Sixty-Filth Year, No. 2 - Whole No. 170 J,jNUARY, 197-1

total of 249 \ariations, (Thcse figures, compiled by nonms. count the themc statement as ,'arialion # I ) . They are fIoel Variatio~ arranged according 10 tonality, using the tonalities of D minor. F major, G 11I :ljnr, A minor, and C m3jor. These ,'ariations evidently demanded a vir­ tuoso techniquc and carefully chosen in tke 17tk & f8tk Centurie6 registration, Clearly presenting the themc, hl.' uses the slandard devices of figural \'ariations as well as occasional Change of meter. IIrunold speculates Guenther that they rarely demand lise of the By Eileen Morris I)cdal so that they would be acccssible to thc harpsichord and small organs.

I'IERRE DJ\ NDRIEU JEAN.FRANCOIS DANDRIEU Noels / 0 Filii, chamo" tit Sni,,' Jacques I Stabal Mater r:t Carilltuu / Noils, 0 Filii, Cllaruons de Selint Jacqlltts d Carillons. I.e talll exlr~me,,' l~ TOil' ralll, augrnenlt! I d Extre­ ment vaTU. et mis /1ollr l'Orgue / £t varie r.t m;s po"r l'Cf'gue et ftt dnlluin. POIlT Ie Clovecin / par MT Auririe" I Par M. Darrcfr;eu, orgrmiste rlu Roi ttl Pri lre et Organiste (Ie Sl Rart/uUem)'. / tie Sa;"t,lIft!cft!ric. Nouvelle edition Ttt­ tille, corr;gee et augme"tce tic nouvelles Chez I I'AUIi!UT, TlU SIt: A,wt: pr~s Ie Palais dll Daup";'1 I Lc Sf Boivin riie variations tant sur ftts anciells Noels qUtt sur les nOllveaux. I'rix 9 /iv. A Par;s SI flonori d la R ~glt: d'Dr. au.Y adrtsscs ordi"aires. The only modern edition containing a noel (set o[ \'ariations) that \\·as defi· Noels, edited by Gaston litaize and nitely writtell lly l'icrrc Dandricu is, 1 fe:1.O Donms (Paris: Editioll~ lIIU5icalcs beliel'e, L'Orgllt! parisien sot" Ie rcgJlt! cle 13 Schola Canlomm ct de 101 l"rOCUle de Louis Xl If, edited by Norben Du­ Gencralc de mllsiqlle, 1955. L'Organish: fourcq (Fr:mUurt: Wilhelm H:mscn, Lilurgiqllc #19·20), 1956) . jcan.Fram;ois Dandrieu was thc son Pierre: Dandrieu was a priest and, or jean Dandriell, a grain merchant. from at least 1691, organist at Saint­ and his wife, Fram;oisc Rondcau, He Darth~lcmy in Paris, where he was suc­ w:J.s one of fh'e children and his ~isler. ceeded by his nephew, jean·Fr:lIlf;ois lcanne.Fran(ois. was 31so a talcnted or. Dandrieu. ganist. Vcry littlc clse is known aoout his Accortling 10 8runoh..l and SOIIIC other lire, except ror an anccdote rclalctl by scholars, Jcan-Fran(ois w:tS ~ student u Andre Pirro. It $CCIIIS lhat Louis Mar­ of jean. naptiste Morean, hilt Durourcq chand, the \'irtuoso orbranist, wanted speculates as to whelher hc cuuld have the position as organist of Saint· liar­ studied with Mayeux or possibly e,'en thclemy currcntly held by Pierre Dan· with Clcrambault. He W:lS a child prod· ddcn. In collaboration wiu. thc organ igy and it is said that he played the builder Henry Lcscloppc, he sent a let­ harpSichord at the age of rivc before ter to a vestryman of the church, claim­ Mme. Vielore dc lia" icre (10 whom he ing that the priest, Pierre Dandrieu, was dedicaled his Liurc lItt Sonatel en Trio having an aUair with "une £ille de in 1705) . mau\'aise vic," Claudine Tcxier.u Dan· On 28 January, 170-1 he was named drieu took the case to court and ob­ successor to Henry Mayeux, organist or tainnl the confeSSIOns of Marchand and Saint· Merry who had replaced his COliS' Lcscloppc. which were signed 22 March, in , Nicolas LeRcgne in li02 but becausc 1691 . of illness. could no longer function in Dandricu dlC..'ti in 1733, as indicated the position. On 19 jill)', 1705 Dandrieu by the Mercure in December, which w:as named the titular urganist, but be­ told of a mass cclebr.ued at the Oratory causc of thc estecm in which Mayeux for musicians who had died during was held. 100 livrcs of Dandrieu's 400. that year. His will was registered with livre salary was paid 10 Mayeux as a the notary Boil'in on 22 October. 1733. retircment pension, in which he nattlcs his nll'Ccs , jeanne­ On 17 Uecember, 1721 he nas named I;ran~ohc anti Maric·louise DalUJriell, 10 sllcct'cd jC3n Daptiste Uutcrne 3S or­ sole legatees, branist or the Chapel Ro)al (at an an­ Pierre Dandrieu is usually credited lI ual salary of 600 lil'res) , where he with the composition or some ,.lIrs ser­ !iCf\'ed with Gabriel Garnier, Fran(ois iellx which were included in the Dallard U'Agincollrt, Louis Marchand, and collection published 1697-1699. but Paul Fran~ois Couperin. In 1733 he was Brunold belie\'es them rather to he the namcd titular organist of Saint-Uar­ work of his nephew, jcan. fo" ra,,,;ois.d thelemy. following the death of his The work for winch he is known is his uncle, Pierre Dandrieu. Although some collection of \'arialions on nuels: Noiils, scholars arc admittedly uncertain ahout o Filii, chanson de Saint Jacques, S'a­ this fact, F~lix Raugel" decl3t'eS th3t bot Mater el Carillons. llrunold notcs Jean-Fran~is hOld been Pierrc's re\'er­ that it is without date or privilege, and sioner there for 12 years. asserts that the lIame "noivin" in the Dantlriell was a member of numerous title indicates publication after 1720." The organ of the Chapel Royal, Palace of Venaillll', 1710. organ contest juries. the moS[ famous He also mentions Utat the phl'3sc "Ie copied by Fttis.t' Research by Andre by jean-FTiln~ois, which he dates 1721- occasion in which he participated be­ tout rcvO et augmcnte" in the inscrip­ Pin'o (Archives des maUres de l'orgue, 1733.10 ing the contest for the church Made­ tion would secm to indicate that this is cited by Bonms) established that it was Paul Brunold hails Pierre Dandricu's leine·en-la-Cite in 1700. On this occa­ a second edition. The date commonly written, not by jC3.n·Fran~ois, but by collection of noel \ilriation, along with sion the judges, Nicolas Cigault. Rachel gil'en for this work, 1714, is based on his uncle, Pierre. Following this dcclar.t.- that of Louis·Claude Daquin, as the de Montalan, and Dandrieu declared a. "privilegc," transcribed 7 September, tioll, it was 3crepted that the only book most important of such collections pro- Jran.Phi11ipe Ramcau the winner. but lil-l, to " "Sicur Dandrieu." Since the or noels by a " Dandrieu" W35 that by tlueed by the Freudt keyboard school, he could not accept the position because titles of other ecclesiastics are properly Pierre (copies of whid, arc located in but he admits lhat "He has less bril- he was unwilling 10 give up his other nola ted in the records, Bonfilst' sees no two libraries in Paris, the Biblioth~que lance than Daquin. he has more willing· reason for the rerorder to have substi­ Nationale 3nd lhe Bibliotht:que du ness, hc is nai\'c and a little dull and pl3ces (which was rcquired by the ves­ tuted "Ie Sieur" for "L'Abb~" in this Conscn'atoirc).·' gauche, his art thus is in agreement try of this particular church) and the particular casc. Recent rCSC'arch b)' jean Don£ils, how- with all these ruslie tunes,'''l Felix Rau- post was awarded to Louis·Antoine Dar. This "olume of nocl variations was C\'cr, has re\'ealcd thal while the uncle. gel describes Dandrieu's works as 'well nel. It is also known that Dandrieu su­ 10llg attributed to jean.Fran~is Dan­ indeed, wrOle a book of noel vari3tions, fitted to the musical taste of the higher drieu, based on information initially his nephew, Jean.Fran~ois. did as well. social classes on the e'\'e of the Re· pervised the rebuilding of some organs. gil'cn by Titon du Tillet (in the first Donms has unco,'ered in a library in gene}' ..... and frequently "judged" them once the- supplemcnt to "Pamasse Fransnis") and DruMCls the collcction of noel vari3tions Pierre varies 41 nocls, producing a (Co"li,Jued, page 3) Restoration and History THE DIAPASON Established it! 1909 On pagl.'S ~m·2 7 of the Nm"cmbcr issue of Music, The A.G.O . and R ,C.CO. Mag, azine. the M. P. Muller comp;m )' ad",-'rlisn the (ollo"'ing in bold hcadliMs: "Who An International Montla'y D ttJO t ~ d the Orgnn nnw em Teslorc Skinner's ol'J;an!l? ~mllct' em. And does, whh a Uc

2 THE DIAPASON (Cmlli,"wl fmlll page I) S"illt,lb.rthclc:my k bf:lcy enough, Bon­ anCe at Saml·PilUt. MardlaluJ was Daquin and Cuillaume·Anluine Cal· fils suggt.'SlS lhat Ihis omission may havc charme::d and impressed by Daquin's \'iere were probably lhe two gl"eal~!!It work had been accomplished. (Pino"" performance. and congratulated him, vinuoso5 of the era. and were strong slates thOlt he ;md Jean Landrin receh'ed been the:: result o[ a disagreement pro­ \'oked by this publication,) saying. "You have done miracles. but rivals. However, in spite of the great 12 livres each for directing the rebuild­ there is still a. Marchand in the competitiveness that existed the:: ing of the instrument at Saint-Andre­ world."· Marchand invited Daquin to lifetimes of bOlh, after Calviere's death det-Aru in 1728.) LOUIS·CLAUDE DAQUIN Nouveau Livre de Noels pour l'Orgue altend a ser\'ice of his at the CordeHers, in 1755, Daquin made au attempt to Dandrieu seems to have been recog­ and Daquin was awed by Marchand, have the works of his gublished that nized as J1 virtuoso organist, and Du­ et Ie Claveci" doni ItJ plu/JtJrl peuvent l'r!xr!cuter sur les I' ;olons, Ilutt',r, haut­ From that time on they were close remained in manuscript. fourcq said of him: "He played in any friends and mutual admirers, The last Daquin continued to draw large boil. etc" OeuJft'e II, Paril, "Auteur. case with a prodigious facUity, and if time Marchand playcd his organ at the crowds up until the end of his liCe. the ,",ork is not always adapted to the Nouvea" Livre de Noels, edited by Cordelten he touched his beloved in­ DavalH lells of his imprcssh'e inaugura­ church. it denote! a particularly giftrd Norbert Durourcq. Felix Raugel, and ,trument and declared, "Goodby. my tion (along with Balbasue) of the new spirit. The \'iuuosity of the artist must Jean de Valois. (Paris: Editions mWI­ dear widow, Only Daquin it worthy o[ organs at the Sainte·Chapelle on 25 l'(l'lal that of the gn.."atl'St .' .... cales de la Sdtola Cantorum et de la you.'-r. March, 1771. His final triumph took Procure gine-rale de musique, n.d. Or· RaugelM asscrlS that his contcmporar­ Upon the death of Mardtand in 1732. place at ~int·Paul at the Feast of the it'S ga\'e him the nicknamc "l'org:mislc gne rt Liturgie #27·28,) Daquin followed him as organist at the Ascension, just a fcl\' days before his OIlIcmand ," cither because of his impro· monastery of Ihc Cordeliers (Franscis· death, Having expressed a wish to be \'i5Oltiolls III fugal style. or bectuse he Louis·Claude Daquin was born 4 Jul),. can friars) where he was paid 200 livres carried 10 his organ to die. he died on had been warmly recch'ed by the Prince 1694 in Paris ;lind died there IS july, annually. It is known that Daquin oc­ 15 July, 1772. He was buried ill the of Bavari:l. 1772 .... His mother was dislantly related cupied the post at Saint-Germain· church of Saint· Paul wilh a prodigious It is interesting to note that 11lc title 10 Fran~ois Rabelais. and he was of l'Auxerrois in 1738 (succeeding Gabriel group of musicians. hoth artisls and pages of Oandrieu's works display ex­ Jewish ancestry on his father's side.­ Dubuisson). In 1739. without contest, amateurs, in attendance. The canons of tremely deLailed. omate engraving, done His father wa.s an artist who had dis.s i­ he was awarded an organ po, ition at Saint·Antoine, where he had pla)'ed the by some of the best artists of the time. pated his fortunes satisfying his passion the Chapel Royal . succeeding Jcan­ organ for fiG yt.."3rs, sang a service for lt (Brunold gives the names of the artists for tra,'e!; his last vo),age ended in ship­ Fran~ois Dandrieu. him and granlt."ti a stipend to his SOli, and the LiVJ"t!s which bear their work,) wreck off Ihe coast of Tunis, and he Pierre· Louis Daquin de Ch~teau Lyon. From the archives of Saint-Merry we lost everything.- Antoine d'Aquin, the It W:II there that he was often admired for author of se\'eral important histor), leun that Dandrieu was in poor health, great· uncle of Louis·Claude, was the the incxhaultiLle ler1ility or his lenius, The books. and Ulat in 1725 out of com;ideration physician to Loui! XIV. lint time he played Ihere wat Easter Sunday. Daq!J,in was a llIilll of nobleness and At the offl'rlory he played \'ariations on 0 for hi, 22 years of service and bis poor Daquin's godmother was the well­ integrity. Laborde. in 1780. praised his Filii, llli, joyoUi piece WlU iR iudr able to health, he was given " a house with a known harp$ichordist to the king and make the laleRts 01 the musiciaR .hine; but "strict uprightness which made him in­ chimney, .• where hc could rcst and composer, Eli13bcth Jacquet de la the lenglh of the offertory nude this piece capable of any intrigue, .. Neither am­ wann himself in the winter and refresh Guerre, and it is thought that she gave lasl Ionler than he had intcndcd. He slrelch­ bition. personal advant3ge. nor imme­ himself in the summer."" him his first music lessons, (Vigue-' ed his \/;INtionl '0 infinity, suJTIuscd him· diate financial gain e\'er occupied him Dandrieu died at the age of 56, and following Laborde. suggests that his wJf and allonilo hed Ihe whole c:oun:n (or a moment. He loved his arion its was buried at Saint·Barthi!lemy. His fint Ics.sons might have come from a own merits.'''' ,ister, Jc:J.nne , Jo·ran~oise Dan d r leu chaplain of the Sa ~ ntc . Chapelle, 10 In 1755 he was honort.-'d by being It is sad (0 report lhat Daquin ended (neither of them ever married) suc­ whom Daquin was entrusted by PielTe named one of the first four organists his da)'s in virtual poverty. and that O ceeded him at that church. Jacquet, Elitabcth's brolher,) He W3S to servc "par quartier ' :It the Cathedral part of the dowry of his daughter-in­ Dandrieu's work il primarily for key­ an extraordinarily talented child, and of Notre·Dame. (Thc others named law wenl to help lupport him, Just 25 board. although he did write LiVTt: de at the age of six he pcrlormed before were Rene Drouard de- Bousset, Char· days before his deatll the Count of Eu. Sonales d violon leul (ca. 1720) , which King Louis XlV. Laborde- reporlS that les·Alexandre Jolage, and Armand· 10 whom he had dedicated his N01J' he dedicated 10 Michel Richard de La· at that time the Dauphin predicterl Louis Couperin,) They were paid 200 vt!au Livre de Nails, brought him 25 lande, and a few songs. His keyooard that Daquin would one day become one liVre! per quarter to play the small louis (worth 500 Iivrcs) , writing consists or three Livres de Pieces of the country's most celebrated organ­ choir organ at the oUices and solemn Although the Prince of Conti and dt! Cloveciu (from 1724, 1728, and 17! 4, ists. and annual days,n Mademoiselle de arc usuall), respccth'cly) and the posthumous pub. At Ihe age of eight Daquin began cited as his only students. information lication, Pumier Livre de P;eCel d·Or· composition lessons with the illustrious Daquin was probably thc most cele· has been found concerning three other gue (17S9). He also wrote a trealise, master of counterpoint and a friend of brated organ virtuoso of the centur)'. students taught by Daquin. The most Principes de l'accompagnelllt!nt du Cia · his father, Nicolas Bernier. Laborde tells ,urpassing even Louis Marchand. DII· famous was Nicolas·Jean.Pierrc·Chauvet, veein, which was published first in 1718 of Dilquin's writing a lJealus Vir for fourcq11l reports that organists and harp­ a blind organist whose date of birth is and reissut..'tl in 1727 and 1777. sichordists in the middle of the 18th not known. but who died in February chorus and orchestra; when it was per· ll This list was considered to be com · formed, Bernier is supposed to have century regarued him as "Ie maitre" or 1804. Vogan SilYS that the Journal plete until Jean BOIlCils discovered, in lifted him up on the table so that he Parisien, He drew cnonnous crowds to de Paris [or 10 December, 1780 an· the Bibliothcque Royale de Bruxelles, could beat (line and better be secn by the churches where he played, especially nounces that Chauvet would play his a book of noel variations by Jean·Fran. the audience. After the performance, to Saint-Paul. Parisian audiences of this Nails at Saint-Laurent, but Vogan reo ~ois D;mdrieu. Bernier is said to ha.\'c cried out happi· era loved to be amused or ulrillcd by ports tllilt he has been ullable to find It is not known when this book was ly. "I have nothing more to teach masterful improvisations on noel tunes any trace o[ thne compositions. Claude published. but using the biographical him,· ... on the Tc Deum (especially the "tab· Vemade (1712-1786) and Bibauld mformaUon included in the inscription. leau du jugement demier" afleT the ("somewhat blind'") were also students At the age of 12 Daquin followed the Bonms amcludes that it dates from be­ words Judel> tTt!deris). and by imita­ taught by Daquin. tween 1727 illld 1753. (The title page hmband of his god· mother, Marin de tions of nightingale songs. It is known la Guerre, as organist at the Sainte­ Many scholars feel that Louis Claude mentions that he W:lS organist of the that he was capable of improvising on Chapelle, At approximately the same Dilquin was the "high waler mark" or king. a position which he held from 17 the popular noel tunes "for entire quar­ \'irtuosic composition for the organ in December. 1727. and does not mention time Daquin also became organist at ters of an hour without preparation and the 18th century. Brown" states: "Louis Saint·BarthcHemy, of whidl he became the CloisLel' Petit Saint-Antoine, a posi· without repe:lting him5elf:"f' Daquin is the last significant voice of titular organist in 1755.) tion which he held until his death, the French Baroque. an agc which had This book contains 198 variations on Nothing further is known of Daquin Mercicr recalls .bo the Te Deum played at moved rar away trom its earlier tradi­ 47 noets (counting the theme slatement until April 28, 1727, when he competed Sainl·Paul alter Ihe repair of the organ, to tions of lilurgial polyphonic organ mu· as "variation # .") and "diverse pieces," with Jean·PhilUpe RaIneau for the po' which they had addtd bombarda; the church sic." Raugel's commenl is even stronger: After careful comparison with the vol· sition of organist at the church of Saint­ was lull 01 the curious, and the c:uriages in "After Daquin the Jo'rench organ school the ~ tR:et fOmled a line which alendcd up ume NotUs, 0 Filii, chanson de Saint Paul. A fascinating account of utis con· wasted away, exhausted iuelf. and test is found in a letter written by Ni· 10 Ihe CelestiNo, ' More lublime than cvcr. Jacqut!s, Slabat Maler el Carillons by Daquin thundered in lhe JuJu C"tI,ru, marched mechanically towards nothing. colas Couper in, one of the other contes­ Pierre: Oandrieu. BonWs has concluded which carried inlo heub impftSlions 10 ness.''' that jean.Fran~is "borrowed" 91 varia­ tants, to his sister. The pmition at Saint· vivid and profound, that everyone Iftw pale The assessments of Oaquin" contem· tions froID Pierre. Jean·Fram;ois copied Paul was in great demar.d (it paid 400 and aMYeM,'n poraries are strong in his praise. Writ· entire variatiom, occasionally keeping lines per year and the organist was ing about 1780, ScbilStien Mercier looked the upper parts and changing the ac· supplied a house by the ,'estry) and Dilquin functioned as judge of new back on Daquin ilS a bastion of good companiment, and sometimes transpos­ therefore the contest drew a great deal or rebuilt organs, as did many of the laste. ing an entire set of variations from one of public anention. The four contest· prominent organilts of the time. Among key to another. In the words of Jean ants therefore were Rameau, Couperin. the organs in whose "reception" he is AU tuu waled iR the dl., I wrile. Tiley Daquin, and £dme Vaudry, and Cou· play durin! the elcvation of the flO&( aad Bonms: known to ha\'e participated is the Cath­ dmlicc, ariellCl and ~bandes; aad. llt tile perin reporu thilt neither Vaudry nor edral of Notre-Uame (in 1755. with Du­ T. D,um and at VClpen, mtDUCla, It indred aiD-ordinary to oo.crve how is himself played very well thai day. While Mage, CaJvibe, ilnd Clerambault). romancClo riPUaJolll. Where now is the ad· much tile forms anti Ihcmes of the nephew', Ramcau did play quite well. Daquin AJong with Cheron .lOd Jolage, DiI­ mir.Wfc DaquiA who ddilbted me 10 many .... ork resemblc Ih~ of the unde, and a dauled the audience. quill was a frequent performer at tlle timal He died in 1772. and the delilhled more detailed aaminatton reveals that Jean­ organ with him." Fnneoia has pla!iaritcd the latler without Couperin writt.."S: "He was a master; Concert Spirituel. Royer, the director c::ompuDction, He copied lOme varialions to­ oblivious, 1n)'scU. to my recent disap­ of the Concerts at that time, had in· Rameau's Jl$SCSSmcnt of Daquin il also tually intact, whilc in othefl the mclody it pointment [at not having played well) tended thal the newly-installed (1748) significant. praerved and only the accompaniment U: J let myself go, with the whole audi­ organ be used merely as all accompani­ modilitd, lie even went to the trouble of ence, to the delight of thc mmt bril­ mental instrument. and Daquin and MUlie u lost, talk chanlcs at evcry turn. I tnnJpOfinl "marchons. marchons picment" liant execution thal could be imago Cheron played tlle organ parts in the should AO lonler know how to 10 about it. if from D 10 A minor • • .N ined .. : .... However, the judges were symphonies performed at the Concerts. I were to bave 10 work at in timCl p;ut. There is onl, Dilquin who h:u the COUl3le Bonfib also poses some queiitions con· unable to decide between Rameau and But as Daquln's reputation grew, 50 did the demand for his improvisa.tions. to resist the lornnt. He has alwa}'l saved lor cerning the "borrowings" of jean.Fran­ Daquin. One judge, particularly, fav­ Ihe orpn the chann and the majClty which ("When he holds the organ of the ~is. "Why did he borrow so heavily ored Rameau. and Daquin was led to heloA! to iL- from his unde?" (Perhaps to "update" accuse him. rightfully, of having pro· Concert Spirituel, • , Daqum embroid­ the style of writing used by Pierre, or vided Rame3U with the fugue subjea ers as interludes Noels and the Caril­ Writen in the 20th century have to make them easier so that they could in advance. This accusation of fraud lons which were the rage in this found Daquin'. compositions praise· be performed by someone other than a resulted in a rUII·off between Rameau epoch:'" According to Pirro, the Can ­ worthy as wdl. Guilmant finds 10 the virtuoso?) "Why did he publish this and Daquin; Daquin "surpassed him­ urts held another attraction for the Livre de Nolls "all the qualities of edition under his name only?" (As a seU" in his playing, defeated Rameau, lovers of organ music. grace, of charm and brilliance which corollary question, one might ask. if and won the position of organist at have placed him in tbe fint rank. of Pierre had given hit pennisaion, lince Sainl-Paul.- There, at kalt, they could lute in PeKe orgam5U of tbe time of Louia XV:'" Daquin had taken LouiJ Marchand. the profane commcDlarica which the orpn­ Felix Rauge1 acclaim. "weir ingenioul it appean that this book. WaJ publilhed ilt unfolded; the, dLd DOl han to fear the during his lifetime. One notio:.s that ramoUI organ virtuoso. as bis model divenity, their freedom of accent. , , lC"f'eritiu of the Archb1&bop of Paris. who had their ornamented lupplenc:u."" Jea.n.Fr.m~ois was not included in the somc time aher he accepted the posi­ prohibiled midnilht IIWId at Saint-Roch and will left by Pierre. and although An· tion at Petit·Saint-Antoine but evident­ Saint-GermaiR-da-Pre-. • • nor (ear that However, Daquin does have delrac­ dre Pirro· has speculated that Piene ly the lint time Marchand heard him they would be prohibiltd (rom applaudin., ton, and among them are Felis and considered the position as organist at play was at hil £irst Te Deum perfonn- • ..n (Continued, pace 4)

JANUARY 197.4 3 Pirro. 1lavillg ~X;ltuilll'd D~qllitl 's \\Imla I\t..'du~ d c Ccllt.'S rcici tc,'tl tu Its o rgall .t Jt'.:I1I 8 11f.fib , "L« Nueh lie I'''rn d :md proclaimed " loU[ est miserable," ill the (UUN! of writing hh monulliental J e.:a ,,-FraIKui. Oantlriell ," L'O"lu B3 IA"ril. fcus dedarc=s: "One finds nothing but work CA rl II " lacleur d'urgue,S (1766· September, 1957 ) , ~. common ideas and a complete ignoranc:e 1778). In 1759 COlTene was named or· "Francoil Joseph F,£til, " Dandrieu, Jan­ Francois," Bio"ophi, U"ivl!rlelle vol. 11, p. of the art DE writing: Now what is an ganist to the Prince o[ Conde, a devoted 422. organist who has nothing but brilliant musical amateur, and in 1780, organist •• Bonfib, ,, " , it ., p . 48. playing'''· He also relal~ il story that to the Duke o[ Angoulcme. 10 See the chapter on Jean-Fr.Ulcois Dandrieu Handel. having heard Daquin play. was COtTcllC married Catherine Morizct (or more information. so impressed and amazed that he re­ on 8 Januaq', 1733, and their 5011 . Il Paul 8runold, " Lell D'Andrieu ( les Noell (used to play in front of D.aquin. Felis known as Michel Correne "fils," was pour I'orgue de l'Abbe Pierre d' AndOeu ), linds this report unbelievable. also an organist. Corretle was a mom L'O',,,e n (Octobcr-Ikecmber, 195~ ) 9'1. U FHi .. Rauscl, "Dandrku .. I"inrc," MCG Although Pirro (inds the Noels "too of means as \\"dl as reputation , and the Bel. II (19S2), col . 1888. non.·cry," be seems more disappointed Mercure tie Fra" C't: of 1775 said of him: N F~li .. Raugld , "Daondricu. Pil'rre," MCC, al not finding speci£ic clements of Da­ "illS name i!\ known and his reputation 1Sd 11 (l9S2 1, ("nt. 1889·1890. quln's work which werc praisrd h)" his io; ~tabli s hcd : "" According to ,,'ctis, N Andre I'ino, "Jean Frnncuis Dandrieu: ' (:uOlcmpornrics. ConClte was ;u:lh'c1}, inten:stct! in Ar~h icl!I del "'4i,,,, tie 1'0'.,U deJ .\' 1' 1- , Fn~ n(h lUusic. ancl held many concerts .rVlle ttl XI ' II/ ~ Sihll!J, Vol. 7, I'd. I,y We: know Ihe lalene of O;lquin the organist in his (m'll homc. Among lhc composers Alexandre Gllihnant (Paris : A. Durand c:I ",d ~ hy Ill, Nmu,:cQw I.i l'" tic N rub: we whose wo rks were pcrfomled at these Fils, 19(6) , prefacl'. lind then: none of the profound harmonic 15 Norbert Dufolln:q, fA Alluiq ue d'O" ue dh:clS Ihat Marchand approved, nor the galherings were tully and Campra. F,an~aile JI! J~htJrI T j'elallze II Jdll~ " Allli" Q10vinll chord. or which the Av.a .. ,-Co.. ,tll, Corrcne was a prolific composer of (PoU1J : Librairie Floury. 1!H9 " p . ti l. mala rMnlton . . . Qar even the niJhlinp1e '\o\o'01"'-S for many musical instruments, .. Raugel. op. til .• cui. 1890. sons' which tr.arupol'trd Merder. We aho including organ, harpsichord, \'iolin. r.pau1 BrvnokJ, "Ln D' Andricu," 14'O'eut look lh~ in vain roc- the lwO buuliful Vi,nil.­ rime, ;Uld mU5Clle. !o'or Ihese instru· 76 (Jul,-Seplrmhc:r, 19S5) 66-69. tiom in canon analogou. to those which ments he wrote , concerlos. diver­ "Georg" Sl' rviCfU, "Documents ini di .. sur J.S. 8:I.I:h did on I'om Himm" hod, on tissements, and quartets. He also com· Iell Orpnistel Ir.mcai.t d~ XVII- eI I' Oil Golt will i~h nidI lrule" whkh COfTCSoo XVIIf" sitda," lA Tribune de St.-Gnr;ais, ponds 10 the old french song, 'Une jeune posed \'oal works, including masses, 18-9 (1922), p. 2111. miette! These variations .re d~ribed in motets, dl3nsons, arienes, and antat3S. .. Jean BonfUs, "La Noi!b de Pierre et Olivier Messiaen and Yvanne Lariad the KriliJ~"e Bril!le IIber die TodllnJI of Currette hcid a k<."Cn interest in mu­ Jean-Francois Dandrieu, L ' OrWlle 83 ( April· (in privale life, Mrs. Messiaen) aclcnaw.. Marpuf'8' (I, 1760. p. 38) , but it is hard to sic education. and he opened 3 $Chool September, 19.57 ), 51. ledge a slanding ovollan following their ,«: thelD in the dif{~nt couplets 01 Noel, o[ music. In spite o[ his enthusiasm, .. Andre PirTO , op • .:il. performance at Cornell College, MI. XI, where there are several irnitations on howc\er, his students werc said to show N. Jean Benjamin de Labordl', in Euai ftl' Vernon, Iowa an Oct 28, 1973. The small the theme popuL:r.r in France And Germany, I. MIIJiqu III (Pari!: Ph.D. Picna, 1780) lillie progress, .and the), were the ob· Iowa town was jllli one ef six places at but no canon, ('\'en freely tr('atM,· jects of jott.-s among the musici31lS of p . 377, Mop that Daquin died pty 411 'I!'"' ... her 15 June, 1772. whkh 'he french couple played during Paris. It is said ulat they were alled Cellil"f :md Bachelin go SO far :1.\ to .. One 01 hi. a ncell lon; "''lU a rahbi of their autumn concert taur of the U.S. fault him for writing in Ihe style he " k'S anacho~trs " (literally, "hermits;" A\'igllOn who I'.:lln\'erted tn Catho ri cis rn , Carnell CoUege also presented an han· I;:new best, and they say his improvisa­ when separated into "k'5 alles a Cor· moved to Aquinn in Nap-Its, and was arary doctor of humane leHers degre. baptized ill d'Aquin. Having written several tional vinuosity is "to the detriment of rette, il means "the blockheads o[ Cor­ to the cel.brated French composer at the rette.") books on the Jewish history and languagl'. he close of the concert. Th. evening climaxed true organ style.";oo moved to Pam in 1610 and became l'nJfcssor ColTene is the author of a numb<."f a thre. day warlcshap d.vated the In 1735 Daquin publiShed his Pre· of Hebrew at the ColIl'ge of France in Ui27. '0 o( "method" books, and the imtrumcnts music of Messiaen. mier Livre de P;euJ de Clavecin. a col· lIS Jean Vigue. "LOllis-Claude D'Aquin." lection o( descriptive pieces, dedicated for which he wrote these texts indude HOl!u, rdited by N. Dulourcq. F. Raugel, and "iolin, quinte (viola) , violoncello, flute, to Mademoiselle de Sonhise. 3. sludent J. de Valoil (Paris : Editiom mloaicaks de b guitar, lUandolin, harp, and hUrdy· of hb. Approximately 20 years later ap· Schola Cantorum et de la Procure giMrale de pe:ated his NOllve'HI Livre de Noels pour gurdy. His L'Arl de Je pnlectioflm!r mwique) O'fur ttl Lifu"il! #77.28. prcf;w:e. (,alU Ie violon (1782) is also all impor­ "Ihid. l'Orgue" which was dediC:lted 10 the • Laborde. 01' . cil . Duke of Eu, (sovereign prince o( Dom­ tant collection o( violin music. AU of his books contribute to a complete pic­ - Laborde, op. cil. bes) a strong admirer o[ Daquin. The ture o( French music instruction Irom ., Pierre Socanne, "Vieux Papien: IV. only other work of his which was sur­ Rameau, Daoquin et Couperin a l'egliJC Saint vived is a cantata, La /lOSI! jParis, lhe middle of the 18th century. Cor­ Paul (1727)," L, Guide du Co"cul (Janna r" 1762) . Fetis, Vigue and R:l.Ugelt! men· rette is also known for having contrib· 31 , 1931 ), p. "'56. tion other choral and keyboard music uted to the development o( symphonic • Adolphe Adam, in SClllt'eni" tI'II" ,\f"Ji­ [orm in that the filth SotJatme of opus cinl (Paris, Andcnne Maison, 18M), PII. 134· supposed to ha ..·c lx.-cn left in manu­ 144, credits Ihis dell'at with being the rorte script (onn by Daquin. but no trace 9 clearly presents two themes. Among his worb [or kcyooard Cor­ t"l at pointed Romeau toward composing for has bttn found of them. tke thcatre. rette wrote Premier Livre dt: P ; ~ceJ There are 12 sels of nocl vaci,uions .. Laborde, 0;. , il., p. 377. in Daquin's Nouveau /.ivre de Noeb. pour Ie Clavecin (opus 12, 1754) and '!II Jean ViguE , "Daquin, Lou;' Claude," The number o[ \'arialions ranges from a AUt/,ode pour "accotllpognemenl for lArw usle dl! hi .UII.iqlle. I, 39. two to seven per noel, with the number harpsichord or organ (1755). He also f1 Andre fino. "Louis Claude D'Aquin." Casavant Builds for o[ variations found most ohen being 2, pUblished three books of organ pieces, A,div" d" M.:',el Je ,'OriU. JlI, ed. by (1757, 1750, and 1756, respeaively) • and Alexandre Guitmant (Paris: A. Durand el Decorah, Iowa Church 5, and 6 (with three each) . Fils, 1701 ) p. 158. Noels lI, 1I1, VII and XI begin with a Concer'o pour II! clavecin and Oller.. loirl!'s p:nl1 argue, both in .764. ft Felix Raugel, L" GrndeJ 0""., d., A new 25·stop mechanical action or.. the noel ume in the tenor, and III and E,lisel de Pam ttl tiN Di ;IJ"l!men' de I. gan was completed lhis summcr at the XI also usc the melody in the tenor in S.;,., ( Pan.: Librairie Fisc:hbachcr. 1927) , In 1755 he published the Nouvtau .·irst LlIlheran Church, Decorah, Iowa. the course of the variations. This is un· p , 85. The instrument was built by Casavant usu:al (or Daquin. beacusc in the other Livre de Noill avec un Carillon pour ft Norbert Durourcq, Ls M.uill" J·Or,.e Ie dOlledn ou "orgue. In the " Frrl" , .ue (Paris: Librairie Floury, 1!H9) , p. fre res Limitl:e of St. Hyacinthe, Que. noels the melody is rarely found out bec. Canada. The lonal design done meill" Correlte gives evidence o( the 116. was of the soprano for Inore lh:m :to few by Lawrence Phelps, and the installa­ ,·ogue for the concerto, a form which f . Jbid., II . 117. me.1Sures. 11 Andre PirTO, "L'Art des OrpnuleJ," tion and tonal finishing was completed The popularity of Daquin's noels is he himself had helped popularize in France by publishing many works under EnrydopiJi, d. ItS Alruiqlle Itt Di"io,uure till under the supervision of Gerhard Brun· based on colorful registration (arcfully ConJervaloire. P;:ut 2, vol. II, p. 1349. lema. The case is built of solid oak, lIoled in the score), virtuostic finger­ thal title. He promlscd that his pieces '1"1 Lionel de La Laurcnde, "La Musique ::Ind the facade pipes arc of burnished work, and the particular inventiveness could be "concerted" with violin. violas. Francai.," ap. ';'1 ., I, 1506. tin. The manual compass is 58 notes, violoncello, flute and clavecin, and C:lre­ 'fT Andre Pinv, op. ';'1 ., p. 1350. in his variation figuration. and the pedal compass is ~2 notes. Both fully explains which instrument should '1"1 See Guitmant, Arehivl!I, p . 159. key and SlOP actions are mechanical. '1"1 Pierre D .....· al. lA Alwillile ,It Fnnlu "" play which parts. He goes on to say: Dedication services wetc held on Sept. " The same 'concerting' ca.n also bt! XI' III'" S,Jde ( Paris : Parat, 1961) , p. 011. MICHEL CORRETTE .. Laborde, 0'. ti, . 23, and dediation recitals the same done wilh the organ in the manner of n Chllrles E. VDS3n , " French Orpn day were pcrfonm:tI by William B. Nouveau Livre de Noi ls trVt!C un Mr. Handel:" Correne had enjoyed Carillon, Pour II! Clavedn ou L'OrgtU:. School of lhe 17lh and 18th Centuries" Kuhlman, organist of the church and great success with his five Concer'os dt: (Ph.D. disscration, Univenity of Michipn, Par Mr. CorreUI!. Orga"ule dl!J RR. PP. (acuity member of Luther College. Noil (#1·4, 1;33; #5, 1752) :and he 1948) , p. 37. Y\'Dune M. Kuhlman is associate organ­ Jen~;teJ de 14 rue St. Antoine. Prix hoped this collection would likewise t<:'Jltomas K . Btuwn, " The French Baroque ist of the church. 6 liv. A Paris, Chez. L'Auteur~ rue SUCtted. In order to insure the dear Organ Tradition" ( Ph D. dissertation, Florida d'OrlednJ~ quartier St. Honore. Me. Stale Univenity, 1967 ) , p. 70. understanding of his intentions, he ex­ HAUPTWERK Hoiv;tJ, rue St, Honore d ld r~g/e d'Or. lIS F~l i x Ibgucl, LtJ O'WtSIIU'I!J (PaN: plains that lhe suggested registrations Librairie Renou:t.rd, 1923) , p. 102. Quintaden 16' Le Sr. LeClerc rue du Roull! d ld Croix found at the beginning or within the Priru.ipal 8' d'Or. A Lyon, Chef. Mr. de Bretonne rue N Sebastien Mercier, T4btl!all J. P"riJ, Vol. pieces an: not [or the harpsichord, but II, Ck. CXXXI, p . 78, quoted in Pino, op. Rohrfllite 8' Merciere. the organ! Oktav 4' ror dt., p. 1362. Spluniile 2' NouVt!au Liln'e de NGiu aVt!c un A a Raugel. 0;. man of his times, CorreUe concerns eal. FlachllOte 2' Carillon, edited by Norberl Dufourcq himself with \,lrluosily. and the colori5- • Alaandre Guilnumt, " La Musiquc Felix Raugel. Jean de Valois (Paris: Sesquiahen. II 2~' tie ef[ects of lhe organ. His concepts o( d' Orgue," E"Q,'o;iJil! dl! I. Afruilllle, II. Mixtur V l Y; ' Editions de 101 Schola Cantorum " de la registralion are gi\'en in his Premier 1134. Trompcte 8' Procure Gcnerale de Mllsique, 1970.) Livrl! d'Orgue (1737) and in hls 1787 n Raugcl, 01' . ,i, ., JI . 102. • F~tu, ap. ,if., p. 429. publication, P;eceJ pour rOrgue d'un SCHWELL\\'ERK • PirTO, op. p. 13-19. gt:nre nOuveau. ti, ., Salizional 8' Michel Conette was born in Rouen eo Cellier and Bachdia, 0;. ti.1. in 1709 and died in Paris in 1795. He (To be cOlilirllleri) Gedackt 8' fI. HOllt'l!oll Lit're J, No,u /I(fllr "Or,u•• f PriRJ:ipal 4' was ule son of Gaspard Correlte, a well· I,;,. do,., ,. p/ll/lo" PI!IIII'", ,. .~J t;¥. KoppeIRiile 4' "nown composer and organist at Saint­ Nons Itt 1&1' In l'iol"lU, If&lll!J, "4",60il, d~ • •• ' Oktaw 2' Herbbnc iu Rouen. As was the cwtom OI!.VII II, Parlt, l'Auleur. {17571 - Ouinte I y,' Dr the times, Michel Corrette helt! si· • F~tiI and Vip, 0'. cil. Felix RauIU. Scharf IV Y, ' multaneously ule post as organist at .. AJKlre Pino, in Archit'l!l In MrJit'I!J d, " Daquin, Louu·Clallde," MGG, 8d. III Krummhom 8' .. number o( churches. In 1726 he took l'Orlll1! V, 198, :u cited in Charlt'S E. VOPQ, (1954), col. 1. Tremulall t the position OIL Sainte-Marie-Madeleine "The French Orpn School of Ihe 17th And .. In "Bibliographie" of L'O'6I1e 96 ( Oct .• Ike., 1960), 130, Felix Rausd indicates that in Paris: in 1787 he WOlS org:mist of the 18th Centurit'S," (Ph.D. diaertatioo, Univer_ P EDAL Grand Priory or Frantt. From 1750 he ,ity of Michigan, 1949), p. 73. Cornne may hawe held the organ at the Subbass 16' College of the Jc:suitn from 1726. designated himself as a knight of the U Charles E. Vogan, up. cil., p. 14. Oluav 8' II Eugcne Bornl, " Corrette, Webel," MGG, Order of Christ and organist o( the a; P... ul Bmnold, "Lt'S D'Andricu (La mtdi· Gedacktnate 8' que ..-oc:alel. L'O"II, 80 (july.September, Bd. II (I9.'t:! ), cot. 1694. College o[ the Jesuits of the Rue Saint· Choralbau ... 1956), p . 79. • M . Correne, NOlIlJl!o&l !.illll d. Noell ru;~e Milltur IV 2' Antoine.- Corrette was the organist at f4 The entire licle is ,"'en by 8mno\d, •• C.,i1lu, ed. by N. Dulourcq, F. Rausd, FaFlu 16' this d1Urch, known as Saint-Paul-Saint­ "Ln O' Andricu," L 'O"Utt 76 (Jul,·Seplem. J. De Valois (PW: Editions de I. Schola Trompele 8 ' Louis :alter the Concordat, when Dom h

THE DIAPASON , GEORGE MARKEY RECORDINGS AMERICAN RECORDINGS: George Markey Plays the Allen Digital Computer Organ (Just Released) BACH - Prelude and Fugue in C (BWV 547) KelLNER - Chorale, "Was Gatt tut, das ist wohlgetan" LlDON - de Primo Tona FELTON - Concerto in B-Flat ROGER-DUCASSE - Pastorale TOURNEMIRE - Choral·lmprovisotion sur Ie "Victimoe Pascheli" Stereo $6.00 The Wicks Organ Series, Volume One, Series Two MENDELSSOHN - Sonata No. 1 in F minor SCHUMANN - Canon in B minor (Iram Six Studies lor Pedal­ Piano, Op. 56), Sketch in F minor (Iram Four Sketches lor Pedal-Piano, Op. 58) DURUFL~ - Prelude and Fugue on the Name ALAIN, Op. 7, Toccata (Iram Suite pour Orgue, Op. 5) Stereo $5.95

GERMAN RECORDINGS: (Stereo $7.95 each) Psallite 84/030 969 F: N. 8RUHNS - Preludes and Fugues in E minor (2) and G; D. BUXTEHUDE - Prelude, Fugue and Ciacana, "Von Galt will ich nicht lassen," Prelude and Fugue in F, Gigue Fugue.

Psallite 85/040 969 F: J. S. BACH - Preludes and Fugues in B minor (BWV 544), G (BWV 541), D (BWV 532), and G Minor (BWV 542).

!'sallite 86/050 969 F: J. REUBKE - The 94th Psalm, W. A. MOZART - Fantasias (KV 608 and 594).

Psallite 9B1220 770 F: C. M. WIDOR - Mavements Irom Symphonies II and V.

Psaliite 991230 770 F: F. L VI ERNE - Symphony II, Carillon de Westminster, Impromptu Op. 54. Finale Irom Symphony VI.

PsaUite 101/280770 F: REGER - Fantasy on "Wie schon leucht' uns der Margenslern" Op. 40, No. 1; "Weihnachten" Op. 145, No.3; Fantasy on "Ei" feste Burg is. unser Goff" Op. 27; Toccota and Fugue in 0, Op. 59, Nos. 5 and 6.

Psallite 102/290 770 F: M- DUPR~ (In Memoriam) - Three Preludes and Fugues, Cortege et litanie, Varia~ons sur un Noel Op. 20.

Psallite 103/300 770 F: M. DURUFl~ - Suite Op. 5, Scherzo Op. 2, Variations on "Veni Creator Spiritu.," Prelude and Fugue on the Name ALAIN.

PsaUile 106/100 870 F: P. HINDEMITH - Three Sanalas.

All Recordings Available from: Markey-Psallite 42 Maplewood Avenue Maplewood New Jersey 07040

For Concert Information: Jane Page Markey, Personal Representative, 42 Maplewood Ave., Maplewood, N.J. 07040. Telephone (201) 762·7674 New Organ Music YALE SCHOOL OF MUSIC OrgauiSltU de Ie r~GI ctJpilla, Siglo Paul Tholllas (ed.). Preludes For the XVIII, Vol. I is edited by Samuel Ruhio HymnJ In lI'orJliip Supplement. Vol: and is published by Associated/ Union 4: Celleral (Concordia, $2.50). Musical E.'panola ($16,75) . Containing jean BonCHs (et.I .). Louis Marchand: 3rd Organ Symposium 134 pages of organ music py Jo:;e Lidon, 1..' Oeuvre d'orgue, edition inligrale Yolo Felix Maximo Lopn. Joaquin Oxinaga, I (Galaxy/ Les ~itlons ouvri~res. and Ju:m de Snse. this is the lalest in 16.(0) . March 13·15, 1974 a series of exemplary editions and re­ Alfred 8auU1, Fuie Orgellcomposi· editions by Fr. Rubio, Ab~nce of the riouen (Petcrs/ Eulenburg. $5.00) . ~ound · resources of the older Spanish Kurt Bossler. KnleitioJkop (Peters/ instruments. the stereotyped limiu of Milller, $5.(0). musical style. and the hil;h cost of the Kurt Dossier. Choral·Fanltu;e: Wachet present edition will likely combine to Aul (Peters/Multer. $6.(0). e\'okc ollly mild inten.ost in this publi. Karl Thieme. bwocntioni tIer organo cation [rom contemporary organists. It (Peters/ Milller, $7.50). is ncvcrthek"S5 a must for the institu. C.H, Tre\'or (cd.). Organ Music lor tional library. Matulnb J'ols. 3 &: 4 (Oxford. $4,05 MAX REGER Wolfg:lIlg Wiemer's Ellocation III is cach) , A continuation of the anthology puhlished by Associ:lted/ Breitkopf containing short pieccs and excerpts. Exploring the Differing Interpretations ($10.00). Although com'cntionat no· mall)' of which are little-known. tation i5 IIscd throughout, many of the Darwin W'otronl (ed.) . The Begin· of the Master's Work harmonic. conceptions r.mge far hom lI iug Orgnnisl. An A,.",ol0(1 01 easy the ordinary. Beside5 contriving interest· pieceJ from 'he 16th to the 2Otl, cen­ ing sound mixes. Mr. Wiemer has the turieJ (Shawnee/Flanllner. 2 vols., ability to make a piece breathe and nex. $2.50 each). In spite of 50mc over·edi· Technical dCln3uds arc moderately high. ting. this would not he a had choice for Augsbnrg ha5 ventured to publish a beginning organist with moder-ately Tre peu ; per orgnno: A1m/iment" Mon· good keyboard facility. Presentation. by: ot/ia. Slwgalru by Ben~t Hambraeus jon Spong (romp,). Organ Music lor ($5.00) , Written in 1966·(j7, the three ./0),0115 OCCtlS;OtlS (Sh3.wnec/Flammer, Michael Schneider picH'S arc inlended 10 be played as a $2.25) . group. Thc third, howe\·er. may be per­ Cordon Yuung. A Got/t;C Suite Robert Bailey Philip Prince formed separately. Conventional and (Shawnee/ Flammer, $ 1.50)_ graphiC notation inter·mingle. and the Ludwig Altman, Prelude or P01t· Benn Gibson Robert Schuneman present puhlication is a ph.otographic IIHle Inr a Pilgrimage Festival; F~Jfive Jack Hennigan James Wyly reduction of the autograph score. Mr. JIO$ tlutlc lor a Pilgrimage FeJtival (Transcontinental Music Publications, and others Hamhraeus' notational style has an aesthetic all its 0\\'11 . As the titles imply. SI.OO each). the first pit."Cc is a study in (he COli­ , Charles Krigbaum, Co-Ordinator trast or pace and densit)'_ lhe setond piece is a kind of enhanced monophony. and the third has explicit Eastern connolatiuns. Technical demand:s in Movimtllti ;md Shagal", arr moocr;ltely hiRh; MOllot/ia is a Challenge for the For details and reservations, write or phone: Yale School of Music, most sc:asoned pcrfonner. I a Clmpel/e deJ A IJimeJ was com­ 96 Wall Street, New Haven, Conn. 06520. Tel. (203) 436·8740. missioned oC jcan Guilloll by (he Drakc Unh'crsil), ColIl"gc oC Fine Arts in 1972. The present edition is nailable from Elkan· VOJ!elJLcduc ($6.75). The piece has already enjo}'cd somc lillie expc15urc in public recital5. Thosc familiar with SOlJTBERN METHODIST rhe more consct\'ativc hranch of the 20th century·French " irtu05ic organ ~chool will recOfmize at onCe an lJNIVERSITY exemplification of both its Rlorics 3.nd its weaknesses. - ,\resley Vm DALLAS. TEXAS Briefly N oled announces Andrea.s Por(etye. Fantasia super B.A.,C.H. t:t Lamentatio Jeremiae Pro­ ph


St. Francis in the Fields Churl'h, Louisville, Kentucky

First I.ongregational Church, Billings, Montana

Christ Memorial Hdormed Church, Holland, Michigan

OV('rhrook Pr(·Rh~· terian Church, Richmond, Virginia

ll nivcrsit~ · of Oklahuma, Norman, Oklahoma

Peace College (HesLnration), Huleigh, North I.aroli na

Arlin!!ton United 1\lethodist I.hurch, Bridgeton, Missolll'i

Utah State Universit~· , Logan, Utah

HOLTKAMp· CLEVELAND ANew Graduate Program In

James UHon, organist and moirmaster of Trinily Church, Princeton, N.J. (back to Organ camera) is shawn conducting Malcolm Williamson', opera ''Wint.r Star" during the filming of the "Directions" program by ABC network TV. The program was aired on Dec. 9, 1973. "Winter Star", a mini40p.ra (labeled a "Canation for Audience and Instruments'" for church u •• was commissioned by the Arts Council of Great Britain; it received Its first U.S. performance In June of 1973. The Princeton production for TV took place at Trinity Church, and the boy.. glrll, and adult choir. of Trinity Church all Performance participated in the filming.

Westminster's organ department has a well-deserved Cannarsa Rebuilds for Wicks Adds to Organ reputation for excellence in performance. It has a Hanover, Pa. Church in Lafayette, Ind. distinguished faculty of teacher-performers which includes The organ in Lohr's Memorial United Immanuel United Church of Christ, Robert Carwithen, Virginia Cheesman, William Hays. Methodist Church, H:mover, Pennsyl· Lara),cue, Ind., has signed a contract vania has been completely rebuilt by with the Wicks Organ Company of Joan Lippincott. who is head of the department, Cannarsa Orbrans, Inc., o[ Hollidaysburg Highland, III., for the addition of 18 and Duncans\'ilIe, Pennsylvania. The ncw ranks to be added to tIle present James Litton, George Markey, Donald McDonald, and original 1929 console has been replaced J·t·rank organ. A new IO-rank Great by a new 3-manual Cannarsa console in division will be exposed on the right Eugene Roan. And its 150 organ majors are a continuing 1962. The original chests, reservoirs, etc. sidc of the chancel. and ule Choir and and enthusiastic testament to the high standards of both were replaced this year by the firm. A Swell divisions will each get four new Trumpet and upperwork have been ranks. Robert Hinkle, dircctor or music the faculty and the department. added will. preparation for a larger at lnllnanucl Church, worked oul the Underlying this tradition of outstanding performance­ Pedal and Choir divisions at a future 5toplist in consultation with Thomas date. The original pipen-ork has been Doeppers, district representative lor the which includes some fifty recitals a year on campus - re\'oiccd to blcnd with new pipework. Wicks firm. is a solid foundation of scholarship. A graduate student GREAT majoring in organ performance at Westminster not only GREAT Principal 8' 61 pipes (new) Principal 8' 85 pipes l-IolzSedttkt 8' 61 pipes (ncw) is required to give a full recital with carefully researched Ilohlflutc 8' 61 pipes Octavc 4' 61 pipes (new) Violone Cello 8' 73 pipes Spillpfeife 4' 61 pipes (new) program notes, but to take two organ literature courses Dulciana 8' 73 pipes FJachlloete 2' 61 pipes (new) Octavc 4' Mu.ture IV 244 pipa (new) chosen from among offerings in the French Classical, Wald Flute 4' Stille Trumpet 8' 61 pipes (new) Violin 4' North German Baroque, Romantic, and 20th Century Fifteenth 2' SWELL Mill;turc III 183 pipes Rohrbass 16' 12 pipes schools. The emphasis in these courses is upon the style, SWELL Rohrnule 8' 61 pipes Bourdon 16' 12 pipes Violc 8' 61 pipes form, performance practice, and interpretation of works Stopped Diapason 8' 61 pipes Viole Celeste 8' 49 pipes S:alicional 8' 73 pipes Prestant 4' 61 pipes Vall; Celestc 8' 73 pipes by representative composers of each school. In addition Spiunute 4' 61 pipes (new) Aeoline 8' '3 pipes we offer courses in organ pedagogy and improvisation. Flutc 4' 12 pipes Nazard 2%' 61 pipes (new) Prestant 4' 61 pipes Klcinoctavc 2' 61 pipes (ncw) Ticrce It}' 61 pipes (ncw) The curriculum is also coordinated with a biennial Nazard 2~' Flautino 2' French Trompetle 1]' 61 pipCl European Organ Study Trip that affords students the Block Flute I' Clarion 4' 12 pipes Trumpet 8' 61 pipes rare opportunity to play and hear scores of significant Oboe 8' 73 pipes CHOIR CnOIR Bourdon 8' 61 pipes historical and modern organs. Bourdon 8' (prepared) Gemshorn 8' 61 pipes Spitznot~ ¥ (prcpued) Gemshom Celeste 8' 49 pipCl If taking your masters degree in one of the outstanding Principal 2' (prepared) Principal 4' 61 pipes (new) Larigot l¥l' (jlrcpared) Hohlflute 4' 61 pipes (new) organ departments in the United States is appealing, Zimbcl III (prcpared) Blockllutc 2' 61 pipes (new) Krummhorn B' (prepared) Quinlc l¥l' 61 pipes (new) write: Director of Admissions, Westminster Choir College, ECIIO Krummhom 8' 61 pipes Princeton, New Jersey 08540. Graduate assistantships Concert Flutc 8' 61 pipes Wald Flute oI' 12 pipes PEDAL are available. Quint Flute 22A' Open Diapason 16' 12 pipes Piccolo 2' Bourdon 16' 32 pipes Voill; I1l1maine 8' 61 pipes Rohrbass 16' (Swell) Tremolo Principal 8' 32 pipes Chimes Bourdon 8' (Choir) PEDAL Flaulo Dolce 8' (Swell) Sub Bass 16' 24 pipes Choral Bass 4' 32 pipes Bourdon 16' 12 pipcl Flutc 4' (Great' Quint 10%,' Millture 11 &l pipes Westminster Diapason 8' Sub Trumpet 16' 12 pipa Flutc 8' Trumpct 4' (Great) Violoncello 8' Octave 4' Flutc 4' Clarion 4' Choir College THE MUSIC OF HANS LUDWIG SCHIL­ LING, composer and mwicolopt of Freiburs. THE HARVARD UNlVERSIlY cuomo Wcst Germany, was featured in a pia festival under thc direction of John Ferris, lans concert at Edenton Street United Methodist "Excellence in Organ Pe~fonnance " Faure's "Requicm," and Hindemith'. "Appa. Church, RaldSh, North Carolina on Nov• .f. "bit Repentina Dics" in a concert in memory 1973. James M. Marshall conducted, and Her­ or John F. Kennedy on Nov. 18, 1973 in the bert Manfred Hoffmann of Frankfurt, West Memorial Church, Cambridsc. Mauachuseb. Germany, was thc ol'Jllnist. The concut in­ cluded "Fanlare.Ric:cn:arc-Hymnus" lor brass THE PLAY OF DANIEL was presented at choir, "Psalm ISO" for 1010 IOpraao and or~ the Fint Presbyterian Church, NashviUe, Ten. gan, "Intesration on BACH" (or organ; "M:'­ nessee on Nov. 9 and 10, 1973 under the eli. Ja Brevis" for choir and Ol'Jlln, "Adagio" for rcction of Hcnry Fwner, organist and chou-. Itrins orchestra (world premiere), and "Anti~ master or the church. The production re­ lone" for Ol@ll, IOto trumpet, 3 &rombonCl. ceived "rave" reviews ffODl local critica. pcrcussion and choir (world premiere). , 8 THE DIAPASON EDWARD TARR. American born .pec:ialjst ill baroque brass instruments of Basle, Switzer­ representatives for performing musicians Ialld, and GEORGE KENT, organist of West­ erly, Rhode bland, tr.I.vdled in Japan from ~~ Phillip Truckenbrod, director Od. 19·30. 1973, They gave brass and organ concerts at St. }.bry's Cathedral and the In­ ternational Christian University in TokJO, and also in Osaka and Himegi with the TeJe­ mann Ensemble,

ROBERT S. LORD will lectun: on the mu­ sic of Tournemire for the January 28 meetinl ~~ Arts Imag~ of the Pittsburgh Chapter of the AGO .t Suite 515, Gateway I, Newark, N. 07102 Heinz Chapel, Univenity of Pittsbursh, Pa. J. Dr. Lord will play representative worb to demonstrate the lecture. (201) 624-3308

JOHN ROSE Robert Vincent, organist and choir­ cathedral of the sacred moster of London's Royal Porish Church heart and rutgers of St. Martin-in-th.. Fields, will make a tour in North America next Odober as an university, newark organ recitollst under the management of Arts Image, Ltd. Mr. Vincent, who has been organist at the famed Trafalgar "EXCELLENT" Square church since 1968, teaches at the - The Village Voice, Royal School of Church Music and the New York City. Aug. '73 Guildhall School of Music and Drama. He is a recitalist and broadcaster of con­ "ASTOUNDI NG" siderable experience throughout Great --The Chautauquan Britain. New York, July '73 Mr. Vincent was a student of Andre Marchal in Paris shortly before he b ... came a Fellow of the Royal College of Jozef Serafin of Warsaw, Poland, witl "BRILLIANT" Organists. The following year he won an become the first professional concert or.. -The Kansas City Times, organ scho!arshlp 10 continue his studies ganist from his country to make a per­ '71 at Magdalen College, Oxford University, formanee lour in North America when he where he graduated with honors in 1964. makes debut recital appearances In the spring of 1975 under the repr.. entation "INSPIRING" of Arts Imaae, Ltd. DARWIN LEITZ, of Fort Warne, Indiana, -Het Vaderland, wrote an "Orison Anthem" especiaJl,. for Em­ Born in Krakow in 1944, Mr. Serafin Holiand, Jan. '73 manuel Episcopal Church's Advent Sunday graduoted with honors from the State Evensong k"rvice in Baltimore, Md, on Dec. Aca:lemy in Krakow, studying with 2, 1973. Mr. Leitz was present to conduct the fesso" Bronislav Rutkowski and "DAZZLI NG" work, as well as his "Magnificat" and "Nunc Jargou. Later he studied in Belgium with -Lawrence Eagle-Tribune, Dirniuu" which were also included in the Flor Peete,. and in Austria with Anton Mass., '72 lUVice. Heitler. Mr. Serafin took first prize in the 1972 TIlE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF International Organ Competition In "EXCITI NG" SCHOOLS OF MUSIC elected the following Nuremberg, and he has given numerous -The Durham Sun, officen at its annual meeting at Houston, Nov. recitals and radio broadcasts throughout N.C., March '73 24-26 : Everett Timm, president; Warner L. Imig. vice-president; Charles H. Hall, trus­ Europe on both sides of the Iron Curtain. urer; Robert Briggs, recording ICCRtary; and He has recorded three albums in his Robert Glidden, executive secretary. home country.

WALTER HILSE Arts Image is proud to welcome Dr. from Arts Image .•. Hilse to its outstanding list of American and European concert organists. He holds a mUSicology Ph.D. and a composition M.A. from EUROPEAN ARTISTS 1974-75 SEASON Columbia University in New York where he now holds an assistant professorship on the music faculty oDiLE PIERRE (FRANCE) and he has studied at the Paris Conservatory. A composer and recital­ September-October 1974 ist with international experience, Church of the Madeleine, Paris Dr. Hilse received the highest scores "France, rich in organists as no other country, has one of the best nationwide when he took his AGO women organists in the world: Odile Pierre!" associate and fellowship exams. - Kainer Stadt-Anzeiger, Cologne, Germany ROBERT VINCENT (ENGLAND) October 1974 Church of Sl Martin-in-the-Fields, Trafalgar Square, london u. • • competent, neatly executed • • • tempi were well judged and the registration was a model of discretion • • • outstanding." -Croydon TImes, England AUGUST HUMER (AUSTRIA) late February-March 1975 Faculty, Bruckner Conservatory, linz n ••• handled the tracker instrument like an old friend. His registra­ tions brought out the natural terrace dynamics of Bach's style, vigor­ ously investigating each division to profound effect!' -The Evening Star, Washington, D.C. JoZEF SERAFIN (POLAND) March-April 1975 Poland's leading organ recording artist and re

DAVID BRUCE-PAYNE (ENGLAND) ....L April 1975 DDILE PIERRE ••• a name and talent destined to rank with her illus­ trious predecessors at the Church of the Madeleine, Paris - Saint-saens, Westminster Abbey assistant and Faure and Oemessieux. Mme. Pierre will make her debut North American Abbey Choir School Music Master recital tour in the autumn of 1974. She has held title to the Cavailie-Coli " .•• a romantic player of considerable distinction!" instrument at the Madeleine since 1969 has been professor of organ at -The Musical Times, London the Regional Conservatory of Rauen Since1 1959 and records for RCA.

JANUARY 1974 9 Letters to the Editor

ANTHEMS FOR SERVICE & CONCERT Bridgeport. CT Nov. 21, 1975 The engineen have probably missed To the Editor: getting some of the building sound to I take: exception to your reservaliotU condition the result - but that is a concerning the recording of the Rhein­ dif(icult criterion. The effect of these LENT berger Concertos at St. George's Church works in the recording I find satisfying. in New York. Mr. Biggs has chosen 1 hope we ha,'e olher !uch reoonlings Ave Verum (Poulenc) SSA unaccom!",nied (Latin/English) .SO· lhis instrument for 3. number of record· under the same conditions. ings silDply bCClUSC mat organ gave Ernest White .( lenten Motets (Poulenc) unaccompanied (Lotin/English) him the sort of sound he wished for 1. Great fear and .rembling (SATB) ...... _... _.. __ ...... 65· the occasion. He could have had access (0 most of the organs in New York Quaker Hill, CT NO"f. 9, 1973 2. Vine thot I have chosen (SAATBB) ...... 65· had he wished_ To the Editor: The point of possible over use: of Bravo for giving Rbeinberger some 3. Dorkness fell upon the earth (SAATBB) .. .65· the upper hannonia is a maHer of need of recognition in the November st}le and judgmenL The organ was used DIAPASON. CUrrent organ recital pro­ 4. Sad is my soul (SATB) ...... •.•. ___... _...... 65· ror what it was. He, in no way, was grams certainly do not - much to attempting 10 match the orchestral their impoverisl1ment - ilnd that of LOne. If Ihere were c10sely matched their listeners 100. timbres - where would the solo ef(ect You note that "It is about time that come from? The Rheinberger orches· Rheinberger gets his due reward." It NEW FOR PALM SUNDAY tration is (rankly "Romantic" - full looks as though 1 was almost 20 years and rich. The organ solo part is a con· too early in this regard. For thil b The Earth Is The Lord's (Paul Pierne) trast in style, therefore the use of up­ precisely what I was concerned to do Festival Anthem on Psalm 24 for SATB Chorus, Baritone standing c1arity of sound. The weight in my three Rhcin()erger articles which Solo, 3 Trumpets, 2 Trombones, and Organ edited and - or Jack of it - differentiates the appearcd in the July, August and Sep' arranged by Philip Brunelle. Dura.ion: 7' choruses of the works. tember issues of the DIAPASON in 1955. Contrary to the idea5, the I see with satisCaction tiowever that Complete choral score with organ reduction ...... •...... 75· daMic organ ensemble: was the one Rheinbcrger-s Chrisunas cantata. "The (Full score/ organ & brass parts - $10) Rheinberger and Mendelssohn were Star of lkthlehem," is scheduled for used to. Try pl::mning the Mendelssohn perfonnancc in the Brick PreSbyterian works ill Ilu5 mannerl How nalural Church, New York, 011 Dec. 2. and that then, (or IUtcinberger to write 35 he Biggs and "eress are presenting the EASTER did. organ concertos on Dec. 7 and 8 in Mr. Biggl shows his appreciation and Corpus Christi, Texas, At least tllis Alleluial Christ Is Reborn Todayl (Honegger) Cantique de Paques IUlderstanding of this historical point cantata bas been recorded (with of view. The "Romantic" organ build· Fischer·Dieskau and Rita Streich as (French/English) - for SSA Solois.s, SSA Chorus ond Organ. ing came later. soloists), even though (disgracefully) Duration: 6' (Accompaniment lor orchestra on rental) ...... 1.2S· I recently heard a "Rock" group not one or the 20 organ sonatas is to perrorm witb organ. The amplifict1 be (ound lisled in the Schwann cata­ Write on laHerhaod lor ref.rence copies sound was both turgid and loud. Alas logue. ] have been after various record­ * the ofK:J.nist did not realize the points ing companies to remedy tllis situation, just made. Hc used sounds without the but with no sutCCSS 10 date. It would bcnerit oC the clear drive of mixtures be natural (or Jiri Reinberger (the and upper pilches. The loudness in· Czech organist) to make some of these creased but there was no real addition recordings - assuming o( course lhat to quality or contrast. Mr. Schuneman, he is "cn rapport" with Rheinbergcr. MUSIC PUBLISHERS/575 MADISONNSSALA AVENUE/NEW YORK. N.V. 10022 I wish ),ou could ha,'e heard it with me. At any rate, I do wish to tllank }'on I heard the playing of these: worb (or your review (I shall ha"'e to get this in concert just before the recording. r~ord ) and excellent enluation of a


3 Manuals - 45 Ranks Mr. William L. Weil, Organist


HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT 06101 Member: Associated Pipe Organ Builders of America

10 THE DIAPASON much neglccted composer, ;1;5 well as A rew monrns ago )1)\lr statement for the interesting front page picturc. would havc been unrcmarkable. How­ Inddenlall,.. Rheinbcrger appears to be: c\'cr. Ihe cxistcncc o( the Fisher re­ quite a In mode (197~) hinutically cording is no longer obscure informa· speakingl With all good wishes. I am tion, as it was discussed in Richard Sincerely yours, Dums' article in the August 1973 is.'Iuc of Music/AGO. Paul F. Laubenstein Yours trul)', SELECTION OF EASTER MUSIC Douglass Johnson BILLINGS (cd. Daniel) - The Lord is Ris'n Indeed. An anthem for Easter. Mixed voic.. (SATB) a cappella (66496) $ .60 Athens, GA Nov. I!. 1973 - Two Easter AnthcIIIs (Crucifixion: RcsuITc



Fcn..fJ ~q£iAAA, ~ak-


The Rev . Edward Ostertag Mary Lou Kall inger Rector Organist


(814) 454·0193

JANUARY 197" 11. ARTHUR HOWES Buried Treasures INTERNATIONALLY KNOWN ORGANIST The Harpsichord Pages in Retrospect AND TEACHER by Larry Palmer

Thc end of anothcr year, the be­ Available for lectures, mas­ ginning of a ncw liturgical year, a chancc qUL'Stion about something oncc ter-classes, workshops, and cO\'eroo. in this magazinc's columns: sabbatical replacement in whatcvcr the motivc, [ have been 1974-75. moved recently to re·cxaminc the items CO\'CrL'tl in these harpsichord pages sinCe they became a regular feature of THE DIAPASON in October 1967. In so Founder and Director of Organ doing it has occurred to me that somc sort of tabulation or indexing of articles Institute, Andover, Massachu­ might be useful to our readen. [ shall tly to cla$$ify items under six general setts.1947-1964. headillbr-s: instruments and construction of ; perfonnance practice

12 THE DIAPASON Feb 70 (8), LP (Zuckennann, The Mo­ Perhaps this listing of major entries dem Harpsichord): Playing the Harp­ in our columns will save a lot of sichord, A Scarlatti Inheritance. and thumbing through old issues of the Other Rc\'icws. June 72 (12-13), LP magazine. and will encourage a reading (Howard Schou's Playing the Harpsi­ or re·reading of several articles. Of Frank Taylor works by chord and Kenneth Gilbert's new Scar­ course. our monthly listings of goings·on ~ays latti cdilion); Morc Reviews from the in the harpsichordists' world may bring Harpsichordist's World. Sept 72 (12), back nostalgic memories to some; but L.,; Tra'"cls and Trcvails: Some Recent nostalgia seems to be 'fin" these days, Harpsichord Recordings. June 73 (6-7). and we are happy to be in style. Lt' (a comparison of three CouperiD du ·Mage &Dandrieu recordings, the Martin Concerto. MHS recordings). Three special harpsichord concert te\"jews: Gusla\' Leonhardt in If there arc maUers which you, our Chicago, June 71 (12), Robert Schum~.. readers. would like to see discussed in man; Anthony Newman Plays Bach. these pages, we arc always happy to hear I:cb 72 (15), Roben Donington; Ralph rrom you. Perhaps our tabulation. five on the Kirkpatrick Plays Bach's Goldberg years hence, will include YOUR article. Variations in Houslon. May 73 (7). Into the ne\\' year: onward and up­ LP. ward! Fisk Organ at HARPSICHORD NEWS Old West Church VICTOR HILL opened his sixth MICl-I AEL COLLINS, professor of scasoll o( Griffin Hall concerts at WiI· musicology at North Texas State Uni· Iiams College with an all· English pro· \'crsity. neilton, spoke to 11le Harpsi. gram on September 22 and 23. Elisa· chord SOCiety of Dallas 011 NO\'cmbcr beth Pahnedo, soprano, joined him in 20. His topiC: thc Conrante and the Price: $5.95 arias o( Purcell, Dowland. and Handel. Sarabande. Linda Hoffer, a graduate Jallet Geroilio. nute. played the G rna· student in harpsichord at SMU, and Program: Livre d'Orgue by Pierre du Mage. j()r Smlata or Handel and appeared in ' :irginia Falconer, editor or the society's the Halldel arias. Dr. Hill played the newslettcr, played examples by D:eu­ Suite from the Premier Livre d' argue by J. F. E major Sonata o( J. C. Bach and the part on a one-manual harpsichord built Dandrieu. (Includes Dialogue, Basse de Trompette, Handel Suite irl F minor. by society-mcmber Richard Kingston. Tierce en taille, Concert de flutes, kfuzete, Duo en Dr. Hill's October 27 and 28 program Cors de chasse sllr la tTompette, OfertoiTe, Marque, at Williams was a lecture· red tal on the and Suite de l'O,ertoire.) naroque harpsichord suite. Musical ex· JOSEIJ", STEPHENS played a recital of American harpsidlOrd music in the amples included a Chambonnieres Suite Frank Taylor is on the faculty of Wellesley College Music De­ itl D ",i'lOr (choscn from the unpub. Hear ,\merica First serics at the Ncw lished works), the Frobcrger Suite 20, York Cultural Center on November 28. partment, n student of the late Melville Smith. Couperin 13th Ordre. and the Bach Three of thc works on the program Parlila in n ·/lat. He repeated this pro· werc dedicated to Dr. Stephens: Toccata Recording Edited and Engineered by David Griesinger and Lame," (1961). Alan Stout; Sere· gram 011 November II at the Cambridge and Stephen Fassett. School in Weston, Mass. "ata Jor HarpjicllCf"d (1973), Gerald nushy; and Fantasy lor Harpsichord (1963), Douglas Allanbrook; additional Elysee Editions, Inc. VICTOR WOLFRAM, Oklahoma (irst performances in New York were the 88 Lowell Road, Wellesley Hills, Mass. 02181 State University, Stillwater, played tbis l.cssons lor Harpsichord (1973) of program in the Faculty Artists Series at Daniel Pinkham and SOrlgs and Darlces (617 ) 235-6766 the University on October 9: From the (1969) for cello, keyboards, percussion. Fitzwilliam Virginal Book - Alman amI harpsichord by Frands Thorne. (Morley), Coronto (Byrd), The Prime­ Completing the program were Five rose (Pcerson). Fan'asia (Farnaby) • Children's Pieces lor Harpjichord Parldug'ou's Powrlde (Cosyn); March (1964) , Alexei Haicrr; Sonata lor Harp­ from Tile Married Deau. Jig lrom sichord (1952), Vincent Persichetti; and AI,dcla::er. Minuet in G. and GrO'Und, SOIlaUrla (1963), Joseph Fennimore. Iturccn; Song Time. Grourld in G, Dr. Stephens, who is also on the staff Theatre Time, Clmccme in G, Blow; (I( the Johns Hopkins Medical Center l.ambert's Fireside, Fellowe.s' DeUgllt, in Baltimore, playcd his Dowd harpsi· lIuglJes' /Jallet, Sargent's Fantastic chord. SCHLICKER ORGANS SI,rite. De la Mare's Pavone, Sir Hughe's The Uelgian Ministry of National Galliard from Lambert's Clavichord, Education and Culture and the Ruckcrs Howells; Clmco,me in G. Handel; So­ Genool!ichap of Antwerp are co·opera­ nala in E minor. Arne; suite in E, ting to present the rourth summer Handel. The program was entitled course for Ita rpsichord to bc taught "Four Centuries of English Keyboard by KENNETI-I GILUERT in the Slider Chests Music"; the instrument, Mr. Wolfram's Vlecshuis Museum, Antwerp, The William Dowd harpsichord. course will take place from August 5th through 15111, and will include music LEONARD RAVER played a faculty o( Frobergcr, Sweelinck, and Francois recital at the Hartl College of Music, Coupcrin. Information concerning fees Tracker or Electro-magnetic Unil'ersity of Hartrord, on October 14. and subsidies ror foreign participants His program: Toccata in A minor, L. may bc obtained by writing Mrs. J. PuIIdown of the Pallets 16, and Variations on "Onder een Unde Lambrechts·Douillez, Secretary, The groen". Sweelinck; Gagliarde 1·5, from Ruckers Genootschap, 200 Antwerpen, II seco"do Iibro. 1637, Frcscobaldi; Belgium, Vleeshollwemtraat 38·40. O"verlure in tile French Manner. S. THE HARPSICHORD, mlume 6, Mechanical or Patented 831, J. S. Bach; Lovers, Ned Rorcm number 4, features a finc article en­ (in honor of the composer's 50th birth­ titled Finger Over Verms Tllumb Ullder Vacuum-operated Stop Actions day): Sonalas K. lOS, 96, 215, 216, by David Way; a method (or tuning . Dr. Raver played harpsicbords in equal temperament by a harpsichord by William Dowd. Dr. Justin L. Beeson; and a conversa· tion willI harpsichordist Joyce Rawlings together with pictures and a descrip. LARRY PALMER was harpsichord tion of her monster double·ended soloist in Bacll's Brandenburg Concerto Sabathil. When budget or space are limited, 5 with the SMU Chamber Orchestra conducted by James Rives Jones. The Unit Organs with electro-pneumatic chests date was November 12, the place, SMU's Fl.-atures and news items for these Caruth Auditorium, as part of the pages are always welcome. Address University's Fall Festival of Music. The them to Dr. L:1ny I'almer, Dh·ision of are available harpsichord, a Dulckell model by Rain· MU5ic, Southern Methodist University. er Schuetze. Dallas, Texas 75275.

Custom-designed Pipe Organs to Meet Your Needs THE SHALLWAY FOUNDATION baa up. THE LATE DR. LEO SOWERBY wiD be dated its bulletin on "Choir Tour Costs," n:membeud through a memorial in the lorm which coven COlts for the year 1974 for chain o( D. Swell Bombarde division in the newly touring within the U.S.A. The bulletin is de­ rcnovatc-d orpn at the National Cathedral, signed primarily lor foreign choin travdling Washington, D.C. Dean Francis B. Sayre Jr. within the U.S.A., but contains some up to or the Cathedral announced the memorial fund Inquiries Invited Buffalo, N. Y. date charier bus and charter airplane figures to rauc $30,000 on Oct. 7, 1973 at a Ipecial which the foundation fe«!b would be: useful to Evensong service. Paul Callaway, cathedral or~ American Choin. It is available (ree to boy ganist and choirmaster. has accepted the chair. Member APOBA 14217 choirs upon request 10 ShaUway FoUDClation, manship or a distinguished committee to aIIiIt Connellsville, Pa. 15425. the cathedral in nisinl the memorial.

JANUARY 1974 13 East Tennessee State U. 3-ManuaI Austin for Gets New Teaching Organ Statesville, North Carolina A new S-manual teaching and recital A new Austin organ will be installed organ for East Tennessee State Univer­ In the Broad Street Methodist Church, sity. Johnson City. Tenn., was rccrntly Statesvi1te, North C:nolina. The new completed by the Reuter Organ Com­ organ will be installed behind the pany, Lawrence. Kansas. The organ is present organ case which is very much located in the auditorium of the music In keeping with the Akron style archi­ building. and is mounted on a platform tecture. The building is square with across the rear wall. It i\ screened with the pUlpit area in one corner with the \'cry open metal fabric to prevent van­ organ immediately adjacent (0 the right. dalism, but is backlighted (0 give an The choirlo(t is located below and in exposed e(fecl. The instnlmcnt was de­ front o( (he organ. An Amlin conwle signed by Professor Rich;ud A. 'Vcbb. which had been installed in 1961 10 organ instructor at the school. Randall operate the previous organ is being re· S. Dyer handled the negotiations and (ained. Contract negotiations werc han­ installation for Reuter. assisted hy dled by Percival S. Fanjoy (or Austin James B. Scoggins of the Reuter factoT), Organs. Inc. In rinishing or the in:slrumcnt. GRF.AT GREAT Principal B' 61 pipes P rUw;i p;.l B' 61 pipes Spiunote 8' 61 pipes Gedac:kt 8' 61 pipr:s Octave 4' 61 pipes Octave 4' 61 pipes Fifteenth 2' 61 pipes Bloclr.flole 2' 61 pipes Mixture III 183 pipes Mixture! III 183 pipes SWELL (Enclosel!) POSITIVE llohrRate S' 61 pipes nol~nJackt 8' 61 pipet Viola 8' 61 pipel KoppdOiUe 4' 61 pipes Voi .. Celeste 8' 49 pipes Principal 2' 61 pipes Principal 4' 61 pipes Quinte l}i' 61 pipes BlocIr.note 2' 61 pipes FIRST UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Krummhom 8' 61 pipes Cymbel II 122 pipes SWELL Trompetle 8' 61 pipes Defiance, Ohio Rohrnvte 8' 61 pipes T~mulant Gemahom 8' 61 pipes CHOIR (EncJm.d) 2 MANUAL 19 RANKS Gemshom Cckste 8' 49 pipc.t Cededt 8' 61 pJpes Npthiliom t· 6t ptpes F1;suto Dolce 8' 61 pipes Mechanical key action with slider stop action chests Nasal 2~' 6t pipes Flute Cdesle B' 49 pipes Spitrllole 2' 61 pipes Koppetnate 4' 61 pipes or electro-pneumatic are available. Ten 1~' 61 pipes Principal 2' 61 pipes Trompe'tc B' 61 pipes Langot 1~' 61 pipes T~molo Krummhom (TC) 8' 49 pipes PEDAL PEDAL Subbau 16' ... pipe! Principal 16' 12 plpa (Great) Spitzprindpal B' .... pipes Gedeckt 16' 12 pipes (Swdt) Subbaa 8' Octave 8' '2 pipes Spitzprincipal 4' Rohrflole 8' (Swell) Trompeue 16' 12 pipes (Swell ) Super Octave 4' 12 pipes Krummhom 4' (Positiv) Trompettc 16" 12 pipes (Swell!

STEPHEN FARROW conducled a program EDMUND SERENO ENDER w.u h:cently --~ - -=- - - - ror 1010 voice and ehorus on Nov. 4. 1973 at honored by Yale Univenhy ror hi, dUling­ .... ~ -- --- Westmimlcr PrabytUi,':Ul Cburch, GrHt\vak, uished KrvK:e in the. field of musk. Mr. Ender Soul!! Camlina. The WrKen Included Ihr~ "''lU formerl., orpnill and choirm:ulrt or St. works by Flor Pecten in honor of his 70lh Paul'.. Churclt and Goucher College in Balti­ birthday, and also works by Jan Koebier and mo~, Md., and WIll a member or the raculty Robin Milford. Ilt Peabody ConKrYatory of Music.

14 THE DIAPASON Principal 8' 61 pip" Rohrnole 8' 61 pil)('S Grnuhom 8' 12 pip" Ocu\'t: .' fil pipo Spiuflotc 4' 61 pipes Quinte 2~' 61 pipes Flageolet 2' 61 pipes Tlt:n:c I~' 61 pipes ~Ii)ttllre III.IV I'll' 220 piJIII:~ :\cub III %' 183 pipes Trumpet S' 61 pipes lloodrd Trumpet 8' 61 pip" Tremolo SWELL Flute S' 61 pipes Viola 8' GI pipl'5 Viola Cc:lesle 8' (TC) 49 Ilillel I'rinc:pal -I' 61 pipes Ruhrquintadc -I' 61 piliCS Oc.1a,·e 2' 61 pipes Scharf III ~' 183 pipes Dul;uan 16' 61 pipes lIaluhols .' 12 pipe!'ll Hooded Trumpet 8' Tremolo POSITIV Gnki:kt 8' 61 pipes Pratant .. ' 61 pipes Florida Junior College KoppdOOte 4' 61 pi~~ Principal 2' 61 pipes Gets McManis Organ Q uinte I y,' 61 pipes Octave I' 61 pipa Sesquialter.t II ( prc: parC' d ) f\£3natce Junior College in Bradenlon. C ymbel III Y; ' 183 pipes Florida now boasts OJ. new 3·manual pipe Krummhorn 8' 61 pipes organ built by the McManis Org;ln Jlooded Trumpet S' Comp;lnY. LOClted in the fan·shaped Tremolo Christ Lutheran Church, Scituate, Massachusetts Nect Auditorium, the new organ is en· PEDAL cased at the rear walt of the siage. The Unlersatz 32' (prepared) ( nnw relllitant) console is located on a dolly and com Prestant 16' 32 pipl'5 A self-contained pipe organ, be siored in an nlcon: offstage. The 16' 32 pipes much touted classic Wr:rlr/Jrintip finds Gemshom 16' compact and complete, Ideal visu::IiI expression in Ihe organ's :tSym­ Pommer 16 ' (prepared) metrical case with the Pedal 16' Prcsunt Quinte I ~' for small and Intimate settings. in the cenler tower, the Creat S' Princi· Spib:prineipal 8' 32 pipes Gcdcckt 8' 12 pipes If you are wondering whether a pal to the left, and the Positiv 4' Pres­ Gcmshorn B' tant to the right. To the lerl of center Octave .. ' 32 pipes pipe organ might be beyond your is the Pedal IG' Sub bass and Posaune Gedcckt 4' 12 pipr:5 basses, and to the right of center is the Nachthom 2' 32 pipes financial or spatial reSDurces, noating 8' Hooded Trumpet ("the bu­ ~[j~ture lit 2' !J6 pipo please write for information. glcs') ami more Subbasses. The Swell Comet 32' 2 ripe box b an integral part of the central Dubian 32' 12 pipes Posallne 16' 92 pipes You may be quite surprised ..• lower behind the Pedal division. Acccs. nubian 16' sories include a C),lUbclstem and the Trumpet 8' 12 pipes usu:ll couplers and combinations. Joyce nubian S' Jones WilS the dedic:ltiOIl recitalist. Clarion 4' 12 pipes WICKS ORGAN COMPANY IHighland, 62249 nubian 4' GREAT Hooded Trumpet S' Pipe Organ Craftsmen Since 1906 Gcnuhorn 16' iii pipes Hooded TRimpet 4' It pays to compare svvitches !

A switch is a vital component. It must work continually, unfailingly, for years. T hat's why t hese featu res of new and im­ proved Reisner swi tches are so important.

o Rugged, heavily-plated, all-metal construction-no wood or leather to be affected by atmospheric conditions. o CELCON toggle hinges to eliminate corrosion and binding. o 10 to 120 sterling silver contacts assuring positive wiping and cleaning action-no plating to wear off. o Wiring guides supplied with all units. o Ganged to your specifications at no extra cost.

Since none of our competitors can match all the superior features of these fine switches, it's no wonder they are standard equipment with hundreds of major organbuilders and independent organ servicemen. After all, these people are pros. And they compare before single they buy!


~~~~~~~the trusted name in pipe organ supplies The W. H. Reisner Manufacturing Co., Inc., P. D. Box 71, Hagerstown, Maryland 21740 phone 301-733-2650



Frank W. Asper. longti~e organist of ist of the First Methodist Church. Sail THE NAnONAl CONVENnON JUNE 17-21. 1974 the Tabernacle in Salt Lake City. Utah. Lake City from 1923·1940, and he was died on Nov. 3, 1973 at his residence in a member of the McCune School of Mu· Salt Lake City. He Wil5 81. sic and Art faculty. Dr. Asper was a Samuel Adler • Billy Nalle William Albright Dr. Asper was a son of early Mormon Fellow of the A.C.O. and a charter • Robert Noehren pioneers. He was born Feb. 9 in Logan, member of the Utah Chapter, as well 35 Matthias Bamert • Karel Paukert The Cleveland Orchestra Utah, where his father served as church a regional chainnan for the western • The Phllharmonia Chorale stales. Donald Erb of Cleveland architect and contractor for the Logan Temple. He began his musiClI 'tudies Dr. Asper was appointed Tabernacle Burton Garlinghouse • Arthur Polster Robert Glasgow with his mother at four. and b~n with organist in 1924 and served in that post • Cherry Rhodes the prominent church musician Eben· until his rctirement on April 5, 1965. Jean Gulllou • Ned Rorem Germ Hancock ezer Beesley when he w;u six. Following During his 41 years there, he Clayetl • Jeffery Rowthorn his graduation from LDS High School. more than 100,00 organ recitals n the Helen Kemp • Joseph Sittler Louis Lane he served a mission for the LDS church Tabernacle. He played goo national • Gregg Smith Singers in Germany, where he was a district broadcasts of ute Tabernacle Choir. and Gustav Leonhardt • Gerd Zacher he played 2,"95 "Sunday Evening on Marilyn Mason president for more mom a year. Later, ••• and others I he also attended the Stem Conservatory Temple Square" organ recitals. He abo of Music in Berlin. He was gr.ulu:ued fX.'ffonncd more than 300 dediCOltion re· with highest honon £rom Ihe New Eng. citals in LOS churches and other church WRITE: 2757 FAIRMOUNT BOULEVARD. CLEVELAND. OHIO 44118 land Conscrv.Uory of Music, and (oUow­ :md civic buildings. ing his gr.lduation he spent two yean Among his published works ate: COIR' of graduale sludy at Boslon UninnilY. positions for organ, piano, and Yoit%. He While in Boslon he was organist of was a popular organ recilalist in the churches in Woburn and Cohasset. Mass. cOllcert field. and his rccordings on Co· He also did graduate work at the Chi­ hnnbia Mastcnmrks were favoritl":' cago Musical College and at Ihe Uni\'er­ across the country. ~ity of Ulah, where he was later a facul­ Dr. Asper was malTied to Florence E. t)" member. Dr. Asper was the recipient Robinson in 1923. She died in 1938. He of an honorary doctorate in music from lIIalTied EllclI M. Connors on Jan. 8, Bates College in Lewiston, Alaine. 19l0. Dr. Asper became organist 3t Temple Dr. Asper is survh'cd by his wife, four U'nai Israel in Salt Lake City in 192~. children, l\C\'cn grandchildren, :md one serving tJlere untH 1940. He was organ- brother.


Melville Chariton. MUlI.Doc., AAGO. lained a studio at 405 Cumberland died November 13 in New York City. Street in Brooklyn, and over 1000 piano He was 9~. Dr. Charlton wou the first students and 100 organ pupils were Blad:. to qualify for the A.C .O. As.soci­ trained b)' him. In rerognition of his ate degree in 1915, and he was a mem­ contribution to church music, Howard ber of the A.C.O. National Council Uni\'ctsily granted him Ihe MusD de­ INCORPO RAT E 0 from 1956,59. grce in 1924. A close friend and contemporary of Hag er~low n. Maryland 217-10 In 1910, Dr. Charhon, a graduate of !'hone 301 - 73'\-9000 the National Conservatory of Music Roland Haycs, l\.f:ui:m Anderson. J. (1904), W35 appointed assistant organ· Rosamund Johnson, Rubie B1ake =lRd REPRESENTING ist at Union Theological Seminary. and other distinguished Black musidans. Dr. upon the death of Dr. Genit Smith Charlton was honored on numerous oc­ (founder of the A.G.a.) , he was in casions by the National Association of



FREDERICK C. MAYER HYMN SOCIETY OF AMERICA SEEKS NEW HYMNS FOR 76 UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Frederick C. Mayer, 91, died on Oct. 20, 197!1 in Amarillo Texas. as the reo In commemoration of the bicenten­ 1974 ANNUAL ORGAN WORKSHOP suit of an automobile accident. He had nial in 19;6 of the signing of the Dec­ hcen returning by car from a stay with laration of Independence of the Ameri­ March 24-26, 1974 his son, John, of Kentfield, Cali£omia, can colonies from England, the Hymn and a sister in La Jolla, heading (Ot the Society of A merica is seeking a group borne of his other son, Robert. in Jen­ o( newly wrilten hymns suitable for this JAN BENDER, ARTHUR POlSTER, LEONARD RAVER SCII Beach, Florida. He is also survived occasion and for pos.sible inclusion in lJ) a daughter, Eliubeth Johnstone or hymnals of the future. Ledur.l-Malter clalSel·Recitall Geneva. Switzerland. "The hymns may express such themes Mr. Maycr was perhaps best known as thanksgiving for God's guidance of Conference CommiHee: (Ot his long service of 45 years as or· our nation and for the attainments of g:lIliSl and choirmaster ill the U.s. Mili­ mind and spirit as well as for material Himie Voxman, Director Gerhard Krapf, Head lary AC3demy at West Point, New York. wealth," sa)·s Ihe Society's announce· School of Music Organ Department and (or his development of the infant ment. "It may be a prayer for continued organ at the West Point Chapel into guidancc, for wisdom in the use of all Delbert Disselhorst olle of the world', largest. ollr resources and willingnCSll to share Organ Department Mr. Mayer was born in Columbw. them with others: (or the virtues and Ohio. He studied 3t the Cincinnati Con­ humility in public (igures and in the servatory where he graduated in 1905. individual citizen; for recognition that For information, write to: then the Stem ConserVillOry in Berlin, the individual'S freedom docs not ex­ Ccrm:my. and at the Conservatory of University of Iowa Conferences tend to infringement on the freedom of Iowa Memorial Union "·ounuinbleau. He taught at Centre others. The texts should be relevant to College in Danville, at the Cincinnati twentieth·century life. They should be Iowa City. Iowa 52242 Conservatory of Music, and at the Na­ worthy literature, and singable." tion3i Conserv3tOry in New York before When aCC'Cplable texIS for the new his 3ppointmcllt 3t West Point in 1911. Edward D. Berryman, SMD Warren L Berryman, SMD He retired from that position in 1954_ hymns ha\'e been chosen, they will be liinc.c then he h3d been devoting him­ pUblishctl by the Society and submitted Co composers for new tunC'S which will scI( to composing. BERRYMAN A Frederick C. Mayer Memorial Fund also be published. In recent yean the has heen c'itablished to provide financial Hymn Society of America h;l.s ;l.pproved Orgonllt-Choirmoste, Head. Organ-Church Mulic Dept. WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH BALDWIN.WALLACE COUEGE support (fir 3nnual concerts at West more than 250 new hymns and many l'omt. of these are currently appearing in new Minneapolis Berea,Ohta denominational hymnals lhroughout the English·speaking world. The new hymns selected for the bicentennial celebration Margaret Melvin will likewise be made 3vailable to JANET WITTMER churches and hymnal editors without charge. DICKINSON Janet 'Yiltmer, organist of Hyde Park Specifications for the bicentennial Unfvenity D' loul.vllie Dniled Methodist Church. 'Vichita, Kan­ tcxts were drawn up by a sponsoring Loul.vllle Bach $odoty sas, died on June 24, 1975. She was -48. commiUec chieny from the Philadelphia Calvary EplscDpal 51. ho.cJs.In.lh..lJoJd. Episcopo!" Mrs. Wiumer was bom on March I, Chapter of the Society unller the joint 19"..5 in Vincennes, Indiana. She gradu, Chairmanship of Dr. R. Harold Terry ated from high school in Maplewood. and Miss Jean Woodward Sleele. Other New Jeney. and went on to 'Yestminster members of the sponsoring committee Choir College in Princeton, New Jersey. are: Mrs. Alma J. Bailey, Robert A. where she graduated whh a MusH de­ Camburn, Miss Lucille Wolfe, Miss gree. She moved to Okmulgee, Okla· Marian L. Maurer, and the Rev. Ell­ hamil, where she became organist ilnd wood s. Wolf, all of Philadelphia Chap­ choir director at the First Methodist ter; Dr. Charles 8. Foclsch. of New Church. In 1947 she married Duane lark: the Rev. William B03k. of Pleas­ Wittmer of the Oklahoma AJ:M faculty. ant Valley, N.Y. J. Vincent Higginson, Moving to Wichita in 1950, she became national president of the Hymn Society organist at Westminster Linwood Pr~­ of America., will name a panel of judges byterian Church (or nine yean before to appraise the texIS received. WAYNE FISHER taking the position at Hyde Park Spccifio.tions of the project Clmrch. hymns may be written in well-known of Mrs. Wittmer Wa5 a member of the College-Con ..rvatary MUlic Wichita Chapter of the A.G.O. where meters found in standard church hym­ she served in many Clpacities, including nals, and a familiar tunc milY be lug­ University of Cincinnati dean and executive board member. She gested. An original tune may be sub­ pl3.ycd viola in the Friends Univenity mitted with tIle text, but choice of Community Orchestra. (or 12 yean and tunes will not be made during 1974. sang with the Wichita Choral Society. The word "new" will be interpreted as Her love for music was an important designating those Jlymn! which haVe GEORGE factor in the achievements of their two lIot been previously published. An au· MARKEY children, who are both accomplished thor may submit more than one hymn. Records Markey Enterprises 201·762·7674 violinists. The Society cannot promise to return Mrs. Wittmer is survived by her hua­ manuscripts of hymns. so writers should Recitals 42 Maplewood Avenue band and children. retain copies. Hymn texts published Instruction Maplewood, N.J. 07040 will be copyrighted by the Hymn So· ciely of America, ant! will be made available to publishers, editon. and composers upon request and without MARILYN MASON JULIA R. LEHN charge. Deadline (or the submission of CHAIRMAN. DEPAllTMENT OF ORGAN texts is June 50, 1974. They should be UNIVIRSITY OF MICHIOAN sent to the Hymn Society o( America. ANN ARIOR Julia. R. Lehn, formerly of St. Paul. 475 Rh'crside Dri\'e, New York, N.Y. Minn .• and more reeently of Port Jervis. 10027. "MI.. Mota" pIcJy.rI wit" ousf.,1ty aH ,... rve, Hmoalfrofme a ..... New Vork. died Oct. n. 1975. Mrs. L~hn lie, ItlrfJ'DOrClNHNy IodIfty • ••" Pet Mo_s R.. ltIw, October 5, 1964 assisted her husband, Benja.min W. Lehn, for 30 yean in the following po­ AN ALLEN DIGITAL COMPlJTER IN. STRUMENT baa been permafteatJ, inltalled sitions: First Presbyterian Church of in the Fredric B. Mana AudilOriWII ia Td. Bound Brook. N.J.: United Congrega­ Aviv, Urad.. The new concert baD it the LARRY PALMER tional Church of Bridgeport, Conn.: home of the Iuad Pbilharmonic Ordteltn. Organ - Harpsichord Park. Congregational Church of Crand Mr. SKiacy Bller, a IK'CUDiDCDt Pbiladelphia Rapitls, Michig.m: and House of Hope iruuraoce cucutive. uaderwmle the COlt at Southern Methodist University Presbyterian Church. St. Paul. Minne· the iRltallatioa which wat fbUabcd late ia sota. The Lehns had just trtired from November, 1973. Dallas, Texas 75275 House of Hope Church in St. Paul in the spring of 1973, and had moved to their new home in Port Jervis shortly O.wald G. before Mrs. Lehn's death. D. M. A. ROCHE ORGAN RAGATZ PrG'.... r 0' OrI.II' HANS FRIEDRICH M/CHEELSEN COMPANY Recitals INDIANA UNIVERSITY Lectur.. Hans Friedrich Micheelscn, noted Germ:m composer of organ works, died builders of in CUbing (Schleswig). \Vest Germany late in November. 1973. He Wa5 '11. Mechanical Action Organs A. David Moore & Co. Micheelsen had in recent years bc!en devoting all of his time to composition. Electric Action Organs TRACKER ORGAN DESIGNERS & BUILDERS Previowly he was the director of the P.O. Box 971 TauntoD, Mau.. 02780 church music division at the Conserva· North Pomfret Vermont 05053 tory of Music in Hamburg, Germany.

JANUARY 1974 17 Cantata 01 St John by Surinach, St Bortho­ 19 January ~mew's Church. New YorSe City 4 pm Warth·Crew Duo. Seaford H S. Seaton:• • CALENDAR Cantata 124 by Boch, Holy Trinity Lulh· DE eran. New York City 5 pm Gerre Hancock. AGO mosterc1asses, JANUARY Ted Alan Worth, Welch Concert, Hunting­ 8irmlnghom, Al ton, NY Arthur Poilter, workshop for Central James Grosjean, violist, Cathedral ot Arizona Chapter AGO, Phoenix. AZ (a!so 1 2 3 4 5 Mary Our Queen, Baltimore, MD 5:30 pm Jan 20) Clyde Holloway, Peachtree Christian. At· David Sheetz, Samuel Swartz, works for 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Ionta, GA 7130 pm 2 keyboards; All Sainls Church, Polo Alto. Church Ar1s Festival. Trinity Church. New CA 8 pm 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Orleans, LA Ithru Jon 15) ~ Marilyn, mosterclass. La Jolla Klaus Kratzensteln. Rice V, Houston, TX Presbyterian, la Jolla. CA 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 3:30 pm David Craighead. Christ Church, Cincin­ 20 January 27 28 29 30 31 nati, OH 5 pm Karin Gustafson, All Salnls Cathedral, Stephen Hamilton. first Baptist, lafayelte. Albany, NY 4:30 pm IN 4 pm Charles Whitaker, Cathedral of St John Philip Gehring, Valparaiso U, IN 4 pm the Divine, NeW York Cily 3:30 pm; fallowed FEBRUARY Beverly R Howerton, Cathedral of Christ by chOf"al concert by eholr of Cathedral of the King. KalomaU)O, MI 4:30 pm Mary Our Queen IBaltimore) at 4:30 pm 1 2 Donald Dumler and Martin Berinbaum. Jephtha by Carissiml. Sf Bartholomew'S organ and trumpel; Andrews U, Berrier Church, New York City 4 pm 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Springs. MI Cantata 1"56 by Bach, Holy Trinity lUlh. Concertos for Organ and Orche.tra by eron. New YOfk City 5 pm 10 11 12 13 14 15 Rhelnberger; E Power Bi99s. Minnesota John Ferris. Sf Thomas Church, New York Orchestra, Minneapoli" MN 3 pm City 5:15 pm Motets by Boch; Peninsula and Berkelev St John" Chora~ (Summit, NJI. 01 Bach Chairs. Edwin flath, dlr; All Solnh Church of the Ascension, New York City DEADLINE FOR THIS CALENDAR WAS DECEMBER 10 Church, Palo Alto, CA 4 pm 8 pm Guy Bovet. Festival of Italian Music. Harold Pysher, Trinity Church. Princeton. 5 January Choral worles by Bach. St Thomas Church. Geneva Switzerland (also Jan 20 and 27J NJ 7:30 pmj followed by Choral Even­ Vi,g" fox, MIdland Pork, NJ New YOfk City 12:10 pm song. The ColumbltS 8aycholr, 8 pm 14 January Bath Organ Marathon, First Congrega­ Michael Boroskln, piano; St Paul's Chapel, Rlthard Konzen. St Mary's Abbey, Morris· Ted Alan Worth. Wilbur lynch H 5, tional, long Beoch. CA 3 pm Trinity Parilh, New York City 12130 pm tawn. NJ 4:30 pm Wayne Nagy. St John's Episcopal, Wash· Amsterdam. NY Crealian, Part II, by Haydn, Tenth Pres· The Renaissance Ensemble of Morristown 6 January Ington. DC 12:t0 pm byterian, Philadelphkl, PA 5 pm Mark Adoms. Cultural Cenler, New YOC'\. H S, Mortin Rudy, dir; at St Mary's Abbey, George McPhee, Market Square Pres· City 3 pm 10 January Morristown, NJ 8 pm byterlan. Harrisburg. PA Alec Wylon, Cathedral of SI John the David lawrence and Elizabeth Hershey. larry Palmer, harpsichord, St Cetllla Hall, Earl Grandison, baritone; Cathedral of DIYine. New Yock City 3 :30 pm; followed troubadour songs, Busc:h·Reislnger Museum. Grand Rapids, MI 8115 pm Mary Our Queen, Baltimore, MO 5:30 pm by conCflrt of works by GoHell list 04:30 pm Cambridge, MA 12 noon William MacGowan, An $a\nh Church. Kent Hill, First Congregalional, Columbus. 50",son by Hondel. SI Bartholomew's Ted Alan Worth, Stoneham Jr H S, Slone­ Pasadena. CA 8:15 pm OH 8 pm Church, New Yo,k CUy .. pm hom. MA 15 January Virgil Fox, ford Aud. Detroit, MI Cantota 65 by Bach. Holy Trinity Luth­ Herbert Burtis, Trinity Church, New York Nodine Asin, flute, Karen lindquist, harp; Worlu for otgan and band, Troy Car· eran, New York City S pm City 12:~5 pm p~nler and George Shirley, organills; We" Trinity Church. New York City 12:45 pm Gwen Goutd. SI Thomas Church. Now George McPhee, Church of the Immacu­ Meditations on the Mystery of the Holy Mkhlgan Wind Ensemble; Park Congrega· York City 3 pm late Heart, Maplewood. NJ 8 pm tional, Grand Rapids, MI 4130 pm Trinity by Messiaen, Jon Gillock. org; Church George McPhee. SI Timothy's lutheran, Robert Roubos, Delta State College. Paul llndsley Thomas. 51 Mlchael's Epis. Cleveland, MS of the Ascension, New York City 8 pm Wayne, NJ Goerge McPhee. Cathedral of the Socred copal, Barrington, Il 6 pm Robert Twynham, Cathedral of Mary Our C Warren Becker, Our lady of Bethle· 11 January Heart, Newark, NJ 8:30 pm Queen. Baltimore. MD 5:30 pm hem Convent, lo Grange Park, Il 4 pm Stephen Hamilton, Wiltenburg U, Spring. festival of lights, lutheran Choir of Robert Delcamp, Grace United Methodist. field. OH 8 pm 16 January Chicago, Zoar lutheran, Elmwood Pork, IL Spencer, IA .. pm Philip Clemens, Goshen College, Goshen. Richard Crafts. South Congregational. '" pm ; Mes,31oh lutheran, Chicago. Il 8 pm John abetl. Christ Church Cathedral, IN 7:30 pm Now Britain, CT 12l0S pm J Morcus Ritchie. Trinity Chorale. Trinity St louis, Me Kathryn laew, Colvin College. Grand Choral works by Bach. St Thomas Church, Episcopal, New Orleans, LA 4:30 pm Kim Kasling, U of Minnesota, Minneapolis. Rapids, MI 8115 pm New York City 12,10 pm MN 8pm Jerry Brainard. Brigham Young U, Provo, Donl.1 Waitzman, flute; Edward Brewer, 7 January Marilyn Mason, La Jolla Presbyterian. UT 8 pm horplichard: 51 Paul's Chapel, lrinlty Virgil FOK. Dorlen H S, Dorien, CT Parish, New York City 12:30 pm La Jolla. CA 4 pm 12 January Eileen Guenther. St John's Epi5COpal. B January Ted Alan Worth, Hawthorne H 5, How· Washington, DC ,2110 pm 21 January John Kordel.Juliano, baritone; Trinity thorne, NJ larry Palmer, harpskhard, McKendree Robert Baker. Belhesda by the Sea Epis­ Own:h. New York City 12:45 pm The Ploy of Herod, Trinlly Episcopal. Colleg~ . Lebanon, Il 8 pm copal. Palm Beath. Fl B pm Choir of Union Church of Bay Ridge, Swarthmore, PA 4 pm (also Jan 13. 11:15 Lodd Thomas, Southern Methodist U. Gordon Bush, dir; at Cathedral of the am) 17 January Dallas, TX 8115 pm Sacred Heart, Newark. NJ 8:30 pm Virgil FOK, Roosevelt H 5, Altoona, PA Harvard Memorial Church Morning Chotr, James Moeser, Central Methodist. Kansas Robert S lord. Heinz Chapel. Pillsburgh. John ferris. dir; ot Busch·Reisinger Museum, Oly. Me PA 12 noon 13 January Cambridge. MA 12 noon Stephen Hamilton, Second Presbyterian. Arthur Wills. Cathedral of St luke, Part· Herbert Burtis. Sf Thoma. Church, New 22 January Indianapolis, IN 8 pm land. ME 4 pm York City 12:10 pm Dorothy Strohl, Trinity Church. New York Corliss R Arnold. Hart Recital Hall, Mkhi· Robert Andenon, St John's Parish. Water· Rollin Smith, Trinity Church, New York City 12:.S pm gan State U, East lansing. MI BI15 pm bury, CT 4 pm City 12,.5 pm Arthur LaMirande, Cathedral of the Gerre Hancock. Covenant Presbyterian. George McPhee, Cortland, NY larry Palmer. harpsichord masterelou, Sacred Heart, Newark. NJ 8:30 pm long 8each, CA Hugh Allen Wilson, All Saints Cathedral. Mo:Kendree College. Lebanon, Il 10 am Murray Somerville, Winthrop College. Guy Bovet, French Church. Bern, Switzer· Albany, NY 4130 pm Rcxkhill, SC 8 pm land Epiphany Proces"ion with Corals, 51 18 Jonuary Robert Baker, l rinlty Episcopal, Miami. Thomas Church. New York City 110m and Billy l Hebert. DePaul U, Chicago, Il Fl 9 January 4 pm; followed by Keith Shafer, 5d5 pm Gerre Hancock, Independent Presbyterian, Virgil Fe ):. Nashua HS, Nashua. NH Martin luther King Memorial Service, Birmingham, Al 23 January John Doney. South Congregational. New Cathedral of 51 John the D;vine. New York Thomos Murray, Bethany Methodut, New Britain H S Choir. at South Coft;­ Britoln. CT 12:05 pm City 4 pm Houston. TX Bl15 pm gregational, New BrUain, CT 12:05 pm

robert anderson HEINZ ARNOLD John Barry SMD FAGO F.A.G.O. D.Mu •• Peter J. Basch ST. LUKE'S CHURCH s.. th ... M ...... Unlvonlty STEPHENS COLLEGE Wildwood Road LONG BEACH. Dalla., Texa. 75275 COLUMBIA. MO. Califon, New Jeney 07830

Faculty, University of Miami, Musical Arts ROBERTA BITGOOD Diane DISH - recitals Organist, Coral Ridge Presbyterian Fir" Congregational Church Ft. Lauderdale "The organist tlwt has it all together" BATTLE CREEK, MICHIGAN

ALEXANDER BOGGS R.cltal. and Master CIa •••• Wm.G. BLANCHARD Organ Consultation ORGANIST POMONA COllEGE RYAN Cathedral Church of Christ the King CLAREMONT GRADUATE SCHOOL THE CLAREMONT CHURCH CONCERT ARTIST We.tern Michigan University at Kalamazoo ClaNmont CalifornIa

18, THE DIAPASON Choral works by 8och, 5t Thomas Church, River forest, Il .. pm Renf SaOf'gin, Oulte U Chapel. Durham, to february New YOlk Cily 12110 pm George McPhee. fint Church of Christ, NC .. pm Morlon Anderson. St luke's Cathedral, Brother Jean·Luc, SI Paul's Chapel. Scientist, Batesville. AR Organ and Instruments concert, Cathedral Portland, ME ~ pm Trinity Parish, New York City 12:30 pm Richard Heschke, Texas lutheran College, ot St Philip, Atlanta, GA 8 pm Jane Gamble, Cathedral of St. John the Helen Penn, St John', Episcopal, Wash. Seguin, TX Robert Baker, Decatur Presbyterian, De· oi'lli ne. New York City, 3130 pm; Capitol Inglon, DC 12:10 pm CHoroid Einecke. Cathedral of St John cotur. GA U Chapel Choir, 4:30 pm Art of fugue by Boch, Vidor HIli, U of the Evangelist. Spokane. WA .. pm Jeffrey levine, elassical guitar; Holy Mote.. III and IV by Boch, St Thomas Oregon, Eugene 8 pm Trjnlly lutheran, Buffalo. NY 5 pm Church, New York City .. pm George McPhee, Kno)(·Met United Church. 28 January Robert Rayfield. First Presbyterian, Kala­ Moss (excerpts) and Chichester PIGI.s by "'gioo, Sosle. Canada Barbara Harbach·George, Wells College, mazoo, MI 5 pm Bernstein, Sf Bartholomews Church, New Aurora, NY Rosamond Hearn. organ; Strom Nordberg. York City 4 pm 2~ January frederick Swann. Atlanta Chapter Chotis' piano, program of Amarkan music, Ebene­ Cantata 106 by Boeh, Holy Trlnlty Luth­ Marian Anderson, Busch·Relslnger Museum, ten Guild Workshop. Atlonta, GA (thru zer lutheran, Chicogo, Il 3,30 pm eran, New York City 5 pm Cambridge, MA 12 noon Jon 30) Church Music Workshop: Paul Solamuna· Epstein Duo, Cathedral of Mary Our James A Simms, Trinity Church, New York William Bales, first Baptist, Pensacola, Fl vicn, William Albright, Southern Mclhocl i..t; t Q ueen, Baltimore, MD 5:30 pm City 12:45 pm Luther College Choir, Fint Presbyterian. U, Dallas, TX (also feb ") Haig Mardiroslan, lutheran Church of Ted Alan Worth. Mac Gray H 5, States­ Fort Wayne, IN 8 pm Lodd Thomas, United Methodhl Church. the Reformation, Washington, DC 3 pm ville, NC Art of Fugue by Bach, Vidor Hill, Carle­ Palm Springs, CA .. pm Ren' Saorgin, Covenant Presbyterian, Virgil Fox, lincoln Christian College, lin. ton College, Northfield. MN 8 pm Mo" In B minor by Bach, First Congrega. Charlo"e. NC 4 pm coin. Il Ladd Thomas, U of Konso" lawrence, KS tional, , CA Choral Evensong, Bethesda by the Sea Robert Delcamp, Buena Vista College, Richard Heschke. mo~erdau, Texas luth· Music by Haydn, First Presbyterian, Ocean· Epi$COpal, Palm Beach, FL 4 pm Storm lake, IA 7.30 pm eran ColJege, Seguin, TX side. CA Wayne No9y, All Solnts EpiKOpol, fort David Palmer, Socred Heart Church, Wind· lauderda~, FL .. pm 25 January 29 January sor, Ontario, Canada 3 pm G Dene Barnard, first Congregational, Jonalhan B Reilly, Trinity College. Hart· Gory Steigerwalt, Trinity Church, New Columbus, OH 8 pm ford, CT 8.15 pm York City 12:45 pm 4 february David Craighead, Concordia Senior Col· J Richard Szeremony, Cathedral of the lee Ridgeway, United Congregational, Robart Rayfield, AGO masterelass, First lege, fort Wayne, IN 8 pm Norwich, CT Sacred Heart, Newark, NJ 8:30 pm Presbyterian, Kalamazoo, MI Stephen McKersie, Valparaiso U, Valpa. David Craighead. State U College, Fre· Kenneth landis, Harrisburg Symphony Or· Virgil Fox, H 5 Aud, Austin, MN ralso, IN .. pm dania. NY chestra, Harrisburg, PA Worth-Crow Duo, New Iberia H S, Naw Paul Humi.ton, COlhedral of Christ the ladd Thomas, Shrine af the Immaculate Vidor Hill. harpsichord, Carleton College, Iberia, LA King, Kalamaroo, MI 4:30 pm Conception, Washington, DC Northfield, MN 8 pm le. Corps GlorieuK by Messiaen, James Art 0' fugua by Bach. Vidor Hili, St Strand. Oklahoma City U, OK 3 pm 5 February Marllou Kralzenstein. Rice U, Houston, Mark's Cathedral, SeaHle. WA 8130 pm 30 Jan'lQf)' E Power Siggs, flnt United Methodist, larry Allen. South Congregational, New John Young, piano, Trinity Church, New TX 3:30 pm Polo Alto, CA 8 pm 8ritoin. CT 12:05 pm York City 12:45 pm Marie·loulse Jaquet, Grace Cathedral, Lloyd Holzgrof, oll·Bach. f irst Congrega· Choral works by Bach. St Thomas Church, Barbaro Harbach·George, Cathedral of San Francisco, CA 5 pm tlonal. los Angeles, CA New York City 12.10 pm the Sacred Heart, Newark, NJ 8:30 pm George McPhee, Groce Presbyterian. Col. Jenneke Barton, soprano: Anne Cleaves, Rene Saorgin, Elan College, NC 8 pm gary, Alberta, Canada Robert S lord, Heinz Chapel, Pittsburgh, 11 february contralto; Doris Konig, piano; Sf Paul's Wilma Jensen and K Dean Walker, argon Chapel, Trinity Parish, New York City 12:30 PA 12 noon 26 January Marianne Webb, Shyrock Aud, Southern and percussion, South Cangregalional, New pm Brllain, CT frederkk Swann, AGO masterdoss, Wheel· Ray Ferguson, Longwood Gardens, Ken· illinois U, Carbonda:e, Il 8 pm Ing, WV Morle·louise Jaquet. for Son Jooquin David H BinkSey, lebanon Volley Callege, nett Square, PA Annville, PA 8 pm lowell J Smith. Seventh-day Adventist Atbert Wagner. SI John's Episcopal, Wash· Volley AGO, Fresno, CA Church. St Helena, CA " pm Renlt Soargin. Mars Hill College, NC 8 pm i'-glon, DC 12:10 pm Virgil Fox, first Presbyterian, Naples, Fl Ted Alan Worth, florida Arrontit U, Boca 6 February William Bates, First Baptist, West Palm 27 January Raton, fL Choral works by American composers, 51 Beach, Fl Theodore feldman, organ, Ram Island Thomas Church, New York City 12110 pm Oavid Britton, first Methodist, lubbock, Arts Center Donee Co; St John's Church. 31 January Virgil fox, Tech H 5, Oes Moines, IA TX 8 pm Bangor, ME 7.30 pm Myrtle Regier, SI Thomas Church, New Allen R Mills, All Saints Cathedral, Al­ York City 12: 10 pm bany, NY 4130 pm Chapel Singers of the U of Redlands 7 february t2 February Peter J Bosch, Cathedral of St John the Chair. at Trinity Churc.h, New York City Robert S Mad>onold, Trinity Church. New Martha loHimore, soprano, Trinity Church, Diylne, New YOlk City 3:30 pm 12;"5 pm York City 12:45 pm New YOlk City 12:45 pm St 'CMlI by Mendelssohn, St Bartholomew's CoUegium Musicum. Newmon Powell, dir; Wolter HII., Cathedral of the Sacred Church, New York City " pm Valparaiso U, IN 8:15 pm Heart, Newark, NJ 8:30 pm 1 hbruary Cantata 72 by Bach, Holy Trinity lutheran, Ross Wood. harpsichord, Southern Metho­ Marie Ann Vas, soprano; Wesley Vas, or· David Craighead, North Shore Congrega­ New York City ~ pm dist U, Dallas, TX 3;30 pm gan, Center Theatre, DePaul U, Chicago, tion Israel, Glencoe, Il Ronald Arnatt, St Thomas Church, New Worth-Crow Duo. Brazoport H S, freeport, York City 5;15 pm Il 8115 pm rx Michael Smith, classical guitar; Cathedral Virgil Fox, Revelotion lights, Aud Theatre, 13 February of Mary Our Queen, Baltimore, MO 5:30 pm St Paul, MN Ren' Soorgln. Sweet Briar College, VA 8 Wayne Nagy, ft Myer Post Chapel, ft 8 february pm Myer, VA 8t30 pm J February Rene 'Soorgin, Solem College, Winston· John Borker III, Flr~ Presbyterian, Wil­ QuenUn foulkner, COlhedral 01 St John Sa'-m, NC 8: 15 pm mington, NC 5 pm the Divine, New York City 3:30 pm Marilyn rAmon, First Presbyterian, Tuho, 14 February Edward Brown, Cathedral of St Philip, Solemn Ve.pers by Mozart, St Bartholo· OK larry King, Trinity Church, New York City Atlanta, GA 5 pm mew's Church, New York City 4 pm 12:45 pm Clifford Chapman, baritone, Holy Trinity Cantata 14 by Bach, Holy Trinity lutheran 5' Fabruary Worth-Crow Duo, Jr H S, EI Dorado, KS lutheran, Buffalo. NY 5 pm Church, New York City 5 pm Williamstown Baroque Consort, Victor Hi U, Frederick Geoghegan, Roxy Grove Hall, frederick Swann, West liberty State Col· Gerra Hancock, St Thomas Church, New dir; Williams College, Williamstown, MA Waco. TX lege, WV 3 pm York City 5:15 pm 8:30 pm CAlso Feb 10, 8:30 pm) David BrUton, First Presbyterian, Tyler, Virgil fox, Revelation lights, Performing Socred Service by Bloch, Church of the Ren' Saorgin, masterelass, Salem College, TX 8 pm Arts Center. Akron. OH Ascttn,lon. New York City 8 pm Winston·Salem, NC 9130 am Choral Evensong, Trinity Church, Toledo. Music for choir, orgon OM eledroniC tape, John Obet~ Gerakl Kemner, Moog Syn. OH 5 pm Emmanuel Episcopal, Baltimore, MD Ihelizer. RlDS Aud. Independence. MO 8 15 February Kenneth Sass. Hoty Cross Lutheran. De· Mary Stanton, pianol Cathedral of Mary pm John Rose, The Citad.l. Charleston, SC trait, MI 7 pm Ovr Queen. Baltimore, MO 5:30 pm Marilyn Mason, AGO masterc1oss, Tulsa, Rene Soorgin. Southern Methodist U, Dal­ Choral Vespers, Concordia Senior College, Hector Zeoli and Adelma Gomez, music OK las, TX 8115 pm Fort Wayne, IN 8 pm of Argentina; All Souls Unitarian, Washing· Morl ... louiHl Jaquet, Stanford U, Palo Morie-louise Jaquet, UCLA, los Angeles. Cantata 65 by Bach, Grace lutheran, ton, DC " pm Alia, CA CA 12 noon

Gruemlein Award SPODlOl' atARLES BOEHM DAVID BOWMAN EARL CHAMBERLAIN CHICAGO D.M.A. TRINITY lUTHERAN CHURCH F.T.C.L CLUB OF Hkknllle, H.Y. WOMEN Alabama Stat. Unlvenity ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH NASSAU COMMUNITY COllEGE OROANISTS Garden City, N.Y. Mantgomery, Alabama CahOtleI Maaaachusatts Ellen Lofberg, Presidmt

ETHEL SLEEPER BREIT Bobert Clar" Harry E. Cooper WILFRED BRIGGS School of Mwic Organist and Recitalist M.5.. CHoM. Mus. D., F.A.G.O. SI. Jbhn's in the Village Universlly of Michigan F1nt IdctWbc Qa..o, s~ Oat. New Yark 14, N.Y. Ann Arbor RAlJtlGH,N.CAROLINA JOHN BULLoUSH ARTHUR CARKEEK M.s.M. ""'.G.D. WALLACE M. COURSEN, JR. DELBERT DISSELHoRST A.B, M.s.M. Ch.M. FAG.D. DePauw University Organist lIMA Farl.lgh Dk"",,o" Unlvanily CHRIST CHURCH TaaMdt, New J.,sey _ MethHIot a...... Gobin Memorial Church BlOOMfiElD AND GlEN RIOG!. NJ. UnI.. nlty 01 lawa Whh. , ...... Now y"", G....,.,.,tIc, IDcIiaDa The KimIMrfy School, Mall'do., N. J. 10.. CIty I..... - -

JANUARY 1974 19 KATHRYN ESKEr GEORGE ESTEVEZ The University 01 ch.m. Organ Recitals North Carolina Director at Gr.ensboro CHICAGO CHAMBER CHOIR Marie-Claire Alain, Paris, France - Har­ Telemonn; Prelude and Fugue fn E minor. vard U. Cambridge. MA Nov 301 PlOlude Bach; Toccata and Fugue in D minor opus and Fugue In E minor BWV 658, An 129b. Prelude and Fugue in F·sharp minor WasserflOssen Babylon BWV 9653, Von Gatt opus 82. Reger; Prelude and Fugue In A EARL EYRICH GEORGE FAXON will Ich nicht lassen BWV 658, Partlla on minor. David. First Unitarian Church a Gatt du frommer Galt BWV 767, Bach; TRINITY CHURCH Suite du Deuxieme Ton, Guilaln; Choral Douglas Brown - First United Methodist, Rhode Island College Dorien, Choral Phryglen, Deux Danses a Baldwin City. KS Nov 18, Concerto I In C, Providence BOSTON Agni Yavis!lta, Postlude pour l'Office de Soler; Prelude and fugue In E minor. Bach; Complies, litanies. Aloin. Sonatlne for Pedals, Persichettl; Epitaphs for Eduh Sitwell, Williamson; Prelude and Christoph Albrecht, Dr.sden, East O.r· Charles H. Ph. D., FAG.D. Fugue in B. Dupre. many - St John's lutheran, Allentown, SUSAN INGRID FERRE PA Nov 12: Fanlasy and Fugue in G minor Wayne Burcham - Holy Nativity lutheran, FINNEY BWV 542, Bach; Prelude and Fugue in Minneapolis, MN Nov 8, Prelude and Teaching Fellow Chairman, Division of Mu.ic & Art G, Bruhns; Prelude and Fugue in G minor, Fugue in C minor. Bach; liebster Jesu, Brahms; Prelude and Fugue In North Texas Siale University Houghton College, Houghton, N.Y. Walther; Vom Himmel hoch, Zachou; Ein minor, Krebs, Sonata for Organ 1972, AI· feste 8urg, Wakha; Choral Darien. Aloinl Denlon Houghton We.leyan Methodi" Church brecht. Fantasy on Ein feste Burg. Reger. 5 Kyrie Couplets (Mass for Convents). Couperln; Reverberations, Perera; Priere du TImothy Albrecht - Middlebury College, Christ, Messiaen; Improvisation on Vlctlmae Middlebury, vr Nov 121 Apparition de Paschall, Tournemlre. l'Eglise eternelle, Messiaen; Son ate II, Robert Finster HENRY FUSNER Hindemith; Deuxieme Fantaisie, Alain; Frederick Burgomaster - St Paul's Calh. DMA S.M.D., A.A.o.a. Snowdrop, Wolfh Multiply It By a Million, edral, Buffalo. NY Nov 9: Festal Flourish, Albrecht; Volumina, ligetl. St. John'. Cath.dral Fin. Pr•• by.erion Church Jacob. Canzano In D minor, Bach, Prelude an Rhosymedre, Vaughan Williams, Suite Denver Na.hville, T.nn..... 37220 Ludwig Allman - Ninth Church of Christ Medievale, Langlais. Selentist, San Francisco, CA Nov 4: Carr certo in A minor, Bach; Silent Night, Barber; Douglas L Butler - First Unitarian. Port. All power is given, Wolcha; The first Noel, land. OR Nov II : Prelude and Fugue In LESTER GROOM Allman; How firm a foundation, Ives, 0 D. BWV 532, Bach, Sona!o In A minor. Antone Godding Word of God most holy, a he who trusts C P E Bach; Fantasy in F minor KV 608, Sealtle in God's protection, God of truth eternal Mozart; Suite on the First Tone, Cillram­ School of Music Sealile Pacifie Cburdl of the good, Let all the earth wilh songs rejoice, boult; The leaves on the trees spoke, Bishop W. Anai. Smith Chap.1 College Asl.'en.ion Bach; Rhosymedre, Vaughan Williams, Fan­ Finney, Intreduction, Passacaglia and Fu· tasy in F min or KV 608. Mozart. Oklahoma City Univenity 98119 98199 g ue In E minor opus 127, Reger; Variations and Fugue on God Save the Queen. Reger. Ames Anderson - Dr Ma rtin l uther College, New Ulm, MN Nov 18: On earth Paul Calloway, Washington D,C - Main DAVID S. HARRIS has dawned, Jesus lead Thou on. Deal with St United Meth:)dist. Suffolk, VA Nov 71 E. LYLE HAGERT me In mercy, I will sing my maker's praises, Prelude In E.flat BWV 552, Sonata In D Church 01 Our Saviour Kyrie elelson, Gloria in excelsis, Benedictus minor BWV 527, Bach; Fantasy In F minOr lopus 59/7·9), Introduction, Theme with Cclhscmane Episcopal Church Akron, Ohio KV 608. Mozart; 5 Sonatas for Chamber Variations and Fugue in F·shorp minor opus Organ K 287. 288, 328, 255. 254, Scarlatti, J\.lhmnpolll, Minnesota 564"" Organ 73. Reger. Arioso, Sowerby; Apparition de l'Eglise Eternelle, Messiaen; Final In B·flat, Franck. Robert Anderson - Southern Methodist U, Dallas. TX Nov 26: Prelude and Fugue Scott Cantrell, Schenectady, NY - All Iii A minor BWV 5-43, Bach; Fantasy on Saints Cathedral, Albany, NY Dec 9: Suite Nun kamm der Heiden Heila nd, Bruhns; WILL O. HEADLEE on the Second Tone, Guilaln; Saraband. Yuko Hayashi Recital ive, Interlogue and Torque 1972, Howells; In Praise of Merbecke. Wytonl SCHOOL OF MCSIC David C 15Ole; Vision opus 44, Dupre; boston Very Siov/ly (Sonatina), Sowerby; Postlude, SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY Fanlasy on Ha lle lujah Gatt zu laben, Reger. Mathias. new england conservatory SYRACCSE, r-;EW YORK 13210 Gordon Atkinson, London, Ontario - St John's luth eran, Preston. Ontario Oct 271 Robert Cavarra - Colorado Slate U, Sonata I, C P E Bach, 4 pieces for Flute Fort Collins Oct 281 Prelude and Fugue in Clock, Haydn; Ciacona in E minar, Buxte­ G minor, Buxtehude; Ciocona In F minor, SAMUEL HILL hude; Se mpre semplice, Karg·Elert; Cantique Pachelbel; Concerla del Sigr Taglletll, WILBUR HELD IFolklork Suite), l anglois; Dos Holsteinlsche Walther; Fugue In G 8WV 577, Toccata. SM.D., F.A.G.O. St. Paul', Church OrgelbOchlein, Micheelsen. Adagio and Fugue BWV 564, Prelude and Ohio State University ChIcago, Illinois Fugue in E·flat BWV 522, Bach. Trinity Church Canhage Co!lege William Aylesworth - dodora l recital, COLUMBUS, OHIO Kenosha, 'Vi.sconsin Northwestern U, Evanston, Il Oct 291 Fan· Roberl K Chapman - Christ Church fare, lemmens; Al legretto In sl mlneur. Cathedral, Springfield, MA Nov 181 Prelude Guilmant; Symphony V. Widor. and Fugue In A, Walther; Came Savior of the Gentiles, Prelude and Fugue In D, Harry H. Huber Frederick L Beol - First Baptist Church, If thnu but suffer God to guide thee, JOHN HUSTON Huntsville, AL Nov 6: Posticcio, langlois; a Fugue In A minor, Bach; Fanfare, Gonsz; M. Mus. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH morning star how fair a nd bright, Buxte­ Schet%O (Symphony 11), Vlerne; Prelude an Kansas Wesleyan University hude; We now implore God the Holy One, Malabar. Sowerby; Copprlcio on the Notes University Methodist Church TEMPLE EMANU-EL Walther; Ah whither may I fly, Prelude and of the Cuckoo. Purvis; God of· the Expand· Fugue in A minor. Bach; Prelude, Fugue ing Universe, Felciano, Prelude and Fugue SAUNA, KANSAS New York City and Variation, Franck; The Celestial Ban· on BACH. listt. quet, Messiaen; Final from Symphony I, Vierne. John Christian - Trinity Memorial Church. ELLEN KURTZ Warren. PA Nov '1 : Choral In E, Franck, d. deane Stephen H Best, Utica, NY - Syracuse Sonata in F, Cherubini; Emperor's Fanfare, JACOBSON U, Syracuse, NY Nov II: Fanfare, leighton; Soler; Offertoire (Moss for Convents), hutchison Prelude and Fugue In G minor. Buxtehude; Couperln; Prelude and Fugue In E.flat BWV M.MUL A.A.G.O. All glory be to God on high BWV 662, 552, Bach; The Celestial Banquet, Messloenl portland, oregon Prelude and Fugue In B minor BWV 544. Tu es Petra, Mul.t. Concord, California Bach; Vision of the Church Eternal, Messiaen; On the Divine Presence. Felciano; Contem­ Laverne C Cooley Jr - First United plation, Peloquin; In Adam we have all Presbyterian, Attica, NY Nov 4: Grand been one. Wyton; Processional in 0, GEORGE E. KLUMP jeu, du Mage; Chaconne In G minor, L KIM R. KASLING j ohnson; Two Epitaphs for Edith Sitwell, Couperin; Adagio in D minor, Vivaldi; D.M.A. Willia mson; Allegro from Symphony II. DIVISION OF THE ARTS Psalm XIX, Marcello; Taccota In 0 minor, Vlerne. Organist and Chairman, Keyboard Diy. Jesu joy of man's desiring. Sinfonia to Mankato Stat. Colla •• DALLAS BAPTIST CoLLEOE Cantata 156, Sleepers wake, Cathedral Manlcato, Minn. Jam.s BaSiert, Long Beoch, CA - St Prelude and Fugue In E minor, Bach; a R.cital. - Clan.. - Consullatlons DALLAS, TEXAS 75211 Mark's Episcopal. Glendale, CA Nov -41 God Thou faithful God, Brahms; Adagio In Icon, Burritt; I make my soul from all the A·flat, Guilmant; Choral In A minor, Fronek; elements of the earth. Feldono; When the Aria, Peeters; Maestoso in Csharp minor, morning stars song together, Toccatas for Vlerne. the vaults of heaven, Safe In their alabaster ArtIu laMirande ARTHUR LAWRENCE chambers (assisted by soprano Diane Wallace M Coursen Jr - Christ Episcopal, Thomas), Pinkham. RECITALS Doe. Mu •• Art., A.A.G.O., Ch.M. Bloomfield. NJ Nov 25; Toccata, Adagio Specialty: German Romantic and Fugue In C. Ach bleib bel uns, Wo soli Repertory Saint Mary's ColI~. Ulrich Bremsteller, Flensburg, Germany ich fliehen hin, Trio Sonata IV, Wachet , 521 Wed End Ayenu., New York, N.Y. 10024 No .... Dom., Indiana 46556 Rice U, Houston, TX Nov 181 Fantasy In auf, Nun kam der Heiden Heiland, Pas­ D, Herr Jesu Christ dich zu uns wend, sacoglia and Fugue in C minor, Bach.

20 THE DIAPASON frank W Cummings, Pomana, CA _ St Robert Elmore, Philadelphia. PA. Paul's Cathedral, los Angeles Nov 9: ChrlSf's Home Chapel, Warminst.r. PA Trumpet Voluntary, Purcell; Concerto IV. Oct 14 ~ In dulcl Jubila, Reloke greatly THE DIAPASON A MUST FOR EVERY ORGANIST Handel; Bohemian Cradle Song, Poister; b.Jo.... d Chrisliall5. Boch; Jesus the very Marche Grotesque, PUrvisl Toccata (Gothic thought of The.. Jesus makes my heart ($7.50 a y.. r-$13.00 for two y ..n) Suite). Boiillmann. rejoice, Elmore; Outbursts of Joy. Mes­ 00 nat Mnel cash siaen; Ctnrol In A minor, Fran,k_ Send THE DIAPASON for yearls) to Jame& A Dale - U S Naval Academy. Annapolis. MD Nov 25: Sonala In 0 minor. Rebe«a NaHdtlllr Emigh. Tempe Al - Nome Enclosed II $ Ritter; Savior of the nalions come, Manz; Grace EpiKOpal, Tuaon, AZ Nov 18: Grand - R:mdo. Rinck; Prelude and Fugue In C ieu, de Mage; Noel, Cabezon; Jesus minor BWV 549, Bach; Cantabile. franu; Christus unser Heiland, Voler unser, Pep­ Str.. t THE DIAPASON Nova. Roberts; Grand Choeur Dialogue. ping; Kyrie Gott Heiliger Geist, Fantasia - Gigou'. In G minor, Bach; Jesu delne Paulon, City ______. Walcho; Dleu parmi nous, tJ.eSllaen. 434 South Wobolh Ave. Harold A Daugherty - St Paul's Cathed· ral, los Angeles Nav 30, Agincourt Hymn, Harold fabrlkant - SI John's CathedraJ, State _._. . ___ _ Zip __.... __ ChlcOIIO, III. 60605 Ounstable·Swon; Sonatlne for recorder and Milwaukee, WI Nov 18: Nun kamm der cembalo. Klein (auitted by Loren Weather· Heiden Heiland awv 661, 660, 659, Nun ty): Choral In A minor. Franck. freut euch 8WV 734. Puer Natlts 8WV 603, 'n duld jubilo B'NV 729, 608, 8och; Parlita RICHARD W. UTTERST MARRIOTT Harriet Dearden, Rldgwoad, NJ - Old on Jesu meine Freude, Walther; Gothic North Reformed Church, Dumont, NJ Nov 41 Symphony, Widorj Nos 2. 5, 7 from La M. S. M: The Detroit Institute Sanota I, Mendels.sohn; Prelude an Dearest Nativlte. Meulaen. SECOND CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH of Musical Art, Detroit. Jesus. Boch; Voluntary on Old IOOlh, Pur· Organist, The Detroit Symphony cell, Fanlosles on Mekombe, Mendon, Mc· ~ary Fenwick, Chalfont, PA - Flnt Pres­ ROCKFORD, IUJNGIS Kinley; Variations on America. Ives; Scherzo byterian, New York City Oct 28: Prelude !Symphony IV), Widor; Medilation on Condi. and fugue in G. Bruhns; 4th Couplet tor Alme, Rowley; Carillon de Westminster, Domine Deus (Parish Mau), Couper in; Pro.. Vierne; Deck thyself my soul, All glory lude and Fugue in 0 BWV 532, Bach; Hinson Mikell be to God on high, on that t hod a Sonata VI for Wonhip, Jones; Prayer of William MacGowan thousand tongues, Ore; Toccata, Sowerby. Christ Ascending. Messiaen; Impromptu, Recitals 'ethescla-&y-the4ea Vierne: Sonata ErOica, Jongen. George D.,k.r - St Paul's Cathedral, St. Mark's Church, Frankford Palm Beach, Florida Syracuse, NY Nov 13: Suile on the First Thomas George - Church of the Hil ls, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19124 Tone, CJerambouh; CarilJon de Westminster, Evergreen, CO Oct 21: Gothic Suite, WI· Vierne. Imann; Contemplation, Purvis; Middleberry, Wood; Trumpet Tune In D, Johnson; Prelude Robert Del,amp - Buena Vista College, and Fugue in G. Bach: Processional, Shaw; ROSILAND MOHNSEN HAROLD MUELLER fA.G.O. Storm Lake, 106. Nov 10: P' elude and fugue Wondrous love, Young; Jesus makes my Westmor College in D. Bach; Scherzo (Symphony II). Vlerne; heart rejoice, Elmore; Antiphon III, Dupre: Trinity Episcopal Chun:h Impravi~at i on on In duld jubilo, Karg.Elert. Carillon Sottie. Mulet. Co Iyory Methodist Church Temple Sherith Israel Ri,hard P DeLong, Dallas, TX - Cath.d· Henry Glass Jr, SI Louis, MO - Epiphany LeMars, Iowa SanFr.mdKo ral of the Sacred Heart, Newark, NJ Nov Lulheran, St Louis Nov 41 Prelude, fugue 201 Prelude and fugue In G minor, BUlII:te­ and Chaconne. BUlII:tehude; Variations on hude; Nun kamm der Heiden Heiland BWV Was Goll tut, Podleibel; The day Is surely 659, 660, 661, Bach, Fanfare. Cook; drawing near, Fugue a 10 Glgue, Toccata WILLIAM H. MURRAY CARLENE Scherzo In E. Glgout; Prelude, Fugue and and fugue In 0 minor, Boeh: Voluntary Mu •• M FAG.O. Variation, franck; fantasia and Fugue on In G. Walond; Fanfare, Arnall; All glory NEIHART be to God on high, Soul odorn th yself BACH, lisn. Church of the MecUator St. Anelrew'. Episcopal Church wjth gladness. 0,.; FlrlOl in B-flot. Fronde; Meyer a"eI Want.n Vernon d. Tar, New York, NY - St Toccata from Svmphany V, Wldor. Chicago. UI. KanlG' City, Mi ...url 64113 Matthew'S Lutheran, Whlto Plains, NY Oct 281 Fantasy In G, Wachet auf. HCkhster James W Good, louisville, ICY - First was Ich hobe (soprano solo), Both; Partlta Baptist, Montgomery, Al Nov I : Fanfare, on Jesu meine f,eude, Wahher, lorgo, C:::ok: Prelude and Fugue in B minor 8WV Martii'll; Sonata In the First Tone, Lldan; 5"", Herzllc.h tut mich verlangen BWV 727, NORLING frank a. novak HOLY TRINITY LU1'HERAN My heart rejoices, Brahms; Paslorale on Bach; Toccata and Fugue in 0 minor/major SI. John's Episcopal Church M:Jrning Star, Pinkham; Refledion an Wond­ opus 59/5, 6, Reger; Trumpet Minuet, , CHURCH rous Lave, White; Choral In B minor, Fronck; Hollin" final (Symphony I), Vierne; Beaull· J.ney Clly Hdgb.. Now J

22 THE DIAPASON Dwight Oarr. Aurora. NY - Trinity Col­ Robert RoUl:tOI - United Presbyterian Richard Unfrled - Siola College. La MI­ William Witherup, Meadvflle, PA - Stone lege. Hartford. CT Nov 16l Kyrle Gatt heili­ Church. Cortland, NY Oct 2': Fantasy In G ,ado. CA Oct 261 Ac:h bleib bel uns, Jesu United Methodist, Meadville Nov 251 Trum. ger Geist, Wenn wlr In hachsten Nathen BWV 572. Fugue In G BWV 577, fantasia Seelenbrautigam, Jesu melne Freude, Karg­ pet Tune .n C, Purcell; We all believe in '-In. Bach; Concerto del Sigr Meck, Walther; ond Fugue in G minor BWV 542, Bach; Epi. Elert; Fantasia and Fugue in G minor. BaChl one God, Come Savior of the Heathen, 1I. 'IOc:atlon (Sonata II), Reger; Fantasy and kJg ue. langlois: Toc:c:ato, VlUandc:o y Fuga. Sonatina No 2B, Rayner Brown. Bach: Swiss Noel. d'Aquln; Three Muslc:al Fugue on Ad nos, lim. Ginastera1 So.ota III in A, Mendelssohn. Clocks, Haydn; Welhnachten, Reger, Vari­ Kent Vander Band - St Paul's Cothodral. ants on Lauda Anima, Witherup; Playing Frank K Owen - St Paul's Cathedral, Los Geoffrey H Smith, Princeten, NJ - All Boffola, NY Nov 161 Fantalsle In A, Conta­ Footsie, Young: Greensloeves, Purvis, Pas­ Angeles Nov 2; Prelude and Fugue In E Saints Cothedral, Albany, NY Dec 30, Prel­ bile. Piece H6roique, Franck. torale and Aviary, Improvisation on God minor. Bruhns, Adagio (Gothic: Sonata), Dig­ ude and Fugue In E minor, Bruhns; Fanfare, Rest You Merry, Roberts; Arlo and Fanfare, Vidal. gle; A Fantasy opus 39, Darke, legende, Wytan; Pauacaglla and Fugue In C minor Benlalllin Von Wye - Bethesda Episcopal. Vlerne; Fugue In e-flat 8WV 552, Bach. BWV 5B2. 2 settings In dulc:i jubllo. Bath. Saratoga Springs. NY Nov 041 Litanies, Vari­ ations on a Theme of Jannequln, Aloin; Trio H Rou Wood, Dallas. TX - First Methe> dist, Tulsa, OK Nov 61 Prelude and Fugue Karel Pauhrt, Evanston, IL - Trinity Sonata, Shackleford; Prelude and Fugue In Preston H Smith Jr - First United Pres­ in E, LUbeck; Alleln Gatt In der H6h BWV Church, Tulsa, OK Od 31: Fantasy and E-flat. Bach; Ballo della Battaglia, Storace; byterian, Amagansett, NY Nov 41 Grand 662. 664. Bach; Allegro (Symphony VI', WI­ Fugue In G minor. Wo soli Ith fllehen hln, Pastorale, PasquinI; Tlento de quarto tono a Choeur, DuBois; Alre in G, Erbarm dlch dar: Deuxleme fontaisie, Alain; Drop Drop Kommst du nun, Bach. Volumina, lIgetl; modo c:onci6n. Arauxo; Prelude and fugue mein, Prelude in G, Bach; Christ Jesus who slow tears, Persichetti; Prelude and Donee Prelude and Fugue in B, Dupr6; Prelude and on 0 Traurlgkelt, Brahms; Prelude and maketh us glad, Dupr6; Communion, Purvis; Fugue, litolze. Fugue on BACH, Lint; Second Fantasy, Fugue on ALAIN, Durufl6. AmaZing Groce, Martin; MUodi, Sowerby; Aloin; Finale, Eben. Now thank we all our God, Karg-Elert. Charles Woodward - First Presbyterian, D Barry Waterlow - Pirst Baptist, Leth­ Wilmington, NC Nov .25, Concerto In B mi. Richard M Peek, Charlotte, NC - First bridge, Alberta Nov 23: Cortege Acade­ nor, Meck, Walther; 0 whither sholl I flee, Methodist, Hendersonville. Ne Nov 041 Prel­ Richard Birney Smith - S, Jo ...... ~ Church. mlque, MacMillan: Two Chorale Preludes, Lord Jesus Christ with us abIde, Prelude ude and Fugue In C BWV 547. Bach; Pas­ Dundas, Ontario Nov II: Allegro (Symphony Archer; Three Pieces from Cabeno's Homage, and fugue In C BWV 531, Bach, Roulade, torale, ZipollJ Venl Creator, de Grlgny; VI), Toccata (Symphony V), Wider; Volun­ Cobena; Prelude for Barry Woterlow, Daw· Bingham; Sonata I, Hlndemith, Comes Au­ Pastorale, Franck; Pentecc»t Sunday, Felci­ tary III in D minor, Walond; Variations on son; Toccata and Fugue BWV 565, Both. tumn Time, Sowerby. ana; Partlta on St Paul, Peek; Desseln Eter­ Christus der ist mein Leben, Pochelbel; Toc­ nals. Dieu parmi nous. Messiaen. Assisted colo in D minor, Allein Gatt in der HSh. Franklin Watkins, Pittsburgh, PA - Trinity Lynn Zeigler, Geneva, Switzerland _ by men of Covenant Choir (Charlotte) in Bach; Offertolre (Parish Moss), Couperin; Cathedral, Pittsburgh Cd 31: Prelude, Fugue Eglise Francalse, Bern. Switzerland Nov 13, the de Grlgny and Feldano works. Rhosymedre. Vaughan Williams. and Chaconne. Pachelbel; Concerto in F, Variations on Unter der linden, Sweellnc:k; Alblnoni; My heart Is filled with longing. Clocono in F minor. Pachelbe!; Prelude and fugue in A minor BWV 543, TrIo Sonata Frederick Swann, New York, NY - First Brahms; The Fading Flowers (Western Penn­ Ellsworth Peterson, Georgetown, TX - II in D minor, Bath; les Acclamations, Nun Congregational, Stamford, CT Oct 281 Maes· sylvania Suite), Lahmer; Preamble for a Memorial United Methodist. Austin, TX Dec komm der Heiden Heiland, Komm Gatt toso In C-sharp minor, Vierne; Concerto In Solemn Occ:asion, Copland. 9: Sonata In D minor opus 042. Gullmont; Sch6pfer, Ersc:hienen ist der herrliche Tag, Noel X. d'Aquln; Prelude, Fugue and Varia­ F. Handel; Toccata opus 59/5. Reger; Choral Marianne Webb, Carbondale, IL - West­ Rogg; Fantasy and Fugue in D minor opus tion, Fronek; Adeste fldells, Ives: Pastorale in B minor, Franck; Abide 0 dearest Jesus, 135b, Reger. on a Christmas Plainsong, Thomson, Silent Karg-Elert; Passacaglia and Fugue In C minster Presbyterian, Dayton. OH Nov 04: Fantasy In F minor KV 608, Mazart; Tierce Night, Barber; Fantasy on Wie sc:h6n leuch­ minor, Bach; Postlude for Compline, AJain; Jay Harokl Zoller - Church of Our Sav. en taille, dill Mage; Prelude and Fugue in tet der Morgenstern, Buxtehude; Es 1st ein The Entry of Jesus Into Jerusalem, Langlais. iour, Milford, NH Nov 41 Prelude and Fugue D BWV 532, Bach; The Burning Bush, Ber­ Ros. Brahms; Fugue In E-flat. Bath. In A minor, Kommst du nun, Christ unser linskl; Sketch In D-flot. Schumann; Sonata Herr zum Jordon kam, Bath; SuUe du Robert Tripplett - St John American I, Mendelssohn. Ruth Plummer - St Paul's Cathedral, Los Lutheran, Cedar Falls, IA Nov 1BI Prelude Deuxl6me Ton, CI~rambault; Fugue In C Angeles, CA Nov 16: Canzano. A Gabrlell; and Fugue in E minor, Bruhns; Henllch tut opus 36/3. Dupr6; Toc:eatas for the Vault GlIIlon Weir - Cathedral of the Incarna­ Fantasia In F. Mozart; Carillon, Sowerby; of Heaven, Pinkham; Vom Himmel hoch. mlch verlangen, Brohn!05; Fantasy In F minor tion, Gorden City, NY Nov 1 t I Suile In A Now thank we all our God, Bach-Fox. KV 608, Mozart; Lobe den Herren, Abren,; Zoller; I make my soul from all the Ele­ l1Iinor, Dondrieu; Allein Gatt In der H6h, Andante sostenuto (Gothic: Symphony), Wi· ments of the Earth. Feldano; Prelude and Nun komm der Heiden Helland, Toccata and dar; Arabesque sur les flulea, Langlois; The Fugue In D, Bach. Whitney Reader, NtlW Orleans, LA Fugue in D minor. Bach; Tanz-Toccata, HeU­ World Awaiting the Savior, Dupr~. Rice U. Houston, TX Jan 61 Prelude and ler; Naiades. Vlerne; Plice H6rolque, Franck; Fugue in F-sharp minor, Buxtehude; Alleln Les Bocgers, Dleu parmi nOUl, Messiaen. lIecitcd program. for inclullon In Gatt In der H8h. BOhm; Partita on Jesu George E Tutwiler, Pittsburgh, PA - thete paaes must reach THE DIAPASON meine Freude. Wahher; Fugue In G minor. Bakerstown Uniled Methodist, PA Nov Ii: J Clifford Welsh, Newark, NJ - Cathe­ 6 SchUbler Chorales, Prelude and Fugue within thr.. weelea of performance 4.... Rlgoudon, Campra; Elevation, Couperln; dral of St Jobn the iaptlst. Paterson, NJ Recitals enlaging more than thr.. er­ in G BWV 541. Bach. Fugue In G minor, When Thou art near, Nov 251 Now thank we all our God, Karg· Bach; Agincaurt Hymn, Dunstoble; Flute Elert; Echo, Scheidt; Concerto del Sigr Meek, ganilts will nat 1M includetl. The pr.. Dione Rider - St Paul's Cathedral, Syra­ Solo, Arne; Air and Gavotte, Wesley; If Walther; The Walk to Jerusalem (Cantata gram mUlt state the date and .... 0 of cuse. NY Nov 20: Elegy-JFK, Williamson, thou but suffer God to guide thee. IlInck; 22), Bad.; Prelude and Fugue in G minor, the performance as well.. the n ..... Jesus Is Nailed to the Crou, Dupr6; Dorian Rhosymedre, Vaughan Williams; Adagio, Buxtehude; Intermezzo, ScHllmann; Carillon, of the performer. Chorale, Alain; Meditations V and VI, Mes· Nyquist; Choral In A minor, Franck. Delamarter; Toccata in A, Sowerby. slaen.

Lawrence Robinson, Richmond, VA - St Paul Lutheran, Flint, MI Nov 111 Partite LAWRENCE George Wm. Volkel sopra 10 Aria della Falla do !spagna, Pas­ Dwight Oarr quinI, TOttOto In A, A ScarlattI, Alleln Gott SAC. MUS. DOC., F.A.G.O. In der HOh, Prelude and Fugue in D, Bach; Recitals Rondo for the Flute Stop, Rinck, SIciliano ROBINSON opus 047, Reger, Wie schOn leuchtet der Morgenstern, Korg.Elert; Toccata, Nancy Wells College VIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH UNIVElSln POMPANO lEACH Faxon, Where cross the crowded ways of Aurora, New York 13026 alCHMOND, VIRGINIA RORIDA life, Shackleford; Carnival. Crandell. Fir" Pre.byterlon Church John ROM. Newark, NJ - first United Methodist, Peoria, Il Nov II: Sketch In F minor, Schumann; Cantabile, Franck; Car­ tage et l1tanle, Dupr'; Little Carols of the tHl TEMPlE CHARLOTTE and WILLIAM First PresbyterIan Church Saints, Williamsan, Flute Tune. Arne; Caril· OceansIde, Callfarnla Ion-Sortie, Mulet; Toc:cata and Fugue In D CleveltUM, Ohio 44106 minor BWV 565, Bath: Chant de polx, Lang­ Army and Navy Academy lois; Final (Symphony III), Vlerne. DAVID ATKINSON Carlsbad, CalifornIa S ..ven Rosenberry, Hudson, NY - All Solnts Cathedral. Albany, NY Dec 16: Noel X. d'Aquln; Sonata on the 94th Psalm, GOODING Reubke. tHE CLEVELAND ORCHESTRA ARTHUR C. BECKER, Mus D., A.A.G.O. Rick A Rou, Dallas. TX - First Lutheran, MUSICAL HERITAGE SOCIETY DE PAUL UNIVERSITY Galveston, TX Nov 9: Prelude and Fugue In E minor, Bruhns; Trio Sonata V BWV 529, RECORDINGS ST. VINCENTS CHURCH, CHICAGO Prelude and Fugue in C BWV 547. Bach: Es ist ein Ros, SchmUcke dlch, Brahmsl Sidlienne (Suite opus 5), DuruFl~ J Fantasy opus 5212, Reger. DAVID HEWLETT Roger W Roszell, Chicago, IL - First MARTHA FOLTS MARSHALL BUSH Church of Christ, Scientist, Adrian, MI Nov 251 Introitus, Trio and Toc:c:ota on Psalm 105, "Christopherson Place'· Zwart; Voluntary on Old lOOth, Purcell; Nun Traditional Richmond, R.F.D. 3, N.H. 03470 danket aile Gatt, Fugue In D minor, Lord to Thee my heart I proffer. Boeh; How Recitals' 1"""IRDnllllllllllllltllllnllll.IIIISIIIIIlII"IIUlftI"".I"lIalllauW.. UI __II .. lllUllllmlllllllllllllII.IIlUIlllUIIIll"'-ll:llIlIa"""""'IIIIUII_1 beautiful upon the mountains, Harker; 0 come let us sing. Lekberg (assisted by Betty Avant.garde Woodward Smith); Duet for Organ, Finale, , -JOHN HOLTZ " i Wesley (auisted by Paul R Dickinson); Guid­ ance, Jewell, Fantasy on Gloaming, Thatch­ Dept., Iowa State University I Faculty: HARTT COLLEGE, UnIversity af Hartford er; Fanfare on Azmon, Meditation on the I Crusader'S Hymn, Goode; Concert Piece on Ame., Iowa 50010 Forest Green, Diggle. .... "'"''".:...... ".'''~::::,~~,:.. ,~,~,~~~~~~GREG~:~~AL C~URCH, Hartford JANUARY 1974 23 Damp, George E: Car1elOll College. Thompsoll, S'Jlan: WC\lminsler Choir Northfield. MN Aug/IS Collegc Dec/ 18 Delcamp. Robel": inlcrim imlruclor, Vereggc, Thomas: First Communil)' 1973 IN REVIEW Buena Visla College Dec/IS Church, Columhu~. OH M3.y/ 2 De Magnee. ROb~r: guest cliniciall ,\talker. D:I,'id: c.encr:lI Theological Cratin Choir School Cam p Apr/6 Seminary Aug/15 Dc Turk, WiIIi3.m: assistant C'.trillo· " ranI. john Owen: director !ieriotls ARTICLES Cunvention - A RelJOrt. Aug/ I. TI.e fleur, U of Michibf3n OCI/IO lIIusic. nOOSC)' ll: HawkC!i Inc Feh/ IO Illu:irllJerger Organ COrlcerlos. (Record Dodd. Mar), Alln: Colgate U Aug/ 15 Wat50n, Karl: f-'int United ~fethodi5t . CIIlW50II. Donald E. Ce$l1.r Frt2tlclr Review) Nov/2. Using 'lte Com/Huer. Famu:r, SUsa.1I E: chapel organist. l'oll1pano neach. FI. ArrOI Cetebrtl.tion in Paris, FTlmct. (Review) (Edilorial) Dec/2 Princelon U Dec/ 18 Webb. Charlcs H : dcan, Judiana J3n/9. Recilal nevi~J from PnriJ. Shacklcrord, Rudy. "incenr Pusi· Farr, Da\'id: All Saitlts Episcopal, School of Music Apr/ II Apr/3 c1,eW's Hymn a,ul Chorale Prelude I'asa.dena, CA Jan/ l0 Wehmeicr, Ronald F; Mollcr S3leo Clulton. Cecil. Mander Rebuild of "Drol', Drop Slow Tears" - An Analy· Faulkner, Qllentin: assistant, Cathed· representali\'c Feh/IO Historic St. Paul's Catlledral. London, lis. Sep/! ral of St john the Dh'inc, New York Whitney. Stephcn K: assistant. Cath· Announced. Apr/IS Shay, Edmund. The Choate Or$an Cit)' Jan/IO ('(h"31 of thc Sacred Ht.."3.rl. Newark. NJ D3.\·is, Merrill N III. 'iJ Conference nnd Harpsichord Seminars - A Revu:w. Forde. joan: WI..'5tminslcr Choir Col · Jan/ 6 on U'or.JIJiP, ltfimlea/lOli.f, Minflesota­ Sep/22. Some Ilemarks 10 Mr. lfe",ard Icge Dccll8 Williams. Kennelh E: Princelnll A RnJ;ew. Aug/IO /,ngad - A Reply. Dec/I-I Freeman. Roberl: director, Eastman Theological Scminary j.:tn/ IO Fuller. David. Historical Purism in Simmons, Morgan. T//(~ Midwest AGO "'-hool of Music Apr/ II Wiual. Ralph Ill: 51 Paul's Wilhin Organ Design - A Gutst Editorial. Ilegiollnl COl/vel/liull - ... Rt:1Jjt!w. Gilcs, Rodney A: Finl Haptist. Kan· Ihe WaU, Rome, Ital)' Mar/ 19 Jan!2. Playing lIu: Organ ira FrlJllce. Aug/IO S.lS Cill, MO No\'/ lS Wnod, Dale: direclor of music. F.b/6 Smith. Rollin. CeM". Fralick: Ti,e Goldman. Rich:nd .·ralll.;o; mcmher r.alhl"tlral School for Iloys. San Fr:ln G3rreu, Lee R. llooft Rtview of Organist. Fcb/9. jose/"l jongen: .If of ElizahetJl Sprngue Coolidgc FOllmla· eisco, CA May/:? "Ptr/ormauce Practice. A mllliograplly." Ilrit:/ Remembrance. Dcc/S lion Feb/IO May/IO Wilson, Roger n. Collecti"g lor Ile­ Gorrcll, Lorraine: Willthrop Collt-gc. Cudger, William D. HmHlt:l's Organ cording the Orgatl Works 0/ Mendels­ Rock Hill. SC OCI/IO PEOPI.E Concertos: A. Guide to Performance solm - A Personal Od)'lSt:)·. jun/S GtI.."CII, Douglas: Uniled Melhmlist nosed an Primary Sources. OCl/ S Wolfram, Victor. The Registration 01 Church, New London, CT NO\'/15 Adams. Gwcn: wius Lawrcncc·Uald· Guenther, Eileen Morris. Composers Dnroque MIIs;c III tile Har/lSicllOrd. Groom, LCSlcr H: Church of thc win AGO contcst • .lun/!) of Frttlch Nod r'arint;ons ira tile 17,11 Aug/ O Ascension, Scaulc. \\'A Allg/ 15 Alain, Maric·Claire: gh'cs maslcr­ Gnd 18th Centuries. Part I, Dec/i Dralce Uuiversity IJed;cnte.f Nert' H3.01l11aUl1, James j: Moller sales du~. rt.'Cital in Japall. Feb/lO: mastcr­ Hanu. Edwin. An 1,,'roduction to ti,e ,\IUj;C Facility. Mar/14 represcntali\'c .·ch/IO d:us at North Tcx.:ts Slale U, OCl/2 Organ Millie of WiWnm A.lIJT;gllt. Tire Sc/lola Symposi"m Oil "CompOJer lIardies, MallO; Central Unilet.1 1\lbrechl, TilllOlh)·. E: reccin-s I'i M.y!1 dnd Congregation in ,lie 2011, Cetllury Melhooist, Lansing. MI Apr/II I\.appa Lambda award. Jul/3 H3.mlOIl, Thomas. Per/ormnm:e arid - A Report. Dec/S Harris, Ruy: composer ill residence, Albright. William: hunored 011 U uf rile "Alle:ktenlellre" i" lIa".'.1 "Orgel· 5th Annual "MIIS1Cfl ill Chiesa" California Siaic U XU\'/13 MiChigan, Dec/7 Michlein" - Part II, Pnssion /H.d Series - A Composite /le/"", from Iligbe, jamcs: St Mauhcw's Cathell· .\lIman. Ludwig: complctes 35 \'Cars Easter Chorale Preludes. Apr/4 Florence, Italy. jan/2 lal. Dallas, "X Mar/ 19 al Sail Francisco Temple. Fch/ IO Huijstee, Th. V3.n. How Time Was HoLan.s, HenrF Cas;nant sales rc· Anderson. Alcxander: lOUrs niled Notated in Early Keyboard Music. Con­ presentath'c JUIl/i Kingdom. jan/10 clusion. J3.II/12 OIllTUARIES Ilutner, August: nn.d:ner ConliCn a­ nasch, I'cter j: resigns as I\CO m;lg· Jenkins, Larry: Schut: Teruntenary lory, Linl, Austria Dec/IS :uine edilor, May/! Coucert, LOrida", Erlglarld. (Rc\'iew) l\ucJcrsolt, Edwin D, May/9 Iscle, Da"id Clark: Notre DaUlC U Renho"" Charles: im·ilt.."tl hi Polallel. Jan/9. HamllUrg's St. jakobi Kdntore:i narOnll'O, Ch:lSC. Sep/16 O

THE DIAPASON Knighl, Gerald: In visit IJS in 19N, Williams. John: spends lIIonth in Urlawarc Reuter ,"cw/ I SLUlland, AllT/6 Zion I uthctilll. Galc."5\'iI1e. WI 2M }"irst lIaptist, Frank[ort. K Y 3M Sep!7 1... lcld . R J-Iudsun: recci\'es I'rix d'Ex­ \Vooel, H Ros.'i: wins Smllhwc.'Stcrn JUII/S Trinity Episcopal. Escondido, CA 2M c-c1lencc in carillon, Mar/ 19 Regional AGO contesl, ,\ug/ II First Congrcgational, Ansonia. CT 3M Sep/25 l.aGala, Philip: wins Keyboard Arts \\'oodward, Henry and Enid: retire Sep/24 Brentwood United Methodist, Nash­ award" JUII/ 9 from Carleton College, Apr/ 13 ville, TN 2M Oct/ 17 LOIMolllainc, John: cOlllmissioned 10 Wyton. Alec: [estival conductor in Dembinsky First Baptist, Somerset, KY 2M Dec/6 write lIew piece, Allg/ 13 Arizona, JUIl/9 St John's College, Winfield, KS 1M Landis, Kenneth 8.: Ellen: join Arts Zeigler, Lynn: wins Swiss competi­ May/19 Rieger Image management, May/ 16 tion, Apr/ 6 Episcopal Church o[ the Redeemer, I,e\'y, Man'in David: commissioned Flentrop Baltimore, MD 2M May/19 In write ora Iorio. Jun/8 1740 Dutch cabinet organ restored, First Presbyterian, Lake Wales, FL I.ewis, Rohen )-10111: receives Hiurich­ STOP LISTS Uethcl Collegc, North Newton, KS 1M 2M Dec/9 ~'II :m'anl, Mal'/HI Jan/17 I.ipillsky, Fn.·deric:k : n 'ceh'es palenl, Abbott &: Sicker- Virginia InlenUflll( College, Bristol, Roderer .11111/12 Cul\"er-I'alms Vllited l\Iclhoemclll, Oct/ 15 Grace Episcopal, Port Huron, MI 3M Hanover St Presbyterian, Wilmington. Smith, Rollin: to gh'c series at }'rid Brombaugh Rebuild Dec/ IS DE 3M Jul/ S Collcction, New \'ork City, Apr/ 6 Ashland Al'e Baptist. Toledo, OH 2M Steed, Graham: to tour Australia and JUI1 / 1 Muendl Wilhelm :o.;ew Zealand, Jull lO Church of the Blessed Sacrament, Queen's U, Kingston, Ontario 1M Swartz, Samuel J : joins Arts Image Cannana Hollywood. CA 2M JUI/ IO Table Posith'e Apr/6 management, Nov/ ll First Baptist, Jeanette, I'A 2M Re­ Trinity Church, Southport, CT 3M Taylor, Eleanor: rclires [rom Coc build }-eb/18 Noad< Apr/ S College. JUI/3 St Luke's Lutheran, Roaring Spring, Episwpal Order o( St Anne, Lincoln, Th)bo. Lief; gh'cs symposium in I'A 2M Jun/8 MA 1M Aug/14 Zinuner Cambridge, MA, Jan/ I Grace United Church o[ Christ, Jean­ Rhode Island Collcge, Providence, Rl "nckton, Jason H : completes 40 Augustana Lutheran, West St Paul, ette, I'A 2M Oct/19 2M Sep/20 MN 2M Apr/ B lears at Detroit Temple, May/IS First Unilcd Methodist, Decatur, IL Icad o[ Cas.n-ant 2M Dec/ 13 }"irst Presbyterian, Lake Forest, lL Aug/i4 2M May/ 18 Pro\'idence ~a: pre- Unh-ersity Baptisl, Coral Gables, FL 5t Patrick's Church. Montreal, Canada ORGAN SERVICE-J. E. Lee, Jr. 2M Jul/ 12 2M Rebuild May/ 16 contest, KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE 37901 lox 2061 Church Orgah Co Redman our in Ascension Lutheran, New Brunswick, Moses l\Ionte[iore Temple, Marshall, Tunlna • Maintenance. lelHtilcUnl NJ 2M Sep/25 TX 2M Rcbuild Sep/21 COlUUltanb

Organ Builders , and Inc. • Rebuilding FRANK J. SAUTER SONS • Repairing * Phones: 388-3355 * • Conlradual Servicing 4232 Wesl 124th Place PO 7-1203 Alsip, Illinois 60658 For UnexceUed Service

JANUARY 1974 2S C.. ..ttIeci advertillnl rat.. : per word, , .20; "unum cha,•• , $2.50j box numb .... oddltlonal $1 .00. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS a.pll •• to II •• IIumbe ... ,hou)cl b ••ont c/ . Th. DI.p.lOn, 434 S. Wab.. h AVenue, C"ka.o, III. 60605.


SIN6LE MALE. 2f, D.MA. Ol&ANIST· WANTED FOR PAllS: ZUCKY:MANN SPIN· TUNERS THROW AWAY MESSY COnONI SPERRHAkE CONCERT ~ODEL II FT. I IN.) horpliehordist, tonchtclot church mu.iclan. d .. at kit itt ony .taw. !:If cOMtrvc.Hon Of' com· Millhre tuniftQ i. easier and Ie .. frustretiflO Harpsichord in perfect condition. PedeloOper. .i,e, to fo-Iocat. In &Op!a idicated pori'" millie plated. le~ Morvan. Pom',.1 khool, Pom,,.,, with a ll felt K. D. KePI. Starter .el (tUnMI "P at.d "', 8', 4'; 8', with .01' playabl. from proQr.m Dr aClldomIe environment 'keyboard CT 06258. 10 4 ranb) $3.50, Delun .et 15 re.h .. more) eith.r manual. Unusually booutiful b.nded perfotmanclI, music: hidory); edabli.hed COIII­ $8.00. K. D. Kaps, 214 Oekland St., Man- clII ~wor l:.. Owner we tt in~ 'af'ger mod.l. Ext.l. urt organi d . live y..... collao. teaching, ex­ USED SPOTIED METAL AND OLD sPOnED chester. Conn. 06040. ~ lent buy at $4500 firm . Dr. W.rner J. Frle., cellent ref.renus. solo lind ensemble tapel metol pipel. Contact, Tri vo Comp.ny 11KOf' College lodge Rood, R.D. 2, Indiana, Po. poraled Ma ~u fectu r. n of Qu.lity R.ed Pipas, 500 200 en ro·locale anywhere in U,S.A. t USED ORGANS - GlAND PIANOS 15701. (.0112 ) 463·0103 , or Caneda. Add ... 11 ,... t.) . THE DIAPASON. lox tOt , H D we rsto w~ , Ma ryland 21740. 01'111 player grands - all make •. Piano end or­ gon technicians wonted. V.P.O. franchi,e, avail. HARPSICHORDS, CLAVICHORDS, SPINlTS OlaANIST..cHOIRMASTEI, ..c. MUS •• WALE, CASH FOR COMPUTE WURLITZER 2M eble in South Florida. For pro.pectus write: and Moza rt Pianofories by Noupart end 5eba· 35, ling I.. dC!1; r.' dimulating position in Spec. in playing condition. Phone coll.ct. L Victor Pi.nol and Organs, lOCI N.W. 54 St., thil. Accu rate copies of Mllorical Harpsichords perish with 900d pipe orOlln lind strong Evlln5 (91 6) .0128· 1478. M.a",', Fla. J3127. (lOS) 751.7502. by Bill Dowlin9. In eddltlon, we now off.r harpsichord kits. Fin ll nci nw available. Show. choral program. Recitalist , highl V IIlperienced. MUSIC -R'CO:CL"'"LS=-=F:::O:::'- "=U'::T"IN " .-::W;;."'LT::,,:-:.::K;;, N;-. cothedrol backg round, boy choir spatialid , REED ORGAN TUNIN6 AND REPAIRING. room open anyt'me by oppointmant. Frea excell ent rererences. Prefer Episcopal or R.C. nero AeoHon, Duo-Art and Eatey pip. of'9.n Ed lilo r A. Ro deou, <40 1 Albany Av•• ,, Catolo9. John W. Allen, 500 Glenw.y Avenu., Others con,idered. Adreu A·3, TH E DIAPASON. players. J. V. Macartney, .oIG6 H.verford Ave., NJ OOlell. Bristol , Vi rginia 24201 . (703) 66Y·IJ96. Nllrberth, P•• l'fOn . QUALIFIED ORGANIST TO PLAY FOR SAIATHIL HARPSICHORDS, PEDAL HARP· church, teech privetely in school , and oive PUIUCAT,ONS sichords and Clavichords: moll and lwelur. demo"dr.lions. (6t7) 53£..9OIXI, .d: for MlSCfUANfOUS beautifully soundin lil from $875. Brochur. zs", Mr. Ken. "THREE ceNTURIES OF HARPSICHORD Stereo l P $S from Oept. 0 , 1064 Homer, V.n· M.kincJ ," by Fronk Hubbard, Hervard Utliv.r· counr. B.C., Canada. VISITIN6 CAUF. NOW THRU MAY Ifl-t sity P... n , 1970. 37J Pllllile, plu. " pial. , $15. Would lill. to I" org an intfall.tton. UUfIg The traditioAs of harpsichord mekiftQ in Italy. HARPSICHORDS, CLAVICHORDS, ir.40ZART POW/OHS AVAILABlE combi".tion of pipet .nd .Ieetroaic., •• p. in Flanders, Fronc~, Germ.,.y .nd Eftgland from Pianos, by Neupert. new end ued I. ta·modal home,. R. M. Badlllr, lin Slranap Ava., Apt. I ~ to tBOO. Funk Hubbard, IBSJ Lyman indrumellls, sol. or ",,,tal. Fin. !Killl'll• • 21.B, Walnut CrH k, Calif. 9.01595. 141S) 9l3. Street. Waltham, MOllachuseth 021 5.01. Write or I;ott Wally Pollee 1'55 West Joh ~ LAWRENCE PHELPS AND ASSOCIATES IS Been Road, 5tevenlville, Michigan .. e .. pandblf;l furl he' and can now accept first· 6102 anytime. ,,%1. JUST PUILISHED - " THE A~ERICAN lIED clau OfliJen draftsmen, con sol. and adion NOTE CARDS, ORU.INAL MUSIC MANU· HARPSICHORDS, BEAUTIFULLY htADE AND tachnician., cabin.t mak.n. chest mak.n, Orlilan" - contains hislory. music, redoralion, script facsimile. of Mozart, lach .nd leelhov • • , tuning, hun dreds of illustrations. $9.95 postp.,d. eloborolely decorated in the FI.mish .nd voican end pip' m.ken. th.r. e,. eho III obtained from Europdn museums. 12 .uorted French tr", ditions. Kni9ht Vernon, H.rpsichord limit.d numbar of opportunitiel for younQ Robert Gellerman, Il007 lirnam Wood, Mc.lean, cordi and envelop.s. $l .CO. Organ Art, Box 3D'J, Virvinia 22101. Maker. 525 While Pigeon Stre.t, Const.ntin., people with mechanic. I .bility who would like Burlt n90me, Co. 94OtO. Michigan 49012. to learn ofCJanblliidinQ. Contad Mr. Phelps at (BI.oI) .0154.0193, or P.O. Box 1.0121, Erie, PA 16512. HARPSICHORDS, CLAVICHORDS: htAGNI. PIPE ORGAN NOtE CARDS. NEW SERIES. PIANOS fic ent lone and handlome et r.o· an APPRENTICESHIP AVAILAILE WITH SMALL 6 different in full color. $3.00 dozen. Orv sonobJe cost. Mauric. de Angell, BOI 190, R.D. Art, BOl 309, Burli nQom., CA 9.o1G 10. German.trained t,ack.r builder. Training in all STEIN FORTEPIANO REPLICAS, CUSTO~ # 1, Pennsbur9, Po. IB07l. asped, of OfCJan design and construction. Seri· instruments. Philip Belt, Fortepiano M. k.r, l Oll ous inquiries only. pl.aM. M. A. Lori., Tracke, EXPERT RECOVERING OF ANY MAKe PNEU· 96, Bo ttle c.!oround, Indiana .017921). SPERRHAKE HARPSICHORDS AND CLAVI· Orvans, RFD 2, Barre. Vermont 056.011. motics, pouchboOfds ond prim.,i.. : with Poly­ chords. Cccellent, d.pendoble, beautiful. urethane. Plollie: nuh used on primary 5. Taylor. 9710 Garfield St., Belhesdo, Mary· METAL OR~AN P"£MAkER NEEDED. ONLY wires. Melvin Robinlon, II Par. Av • . , Mou nt HARPSICHORDS land 20034. con&eientioUi nnd e pply. with wi llingfte" to Vernon, N,Y. 10550 . ... Iceat • • Immedi.t. n.ed. Rrm est.blished in 19011. Conlect ditwdly: J.rom. B. M.y.r . nd CLAVICHORD FOR SALE; IUILT FROM HARPSICHORDS, SINGLE AND DOUILI Sonl, Inc., 2119 Sa. Austin Sltul, Milw.u •••• ORGAN SERVICEh4EN: WE WILL RECOVEl Zuch rmaM kit ; wal nut filli.h. offer. J . E. mIInual in clouic French styl e: ello $M ell herp­ Wi.comin 5l201. Casnent o"d Sil inner pouchboerch , primary McGovney, JCH Coventry Dr.. Le.ewooct, NJ sichords from 1845.00. John Iright, 741 A1gome and offset octiOft" Write lurn ... Auoci."t, 0811)1 . Ave., l ondon, Onlarlo, Conodlll N5X· IW.oI . ORGANIUILOERS WITH EXPiIIEHCE IN 1'lO7 Su~vehenll. Rd •• Abinolon, Po. 19001. tnch, o,wans. Voicino backo ,ound would be HARPSICHORD, CONCERT SlZE, DQUlLE HARPSICHORDS, PEDAL HARPSICHORDS, manllol 2 • 8', I II 4'. b"ff stop, excep tiOf\lllI on auet. Ga bri.1 Kney .nd Co., Ltd., I:J7 h i· PNEUMATICS AND POUCH.OARDS OF ANY Clavichords. Cullom mad • • Jon H. Albatda, con St., london 35, Ontario, C.nada. moko r"ovored with polyurihen. PI. die. Wril. tone. Hubbard kit. buil t 1971, J. Allen. Interior 14 Riverdale Dr., Thid letown ( Rp dal. ), Onto cream gold leaf band. Erl. rior brown gold leaf ORGAN TECHNICIANS NEEDED IN SEVER. for quotation. Church OrQan Co., II Walton Canada MYV 2Tl. St., Edison, N.J. 08817. trim, 94" x H", $4,51». (617) 729·60420, 2lJ al wedern tertitOlias 10 operata own pipe or· Straet, Winch~ster, Ma". 01190. gon service buslne" in ."ociation with major WITT HARPSICHORDS, CLAVICHORDS, AL,.. of'9.n firm. Exc.lI.nt opportunity for m.n .nd qUALITY ALL ELECTRIC CHESTS h4ADE TO FUMISH HARPSICHORD, NEW, FOR SALE. so ki ts t. culfomer re quirem. nts. Write, phon., wife team•• Write &iQ.n. E. Pool., 165 lek.. order, good delivery, Aikin Ancei.t.. , l Oll 143, Two reoisters: B' and 4'. l oa: lOS. Columbia. visit shop. E. O. Witt, Rl , Th r •• Rive,., Mich. wood R~d. Walnut C .... k. CA 94598. Brooklyn, PA I.IJ. ville, N.Y. 12050. 47073 (61 6) 2.0l.0i· 51 28.

CHESTER A. RAYMOND, INC. PIPE ORGAN BUILDERS McMANIS ORGANS Incorporated Rebuilding, Maintenance and Addition. 10th & Garlield P.O. Box 55 Princeton, N.J. 08540 KANSAS CITY, KANSAS Phone: 609-924-0935 66104

& LOUIS F. MOHR COMPANY 0 ORGAN G. F. ADAMS E. H. HOLLOWAY R Sine. 1906 MAINTENANCE G . ~ CORPORAnON A 2899 Valentin. Ave. Organ Builders, Inc. New York 58, N. Y. Builders of N :J~. S'lmlol 01 Quahl'l TdcpboDe: SEdgwick 5-5628 Tracker and Eledro·pneumolic 204 We.t Hou.ten Street P Emcrseac:y Service. Yearly Coalraelt I Harp. - Chimu - Blowen slider chest organs JEROME B. MEYER &SONS New York, New York 10014 P Espert Ovcrhaulin, 2339 SO. AumN ST. INDIANAPOUS INDIANA E "A, .. Or•• " Pro~nl1 M"i,".... " M ••,., f 5 MlLWAUKEEf WIS. 53207 B,".r Mwi." T.I: 637-2029 P. O. I •• 202So1

DO IT YOURSW PIPE OaGAN KITS 'tN' p.,."aI withe, JULIAN E. BULLEY C4Ilfom lpedflc.atJon, for dlwrc.h Dr New Organs - Rebuilding r.sldenc., eomplete or parl.. hll I,.. .,. lit goocl bo"cI, Service ImdlOM by ....bllsh.d orv.n bvllden. COLKIT MFG. CO. P.O. lOX 112 ,., J.... . _ ... ZEIST SINCE 1906 1376 Harvard Blvd.-Dayton, Ohl • ..,..06 HU.r StaHon, IunalD, N.Y. 14ZD O",D pi,...... Hell.nd 68 ~ STRUT IDN(ll IoU.SSACM..IS£"S 01851 513.276-2481

PIANO TUNING RANDALL S. DYER Learn Piano tuning and repa'r with HIY ANOOYER ORGAN COMPANY, INC. Felix Schoenstein Pipe Organs and Organ Service to folio .. hom. stuely coutU, Wlel. open 10.36 Pipe Organ Bullde.. R.leI with voocI aamings. Mob. .ac.aJ.. & Sons I.nt "adra" fob. Write Box 4B9 Methu.n, Massachusetts 018'« Americ •• Sch ••1 .f Plan. Tuning SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. IJ'MI T.... Dr. 0_ D ...... HUI. CIA ...., Jefferson City, Tenneslee 3n6O mod.rn mechonle:al «Ibn


Classified advertising rate.: per word, $.20; minimum charse, $2.50; box number, additional $1.00. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Replies '0 box numben should b •••nt cIa Th. Diapason, 434 S. Wabash Avenue. Chicago, III. 60605.


HARPSICHORDS, CLAVICHORDS BY NEU. llR MURRAY HARRIS PIPE ORGAN LESS SKINNER SELF PLAYING PIPE ORGAN AND MAAS·ROWE VIBRACHORD, 44-NOTE XY. pert. world's finest. oldest mll~er. Catalogs on console dissassembled good condition $5,SOO. rolls. Installed in late 20's. 2M/9R with harp. 10phone.Vibraphone·Harp Orcheslra Bells unit request. MlIgnllmusic, Shilfon, Conn. 06069, Casavant 4 manual, 52.drawknob console 1951, Mllgnificent instrument. Brlldy, 4600 Cranbrook, with under~ey contacts, keyboard, cables, am· electro· pneumatic, excellent condition $5,900. Indianapo[is, Ind. 046250. plifier and speaker, An $I,BOO value. $550. HARPSICHORDS CONSTRUCTED AND FIN­ Bo th for $10500. Specs on request. First Presby. Robert Baker, 1252 Memory lane, West Chester, 1935 PNEUMATIC REUTER PIPE ORGAN IN ished. expert workmanship. M. Brody. Hllrpsi lerian Chu" h 320 Date 51., San Diego, Calif. Penna. 19380, good condition. 2·mlln. and pedals, 17 straight chords. ~12 E. -4th Sireet, Brooklyn, N,Y. 1121B. 92101. (714) 461·5-457. rllnks, 18 comb, pistons. Grt, org, unenclosed. HAMMOND X·66 ELECTRONIC THEATRE Swell org"n enclosed. Rev. Francis Eret, Pador, Organ end tone cabinet, two 'leers old, like 4-MANUAL CASAVANT ORGAN, OPUS IMI, HARPSICHORDS, CLAVICHORDS: ClASSIC St. Mark's Church, Shakopee, Minnesota 55379. new, retails over $IO,OOO·II,CXXt, esking $7895. designs: rellson"bly priced. ThomllS E. Mercer, 1940. 66 stops, 73 ranh, good condition. Can Address A·2, THE DIAPASON. 215 Hllrmon Avenue, ChristillM. Pli. 17509 be played by eppointment. Purchaser to reo 4-RANK PIPE ORGAN, DErACHED CON. move al own expense. M"ke offer. Write Dr. sole, one manual, no pedal, plays piano Richard Enr'ght, School of Music, Norlhweslern IBTH CENTURY FRENCH HARPSICHORD rolls, oale case. R. Zumstein, Box 206, Mt, Pu· FOR SALE - MISC. Un iversity, Evllnslon, III, 60201 or phone (lI2) laski, III. 6254B. (217) 792-55Il. in kit form. We offer en outhentic:. reproduc. 492·n5b for furlhor ·nformation. tion of an IIIn'ique French double manual hllrp­ 1'120 HILLGREEN·LANE ORGAN. 17 RANKS. NEW ORGAN PIPES, EXCELLENT WORK· sichord for IIrnateur con5ftuction. The instru­ mllnship and expertly voiced. Formerly super. AUSTIN 2/12 SINGLE CHAMBER, UNIVER­ PI(lyable from Mal[er console of 3 man. of ment hes four registers end buff stop with 1951. Write: Alvin Gustin, Organi$l, Christ visor of Aeolien·Skinner pipeshop. Hans Rother, a range of FF-g" '. All parh are accurately sal ched. Playing in home. You move, only German Organ Pipe<:taft. 34 Stendard Sir.• 53 ,750, Artisan " chapel ' model, 70 stops, 2 Church, liB N. Washington St., Alexandrie, pre·cut end ready for assembly. The kit in­ Va. 22114. (703) 931 ·3227. Mattapan, Mass. 02126. dudes detailed drawings and instructions and manuals. presets, solid stele demo. Vz price, all necessery meterials. For brochure write $5.750. Consoles: large selection of church EASILY REMOVED I6-STOP, I6-RANK 16' CONTRA FAGOn, BRAND NEW, FULL Frank Hubbard, 185J lyman Street, Waltham, and theatre Iype, Two to four manuals, new Hall pipe organ, new console, playing condi· length, unvoiced, 12 pipes, S-400. Pipe shop Massachusetts 0215-4. or used. Pipes: flues and reeds, 3·6" pres. Write tion reasonab'e price. St. John' s Ep'scopal voicing machine with moveble keyboard, $350. fOI currenl lisl: Newport Organs, B46 Produc· Church, 166 Holden 51., Worcester. Mass. 01606. Maas Chimes, neeriy new, 21 notes, complete tion Place, Newport Beach, CA 92660. (714) with key contllcts, trllnsformer, and cllb'e, $225. HARPSICHORDS, CLAVICHORDS, KITS AND 645.1530, Mr, Eby, custom assemblies by New England craftsmen, PIPE ORGAN - MoRTON TWO.MANUAL, Verlinden automatic roll pleyer mec; hanism, Showroom in Bodon area. Agent for Zucker. five ranlcs, couplers, crescendo . Operational. plllYs -standard 9·inch rolls, $350, Kimball three· mann Harpsichords, Wilson Barry and Co., Inc., PILCHER, 2.MANUAL, 14 RANKS, CIRCA Must be dIsassembled and moved by buyer. manual horseshoe theatre console, double bol· Dept. D, P.O. Box 152, Ballardva[e Station, 1895, WIth slider chests, E P pull·down and stop Best offer. R. L. Schwoebel, BIOO Osuna Road stet, bad condition, $300. Jun ~hen Pi pe Organ Andover, Man, 01810. actions and 1930 Reuter console. Reflech good NE, Albuq uerque, NM B7109. (505) 298-04295. Service, BI6 5, Adams, Westmont, IL 60559. care. Purchaser to remove. King Wheeler. 1140 (312) 852·3675. So. Dale Ct., Denver, Colo. 80219. HARPSICHORDS, CLAVICHORDS AND VIR· fOR SALE - ELECTRONIC ORGANS WURlITZER STYLE D TIBIA AND 16' DIA. ginals. Authentic dassical d ~ signs, for home construction by the amateur builder. Wnte ft)( KIMBAlL-KILGEN IN GOOD CONDITION, phone; Skinner 8' Tube and 16' So[o String; ELECTRONIC ORGAN KITS, KEYBOARDS free brochure_ Zudermenn Harpsichords Inc .• 2 menual 22 ranlcs with Maas chimes. Best offer Kimbllil 16' Pedal Trumpet and 8' Yox Humllna; and many components. Independent and di· 12 Grand Sireet, P.O. Box 121, SloninglOill , over $1,995. Purchaser to remove probably win· Welte Theetre Du lciena and Unda Maris vider tone generalors. All d iode keying, I.C. Conn. 06378. ter/spring '74. Can be seen and played. Con· (matched pllid; Moller Clarinet. Percl.l ssions: tact First Church, Ottawa, Kansas 66067. circuitry. Bu ild any type or size organ desired. 049·n ol. Hllrp, 61·nole Marimba, 37·nc.te Mollster Supplement your Artisan Organ. 2Sf, for cate. Xyl ophone, Morton 37· note GI C'J(: kens ~e l . Full log. Devtronix Organ Products, Dept. D., lOR SALE - PIPE ORGANS Il·RANK MOLLER PIPE ORGAN, NEW 1"7, 58n Detoils from Steven Y. Sykes, 9001 Golf Road, Carlsbad Union Church. Replacing with 2.... Amapo[a Drive, San J ose, Calif. 95129. Room 9· B, Des Plaines, IL 60016. (3t2) 29'1·1815 ranle organ. New.orgen guarantee. Perfect con· ofter 5 p.m. B-RANK TRACKER ORGAN. 2 MANUALS, dition. 27 stops. Mahogeny swell expression RODGERS 32·B ORGAN. AN EXCELLENT OR· AGO pedel complete couplers. Excellent 04 cebinet, great end pedal pipes arranged on gan for your studio or church. Rich walnut and 3·rank 58·nole chests. Divided 27·nole 8' REUTER 1966 TRUMPET, 61 PIPES. MINT chests for exposed display. Beautiful. $18,000. fin ish, il is at least as good as new. Used it pedal chest, Available with or without pipeworle. condition, one· haH new prce. Address M·04, Prospectus with pictures on request. Inquiries only for prac;; tice in my slud;o. Three.manual, Mey be seen and pleyed. Malee offer. Will THE DIAPASON. to Dr. Jerry Colling, ll71 Falcon Dr., Carlsbad, full pedalboard, two separale finished speeker help dissemble, arrange crating. 87047 E. Dexter, Calif. 92008. (714) 729·1814. cabinets, totalling 16 speakers. Reluctanlly of· Tucson, AZ 85715. (602) 886·0392 or (602) 265· B-FT. HIGH PRESSURE TIBIA, 73 NOTES. H. fered at $10,000 (or nearest bid) du" to illneu. Morch, 127 Belmill Road, Bellmore, LI., N.Y. 0791. Please phone (617) 235·1 l·MANUAL 27·RANK MOLLER COMPlErE: m. 11710. (516) 781·4363. includes draw knob console, blower. generator, ONE-RANK POSITIVE, KOPPEL FlOTE, UNI. chesh, reservoirs, p' pes, swel!shades, and fa­ RODGERS CHURCH ORGAN MODEL l30. SKINNER CONSOLE FOUR·MANUAL fi ed at four pitches. Mahoguy case. All self. lighled drawlenob console, computer combin· u de pipes. Completely rebuilt by Moller, 1940. Aveilable Feb. 1974. Write Scottish Rite, 825 contained. Color picture avai abre. Address ation action. l·manuels, 3·speaker cabinets and Can be he4l rd by appointment, Specs on reo Union Ave" Memphis, TN 3BI03 for specifico. inquiries to R. W. Kiel, 11003 Noble Street. quest. Wrile; Hampton Baptist Church.Organ, amplifiers. like new, 1111 yean old, original tion and informetion. San Fernando, Calif. 91340. 40 N. King, Hampton, VA 23669, or phon" cost $16,SOO, sell $12.CXXt. Purchllser must (804) 723-0707. remove. Contact Mr. Tobias. (201) )66·'1278. I·MANUAL TRACKER PIPE ORGAN, 5 3.MANUAL CASAYANT MOVEABLE CON· ranles, all new. Must sell, heve moved. (816) sole (1962) electr. combination action. 51 CUSTOM B ALLEN ORGAN, THREE·MAN­ knobs, 8 tablets, II pistons, like new, asleing 358 ·9020. IOIH2 Gregory lene, Raytown, MO 12·RANK MOLLER ORGAN, REBUILT, NEW ual, walnut finish. utility tone cebinels. Un­ 64133. Reisner console with capture type combination $6,000. Also 16' Quintade, spotted mel ai, 61 usual circumdences make available this little· action. Organ is in fair condition and now IIoO les mint condition, $1500. For de toils, write: used inslrument at very substantial savings. pleying. Available March, 19704. Purchaser to Organist, St. Cllmillus Church, 1175 Concord SEMI·PORTABlE POSITIVE. STOPPED FLUTE Will professionelly install in church, home or remove. Reply with offer to First Lutheran Turnpike, Arlington, Mass. 02174. 8', COile F[ute 04', Prillcipal 2'. Millure 3 school anywhere in U.S. and guarantee. Write: Church, Box 108, lexington, North Carolina ranh, Price $5,CXXt, M. A. loris, Tracker Orgalls, Api. "7912, 175 E. Deleware, C llllcagC'J, III. 60611 2n92. 1 RFD 2, Barre, Yermollt OSMI. (802) 476--6340. Of ~ atl : days (112) 6-49· 1950. KINETIC BLOWER, 71l HP SINGLE PHASE, 600 cu ft per min et 10 ins. $200. Brady, 04609 Cranbrook, Indianapolis, Ind. 46250. CONCERT PIPE ORGAN, BUilT BY INTER. SKINNER ORGAN, 2.MANUAL, 7 RANKS SCHOBER RECITAL ORGAN, TWO·MANUAL nationally known Europeell cc mpany, 3 yean unified and duplexed, completely releethered wilh stenderd AGO pedals, 32 slops, 6 coup· old, 3.mallual, 31 stops, in excellent condition. and new magnets, cen be seen and played until lers, tone cabinel. Schob"r Reverb, walnut fin· MAAS ROWE TUBULAR CHIMES AND AC­ Finest meteriels and fin' sh throughout. Aveil· removal Mllrc h I, 19704. Address inquiries to ish Retail S-44oo. Price $3200 or bed offer. Con­ tion. Model 0425·KD2 (inc electronic able immediately. For detei[s and pictures Burness Auociates, 1907 Susquehanna Rd., tact: E. Furgat, 2847 N. Speulding, Chicego, 25 notes. $850. FOB Organ World, 1260 E. write M.2, THE DIAPASON. Abington. Penna. 19001. (215) 887·n67, III. 6061B. (312) 486-44n, Colorlldo Pasadena, CA 91106.

We are now QUALITY and COMPLETENESS Our new voicers supplying pipes, are Pitman chest, Your "one•stop" supplier for all Cornelius (Kees) electro pneumatic DeRooy unit chest and pipe organ supplies and components. and electric valve Charles R. Olesen chest in addition to our standard line of products. DURST ORGAN SUPPLY CO., INC. P. O. Box 1165 Erie, Pennsylvania 'J::~ INC. MANUFACTURERS OF QUALITY ORGAN COMPONENTS 16512

WANT A PRACTICE ORGAN? Build your own - use a PEMBROKE ORGAN KIT [ A I~l All m=Ie eHEm full ins'rudions - Reasonably p,icrul ELEcno PNEUMATIC PEDAL CHESTS THE ORGAN Lo.FT AA AIKIN ASSOCIATES "~::::,rm;.!th GOSSVILLE, NEW HAMPSHIRE 03239 Box 143 Brooklyn, Pa. 18813 717-289-4132 If it rloeln', hove pip"s - if ;1 nof an o,san

lIS J. H. & C. S. ODELL & CO. ORGAN LEATHERS Y '0 ,~' 82-84 Morningside Ave•• Yonkers, New York 10703 Zl E ONE lIUNDlIED & FIFTEEN YE,/RS ,0. ,11 fIJ, A ]859 - 1974 WHITE, SON COMPANY R Fh'c Generations building Odell Organs 286 Summer Street B0510n, IUosaochusclls 02210 --~. S 914 Yonkers S·2607 JANUARY 1974 27 • • L I I I a n M u r t a g h C on~ert Manag e .1. ent

Box 272 Canaan, Connecticut 06018 203-824-7877

Euro[Jcan Artists

Availahle Season 1974-75


GUY 1l0VET Oct. 197'1.

GILLIAN WEIR Feh. 15·filar. 15, 1975


JEAN LANGLAIS April-May 1975




Organ and Assisting Artist


WILMA JENSEN & K. DEAN WALKER Organ & P('r c u ~ ioll