, pr65-beta isoform) (pp2a, subunit a, r1-beta isoform). 3-hydroxyanthranilate 3,4-dioxygenase (ec (3-hao) (3-hydroxyanthranilic SW:3HAO_HUMAN + + P46952 acid dioxygenase) (3-hydroxyanthranilate oxygenase). SW:6PGL_HUMAN + + O95336 6-phosphogluconolactonase (ec (6pgl). P01009 Q13672 Q96BF9 alpha-1-antitrypsin precursor (alpha-1 protease inhibitor) (alpha-1- antiproteinase) SW:A1AT_HUMAN + + Q96ES1 Q9P1P0 (pro0684/pro2209). SW:A1BG_HUMAN + + P04217 Q96P39 alpha-1b-glycoprotein precursor (alpha-1-b glycoprotein). alpha-actinin 1 (alpha-actinin cytoskeletal isoform) (non-muscle alpha-actinin 1) (f- SW:AAC1_HUMAN + + P12814 actin cross linking protein). SW:AAC4_HUMAN + + O43707 O76048 alpha-actinin 4 (non-muscle alpha-actinin 4) (f-actin cross linking protein). aspartate aminotransferase, cytoplasmic (ec (transaminase a) (glutamate SW:AATC_HUMAN + + P17174 oxaloacetate transaminase-1). acyl-coa dehydrogenase, medium-chain specific, mitochondrial precursor (ec SW:ACDM_HUMAN + + P11310 Q9NYF1 (mcad). acyl-coa dehydrogenase, short-chain specific, mitochondrial precursor (ec SW:ACDS_HUMAN + + P16219 P78331 (scad) (butyryl-coa dehydrogenase). aconitate hydratase, mitochondrial precursor (ec (citrate hydro-lyase) SW:ACON_HUMAN + + Q99798 O75809 (aconitase). acylamino-acid-releasing enzyme (ec (aare) (acyl-peptide hydrolase) (aph) SW:ACPH_HUMAN + + P13798 Q9BQ33 Q9P0Y2 (acylaminoacyl-peptidase) (oxidized protein hydrolase) (oph) (dnf15s2 protein). P02570 P70514 P99021 SW:ACTB_HUMAN + + Q11211 Q64316 actin, cytoplasmic 1 (beta-actin). SW:ACTC_HUMAN + + P04270 actin, alpha cardiac. SW:ACTG_HUMAN + + P02571 P14104 P99022 actin, cytoplasmic 2 (gamma-actin). SW:ACTH_HUMAN + + P12718 actin, gamma-enteric smooth muscle (alpha-actin 3). SW:ACTS_HUMAN + + P02568 P99020 actin, alpha skeletal muscle (alpha-actin 1). SW:ACTY_HUMAN + + P42025 beta-centractin (actin-related protein 1b) (arp1b). SW:ACTZ_HUMAN + + P42024 alpha-centractin (centractin) (centrosome-associated actin homolog) (actin-rpv) (arp1). SW:ACY1_HUMAN + + Q03154 aminoacylase-1 (ec (n-acyl-l-amino-acid amidohydrolase) (acy-1). aspartoacylase 2 (ec (aminoacylase-3) (acy-3) (acylase iii) (hepatitis c virus SW:ACY3_HUMAN - + Q96HD9 core-binding protein 1) (hcbp1). alcohol dehydrogenase class iii chi chain (ec (glutathione- dependent SW:ADHX_HUMAN - + P11766 formaldehyde dehydrogenase) (ec (fdh). SW:AHA1_HUMAN + + O95433 Q96IL6 Q9P060 activator of 90 kda heat shock protein atpase homolog 1 (aha1) (p38) (hspc322). 1protein was identified on tumor (T) or control (C) 2DE gel as indicated Protein T1 C1 Accession No. Description alcohol dehydrogenase [nadp+] (ec (aldehyde reductase) (aldo- keto reductase SW:AKA1_HUMAN + + P14550 family 1 member a1). aldo-keto reductase family 1 member b10 (ec 1.1.1.-) (aldose reductase-like) (arl-1) SW:AKBA_HUMAN - + O60218 O75890 (small intestine reductase) (si reductase) (aldose reductase-related protein) (arp) (harp). aldo-keto reductase family 1 member c3 (ec 1.1.1.-) (trans-1,2- dihydrobenzene-1,2- diol dehydrogenase) (ec (chlordecone reductase homolog hakrb) (ha1753) P42330 Q96DJ1 Q96KI8 (dihydrodiol dehydrogenase, type i) (dihydrodiol dehydrogenase 3) (dd3) (3-alpha- SW:AKC3_HUMAN - + Q99530 Q9UCX1 hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase) (3alpha-hsd) (prostaglandin f synthase) (ec P02768 O95574 Q13140 Q9P157 Q9P1I7 Q9UHS3 SW:ALBU_HUMAN + + Q9UJZ0 serum albumin precursor. SW:ALC1_HUMAN + + P01876 ig alpha-1 chain c region. SW:ALC2_HUMAN + + P01877 ig alpha-2 chain c region. SW:ALDR_HUMAN - + P15121 Q9BS21 aldose reductase (ec (ar) (aldehyde reductase). fructose-bisphosphate aldolase a (ec (muscle-type aldolase) (lung cancer SW:ALFA_HUMAN + + P04075 antigen ny-lu-1). SW:ALFB_HUMAN + + P05062 Q13741 Q13742 fructose-bisphosphate aldolase b (ec (liver-type aldolase). SW:ALFC_HUMAN + + P09972 fructose-bisphosphate aldolase c (ec (brain-type aldolase). SW:AMP1_HUMAN + - P53582 methionine aminopeptidase 1 (ec (metap 1) (map 1) (peptidase m 1). cytosol aminopeptidase (ec (leucine aminopeptidase) (lap) (leucyl SW:AMPL_HUMAN + + P28838 Q9UQE3 aminopeptidase) (proline aminopeptidase) (ec (prolyl aminopeptidase). alpha-amylase 2b precursor (ec (1,4-alpha-d-glucan glucanohydrolase) (alpha- SW:AMYC_HUMAN - + P19961 amylase carcinoid). alpha-amylase, pancreatic precursor (ec (1,4-alpha-d-glucan glucanohydrolase) SW:AMYP_HUMAN + + P04746 (pancreatic alpha-amylase) (pa). SW:AMYS_HUMAN - + P04745 alpha-amylase, salivary precursor (ec (1,4-alpha-d-glucan glucanohydrolase). P01019 Q16358 Q16359 angiotensinogen precursor [contains: angiotensin i (ang i); angiotensin ii (ang ii); SW:ANGT_HUMAN - + Q96F91 angiotensin iii (ang iii) (des-asp[1]- angiotensin ii)]. SW:ANT3_HUMAN + + P01008 P78439 P78447 antithrombin-iii precursor (atiii) (pro0309). annexin a1 (annexin i) (lipocortin i) (calpactin ii) (chromobindin 9) (p35) SW:ANX1_HUMAN + + P04083 (phospholipase a2 inhibitory protein). annexin a2 (annexin ii) (lipocortin ii) (calpactin i heavy chain) (chromobindin 8) (p36) SW:ANX2_HUMAN + + P07355 Q96DD5 (protein i) (placental anticoagulant protein iv) (pap-iv). annexin a3 (annexin iii) (lipocortin iii) (placental anticoagulant protein iii) (pap-iii) (35- SW:ANX3_HUMAN + + P12429 alpha calcimedin) (inositol 1,2-cyclic phosphate 2-phosphohydrolase). annexin a4 (annexin iv) (lipocortin iv) (endonexin i) (chromobindin 4) (protein ii) (p32.5) (placental anticoagulant protein ii) (pap-ii) (pp4-x) (35-beta calcimedin) SW:ANX4_HUMAN + + P09525 Q96F33 Q9BWK1 (carbohydrate-binding protein p33/p41) (p33/41). annexin a5 (annexin v) (lipocortin v) (endonexin ii) (calphobindin i) (cbp-i) (placental anticoagulant protein i) (pap-i) (pp4) (thromboplastin inhibitor) (vascular anticoagulant- SW:ANX5_HUMAN + + P08758 alpha) (vac-alpha) (anchorin cii). annexin a6 (annexin vi) (lipocortin vi) (p68) (p70) (protein iii) (chromobindin 20) (67 SW:ANX6_HUMAN + + P08133 kda calelectrin) (calphobindin-ii) (cpb-ii). SW:ANX7_HUMAN + + P20073 annexin a7 (annexin vii) (synexin). annexin a11 (annexin xi) (calcyclin-associated annexin 50) (cap-50) (56 kda SW:ANXB_HUMAN + + P50995 autoantigen). SW:ANXD_HUMAN - + P27216 Q9BQR5 annexin a13 (annexin xiii) (annexin, intestine-specific) (isa). SW:APA1_HUMAN + + P02647 apolipoprotein a-i precursor (apo-ai). SW:APA4_HUMAN + + P06727 apolipoprotein a-iv precursor (apo-aiv). SW:APE_HUMAN + + P02649 Q9P2S4 apolipoprotein e precursor (apo-e). beta-2-glycoprotein i precursor (apolipoprotein h) (apo-h) (b2gpi) (beta(2)gpi) SW:APOH_HUMAN + + P02749 (activated protein c-binding protein) (apc inhibitor). SW:APT_HUMAN + + P07741 adenine phosphoribosyltransferase (ec (aprt). SW:AR20_HUMAN + - P59998 O15509 arp2/3 complex 20 kda subunit (p20-arc) (actin-related
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