#604 11 - 17 May 2012 16 pages Rs 30

Should new federal units be carved along ethnic lines as some groups want? 72.7 Voters’ voice he results of this year’s Himalmedia Public Opinion Survey 2012 reinforce many of the conclusions of previous year’s Tpolls: on whether or not the constitution will be written by deadline, what to do if it isn’t, who is to blame for the delay. The 13.0 poll also reinforces an enduring message that has come out over and over again in surveys conducted over the past 12 years: Nepalis are too preoccupied with 10.1 4.2 day-to-day survival and are disillusioned with politicians and fed up with politics. Their There shouldn’t be ethnic federal units primary concerns are more mundane: jobs, There should be ethnic federal units inflation, corruption, health, education. Don’t know The fact that more than 7 out of 10 Nepalis Don’t want to say think ethnicity based federalism is a bad idea is not a surprise because there was a similar result in last year’s poll. Nor was the relative popularity of political Which three parties would you parties, with the NC being slightly ahead of the Maoists. What was choose to deliver a peaceful, new in this year’s survey was the surge of Baburam Bhattarai and the prosperous and democratic ? plunge in Pushpa Kamal Dahal’s popularity. If the results of this public opinion survey are internalised by the political parties and their leaders, and translated into their election manifestos it will prove that they are responding to the people. And this has to be done because the people are the voters.

If you could directly elect the next executive president, who would you choose?

More things change, Make-or-break media The terrain shifts more they remain the same This year’s Himalmedia Survey underlines Analysing the Himalmedia Survey 2012 results the need for the media to be even more accountable and responsible Editorial, page 2 page 3 page 12-13 2 EDITORIAL 11 - 17 MAY 2012 #604 MORE THINGS CHANGE, MORE THEY STAY THE SAME

e have always known that in Nepal the more Ordinary Nepalis seem to have poll last year, upwards of 60 per things change, the more they stay the same. inherently more common sense than cent of the indigenous people WHistory keeps repeating itself, usually as a farce. and Madhesis themselves are Now, we can quantify that. The results of this year’s the politicians who represent them. apprehensive about ethnic Himalmedia Public Opinion Survey 2012 reinforces federalism. many of the conclusions of previous year’s polls: on be the media’s coverage of his contradictory statements, There is nothing wrong with whether or not the constitution will be written by moving to a luxurious villa, his business interests and his righting historical wrongs, but it deadline, what to do if it isn’t, who is to blame for the son’s shenanigans. does seem that a few politicians delay. The poll also reinforces an enduring message that Nepalis are thoroughly dissatisfied with the chronic want to propel themselves to has come out over and over again in surveys conducted political instability of the past 20 years and the lack of power by using identity politics even though the silent over the past 12 years: Nepalis are too preoccupied with accountability of elected leaders. They seem to blame this majority among their own aren’t going along. In fact, day-to-day survival, are disillusioned with politicians on the horse-trading inherent in the parliamentary system nearly half the respondents no matter where they live and and fed up with politics. Their primary concerns are more as practiced here. So, most of those polled said they’d which ethnic group they belong to, say if you must have mundane: jobs, inflation, corruption, health, education. want either a directly-elected prime minister or president. federalism, stick with the north-south model to make Still, Nepalis instinctively know they have to work The issue of ethnicity-based federalism has polarised the viable provinces. This is not the Bahun-Chhetri elite with what they have, and will back politicians who political class, but at the people’s level there seems to be in Kathmandu talking, ordinary Nepalis seem to have show integrity, efficiency and a can-do mentality. This is little doubt that demarcating future federal units based inherently more common sense than the politicians who clear from this year’s popularity surge of Prime Minister on ethnicity is a bad idea. Reinforcing the results of the represent them. Baburam Bhattarai, with nearly a third of The good news is that public respondents saying they’d vote for him if he What are the three main problems facing the country today? opinion still matters in this country. stood for elections. The reason is clear: more It should matter because only then than half the respondents think he’s done can we quantify public anger and a great job since he became prime minister. prod political leaders to respond and His populist photo-ops (riding a Mustang, reform their ways. Prime Minister travelling economy, cleaning the Bagmati) Bhattarai’s popularity is proof that seem to have worked and people seem to want people still value integrity and to overlook the fact that he has surrounded performance, and will reward it even himself with crooks. The poll also shows that if it means clutching at straws. And the higher politicians fly the further they fall: the lesson from the rise and fall of Maoist Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal used to Pushpa Kamal Dahal is to never take top all polls since 2006. This year, his rating anything for granted: especially the has dropped to single digit. The reason must people’s trust.

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FEDERAL EXPRESS holding another elections or calling leaders had shown statesmanship and completely outside the purview of interesting stories on Nepali cities in Just give us , law and order, for a referendum and letting people long-term vision, traits which are sorely experts and constitutional scholars. I your upcoming issues. and justice (‘Federal express’, resolve contentious issues like the lacking in Nepali leaders as well. We am also surprised by how such closed RR editorial, #603). Control corruption, Supreme Court had ordered them to should learn from the mistakes of other door negotiations are being allowed cut down the government’s size and do six months ago. Such merry-go- nations, but do our politicians care? at the cost of the nation’s future. In Pokhara should follow the example spending, and create employment. round politics allows these leaders to Kiran L other countries, when politicians of Dharan and stop depending on As long as the leaders do their preserve the status quo, accumulate haggle over geographic space to the incompetent central government job, we don’t care who is in power more wealth and avoid facing the We now fi nd ourselves in a catch maximise their vote banks, it’s called for any assistance. Let the citizens Bhattarai, Dahal or Poudel. public. They don’t care about the 90 22 situation. If the country is not carved gerrymandering. Nepalis might want to of Pokhara and its business leaders Gopal per cent of Nepalis who are suffering out along ethnic lines, there is imminent postpone this process for a few years. provide the basic needs. because of their ineptitude and danger of violent but short-lived civil Simms Tsering Why is there such disregard inaction. unrest. And if the country is divided for human lives in this country? Rabi along ethnic lines, there is greater A federal Nepal divided along ethnic The airport in Kochi, Kerala is a Did innocent people have to die in danger of prolonged civil strife. lines will neither lead to economic fi ne example of how to preserve and Janakpur? And what if more people First we had 601 CA members and Poudel progress nor satisfy the egos of ethnic promote local heritage. Like Kerala, are killed between now and 27 now three deputy prime ministers. Is leaders. Bomb explosions in Janakpur Nepal has a great architectural history May, who will be held accountable? this some kind of joke? We need to The overall message of the column and indefi nite shut down of the far-west and traditional designs should be used Do our leaders feel any shame or revolt against this madness and let the is good. We have to be united and are just previews of what naya Nepal to build the new airport. guilt? Or will they just keep fi ghting leaders know enough is enough. We’ve stand up against divisive politics. But I could be headed towards. Martin amongst themselves over petty and already wasted 22 years, let’s not disagree with the writer’s assertion that Sital selfi sh issues? waste another day. political accommodation can lead to I don’t think building a new Bikas Nabin Dongol ethno-separatism and ethnic wars. Rigid Any federal model that does international airport in Pokhara is political structures suffocate democracy. not take into account the ecological a good idea. It would ruin the city’s Deuba and Koirala are at each 27 May will come and go and life Being fl exible and accommodating, landscape will be a failure. Ethnic natural beauty. How about choosing a other’s throats. Khanal, Oli and will move on as usual in Nepal. No without compromising on corner stones sentiments are valid, but they will location some place near Pokhara, but Nepal are also fi ghting. And former matter what kind of constitution is of the country is still the best way not feed the people. Nor will they not right in the middle of the city? comrades Dahal and Baidya are made, the public will quietly accept it, forward. help provinces increase export Kishor refusing to see eye-to-eye. But do like they accepted the declaration of Bhumika Ghimire competitiveness or advance any of these leaders actually care a republic. And we will continue living technologically. A compromise is The roar of jet engines as they about the people? What about our with power and gas shortages, crime Rubeena is spot on with her feasible as the author suggests, but are fl y over Phewa Lake will completely demands and needs? We need and corruption, while hordes of young argument. Disregarding principles any of the big boys listening? destroy the Valley’s charm. to get rid of this male-dominated Nepalis escape to foreign countries in and long-term problems in exchange Pramod Carl political structure and let women take search of jobs and better opportunities. for short-term gains can be harmful. charge. Krishna S Democracy is about accepting dissident The country seems to be headed Sheila Pradhan views, but blanket inclusion of every towards ethnic-federalism and we need So even the unity government was voice will derail the process in the long to learn to live with it. But hopefully Weekly Internet Poll #604 Dahal and Bhattarai are learning set up with India’s assistance. Our run. After all, there has to be something as more Nepalis become educated, Q. Do you think NC’s decision to join the present government hard lessons. It’s one thing to fi ght a southern neighbour is all over our called procedure and complex issues they will understand the logic behind will help in drafting the constitution? war from the jungle and another to politics. Can’t we do anything on our require serious debates and thought. economically viable models and our govern a country. Both of them have own anymore? Accommodating everything for the sake boundaries will evolve. Total votes: 1,820 no experience in statesmanship and Sudha of is dangerous. Abhinav are quickly losing support of ordinary 'Mohan Baidya' Nepalis. The NC and UML now have BEWARE JAUN HAI POKHARA the upper hand. Thank you Rubeena Mahato for SELF INTEREST Thank you Nepali Times for promoting Mamata Sharma highlighting the experiences of The federalism debate in Nepal sounds cities outside of Kathmandu (‘Pokhara Sri Lanka, Bosnia and former very hollow (‘Enlightened self-interest’, Package’, #603). If we could develop No Maoist, NC or UML leader Czechoslovakia (‘Beware of the future’, Alok Bohara, #603). I have never seen Pokhara into a tourism hotspot and has made the slightest effort to #603). All three countries could have leaders bargaining over the number of economic hub, it would benefi t the Weekly Internet Poll # 605. To vote go to: www.nepalitimes.com Q. If there was an election for directly-elected executive, look for alternatives, such as prevented ethnic confl ict and violence if provinces and creating federal states entire country. I hope to read more who would you vote for:

Publisher and Editor: Kunda Dixit Published by Himalmedia Pvt Ltd | Chief Operating Offi cer: Sunim Tamang | Hattiban, Godavari Road, Lalitpur | GPO Box 7251 Kathmandu | Desk Editor: Trishna Rana | Design: Kiran Maharjan [email protected] | www.nepalitimes.com | www.himalmedia.com | Tel: 01-5250333/845 Fax: +977-1-5251013 Marketing: Arjun Karki, Surendra Sharma [email protected] | Advertorial/features: Ram Krishna Banjara | Subscription: Santosh Aryal [email protected] Nepali Times on Facebook Printed at Jagadamba Press | 01-5250017-19 | www.jagadambapr.com Follow @nepalitimes on Twitter 11 - 17 MAY 2012 #604 OP-ED 3 Make-or-break media This year’s Himalmedia Survey underlines the need for the media to be even more accountable and responsible

his year’s survey shows a surge in popularity of Which institution do you trust the most? TPrime Minister Baburam trailing way behind Baburam Bhattarai, with nearly a third of Most Enough Don’t trust Don’t trust at all Don’t want to say Don’t know Bhattarai, and even behind respondents saying they’d vote ceremonial president Ram for him if he stood for elections. CIAA 11.3% 51% 9.9% 3.4% 0.9% 23.5% Baran Yadav. Again, the media’s This is popularity based on coverage of his contradictory perceptions of performance and Election Commission 11.5% 60.3% 7.9% 1.7% 0.8% 17.9% statements, his luxurious honesty. More than half the lifestyle and rumours that he is Courts 20.5% 58.7% 10.2% 2.3% 0.4% 7.9% respondents think the Bhattarai the richest man in Nepal have government has done a better job Army 17.1% 63.4% 11.4% 3.0% 0.4% 4.7% turned public opinion against than previous governments. him despite (and perhaps The results prove the power Police 9.5% 57.2% 23.2% 6.6% 0.2% 3.4% because of) his high profile in and role of the media in shaping the press. public opinion. The photo-ops of Civil service 8.4% 50.2% 20.7% 6.3% 0.5% 13.8% One question in the public Bhattarai riding a Mustang after opinion poll concerned how his swearing-in, flying economy Media 31.7% 55.3% 6.6% 1.5% 0.1% 4.9% much the people trust various class to New York, inspecting institutions like the Nepal Police, eateries in Mugling, widening Government 6.8% 49.5% 27.4% 11.4% 0.4% 4.5% Nepal Army, the CIAA and the Kathmandu streets, and getting Election Commission. The media his hands dirty cleaning the tops the list with nearly a third of Bagmati built the impression of How has your trust in the following institutions changed in the past 3-4 years? the respondents saying they trust a man who is a do-er and not a the media the most. Given the talker. Increased Same Decreased Don’t want to say Don’t know impact the media has on public A lot of this was a result opinion of political personalities of careful media management Police 28.9% 47.5% 20.2% 0.2% 3.2% and parties, and given the faith and spin, but it seems to have the public puts on the media’s worked. The public has also Government offi ces 18.0% 52.2% 22.3% 0.4% 7.1% credibility, places an even bigger been watching him, and feel responsibility on the shoulders NGOs 20.2% 49.5% 16.1% 0.6% 13.7% he has done everything he said of Nepal’s media. he would: conclude the peace VDCs, Municipality 28.6% 48.5% 17.2% 0.3% 5.4% Unlike politicians whom process, form a unity government, they cover (and uncover), no one try to get the constitution passed. Consumer rights groups 28.2% 44.5% 13.7% 0.6% 13.1% elects journalists, editors and Being incumbent, there is a op-ed writers. This means media certain Teflon effect, where the Media 51% 37.1% 6.8% 0.1% 5.0% personalities have to stand up to fact that corruption is rife in the an even higher moral code and Bhattarai cabinet or that he has Political parties 8% 36% 49.7% 0.3% 5.9% standards of integrity. This year’s been propped up by India (an Himalmedia poll underlines accusation his own party seniors Intellectuals 30.3% 49% 11.2% 0.6% 8.9% the need for the media to be openly make) doesn’t seem to even more accountable and stick on the prime minister. Or, it In stark contrast, the is hard to win back. In all past pedestal pretty ignominiously responsible so as not to squander could be argued, he would have Himalmedia survey also shows polls, Pushpa Kamal Dahal has this year. The 2012 Himalmedia the overwhelming trust the been even more popular if he that public opinion can be fickle, been scoring high on popularity, survey shows his rating has public has placed on it. had cleaned up his government. and trust of the people once lost but he has been knocked off his plummeted to single digit, Kunda Dixit 4 NATION 11 - 17 MAY 2012 #604 The terrain shifts This year’s Himalmedia Public Opinion Survey proves Nepalis are still more preoccupied with stagnant economy than deadlocked politics

The peace process is now nearly Which leader had the most important role in the completion of the peace process? complete. Who do you credit for this?

3.1 39.5


8 1.7 6.8 23

Maoists NC UML Madhesi parties difference in the perception The most dramatic leaders of the NC, UML and Others Don’t know Don’t want to say of development in the Tarai change this year compared Madhesis were in the single where half the respondents to the last few polls has been digits, or even below 1%. said there has been little in the perception of top Surprisingly, even though KUNDA DIXIT This year’s poll is no development. Interestingly, political personalities. Most his name was not on the list, different. The Himalmedia those who can’t read or write respondents give credit to many said they would vote Public Opinion Survey 2012 seem happier, and the more Baburam Bhattarai and Pushpa for Gagan Thapa. But the ear after year, shows that inflation remains educated the respondents Kamal Dahal (37% and 20% popularity contest is still up for Himalmedia polls have the number one preoccupation the more dissatisfied they respectively) for concluding grabs because one-third of the Yshown that despite of the people with 92% saying seem to be with the pace of the peace process. respondents said they didn’t hardships or during the darkest it is worse than last year, and development. When asked who they know or didn’t want to say. days of war, a majority of 64% saying corruption is Nepalis seem disillusioned would directly vote for as A new question in this Nepalis were always hopeful worse. Politics is way down in with a Westminster-style executive prime minister or year’s poll dealt with the about the future. Nearly all their list of concerns, and the parliamentary democracy and president, Bhattarai topped performance of the Baburam respondents in every poll have constitution is important only want direct franchise to elect the list of names of 12 senior Bhattarai government which said they are worried about the in as much as it has a bearing future executive presidents leaders from four parties with a came to power in November lack of development and jobs, on peace. But a majority of or prime ministers. Asked 30.6% approval rating. Pushpa last year. Nearly 60% of about endemic corruption and respondents still feel things are which form of government Kamal Dahal trailed with respondents gave Bhattarai inflation, but they have kept an improving, and 85% of those in they would prefer, nearly 40% 8.6%, and President Ram a thumbs up, while 26% optimistic outlook. The public the Himal and Pahad cite road favoured a directly-elected Baran Yadav ranked second felt there was no difference never held their rulers in very access as the biggest progress. presidential system, and 25% with 10.4% of votes. The between this government and high esteem, but realise that Disaggregating the data, wanted to vote directly for Baidya faction was nowhere previous ones. they are what they are. however, shows a stark prime ministers. in the picture, and all other In a surprising departure 11 - 17 MAY 2012 #604 NATION 5

Now that the peace process is nearly finished Would you prefer a presidential or Compared to previous governments how do and the Supreme Court has decided that the parliamentary system of government? you rate the performance of the Baburam constitution must be written by 27 May, do you Bhattarai government? think the parties will be successful in finishing 38.8 the constitution by that date? 58.8

13.4 33.3

16.7 6.0

1.8 4.9 8.8 24.5 0.5 25.9 15.2 Directly-elected presidential system Present system of prime minister chosen by parliament Good 1.6 49.9 Directly-elected prime minister Bad Parliament to elect both president and prime minister The same Don’t know Don’t know Yes No Don’t know Don’t want to say Don’t want to say Don’t want to say

from these results, when asked more or less even. issues in the new constitution, to rank the parties they trusted The poll was taken a there is a clear majority against the most to take Nepal forward month before the deadline for demarcating future federal units towards peace and prosperity, the constitution, and as last along ethnic lines. A full 73% Himalmedia Polls the Nepali Congress pipped year, half the respondents are of the respondents rejected imalmedia has been conducting public opinion polls nearly the Maoists with 66% versus convinced that a new statute ethnicity-based federal units Hevery year since 2000 to gauge the public pulse. Over the years, 63% and the UML got 61%. will not be ready by 27 May, and only 14% were undecided. in monarchy or republic, war or peace, the surveys have served Nearly 20 percent didn’t have a and a third of them said it Last year, 76% had said no to as important barometers of Nepali people’s regard (or disregard) preference. Contrary to popular was because none of the big ethnic federalism. Interestingly, for their rulers, the relative popularity of political parties, and belief, there seems to be scant parties actually want a new like last year, 64% of hill ethnic recorded the main concerns of the people. correlation between support constitution. The people seem respondents, 70% of Newars Past polls have accurately predicted the results of elections, for the Maoist party and age, more optimistic this year and 57% of Madhesi ethnics and served as rough referenda on the rise and fall of political gender, ethnicity. Support for compared to a year ago when (which include the Tharus) personalities. Which must be why they have often been criticised other parties among young 75% thought a new constitution didn’t want federal units for as being biased or unscientific by leaders who do not fare well. people and ethnic groups was would not be written by the ethnic groups. But when they do better in the surveys than their rivals, the same deadline. If a constitution is Asked what would be an parties have held up survey results to prove their popularity. not written, most respondents alternative model for federal Former king Gyanendra once scoffed at public opinion polls, Who do you blame for the still think a new election is units, 45% favoured north-south saying they served no purpose in a country like Nepal, only to lose delay in the peace process the best way forward. Like in territorial units that include his throne soon after. Pushpa Kamal Dahal, who has always done and constitution? the 2011 survey, most of those Himal, Pahad and Tarai and well in opinion surveys (except this year) famously boasted after interviewed (42%) felt the the proportion of people who the 2009 survey: “Even a media house that has always been critical Maoist were mainly responsible support this are equal in all of our party has said I am the leader the people trust the most.” for delays in the constitution. three regions. Thirty per cent This year’s Himalmedia Public Opinion Survey was based On the most contentious wanted the current zones to be on interviews with 3,210 respondents in 38 districts selected simply converted into federal through a non-random sampling method in April. More than 60 units. enumerators fanned out across the country to select respondents between the ages of 18-60, and asked 39 questions during the week of 22-29 April. Compared to the 2011 survey, enumerators felt respondents were even less hesitant to answer interview questions, volunteering their names and phone numbers. In one case, when an enumerator had misplaced her pen and was ticking off boxes with a pencil, a respondent insisted that she use a pen. The full disaggregated tabulation of the poll is available online www.nepalitimes.com 6 LIFE TIMES 11 - 17 MAY 2012 #604

1 2 VROOM VROOM Motorcycling across Nepal is a great way to be reminded of this country's amazing social harmony

NARESH NEWAR country, passed through 60 Once you escape the traffic take the Karnali Highway to pit stop in Janakpur then head towns from the far west to bottleneck between Thankot and Jumla, but it may be a better out to Lahan the next morning. the east and crossed over into Naubise, the raw beauty of the idea to let them at least gravel You can keep going east and hit or Kathmandu’s 100,000 Sikkim on my 500cc Enfield countryside will take over and the road first. India, or head north to Dharan, motorcycle riders, it is all Bullet, I realised the first rule you won’t feel any pain. For the best and shortest Dhankuta and up to Khandbari. Fabout dodging pot holes, of road tripping in Nepal: make There are some really bad route to the east from The reassuring throb of the being stuck in traffic jams, a plan, but be flexible. Bandas, roads (Surkhet-Dailekh) but Kathmandu, drive down to Bullet takes you through this waiting in queue for petrol, chukka jams, landslides, are the highways in the west are Hetauda from Dakshinkali. incredibly diverse country, and and (lately) trying to outsmart common and strike without surprisingly well maintained The roads are being re-surfaced you notice how much things are policemen with breathalysers. warning. compared to rest of the country. but the rough ride is worth the changing because of road access. For a real adrenaline rush, Rule number two: don’t In Bardiya, you’ll have to ride risk, passing lush green hills But also how much of the Nepali gun your bike and head off be fazed by flat tyres in the through the national wildlife reflected on the Kulekhani soul remains the same. beyond Naubise. Go on, do it, middle of the jungle or Maoists reserve at 40 kmph, not faster, reservoir. and see what Nepal has to offer. threatening to burn your bike not slower, or risk being It’s one long day from That’s what I did last month, during a banda. Look around, penalised at the army anti- Hetauda to Kakarbitta on nepalitimes.com and what an adventure it’s been. ask for help. Nepalis outside poaching checkpoint. Nepal’s eastern border with Tour the highways As I navigated across the Kathmandu are very helpful. For the more adventurous, India. But you can also make a

Frontier towns ontrary to popular belief, crossing over to India on a Cmotorbike is not that difficult. The Indian Embassy in Kathmandu issues vehicle permits to Nepalis within two working days after they submit a bank guarantee of Rs 10,000 which is refundable upon return, vehicle registration and insurance papers. With the permit in hand, the Indian border security forces won’t interrogate much and vehicle owners will be asked to undergo regular customs check. A three hour drive from Nepal’s eastern border takes you to the beautiful tea estate town of Mirik. A further three hours and Darjeeling with its toy train and sweeping panorama of Kangchenjunga beckons. Kalimpong and its flower nurseries should not be missed either. From there it is on to Gangtok in Sikkim, and one notices how much more economic progress this place has made. Everyone speaks Nepali, it feels like Nepal, only more prosperous. PICS: NARESH NEWAR 11 - 17 MAY 2012 #604 LIFE TIMES 7


3 A united Nepali nation

s leaders in Kathmandu Ascramble to finish a new constitution behind closed doors, they should listen to COVER the people I met from Mechi HIMAL Public Opinion Survey 2012 to Mahakali. It is a country This year’s poll results reveal people have become of breathtaking beauty more vocal in their choices. and heartrending poverty. No to ethnic enclaves Especially in the west, you can Popular Baburam see that poverty spares no one. Reduce infl ati on The Brahmins and Chettris Madhes unhappy are as poor as the Janjatis and Dalits, their fates are EDITORIAL 4 entertwined, as are their hopes Dealing with conspiracy and their stories of survival have remained unchanged for COMMENTARY centuries. The China aff air – Bishwa Poudel All castes struggle under the poverty line, and it is Hopeless hopefuls – Purushott am Dahal poverty that binds them Indivisible challenge – Chandrakishor Jha together. In the western Tarai town of Kusum, a destitute REPORTS young Brahmin widow with Consti tuti onal gaps two children who lost her Donati ng lives husband during the war runs Sheltering crime a tiny roadside restaurant. A Madhesi milkman bicycles INTERVIEW four hours in the scorching Ram Sharan Mahat heat everyday to generate NC Central Committ ee member income by selling milk to her. A young Dalit fisherman sells 5 his fish at her eatery. A Chettri woman works as a maid to feed her children. At tea shops and lodges along the way I ask people sfd ;fgf] 7'nf] eGg] x'“b}g . kl;gfsf] about federalism. They are fed up with politicians, they think s'g} /ª / hft klg x'“b}g . sfd federalism is just a slogan, and having suffered violence u/]/ vfg nhfpg' klg x'“b}g . during the war they don't want the country to be divided along rf]/]/, 9f“6]/, 5n]/, n'6]/ vfg kf] ethnic lines. In Janakpur, I meet Madhesi nhfpg'k5{ . hf] hxf“ /x]/ h'g sfd u5{ families tired of extortion by armed Madhesi groups. This pm To;}df /dfpg'k5{ uf}/a ug'{k5{ / should have never happened, they said. In Rajbiraj, Madhesi ;dlk{t eP/ ug{'k5{ . sfd g} zlQm xf], 6 and Pahadi families said they have lived together for generations and don't want to elQm xf] / d'lQm xf] . sfdsf] OHht The East-West Highway is 1,000 km long and Nepal’s be separated. 1 road artery A tiny tea stall by the u/f}+, kl;gfsf] ;Ddfg u/f}+ . 2 Roads in the western Tarai are the smoothest in the highway in Butwal is run country, like this one in Dang by three men: a Brahmin, 3 The road from Surkhet to Dailekh is not for the faint- a Madhesi and a Gurung. hearted One makes tea, one waits on g]kfn ;/sf/ 4 Demonstrators torched this car near Surkhet to customers and one washes enforce an impromptu banda cups. Here you go. This is ;"rgf tyf ;~rf/ dGqfno The risks are always higher in the mountains for the the model of a united Nepali 5 motorcyclists, however scenic, you shouldn’t take nation practiced by ordinary ;"rgf ljefu your eyes off the road people without any need to With most men having migrated, women repair tyres carve the country up. 6 in Dailekh 8 LIFE TIMES 11 - 17 MAY 2012 #604

Modern Metamorphoses, a modern Bhojan Griha, traditional Nepali cocktails, Grilled Fish and desserts are take on one of the most renowned Latin restaurant that serves great local food favourites among guests. Lakeside, poems, Ovid’s Metamorphoses. Rs 800 with folk music and dance. Dillibajar Pokhara (including tea), every Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 4 May to 20 May, New Orleans, offers a wide variety of 7.15 pm, Hotel Vajra, 4271545, vajra@ western dishes that are scrumptious mos.com.np yet healthy. Jhamsikhel, 5522708

Shanti Deep Prajwolan, light lamps Tama, enjoy delicious khaja and taas EVENTS to raise funds for a grant organised set, along with a host of other Indian by Tewa. Buy a lamp for Rs 50 each ALCHEMY, an authentic Italian and Nepali snacks at an affordable EXHIBITION ON EVEREST, a and contribute. 11 May, 5pm onwards, restaurant which serves dishes like price. Gairidhara photography exhibition by Jeff Botz Mangalbazaar, Patan, 9851025350, Pizza Quatro Stagioni and Spaghetti which shows Mount Everest in its true [email protected] alla Puttanseca. Thamel glory. 26 April to 26 May, 9.30 am to PERI PERI, home of legendary 5pm, Image Ark Studio, Kulimha Tole, MUSIC Dragon Café, enjoy momos, sizzlers Portugese fl amed grilled chicken, enjoy Patan and vegetable coins at the most dishes served with the trademark Piri reasonable prices. Kumaripati Piri sauce. Jhamsikhel, 9808563803 World Fair Trade Day Fair, exhibition of handicraft and agro food products La Rotisserie, get your fi ll of roasted Thik Thak Restaurant, this restaurant by 40 FTG Nepal members. Visit food delights like chicken, duck and trout. boasts live fi sh from the lake which stalls of typical Newari cuisine. 19 May, Jawalakhel means the fi sh dishes are always fresh 10am to 5pm, Baithak Event Venue, and delicious. Lakeside, Pokhara Tripureshwor Just Baked, a cozy café with amazing pastries and friendly ambience. Old Art on Display, sixteen artists display Baneshwor paintings they under the guidance of THE OLIVE GARDEN, now offering a Laplnive Bangdel. 7 May to 17 May, Pasto Vostro, a pretty place with some revamped dinner menu from 14 March 10am to 6pm, Nepal Art Council great pasta. Their bacon wrapped onwards with various trout dishes. sausages are a must. Thamel Radisson Hotel, Lazimpat DEGAA SATURDAY MUSIC NIGHTS, enjoy live band performances every Manny's Eatery and Bar, enjoy mouth- Upstairs Cafe, sample a delicious Saturday with bands like Unlearned and watering Continesian delicacies with range of Vietnamese cuisine. Upendra and Friends who will serenade fi ne hospitality, Jawalakhel, 5536919 Maharajgunj, near the US embassy you while you relish Degaa’s special Newari food. 28 April to 19 May, 7pm to LAZY GRINGO, fail-safe Boudha Restaurant & Café, 10pm, Degaa Restro Lounge, 5008679 Mexican restaurant. The enjoy wood-fi red pizza, homemade STATION BBQ, try the table top grills lemonade with refi lls is what won pastas and the one and only Tibetan for self-cooked barbeque or order SIGN, Live music by SIGN band us over, but the food is gyakok. Boudha, 012130681, mutton skewers and pork chops. every week except Tuesdays and mighty fi ne. Jawalakhel 9841484408 Jhamsikhel Wednesdays. 7:30 pm onwards, Corner HOME SICK BLUES, enjoy graphic art, Bar, Radisson Hotel, Lazimpat. Call 1905 Restaurant, feast Salt and Pepper, a resto- BU KEBA, oil paintings, photography and collages 4411818 on roasted delights lounge with a wide variety of the organic from artists Christian Lemmerz, Michael within this converted dishes to choose from like restaurant in Kvium, Peter Bonde and Haugen DINING aristocratic residence. Hakka Noodles, Hong Kong town offers Sorensen along with Danish chef Claus Walled ambience and Chicken and Honey Chili continental Christensen’s art collection. Delices de France, savour in Royal green surroundings Potatoes. Lakeside, Pokhara and Indian 13 May, 6pm to 8pm, Tings Tea Couscous as you listen to Egyptian make it an oasis within cuisine along Lounge, Lounge Hotel, Nursery Galli, singer Emad Gabra. 11 May, 7.30 pm,, the city. Kantipath, Byanjan, enjoy great food at with chef’s Lazimpat, 9803582844 Thamel 4215068 an affordable price. Shrimp originals. Sanepa 11 - 17 MAY 2012 #604 LIFE TIMES 9 GETAWAYS For Tibetan voices Last Resort, canyoning, hiking, rock climbing, rafting, mountain biking- challenge yourself and be adventurous on canvas at the Last Resort. 4700525, 4701247 panish artist Andrea Lopez Iglesias’ exhibition The SNew Faces of Tibet embodies her desire to give voice to displaced Tibetans. The exhibition consists of 14 large BENCH BURGER, be it a fi sh or a paintings and smaller ones made in watercolour and monotype. steak burger, Bench Burger offers many types and tastes to satisfy for your Iglesias uses bold storks and vibrant colours to depict Tibetan palate. Krishnagalli, Patan children whom she met and bonded with during her stay at Splashing Saturday Pema T’sal Monastery in Pokhara. The project is a continuation Cosmopolitan Café, located in the of her previous work ‘Visited Places. Children Remembered’ heart of Basantapur, this cozy café Enjoy a game of water football, dance in which she offers arguably the best chicken sizzler to live music and DJ sessions or just focused on in town. Basantapur (along Kathmandu sit back, relax and relish superb food children in Darbar Square), 4225246 and drinks at Splash Festival '12. orphanages, Companies can test each other’s water and comes at Irish Pub, for the simple reason that football skills. And guests who are not on the corporate list can register at the a time when the place actually feels like a bar. Don’t the Free Tibet miss out on their Irish coffee. Lazimpat, venue and enjoy football during open Ananda Bhawan, 4416027 play. movement RANIBAN RETREAT, located next to is growing the Peace Pagoda, overlooking the city Organisations: Rs 20,000 strong in the and lake, the retreat offers a sweeping Individuals: Rs 1,000 per team of subcontinent. panorama from Dhaulagiri in the west three (Knock Out Set) and Rs 1,200 “What comes to Himalchuli in the east. for two teams (General Play Set) through Pagoda, Pokhara, 977-61-692136, 9841382053 these portraits is a stoic and resilient people, who have Rs 1,499 (inclusive of beer, buffet retained their innocence, faith and culture despite the harsh lunch and pool facilities) The Borderlands Eco Adventure reality of their situation. More importantly Andrea’s works Resorts, raft in the mighty Bhote Kosi, are an impassioned plea to humanity itself,” says Sangeeta JAPANESE CREPE STATION, try the 2 May, 10am onwards at Godavari try a canyon descent, or an off-the- Thapa, director at Siddhartha Art Gallery in praise of Iglesias’ uniquely Nepali khuwa crêpe for a quick Village Resort beaten trek to a hidden monastery. fi x. Kichapaokhari and Basantapur. Call www.water-football.com paintings. Call 4700894 4256655 11 to 24 May at Siddhartha Art Gallery

a good impression either. I wanted to be kind and non- judgmental and was hoping that Lorry’s would deliver on their promise of serving wholesome delicious food so I wouldn’t walk away disappointed, for an aggrieved and hungry reviewer tends to get caustic. The Bistika Alfungi (Rs 550) - 200 grams of grilled tenderloin topped with PICS: RUBY TUESDAY a cream mushroom sauce with a side of pasta in fresh tomato sauce- elevated my SOMEPLACE ELSE mood considerably. Though the meat was overcooked and thus chewy (asking the customer how they’d like their meat- medium, rare or well done- would be a good idea), the sauce was sublime. With just the right amount of creaminess and here are restaurants you love for a smooth consistency, it was definitely what they offer in terms of their the saving grace of the meal. The tomato Tfood and then there are restaurants sauce on the pasta too was a surprise. you love for their ambience, fine service None of that pre-packaged canned stuff and ‘hangoutbility’, despite their lack of Lorry's at Lorry’s- the sauce is fresh with a excellent food. Lorry’s firmly falls into lingering taste of fresh herbs and a hint the second category. another ‘Day Menu’, one that featured chunks of pork on a plate already had of dry oregano. Lorry’s has been open now for three momos and chow mein and dal bhat me skeptical about my order. But though Lorry’s is still very young and has months and has managed to get people thalis and everything else in between. the meat had undergone enthusiastic aspects of a good restaurant- uncluttered, talking about it in a short time- which is On seeing my dismay, he explained and prolonged grilling, the taste was simple décor, unobtrusive staff, good essential for any business to succeed. It's that this special menu catered to exquisite. Smoky, succulent and moist, music, clean restrooms, extensive bar. telling that most good reviews concerning professionals who walked in for lunch the scorched bits actually provided a nice If it works on improving the quality Lorry’s are about the friendly atmosphere, and complained about not understanding texture and the sauce… mmm the sauce. of food and maintaining consistency, non-judgmental staff and little nooks that the ‘complicated’ dishes on the regular They make it fresh at Lorry’s and it is Lorry’s has the potential to become a afford privacy and not the food. menu and had to have their staple fare. delicious. favourite among Kathmandu’s fine-food The menu cannot be faulted. Lorry’s menu is delightful and not The potato skins, on the other hand loving patrons. Concentrating on Italian, Mexican and in the least bit complex. Easily laid out have a little too much going on. The skins RUBY TUESDAY Continental cuisines, it tried not to fall with a brief description of each dish, it themselves were fried so deep that they prey to the malaise that so many other makes ordering your meal a breeze. We were dry and tasteless and the bean sauce Once in Jhamsikel, restaurants fall victim to- trying to please decided on the BBQ Pork (Rs 300) and was so copious that it drowned out all Lorry’s is about every patron who walks through the Potato Skins (Rs 250) with a sour cream other flavours. The fact that they came 100 metres past St doors. That’s what I was admiring about dip to start with. The BBQ pork was garnished with little bits of shriveled and Mary’s School’s Lorry's until the kind waiter offered me quite disappointing to look at- charred wizened chili bits did not help in making north gate. 10 HAPPENINGS 11 - 17 MAY 2012 #604


Downton Abbey This week marked the turning phase of the weather system from the beautiful, but snooty and selfi sh oldest; Edith, the plain, and westerly-driven to pre-monsoon. KATHMANDU It isn’t monsoon yet, but just the therefore sullen middle daughter; and Sybil, the idealistic, pretty, circulations in the Bay of Bengal left-leaning, and politically inclined youngest. driving moisture up to the mountain MUST SEE At the time English law would not allow for the title, nor the which is falling as condensation Sophia Pande property, to pass to a female heir, therefore the news that the when it hits the mountains. The rain Earl’s fi rst cousin James and his son Patrick, the next two in line is still going to come in localised storms over the weekend, but the to inherit Downton, both drowned on the Titanic is more than a FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY n an age where TV is ubiquitous and the majority of blow to the family. The family is left terribly distressed, wondering precipitation will be higher. The programming less than mediocre, it is always a great who will inherit next. southerly wind has also raised the maximum and minimum pleasure to come across an exceptional television series. Additionally, Mary, the oldest had been engaged to marry I temperatures in Kathmandu, which Patrick thereby ensuring that all the girls would be comfortably In the US most networks have caught on to the HBO model has been unseasonably cool in the that has provided the viewing public with gems like The ensconced in their beloved Downton for the foreseeable future past month. 26-17 27-17 30-17 Sopranos, Sex and the City, and In Treatment to name after the death of their father. Such was the lot of even aristocratic just a few. In general though it is the Americans who have females in 1912 - a mere century ago. jumped on the big spending bandwagon when it comes to TV. The series progresses in fascinating ways, with each Therefore, it is particularly exceptional that a small English character coming into its own story arc in enormously satisfying production company called Carnival Films produced the developments. As we are introduced to the downstairs staff, we beautiful and painstakingly detailed Downton Abbey which come across the stoic and admirable butler, Carson, the kind- has just completed its second season. Since then it has been hearted and highly efficient house-keeper Mrs Hughes, the snapped up by both ITV and PBS in the United States and head house maid, Anna, who falls in love with the Earl’s valet, made itself a critical and popular darling on both sides of the Mr Bates, and the nearly blind, but valiantly soldiering on head- Atlantic. cook, Mrs Patmore. Created by Julian Fellowes, who also wrote Robert Downton Abbey may seem escapist at fi rst with its luscious Altman’s late masterpiece, Gosford Park (2001), the series setting at the real life Highclere Castle in Hampshire, period is structured around an “Upstairs, Downstairs” concept perfect costumes, and uppity aristocratic characters, but as you (a popular English TV show from 1971, which has also, watch you might find yourself wincing and smiling at certain incidentally, been recently revamped for the BBC). The similarities that perhaps elide with your own life. After all, it is show deals with the every day (although far from ordinary) not so long ago that Nepal itself was a feudal society, and even lives of the aristocracy that prevail at Downton Abbey, and today there is no small gap between the rich and poor, different the sometimes disturbingly loyal to a fault staff that cater to classes, castes, and, of course, gender. BIKASH DUWARE their every need. While the premise might sound alarmingly FOLLOW ME: PM Baburam Bhattarai swears in 11 of the 12 newly appointed snobbish and out of date, the product itself is not. Downton All DVDs reviewed in this column are available at: ministers at the President’s offi ce in Shital Niwas on Sunday. UMDF’s Rajendra Abbey is a surprising and enchanting look at a way of life that Music and Expression, Thamel, Phone # 014700092 Mahato was unable to join the ceremony. is in some ways long past, yet made relevant by the very real class struggles and stories of its astonishingly riveting cast of nepalitimes.com characters. The first series opens with a stunner, The Earl and Watch trailer Countess of Grantham, Robert and Cora Crawley, who reside at Downton Abbey, have only daughters, three of them: Mary,

WALLACE WOON SALVAGE VALUE: A kabadi-wala fl attening scrap sheets of zinc roofi ng from the Travel medicine in Nepal demolished squatter residences at Thapathali on Tuesday afternoon.

VFRs immunity to common embarrassing, as a physician infectious diseases like who migrated from Nepal found DHANVANTARI gastroenteritis and typhoid out after visiting his birthplace Buddha Basnyat, MD wanes after a long stay in the (without taking health West. Hence the predisposition precautions) during Dasain and to problems. More importantly fell sick with typhoid on his he or she may not be properly return. ravel medicine is usually vaccinated unlike other regular, So if you have Nepali thought of as prevention non- VFR tourists against friends and relatives settled in Tand treatment of diseases prevalent diseases here. Some developed countries wishing in Westerners who come as even drink Kathmandu’s to visit you, it’s essential to tourists to the developing world contaminated tap water trying recommend them to visit local and fall ill. In reality though, to perhaps prove that they are travel clinics in their home travel medicine is more towns for advice or look up than just preventive websites of organisations BIKRAM RAI measures and treatment of like the Centres for Disease CROSSING PATHS: A local porter walks past a tourist on Tuesday on a trekking traveller’s diarrhoea. Control (CDC) or WHO route that leads to Pangboche in the Khumbu region. For example, post- for vaccinations and other travel assessment of precautions they should problems in a traveller is take before flying to Nepal. clearly more interesting Another important point for clinicians as it requires is that busy clinicians in certain sophisticated Nepal hardly ever obtain knowledge of infectious travel history from their diseases in the patients. With Nepalis geographical area that was being more mobile (labour visited. And there are certain true sons and daughters of the migrants, for example) than vulnerable groups called VFRs soil. This is “going native” in ever before, keeping a travel (visiting friends and relatives) a big way. Being sick during history is important. So if who were born and lived in vacation is no fun for either the you travel to Africa and come places like Nepal for many guest or the host. Furthermore, down with flu-like illness, you years, but are now permanently some become sick and are probably have the dangerous settled in a Western country. hospitalised with diseases kind of malaria unless proven Amazingly, this group is like typhoid fever on return otherwise. You might have to notorious for falling sick during to their adopted country and tell your doctor of your recent BIKASH DUWARE or after their visit to their native are presented as cautionary visit to Africa regardless of VICTORY WAVES: Newly crowned Miss Nepal Earth Nagma Shrestha, Miss Nepal countries. tales on medical rounds in whether the doctor asks you or Shristi Shrestha and Miss Nepal International Subeksha Khadka (L-R) at the Experts hypothesise that Western hospitals. This is a bit not. The Hidden Treasure Miss Nepal in Kathmandu on Sunday. 11 - 17 MAY 2012 #604 OPINION 11

The politicians have landed us in a mess by not listening to the electorate, but there is still time to change that ANURAG ACHARYA The times they are changing

affirmative action to uplift the in that time? the statute drafting as long as attractive portfolios must first marginalised within inclusive The unseemly political they intend to solve problems be sure of their own public federal states. bartering on portfolios has no and not become part of the approval ratings. The thumbs BY THE WAY Interestingly, there is a doubt lowered people’s regard problem. down poll respondents gave Anurag Acharya departure on this position in for political leaders even But the nation cannot be those who talk the loudest is the Madhes where people have further, but they aren’t exactly held hostage to their inflated an indication that people will given a clear indication they do complaining. There is nothing egos and often undeserving now judge the leaders not on the ur netas often say what not want to be governed by the wrong with parties and leaders ambitions. Those claiming basis of what they say, but on they don’t mean, but hill establishment. Respondents wanting to be a visible part of government leadership and what they do. Oevery so often when they in the Tarai show greater actually mean what they say wisdom than the leaders they people don’t trust them. No one elected by favouring regional believes a compulsive liar, even and cultural autonomy, not an when he is telling the truth. ethnically or politically divided For the last three weeks, entity. This is an important top party leaders have been in distinction which the Madhes- marathon meetings and when bashing mainstream media ambushed outside, their general and Kathmandu establishment refrain is: “We have once more often overlook. If the parties agreed to agree.” Confronted by want to feel the pulse of their a whole spectrum of identity constituents, they should start pressure groups, the parties are listening to them more instead trying to strike midnight deals of haranguing them from behind closed doors. They helipads. seem oblivious to the fact that Disaggregating this year’s the nation has moved beyond poll results also shows people formal, dry and institutionally in rural areas, especially the structured political debate youth, are more positive and and the electorate is getting feel a degree of change due polarised. to improved road access, It is an irony that parties education, health and drinking which were once so obsessed water facilities, but there is with majoritarian politics are seething anger among the more now desperately trying to forge educated and professional class a ‘consensus’ because they are who can’t find jobs, and whose too scared to find out if they lives are frequently paralysed by have the required number shutdowns, fuel shortages and on their side. In this time of a tripling of the price of basic great churning, the only safe commodities in the last ten bargain for the leaders is to years. follow the people’s aspiration Angry questions hurled at for social harmony, justice and politicians in public forums development. and cynical comments in the The Himalmedia Public Kathmandu media (including Opinion Survey 2012 shows on the pages of this paper) are clearer and more assertive results of desperation among response in favour of a the urban educated. But even directly-elected executive, and in these desperate times the no, people are not scared of a people have shown remarkable totalitarian dictator taking over. optimism that the nation will Compared to previous years’ overcome protracted transition polls, the respondents are even post-27 May. bolder in expressing their views, The parties want to form as seen in the very low ‘Don’t two national unity governments Know/Can’t Say’ count. in three weeks. We wish them On federalism, the majority of luck. Is this the time to be respondents reject ethnicity- haggling over who becomes based enclaves, but feel minister for two weeks, when a there should be some form of constitution needs to be written 12 OPINION 11 - 17 MAY 2012 #604

The Seti River shortly after the avalanche dam was breached, this picture was taken from a remote camera on the wingtip of the plane.

PICS: ALEXANDER MAXIMOV The leading edge of the fl ood was fi lled with fl oating Maximov caught up with the fl ood near Tatopani, where The fl ood as it raced past the Pokhara- logs as the water swirled towards Pokhara. Ukrainian tourists were being swept away even as this Baglung Highway near Hyangja. picture was being taken. Eye in the sky Russian pilot of sight-seeing flight radioed Pokhara about the Seti flood and possibly saved many lives

KUNDA DIXIT altitude of 3,300 m above FM stations in the city, and it city. The flood was preceded the Seti, 25 km north of the was possibly because of this by a red mass of floating logs as airport with Machapuchre and half-hour forewarning that a lot the water raced down river. aptain Alexander Annapurna 4 towering over of lives were saved. Maximov has been flying in Maximov used to fly MiG him. Looking down, he noticed “I could see multiple Pokhara now for more than a Cfighters in Russia before something odd. The Seti wasn’t avalanches of ice and rock decade, but says he has never coming to Nepal to work for its usual thin white thread at blocking the Seti just below seen anything like what he Avia Club in Pokhara. the bottom of the valley, but the point where the Bhujung saw on 5 May. He was also On Saturday morning he had looked like a brown rope. The Khola joins it,” Maximov told saddened by the loss of life, taken a tourist up the Seti Valley leading edge of the wave was a Nepali Times over phone from especially when he heard in his blue single-engined dark wall of water he estimated Pokhara on Saturday evening, that three Ukrainian visitors Ukrainian-made Aeroprakt to to be about 10 m high. “I turned the plane around to had been swept away by the see the Annapurnas up close. It Because of his military head back to the airport, but the flood at Tatopani and are still wasn’t a perfect day and there training, Maximov knew water was travelling faster than missing. were lingering clouds from the exactly what he was seeing and the plane.” In his own understated and previous night’s thunderstorm. thought he better alert people Still, by putting the plane modest way, Maximov brushed He got back to Pokhara, and downstream. He immediately on a shallow dive Maximov aside praise for the quick took off immediately again radioed Pokhara tower and told managed to catch up and took thinking that may have saved with another passenger before the air traffic controller that “a dramatic aerial pictures of so many lives. “I was just doing the winds picked up over the big water” was coming down the Seti flood arriving on the my job and what anyone else Captain Alexander Maximov mountains. the Seti. The control tower northern edge of Pokhara before in my place would have done,” KUNDA DIXIT He had reached his cruising informed security agencies and disappearing underneath the he said. 11 - 17 MAY 2012 #604 13 14 FROM THE NEPALI PRESS 11 - 17 MAY 2012 #604 UML’s tantrums

Interview with CPN-UML Is it only because of the portfolios? Chairman Jhala Nath Khanal UML is not a party that feeds on Kantipur, 7 May leftovers. The Prime Minister should mend his ways and learn to bring everybody on board. Will the CPN-UML join the national unity government under If constitution drafting is the need of the Baburam Bhattarai? hour, why focus on power politics? We were ready to join the present We are always in favour of statute government under Bhattarai, drafting and have never prioritised but we were put off by the way power politics over constitution making. EKANTIPUR portfolios were distributed But when there is a written agreement, without consulting us. We it must be carried out honestly. If they Editorial, Nagarik, 8 May power the longest after CA elections. are holding talks with other cannot implement the agreement, The UML should realise that in parties and if the discussions the UML is willing to stay out of the a parliamentary system, portfolio end positively we will consider government and help in the process as The CPN-UML has backtracked on its distribution is the prerogative of joining. But they need to give us we have been doing so far. earlier commitment to join the national the prime minister. Besides, during the respect we deserve. unity government citing dissatisfaction Madhav Nepal also handed out Are you just making excuses because the over portfolio distribution. After signing important portfolios like home, What sort of respect is the party central committee refused to endorse the the five-point agreement, chairman Jhala defense, finance and communication seeking? agreement that you had signed with the Nath Khanal had said with a lot of hope to members of his own party during If they want us to be a part of the parties? that a unity government would pave way his tenure in office. By not joining government, they should consult It is not an excuse. The central for statute drafting. But the UML’s refusal the unity government, the UML has us before assigning portfolios. committee expressed dissatisfaction over to join the government because it was not exposed its greed and this move is But they kept us out of the entire the Prime Minister’s high handedness offered ‘attractive’ ministries is shameful, likely to dampen the party’s political process. and took a decision accordingly. especially since the party has been in stature in the long run.

“A directly-elected president Lessons unlearned is entitled to key powers” Sikshak, April-May 2012

Last month the Ministry of Education signed an agreement with agitating teachers’ unions in the presence of major political parties and speaker Interview with Maoist Chairman are not based on ethnicity, but A directly-elected president is Subhas Nembang. The agreement aimed to end frequent strikes which had Pushpa Kamal Dahal in Nepal, on identity. People from these entitled to key powers and will paralysed Nepal’s education sector for several months and the government 13 May regions have been marginalised not be just ceremonial. However, fi nally seems serious about addressing the concerns of the teachers. If and lived under a central we have seen forces that want to the agreements are implemented sincerely, it will benefi t public school government for too long .They limit the power of the president. teachers who have been in service for more than fi ve years but have not Can you guarantee that the now want equal rights and received permanent status. Teachers will be entitled to pension plans like constitution will be completed recognition. If we do not address The intra-party rift has turned other government employees and can go through fair and standardised by 27 May? their demands, we will be very public in recent times. Why promotion process. I can’t give you 100 per cent ignoring the people’s problems. have issues not been resolved But educationist Tirtha Khania feels the agreement is just an excuse guarantee, but our party firmly yet? and will not improve the quality of public education. Khania blames frequent believes the constitution will You said there is close It may look like that from protests by teachers’ unions for degrading education standards and says there has been no serious debate on the types of policies needed in Nepal. be written by the deadline. agreement on a mixed system the outside, but we have the “The unions have unwarranted infl uence over the country’s education We may have to make certain of governance with a directly- situation under control. We have policy. But their demands only refl ect their narrow self- interests and do not amendments, but the parties elected president. been friends for over 30 years, help upgrade our education system,” laments Khania. already have an understanding Yes, after long discussions but recently competition within and have successfully forged an among the parties in the Dispute the party has increased and agreement. If we fail this time, Resolution Sub-Committee, we this is not favourable. We have we won’t be able to face the came to the conclusion that a decided that our Baidya faction public, so there is no way out. mixed system of governance is friends should be allowed to the way to go. We have set up voice their opinions in public, Certain groups are demanding a team which will analyse the and protest. We will also express ethnicity based federal units. experiences of other countries our opinions, but the party will What are your thoughts? and offer recommendations. not break. Expressing one’s belief I don’t see it only as ethnicity This agreement still stands true. while keeping the party united based federalism. This is about We are now trying to figure out is very important, that is our identity, not ethnicity. For how to manage the distribution strategy for now. Let’s see where example the calls for Karnali of power. A weak president is it leads us. and Seti-Mahakali provinces against the ideals of democracy. Would you say that geo-political factors are influencing the constitution writing and peace process? Of course. To begin with, the 12-point deal was forged in Delhi. Present political processes clearly show geo-political influence. If we talk about the constitution, we have been Here’s your constitution deliberating on the political systems of China and India and Yubak in Nagarik, 4 May

interacting with their leaders.

There is direct as well as indirect QUOTE OF THE WEEK “ effect. But it is not just China and India, even South Africa, Europe and the US are interested in Our party will not feed on leftovers. Nepal’s constitution. While some “ influences are positive, others are CPN-UML Chairman Jhalanath Khanal negative. Nepalis, intellectuals commenting on his party’s decision not and leaders now need to reject to join the present government, quoted in unnecessary meddling and work Kantipur, 7 May. for the country’s best interests. MIN RATNA BAJRACHARYA 11 - 17 MAY 2012 #604 FROM THE NEPALI PRESS 15 Realpolitik

Subash Devkota in Himal Khabarpatrika, 28 April-13 May

Although the Baidya faction appears to be a staunch opponent of the Bhattarai government and Dahal-led party establishment, there are very few differences between them. Both groups want to ultimately seize power and agree that a people’s revolt is the way forward. The party establishment believes that a revolt may not be the most appropriate approach at the moment, because their earlier attempts to impeach ex-army chief, Rukmangad Katwal, and implement a general strike failed. However, the hardliners within the Baidya faction blame lack of preparation and carelessness for the letdown. They argue that such minor hiccups should not deter them from the path of revolution.

Furthermore, the Baidya faction does not want the statute drafting to be completed by 27 May, because that would provide ripe conditions for a revolt. The establishment, on the other hand, realises that it can’t stay in power without the blessings of the southern neighbour and plans to declare a constitution by the deadline. However, insiders say Dahal wants the remaining two weeks to unfold in such a way so that a constitution is not possible so that he can make someone else a scapegoat. Dahal knows Baidya has greater support of the former combatants and the only way to secure his political future is to keep the party united. Baidya is likely to accept Dahal’s leadership if he endorses the hard-line agenda. The fate of the Maoist party now rests on whether the new constitution gets written on time. Mega five

Karobar, 4 May

Five foreign companies have submitted their applications to Nepal Investment Board for developing five mega projects in the country. Investment worth of Rs 350 billion is expected to be poured into aviation, tourism, transport and other sectors. According to Radhesh Pant, head of the board, US, Chinese, French, German and British companies are interested in financing these projects and talks with the companies will begin once the cabinet passes a regulation that will empower the board to make all decisions. Although Pant refused to divulge much information about potential investors, he says all five companies are financially and technically competent to carry out the projects. In 2011, the Bhattarai government declared 2012-2013 as investment year and set an ambitious target of attracting Rs 80 billion in foreign investment. But business as usual has put off countless investors. For example the Sapta Koshi High Dam and Sunkoshi-Kamala multipurpose projects are still in limbo and the Indian government who was funding these initiatives is losing patience. 16 BACK SIDE 11 - 17 MAY 2012 #604 www.nepalitimes.com www.nepalitimes.com

Gobblement of Nepal

ow that the infamous is Comrade Prabhakaran 4-point agreement who by now owns 80% of N(a shotgun marriage the bulldozer fleet in Nepal between the Maoists and of which there were 1,000 at Madhesis) has been replaced latest count. They’re hired with the 5-point agreement out at Rs 20,000 a day: do the (a shotgun foursome between maths. The comrade is also the Mao, NC, UML and now the sole sales agent here Madhesis) the donkey turned of a Chinese parastatal that is to a noted Nepal-watcher to trying to pan off two MA60s explain the significance of and five Y12s to KNACK at this and why we need two over inflated costs. Finance governments in three weeks. Minister Barsha Man Pun has Since I recorded his answer, now been controlling the purse here it is verbatim: strings of the treasury for six “You see, it’s like this. Oli and Nepal were told not crow ever since he lost the Whoa. I never knew it was as months and has been so adept, and Poudyal wanted to to make trouble otherwise vote in the House 17 times simple as that. his nickname in the ministry is oust Bhattarai through a no- their chances of becoming thinks the rug has been pulled FG “Artha Man”. Then of course confidence vote in the CA PM in the future would go from under him yet again. there is Mahara Dai whose to force him to induct the out the window. It worked But this gobblement is just The latest estimate of the lives by the dictum “political NC and UML into a unity with them, but it didn’t work for show anyway, since by 27 net personal worth of the power flows out of my wallet”. government. At first Bhattarai with Oli and Deuba who May there is supposed to be Baddie nomenklatura is that ignored them, but when stubbornly refused to join the another govt that will be led it has exceeded $2 billion, FG he found out that with th e govt. You’re with me so far? by the NC. Jhusilo is licking of which half belongs to Why beat around the bush? Baidya faction threatening The trouble started because his chops and has already Comrade Gargantuan himself. Let’s just make Comrade to mutiny and the smaller the Madhesi parties got to sent his daura suruwal to the He should be worried that Amareso prime minister and parties joining, it looked keep powerful ministerships dry cleaners, but he first has FATF is stuck again and appoint Prof SD Muni Nepal’s like the no-confidence may as lollipops so they won’t to be nominated to the CA, its anti-money laundering ambassador to ? actually work. So Sitaula and create another bawal in the and the conundrum for the and anti-terrorism (aren’t Amres got together with some constitution negotiations on kangresis is who to throw out the Baddies still on Uncle FG guidance from Lainchour to carving up the Madhes. This to make place for the Maha Sam’s terror watchlist, btw?) And here is the headline of the convince Bhattarai and Dahal angered Oli who saw that his Muntri. And being a bit out provisions may mean his week: The Akhanda Far-west to agree to bring the NC party was getting nothing out of it lately, he hasn’t figured trans-continental assets may Struggle Committee which was and UML into government of this arrangement. Deuba out that Sitaula thinks he is be frozen. But the latest driving to Kathmandu by getting Susil and JN to went into a deep sulk because made for greater things and public opinion survey also for holding talks with agree. Sitaula dangled a his boys are not getting has other plans, and may shows there has been some the government has post-May 27 PM-ship carrot Energy and Culture, and Ram not be satisfied with Home frightening erosion of the been stuck in banda in front of Susil. Ram Saran Chandra who has been eating Minister.” Awesome brand. Then there by Akhanda Chitwan. ISSN 1814-2613

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