Extra-Parochial Places in Or Through Which the Said
3384 extra-parochial places in or through which the mence from, and out of the said main line of rail- said intended railways and works are proposed to way, at or near a field now in the occupation of be made, together with a copy of this notice, as Isaac Evans, adjoining to, and lying south of the published in the London Gazette, will be deposited turnpike road, nearly opposite to the house known on or before the said thirtieth day of November, as the Golden Grove, or Cawdor Arms Inn, in the as follows (that is to say) : in the case of parishes, said parish of Llanarthney, pass from, in, through, with the parish clerks of such parishes respec- or into the several parishes, townships, and extra- tively, at their respective places of abode, and in parochial places of Llanarthney, Capel Llanllian the case of any extra-parochial place, with the Llanddarog, Llangendeirne, Bleyne, Glyn, Goytre, clerk of some parish immediately adjoining Ismorlais, and Llanon, or some of them, and ter- thereto, at the place of abode of such parish minate at or near a field now in the occupation of clerk. Jacob Davies, next adjoining the turnpike road, . And notice is hereby further given, that printed and opposite to the house or inn known by the copies of the proposed Bill will be deposited in sign of the Cross Hands, in the parish of Llanon the Private Bill Office of the House of Commons aforesaid: on or before the thirty-first day of December in Also another branch railway which will be also the present year.
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