French Attitude to US Offer
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French Att itude Stalin Seeks Political Diary Pits Falling To U.S. Offer The Views Lords May Be 1950 Behind Coal Of Maisky Electi on Issue Target By A Special Correspondent By OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT By Our Industrial Reported Pledge To HE House of Lords, which has already Correspondent JT is learned on reliable T passed nearly 20 amendments to the Transport Bill, is expected to finish lYfR. SHINWELL, Minister authority that, at the with the Measure this week. The revised version Mr. Bevin moment when Russian foreign will then of Fuel and Power , made policy stands at the firs t real be sent back to the Commons. a grave speech yesterday parting of the ways since The defiant attitude of the Upper House has naturally from whicn it may be inferred the that output in the mines is lagging Kremlin abandoned Litvinov's aroused a good deal of comment in political circles. Is the House of Lords, after all these well behind the Government's High Hopes collective security line and con- target of 200 million tons laid In cluded its pact with Hitler, the years, about to become the down as essential if another fuel two men who have conducted all centre of a new constitutional Franco 'Advised crisis is to be avoided. dealings with the outside world struggle? Mr Herbert Morrison Speaking in Yorkshire, which is since that fateful decision are both seemed to hint as much the other now the. largest coal division in the Washington out of action. day wheta he said that the By Gen. Per on country and contributes more than Mr. Molotov, tired and over- Government might be forced to re- one-fifth of the national output. Mr From PETER WHITNEY worked, is about to take a holiday, consider its constitutional policy. Shinwell said that if Britain failed while Mr. Vishinsky ia seriously ill Ministers have undoubtedly been To Pretend ' to dig the coal needed in the next WASHINGTON. 21 at a famous spa in Czechoslovakia. irritated by the attitude of the By Special Correspondent 12 or 18 months the country would June On the face of it there is nothing Lords. The Transport Bill is not A be in grave peril. surprising in this news for both one of their happier efforts, and Yorkshire, he went on. had not It is reported in diplomatic quarters here that, , they would have liked to see it out gENORA PERON'S visit to achieved its target of 865,000 tons of men. and especially Mr. Vishinsky, saleable coal in any one w hile Britain and France await Russian participa- have been putting a great strain on of the way as soon as possible. The Spain has coincided with L week so themselves by overworking. wretched thing must now be certain remarkable Argentine far. ' Even when allowance has tion in the Marshall plan for Europe , M. Bidault has dragged through the Commons yet measures regarding that country been made for holidays , there is evi- On the other hand , the coincidence again. which throw a curious light on the dence of a marked falling off in out- alread y given Mr. Bevin an assurance that France is interesting, especially when it is The revised version will be con- lavish reception accorded to her. put This is a decline that the also reported that during the past sidered by the Cabinet at an early country cannot afford. fortnight Mr. Stalin has had several General Peron has increased the " Mr. Shin- will go ahead on a European economic plan no matter date, but there seems no likelihood price of Argentine meat for Spain well also spoke of a " marked i n- interviews with Mr. Maisky, former of Ministers trying to force the con- crease in absenteeism." w hat the Soviet Union does. Ambassador to Britain, who had by 18 per cent without Spain's prior stitutional issue at the moment. consent At the same time, Ambas- June Decline The effect of the* news from Paris on State Depart- ideas of his own about co-operation The Lords may seem as if they had sador Arce, the Argentine represen- with the West got out of hand, but in fact they tative at U.N., has warned Genera l He did not say that coal production ment is one of triump j ;h Mr. Maisky, unlike his master, Mr. have been far more circumspect generally was, in fact , below what h and hi hopes ; in the words of Franco, during a recent visit to was needed , *" Litvinov , has never been out of cir- than Lord Salisbury's defiant words Madrid, that unless certain " demo- but the implication is inie American official : Something big may come out culation since his return to Moscow. Yardley winning the toss from Melville at the opening of might suggest. No wrecking cratic pretences " are made by Spain only too plain. If the miners are to "' Hp has held a responsible post in the second Test Match with South Africa at Lord' s yesterday. amendment has been passed, and it reach the 200 million target they i.f this. before the next meeting of the U.N. must have an average output of Officially, however, the Soviet Foreign Office and has has not escaped notice that their General Assembly, Argentina will the U.S. maintains her chosen been frequentl y seen at non- Lordships have paid particular find it very difficult to defend the some 4,140,000 a week. Although the attitude of non-interference in the planning at this stage political functions. attention to clauses which were Spanish regime in that body. returns in May were around the The British Embassy here is keeping Americans informed With Mr. Vishinsky ill and Mr. passed in the Commons without dis- Apparently the referendum about four-miliion mark, it can only be cussion. So far they have not given , assumed from Mr. Shinwell's speech but no more It is thought likely that, since any European Molotov overworked , and at this Tildy Removed the law of succession now fixed for that there nas been a fall since. very real crisis in Russia's relations the Government a very good case. July 17, is intended by Franco to pro- p lanning must almost begin with the Ruhr , the U.S. as an If this inference is correct, the occupying Power cannot long withhold that " friendlv with the West, it is perfectly natural vide these " democratic pretences." Government is obviously faced with that Mr Maisky's views, if not his Fiercer Political The electoral registers for the a serious problem. The pessimists as sistance " in the drawing up of the plan which Mr Marshall id\ lce. should be sought. rom Clashes Ahead referendum, prepared by the Falan- promised at Harvard F Buda pest gist authorities, exclude all citizens have always said that output would Change of Policy By A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT A CONSTITUTIONAL issue who have relative's abroad and all fall as soon as the first enthusiasm When that day comes it is thought that an entirely new ¦*"*¦ could only come about if the those who are living in " conditional for nationalisation was over, and Mr. spproach may bring about an accord among Western Powers On the other ha nd , illness in Soviet T HE President of the Hungarian Republic, Mr. Tildy, has Lords defied the Commons a liberty." The number of Spaniards Shinwell's speech seems to suggest on the Ruhr question which has, more than any factor , kept I Russia has before now been a pre- been removed from Budapest and is now under virtual second time, and I understand that living abroad at present is over that they may be right. Output dur- this is most unlikely. The Com- 500,000. In practice, these provisions ing the rest of the summer is more Britain and France apart in lude to relegation or dismissal; and arrest in the country. likely to fall than to increase. Holi- the dismissal of important fig ures is mons will probably send back the exclude everybody who did not side ine recent past. American - RESCUE This development followed the revelations made by his Bill much as it was and the Lords with General Franco during the late days are bound to have an effect on sources imply that the U.S itself a prelude to a change of front. former Chief of Cabinet, Mr. Jekely, who exposed the Com- are then expected to submit. Civil War production, and it is most unlikely Certainly if Mr Stalin should decide But that will not, as most people that there will be an improvement mru lie prepared to sanction a to accept munist coup in Hungary and left the service of the new . The votes will be counted by mem- on the returns for June. gi eater degree of socialisation and | OF EUROPE the An^lo-French invita- seem to think, be the end of the bers ol the Falange and Accion i i.ernationahsation in Germanv tion with the real intention of reach- regime immediately after matter. The attitude of the Upper Catolica. Only pro-Franco propa- It is perhaps still too early to ing agreement on ways and means of House now makes it almost certain ganda judge whether the five-day week is wiihin such a European plan than The Observer to-day de- leaving the country to take up is allowed going to be a success, s 'ie has in the past been willing j votes the main space on its concerting a plan to take advantage Budapest White a new appointment as Hun- that reform of the Lords will be but if the June ; ¦¦ allow Equal concessions are leader-page, normally occu- of the Marshall scheme, the absence the chief plank in the " Let us Face figures turn out to be below the four- of Mr.