Invertebrate Biology 126(2): 99–112. r 2007, The Authors Journal compilation r 2007, The American Microscopical Society, Inc. DOI: 10.1111/j.1744-7410.2007.00081.x Comparison of developmental trajectories in the starlet vectensis: embryogenesis, regeneration, and two forms of asexual fission

Adam M. Reitzel, Patrick M. Burton, Cassandra Krone, and John R. Finnertya

Department of Biology, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts 02215, USA

Abstract. The , Nematostella vectensis, is a small burrowing estuarine , native to the Atlantic coast of North America. In recent years, this anemone has emerged as a model system in cnidarian developmental biology. Molecular studies of em- bryology and larval development in N. vectensis have provided important insights into the evolution of key metazoan traits. However, the adult body plan of N. vectensis may arise via four distinct developmental trajectories: (1) embryogenesis following sexual reproduction, (2) asexual reproduction via physal pinching, (3) asexual reproduction via polarity reversal, and (4) regeneration following bisection through the body column. Here, we compare the ontogenetic sequences underlying alternate developmental trajectories. Additionally, we de- scribe the predictable generation of anomalous phenotypes that can occur following localized injuries to the body column. These studies suggest testable hypotheses on the molecular mechanisms underlying alternate developmental trajectories, and they provoke new questions about the evolution of novel developmental trajectories and their initiation via environmental cues.

Additional key words: Nematostella, planula, regeneration, transverse fission

Nematostella vectensis STEPHENSON 1935 is a Nematostella vectensis is the only sea anemone spe- euryhaline, eurythermal, burrowing sea anemone cies whose members have been cultured throughout (, Actiniaria) living in coastal estuarine its entire life cycle in the laboratory (Fautin 2002), habitats throughout North America and Southern and recently, it has emerged as an important basal England (Stephenson 1935; Crowell 1946; Hand metazoan system for research in development and 1957). Nematostella vectensis is a member of the fam- genomics (reviewed in Darling et al. 2005). Studies ily , a monophyletic clade of burrowing utilizing N. vectensis have led to a better molecular sea anemones with a global distribution (Daly 2002; understanding of anthozoan development while Daly et al. 2002). Like many cnidarians, N. vectensis illuminating critical events in the early evolution of can undergo multiple developmental trajectories, i.e., such as the origin of bilateral symmetry the adult may develop via embryogenesis, asex- (Finnerty et al. 2004), anterior–posterior patterning ual fission, or regeneration (Hand & Uhlinger 1992). (Finnerty & Martindale 1999), and triploblasty Unlike the majority of cnidarians, N. vectensis is a (Scholz & Technau 2003; Martindale et al. 2004). relatively well-studied species with a rich literature With completion of its genome sequence and the describing its natural history (Hand & Uhlinger 1994; characterization of 150,000 expressed sequence tags, Sheader et al. 1997), geographic distribution (Hand N. vectensis’s utility as a genomic model system will & Uhlinger 1994 and references therein; Pearson et increase dramatically (Sullivan et al. 2006). al. 2002; Darling et al. 2004), population genetic Despite the increasing prominence of N. vectensis structure (Pearson et al. 2002; Darling et al. 2004), as a laboratory model for development, its complete and conservation (Sheader et al. 1997). developmental repertoire has not yet been thorough- ly explored. The specific developmental sequences of embryogenesis, asexual reproduction, and regenera- tion have not been explicitly compared in one source. a Author for correspondence. Portions of each process have been described in pre- E-mail: [email protected] viously published papers. Frank & Bleakney (1976) 100 Reitzel, Burton, Krone, & Finnerty and Hand & Uhlinger (1992), and later Martin regions (Gierer et al. 1972). However, the (1997), discussed the general features of embryo- have a large diversity of developmental and repro- genesis, the planula , and early juvenile mor- ductive mechanisms, making investigations with phology. More detailed observations of early many species across the phylum necessary for a embryogenesis and larval/juvenile development broader, comparative picture (Collins et al. 2005). have been reported in recent papers addressing the Comparisons among additional species would help expression of developmental regulatory genes (e.g., elucidate underlying similarities and differences in Finnerty et al. 2004; Martindale et al. 2004). A num- developmental processes across the Cnidaria. ber of authors (Lindsay 1975; Frank & Bleakney Nematostella vectensis provides an opportunity to 1978; Hand & Uhlinger 1992, 1995) have described elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying mul- one type of asexual reproduction in N. vectensis that tiple developmental trajectories because members we have termed ‘‘physal pinching’’ (Darling et al. will undergo four distinct trajectories in the labora- 2005). Herein, we describe this process in greater de- tory (embryogenesis, regeneration, asexual reproduc- tail, and we also describe a second, distinct form of tion via physal pinching, and asexual reproduction asexual reproduction that we have termed ‘‘polarity via polarity reversal). Understanding the various reversal.’’ Complete bidirectional regeneration fol- developmental trajectories at the morphological lowing bisection (referred hereafter as just regenera- level is a necessary prerequisite for framing reason- tion) in adults of N. vectensis has been discussed able hypotheses about the underlying molecular largely as an explanation for naturally occurring mechanisms. Previous works with Hydra (Fro¨bius and laboratory-generated ‘‘anomalies’’ (Frank & et al. 2003) and an oligochaete, Pristina leidyi SMITH Bleakney 1978). Adults are frequently collected in 1896 (Bely & Wray 2001), have hypothesized that the the field with multiple oral crowns sharing a common molecular mechanisms underlying alternate develop- physa (Frank & Bleakney 1978). Hand & Uhlinger mental trajectories are likely to be highly similar, as (1995) reported a range of regeneration variants, in- the final phenotype resulting from each process is cluding a four-crowned anemone, by administering identical. However, differences among developmen- specific local injuries to the body wall. tal trajectories in N. vectensis in both temporal se- Members of N. vectensis comprise only one among quence and spatial relationship of particular the thousands of cnidarian species that are capable of developmental events suggest that the underlying developing via alternate developmental trajectories. molecular mechanisms for alternate developmental Understanding the evolution of these trajectories and trajectories may differ in important ways. For exam- the developmental mechanisms will also be strength- ple, embryogenesis proceeds from a single cell, while ened by comparisons with previous work on regeneration and fission occur in fully differentiated development for other species with multiple develop- adults. Likewise, while regeneration is initiated by mental pathways. Within the Cnidaria, a large body external forces, fission is initiated by endogenous sig- of work has investigated alternate developmental tra- nals. Here, we compare and contrast four alternate jectories, especially regeneration and asexual repro- developmental trajectories in N. vectensis at the mor- duction by budding, and to a lesser extent, phological level, with the long-term goal of under- embryogenesis. Most of this work has been carried standing how such developmental flexibility may be out with the hydrozoan Hydra, which has become a encoded in the genome, and how it may evolve. model system for studying asexual reproduction and regeneration (Bode & Bode 1984; Bode 2003). Ex- tensive work manipulating adults with excision and Methods tissue grafts resulted in models for tissue dynamics Animal care and pattern formation in Hydra (Meinhardt 1993). Adults of Hydra that undergo steady-state morpho- Adults of Nematostella vectensis were maintained genesis continually produce cells in the body column in glass or plastic dishes in 33% strength artificial that migrate to the oral and aboral poles, where they seawater (B12%) at room temperature (211–221C). differentiate into region-specific cells. Recent work Adults were fed freshly hatched nauplii (Artemia sp.) has begun characterizing the specific genes and pep- daily, and water was changed weekly. tides involved in cell differentiation and tissue pat- terning during this process (Steele 2002). Individuals Developmental observations of Hydra can regenerate after bisection or even dis- sociation into single cells, resulting in a number of Observations were performed by eye or with abnormal adult phenotypes including multiple oral the aid of a dissecting microscope (model SZX9,

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Olympus, Melville, NY, USA). Images were recorded and similarly observed until regeneration was on a digital camera (Nikon CoolPix 900, Tokyo, complete. Japan) affixed to the dissecting microscope. Scanning electron micrographs were taken for developmental stages between the gastrula and the metamorphosed Results juvenile. Individuals were prepared for scanning elec- tron microscope SEM by fixation in 2.5% glutaralde- Sexual reproduction hyde/0.2 mol LÀ1 phosphate buffer. After fixation, specimens were dehydrated in a graded series of eth- Nematostella vectensis is a dioecious species. No anol steps, critical point dried in a Tousimis Samdri evidence of sex reversal has been documented. We 780a critical point drier, coated with gold–pallidium have maintained single-sex populations in the lab for using a Tousimis Samsputter 2A sputter coater 42 years. Oocytes developed in small outpockets of (Rockville, MD, USA), and observed with a JEOL the macronemes (thicker strands of mesentery tissue). JSM-840 SEM (JEOL, Peabody, MA, USA) at 15 kV. Oocytes were pooled with nematosomes (small Embryogenesis and larval development. Egg masses spheres composed of nematocysts and flagellated were isolated from laboratory populations derived cells, Williams 1979) into a gelatinous egg mass from individuals of N. vectensis originally collected (Fig. 1A–C). The egg mass was then released from from the Rhodes River estuary in Maryland (K. Uh- the female’s mouth. The jelly is produced by secreto- linger, pers. comm.). Embryos were removed from ry cells of the mesenteries. Fertilization is presumably the egg jelly as described previously (Finnerty et al. external. 2004). Developing embryos and larvae were provided Cleavage in embryos of N. vectensis was erratic with the same general culture conditions as adults. and varied both within a single clutch and within an However, they were not provided with food. Larvae embryo (Fig. 1D,E). The zygote’s initial cleavages readily metamorphose into benthic juvenile polyps were typically radial and holoblastic, but the timing and settle in culture dishes without addition of a set- was not always synchronized. During early cleavage, tlement cue. we observed many embryos with odd numbers of Asexual reproduction by physal pinching. Physal blastomeres (e.g., three and five cells). In such em- fragments were collected from 44 individuals that bryos, cytokinesis may have been delayed relative to had recently undergone asexual reproduction via karyokinesis, or blastomeres may have undergone physal pinching. Well-fed adults will frequently and fusion. In many cases, we observed that these odd- spontaneously undergo physal pinching in laborato- numbered embryos are the result of delayed cleavage ry culture. The number of parent mesenteries in each after karyokinesis (Fig. 1D). These odd-numbered physal fragment, the time to tentacle bud eruption, embryos progressed through development with no and the number of tentacles present at the time of apparent adverse effects on later stages. The blastula tentacle eruption were recorded for each fissioned was spherical, hollow, and uniformly ciliated. Gas- physa. Possible correlations between the number of trulation occurred through unipolar ingression at the parent mesenteries and the time to tentacle eruption site of the future oral end (Fig. 1F,G). At the gastrula and the number of tentacles at tentacle eruption were stage, clear ectodermal and endodermal germ layers statistically analyzed by linear regression using Mini- were evident (Fig. 1H). tab 12 for Windows (Minitab Inc., State College, PA, After B2 d, planula larvae emerged from the ge- USA). Because asexual reproduction by polarity re- latinous mass. The planulae were free swimming for versal is a far less frequent event in our laboratory 5–10 d, although larvae are typically observed at the cultures, compiling a similar data set was not feasible. bottom of culture dishes with little movement unless Regeneration. To examine regeneration, adults of disturbed. The early planula was roughly spherical N. vectensis were manipulated with partial and com- with a diameter of B200 mm. The future-adult aboral plete bisections at three locations along the primary end of the planula was marked by a prominent apical body axis: (1) immediately aboral of the pharynx, (2) tuft of cilia (Fig. 2A). As the planula continued to midway along the primary axis in the region contain- develop, it elongated and assumed a pyramidal shape ing the mesenteries, and (3) midway within the physa, while losing the apical tuft (Fig. 2B,C). At this stage, aboral to all mesenteries. One hundred animals longer cilia surrounded the future adult oral end. Be- were completely bisected at each of these locations. fore settling, planulae developed two to four tentacle The resulting portions were observed until regenera- buds at the future oral end (Fig. 2D). A mouth, me- tion was complete. Fifty animals were cut 50% senteries, and a rudimentary but functional pharynx through the body column at each of these locations had usually formed by the time settlement occurred.

Invertebrate Biology vol. 126, no. 2, spring 2007 102 Reitzel, Burton, Krone, & Finnerty

Fig. 1. Stages in the sexual development in Nematostella vectensis, from egg mass to gastrula. A. Egg mass. B. Ovum. C. Nematosomes. D. Embryo with asynchronous second cleavage; arrows indicate two nuclei in one blastomere. E. Same embryo as in D after delayed cytokinesis. F. Light micrograph of gastrulating embryo (asterisk indicates blastopore). G. SEM of gastrulating embryo. H. Two stages in gastrulation where the embryo on the left is at an earlier stage before qthe ectoderm (ecto) and endoderm (endo) abut one another (asterisk indicates blastopore). Scale bars: A 5 2.5 mm; B, D–H 5 50 mm; C 5 10 mm.

At the time of settlement, the juvenile polyp pos- lamellae derived from the endodermal gastrodermis, sessed four tentacles and measured B400–500 mm developed along the inner surface of the body along its primary (oral–aboral) axis (Fig. 2E). wall, extending from the pharyngeal region through After settlement, the polyp elongated and formed the body column and terminating short of the 8–16 additional tentacles. Mesenteries, epithelial physa. Mesentery formation, typically initiated

Invertebrate Biology vol. 126, no. 2, spring 2007 Reproduction in N. vectensis 103

Fig. 2. Stages of sexual development from planula to metamorphosed juvenile in Nematostella vectensis. A. Early planula with a prominent apical tuft (at) of cilia. B. Later-stage pyramid-shaped planula that has lost the apical tuft but has extensive ciliation around the mouth (m). C. Aboral view of planula in B showing loss of apical tuft by this stage. D. Planula–juvenile transition with four tentacle buds. E. Early polyp with mouth (m), mesenteries (mes), pharynx (p), and tentacles. Scale bars 5 50 mm.

Invertebrate Biology vol. 126, no. 2, spring 2007 104 Reitzel, Burton, Krone, & Finnerty before settlement, resulted in two or four mesenteries the aboral pole. The relative order of tentacle erup- that were clearly visible at the juvenile polyp stage. tion and mouth formation varies. The existing me- senteries then expanded into this second oral region, Asexual reproduction via transverse fission eventually joining the newly formed pharynx. At this point, the mesenteries were continuous from one end Asexual reproduction in N. vectensis occurred via of the animal to the other (Fig. 3E,F). The second two distinct forms of transverse fission. We refer to oral region developed a functional crown of tentacles these distinct types as physal pinching and polarity and was able to feed. The two oral ends behave in- reversal. dependently in both feeding as well as more general Physal pinching. During physal pinching, a con- behaviors like tentacle retraction and response to tac- striction arose in the aboral portion of the body col- tile stimuli. Eventually, the midportion of the me- umn, resulting in the formation of a small, isolated senteries degenerated as a common physa forms in aboral compartment (Fig. 3A,B). At the site of the the midsection of the adult (Fig. 3G,H). Weeks or constriction, the animal cleaved in two, leaving a vis- even months after the mesenteries degenerated, a ible fission scar on both the larger oral fragment and constriction formed in the common physa and trans- the smaller aboral fragment (Fig. 3C). Depending on verse fission occurred, producing two complete adult the location of the constriction, this isolated aboral polyps. compartment frequently contained portions of one or more parent mesenteries. The number of partial Regeneration mesenteries in the physal fragment varied from none to eight, with the modal category being four (Fig. 4). Following complete bisection, regeneration typi- After separation, the aboral fragment then developed cally produced two complete adults with a normal eight complete mesenteries, a pharynx, a mouth, and phenotype regardless of cut position (Fig. 6). Regen- 12–20 tentacles (Fig. 3D). These structures did not eration was similar to transverse fission via physal develop in a strict sequence, e.g., the pharynx ap- pinching in that missing structures were reproduced peared before or after the tentacles emerged. following a bisection of the adult body column. How- The number of partial mesenteries present in the ever, physal pinching was preceded by a pronounced physal fragment after pinching did not appear to endogenously triggered constriction where regenera- affect the subsequent course of development. We ob- tion commenced with the wounding of the animal by served a non-significant but negative correlation be- an external factor. tween the number of partial mesenteries enclosed Depending on the nature of the injury, regenera- within the physal fragment and the timing of tenta- tion also generated anemones with multiple oral or cle formation (r 5 0.166, p 5 0.06, Fig. 5A). Tentacle physal ends. Individuals of N. vectensis were occa- buds typically developed 3–4 d post-fission. When sionally observed in field collections and laboratory tentacles first developed in the physal fission frag- cultures with multiple oral regions on opposite sides ment, the number varied from 3–12. The number of of the body column (Fig. 7A). As discussed above, tentacle buds at the onset of tentacle eruption also this phenotype will arise via asexual reproduction by did not correlate with the number of partial me- polarity reversal. However, we have also observed senteries in the physal fragment (r 5 0.01, p 5 0.513, that this phenotype arose following bisection imme- Fig. 5B). diately proximal to the pharynx (Fig. 6). Such a Polarity reversal. In a second type of transverse fis- transverse section through the body column in the sion, polarity reversal, a new oral crown developed at pharyngeal region generated a two-oral-ended anem- the site of the existing physa. This form of asexual one in 8% of individuals studied. reproduction has been described previously as a de- Regeneration following a focal injury to the body velopmental anomaly (Frank & Bleakney 1978). column, one that failed to bisect the animal, also However, polarity reversal merits designation as a produced Y-shaped animals with two oral crowns. In second form of asexual propagation because the 4% of cases, a local injury to the body wall immedi- anemones undergo a predictable constellation of ately proximal to the pharynx generated a Y-shaped developmental events; these events are triggered individual with two complete and functional oral re- endogenously, and the eventual result is clonal gions, sharing a single physa. Individuals with this reproduction—two offspring from a single parent in- phenotype have been commonly collected at low fre- dividual. The first morphological manifestations of quencies from field populations (A.M. Reitzel, un- polarity reversal were the eruption of new tentacles publ. data) At the site of the injury, a lateral and the formation of a novel mouth and pharynx at outgrowth developed (Fig. 7B), and one or two of

Invertebrate Biology vol. 126, no. 2, spring 2007 Reproduction in N. vectensis 105

Fig. 3. Two processes for asexual reproduction in Nematostella vectensis: physal pinching (A–D) and polarity reversal (E–H). A. Initial stage of tissue constriction at site transverse fission (cz, constriction zone). B. Later stage in tissue constriction where a small filament of tissue remains between oral and physal ends (cz, constriction zone). C. Newly ‘‘pinched’’ physal end with remaining tissue termed fission scar (fs). D. Developing physal end with regenerating tentacles (rt). E. Individual that has undergone polarity reversal, resulting in two oral ends on opposite sides of body column. F. Magnified view of the central portion of the individual in E showing that mesenteries are continuous between individual oral regions. G. Later stage of polarity reversal where mesenteries have receded centrally, resulting in two separate sets of mesenteries, one for each oral region. H. Close-up of the individual in G showing the separation of mesenteries. Invertebrate Biology vol. 126, no. 2, spring 2007 106 Reitzel, Burton, Krone, & Finnerty

40% 35% A 8 30% 7 25% 6 20% 5 15% 4 10% 3

Percentage of Individuals 2 5% Days to Tentacle Buds 1 0% 012345678 0 # of Parent Mesenteries -1012345678 Fig. 4. Frequency histogram of individuals resulting from physal pinching with parent mesenteries. The highest B 14 percentage of individuals were observed with four parent 12 mesenteries, although we observed individuals containing from zero to all eight parent mesenteries. 10

8 the adult mesenteries expanded into the outgrowth. 6 Tentacles and pharynx developed at the distal tip of 4 the outgrowth, appearing roughly simultaneously. # of Initial Tentacles The number of initial tentacles varied two to six. 2 Within B2 weeks, the second oral region developed 0 the same number of tentacles and mesenteries as the -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 original oral region (Fig. 7C,D). # of Parent Mesenteries Y-shaped individuals with two physae connected to a single oral crown (Fig. 7E) were only generated Fig. 5. Relationships of parent mesenteries with two through incomplete bisection in the midcolumn of measures of differentiation: A. days to tentacle bud the adult (4%, Fig. 6). As in the Y-shaped individuals eruption and B. number of initial tentacles. There was a with two oral crowns discussed above, the animal non-significant negative correlation between number of parent mesenteries and days to tentacles erupting initiated lateral outgrowth at the site of injury, but a (r 5 0.166, p 5 0.06). Secondly, there was no correlation second physa formed rather than a second oral re- (r 5 0.01, p 5 0.513) between the number of parent gion. Unlike the Y-shaped double oral individuals mesenteries and the number of initial tentacle eruption in discussed above, which form only when the injury fissioned individuals. occurs immediately proximal to the pharynx, Y- shaped double physa anemones formed at the same case of a developmental anomaly. Both individuals frequency when the injury occurred within the mid- remained in this state for months with no fission. In portion of the body column. Focal injuries in the one case, the individual began to fission one physa aboral region of the body column never resulted in a but never completely removed the physa. The Y-shaped animal. Injuries at the extreme oral end individual expelled tentacles from the partially fis- always resulted in tissue healing. sioned end but was unable to feed when nauplii In general laboratory cultures, two individuals were introduced. were observed that contained one oral region posi- tioned between two physa, one at each end of the primary body axis (Fig. 7F). The phenotype was not Discussion observed in any of the experimental cuts and it is not known how these individuals develop to this pheno- Our goal in this study was to describe more fully type. These two individuals were observed from the complex developmental repertoire in Nematostel- bowls of laboratory animals that had undergone suc- la vectensis and to document the sequences of cessive transverse cuts. This phenotype is clearly dys- developmental events that comprise each develop- functional as the animals were not able to ingest mental trajectory. A better understanding of these food. We suggest that this may represent a true developmental sequences at the organismal level is a

Invertebrate Biology vol. 126, no. 2, spring 2007 Reproduction in N. vectensis 107

Complete Incomplete Fig. 6. Relationship of cut location and phenotypic outcome from 100 adults of Nematostella vectensis. Adults were cut either partially or completely at three different loca- 4% tions along the oral–aboral axis. The 8% left column shows results for complete bisections. The right column displays results for localized injuries (B50% bisections). Percentage values in the left and right columns display the frequency of individuals observed with the represented phenotype. Wild-type adults indicate that no 4% alternate phenotypes were observed after regeneration. For complete bisections, both resulting anemones were examined throughout the re- generative process. With the excep- tion of bisection near the oral regions, all individuals regenerated normally. The result shown for the oral bisections indicates the percen- tage of oral fragments resulting in double anemones. The aboral por- tions of orally bisected adults regen- erated normally.

prerequisite to future molecular and genomic studies With respect to asexual reproduction, individuals comparing alternate developmental trajectories in N. of N. vectensis do not appear to be typical for an vectensis and comparing this species’ developmental anthozoan cnidarian. Transverse fission is not a com- repertoire with that of other Cnidaria. Such studies mon mode of asexual reproduction among anthozo- will allow us to understand how the evolution of de- ans. Only a handful of anthozoan species utilize velopmental mechanisms might underlie the diversity transverse fission for asexual reproduction (Fautin of cnidarian life-history strategies. 2002): ceriantharians (Cerfontaine 1909), some soli- Overall, embryogenesis in N. vectensis appears to tary scleractinians (Cairns 1988), one zoanthidean be typical for an anthozoan (Byrum & Martindale (Sphenopus marsupialis GMELIN 1827: Soong et al. 2004). Our observations of sexual reproduction and 1999), and a few actinarians (Shick 1991; Hand & embryogenesis in N. vectensis reinforce the specific Uhlinger 1995; Pearse 2001). Both forms of asexual findings of Wilcox (2001). During oogenesis, each reproduction that have been observed in N. vecten- gonadal cyst on the macronemes contains up to seven sis—physal pinching and polarity reversal—involve oocytes that develop asynchronously such that transverse fission, but these two modes of reproduc- variable sizes and stages occur within a single cyst tion are markedly different with respect to the se- (Wilcox 2001). Interestingly, no ovulating cysts expel quence of developmental events and the axial more than one mature oocyte, leaving open the ques- relationship of the offspring. Tentacle development tion as to whether oocytes accumulate yolk through occurs at the outset of polarity reversal but at the end oocyte fusion in N. vectensis, similar to some of physal pinching. In physal pinching, both of the Hydrozoans including Hydra (Aizenschtadt 1980; offspring inherit the original primary body axis, but Miller et al. 2000). Embryos in N. vectensis exhibit in polarity reversal, a new primary body axis must regulative development through at least the third develop that is opposite to the original primary body cleavage. Single blastomeres from the eight-cell axis. Transverse fission in the sea anemone Antho- embryo retain the capacity to generate viable larvae pleura stellula EHRENBERG 1834 begins with the for- that successfully metamorphose into juvenile polyps mation of tentacles, but unlike polarity reversal in N. (Wilcox 2001). vectensis, the tentacles form in the middle of the body

Invertebrate Biology vol. 126, no. 2, spring 2007 108 Reitzel, Burton, Krone, & Finnerty

Fig. 7. Unique phenotypes of Nematostella vectensis resulting from atypical regeneration and local injury. A. Individual with two oral regions on opposing sides of the body column resulting from development of oral structures after bisection. B. Developing oral region at the site of local injury to the central portion of the body column. C. Y-shaped individual with two oral regions, the smaller of which developed from local injury similar to that seen in B. D. Transmission light image of the individual from C showing the arrangement of mesenteries in oral regions. E. Y-shaped individual with two physal (p) regions. F. Individual with two physal regions (p) on opposite sides of the body column with an oral (o) region central.

Invertebrate Biology vol. 126, no. 2, spring 2007 Reproduction in N. vectensis 109 column and so there is no reversal of the primary likely to be influenced by food availability. With re- body axis (Schmidt 1970). spect to the more common mode of asexual repro- Asexual reproduction in actiniarians is typically by duction, physal pinching, Hand & Uhlinger (1995) longitudinal fission or pedal laceration (Chia 1976; report that particular feeding regimens can increase Fautin 2002). However, transverse fission may be the the rate of fission. We have induced physal pinching rule rather than the exception in the family Edwardsi- through excessive feeding of adults, although the re- idae. In addition to N. vectensis, transverse fission has liability of this method depends on the population, also been described in the edwardsiid anemone Ed- suggesting, again, that genetic factors may influence wardsiella lineata VERRILL 1873 by Crowell & Oates the frequency of asexual reproduction. (1980). The sequence of developmental events is sim- Nematostella vectensis is one of a few sea anemones ilar to physal pinching in N. vectensis; however, un- that are known to exhibit multiple modes of asexual like N. vectensis, the small aboral fission fragment reproduction. In the Anthopleura, different produces all 16 tentacle buds simultaneously in modes of clonal reproduction appear to have been E. lineata. Recently, we have observed that the par- lost and regained repeatedly (Geller & Walton 2001). asitic stage in E. lineata, which resides in the host Boloceroidid sea anemones also display a vast array ctenophore (Mnemiopsis leidyi AGASSIZ 1865), also of asexual reproduction processes, including tentac- undergoes asexual reproduction via physal pinching ular shedding, longitudinal fission, and pedal lacera- (A.M. Reitzel, unpubl. data). In addition, we have tion (Pearse 2001). Similarly, studies by Minasian noted that settling juveniles will undergo a polarity (1976) and Atoda (1973) have shown that different reversal (A.M. Reitzel, unpubl. data), suggesting that populations of the anemone Haliplanella luciae VER- this mode of asexual reproduction may also be more RILL 1898 exhibit different modes of asexual repro- common in edwardsiid anemones than suspected. duction (most populations have only longitudinal Other members of the family Edwardsiidae are re- fission while one Japanese population utilizes pedal ported to achieve extremely high adult densities (e.g., laceration), potentially from an ancestral condition À2 meridionalis WILLIAMS 1981: 23,500 m , of having both. If modes of clonal reproduction are Williams 1981; Edwardsia sp.: 1200 mÀ2, Kumar highly plastic evolutionarily, then the two distinct 2001). Such extreme densities could be the result of mechanisms of asexual reproduction in N. vectensis local recruitment of larvae, but high densities in pop- might be maintained by natural selection. ulations of N. vectensis (12,572 mÀ2, Williams 1983) The selection pressures that might favor two types have been recorded in isolated single-sex popula- of transverse fission in N. vectensis are unknown. tions, indicating that asexual reproduction may con- There appear to be obvious trade-offs between the tribute to the establishment of dense populations in two strategies, although the ecological significance of other edwardsiid anemones. these trade-offs has not been studied. Physal pinching Environmental influences on asexual reproduction generates a small, relatively inexpensive propagule in N. vectensis have received very little study. Two- that must regenerate all of its oral structures before it headed individuals have been reported to exhibit sea- is able to feed on its own. This strategy would cost sonal peaks in abundance in a population from relatively little for the ‘‘parent’’ individual (the larger Kingsport, Nova Scotia, with peak occurrence in oral fission fragment), which does not lose much bio- the autumn (Frank & Bleakney 1978). The season- mass and whose ability to feed is never interrupted. ality of polarity reversal suggests that appropriate A large number of propagules may be produced rel- environmental cues may be required to induce this atively rapidly. However, the survival of the prop- otherwise rare form of asexual reproduction. Stan- agules is likely to be low because of their small size dard laboratory culture conditions (Hand & Uhlin- and relatively prolonged development. The physal ger 1992) may be inappropriate for inducing polarity fragment must develop for up to a week before it is reversal. However, genetic factors may also explain able to begin feeding, and when it achieves adult- the relatively high rate of polarity reversal in the hood, it remains relatively small compared with the Nova Scotia populations of N. vectensis. We have parent individual, potentially limiting the type of collected hundreds of individuals from 32 sites prey it can ingest. Conversely, asexual propagation throughout the range of N. vectensis, and the Kings- via polarity reversal initially results in an adult with port, Nova Scotia population is the only site with a two functional oral ends that are both of similar size. high frequency of two-headed individuals (collection Before undergoing fission, this two-headed individu- in 2004, eight of 81 individuals), despite the appar- al can presumably ingest twice as many prey. At the ently similar environments inhabited by other popu- same time, burrowing ability must be impaired, and lations. The frequency of asexual reproduction is the two-headed animal may be effectively epifaunal,

Invertebrate Biology vol. 126, no. 2, spring 2007 110 Reitzel, Burton, Krone, & Finnerty not infaunal, potentially subjecting the individual to at the level of gene expression. It is perhaps telling greater predation or movement via tidal currents. that several genes that are known to be expressed When two-headed individuals undergo fission, the during regeneration, fission, and embryogenesis in resulting progeny are equivalently large and capable N. vectensis do not appear to be expressed in non- of feeding on larger prey. With their larger body size, fissioning, non-regenerating adult animals (P.M. they may also be better prepared to withstand pro- Burton, unpubl. data). longed starvation. Further studies in the field and Because every model system exhibits inherent pe- laboratory could address the potential trade-offs in- culiarities, a general understanding of the develop- herent in each reproductive strategy. mental mechanisms that underlie regenerative ability In response to a wide range of bisection or point will require comparisons among numerous taxa injuries, individuals of N. vectensis typically regener- (Sa´nchez Alvarado 2000; Collins et al. 2005). Only ate the wild-type adult phenotype. However, at low by comparing multiple systems that exhibit complex frequencies, in response to injuries at particular lo- developmental repertoires, such as in N. vectensis, cales, phenotypes comprising multiple oral regions or and by contrasting them with more developmentally multiple physal regions did develop. These results rigid taxa, will we come to understand how multiple imply that the adult animals maintain an oral–aboral developmental trajectories may be encoded by indi- gradient for axis determination. Previous studies vidual genomes. With the emergence of more in- have revealed a complex molecular gradient of de- vertebrate systems where regeneration can be exper- velopmental regulatory gene expression that persists imentally addressed (e.g., Pristina leidyi, Bely 1999; throughout larval development and likely patterns Bely & Wray 2001; Schmidtea mediterranea BENAZZI the oral–aboral axis (Finnerty et al. 2004; Kusserow 1975, Sa´nchez Alvarado 2004), further research may et al. 2005). At present, we have little information on provide for conclusions as to generality, if any, of re- the extent of developmental regulatory gene expres- generative processes. sion in adults of N. vectensis and how these genes are expressed during regeneration events (P.M. Burton, unpubl. data). Acknowledgments. We would like to thank L. Kerr for However, numerous studies have characterized technical assistance with the SEM. We would like to gene expression in adult Hydra during steady-state thank J. Darling, M. Mazza, J. Sullivan, and two morphogenesis, regeneration, and budding (e.g., anonymous reviewers for comments that helped improve Martinez et al. 1997; Broun et al. 1999; Smith et al. this manuscript at various stages. This work was 1999; Hobmayer et al. 2000; Scholz & Technau supported in part by a PADI Project AWARE grant 2003). In adults of Hydra sp., oral and aboral cell and EPA STAR fellowship to A.M.R. and by NSF fates are continually specified via the expression of grant IOS 0212773 to J.R.F. as well as a Boston various developmental regulatory genes and small University UROP to C.K. peptides (reviewed by Steele 2002). 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