New Jersey Courier
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N ew Jersey Courier. EVERYBODY READS IT :: THE COURIER IS THE HOME NEWSPAPER OF OCEAN COUNTY :: IT U1 tfES ALL THE NEWS ESTABLISHED 1850. Toms River, N. J., Thursday Afternoon, F ebru ary 16, 1899- V O L U M E 4 9 -N U M B E R 21 DOWN SHORE HEIRS GOSSIP OF TRENTON DOWN FLORIDA WAY. AMERICAN FLAG... No Session This Tuesday. A FIERCE BUZZARD RAGED L .tt.r from B. E. Eno. Claim a $16,000,000 Estate, Very Healthful Utmxte—A ■esrrlptltn CALENDARS Tuckerton ana West creek Fola are BUSINESS TOTALLY SUSPENDED HERE AND ELSEWHERE ,vealiter Too Hitch lor I.ntlnUtiir, ■■ W e ll bh other Folk. • f Brow n. Some one suggests ih «t the ‘ White tnanV AinoiiK the Alleged Heirs- for the owners of burdeD," of which Kipling tings, bus for ibe Tbe descendants o f an Englishman named The Legislators could not get to Trenton on January 14—A warm sultry morning with pM t week been a coal scuttle. Alexander Thompson all o f whom are Hying TWO FEET OF SNOW-STORMED 52 HOURS Tuesday us no irnius were ruunlug. frequent sun-showers—a few mosquItOM that bite just the same as our famous Jersey bird* a * . in Ocean and Burlington counties or in Phila American Property There are always among us those who be delphia are daily look mg for the distribution The Board of Managers for ths State Village and sing the same song. The bays have gone lieve tba. by another name iha rose would smell of hU fortune of $10 000.000 among them. RAILWAY TRAFFIC ENTIRELY BLOCKED. for Epileptic* ask the following appropriation off through tae pines to the Cracker Kaasmlth’i insured in the more sweetly— or In other words that by some Alexander Tbomp»oo Is said to have made bis train the legislature: For the Immediate (the one who repaired my gun) after one of •ruction of two brick cottages. $25 000; for Brown's guns. Brown has gone away with • Juggle or change Id governing forms, In tbe riches as a great Eugllsb ironmaster, and at W ith the thermometer just touching tbe zero point the snow began title or number. o f officials. a town or county his deaih'his estate was so tied up and all hie he purchase of ndj >iutng farm, $3000; for team and I am left alone to enjoy tbe solitude American Fire Co. or state can secure hetier government Mm llueal descendants so widely scatter ad that It to fall Sittuidriy last at 8 30 p. m., and continued for a period o f 52 salaries and running expim-ms. Inoludiug uuces of a hvlf day lu camp. And do I enjoy it? I tary repa»ra. $ 12.000; for water supply aud incerely d o—and why not?—in a more serious o f this stamp are now at-kiug the Legislature has remained undisposed of. hourB. Saturday morning it was 9° below zero with a northwest wiud. of Philadelphia. Call at to abolish freeholders and sabstiine Commis His ouly living direct de-cendants today are werage $2000 ; total, $47,000. Strain, sitting here lu good health, listening to sioners to transact county business To all the children and Issue of his sons who came to Monday morning there was an eighteen iueh covering o f snow and it con The board consists of Ruv. Dr. James M the sweet bird-notes of the m ocking bird, such tbe words o f Captain A M. Bradshaw iu this country, ouc, Alexander Thompson, jr , Buckley, Morristown: Dr. John H. Ewing of thrush, eat bird and nosts of other songbirds, tinued throughout the dtty until there was two feet. The heavy winds for F'ischer, Brown & Co., the last Issue o f the Times and Journal, relative like his father, engaged In the Iron business, Fieinlnglon ; P rof 8 Oltn Gtrrlsou of Vine- lust now a htghholder ie tapping away on a to a proposed borough at Lakewood, forcibly and made and lost a fortune of his own. 48 hours piled drifts 10 to 15 feet high and all trains stopped running aftei land ; Dr Thotuus J. Smith of Bridgeton ; Dr limb o f an immense oak tree just over my Insurance and Real Estate •pplf: E 8. Palmer, the son of Mrs Hannah Palmer Wtlltaui 8 Combs of Freehold ; aud Dr. John nead— the limb festooned with Spanish moss Sunday night, no mails reaching town until WedueBday 9 a. m. I f the gentlemen interested in tbe formation uf I'uckertou Is engaged In business at 441 Chest ft Ward of Treuton. banging from five to ten feet long, so that it is The hoard l*Bt summer bought the Maple- almost impossible to see tbe birds as they peg C o u r i e r Building, Tom s R iver, N . J. o f a borougb would take thu same inter nut street. Philadelphia, and resides at 2410 Attempts were made ou Monday morning by both the C< R. R. aud est In the government o f tbe Norm Eighteenth street He has taken au wood farm io Somerset county—farm house way at their morning meal. Township. I nan see no reason why we active part In the qne-tof the fortune and su\s P . R. R. to get trains through. Tne Central train left Barnegat ou ached aud farm buildings aod 187 acres for $11,500 As I look up I see numerous buzzards sailing should not have a model Township govern that the American claimants are descendants tiled time, but go t no farther than Manchester, at which place it arrived through the air—looking as though they were ment.” of the two sons of tbe Eugll-h Alexander Assemblyman Sleeltuuu of Cumberland, hns uilea above the eartn—flsb hawks, wa'er tnr- It takas men and their time and work to run Tliotnp'ou He declares that there are nine about noon. Tite Pennsylvania train, which leaves Island Heights about introduced a bill making it an offence punish Keys and now and then an eagle. Tbe qaail COAL AND LUMBER able with a tweuty dollar fl ie. to sell rabmt, we disturbed last night are whistling to collect any goverment—110 law can do It! branches to wh >m the fortune should be divided 7 45, on Saturday nights leaves it cars at Sen Side Park and goes after them Lime, Cement and Brick, Doors, Sash and Blinds, their names and relation to the English Alex until, deer, pheasant or pqulrrel Killed in this ifgether in coveys sgain— we w ill be after them Lath. Also. Blacksmith’s Coal and Coke. A t T o judge from two sentences last week, bu ai der Thompson being as follows: on Monday morning. Sunday night it ran over to Sea Side Park but on Stale for a period of five years, or to ship or ihW evening. man life In Monmouth county isn't valued as carry it from the Slate for the purpose of sell Now why not take a vacation o f this kind 1 Mrs Marv Nickerson of 1228 Chestnut M »nday morning couldn’t move the cars aud came to Touts River for help. lowest prices. Agents for Lucas’ Paints. highly as Burlington county values chickens. street, Philadelphia, granddaughter tug it. while one has strength to enjoy i t ; and it need Judge Gasklll gave a Mt. Holly cbickeD tbief 2 Mrs. Hannah Palmer of Tuckerton, New W ith the aid of a freight engine which lay at Toms River, it finally go t out How would such a law suit Ocean county not be expensive either ! How good God is to ten years in tbe Slate pns<>n; wbile Judge Jersey, gramld tughier folk ? us. and how thankful we shoold be for all his on Wednesduv morning, and with Will Coombs’, George Heisler’s aud Couoyer only gave two years to a Long Bram-b 3. Mrs Margaret Parker of West Creek, N. * * * bl«6idogsl My eon Russell was in poor health Fial Allaire of Allaire (ono might almost say A. B. NEWBURY & CO. man who put a pistol to the breast of auotber J . granddaughter. when we left home and our good doctor was Charles Dennis’ section gangs to dig it through the drifts, reached Mount o f Lakewood, aod still stick to the truth) Is an Successor to W m . Aumack man's wife aDd pulled the trigger, telling ber 4 Children o f another granddaughter.Eliza rather opposed to bis undertaking the trip, icitve candidate for the position as Republican be was going to shoot ber. and afterward say beth Parker deceased formerly of West * reek H olly by noon. After that it had a clean track. thlnklug perhaps he might catch malaria in the member of the State Board of Education, from Opposite C. R. R. Depot TOMS R IV E R , N. J. ing that he didn’t know it was loaded. or Parkertown,these children being Mrs Sarah Florida swamps. Bat not so I he now Is in fine Th e first train from Philadelphia reached here at 12.45 on Wednes the Third Congressional District T Frank * * * C"X. Bodine Parker. Timothv Parker (the lat health can walk or row twenty miles a day Appleby of Anbury Park, holds the position at I vV. O A ilM IO H A E Ii, The following is a verbation copy of an adv. ter also deceased} leaving a son. Oscar Parker, day, pulled by two engines.