UT GEOL 371T/391: Tectonic Geodynamics Claudio Faccenna1 Thorsten W. Becker1,2 1 Department of Geological Sciences 2 Institute for Geophysics Jackson School of Geoscience, The University of Texas at Austin Overview This class is geared toward all interested undergraduate and graduate students from the Earth sciences and related fields in the natural sciences, in particular geologists and geophysicists alike. We seek an understanding of the dynamic processes that govern plate tectonics and lithospheric deformation, combining tectonics, structural geology, and geodynamics from the ground up. The class will consist of a mix of lectures, homework assignments, discussions of reading with student presentations, and a few, simple numerical exercises using Matlab or similar software. Prerequisites: A basic, kinematic understanding of plate tectonics. Some exposure to Earth science, physics, and math a plus, but no classes required. Logistics Instructors: Claudio Faccenna,
[email protected], JGB 5.226B Thorsten Becker,
[email protected], JGB 4.220AA Office hours: TBA Meeting time: TTh 12:30 - 2pm Location: JGB3.222 Grading: class participation (presentations) and homework. Homework is due the evening of the day of class the week after. Textbook: None required. Draft lecture notes (will be modified throughout class) at: https://www.dropbox.com/s/z729fhqxijuemnv/tectonic_geodynamics.pdf?dl=0 Suggested textbooks: ◦ Dynamic Earth: Plates, plumes, and paradigms, G. Davies. Cambridge University Press, 1999. nd ◦ Rheology of