Goodnoff, Sol, Productions Goodson
Gettz, Mitchell, Agency, Inc. president; Fred Harris, mgr., 119 W. 57th St., N.Y. (see Colton, Kingsley & Associates, Inc.) 10019. (Produce and distribute filmed programs.) 12 feature films; Produce Commercials and Industrial Films. Glen Glenn Sound Co. (a subsidiary of Republic Corp.) Group W Films 6624 Romaine Street, Hollywood 38, Calif.; HO 9-7221. (a division of Westinghouse Broadcasting Co.) Robert G. Goodwin, pres.; Joseph D. Kelly, vice- 90 Park Avenue, New president; Tom Kobayashi, treas. (Sound recording ser- York, N.Y.; (212) 983-6510. Richard M. Pack, president; vice, from original production to final optical negative, Howard G. Barnes, exec. vice presi- dent. (Production feature motion pictures, television films and television of motion pictures.) commercials.) Glenar Studios H 1325-B Wilcox Ave., Hollywood 28, Calif.; H011ywood 4-0406. Sid Glenar, owner. (Produces films, commercials H-R Productions, Inc. & animation.) 251 W. 57 St., New York, N.Y. 10019: 246-5133. Herbert Rosen, president. (Producer of films, package shows.) Gold, Melvin L. Enterprises 301 East 48th St., New York 17, N.Y., MU 8-0897. Mel Gold, Hamilton Wright Org., Inc. pres. (Consultant, producer and packager of live and film Y.O. Box 455, New Canaan, Conn. 06840. TV program,. industrial films, commercials, features.) Hamilton Wright, Sr., ehm., Hamilton Wright, Jr., pres. (Producers of color short Gomalco, subjects -adventure travelogues -educational Enterprises features -Theatrical -Television-Established 1908.) 13107 Ventura Blvd., Studio City, Calif.; 788-0070. David P. O'Malley, George Gobel, Partners. (Producers of live Handel Film Corporation programs, TV film series and motion pictures.) 8730 Sunset Blvd., W. Hollywood, Calif.
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