Rad Ioecolog Ie/Ekotoxi Colog Ie Des Milieux Continentaux Et Estuariens
Welcome Page I sur I -.,estio.n [NIS Doc. Eweg le N'TRN.F Regis mu FRO201217 Download List of participants Time schedule Summaries IPSN organise Committees Rad ioecolog ie/ekotoxi colog ie des milieux continentaux et estuariens Pallais des congr6s Aix en Provence, FRANCE 3 - 7 Septernbre, 2001 maiIto:ecorad.200ICa)ipsn.fr http://wwwJpsn.fr/ecorad2OOI httv://wwwJT)sn.fr/ecorad2OO I/ 16/11/01 Summaries Page I sur 2 Accepted abstracts Session Behaviour and transfer of radionuclides in soil (Soil chemistry, extractions, Migration, Run-off) Biotic transfer n soils (Soil microbes and fungi) session 2 Behaviour and transfer of radionuclides in terrestrial ecosystems Atmosphere- plant transfers, translocation, Forests, Animal transfers) Soil-to-plant transfer Session 3 Behaviour and transfer of radionuclides in freshwater ecosystems (Models field studies, biotic compartments) Rivers (solid/liquid exchanges), Lakes and reservoirs Session 4 Behaviour and transfer of radionuclides in estuaries Session Effects of toxicants in the environment Multipollution, Effects of radiation on biota) Approaches and concepts for environment radioprotection Session 6 Environmental radioactivity measurement methods Session 7 htti):Hwww.ii)sn.fr/ecorad2OOl/Summaries.htm 16/11/01 Summaries Page 2 sur 2 Consequences of accidental and chronical situations (Chernobyl consequences, countermeasures and decontamination, tools) Situations of chronical contamination (chronical pollution, waste, vulnerability, dose to man) Session Society and ethics: ethical aspects of environmental
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