No Free Lunch: Higher Superannuation Means Lower Wages
No free lunch: Higher superannuation means lower wages February 2020 Brendan Coates, Will Mackey, and Matt Cowgill No free lunch: Higher superannuation means lower wages Grattan Institute Support Grattan Institute Working Paper No. 2020-01, February 2020 Founding members Endowment Supporters This working paper was written by Brendan Coates, Will Mackey, and The Myer Foundation Matt Cowgill. Owain Emslie and Jonathan Nolan made valuable National Australia Bank contributions to the report. Susan McKinnon Foundation We would like to thank Jeff Borland, Bob Breunig, Rebecca Cassells, Affiliate Partners Rafal Chomik, John Freebairn, Sean Innis, Guyonne Kalb, Mike Keating, Kristen Sobeck, Geoff Warren, Roger Wilkins, and a number of Medibank Private others for their comments on this working paper. We would also like to Susan McKinnon Foundation thank Grattan Institute’s Public Policy Committee. Veitch Lister Consulting Analysis in this paper used the R programming language (R Core Senior Affiliates Team, 2019) and a range of R packages including the Tidyverse Cuffe Family Foundation (Wickham et al, 2019). Maddocks The opinions in this paper are those of the authors and do not The Myer Foundation necessarily represent the views of Grattan Institute’s founding PwC members, affiliates, individual board members, reference group Scanlon Foundation members, or reviewers. Any remaining errors or omissions are the Trawalla Foundation responsibility of the authors. Wesfarmers Grattan Institute is an independent think tank focused on Australian Westpac public policy. Our work is independent, practical, and rigorous. We aim Affiliates to improve policy outcomes by engaging with decision makers and the broader community. Allens Ashurst For further information on the Institute’s programs, or to join our mailing Corrs list, please go to:
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