108 W. College Ave, Tallahassee, Florida 32301 www.fbctlh.org
[email protected] (850) 222-5470 1 2 For more than a century and a half, God has brought First Baptist Church of Tallahassee over many mountains and through many valleys. In all things, His faithfulness has never wavered, and His mercy has remained clear. Although we currently nd our church in an interim period searching for a new pastor, we are not an interim church. We are steadfast in our commitment to ful ll the mission of the local church, and we are con dent that the Lord will continue to supply us with everything we need to serve Him. Because we hold the Bible to be God’s inspired word and our ultimate authority, First Baptist Church strives to maintain deep and vibrant Bible study within all of the ministry areas of our church, with various opportunities available throughout the week. We also have a strong and historic commitment to missions and sharing the gospel of Jesus with our community and the world. Our members of all ages are directly involved in missions by giving to support national and international missionaries, serving locally to share the love of Jesus, and going on mission trips each year to other states and countries. As a downtown church located in the heart of our city, we feel a call to serve our entire community. We open our doors to the public during major downtown events and show hospitality to all who use our facilities, provide leadership within our local civic and faith communities, and seek to meet physical needs throughout the area.