16Th European Junior Teams Bridge Championship DAILY BULLETIN
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16th European Junior Teams Bridge Championship DAILY BULLETIN Issue 2 3rd European Schools Teams Bridge Championship July 18, 1998 Editor: Mark Horton Co-Editors: Patrick Jourdain-Fritz Babsch Lay-Out Editor: Costas Economopoulos Russia and Israel set the pace Just as on the previous day two teams are tied at the a trip to the next Junior World Championships, so the top of the table, separated only by their respective IMP competition is sure to intensify over the next few days. ratios. Israel and Russia both had two good victories to Although we have only completed three of the twen- move ahead of the overnight leaders, Belarus, who have ty-one rounds the chasing teams cannot afford to con- dropped to third.These three teams are pursued by four of cede too much ground. All too often in a major the pre tournament favourites, Sweden, Netherlands, Championship, the teams that get away to a good start Norway and France. Only the leading five nations will earn tend to stay around the business end of proceedings. News at Ten Hors d oeuvres Yesterday morning's press confer- ence gave media personnel the he courtyard of the Wiener ceremony. In glorious sunshine,Anna opportunity to question Bill Rathaus provided a splendid Gudge acting as 'Master of Cere- Pencharz, EBL President, Panos Tsetting for Thursday's opening monies' introduced in turn Dr. Franz Gerontopoulos, Chairman of the Kriftner, the President of the Youth Committee, Dr. Franz Austrian Bridge Federation, Kriftner, President of the ABF,and Werner Amon, at 29 years old, Championship organizers Gavriel the youngest member of the Unger and Richard Wehler-Hardt. Austrian Parliament, Panos Replies to questions from repre- Gerontopoulos, the Chairman sentatives of Vienna's De Standard of the Youth Committee, and and London's Daily Telegraph Bill Pencharz, the President of revealed that the City of Vienna has the European Bridge League. provided the magnificent venue Their varied and entertain- free of charge and sponsors have ing speeches were a perfect provided 75% of the overall costs. Monika - Katerina - Karina hors-d'oeuvres to the open- ing round of matches in the Junior Bridge Team Champion- Today Achtung! ship. Program, Results, Standings . .2 Afterwards light refresh- Sie finden den Artikel in deutscher Hungary v.The Netherlands . .3 ments were served by the Sprache auf Seite 9. Match of the Day . .4-7 three members of the hospital- Denmark v. Norway ity team pictured here. Freak Deal; Killing Lead . .7 by Nissan Rand (Israel) 8 Old Timers . For the best on-line coverage: Homepage . .9-10 von Fritz Babsch http://www.bridge.gr Coincidences . .10 2 Saturday, 18 July 1998 Juniors Results Program Round 2 Saturday 18, 10:30. Round 4 Home Team Visiting Team IMPs VPs Table Home Team Visiting Team Russia Yugoslavia 87-32 25- 4 1. Italy Yugoslavia Poland Iceland 33-46 12-18 2. Iceland Greece Italy Czech Republic 47-22 20-10 3. Hungary Russia Austria Greece 45-74 9-21 4. Poland Denmark Hungary Sweden 34-66 8-22 5. Turkey Czech Republic Norway Denmark 36-25 17-13 6. Austria Israel Turkey The Netherlands 49-67 11-19 7. Spain Sweden Great Britain Israel 28-47 11-19 8. Norway Germany Spain Belarus 23-56 8-22 9. Croatia The Netherlands Finland Germany 50-42 16-14 10. Great Britain France Croatia France 27-35 14-16 11. Finland Belarus Round 3 Saturday 18, 15:00. Round 5 Home Team Visiting Team IMPs VPs Table Home Team Visiting Team Yugoslavia Poland 53-89 8-22 1. Yugoslavia Austria Czech Republic Russia 29-64 8-22 2. Sweden Czech Republic Iceland Austria 76-68 16-14 3. Poland Norway Sweden Italy 56-66 13-17 4. The Netherlands Russia Greece Norway 52-86 8-22 5. Iceland Great Britain The Netherlands Hungary 65-37 21- 9 6. Belarus Italy Denmark Great Britain 38-69 9-21 7. Greece Finland Belarus Turkey 58-63 14-16 8. France Hungary Israel Finland 73-28 24- 6 9. Denmark Croatia France Spain 81-56 20-10 10. Germany Turkey Germany Croatia 84-26 25- 4 11. Israel Spain Standings Internet News After Round 3 1. Israel 63 You can follow the Championships 2. Russia 63 via the internet simply by sitting 3. Belarus 61 4. Sweden 56 down at any of the available com- 5. The Netherlands 54 puters and using the browse fea- 6. Norway 53 ture. A local connection will give 7. France 52 you access to the World Bridge 8. Austria 48 Federation site and there you will 9. Italy 48 10. Iceland 47 also find a wealth of additional 11. Poland 44 information. 12. Greece 43 13. Germany 42 14. Turkey 41 15. Czech Republic 40 16. Denmark 39 Todays Vugraph 17. Finland 38 18. Hungary 36 10:30 Round 4 19. Great Britain 36 Iceland - Greece 20. Yugoslavia 28 15:00 Round 5 21. Croatia 27 22. Spain 26 Poland - Norway Bulletin 2 16th European Youth Bridge Team Championships Saturday, 18 July 1998 3 Juniors Round 3. Hungary v. The Netherlands by Barry Rigal The Dutch played very well on Vugraph, I thought, and Board 13. Dealer North. Game All. earned their win of 21-9 in Victory Points. [ A K Q 7 2 ]- Simon de Wijs was the first to earn a swing: { Q 9 7 5 3 Board 1. Dealer North. Love All. }J 7 4 [ J 10 8 5 3N [ 9 [K Q 9 ] A 5 4W E ] K Q 8 2 ] K 9 7 5 4 { J 6 2 { A 10 4 { 10 4 2 } K 3S } Q 10 9 6 2 }9 7 [6 4 [ 6 5 2N [ J 10 7 4 3 ] J 10 9 7 6 3 ] 10W E ] Q 6 3 {K 8 { A J 9 7 6 5 { 8 3 }A 8 5 } A 8 4S } K J 6 [A 8 Closed ] A J 8 2 West North East South {K Q Wijma Hegedus Zwerver Tichy } Q 10 5 3 2 1[ 1NT All Pass Closed Open West North East South West North East South Wijma Hegedus Zwerver Tichy Trenka v.Proojen Winkler de Wijs 1} 1[ Dble 1NT 3{ All Pass Dble 2{ Pass 2] Pass 2[ Pass Pass Open Dble All Pass West North East South Trenka v.Proojen Winkler de Wijs In the Closed Room Zwerver as East for the Dutch 1NT (15-17) used an artificial overcall of One Notrump which showed 2} 3{ Pass 4] hearts and a minor. Somewhat surprisingly West chose to All Pass pass this.The defence led a spade to North's queen, a dia- mond to the king and a second diamond from South. In the Closed Room the Hungarians were playing Reading North for at least nine cards in spades and dia- weak no-trump, so South opened One Club.Wijma's pre- monds Zwerver won in hand and ran the ten of clubs empt ended the auction, and it went three light for 150 to through South. Unlucky! It led to two down for -200. Hungary. On VuGraph de Wijs started with a Strong No- East also acted on VuGraph, this time with a light take- trump. West's Two Clubs denoted any single-suiter, and out double. When Two Spades came back to Trenka he North's Three Diamonds was a transfer showing at least risked an equally light penalty double. invitational values in hearts. De Wijs concluded proceed- Winkler led a club, ducked to West's king, and West ings with a jump to game. returned a low trump won by North who started on the West led the six of spades. De Wijs won in hand and, diamonds. East won the second diamond, and played a using the information gained from the auction, tackled heart ruffed by declarer.A diamond ruff set up the suit but trumps by leading to the king and finessing on the way declarer simply crossed to dummy with the ace of clubs back.That was the end of the deal and earned a 7 IMP gain to ensure his eighth trick by ruffing a heart. Declarer for the Netherlands. made six trumps and a trick in each minor.That was 10 This was the key deal in the second half: IMPs to the Netherlands, contributing to their 21-9 win. Gösser IBPA Lunch All members of the International Bridge Press Association in good standing are invited to the Press lunch on Tuesday 23 July, starting at 13.30. If you are planning to attend you must register with the Press Room Manager, Hannelore Thomasberger.The meeting point will be the Press Room area. Please be there at 13.00. 16th European Youth Bridge Team Championships Bulletin 2 4 Saturday, 18 July 1998 Denmark - Norway Match Of The Day plus highlights from Great Britain - Israel The Round 2 meeting between the World and king at trick two, Boye Brogeland, South, tried an inter- European champions was not on VuGraph, so your esting shot when he smoothly let it hold. If declarer con- Bulletin staff took their seats at the table. tinues with another heart Brogeland would have played The hands in the first half were quiet, with few swings. low again, expecting declarer to finesse the ten. However, Perhaps the most interesting deal was this flat board: declarer actually used the heart king as an entry to con- tinue with the queen of clubs. Brogeland covered, declar- Board 9. Dealer North. E/W Game. er ruffed in dummy, and North's club honour fell.