10 NEW YORK HERALD. FRIDAY, ADGUST 9, 1878-WITH SUPPLEMEXT. lt»Mr Tbomeon. Moore, New TURKISH BATHS. i Steamer Konny Cndwallnder, Clark, Baltimore.J S Wsgner. do; An 1, bark Ellsa White, Walton.4*; brli W» 8lh-lrrlr<4, JoNphlu bark M asou. Ad una, do ;-Jd. barn (Am), Parson do; York; ship Odin (Sired). Nell,.01, L«ndou: Aimttno OBITUARY. Kreat. Korh;ue, do. K Autola. . brlir France* Jnue, AMUSEMENTS. Sarab. Mebeod. . Master. achra Alaoaa, Plomrucr, no; Kannie A Bailey. Norton, epetto (Ital), steamer Philadelphia Colin» Bruarn. Motion; ictin 0 K Sainpann, Can". Keuueboc; j^T5scr^Ek't,¥x"cjRiB«r" Steamer Kloannru. Jatinaon. Portland. Ve-J F Amea. Mdmkkii,(I Auk 0.Arrived, steamer (Br), Murray, T»rb*n. do: Rodney Pernor, Gel*>. bow TiiB PRACTICE OP H AT'IINQ ARD ITS BET. JACOB WAHIIENHF.BQFB. Steamer (iliucm. Bear*#, Snaton.11 K JJimoek. (jl-snnw. Olive* i ami; Cottle. lloetou. MR. MOI.LKMHATTKB'S Ictoinene Kelly, Tufla A Co. Nootm Hmrhf, (1H, hit 5.Arrived. ship Lennle Hoy- II Taylor, EKPECrS. HEALTHPL'L NOVAS* CONC IBT8 u the Kev. Jacob Wabrenher. Ship (Br), l.Jvort>ool.krkell, lo Naur Altn arrived, ablp Orpbeu* Kitll, bchulkeu, Antwerp; Yesterday morning Hark ConsigHere (ital). Conalglier*. Bristol, rill (Br), KtdieitMu. ltrislel land ordered York); emir* Ida A Anna, BOTH hark J olin «» li nil IV iterlord 'and ordered biirk I'lliu»nlI (Nor), Peterson. Aarbuua; COOL I NO. KLECTRIKYIRG ARD V1TALIZINO. TIOL1N BOLOS. gar, tor thirteen yeara pastor of the First Oerimu A Co. K.Stocoeleh (llr). Haulcier, C ook. Eleutbera; Walter K Pamir, Daniel*. Kennebec; J Hark Nereo O (Au». Uaaoinak. Cork or Falmouth tor to SheJiec): Lydla (He). Chalmers. Liverpool laud nrdorad Arnold, TO TIIR .STaV AT IIOMIi AND TO TUB bad lialaned al Gilwore's Gardao last avenlng ol N. J., was ay. A Co. off) ; Unity (Br). Huliner. do (and ordarad t» Kicbibuclo); B Carrlugtou, Parker, New HeeeO; .MaryC Tbey Presbyterian Church, Peterson, ordera.»'uaen. Kdye D< TRAVELLER. Orario or for brigs M 0 llaskell, Bellas;; Slora (Br). Caineroo. do. Arild, deltoiouilj a he fell Bark I.e (Ital), Kalle, Cork Falmouth Haskell. Mendelssohn and .Schumann rendered proaehing the Passaic Falls to alteotl picmo. Cleared.Kteatnora Ijeipei* (Git). Hoffman. Hremnn; At tbie season of the when the first nstnral InstI not dead ot heart was about onlrr».Slovovicli A Co. Olouakilty. J W Garrett, Po*ter, New rear, Bitter dlaeeae. tie aged City years . 'ilitam Crane, liowoa, lloetou; »y the famous orchestra wno.i Mr. Kdward liark tluirlielnio 1> (Ana)Drusravich, Cork tor ordera I'tiUHOi'O, Anit 7.In port, nclir Southern llotua (Br), J) Cork: E l> U to ti e body cool, fresh end tweet, tne beth ie and was a clergyman of o-'usidorablo ability. Gulnio. Hi"mu*. lor Sao York. Y ork; bark* Navareb (Hi), Levitt, Bibelot* keep name forward with his violin under bis Attilie v < tr). Dwyrr. Bordeaux: George If Jenkln* (Br), Ho*e, ee it be* beau brought in New Mcllonhaner Hark Arhltle F (Ital), Perieh, Cork fur order*-Slororlelt I'out Mui.dkavk Aug A.Pa-sod, bark* Isabel iBr), New llaven. grateful topic, espscielly of lleeiboven's "con- Bristol for I'rinre Kdward Aalmutea I*unelrk: actir Koin-y Parker, (intra. Yore to a The of irm to play the first movement PBOFPSSOU K. P. A. NOBLE. A Co. Lane, (aland; (Br), effective, md Catoeretoiie; pitch ol marimliout perfection. practice . Johnson, Hull for l'iciou. Sailed.Steamer* Eefraig. 1 his dark baire 1, dark-oved man, Hark Vederieo I.o Srevo (Ital). Vettora, Cork for ordera ill lliortiblll; bark*. Snvaeb, Charle*. Kali I, Wllbelm, bathing date* from lite earliest period of the world'* hi* eorto for violin." The death it in bis year, SlocorU'li A Co. 1'li'TOd. Alio H.Arrived, ttaamara lloraliy (Br). Ray- ilp looked announced, eighiy.seventh M iHUti* V lluirv and > (uutofMn ; l-rix Syea. «ia ntudente *na travellers are well informed ae te with a strong, bronzed lace una a sad expression, of Hark Xeoo (Nor). Jolianuetteu. Stettin-Finch. Kdre A mtmd, (iiliraltar: Lombard (Bri. Audoiaou, (lull; 5th, ahip 30- Arrived, Alexander lory, of l'roleeaor K. F. A. Noble, ol ibe University Co. Margaret inn Br). Charlnttetown. HKAUPOKT, SC. July aliip end of the ancient than a New York musician Loo- ( iu«), Ahlbere, Habla: bark* I.ovll (>we). Onlander. tbe luxury almost niarvellou* effect* more like a Spanish soldier ol several valuable Hark IJartnonle (Nor). J-etiten. Stettin . Fundi, Edye A (Jui aac, Aug B -Arrired, hark Lnrenao (Br), (look. !,ei|isic. (He was the author don (at brio True Coleman, Limerick. ki Dorothy Thompson (Br), Fro»llc, Oporto: Slat, Roman end modern Oriental bathe; yet the majority of ol German descent. But when tbo orcbastral of Co. Hairiinnay); (llr), A urolla (Swe), Sortb, Halila; Aur 1. lloppot (llui), Dunrk; papers n "Metre" and ou tho "(Jeograpby Hark Kspeland (Xor), Kerkolaeni. Concnh i«en Fuoeh, Cleared tith, ahip Helm..in (Br), Klaodon, Devonport; people .till "wag on Iheir weary way," heedlen* ot the was over and the delicate Underwork ol the and bad edited Xenophon and Ucero. Mis A Co. linrka Louisa Charlotte (Her), Hansen, Dunkirk; Norway o< do. Wiken)r, prelude Ptolomy,"Edye (Nor). brig Conijrosa (Hr), Orarea, Cleared July I'll, bark* Wm Kowen (Kr), Randall, Hull; sluggish impurities of their blond and teeming not to know tbe illusion vanished and the literary work, however, I* a "Collection of Hark Vnnae (Nor), Tellefsen, Konlcaberjt.Borkraaan, Amundsen,A Newport; piece began importantprincipal Orrlelu A Co. Mary port. uu I, lauilie (Br), William*. Plymouth. how quickly, eren at thie trylntr aeaeon, their spirits might Parellcli Iron the Lstln Poeis." Aiiir ti.Cloared. bark Now York (Ital). was revealed, it is needless 10 Hurk Krledleif Rotterdam.C Toblaa A itio (Sramdk no Sui.. July 21).Arrived, nark lletty (Br), BANGUK. be their and b-ou to the conscientious player (Nor), Strauaen, Hodge, Klohmond, Va. auaeo, Sorrento; nelir Ixetta. Ilinck*, Philadelphia. raited, systems toned up ipreeloua $ ibe great technical diillcuitles ol the oon> Co. for BATH, Aux (i.Arrived, aehr* Albert Maanu. Koae, fairer, the gentler tea.) their cumpiexiont cleared and recapitulate Brig Bertha (Port), Knadaen, Oporto.Ilnxeroeyer A In port,July 0, aehr City of Qreen Bay, Aga, Huneorn, A A Vanaleal', Motion, to load a test of ol and E. I dir. lluiinxton; Shaw, beautifled by and recooree to the fcerto, bat they are rapidity hugeriug Bruou. p r Baltimore; Henry Ad-'lber, Meady, (leurxetowii, frequent (udleione . 1(10 12.Arrived. Leonora, Peterson, which would deier any but tbe most Brin Florence, KlaeUer. Mobile K D llurlbat A Co. Jankiko, July ship Nellie Ci Alice Belt, (lammou*, Dover, to load lor end luxurious remedies or hot nlr, massage, effective bowing SHIPPING NEWS Sehr Carrie M Rlchardaon, Kiebmrdton, Tijio.Brett, Son Cardiff: brigs Adeoue itlar). Ornmberr. llKltlmore; aahiiiKtou; I-'iro Brother*, ilonaall, Philadelphia; sovereign a In one A Co. Ware. Asbbury, New York: lf.tli, ahip (,'mumble. Hum- i or» enmdnting and sunning. competent irom public performance. Cardiff, bark Eatella. Mnraelllaa. bilio Siurr, Poland. Portland i« loud nir ustveston: electrifying. it wns bard 10 judge tbe performance Sehr list tie Ii Smith, let, Maruaalbo.Spannveehia Broa. phrey, Poole, £ Van fiilder, ilrown, to losd for Philadelphia; No Intelligent prraon need* Instruction ooncerulug the particular dvlir Ann Dole, llurri. Ponce anu Geo II Arrivuil previous to Ang .'I, brig D C Chapman, Tys.n, f» on us merits. Tbe acoustic qualities of tbe place OCEAN STEAMERS. .Viayaguet Baltimore. >» lianilin, do to ln.vJ I t Uaitimoru; Dou-'las ilaynes,Skyrk, functions of the skin.that wonderful regulator of the body a of teno Sq id ret. A.ilatiin. Now York; Virginia, Purges, Boston to load for are to bad for striogs ihmt feableuesa up- Hchr VP II Petit fiotre.Knnhardt A Co. Arrived Aug A, steamer City of Rio Janeiro, Weir, New it incloses; nevertheleaa an occasional bath or I I. havo oeou as DATE3 or DEPARTTKE FROM SEW TORE FOB THE MONTHS Card, Pom, York rle St bark Baltimore. -1"aw fork; Wo«t Dennis. l.'rowell. Philadelphia. ordinary par<-iil id the rapid passages might Sehr K O M"run (Br), Marttn. St Johns, NF--P I Sevlut Thomas; Spotless, Chapman. Sailed.Schrs Kuns It Phillip*. Baker, Washington; X W | " off" la too often thought sufficient for tho main much due lo tbe bunding as to the perlorincr or bis OF AUtll'ST AND SKI'TKMHEK. A Son. Suilcil July 1". barks Humboldt iFr), Laurent. .New Crokev, Now ponging bis NS. A York: lllli. Jeunlo Sweeney, j I it linn, Delaware ogee, Stselmnn, Philadelphia; Henry tenauce of cleanlinett. In trutn it le a ludierona an( lusirumeul. This important point reserved, SJ'tiitirr, Stiifn. Drrfimiti.m. Ottior. Selir Riecrslda (Br), Copp,.Halifax, P I Neviue d'Mona »'i>rk; Anna itarlru, MrNelly, Pltiiad'Ipbia: h M baker, marlu praise. ii is exucuiiun w .s Son. Cray Kneels. I neat, Baltimore: 13tli, shipBreakwater; Saratoga, Xickerscn. Now York; Uriah lamentable faet that tne groat mait of people are nevei playing high Sehr Marv F Piko, Good. St John. N'K.A T Ilener. iBr), Rhodes, Sun FraocKeo; barks Derweuiwater (Bri, 'J artor, Baltimore; and bis llugerlug almost faultless. l'tie ueiicacy F.rlu Auk lo Liverpool.. Or) Broadway K Bowllnit. Baltimore; 14lh. 11 Fish, Crowoll. coastwise port; John F. Dally. Long, lor thoroughly clean and never thoroughly realise tbe precise solir Jeaao ilort St NB.scammell Tiller, Mobile; Macule (iruy, . ol was adtnirublc. and some trills played Anehoria Aus 10 Glasgow... 7 Rowling Green (Br), Nutwr, John, bcltr W Barbados. Kriltli I. Strere, Chase, Philadelphia. abadiug Green Broa. Nnncy Smith, Tonkrr. CEDAR Kr.YS. Aug 3.Arrived, aclir Mar/ W IIupper, uf keeping tho akiu In un active state. pianissimo were perfect. Kvou Ueetboveu wrote dU- N'ockar Ana lii Bremen.... 2 Bowling Sehr Bono. Brunswick, Ga.Warren Kar. In port J uly 17. shioa BeaJ Sewall. Ryan; Harry .Moras, Importance have no Britannic Aik It) l.ivrrpool.. .'17 Broadway Ackley, llooker; Kit Carson, and Sati Joaquin. Drink- BIminer. New York. A KillST TRIAL. play passages lor violins wbicb 14 London..,. 7 Green Scnr Kidjrewood. .Inhnann. Georgetown and Pot BlulT, ."pence Arrived July 31, aohr Indianoln, Bloom, New Orleans. but tbeir and the ouo at tba California An? BuwIIiik St' h D Hurl but A Co. water, tine; Invincible, Strickland, from Cardiff lor Hong A Thote who bare not hnd the impurities of their lyiteae difficulty, recomiuuudationbcythla Aua 14 Liverpool.. 4 Bowling Green Kong. rspg: barks tleorire I'eabotljr, Wilson ; Korena, CHARLESTON'. Ana S.Arrived. brig Wesley end ol this movement is simply scientific 14 Loudou.... H{» Broadway Sclir Anadir, Winters, New Uayen.Cartwright A m (Br), Hoiither*ro«n, (ireat Yarmouth, gently expelled by the hot air bath art alwara am i led, and was Prance Aug Doyle. Blnni-hard; Continental, Tuiiper; Altco Campholl, Corhnm, Bankaldes Seyour craping lor the greatest players certaioly Prapco...... Auk 14 llnvre. 53 Broadway anil Chas W Cochrane, Uivan, line; brlua Win Mallory, Cleared.Barks (Br), Watt, London; and anmetlmef almost appalled on the first trial, br the for the luaoy sterling exccllou- 13 l.lverpoo1. 17 Broadway Sloop Edwin Collin*, Mlion, Perth Amboy .Weaver A » (Br). Andrews, Liverpool. lor Mr. Mollenhuuor. Celtic Auk Jr. Forsylh, from Now Vork lor Hurnoa Ayres, reloading; ' Bnltlmore. Arehlct amount or or effete and tbe it was applauded loud and Stale of I'enn'a... tug 1* Wlaegow... 72 Broadway Sterry. Mollne Here, tor United States; Minerva (Qrr), for Sailed.Bohr W ) fuelling. something other, evidently cics 'ul performance SI (Nor), JMNVKKSrOKT, Au ; 5-Arrived, schr 8 B Franklin, the Indeed and too arust tor au oncore Chopin's Saevla. Aug 1' Hamburg.. Broadway Galveston; Aquldneck, Jobnaoti; Carrto I'urrineton, wbleh it rubbed off during proeees. worthless,they 'oug, played t'1 Philadelphia. lor the vioitu. In this fcgypt Ana 17 Liverpool. ,|dt> Broadway SAILED. Doane, and Jodii Wesley, Mines, tine; Water Wltcll, riffin, re to leave tbe hath with the poet:. nociurne in E llui, arranged of Berlin 17 Liverpool..i.'o Broadway of Montreal (Br), do; I'omraeranla (Ucr). Hamburg: TJull, from Manila arrlv. d Kith. ! Nyatt Emnld.Jonea,1, sun, hater on Auk Liverpool.. |4 Bowling Green St 1'h steamer Fair* dt Providence for New York; Lueluo, Kiuerv. do lorGarner,do Straightway most give attendance to. tender and the daintily ({uaiot. Abyxainia 21; Graeu (Mr), London; Ktun dtr), Kingston, Ac; Isnac Bell.Utopia Johns, Auk 0.Sidled, Hadji (Br), Smith. Kali Hirer for do: Storm wnitusioal Witches' Dance" Auairalia |Auk 21 Lundou... 7 BowIiiik Richmond. Ac; ship* Star of Albion I Br), London ; clotn (from Lacnavra, Ac), New York. Petrel, Derrick, e, Tho kind of bath to be used at theee "sea-eat lie played Psganinl's Orercu 21 London.... BO Broadway K II ''rovidenco f»r do; Wave, Pinkbam, Brittol Kerry for particular with tbe which It demands. It has so much jAue (Her). Bremen : bark* Cbloraa (Ital). Cora or Hermann"agca. July 25. Arrived, brltr Williams, Oould, U Mall Providence for New times of ie no mount a matter of coloring 1'erclre lAug 21 Havre 35 Broadway Veronica <10 or Mathilda Stettin 7,S7.» »ehr Fred Walton. Klcli, St Th< mas; 2Htn, bark ro Island; Vm lor, Piittoraon, Barn end cleansing" by characteristics in it that one is (Ital). do; (Uer), KalmoutU;; »( ol the groat Italian's Otty of Brueaela... Auk 22 Liverpool.. H1-33 Broadway » a Honor ituth satnnol Welsh. Kr II, Lisbon: schrs Charlotte Jameson, jrk. It ie not advisable or oven safe to venture into hot to close the eves and try lo think ol tbe angular 22 72 Porte (Br), ijneenstown: iAiis), Trieste; 4th.Sailed, all the above except Ibe Emerald and Jamea indifference. 1 rono State of vircinla.. Auk Ulaadow... Broadway (Br), Kotterdam ; Marlon. Oalveiton ; brig Luigina (Ital). Jarvls, St Thomas: J B IN liltberspoon, Shepherd, do; 20th. team, which immediately covers the skin with veporunt figure, with the queer mask ol a lace that composed it. Geller: Auk 22 Hamburg.. <11 Broadway Pirieus. schrs I,aura Kovvls, Cook, I'ensacolo; 3 Broadway Mar 23, for Tahiti and San Francisco, went aahoro on tho as before reported) ; Annie Wlililntr. Cox, Philadelphia. IV Indtor. of the city hae brought the simpler featuree of hot air Institution. Belore eight o'clock tbe ampbiiheatre Wisconsin Sept 17 Liverpool.. J2U Broadway Island of one of tha Socletr June and TniMDAD, Adele Mcl.oon. Passed out. atenmers Newtou (Br), for Liverpool; J C IInanla, (.roup, 33, JulySi24-Sailed, brlu Mtinroe, tor barks Ardlte (Ana); Saphlr within the reach oi all. However, at the prevalencebathing and aouis liccnme a total lost. The captain committed auiclde;no N of H at terns. mphenson (Br), Antwerp: was filled by tba patients, male and lamala, Valparaiso. <1tor). I.Qeedio tltal), and Ulacoatlno (Itnl), for Cork; of ten cent reataurantt doet not prevent people of othet Uvea Iosl July 1.Arrived. ships Independence. Stront, Kmhla for do; Anna lor ol tbelr Irienda. Tba programme was varied and ALMANAC FOR NEW YORK.THIS DAY. tor tha Boston: 3d, Louis Walsh, White. I'abellon de Pica far " iti liven (Br), tor do ; (Br), (Br), totte and abundant meant from going to Schr Sarah Jan*, whlolt baa been laid up hare United leaky. D niilln; Edith Oaruiichael (Br), Tor Cork: Tarosa Picnorat cultivated and seemed well adapted to tbo purpose past year. Is setting ready to sail, and will be commanded, Kingdom, for Trfeato: Dudley, for l'aysaudu. to Ibete tamo bathe for the manei will notDelmoulcu't.at all Interesting, II1G& WATKR. of tho Odd fellow. Sailed July 3. snip Trimnuntaln. Oshorn (from Iluanillos), ip). brig SUN AND MOON. by Captsln Dye r, formerly (loop OBORUKTOWN. Ani 7.Arrived, schrs William deter thoto who. the and Tbe concert opened with tbe bymn, "The Hook..morn 4 30 Falmouth. K; bark Ancuste Wllholralno (tier).for Iquiqns, 1)0. deairlng higbeit luxury, elegance intended.Sao rites 6 04 | Sandy Sax Francisco, Au* 8.The aehr Stachonnd, from One to loan lor Hampton Roads. M axon, Kroncb. New York; lla'lle V Kolaie, Randall, benefit in bathing, from going to the juatly celebrated Old Folk*," in chorus, followed by a aolo aud duet Son art* 7 00 Gov. Islnnd..niorn 6 21 reports that on tbe 1st day af May news was raceleed Wiiakpoa. 4-In stoamer Ferusia Mc- Pirovtdanee (and cleared ror New London) ; Tbeodore Dean, laska, July port, (Belg), avenue where Tnrklab, an a young iloonaeta morn 1 10 Hell Gate morn 7 CO at Onalaska that portions of a vetael were found at Cook'a lor Uallao. £ dwards, Kennebec River. Lexington ettabliitiment, Roman, and tbe reading ot original composition by f last to be the sebr San Klrdy, Cleared.Schrs Joseph K Davis, Carrie choruses, Arc, were repealed, and Inlet yenr, supposed Oieyo from iVi.tnsok, NS, Auk 5.Cleared. »chr Ada 8 Allen, for New Baker, Boston; eleetrle and tup bathi are given in unexampled lady. Solos, duets, ' descriptions of parts of the vesael and tba letter "1<" on n York. H olmea, Lvmsn, Jetaey City. It music "bam charms and is tbe real mental diagnosis of board. There are no tidings of tho crew, Tho Flvo CARD1NKH. Au.' 3.Sailed, rehra II I) Mar, May; W perfoetlon. WEATHER piece Xaxa. July 22.Arrived, sehr Sisters, Hutchinson, _ FOR lor tna convalescent, tbe prool ol tbe tact was lull/ HERALD YACHT echr San Piere, Captain Blthon. sailed hence for Sitae Pbi.adelphia. '£ Lee, Lee. and Crlssle Wright, Clark, Philadelphia. PLEASURE TRAVELLERS. demonstrated last avanlng in tbe pleasure with which March 31, 1877. ">th.Sailed, tchrs Kdlth L Steers, Baker, and Annlo Above all, the many travellert who with to experience ol the and OBSERVATIONS. bi arton. MeNelllo, Pblfadelpbla. ibe patients received every purl singing [Pkr Svkamkk Mais.] schr Five the hlghett pleaaure lu tho bath and to derhre the greateit ihusie. There are lew young or old, who, WHALEMEN. Applkdprk, July 28-Sailed, Kllida, Klchlbneto. Oth.Arrived, Brothers, Bonssll, Philadelphia, persons, St'Ue 20.Sailed, America, Sailed.Schrs C C Lane, Lnua, and J 8 Detwlllsr, Powell, invigoratlon trom It abould not tail to vltit and revltit this through tba stages ol disease and a.... ti lUir. Thtr. I , of Antwkrp, July ttdith, Homer, having passed ol Aug. B. IToht. Jtuh J)rt/ " ; T II Irfriniruon, iioainon.no. constantly House o' SPOKEN. E MACIIIA8, July 31.Arrived, achr Xlmone, Thompson, these bathe for the relief of many acute ae wellproscribingas at tbe Opera lo-nlght Hallina," July 26.Sailed, Chambers, Buck, Cape opening performance tentbs of a second alow. Breton. ew York. chronic diseases, among which may be mentioned asthma, tee English and Itallao Opera Company. Nothing Crneader Dttrkee. from for New Bulmkrhaven, Jnly 35.Arrived, Btrasetinrs: eel, NKW ORLKANH, Aug 4.Arrivede barks Moert Aorelu Ship (Br), Liverpool New ('In), Havana: Altagracie (So). Anstrtoh, do. bronchitis, estarrh, dyspepsia, coot, hay fever, insomnia, mat would equal the entertainment baa ever been Turk. Any 7. 2U> miles K of Saudy llook. Now York; Motel is), Neynater, York. llelmbrurh, ichr Luole PORT OF NEW YORK, AUG. 8, 1878. Bark Olra K (nut). Corleh, from Cork tor Philadelphia, Uokduiii, July 26.Sailed. Telemaeh, Johnssn, NORFOLK, Auk 7.Cleared, Marcbieoa, kidney affections, lumbago, neuralgia, paralysis, ven to Newport; but It is a aottled lent tbat under* 85 miles SB of Hook. Roedt. Q abrlel. Marsala. and besides the alcohol aod opium habiti g Aug 7, Sandy Proceeded down for Now York.llampton NKWBURYPORT, Ann 7-Salled, steamer Panther, sciatica, rheumatism no circumstance will the cottage people patronize an Bark Schiller (tier*, from Sandy llook for City Point, 2">th, Tommy, Holtt, Kllna train of evils malaria. Multitudes Aug 8, off Cape May Lightship. CAmuirr, July 27.Arrlveii, Marllnin, Ceffarlna. Kotton. M lller, Philadelphia: aehra Luor Mar, Freeman, do; and all the produced by no matter wbat attraction Is ARRIVALS. Cleared 26th, Lucy A Point do dalle. A'nn. Me*o. do- Fly, Oheeeeman, New York. wao have suffered from these and other maladies have evening entertainment, Brig Kathleen, ot 8t John. SB. bound E, July 0, let 43 Nickels, Nlekelt, NK\V Anir ecbr El Gerry, N Ion 5*1 W. Sailed 27tb. Pilgrim, Fowls, Hong Kong; 28th, Prince BEDFORD, 6.Arrived, bridge mora more and offered, and, thia fact was conclusively proved REPORTED BT THE HERALD STEAM YAOnTB. AND HERALD , Eugene. Smith, Bombay. Ai rey. Suffolk,Va. been more agreeably, cheaply, speedily ,-chr Ida L, Crocker, from Surinam for Boston, Aug 7, off Sailed.-^ehr fcllia Pharo, Wntion, New York. here than by any other means, The following programme was rendered:. WUITRSTONE TELKGKAPH fj{VK. Hysunls. Oakrnahvox, July 26.Sailed, Sllae Aylward, Sydney, icIirWD more peimanently boqedtod tonigbL CB. NEWPORT. Auk 7, A M.Arrived, Xangwm, and have tnns been saved the necessity of expensive rur i. Steamer Celtic (Br). Uleadell, Liverpool JulyllO and Cork, July 26.Arrived, Fglautine, Bnrrell, Miramichl. tilhate. New Bedford lor New York (and tailed). many X. Grand duo, "Bellsario" Donizetti Queenstown Slit, with mdse ana pMinctra to it J torus. OUR CABLE SHIPPING NEWS. Sailed 27th, Itock, Wright. St John, NB. Ratled -Kchra Oltnwood, Hallock. New York; Ij O Journeys to Kurope, to Florida, of %o this or that medicinal "Faust'' Strainer Sorronto (Br), Bristow, Hull July 23 and te Eldrldice, Nantu.-ket for do. Z. Grand valse (aolo, piano), .....Ltsst wiili radee to Chat L Wright A Co. Aug 1. Caktjjaukka. July 22.Sailed, Milton. Dean, Quebec. sehrs PawtncsetFoer. spring. Grand "O into Fernando" (trom 25th, Irwin LondonSouthamptonAauhuu, Aug 8.Arrirod. bark Erato (Not). Thlla, Mow Colokbo, July 1.Sailed, Clementine A Alice, P M.Arrived, Peunsylvanla. Averv. A QUESTION OF WEIGHT. 8. aria, lat 48 30, Ion 30 35, apoaa bark Tyrus (Nor), Now York. « r New York; Mary H Mifflin, Ferris, Warren fordo; Donizetti trainer Ilomtr . Blanehard. "Favorite") for New York: tamo day. lat 48 42. (Br), York. Calcutta, June 29.Hailed, A L Palmer, Scott. Mauri- Jiilia Ann, Martin, Providence for do: Joseph Porter, In obesity hot air, auolnting, electrifying, sunning and t "Lucia* Miller" Verdi from Montreal lor London; 3d, I at 47 35. Ion 45 05. bars bark Paul* Thorm ana rc all other measures for sate reduction. In Romansa, for Got ol Cxuao; 3d, on the Belfast, Ao* 7.Sailed, (Ger), tlus; July 2. Abhle Carver, Carver, Beaton. Philadelphia. eehre Burlughe,exercise surpass Mr. Cb. Frilscb. Mldaa (Hr). from Gloucester 27.Sailed, Uno, Quebec; OMeM P Perk, NEW LONDON, Ana: 7.Arrived, Chief, Hoboken ti tnis * with TUtlqnintala Vogt, United State*. Deal, July fact nameroua eaac* litrt neon irwisa I. Soap, "Ls Parlate d'Amor," "Faust" Gounod Hanka, fishing achr llattla L Newman, Young, Montreal; Itnmannel, Molback, Philadelphia. tor Norwich : B A Oakley, Philadelphia for do. Louise Halt. Bkrgkk, An* 4.Sailed, bark llottlngen (Ner), Beensen, Paated 28th. Nellie Martin London lor Naltod-Kliip St Marv'e. Pbythlau. to erulee. by measure® variod to salt eseh individualesteuiisumint Annie Carey. steamer John Bramall (Br), Pollard, Weat Hartlepool (t). Pox, Inland bark Jamee E from "Barber el Seville" Resslnl 30 mile* K of United States. Montreal. Off Plnm 8th, Brett, Oibaon, whoa twenty, thirty ud even Bfty pounds have beeu L Cavatlna, July 32, in ballast, to order. Auk 7, Arrived London for Cardiff. Ni w York far Neofahrwaaeer. condition, Signor Gottacballc. passed ship Marlborough, from Antwerp tor New Ban nan. An* A.Arrived, ihtp Victoria, Atwood, Akrab. 2stb, Berenice, Snow, NEW 1IAVEN. Auk8.Arrived,echre Ringleader, Smith, removed with great improvement to the (nnersl health, Montauk, Off 27th, U X Newint, Kodinan, from Brem?n lorp'ola _ T. Grand duet, fourth act ol "Trovatore" Verdi York. Bordhacx, Aug 8-Arrived. berk St Cleud, Stlloben, PH. B slltmore: E II Reed. Kelaey, do; S It Ivera. Fenxar, Kraaeiatlon in many inetanoes has also been overcome to Florence Klcc Knox nud Mr. Cb. Fritach. Steamer Main (Oar). Barre, Bremen .Tulr 28 and Jnlv orth Anibvy; C P Shultia. Yonnc, New York. 30th. with indse and 2H8 passengers to Oelrictis A Kotka. t DuNOONEM, 28-Passed, Gutenberg, Oerlarh, PORT GAMBLE. July 31.Arrived, bark aa extent equally remarkable. AH were favorably recoived. Mlts Carj was the lair weather: SouthamptonAny 4, lor Anierloa; Everhard Delters, Portmann, do lor BrcmenNew Camden, to an Go. Wad light, rariable wlnda and Arrived at PaulHae 8th, berk* Tree Mayo(Pp). Camecbo, Lena ler " Honolulu. To gala or to leae weight by the application ef hot air ot suiy one who resnondeu eboore. 41 an Araerioan ship abowing signals Yorx; Sebwoon. Wegrunnn. Hamburg Darien: hark New RobItnn, fa rt it. lat 48. Ion 20, pasted Baltimore via Albert Janet Forbes. O'Neill, Hull for Baliimore. I'KSHAOOIii, Auk Arrived, England, requires, or course, the aid of aa intelligent .) KG V Steerinc ti; Oth. lat 43 18, Ion SO 12, hark Mary d Qneeaatowa; Rhnlta, l>atbam. '* Galveston ; aclir X K Rawley. Doloy. Mobile, by anointing Hreakeratar. Du.vpeb. July 27.sailed. Lady Oetavla, Marah all, Jtfon* Halt. the of correct diatetioe alto an L Aria, "Dorml l'ure" Scuderl GibaeW (Mr), irorn London lor Dalawaro # Norhoping.treat; Adriatic. Wataoti, Quebec. i'lf ILADBLPHIA. Aog *.Cleared, aehra Ivy Bell (not physician, question being Gottacballc. otearner Charles W Anderaen (Br), Olark, Barcelona Lena Danter, Somen. S'KOor A Co. Dunkirk, Aug 7.Arrived, bark Donald Forgoloa (Br), Dublin. July 26-Arrived, Nebo, Miramichl; Ocean i1 before), Long. Femmaquid; important factor to be considered. It is widely known that 2. "Lot Me Dream Again" Sullivan July 18, in ballaat, to Punch, Bdye Jlnnklrk; Frlthlof, " net on. mate Ballad, Hteamer Urahe (iielg). Miller Rio Janlero July Rove, Baltimore. Queen, Quebec; Douglaa Caetln. do; Atli.Arrived, ateamera Hercnlea. Sweaty, Fall River; the proprietor of this establishment has the whole Annie Louiae Gary. Tycbo 27ih, Anra, Monde, 'lliree Sisters; Oliver Eery, Swet- . Gottschalfc 17. with mtisu and passengers to Buak A Jurons. Glasgow, Aug .Arrived, etoamer Erl King (Br), Scott, bridge, St Jehu, NB; Saguens*, Griffiths, d« erka. Pendleton, Eaat Cambridge; Equator, Uinekloy, question of bathing, ae well as of dietetics, a most at 3. Soto (ptano), "l'n»qijmade,: Steamer Santiago de Cuba. Reed. Havana Aug 4, with harloaton; Norfolk, Tunnell. Richmond; Anthracite, inr. Teresa Carreno Co. Montreal. Salted 27th. Sarah R Cann, Beveriuge, Philadelphia. £ study, and under his results are M mdaa and oaaeonreru to W P Clrde A Dunkirk, July 27.Arrived, Mystic Tie, rnml-y. New York; bark Chili (Brl. Oliver. Leitb via direction tentivs 4. Drinking song "Lncrasia Borgia" ..Donizetti steamer Prof Morse, Stead, Kay IVeat Aug 3. In ballaat, Sailed 8th. brig Neva (Br), Ptnelteer. Brldgewater, N8L Peterson, rdnov, CB ; aehra Hatlie E King, Crawley. New York; which have hitherto been bslleved Impossible. Florenco Kioe Knox. to the international Ocean Telegraph Company. Oov Qn»bee. dward Ewiag. Walker. Hartford; 8 B Bmery. Waeka, oriux accomplished Point Qalwat, Ang8.Arrived, bark E H Dnvall (Br), Falmouth. Jnly 28.Sailed.' Wilmot, £ Steamer Old Dominion. Walker. Richmond. City Harria, * Liverpool- ardiner: II O Ely. Mullen, Richmond, Va; Florence SATiNy. A Romania, "Nou e vir" Mattel and to the Old Peter Young. Ilavro. Those who seek emancipation, from the slavery ot the y r. Cb. and Norfolk, with mdae passengers Baltimore. Cuomo well. Phtlllpa, Kennebec; Ovetta, Horvev, Salem; B R Frttsob. . Gloucester, July 27.Arrived, Prlmo, Cooino 1, Co. Providence; Beeriheba . Elite. Steamship Dominion Giinoa. Ang S.Arrived, ahlp Paderneeiandet (Nor), Now York ; Ocean Cooke. Irdaall. Blrdaall. Rollins, opfnm habit may And in thle institution every care and 0. "Longbing Trio" Martini Rots 'of Windsor NS), llu'l. London 03 Chler, do;Oongal, Danioleoo, , lb W York Ship Lime W Barringtnn, NB: Th.rra, Chrlstlaosen, City, NO; Donnelly,* Rcggane, Birer; Pearl, tor v>d recovery.hut air Annie Louise Cary, Mr. cn. Fritacb and Signor In ballaat. to Snow A Bargees. Was 23 days of Nleleon, Protocols (before reported without date). " Chatham, NB; 2 Nantleoke. every requisite eomploto speedy days. and ealma with Knlry, Johoson, New York. rllllema, to and rigor to the Gottacballc. the Banks; bad westerly wlnda toggy Hum* Ang 8.Arrived, etearaer Yoddo (Br), Owe no. New Sailed to 28tb. Elliiif, New York. Cleared-Steamer Snean, Orumley, Hertford: abip to eootne and maseago give tone Xtiee Mme. Carreno. Mrs. Knox and Mr. weather llange, atnerlano (Dor), Soidenberg, Hamburg; bark Patuios with well well Cary, 54 days. In York. Crixsbt, Jnly 28-8ailod, Venerate, Petersen, New , and muaenlar systems, oool, furnished, nervous wore caHod oat the Becond time. Mies Cary Ship Pevorlta (Ger), Petersen, London York. (or) Olaen. Qaeeuetowo ; aclirt llattie K King, Crawley, Fritecb to Theo Roger. Was 21 days W of the Bunks with Habruro, Ang 8.Arrived, bark Faarleee, Baateil, New 1' John, KB; Katie O Kobinaoti, Sony, Boeton: Jed Frye, ventilated sleeping apartments, and well ehoeen brought down tno bouse by singing "Coming Thro' and ballast. t»f-anoow, July 26.Arrived, Mery Queen of the Sees, f aAuu^fnt but never, light westerly winds log. York. Alblnus, angler, do; Lucy Graham, Smith, do; White Foam, Dlx, food to nourish and strengthen the entire economy. inr Rye," wmcb sbe rendered In a quaint, Siorkora (Nor). Tallakstn, Genoa 48 days, with Langalier, Quebec; 27th, Sweeney, do; Clair- 7>: Albert Dailey, Mneon. Kaliibary; Florence Nowell, manner. Ship vassal to Punch, A (Jo. Cexhaven Pnllote tuont. Smith, Shedlne, The complete Koraan bath, aside from its maay benefits, to-be-forgotten mdae In .I B Phillips' Son; Bdye Arrived at Rib, eblp (Or), I*craw. Oai.wav. July 29. J' Fred Thomson, Montreal. htllipa. Plymouth: E K Blrdaall, Hirdsall, Providence; A matiods takes place on Saturday afternoon and Passed Gibraltar July 5; July 1H, lat 34 24. Ion 38, 18, Arrived, {' ennlo Hastings, Tllton. Norfolk; Annie b Uaaklll, Gee imparts a moat exqnlsite color and tone to the complexion, au Italian bark (bowing letters MeJIllonoa. Oukknook, July 25-Off Pladda, Festlorients, from S 8 W tbo Booood evening entertainment will come off tbo signals with exchanged Arrived, dorp Nanttlni, Greenock for Quebec. " III, Waahiogton; Bunnell. Banned, do. and tbns strongly appeals to indies wbu vein# the appear, wb*n seme choice selections reudsrsd FRCQ. Havrf, Aug8. Anderaon, Mat Aleo cleared.Steamer* Perkiomee, Albortaon. Chelsea; same evening, Bark America (Ger), Kaaaeh, Liverpool 47 daya. In Sailed 26th. Cumberland, Webber. ansae; Olenber- ,, attaville. Pierce, New London: A O stimerr. Warren, New anca of health If they do nut aopreetate the advantages el by Miss Emma Abbott will be added to the lat 40 loo 09 spoke Beverly.via, Campbell, Montreal. !. to II Koop A Co. Ang 3, 47, 38, ork ; achreJeaee W Starr. Burton, Boaten ; Beaten, Its and who would. If tbey understood the facts two. for Bremen. ballast,liAL*, Aug I.Sailed, bar* Sol elide (Nor), Pedereea, Now OiRRALTAa, Jnly 20.Cleared, Minnie Abble, Harding. , Nelllo R K possession, programship Meta iCeri. hence ' Danveraportt Lampher. Htcglne, I.yon; to secure this Bark Director (of 8t John, MB), Sharopar, Liverpool 48 York. Valencia. lller, Jarvle, Roxburr ; L B Ivan, Ireland, New Bedford;Batr, of tbo case, maka any aaerifise restored Genoa, July 2t.Sailed, llavileh. Coombs. New Vork. .. SUDDEN DEATH OF A PASTOR. daya, in ballaat. to i-cammell Bros. eteaaera A itmore lenal, Dow. Briitul; 8 K Ludlam. Ladlain. Providence. luxury ol the Umsart and the beautifying effects which ana Aste (Ital), Krnneei, Cork 39 days, in Liraaroou, Aag 8-Arrived, (Br), Holviirap, July 27-Arrived, Deary Palmer, Jsckaon, Sailed.Steamera Alllaece, Bark Giuseppe Montreal. Pcrklnmen, Pettavllle, come from no ether source. ballast, to Daaaorl, Ktraehlo A Co. Barnea, New York; Mlarliaippi (Br), Tbearle, Quebec. ' Swltaorland. Pcnnrlraniaaud The First German Cbnrcb of Paterson bold its Bsrk Nlnirod (Ana). OoretomlcU. Dnbltn 43 days. In ateamer Bohemian Hastinos, Jnly 28.Off, Brletollan, from Qnebrc tor Dklawam UmcAXWAvan, Aug 7-llark Baobelora (Br), f'KKKKCTED BATHS. Sailed 8th, (Br), Ornndy, Hoaton; Nler.we Dlep. T to J C seager. *"onxhurai, from Philadelphia tor (Juoaeetown, waa towed without picnic yesterday. Tbe pastor, tbe Kev. Jacob Johaonetcn. Hamborg 49 daya. withballaatbarka Bangor- (Br), Croaby, Delaware Breakwater; llKLVOKT. Julv 20.Aritved. Ilattie M, Eaton, New Y nrk; It it Impossible to realise, personal experience, enanal Bark Xsptnn (Nor), (lirolimleh, do last from it at noon. of Dr. W ah re onersor, lod nta Dock to tbe picnic grounds at anlt to Benbam A Boyesan. Had eonaldernbla ealma and Tlkoma (Br). Aadrewa, Savannah; Windaor (Nori. Aaa, Lincoln, (both Rrnnwerebnren). Sailed la»t evening, ablpe Otago (Hit, Culllaon, the luxurious perfection Angell'a Turkish. Romass, 27.Soiled, Ca-nr, Jean. New Or- . fog. biIIavnk, Jnly Jacques for Raltaat; Leunle (Br), Woateo, da for do. elaetric sod suu batb*. wblah am ndmlalstorod wtth Paaaalc Fails. Tbe cburcb people in large numbers Trail d'Ctilou (Fr). Bnnonf, Pernambnco 27 daya, Pernandlna; Homeward Round. Merryoan, Charioaten; leans: Heine dee Agnes, Lecisyer. do: Ilattie Ueudy, bark Emma Mnller (Oer). for Phlle-Iplila Hark NC. Philadelphia; Welcome K Bee be, Lnzler, 8»ndr llonk; 8ih.Sailed, Philadelphia. every convenience end refinement thet the moss fastidious started about eleven A. M., led by tbe pastor and a in ballast, to Daaaor. Straahle A Co. brig George (Br). Garroll, Wilmington. Dalmsen. Cmsby, 1'eeeed nut.Ship P.dsar (Mr). Fowler (from Loadnn), far Hark Cnrlb, Tldmarsh, Ht Croix 11 dnya, with angar, Ae, Ella how Dmr.ning Sophie. do; Nyrila. Alteridge,Queher, ; brlga Adele Mrl.oon. A ray (Iron Kingston), for can desire. Oentletnea in their visits here are not Tba cane In wltb a London, Ang 8.Arrived, brig (Br), Dart, Irswtcn. Jnly 27.Arrived, M smith i'elereen. brass band. paster walked, band, to P lianlord. ; Clare Plckeea. Coomba (Irom Levh.mi. Ter . as to hours, for the baths are open not only all Porrenlr Curell, Cienfaagoa 15 days. In bal- York. Philadelphia. Krickeon, Aug achf New day,restricted uriQV. u« uau uccu ill Argnimliau A Co 8.Arrived, bark II 8 LtYKHPuni., July 27.Arrived, johnaon, St v bnt all night, Sundays and holidays not excepted. Those while id Hsrkot street be was seised with last, Znrlealoy, Liarttci, Ang Jaekaon, Baeen, John; Anxtralle, Andereon, do; Valero, do, ork. Brig Annla i! storer. Adams. Lisbon 37 daya. In ballast, Kimron, Arrived.Schra Post Boy, Philedelpble; Mary Snaan, Is also a separate department for ladles, open day and vertigo ana leli to the pavement, lie was then New York. Webber, Rlclilbaelu; Mertaret, Wlleoa, Quebec; 2*th. . oath to master. to berk Mad Pintail, NS; of Peaoo, Quebec; Itelleeoe. St Amboy. evenlag. and no other establishment in city or eountry lilted to a wagon, and, Iceilog revived, shortly after Brig cosine (Ger), Refer, Bahla 31) days, with angar IiOkDoxpitnav, Ang 8.Arrived, lllavetha (Br), ford. EmpireM PORTSMOUTH, Aag O-Arrived, ecbr Tetneaaee, Beel, on rather than relorn bone unil to G Tobies A Co. John. NB; John Coddle. nxquaeh; Abyxxyule (t>. Murphy. . them and facilitlaa. Horn Is no couotoded to go order; vessel Little, Baltimore. New York; Sklblartoer, Olieu. Kiehlburto ; R W arth Amboy. affords equal advantages tbo ol the He witn Hrig'lula, Morgan, Bollse (lien) 20 days, with bides, Ac, Merrtan, PROVIDBNCK, Aug 7.Arrived, aehra Ilmaeh E intrusion ana a oaoipoo pleasure party. Jokod Sallnd "Hi, bark Wm Gordon (Br), Plaher. United Slatea. Mill*. Pukwaeli; Olive Mount. Sharp. Dalliotula: Minnie . baste, bat every talegirard against Heady those la the who showed him every attention to VVra Jex A c». Ltonatl King, Baltimore Coruelia Lyon, Philadelphia-, Sonart.Wra wagon, Oerrier, Pejardo. with angar to to berk Amelia Kbbon. rocwaeb; 2Tith, fav. Yarmouth, Na; Rllletrla. Olllt. Quebec. , to ladles, from their Indoor llres. sedentary In a sudden paroxysm oi pain, andbeckwardibe PK, 14 davs. with sugar and moinases to J De Rivera A Co| MAftaajLt.Ba, Ang ."V.Arrived, brig Tubel Cain, Stone, Kennoy, St al I'. Point, Si:; Kamaondala, WoolMy. Bcllviha, NJ. habits,necessity alarmed at Ibis iUwklna. Relied 27tb. Kurydlee, Kduardx, John. NB: Eleanor. John K eeeare occupants of ibe wagon, vessel to Overton A 1 or* io|W»iru Htuvni u»w) , fu, VMKH iiar Below-Scnr* Calvin P llarrl*, llarit, Mnrfettn and want of exercise. Here they exercise. Matnnr.se II with r%mw JI/pioh Iloekler. Hampton lleaile: Ceo llulbert. Maeon Mobile; .. nnd of bis dangerous Illness, at once aeut Brig Joaeohina, Gsnl'in, davs, angar New " »nay. Cete, oo; Nympben, Kjoll. P' tctir Jninat 8tala*. and widest two of thorn boring roeolvnd attended the remains to the pastor's Srhr Kddie lluck. Northrop, days, loeh. New York. Marianne, Pelerann, Mlramiehl. Pa tvTUOKBT, Aug 7.Satlad, Divert;, skill experience, cortdga. They to Cox A (ireene. Quebec: 14 in tho Orient. And It it eonoodod by tats home in Elm street, wnere the household was Sehr II Senvey, I'hllbrooka, St Htnon'e lalaod, OroBfo, July SB.Arrived, bark GermanI a (Port), Cleared 27lb, Cedar Croft, wwun*. Sandy lleek (and Ann 7 .Arvlved, ai-hr* Joseph W TayliICIIMOND,arly tm'ntng Henry n I ml from Oleen. New Allan, thla Ibrowo into and t»e plcntc partv olsbandad. (in, 7 with lumber to Geo Melggs A Co; reaael to F New Yerk (before reported without date). riraeexend); cHlixoer, York; Capri, h *«, Horse leland; K Craniaar, Harg, Philadelphia, that batter baths aro given at Lexington grief daya. Pelllc«, Sandy Hook. Dlnxmoro, Rln Orando travellers The Kev. Mr. Wahreoburger wua formerly pastor ot H smith A Co. Ans 7.Arrived, bark Lolgla P (Am). from Oravexend Yioellora. Saauenav; Cleared.Sehr Joaeph Oakea, Parkor, doRul. establishment than at Alexandria, Bagdad, and IsKfr at 1 11a Sehr Charier F lleyer (of Boston*, Bolaoil. Brnnawlok, Qcaasarowir, Sailed 27th. Hoy. StN KRaSCIHCO. July 81.Arrivad, *hfp* Alexander arenot n church at llavcratraw anally. CH |i»»ee-l Hani 2Sthl ; New .. Damascus, London, or Vienna. (in, d days, with lumber to order; reaael toll Yf l.ond A I!.iltimore ; Sth. Krolr (Xori, Carlnen, Phlladvlphla; rrolt. Sydney, (and Topdal. ante* (Br), Dnnbain. ttnrabav; Dashing It a*a. Margin, Constantlnopla. the Rev. Mr. Weiss tn toe Kim street Cnnrch Perlnn, Wilmington (and arrived at l>eal 2S«hl 2 succeededCo. la Uonnd to I'orth Amhor. York: Blackpool, ; aroma; bark* Rorara, Hay; K To sit or recliae In well vent listed hot air chambers pro. In Taterson. The church being poor be taught an 3 with Tbetn (Br), Clark, do; brig Hineiltae, MeAlevy, Portland, Itxrehorxe. New Vork (end paxeed Heal 2Bthl; Benjamin T Melnlyre. Dapartnra | Sehr Mary l/ouiaa. Uneklli, Washington, NO, daya, rand trout Orel _'l»lh(. " lam. Ooro. Part Blakelay. duces delightful sensations, tbs entire systsm being English and German school. He win liboral in ye. nam! atorea tojlnphar Villa. Me. Batik*. Philadelphia Hailod .Ship Danntla**, Cbaatar, Port Townsend; btyk and a One (i F Keteliiim. Norfolk. bark Thetle Arrived at do 20th, Italy (»l. New York; Sarah M Smith, . Mattsnn. Seattle. actsd upon until nehos and pstnt and cares ara Iigiun custom, thoroughly odncated, srhr Carman, Rkval. to Ang 8.Arrived, (l)ia), Rahaa, St J oboe. tl larvest tloma, gradually speaker sad universally respected la Patsraon. Sehr Flora CurlU. Long-treat. Virginia. Philadelphia (before rrporied aahore below). liLittttr, July 27.Belled, Cmllne. Wheder. Qnehec. Cleared .Ship Hew York (Hr), Irwin, Liverpool; achr swept away, leaving the bathtr In n state of ecstatic calm. Sehr F.mpvrea, Denula. Baltimore. Bxltttnore * 'r*a Trade. La I'aa, which follows It ' Baltlmere. 7.Balled, l.yas July'J7 Sailed. Kraljoirba, bark Atkln*. Tbs shampooing singularly grateful, Sehr Kdwln, Ryan, HomtBDAW. Aug Prueerplaa (Ana), Ivaalch, IjnaPoaDKKJty, July 2S.Clearad,.Kltaa hvarvtt, Auk 7.Arrived, Sarah, Iqnlqa*. FfcAftT OF AB. , Sehr Fannie, Contiell, U« m, Del. * SKAHKCK. July SO.Sailed, bark Caatauira Adam*, If ths person Is at nil fatigued or bat enffbrot for United State*. Ilalilrowra. particularly Sehr Mary Lliuehnrner. Ilich, Korkport, Me, Upnkerton,* Haa.JjAuftiaeo. . Tl with ilroe to maater. ilao atrong sooth South a m rroir. Ang 8.Arrived, (teamer Hindoo (Br), Helled thtli, Aepatokon, Korbee, Baltimore; 27th, tar-' S.Satlad. Staunor Wm Bdlard*.from wakefulness. numbers ot tbo Hebrew of tbla NC, daya, Wilmington. month. Hilton, do. SAVANNAII, Auk Lawveeoo, BLKCTRIC BATHH. Largs population wlnda end head aea; tua (I. '£) ntllea X ol Cape Henry,riy Swt. iip, Now York for Hull. ' lo»o«. Ballimoro; »< Ur W II Phara, l>*born, Haw York. dlacorered the raaael to be on lire and bore no lor thla port. i lUKiiic*. July 27.hailed, Vaaa, Knntxen, Hxltlmore; HT 3I-Arrl*ad. brig Joiunlte (Hp) Ttoa sltclric baths, which may ha taksn separately, bni ally celebrated yesterday their aaelout and mournful Stocxiiolm, Aug8.Helled. bar/ Itnropa (Nor), India, Kildahl. do; lletnrlch Hjorn.Slmouxen, New Ymk. MaKVS, (la, July directly altar the l'ASBfcD TMROUUH ilkl.b OATH. 27.Cleared, (Ireeliara, Weikbtuian, * lrnr.e*. Havana. whiob ore by many employed Turkish, Feast el Ab, instituted to commemorate tbo New Y'ork. Jobaaae*«rn. Nrwrour. Jnly Cleared.Hark Allans* iSp), Payoaro, Seville : Any J srs i he v»ry triumph ol art ae to asrvous Invigoratlon. Tha Breakwater. a wooden tank ol warm electrified water tba o( It VNI> ROt'TH. An* 4.Sailed, bark Gander Delaware "chra Aldtae, Denulaon, l'olnt-a-Pltra; Kdna llarwooo bather rscliaes lu ol King Solomon's tamp la sod city destruction SrniLauan. Anegar (Nor), Naway, .Itllv 27 -Arrived. Cbrixtlua Ko*. Philadelphia. Rico. and thr waves ofaleelrielly are eaased In pleassnuy Naprled, Matteaieti, New ' rimer, Porto healing This, Ilka many similar ume-bonorod customs,Jerusalem.steamer Alhambra (Hr|, HrFlhlnney. Ft Johna, NF, New \ ork. on.Sailed'itith. Echo, Baltimore; HAI,KM, Any 5-Arrived, aelir* Hadabodee, Thorndlka permeate and thrill every fibre. Aside from this general in kid or Intense Cow Bay. CM, nnd Halifax, .VS. lor New York, with mdae Sahtahp**. to Aug 8-Arrived, bark Blgrld (Nor), ' lilla.lelpliln; Clears, Babhldya, Port Johnaoa. electrisation, local applications of currents brought by iba Jews to lbs eountiy ol ibtlr lo Clerk A Soeman. Jnly Jd-S«llet, Alvln Kelly, Kelly, St Thomaa; and Ivato Hommel aa each case mar and tbe bather emerges and passengers Philadelphia. *^rokto, A Vlrenitn. Hcatlola, New York; 22d, Hailed.sqbr* .1 W Venireman. Sharp, nre made require, has ol lalo years bean (ailing into steamer Neptune. Kerry, llnaiiin for New York, with Tearvlg,2lat, Hlnxi-pploa ' idam*. Philadelphia ; tieadrinarter* for Koraeut the iste war in Turkey, which loll thousands of Belir F Merwin, Bnnce, It water. o load Tor Naw York; S Applayata, Mathaw*, to load Thla, Sehr Annie Una, Williams Vlnnlnaren lor New York. Morrill, lomilnn for tlolnwnre rank Morri*. etiolating a* wall aa ter awaeral bathing. and here la la Jewish families pci,nile«s. In Morocco, also, whole 27.Arrlrea, Rochester, Itoet. Quebec. Virt ol than In ol Nctir Joseph Wooley. Friend, Nenlueket for New York. W.N mwa.iaki.Jaly VINEYARD IIAVP.K, AW* 7-Arrived, achr* A Tlrrall to hare reached a higher atate perfection hoHoved dlatricu are auditing Irora the panga limine. .I H Atwood. Nantucket for New York. lloi.Yiir.An, Ai|R, I'M.Wind W,moderate; MlLhoTit, July 2tl-Arrlred. Rmlllo, Row York via for Ho*toa Charlaa K Haoson Home Iteelf. The noguenta laed are 01 th» moat oxqulidto the sehr Atwood. do. llrker«on. Kondunt ; Smith, ee Ja view ol ibis melancholy etaieof adore among Sehr Sllaa Bralttertl. Steelman, HarUord for New Yerk. Folkraii*. Ileiirlek-en. Qnecnetown;'hllodriiiina !<>r aa; ti'nrj r larnni. rirrw. inrnmiinii character. and either odorleea or dellclooaly perfomed, communities in tbt Km, Dr. H. i*. Hemic*, P. Illnda. New lleveti for New barotneter Snilod 27th, Fortr.natu Calf rloe, Now York. York fnr Vat aalt "Kokoleon," being readily au.urbod, lirielulah Sehr Owen Clenuenaiug. I'l.raoi'rw, A«( 8. I'M.Wind BW, light: barometer 30.15 Arc to rut. Irom "a. lor i'ortlond; Sammy Ford, Allen, Now may the fane.*. I* not of tlili city, makei «o appeal to tbe Amcrioen Jew* York. Husronn. Jnly 27 Off Hearhy llood. nnutli, hS; Koun, Tliuraion. Kocklond fnr New York; Jn la uaed re lnereaae weight", while "Koinaleon" leas Menkln, New llaven for New York. for Now Orleant. lUmnn 1 la By the employment of the end *rmpiMnxiuf Christians to remember the poor sehr Daniel Morris, iljarnoen, NowTpowlclilotto. Tlinmitami. Addleon via fordo; Ooorale eflectlva radurlag weight. aucceaslve bathees hi thoee KwimtucSDK, Joly 24-Hatleo, Viator, Mnrplir, Vlnolliaren lor Pbilotiolphla; Keberra V complete hot air Koman hatha lor daya people who irr Hiring In limine ntricksu bound r.Asr. FOREIGN PORTS. York. ottd, fnr k onabled to lose three ponnda dally. countries ind adds that one dollar is mtneiem to l.oulae, Molton. Mow York. luddoll, Ooptilr. Formlnirdol" do: .Malr Cranmot hare been repeatedly pur Johnson. New York for Portland, Me. HTrtrii, .Inly 24.Haloed, Niorab*. Hontan for no; Bllen M Maxtor, Roan. Pltteton Hl'N HArMINO loud enough to persons lor lineftfeemer ftleauor M.Railed. bnrk Clare B*|. i *1 no, July 20.Arrlvrd, (Iron# I* lArrnrt, Now no meant el lanreaalngfor reducing keep lluy Steamer Dlaiiriia. Ilearac. New York fur Boaton. llinriDO'. Any Katon, Darta, Nn, Inr I'.alllmore; Sunlight. Ilml«d»n, Kirtimond, Mo. fo There la, however, la tbeae hatha honra twentyluar (Jeer. New York lor New leiodon aod timer*. York. lo; Joinaatown, Torhunn, (lot-dinar lor do. weight eqaal to aolarlaatlon or ana bathing, Steamer Hollrnr, Cakpimi Jnlr 27 Artleed, bilr* Johanna, I. annex. WniTritarvn, July 20.Hilled, From, Morkhonoon, from one to three honra tinder colors'! Norwich. snilad .-rhr Jaaoa Mardork. the bather reinalna ran New York for Rotterdam. Maraetllei; K I'ennell. I.elgbinn, 8t rhoma* wiir Hmilhtille. NO. 8tb.Arrir»d, selira Kphrolm A Anno, Hoffman, Bottoi glaaa. where naitaer burning nor tanning nerar. In J EN NIK MINSTER'S MADNESS. Ilark si Patrick illr), Hornrt. jlnry brlaa \t 27 Sailed. Ultrholl, Quebec. a bleaching wbloh Seltr F A Pine. Ilood, New York for St John, N H. Jennie II lilWtey. Otlkny, da; ibnh. Ramnel Mnlr (Hr). riroun, July Springbok, or Phili delphla; T h Mclotllon, Forr. Portland for hat fuel, It may be cooaldernd proreaa, ii.il- V.a> V...h for St .Inlin KM hlck«, do; Km ma L llall. I'rrry. Mew York; rear Darld Yut;ir>i:u, Jaly 27.Soiled, Anno. Merkrt, Tykco. to (tordliior lor do ; II Cartli blolcliaa uno atalna rompletely. There It alto At Thoina*. fork; Nrinpb. Flanagan, with laeloaod aldee and open nt the tap,remnvrt f'oor Jrnnio M mater, nnce her romornl to Tlellevuo Nehr Oregon, Chnrch. New York for Clinton. .Me. Aran, Amr«, iroonlow. Door lain lor do. apartment, tha la another lor Holiest. Me. i:iear*d .Idijr 27. brig* Julia P Carney, Are?, X of LltlCAN PORTS. s.lled-Srlira 11 r n rv P llorono, Snramr Ford. .Too Wool where the head may be abaued while body exposed InI hu bad tbo eonilant care Ss lirbeke. Tapper. New fork \t echr AM tan. In thle halli a men, Hospital Wednesday, Hchr Oerrle L IIIx. New York for llnnrerapert. Prolan*. Miliar, do; Caeeatall*. Rparka, do; tlatterae rortli. A Tlrroll, t.'hoa K Smith, Catharlno. loolo. Tbnmai to the direct action ol the III*. do. i and eooa become magnificently atteadiaeo ol the modleal ataft ol that Insula t-chr II I. Daboll. ita< Rett, New York for Nantucket. fleorgla, I'olbd. oork Portland. Sob , It llomlliio, (1 A sproul, Donrgla it IammI, Molr A Crar pn'a anemic, may however and Cirxrrn.oa, brig Alexander Nlekele, ASTORIA, July HO-Arrived, Ooko, I I and aa hard aa Itgnamrltip, with a corresponding Nrhr h it llllUeriileeee (fisherman), /l»h, New York roc Jaly 35.Arrlred, nor, Mi«*r, Sunlight. .1 anlcttit. Kabocco W lltiddoll, branaad Direct lion. Her coaditloa, however, did not Improve, I'earnek, >»w Vara. Francisco. olten. Son Franclseo. nrxlo, hllen M Baxter, T rl MrLollon, oud Kphrolm II Improvement la genaral health aad strength. Nantucket. hailed 24th, barka Kalhar, Henjainlo, Mew York; Mary Mist.Moiled. Imrk Ororo llolierlt, or the body to the inn't ray* may jnaily bo ooueld* (the oontinned to ratro aboat nir abiont lover. At Hrbr Knte H.-raoton, Pond, New York for Providence. alf x anukia. ann 7.Airlved, tchro Ainertcoii Team, - »a.r,.. k-. .it expoaare Bo«ton ; brlgJainea Miller, mom Iinnnnim oocotn# but aa ahe wai Hehr.l l» Nell, .Shew, New York for Newport. MeKr*. Klley, I'arker, Hoaton; h k Convdon. frevlnenco tond rloorod to wfl'.MINOTON, NC, A or 8.Arrlrod, bark Kaalnal« #r#d tnn limes ado would violent, YorK lor llertlord. aelir II 8 Marlor. Wine*. do. New Karen; (ilorlo, Omtnnnoon, Han Foil bathing. to bn affective It mom b* nndar Intelligent waichad ber off without Nehr llattle l.ou, ftrl b», New i'Nor), Tollakoon, IIall; brig bar* It may l># noted that out ot door carefully paroxysms paiaid Nehr Freestone. New York for Portland, ft. CainAhian. Jnlr 24.Arrtyaa, brig Keneriffn, Traeey, i, Holloa. « return).la (liilxoU (Hnnin). direction. And medlaal KrHoy, Jone Newton, a Klndlng tbat her oase waa mora aertoua for Llalion Cleared.behr 7.Arrlrod aohr Haaan K Hair- totalisation In this climate It only avallaole lor limited danger. Hcbr Marie L Mali, isweet, New Yore MIddletowa, ttlinmrnrk Pasted oowo.m<;lirt Colin c Maker, for Boitoa; ft h WkHTKRLY, Au( Naati, "W* matt rnnSn hoalth while the thin, waa at Brat eappeeeil, hy tbo rroomtnandation CI. Railed 24th, brig , t'onnall, Philadelphia. Row llarnit; Florence Dean, Providence; Carrie S Itar, I'hllodalptila, period; In ethar words, abe waa trsnalorrsd lo tbo J K New York fot Hi em lord. Chatham, NH, Aug .7.I'loareil. ahlp Hrltlali America Hornet, Hirer. "Un I me physician yeiuerday Nehr Mitchell, Morrell, Lock hurt. Illrkenliead, brig Alaggla (Hr), I>ewia, llorl, do; .laan.e llotlru. kail 5 ,"'n#",A COMPI.KTK Krl T A B I, I ml M R Jt T. lauatic aavlum on BlacKwelt'a island. Nehr Millie Trim. Bnyntm, Muhokrn for I'rnvldenoe. hosttin, Any 7.Arrived, Itark Arlodao (Nor), llanorn, referred to in the mart II tor Protldenee. iltr).ilanelljr. VACH'I's, STKA9IBOATS, »ttC. Mot only ere all the baths given Sohr.l l-ell. Shropshire, Antony 4 In . ~ and eeleutlflr manner, but tbs entire e» Nehr llnttle N Col Inn, Ilreinrril, Amhojr for Hertford. lloxii Kn.Xfl, July port, ablpa Highlander, Ruarell. Now 1 I'll attentive, eerefnl unc ; da; bark* Annla cleared.Seliro II K Mehoffrr, York; IV AH I ItU Fl. HUII A-K-A ll.fOU' ACllOtlMKM an air ol qniat and laxarteus reflne FOR BURGLAR*. Hclir Mint, Trenton, N.I. for Providence. Riniiutra.llliiugli. Larwayllurhlo«on,(Mr', it H Mcranton, Vt right, via Capo It from id) to SUM tnna not orar throo old tahlKbment present* ARRESTED Ceraon, lor ; ( ha. L Peannn. Swam, line; donning, Chancer, Kolloy. do; do, hurdan, ya»V« as *a I be liatlia ar* salatary. Abundant Port Johnson lor i.alat, IjouJon , ' want rratllvlng Sclir Porto Itlro, Armstrong, l.ynn, Uoi Rlla* Klab, William*, unit Koaetta MeNell, Aan. rood carrying capacity stat" illmanalona, whether kae I Ireseoad walla, stained glass windows, Axmlnstet Nehr Kilwin Cyan, llaltlmoie tor New Haven. Simmon*, Rohoota, and Clyde. c ir contra board, where liullt nod wlion. Addraaa tlaptal llubt, at alevea o'clock lact llmwn. d >. Mailed Brian carpets, marble sbarapeoimr room* and tiled floor* In tbe Detaetive McUanus arraatad «ehr I'edro A (lardnac. Hth Arrived, hark Ariadne (Aurl, Ilaaaeo, Caflo; acbri j[OMKs. core of Koameck.Jl Park row. Mo uotleo toko . with the most ventilation, const* IIAI A>». July 27.Arrlred. (Irau, . bot chambers, cotnplett two named .lemon Oliver Amoi. Halibut, root Jolineoa; Mary K Coraon, inleia prica l» ttatod. that area naaeea would bar* atght, la Newark, N. J., burglar*, BELOW. I'll) ailrlpliia ; :*nh, bark Clara (Hr). Haylion, Liverpool; _ tnte >uch appointment* boa* II Haddlg. Ilinnkmau. Paacagoula; White Wing, \Vllllana. Philadelphia. APPLT satisfied. bo Is said to bay* fall aggrieved In tba Tottcn ami John Smith, allca Clark, who. It ta alleged, arlira Alto Arrived, etnamora Ceorge laiveland, Haiti- 117 A X TKI) r< HIKI--T^SritAM LAUNCH. thangh hluhh*, Maw T^rki ItlM, brie Ma (Hr), O'Hrlrn, 8blp Appold.who k Yf to AKfllUH DI'DLKY VINTON, M Wall it. Mo w bath K he did not tread on rem*. Smith'* Shin Minnie Hwin (Br), l.eswell, from Havre via Sydney, .- more; AHentown. Mlllo. Philadelphia; Julia Pratt, that tb* attendants bar* are broke Into and robbed on laat Saturday nlgbt 'JiI. llarbor; au« 1, aclir l»#o airy. Lea, l>at*«<>|a. llotllo vi Crowoll, Crowed, dos Alice ifork. It shaald bo noted, too. store in Market aonr Mulberry. A CB. Jnly Railed Jnly 28. bark Alaaka (Hr). Jon**, Hoaion; brig Chose, Holtlmore; Z nnitr unit** those described ny travellers a* rontlnnslly itirnliinng atreot, So| root AI HIIAI-. M, ; demanding; "llscKshaesb," for they not deslra. are large part gooda i CLEARED. hark llnbert Jr. i,ore; Ramon l» AJnrlo, ma.-ee: Knlabt, Jr, llnntloy, u 1 f'.'i»>. Illll ;ni Wait llonatoa at., rltr. to rerelre the foes wateU >a Kerne, Metauaaa; (llat, V.nrray,Merrla. rhllailnlphla { HARIIAIN, _ they permitted frequently room la Malbarry atreot. h*ik« (I II Canarlra ami Allen lireene. NlekOrtoD. am them. jlarninan, .New York An,' I, ile (bp), Cleared.Hrltr tnnle Handler. Ilnichintoa, Wilmington, larpe siime pressed upon or via Ri John. Ml; Klba I'lerc-a. Mew York. MISCALL. \ N KOIS. In conclusion It mar be Josfly prrenntteed a dnty to ' Steam Oily of Montreal (llr), Fulton, f.lverpool llodrlgnaa, via tchro Alrarado. uailliews, Cliarle-ion; (I Clearml Jnlr HI. Hark Lola (Rp), Arnonbret. Halllmorwt nc. Keanebrr; 1 sal llioee who would hetbe tor the sub* of ele>nlinens or FOR CHARITY'S HAKE. Qiieena'.own -John l)nie. j amot m art In, llmwn, Klehmond, va; Charles a Jones, IIKST WORM M r. 1111:1 > I; KN..W .V Itlttf tV N'S tf.i rotm, . Mew York; bark Marietta who wanld tb* most effective means to .-steamer Npartau tbr>, Cooper, l.oiolon Punch, Kdye A brig Anita (sp), Puree, Aug I, lleeton. Now York; ftbol A At nont t health, employ (Rp). Terrain, do. Krnl. Halilniore; a Plilnnee, DmIPUUR COMFIfs or WORM boBBROtA k##p cool and to avoid sunstroke, and who would enjoy a Cot , , box. or boon received at Vt Jnlr JO -Arrlred, brlga Julia K It aakell. Peine, Vlerrllt, llaytl. _ that never to give tb# naiha Tba contributions bavs Steamer I'omme1 anla (Her), Srhweneen, llamhnr*. aTaazaa, for Now York la tew of , luxury disappoints Injures, following It rattle S Portland; Hlit, Hailed.nlilp Southern Chief, tag at nl l.extngtan sr. a fair trial, tham the* at No. 4W Weal end Cherbourg.Kunliardt A < o Plymouth81 Thorn *a; :lOlh, Hiahop, llackett, f |M) *A~KfcTHfc Ul MS 11ArtI) AND HKALTIlT U88 No. swassiing this office:.For lamlly living Mteamrr Isaac Noll, Olht<», Norfolk, City Point and bnrk Jano I're (Hr), Itaad, lllnagnw Cvelopi lebr Stereos, I HROWM'H uaMPHORATBD 8AFOBACitlllM DMli. Uieir axpwatattons, bowavnr asaltad, will ba mar* than Tor St. John's kittle Dominion Co. ballad Jul) 28, hark Jnaaphlne, (lamina, Mefllatteraa; h al.ri MOSB, Aoy 7.Cleared, Telegraph, Fnriy-flrit street, f, tli uuilu, Steamship Richmond.Old 8 l«U. Provldvace. X? tirUlVMJU*. Mabel, J steamer Uctorarn. Reynold*, Ueltlmore.J 8 Kreauh eclir Jabn Wood. Rmltb.de, dlat, nrlg PIjIwkOlo«d