DATE: From 19-20 December. ORGANIZED BY: ELAWKD.

Given the current pandemic situation, ELAWKD has chosen to organize its International Tournament online.

FECHA: Del 19 al 20 de Diciembre. ORGANIZA: ELAWK.

Ante la actual situación de pandemia, la ELAWKD a optado por organizar su Torneo Internacional de modo Online.


General Rules for Competition Reglas Generales de la Competición

1. Types of Competition Tipo de Competición.

1.1 The Competition may be divided into la Competición se divide en:

1.1.1 Individual competition Competición Individual;

1.1.2 Veterans competition; (55 >)

1.1.3 Adults competition; (36-55)

1.1.4 Senior competition; (18-35)

1.1.5 Junior competition; (15-17)

1.1.6 Cadets competition; (12-14)

1.1.7 Children’s competition; (<12)

The categories that do not reach a minimum of 6 participants will be mixed and if the number of competitors has not yet been reached, they will join other groups (age). Las categorías que no alcancen mínimo de 6 participantes se harán mixtas y si aún no se alcanzase el número de competidores se unirían a otros grupos (edad).

2. Competition Events Modalidades de la Competición.


Group 1./Grupo 1.

1.1 Traditional Taijiquan 传统太极拳,器械, Traditional taijiquan including Chen, Yang, Sun, Wu, Wu(Hao), Li, Zhaobao and other traditional taijiquan styles divided into Taijiquan. 1.2 Taiji qixie (taiji weapons)对练⽐赛/ Taiji Armas.

Note: 24, 48, 88, 42 and other individual modern routines are not to be used.

Group 2./Grupo 2.

2.1 Traditional Bagua, Xingyi, Bajiquan 传统⼋卦,形意,⼋级拳,器械,对练⽐赛

2.2 Traditional Bagua, Xingyi, Bajiquan styles divided into quanshu, qixie(weapons). Armas

Group 3./Grupo 3.

3.1 Traditional 传统南拳,器械, Baimeiquan, Wuzuquan, Hongjiaquan, Huangjiaquan, Mojiaquan, Lijiaquan, Cailifoquan,, Huheshuangxingquan, Liujiaquan,Heihuquan, Yumenquan etc. – ⽩眉 拳,五祖 拳,洪家拳,莫家拳,⻩家拳,蔡李佛拳,⻁鹤双形拳,刘家拳,⿊⻁拳, ⻥⻔拳 等

3.2 Traditional Nanquan routines divided into quanshu, qixie (weapons)对练⽐赛/ Armas.

Group 4./Grupo 4.

Yongchunquan (Wingchun) and Hequan 传统永春拳和⽩鹤拳,器械,对打⽐赛 Yongchunquan (Wingchun): Yeshi, Chenshi, Pengshi etc. 叶⽒,陈⽒, 彭⽒等

Group 5./Grupo 5.

5.1 Imitation styles 象形拳,器械, All imitation routines including Houquan, Yinzhuaquan, Zuiquan, Tanglangquan, Ditangquan, Zonghequan, Minghequan, Heihuquan etc. 5.2 divided into quanshu, qixie (weapons)对练⽐赛/ Armas

Group 6./Grupo 6.

6.1 Traditional Tongbei, fanzi, chuojiao, pigua styles 传统通背,翻⼦,戳脚,劈挂 拳, 器械, 6.2 Traditional tongbei, fanzi, chuojiao, pigua styles divided into quanshu, qixie (weapons)对练⽐赛/Armas

Group 7./Grupo 7.

7.1 Traditional Shaolinquan 传统少林拳,器械, 7.2 对练⽐赛 Traditional Songshan shaolingquan divided into quanshu, qixie (weapons)./Armas

Group 8./Grupo 8.

Wudang styles

8.1 Taijiquan, Songxi Neijiaquan, Baxianquan,Xuanwuquan, Wudang

Baguaquan, wudang Xingyiquan, Tayiwuxingquan etc. – 张三丰太极拳,松溪内家

拳,⼋仙拳,⽞武拳, 武当⼋卦拳, 武当形意拳, 太⼄五⾏拳等 器械,对练⽐赛 8.2 divided into (weapons)./Armas

Group 9/Grupo 9.

Competition Events Wushu Olimpic/Modalidades de Wushu Olímpico.

9.1 (long-range boxing; CQ)

9.2 Nanquan (southern-style boxing; NQ)

9.3 Taijiquan (taiji boxing; TJQ)

9.4 Jianshu (swordplay; JS)

9.5 Daoshu (broadswordplay; DS)

9.6 Qiangshu (spearplay; QS)

9.7 Gunshu (cudgelplay; GS)

9.8 (taiji swordplay; TJJ)

9.9 (southern-style broadswordplay; ND)

9.10 (southern-style cudgelplay; NG)

3. Competition rules Normas de la Competición.

3.1 You must participate in the uniform that corresponds to the style presented. Se deberá participar con el uniforme que corresponda al estilo que se presenta. 3.2 Wushu-Kung fu shoes. Calzado de Wushu-Kung fu. 3.3 Wushu-Kung fu weapons, with the measurements corresponding to the age categories and with the corresponding tassels, rags and decorations. Armas de Wushu-Kung fu, con las medidas correspondientes a las categorías de edad y con las borlas, trapos y adornos correspondientes. 3.4 Hair collected, without earrings or decorations (piercing, etc …) Pelo recogido, sin pendientes ni adornos (piercing, etc…).

4. Realization area Área de realización:

4.1 A visible area of 6m X 3m should be marked. Deberá marcarse un área visible de 6m X 3m.

5. Video recording Grabación:

5.1 It should be recorded at a distance of 3m from the area and at a height between 120cm-130cm (eye height of a sitting judge). Deberá grabarse a una distancia de 3m del área y a una altura entre 120cm-130cm (altura de los ojos de un juez sentado).

6. Recording time Tiempo de grabación:

6.1 The Taolu of Wushu-Kung was maximum 1 ’ El Taolu de Wushu-Kung fu maximo 1’. 6.2 Taiji maximum 1.30 ’ Taiji máximo 1,30’

7. Vídeos:

7.1 Videos may not exceed the stipulated time for each form including the presentation of the athlete. You must indicate the name, surname and nationality. Los vídeos no podrán pasar del tiempo estipulado para cada forma incluyendo la presentación del o la deportista. Deberá indicar el nombre, apellido y nacionalidad. 7.2 The video file must bear the name, surname, nationality and group in which it participates. Example: (José Manzanero_Uruguay_ 3.1_Veterano) El archivo del vídeo debe llevar el nombre, apellido, nacionalidad y grupo en el que participa. ejemplo: (José Manzanero_Uruguay_ 3.1_Veterano).

8. Registration fees Tasas de inscripción.

8.1 ELAWKD affiliates € 5 total for 3 categories maximum. Afiliados a ELAWKD 5€ total para 3 categorías máximo. 8.2 Not affiliated to the ELWKD 10€ total for 3 categories maximun. No afiliados a la ELWKD 10€ total por 3 categorías máximo. 8.3 Bank Account for Europe: ELAWKD SWIFT Code: CLPES2M IBAN: ES82 3035 0099 72 0990032508 Cuenta Bancaria para Europa: ELAWKD Código SWIFT: CLPES2M IBAN: ES82 3035 0099 72 0990032508 8.4 Address where to send the videos: [email protected] Dirección donde enviar los vídeos: [email protected]

9. Judges Jueces-árbitros.

9.1 The judges and arbitrators will be officially titled by ELAWKD and by EWUF. Los jueces y árbitros serán titulados oficiales por ELAWKD.