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6-6-1891 The eH rald, June 6, 1891 Cedarville University

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Recommended Citation Cedarville University, "The eH rald, June 6, 1891" (1891). The Cedarville Herald. 83. http://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/cedarville_herald/83

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Nsver before have we offered stich Bargains. Come and set them, even if you do not wish to purchase. i i

Best American Prints 5$ cts. per yd. “ Apron gingham64 Regular price $2,50 *« Drees “ 8$ MENS & BOYS FINE CLOTHIN Mens* Fine Shoes 12,20 Dress cambric or Linings (all oolore) 5 " “ “ 1,45 “ . x ““ 1,65cents per yard. ______W e are slaughtering prices. « “ ** 1,10 “ * 1,25 It must be sold. “ “ 2,50Curling iron only 5e Regular price 10c We Postively defy eompetion, Womens' Fine Shoes 12,20 7 spools Thread (Clarks) for 25 cents. • «* . ** 1,55 “ 1,75 Pearl Buttons (good ones) 5 ct«. do*. And will name prices. if 4. ,4 1,25 Window Shades (Spring roller com* No other dealer ean touch. plete) 25 cents eacp.

BUTTER AND EGGS—We not only pay CASH for them, but give yon higher prices than other stores are paying. Grand Bargains in Queensware aDd Tinware. 21 pounds Granulated Sugar far $1,00. 1 pound Eiee.li Kuastcd coffee only 25 cents worth 27 cents.

' IT.' We have one lot of Lad es Fine $2.50 ■*» .' shoes, that we wiUQflfer iothWaale for $2*t0 per pair, in order to -; close: : them~ " •• - ■•• out.• " * •••■ -- ^ ^ Smoke MEd' Best," the best 5 cent Smith’s the place fo ra seafoam. Prof. J. W. Smith who has been It has been hugely advertised that Butter, Jersey, Milk Crackers at teaching school at Crab Orchard, Ky. there is to be a public wedding on tie G uay ’s. cigar in town at Bull’s. Go to Charlie 8mith for ft shave. has returned home to spend bis vaca­ Jamestown fur,grounds July 4th, Spring repair work at Murray’s har­ Go to Boyd’s restaurant for a good meal, only-25 cents. For a good lunch, pies or cakes, go tion. . and there has been a great deal of ness shop. speculation as to who the haj^py cou Syrup and Molasses at Guay ’s. ifothebakety. Hr. tniUn. A. An.lmon. ol wi)1 ^ Tb. foci-f the c t th.. Sorghum, Syrup and New Orleans Our Stock of Patent Medicines is Catalogues for the Jamestown fair Wur«n,Ohio,*re»».l.ngMr.. not , fc,,,, by Mol**“ ** G ray ’s. complete at Ridgway’s Pharmacy. are now being distributed. ’.7 ;thefldrbo.rd,utheyh.r« ».o .p- Barr A Morton have a full line of street. Mrs. Fred Smith, ot Xenia, - - - - Go to Wolford’s for the genuiue B. G. Ridgway spent the week in w | plications and do not know which to beds, bedq>rings and matties etc. Brown cultivators. also visiting her mother and niter. give the preference. Who the appli- looking after hie business Barr A Morton would like to have Call and see tbs step lader chair at Ladies, Children’s and Men’s hose cants are the boaid flatly refuses to interests. ‘ ; • t- yon call and see their elegaat line of Crouse A Bull’s. from 10c up to fiOcts. These goods state but it has been slyly hinted that ( Mist Lisrie Ifunlock and sister are testers. are the very best in the market for their president, J. L. Ginn, is one of * *■ A nice line o f rockers at Visiting In Xenia this week. A fine line of folding lounges aft Barr A Morton’s the money. The Fair, Limestone St. the prospective' groomsmen, while Barr A Morton’s. Jos. McAfee has been repainting hear High, Springfield. O. Commissioner Alf. Johnson who, Jim Rolled Avena and Wheat, Oatmeal *pd otherwise improving his property ■ays, i* always trying to thwart him in A fine line of pocket and table cut. and Clacked Wheat, Farino aid lery at Crouse A Bull’s. on Xenia avenue._____ Miss Patience Provost, a maiden •very undertaking, has informed cer­ Parched Farinose, Pearl Barley, Gran­ lady about sixty yean of age, died attain members o f the board that con­ Tobacos and Cigars at Guay 's. ulated Hominy at C ray ’s; A lawn tennis courti*to H **tab- her home in Clifton last Saturday. lifted on Mrs Ban's lot on Main nubial bliss is the only thing lacking to Gaseoline stoves, all patterns, qual­ Chamois Skins at Ridgway’s. The funeral services were held at the make life perfoet to him, will tor the Utreet this week.______ities and prices at Crouse A Bull’s. I f yon want a good lunch or a house TUssday at 10 o’clock a. m. consideration oflfcred, be only too glad Oargcs, Bananas and Lemons, at square meal go to Boyd’s and try him Mrs. Jack McUollough, of Clifton, conducted by Bev. Tufts of this place.to appear as best man. has been quite ill with pneumonia but McCorkella*. ones. Gregg Weymouth visited his ■4s new convalescent. LOO*L«. Picture Frames made to order Highest market price paid for daughter, Mrs. Clapper, at Bellefbun- Ridgway’s Pharmacy-I wheat at Axdmew St Bao. The infant child of M*v nod Mi*. Teeth extracted without pain by ta!n last week returned home Wed ass- Fish at G ray ’s. Geo. Smith, o f CHfton died last Bab- application of cocaine at Dr. Homan’s Healing Powder for galled shoul­ day. During his absence he Indulged ders at Bidgway’s Pharmacy. Carriage 8poages at Ridgway’s. hath, and was burned Tuesday. to numerous fisttag excunioiie at the otSce. We will dost out the remainder o f Get your buggy painted a t > Ladies light weight nbdarvesta 10 reservoir. Avena, Ostmeal our Lamp stock at cost ter to cents splendid goods. The . Cradted. wheat . Wolford’s Theloilowiag weathef report com Ridgw*yTs Pharmacy, " Fair, Limestone 8 l new High, Granulated Hominy If you waat a stylish livery rig go piW for the Herald by Samuel Cm- Farino, Parched FartaOift at toBsydh. Springfield O. wsttfoc the month ef May, firing a* Jacob Selgler has opswed his ice Gaaris. creera parlors and will now furnish Prints hi all siae packages and col- Kd.Bpswcertkis weak is showing tbs eoetparison for the years ' 6ft '90 ’ *ftl Phrmtef Implements o f all descrip­ the Washington cream, the flocstla the are at Ridgway**, InmtliMof frtft *ft w brought will doubtless prove interesting to.eto tion at Andrew ft Bro. oounty. Yoaagman, take your bast loCsibrriBe. B s now runsn wsgdn .fender*. ' Partis# wlshiag a good buggy at Go to Dean A Barber’s, fct freft girl to “JakeY* parlors and give her lowprioe, esdt -for rim Springfield end efts and dsUTMrsftft'tonny p u t For 131ft—AYetagu Umpsrotare a laigaelsgaat dish e f cream. meatsofril Idads. buggy—a spseiaMty at o f town...... ® )•; hottest day the 16th, wkk.fcNM Weed and WiOow wart at Briyr eerriages, seme of ft* latsst Andrew i t Bro. age tM qanttti of 7ft*. fStafc 1ft G uay 's ■ AO afllm, satin edge ribbon Nee?, ttylesia the market at Barr A Mor­ days; skmdy todays; foggy fdeys; Halters, oollars and all kinds of New Styles of stationery at ft, only 10eta a yard, worth 15. fttieta. ton’s Tbs Fair, Limestone Bfc nmr High, ratotduyfcftoet on 23d when the haniem sundries at James Murray’s Ridgway’s Pharmacy. ParsPlae tar at Rl^way's. tomprwue 31* with all avenge e f 4ft* jCortl, Tomatoes, Beans, Ao., at Spmgfirid, Ohio. during entire day. The iwstpleie In' town to Imy meat . Faint and Vanish Brushes at - o f all kinds is at C. W . Crones’*. Try Guam 's. The .sutsttobnilnrifaett by thu 1690 —Average tetap. flOVbottast BldgwayV. Woody Bros, tost Saturday evening. him. Sweet, spiced and war pkskhs at day the ftOA—75*; k waa elsar 12 WfamowgiM* and Fatty at trail patronised. The ekss that Gray ’s. d*ft;*letidy 10; foggy 1 day, and IUU|iBjl ffinM Js Peaches, Apricots and Prunes a mbtadthem restored fifty pereeni d Cheese, Crackers and Ginger snaps rained 11 times; Rosiest day the 7th— Haraemofl, coal oft, taichlae eft, at - G uay ’s. - the net procesds, ...... at Gray 's. A40. , AadrtwBfefoGe. Moneysrved by buying fonriture of Marriage iktassss: Frnhh TTarbox Iftftl—AferogetoMp- oft** ***** * , . BrurrAMertoa’a. J . M, Bun keeps “Ed’s Best" Call aadXfokTtarMtey; JXImwtyaud mmttJtMw *f elsar 1ft dsvst ! ffoed. seOoad-himded binders .and for it and gst rim bast 5 oeht cigar Screen doors, all sfoes and klnde at you ever smoked. SldaConldia; Ifiwttd Rayburn m i IsU saws ** Andrew BreA Co. . Croats A Buffs. Myrtle CtesMUst i t o l A Harris sad f dayg soslist day tim ftth—fc50< Buy your fresh and salt Meats at JettieC Jaoksou; M. Bwtmrn a«d| The|MntMonth.Is' mii ft* h* the Hard and «ofl teflaed Sugars at Buy your bed room suits of the old reliable meat store ef C. W. uay s ItAnaAMoarow, Crouse. Xattle Deogau. ’• • Jw ldM M*Tk*m*!P«t*4 G ’ . • *

-THE BATTLE .g ^ T O a ? ■ -rRMPERAN The . r" ■■' • " ' * ^Bufc“But I Idon’t don’t w 1 w t to WO J BUp*sup- . "■ .. a . j» UudllV.oftkflBfttfclfirri«plrKttnUApIniv.Tlndsar, o l tha EsttleCreckBaoItarluni. -irr~ A MAN QF WAR. pose yon. i am Ar- A WORD TO GlftLS. Tktp *EAUTII W, H. BLAIH, Ushar, nnMt emphatically in cymeri? In g a Ion and said op this Do you? jbND -HORKI impartrtvith pright, ulman. "ainst anotiier; and, again THE VALUE OF my little might u,,m \hahas ttiraa be no such tiling as a But oh, what mUerab Cloio. AUiwice-« £y&S*A ' si '<■, ^ “““^Ywon’t_ ^exnggefsfc^them, j AQY an _ ybn kno p th e perhaps i ” iWheo i>s*sed throi, won’t e'xngge" # i K of knowledge on ttiq part of A«d.fasWoncd.told] “And where washer first fight?” one who has not noticed one sex over that of the other, and un- One token of advancing intelligence that he won’t try to . “At Baton Bonge,hah. I sunk three practical discussion. yo pever a drop ol In in civilized nation* and especially iri cheat you a t card* « less our young men and Women are Would youl Yankee gun-boats thar.” Girls, your -heads are all right, you trained together there will be parts of our own, is tlie increasing respect paid, A p t a duel if you seemed bored with “Why, that’s curious. Porter says have plenty of brains, plenty of splen- Behold the barley, ul to ' handwork. The foolish contempt, bis company. the education of each more or less Wh^n ?e(i to the ho] thatfbAlJrjflf^ 5* filial* d|d|i^d?d^r#ni|lt | Ovalities that, if you neglected. Girls who are'.educated Ja Dr even the doifs. , in ulhic& ! it was once hold has, to a j a steamer at Mcnqfcttlor.theran down! “Sah!” • knew how" tp Bring out and develop great extent, passed away, and the ! to New (Means, and the^captain offer convents are never broadly educated. Tbcy fatten, but nevj •killed WoritmaVnaw'rtcrives»degre«*d to introduce me tolls] Davis, the “Porter says the. Arkansas' was built them, would odd greatly to the general JJeitbpg ».rf unit kind of school* po-you? a t Yazoo City,” 'good an ^ y o u r hi^iplmssa Ahd AhriSSij; of honor and consideration that would biggest liar in the late southern conted- which separate them from' the other litssmaswdkiMH heuB ir.m iaiM is Tl»o trouble is j-ou don’t know how Bnabairtd; Even newt use your educated. lie ' divisii stronj down You i^K lik e fiHHcmi JrJSMSjJa. sen the ker i rcelyjHPMPfiaiids whe: Vicki ly and grem ^M ttH||^p(0 n sti _ v 4 t arker hointJHo ttiji Aflbisas ijihoro and of them, andWflifiv li highe Bere are* j,tterJpP|luaV. r f f rusty as time I,to HL^heos to occupy -T"d'^m^aer level cji^W^B^over ^ a r fP^wberri I swath ' t tii •shore after, the gun-boat battle above. ovfi wish I could fflSk8V®eh saying Jafrkfabwl- former. His efforts, it is assumed, aro Porter coi d bp somistaken.' you^fcel that jinc^ucnchable fire fop The Lora wade them all I directed to the higher life of man, “Then you were iA>,tha&bBtt]£?& edge of a certain class belongs to wom­ But not for tho poisons 1 “Do you doubt m; “* '-Mistah d not let you rest en because they are women, and knowl­ • —Dr. Jfl. T. Cass while those of the former are^ centered person befi ned a first-class col- chiefly in supplying his material wants. I shall be happy edge of „a certain superior class belongs A BIBLICAL^ Hicks, chief clefk ^ ably.” 1 itil your minds were to men befiuse they are men. It is Thus they are hot expected to make kansas could use the tools many invasions on each other’s, terri­ will consult with any ohe'yoi ■s Wne not .sex but ability which should gov­ ICow Defender* «r th« name)’’ manded by Lieut. Brown, of the old God has given you to build your own ern. tort Scripture, to II tory, and tlia excessive division of labor .» ofiUM charactcr of those ^rtehtiGes tne -distlacftoji',-' The sep^ . , ‘‘PjS,-ho, hO, n°» mijpri . ... ^ Jjifms^:|Dg,iip,of fap ii^s those which ration;^ however, is''1perilous' to the tioriyriur Word in thdleast. Tt was h hot p 'J Ah! ho,do. !*& rlW 'fif •lufesitlife- xdjW .hlj^triqniqi#laAd.Ak1dly argrxthStM ® th®se<‘j interests of both. Mr. Buskin says: , Porter on this boat?" Do you,ever think that it is your duty and happy are those in, which there are defend the rum powd It was, salt. I had commit i.o£;i .-f;it' ^ soMniifc and cultivate yourself, es hotll brothers and sisters, and there is to Say that if the, use “We want one man to always be thinks '■ ‘•Will meet us at " l peciany-if you contemplate marriage, iug, and another to be always working, fifteen confederate gun-boafsd1 no reason why any portion of the hu­ been considered sinfi and we cpU one a gentleman and the “Fifteen? Why, Admiral Porter’s “No." which of course all well-balanced young man family should be isolated during been prohibited in ei naval; history «<&» ? there d! workma||| ought pftew tqj fhf eightif’f- * i i « f * i | $ , , Ire brougM iic |» * 4 ^ f" 1| hoys in that the denunciatio thinkljpgV " and thfe, i,thi^rer “Mrfery t „, iah? .Noy-gW w •— heard'o|.Port«F>; will bevpleisejl to;^phi|e'all;detajij»..l lapy moremore 1 |^ia^nj|^fp§r|l^pel lx oemy. 'competition fp c^ la^sfii^ m g fer prizes, against those who I to bp "-working, Add. &«h ^cnxl^ \H«» * . , You- ' h |v e 4;'^ue^ianed§ m^ ’j^raetty,^ ijjfbwigai "they look fjupipl ili^n|m i fhfey are, fel­ that woes are denoj he gentlemen in thebferiseb^. ‘M ,,PO sp o ^ $ JQr l £ t y o d ^ b e r c pah!” J ■ ■ ^ j -rafli 8rds,. bufc nothing, is ,v „ aA #awaaii n o ,"I/T * T9^ „» low hmnap l|fcings^i|fs|eqd df trying It is only by labor that thought can be • ^ere fifteen, that settles it, o f course. Oh! No, no, holG’ How coulal?” ’ surprised atv the (TnSei;withwhiehyoii| dimply ijoi" mfik® aii ,siiripres’sibn upon whri^ipe wine! Wj , made, healthy, and only by thought that Jortef probably left obt seven just to “See my friend, /sah, and the sooner grasp subjects, before out of your reach, them and to win from them admira- slso^p’olnt tc> the i labor can be mode happy; and tlie tiyo Bpetf, majpr, ,. j^t’s over, the hetlcri!’ #* , , ,. Every gijd.ought to .have a thorough ^o n l !v'The men and the women who are Galilee,, the first of 1 cannot 'be separated , with impunity.’.! j : I whs on the Beauregard, ;:;Wd suiik ? I went in and, sa^. the c^lef pietk ^od -(raining '’•c-la^skls' and - mpthe- . dhrijV'best educated morally, mentally of Christ-? where Ik One half of this truth is becoming very ■ three of your craft, and then struck a told him that I had been challenged to matics; then tliey "would he ready to' and physically are those which have winoticrt,'the weddtij ' gdnerally realized, liPOce the spresdof . w*dSf *»$????*■ down ourselves,» fight a duel by his friend. j dive into their chosen study or business the .advantages of co-education. Ths .claim tl»at if the p ^ w h r t h j t a t o m , t° odneite • the I *'««* ***** say# th e ttnmn ram Mon- “Tell him to go to grass,” ho replied. > and bring up sompfliiug wprth thetime b $ ie-q f Aomori lias been in taking ' wrong, lie certamlj . whofe .^ople.^ That. hand-yvprW ! th§ BpampgAwi and sent “But he—he—*’ and labor. ^ Knowledge rat*'steoud hand, and since creised Ilis miracubj should have^ their knowledge increased, her to the bottom,” I protested.’ “He wasn’t five years old when the ] Education makes the moral nature they have come to think and investigate it. Again, they pq their thoughts aroused, their minds de­ “Sah, you will please call on Col. war broke out. Bigges’ liar in America. 1 more sensitive toiithe true, the . benuti- for themselves'they havo'-miide noble fact that wine in veloped, is now admitted by all intelli­ . HicksT’ enid the major, as he stiffly The only tiling you need he afraid of is % ;ful, tlid perfect. As for more practical strides, not' Only iri their own bolialf, was then a.commoil gent persons,' and the facilities for this i Arose and handed me his card and lending him five dollars.*.’—Washington -things,- an 'educated business woman but in that;-of humanity in general. te-da#; #riUnipj are constantly multiplying. But it is .•movedatyay..-ff Star. .becomes twice as bright; a domestic Give women the same stimulus, j for argument by sayir1 not yet so manifest that those whose I simply changed chairs, so as to keep A FATAL KISS. woman'twice as quick; a society woman study and the 'sattle1 conditions for ac­ mod cannot contr ordinary occupations tax their brains in the shade, and dropped the major’s 'more fascinating; a lover more lovable. quiring an education, arid they 'will be becomes a druukaa rather than their muscles require the card overboard. He was absent about The Terrible Effect, of s Soldier’s Orste- If you are not yet out of your .teens and in the best position to makeAUe most that all other md opposite kind of development Yet twenty minutes, and then returned wip­ fal Caress- ’ think your school days over,-let me im­ of their own lives for themselves, the who do possess ths they do need it, even for the best suc­ ing off his chin. As near as I could Washington has a wealth of war rec­ plore you to start this very day, to world and.their Creator.—Reported. by trol, #hail.b»depr|J cess in their special employment. Dr. figure he had taken whisky. ollections that probably never will all study and work with renewed energy. Helen L. Manning...... , of drinking in mo “See that bluff over thar?” pleasantly Don’t marry, don’t think yourself pro- . This sounds we Brown Sequard, an - authority on the get into print. One of the best known, New Occupation l-'or WonWomen. ! brain, ‘ls said to haPe’ affirmedthat “the queried tlfe major as he sat down. , , of the younger newspaper men ;of the* Pfrcd for... any great work unless you bear clbse^analyfil left side, of the brain, which co-operates “I da” , , ' city has a face thpt buqrs many of the feel 'that 'you'have a mind trained to- A n Iss'dciatipn^ iI|6ridoh; women U with the right hand is more fully de­ “Well, -1- htfd’ a battery of ten guns marks small-pox leaves! * “I was a lad kfcep yotr from; thq,quicksands of Ignor­ abput tq open a new , business as con- of Ili|»lijai fiayB'VI veloped than the right side of the brain, thar for several months; and it was my of eight during the war,” he said, “but ance and doubt—Jean Bollins, in Chica­ traetdrri^for the care ot city conserva­ w« hayaixbwf brife I which correSjjihttdCwitl^'thelelt ^ahd.’^ own eye which sighted the. .gun that I rcmembfC tlmsoldierabuingAuajp^red go Inter/Qcean. Kt, . ^ > __ tories, window boxes, balconies and' ancients knew riej EvidanjOy tkis JA 'diia to the- greiior ^>Tb#,:.np the Yanke* giin^oat^Moqnd “re 8i>. te»nyAnK“1Fc,lt a"d attractive dose thfeirs toivri homes rleavC their is more glan 'pt< forced attention^ the act of comparing “And the shell exploded in her steam - - :ITe urimavried womonTn this dountry when plants- in tliO'charge of the ladies. preportiptf was l scarcely any thing to eat and I believe SWahltey ifhrti(Jultrirnl> Icollege ‘is to and weighing and deciding^ the habit chest.” . ", sqme of the poor follows died' for Want' there urc mqro men.tiirin women?!] An* 'They had* zibthj of perseverance, the unwearying repeti­ “Sah!” of proper food. My brother and I wore editorial ip a recent issue of that.maga­ open a ladies’ departmcnt, so popular is wlii6ky or brand tion, in order to ,.attain.>excellence, ore “And the killed and injured numbered very sorry for them, and. when .wo got zine contains the reply, from which we this!*work .becoming ,]among* Women, tilled liqqprs; in I all.efTorts of the brain, and yet no good pnly one hundred, and eighty-five,” . homo we told our mother about i t She quoted The argument is that tho nlper when the' women will jpccupy aseparato V, TliesaftarrimentJ hand-work can be accomplished with­ “Sah! . You sccmito doubt my word, asked us if we were Willing to go With­ cultivation of the taste and of tlie crit­ residence and devote tlie days to theoret­ has’murilr^probal out thtm. The -fact is- that, manual and I therefore——” out our supper rind give it to the sol­ ical faculty has extended in.our day far ical and practical work, summers of Pall Work; and what wo call., mental work, - “Oh; but I don’t, major! Let mo beg diers. \Ve were,, and she filled a basket heyoud the social-limits within which FOR FEMININE READERS,. ” ' ripens there are'far more closely allied in their op­ of you to believe that I don’tt I was with food arid I carried it to the sol­ it was confined oven, .at generation ago. " ' ' 43 - -1 . weather—to exp erations, and more $ interdependent, simply wondering how Forter could diers. They rite What I had like wild The standards by which it1 judges peo­ . There are 40,000 women studyiug in tempt to formen j than we, ore accustomed to consider make so many blunders in bis history.” beasts, thejAvere so ravenously hungry. ple aro higher and severrir, rind accord­ tlie ’various cdllcfees Of the" country. from tiro rilfiohe them; hnd wri riori'e df ua kaoW how “Porter, sah? Never heard of Mistah Some pf tljem cried and one .of the sol­ ingly tlic number Of satisfactory and Arid* yet it is oply twenty-five years of fcripciitatioD mtich ^bought itself, and all mental POrte’r in my life. In the commissary diers kissed me. I went'home and in a complertientriry mates * for those who since the first college in t^e. land^vas during, vfnbgarj work, aro,improved and. strengthened department, I prosumo.” few days Wos'dowri With the smatl-pox, possess |t is; greatly reduced, since, opened to women. .Hence,; it".is prl by the very efforts winch are’ put forth, I managed to change the subjectafter My brothers’and sisters all took it tOo, wide as lias been tho extension of re­ In -tlic number of iwdmen on gi-ape ,juice Wl in > th e ' interests of manual employ-/ alittle. and by and by the major went to and one of ray sisters died from i t ”-—, finement, the circle Of the cultivated school boards increascs and this year 13 boiled, aiul tils ments. NoL.only the brain, however, sleep ill his.choir, and I got away from Washington Post '. ; and -the delicately' iscneitivo still ex­ women have been elected in' 11 differ­ earthen jars, al b at the morfit isense, the’heari 'arid life him until evening. Then, as I 'sat ■ .... v t cludes the.great m ass, of, society, .with ent- districts, In three of these the which means is Itself are all pnrifflfd rind strengthened smoking, he dropped into the chair be­ SCRAPS FOR SOLDIERS. , whom the finer triinds and the choicer women elected, are themselves school­ Such wine woul by the conscientious performance of side mcr and Bald: spirits find little congenial association: mistresses. " ’’ verj' slowly; al band' world It is'said that a large pro­ “Ever meet Mistah Farragnt, of ybur It is told that ope day during the war Their own intellectual and spiritual de­ THe woman’s clnb of. has giv­ continued to tlq portion of the inmates of Our pris- Bide?” a squad of confederates, wearing, cap­ velopment also tends’ to make them en $1. ”>00 toward an art scholarship for of itself xvpulci onji are ignorant of any handicraft, “Admiral Farragnt?” tured blue overcoats, rode up tO a house self-»ufflcicqt, and it opens up te them women. It will be invented "by the di­ and the sirrip \| and doubtless this ignorance has a shard “May have called himaelf such.” in Tennessee .arid greeted the owner occupations and brings to them distrac­ rectors of ths art institute and .used to with Water in leading them., to the commission:of “No, »I never did.” with:- ‘AVell, old man, what are yon, tions which make compririt&tloh lo i the help deserving students through a begin. the crimes for which they are confined- “Sorry. He’d havo probably told yon feb or Yank?” puzzled .by rtho bine loss of the support and, companionship three-years’ course * at the local “art I t is undoulj Industry drives away a multitude of about the battle on the rlvef above New coats arid gray pants, .and riot knowing Of marriage.! In prqof of t^ia general­ pphool, „ ,!'f sneient worlc evil suggestions that find an easy lodg­ Orleans:” to which aririy his visiters belonged ization, statistics are adduced to show . Mrs. J eiiwii; M, Lozier , tlicrac^vly- and possessed ment where there are, idle hands. “Were yon there?” Old Caution answered: “ Well, gentle­ that the decline in the marriage rate Is clected presidririt of SoroaTs; l i a physi­ when drank tl Doribtless the knowledge of a trade; “Sahi’1 men, I’m nothin’, very little Of among the more cultivated, and not cian and the wife of a physician. 'She argument, fori bringing with ft self-respecting habits, f*That & you were there, of course.. th at”—New Orleans New Delta, among the humble and simple. is admirably fitted for the position. ence to drunl has saved many a youth from tetn What command did yon have?” t fiav. AnriitxEAD Likdsat L oxo , who It is, undoubtedly t. true,, also; that In Mrs. Ella Dietz Clymef, who resigned The evidcncel tk>n and Influences which would have “Commanded the Confederate navy, was B,. E< Lee’s chief of staff at our day the spread of refinement and of th s pteiidsney on sqcourit pf ill health, never intoxic| be«a Jria.ruin. Apart from- 'this; how­ •of co’ae.” the time of the surrender at AppBmatox, intellectual cultivattbri, in this country has accepted the office o ’ first vice will not stanc ever, the happiness, the contentment, “You did! Why, I thought Commo­ died' recently at Charlottesville] Ya,f more especially, his? -been greater president. amination; thl the iridripehdenM tnat results from dore John K. Mitchell Commanded He was born in Campbell county, Va., among women than among men-Criti­ F emihiks sdneation is making rapid fact that th* adtria knowledge of hand-work are In­ there.” in 1827, and was graduated from the cal foreign. visitors generally agree Ip; strides in France. Higher examinations consumed orcl valuable to, every, one- ,,H it.be the , ‘.‘Look heah, sah—do yon doubt iny military acadecdyrit Wrist P6irii in 1850. the opinion that our American Women were riot formerly Opcn to Women,* but juice, preset dally occupation, Intelligently pursued word?” At the outbreak of iba war he waa a arcs superior tofhem cn ih those partic­ the m w university for women, which haps a very s| mud well performed, it is’Wftnmdidion “phipoiiia, major! How can I? You first l(a«etfnaotiir- “Is it potslblC? Why, Porter says he An attack of paralysiejicapsed-his ’-re-1 .willingly or unWillingly,,ara engfged uation in 1888. She is also taking the ly the samel auH ef some branch of manual work. did not even figs ague,but drifted down tirementfrom field service in NovrilriP tii ri fight for material pntes; the wom- that there her, 1804; He Wrote aHMs of iOWi. L#0 lectures at the Toronto wofrien’s medi* lf,‘ however, the life-work lies in quite , the river and blew up.” , ; « Stt ate acCtimalatilig ihtellecitaaV and cpdjtegri;. aa far aa her ’professional tilled liquo* a different/ direction, ths po»*e»«lon, of ‘“Sah! Porter, sah! Will your friend tfvh^rili Wf» pwMlsked |n, tf8#.r , ?. Wpk'teal trcmiures by the treading and dutisa will allOw, arid intends to enter ness was hi aome maaual ability will still be of Mtstkh Porter s*tferyou In this .emer- The late Geri. Joseph E. Johbsten; tt^e thought for. which they have greater tile mfedltel prOfessiOti iri dud time. vice it is geacj?" ^numdfjd.Hm major, as he calcniable #aluri. Deft and skillful jwas . a .distinguished u , . ... figure . . in .... tliri sdkth^ „ pp^rirturiif^, Arid.'&us rite ctefttitig d ' DA Baz )E KofTinr,AliioKr4iAXt’M, a say that dll fiqger* arp a blessing to any map onto jumped up. ern arm y during th sla te «lviijWir. JI* ariprirWibri betWeeu thrimsfflves yoring Mohammedan woman, whoMvas (hen as cof any womkn.—Phlladclpnli Ledger. - : 1 “Sit dbWMr, htrijor;' Wdaae tttti do Writ was a graduate at West Point and had and the men with yihwur tljsy . are born in tha. Crimsfw rricentiy passed a time. The Porter baa evidently gqt it sit wrphg, serired in’111’oHdk mid •'M'^xlid Vrith )ao- brought into association,. l! “ ■ <.„ cmlitable - examtaafckm jqs physician to take the I ., FswtUsr KreeU., or was actuated by sectional malice. table gallantry. Like Gen. Lee, a Vir­ * -J ■ a, , Calendar, general of cavalry,” of friendly prirsoual Intercourse edoutofyOa;” « v later engaged In tha Jvttng Hopkins texieatingj h o sp ital, which wex ^IPMCATtON. i«¥* Iff nr. BBS, render respectable a saloon, nor give 6UTTA PaROHA IN DEMANQ. itrwPksiBmtturi^a^ TEMPEBANGg; NQTB&, msy ftatliorif^ for gllowingthl* dsroo* THE FARMING WORLD. I »N!W?r3r^ i cmgKCT- nphutieally fo ^ THt tefuTijui. u c. aliztn»insttt\t|.ion to cQnlinuarto'.fanM fit* ^rogtw»a p i jciaet&oity! ,tofMri»a Jt' flow Till* Jnwet Flay* Havoo In S M f w. For o»e reason * hipmamity f ' Had_ W-e i-1n this ^ |y 'untd » ^ | g 4 * r * » lie WtrketV j» f \ SPLENDID SECOND CROP. barer Fiaatatlna*. m®r like separation wind beautiful ryet geffCtatio i, nolhlng' more intoxicating The projectors of ■ the Guatemalan1 The, raspberiy probably suffer* more Wiieu ground in tli# mill, than such wine os they made in Pales­ and Pacific cables are said to he con­ A* i»n Autumn B|Mad Vo pthpr Variety fropt theatfaek of thia insect than any .'at ion, it induces a Anilbaketl with uMll Omii Equal Endive. . toff, as of one party Dike it as welt as a pie.. tine in the days of Christ, the evils of fronted with a serious problem as to W« cannot easily have too much; of other. Every {jttto white w« reoalve 'Other; and again Do you? - ■ .; ■ the drink habit would bo infinitely leas Insulation. What they are to use to caneSi from various, persons asking for . . ■ ■ it •* v . jj> ttmnitlojjr atoipgijw! cover tbeit foOffO subpmrine wires is al­ really good salad itfitterluL 'While’ilref! the cause of injury. This injury 'can > fiudi tiling as a But oh, what’ mUerub’e Htuffi f - W might extend five, if^own pf «o^i9|E :dge on the part of When passed through the stiU . There can lie ndvaHa argument drawn most as iniportknt» question as were lettuce very considerably' by successive be very easily detected from outside ap­ tlie other, and un, Anil I'ushionad to kllL from the Scriptures to support either the original preliminary grants, They pearances and when, the pane Is spUt yd never a drop of It touch. drunkenness or the occupation of mak­ want gutta percho, because that is the plapting, ahd perhaps hy shading dtir-' open it looks very much like the one in n nnd women are Would yout ing the summer heat,' or by the selec­ v win he parts of ing men drunkards; and the latter is material always used in long-distance tion of semj-Shridy locations, yet ft is tiie figure. ach more or less Behold the barley, all gold and bright! the mission of/.thu.f&lapn, ..ft is the submarine " insulation, and because trqo;thf)i thabpt ' ■ The snowy .tjrper; cricket {(Ecentho* o are. edncjttis^ ,in When fed to the hogs, school whereM . men are .tratnadto -Miit .there is no other substance tliat has yet seasonisA not fa- alveus) is the one that does tlie harm. Or oven the dogs, . debusing vice. The question of its sup­ been found to take its place. But the iNp doubt all have eeetr this’' white broadly educated, They fatten, but never get tight, supply is so limited that an attempt to vpfahle' •f'o Stil*1 HMiairi WXIQ ,tuple itt’O? v JRH’ 5 plants fqe, ialad gatearoft lin e Ck in lof othjjh'd latinu , .m eterlal thatare gave: th at ilun ru price *** well snlteci to Thef,'11"*1 I barley i me mi _ _ iyinff .. ____ _ *red thatbf meat the atmoSpbCrift' Tgo liord made them, all for nourishing food brother to oifend, X will eat no meat"— general. Just os platinum has almost conditions as s.s belongs to worn* ' But not fanhQ.poJsons that ciiuko men to die. that is, if anything, eyeh innocenco it- become the king of metals, so gutta A ,ox dwarf fonjid1 indm-jjdp ivomcn, andbnowl- ^-Dr. B. T, Cassa), la Union Signal. percha lias become the king of Insu- irrior class belongs i.elf, were a stumbling-block to aa- diiKEN.__ ( .summer .and, pi- A BIBLtCAL ARGUMENT. . k m - feitor^jii It was very cheap a' few tumn.' Sometimea we wonder why en­ e,v are men. f t is eial and economic question, there ib no years ago, but the demand has sent which should gov- dive," ^hidh. sthud#; foremost among Holt Bcfoiilew of tho Bum Power Con­ doubt that the abolition of the saloon it up to one dollar and seventy- these opr nntiumn saied pients,: i% pot tort Scripture to Help Their Cause. five cents a pound now, with a constant ^iaore appreciated by tlie "average home 'h ‘ T! i »1 ‘ ’i a? • "id ’’’.lii * . ft has Me ^i^dencr, It really makes *a line and a, CEcaatiiy* alveus natpralstee; ,1>, BpotltM.pf aigtBwhffcsf of-' thoae^AvRW cupporfcf oau "JK3t Wholesome salad, au ■. ,r J ... ’ 1 ; mona't that season- ^ The crickets be­ been prohibited in exprcsxSte^mmm^lhjl.'' i^'Vfo’i^i^w h ile Para rubber Seed may be sown’in. June or July, come full'grownUt this time and it is W * « girts Scriptures. They point ho ~— insi^toltr'm atoriai under or- build hei^Wjes oB: a and - trilHsplanted into rich, well pre­ then; that the female, in order tq propa­ thut the denunciations of | nnryych!cu|its|apq|s, it cannot with- pared soil, having rows about twelve gate her kind, instinctively becomes an fa^uja^ljprprizes. against those who abuse intoxicants; her loverwvilp iMgivilS ?*ft^Sd %he 'fbrceB‘ that attack it at the enemy to the raspberry producer. With fh e ia re , tel- that woes are denounced upon drunk­ up drink her sake the husband ia bed' of the ocean, nnd it is extremely not lively to ^to. , ,, a long . ovipositor which she know* |i|s|)Jd If trying - ards, hut nothing is* said About- thosef improbable that the projectors pf a how to use, fin incision half way through 1 vimpresstpn upon 'trho^fiSe wirfl4 sOtr/toWnship, Perry-eouhty? had;, em*! great cahle*Wllll fly Sn^^bbholabptoto the: cane iff made and- in this ' is from them admira- aisovpotnt rnt" Cana of brdees Uhbut sOventy-tWo squbre inileS experimentsAl.i.JA' 'with'"it tas i 1.. Wodld . h.Aillil Oil "i’v.- placed .a yellowish white egg about the women who are (Jalilee, the . firstofnrscox inethe wonarouswondrous wontsworks in its limits, and there is only one volved in a trans-ocean line. qne-eighth of . an inch long. Then. ' morally, mentally of ChrjsCi w WitWh, % bqttUTi r ,B|lfta, ?fhich is neither gpttj* percbnn others are placed by the side of this till those which have winatsfor thq;^b&5 W $ k s flarjes Where ,Avhi*ky, cattbe^purphased. nor imbber,'5bnt posse«glngr many of the . there are often fifteen oF more in a row co-education. The claim that it the use of wine were Thk women’s temperance committee properties as seenin thfe figure. The wood dies is been in talcing wrong. He certainly would not have ex­ of the world’s auxiliary congress. Miss 3 ^ ,* around the punctures and the cane of teu d hand, and since ercised His miraculous power to furnish France8B^f'^illafdrteha|rman^'’nmnbi:; ., rfs KNDIVK 11WAHF GREEX CDRX.EIl. dies above the wound, or is weakened ink,and investigate it. Again, they point to the historic twenty inembSrs^ aif weir-known \V. C. ^ quantities, 'oir fifteen*inches apart, and pMntsie* enough to break off. It may survive ' have made noble fact that wine in all those countries T. U, workers. The advisory council gum on the banks of the Orinoco which to twelve incites upart-in the rows, ’If the winter and not break till soma 1 their own behalf, . was thenn commonhgiy.erag^'end ifci.s connected wilh this committee qontains .makesnn immlnth'g material almost.as- planted too eax-ly it is liable to run up windy day when the foliage has'issued, manity in general, jtp" :'ab^t c^-pv er a, hundyed|iaih|^ ^ p|b<^* |g o ^l' iidi ;’ g^Ba ^a^itllB'ijapt .to seed. but a cane badly, punctured is almost ame stimulus,Jfor Argument by saying that because one inent women Who are belie vers in total* found in commerce. ' - ■ ' ’*** When large enough for -blaUchingj in worthless. ' i conditions f6r ac- man cannot control his appetite and abstinence from all parts of tlie world. Gutta percha which thus bids fair to September, oq October, tiie leaves of Strange as it may seem, the cricket , and they ’will be becomes a drunkard, it does not follow ; jTiifconfricence qfthe six North Ikn^ b* a mpre important article in the mar­ each plant are .gathered up and tied feeds on the raspberry at no time in its i to make^the most that all other men, especially those don branches of the British Women's ket than ever before, comes to us around their middle' with string or life. When the eggs hatch in early for themselves, the who do possess this power of self-con­ Temperance association sent the fbl- through England from the Malay pen­ matting. In about three weeks they summer, the young crickets leave the itor,—Reported try trol, sLuiU bedepcLyed of the privilege towing . resolution-to. William E, Glad­ insula, lndia,.fthd China. Jgutto, qr, as. ,>vill be-blanched enough for use. We canes and live upon plant lice at first of drinking in moderation. stone: “That as the sale of intoxicating it is variously written, gutah, gatta, have blauehed them in .less time, and and later upon ripe fruits and succulent »= for Women. This sounds well, but i|k does not liquors by grocers has resulted in a gittah, gotta, is the Malayan term tor very beautifully, by putting a large foods. The eggs are’' probably placed London - women is bear qlbsg . analy.gi% - I t wc^iild be . a great^mcrehse of drunkenness .amohjg; gum, and percha is the name of the, inside tbe canes for better protection f.. business as con- fairly g^od^a^hmihtiaf|the intoxicants •women; tibia ^meeting i^pdctifuTJlyxiills tree. The trees attain a hcight.bf from A from the depredations of predacions e o f’ city ccmfctova- of HiljH|a| fiai® |f’er« |tl|| »fMfs as thok# the; attention Of Rt-'lHbn^W. B. Glad-; sixty to eighty feet, with a diameter' and parasitic insects that would other­ ;es, balconies and' we hafelnMv| nq | flieir |#ekeAofe The. atohe,' M.;P., jto this faqh apcteojTicstly' of from two to four feet The wood is wise devour them. ; dHpcrsonnlly sup- snchmtl lfticw rteither toil art of brew­ entreats :the right honorable‘gentle-" soft, fibrous, spongy, and of p palp Every cane that contains the eggs of orders, employing ing or of distilling; they knew nothing man to take the necessary steps to se­ color, marked with black Hues, thes* this cricket should be cutoff below'the Egging. Once a of alcohol; it had never been separated cure the repeal of the grocers’ license being the reservoir* , of gutta percha. wound and burned. If care is taken in from tlie wine to;; whick it" wa$r yw»* actjpf 1860.|^J. «.• The gutta, as it flows from, the tree,ria doing this, the crickets for this year wly gardeners will of a grayish hue, although the market tite conservatpHes. dnCedby fermenwttpn. There prolm- • fSd, PaTKICk* J * v?have faken the will nearly all bo destroyed while yet’ rooms, elto and bly was not|* wine'^produced' in F*1ei£ teetotal pledgb, hi^e ye?’’ 'said ono product becomes almost black in its in the egg state and the caneff rih'xt fall tine, or in any of the .warm countries Irishman to another. “Indade and I preparatory processes. , will life nearly exempt from such at- ’ The collection of gutta perchh genet:' . ■ WHITE RATAVIAS. - * People wishing to of the ancient world, which contained have,” replied Patrick, “and glad in- tuck.—Gr, C. Davis, in Far m . Field and homes leavcf tlwir over twelvp.per cent, of alcoiml, mad.it dadq am I that I’ve , taken .jt.” “But,”, ally takes pi Ace directly after the rainy bottomless flower-pot over each plant. Stockman. ______season, as in the dxyjsehson the gutta The sort most'commonly grown in rge of the ladies. is more fjhah^'probfiblo*; th a t'^ ie imual Bdid .the other, “didn’t Paul tell Tim-’ proportioriwas but fltoor six p&Fcfent, qftiy'fo take $ litt|e wine fot( his stoih* docs not flow so rCadily. ’ Tbe yield of this country is tiie Pwarf Green CORN ROOT APHIS, vah icollfcge tis to a well-grown time of the best variety id Curled, shown in left figure of illustra­ raent, so popular is Tliey hid* ^thiditrj[^:..,the, fiatuxi. of toh,V*|ake anAf,Jtis often infirmities?’’, Method* Suggested for Succe»sfal!jr Over­ wliisky or brandy, or any other dis­ asked the dram drinker. “Faith, and if . from two to tfiree pounds. The natives tion. The single leaf also belongs to com ing it . g tsmoogv-aVomen, extract the gum by cutting down the that variety. The- figure «t the right l .occupy asoparato a . tilled liquors, in those daya he did, whut’s that to do with me? My I’rof. S. A. Forbes says: Along list of Thenfgpment- htqr btoli. madff, and i t ; Timothy, wi>d lhaven’t got itree at a'height of fourteen, or sixteen represents the broad-leaved White Ba­ the days' to theoret- to feet above the ground. Narrow strips tavian. observations in the field in early spring Tit. ■ , r has ihnlih’pvobdblUty; that id 'th e hot any stomach'ache';'* and since - £ left off unite in showing that the com root summers of Palestine—and the grape whisky I bavcn’t got any infirmities; of • bark arc then removed and are Of course this vegetable can bo and aphis takes its start only infields where E,R^AQ€|fJS»; ripens there during very w and’ , w-hatdo lAvant .wine for?’’—Hartford beaten, by the 'natives to accel­ is grown as a second crop, after peas, it occurred the year before, and that weather—to express the juice and at­ Bcligious Herald. erate ihe flow of milk or 'gut­ radishes, early cabbage, early 'beets, such fields arc, as a rale, more likely to ■vonien studying in ta,. which / is received into hol­ beans, etc.—l’opnlar Gardening. i tif this ’ country. • tempt to-ferment it it would pass at once Tun editor .of .tho Bluffton (Ind.) suffer severely from the attack. Tho fromtlie alcoholic ’fd ;tho: acetic stage, Bugle has U voting reaped' that'is hard low bamboos or in holes scraped twenty-five years in the ground. The next i?tcp in the POULTRY PICKINGS. early evolution of a partly winged e in t^e fand,was of fcrinentatlpp; witli the result of prd* to beat. He wns tiyenty-one Octpbe^ brood provides, however, for . so gen­ during:ilditivw* vfhegar; instead iHhfdiHil 'oV rt# f alcohoL alAftllhl •IS, 1830, and has voteozrEB,_ the'nep’ly- and possessed - intoxicating qualities In England, That which is exported to quently, that their numbers might bo Jorosfs; iff a phyai- this country is* oftentimes only the weeks old, and at that age should aver­ when drank to excess. This needs no Alcohol In France, age five pounds. greatly diminished in early spring by a physician, ighe argument, for the Bible is full of refer­ Late'returns Issued by the ministry refuse from the British shops, boiled such a thorough stirring of the soil, for the position, of fibance, indicate, that the consump­ over and remolded. . As the weather gets warmer more ence to drunkenness and drunkard*. care is necessary to pick up the eggs with disk harrows or other similar aer, who resigned The evidence th at Bible winee wijire tion of alcohol in France, which was The constant diminution in the sup­ apparatus, as would keep down the pmmt of ill health, ply of gutta percha was explained by an regularly; a day or two under a hen in never intoxicating i* very weak, aad larger in 1S80 than ever it was before, hot weather will spoil eggs. sprouting herbage in the tornfleld. Any ifllce of first rice wilt not stand the teat of thorough ex­ continues to increase, the tax upon importer in this way: If a Malay or A vakd is best for turkeys. While treatment of the field the preceding sum­ amination; though we believe it to he a a lc o h o l last yeaf having produced £H,-J Chinese wishes to plant pepper or any- mer or fall which should diminish the ra is making rapid fact that the great bulk of the wine 101 483. or nearly a million more than s thing else, he burns a portion of the i they should not beallonednfrecrange, number of seeds of pigeon grass or gher examinations consumed ordinarily Was a sweet grape n ,i;,i flip »m - nrevious. This is eouiv-1 forest, and when he has raised two or 1 at th e same time they will not hear Kmartweed maturing in tie com would ten to WOfcea, but juice, preserved by boiling, with per- ■lent to a consumption of 37,;’,'J5,000 three crops he clears a new portion, } close confinement as welt as other diminish likewise the chances o f sur* for women, which gallons of alcohol, and thare wa* an Thus finely-wooded spots become de- J fowls, haps a very ambit p e t cent, of alcohol* usually lay in June. j viral of young root lice the following or ^twoago, is be* and which Would require the drinking increase of consumption In every de­ nuded of trees and covered with rank ! Peafowls | year, lam told that these conditions cdcial lasUtntfon, of immense quantities within a abort portment, excepting the Haute* grass, rendering them unfit for further t Though-not generally used, they make are agriculturally manageable, and r wpwea to teach Pyrenees. The returns show that the cultivation. Again, to obtain the gum ! * Tcr>’ acceptable table foivL Their time to produce intoxication. the trees are cut dorm, none are plant- \ noise is objectionable, but they are very I have arranged for field experiments to w. The difficulty with those who argue consumption of spirituous liquors has j test these methods. raduate offW bnto as quoted above is that Uhey aafttme very much Increased in feU the large ,ed to take tlieir places, and the result is j ornamental. «* beehbetin^ as ' that the conditions existing hi that day towns, ydrying in different sections {that in districts where percha trees once IxccuATOtt ehlekens arc far less fia- lia r to Produce (ioail Cheese, m M other gnul- regarding intoxieahts warn practical­ from one and a half three gallons abounded only one or two can now be tde to be infested with lice than those A large amount of acid and moisture to found. A writer in an eastern- paper hatched under a heti if proper care is 2 is also taking the ly the as now. We have shown per headof the population* France is ' — A ...... in tbe .card at any stage causes the to wohienV ttiedi- that there were neither* m alt nor dis­ ....a *wine country, and a,M,T tills exhibitns is not says that in twenty years ovcl ainety taken to keep them clean at the start. cheese to be leaky, crumbly and mealy, —St. Louis Republic. 5 h«W proflmsfofiat tilled liquors at that time; drunken­ encouraging for advocates of the “wiue thousand piculs (of 1 4 pounds each) A small amount of acid with an ordi­ 1 intends to eptcr ness was by fto means the prevailing cure” for intemperance.—National of gutta percha were exported from The Care of Young Turkey*. nary amount of moisture causes a ttfii dfttsttmei vice it is to-day; in fact-, It ia aafa to TemporaWKJ. Advocate. Sarawak alone and that this meant the Young turkeys are difficult to raise. corky* open cheese with a smooth tex­ say that drunkeanesa was very rare death of at least three million trees.— My plan is to leave the young almost ture, and it goes off-flavor veiy shortly, ximttMAittu, a r... XtM irf vi*»*iw. N. Y. Times, „ rwomao, whovfa s then as compared with the present entirely to the care of' the mother. Milk should keep sweet three hours at recently passed a lime.. The prtly safe way of judging is The continually increasing produc­ When the young are hatched, itis well a temperature of 84 degrees. When the tion and consumption of intoxicants, —George W. Childs, of Philadelphia, tm > .m iSSrsidan to take the tenor of the teachings of to put them for a time into a lot where curd will draw out bn“* a hot iron one- *»**d oow the Bible, apply it to present conditions, beyond the relative increase of popula­ has among his treasures the little green they cad be watched for a few days. sixteenth of fin inch, it Is ready to have bg the first worn an and ate what would have been the tion, may well make the friends of tem­ harp' which belonged to Tom Moore and I t is a good plat} to let them run at the whey-drawn off, ' The acid should judgment of tbe inspired penmen,on perance" thouglitfnl concerning the which he carried into hundreds of large, in the day lime, but a t night they be developed after this rt a tempera­ modern alcoholism. present «Uid futurff of the temperanoo Irish homes; the massive Silver vase should bfe sheltered. Keep salt away ture of 03 to OS degrees for four hours, No argument can be valid that as- ttsforfii. Thff brewers and the native- presented to lleflfy Clay when lie was from the young, as a few grains will after which it Should bo cooled to IS de­ safnes the atattta ip- prevail­ win*, maker* both rejoice to hnweated at tiie height of popularity by the Whig kill any turkey. Turkeys cannot be grees, preparatory to salting and the «)*», soperititlrtd- production of beer and wine, and in ladies of Tennessee; .Washington's tininiotf echoed for ing at the time the Blble was written. raised successfully by a hen, as they press. The amount of acidity thru de­ Jfredfc prominence Kven if tiie drinking of ^he *mHd 'Wines, good market* for their wares as well champagne glass; cups, saucers and walk too fast for the young. A turkey veloped overcomes putrefaction, and «*e rMwi^Mth the larger proportion Of which were, While this condition continues temper- glasses which came from Louis Napo­ will nut walk 10 rods the first few days preserves the flavor and quality of tha « «t inT rim m as mem ani women must be on the leon, tiie late Emperor William, the after the young are hatched, while a cheese. Wc must make our chelae a* certainly Uon-intoxleatiibg* ifimrinittod W to i a i# fe 0 ^ h to e e tin g s, the pledge, late Emperor Maximilian and the ex* by the inspired writew[, - twit ; »o hen would tvalk that distance the first perfect in ati its stages as possible, and »e««s givefr them n e tio k v t their an- literature and other aganck* do their emperor of Brazil; a miniature ship, half hofir. Bast year 1 raised *1 tu r­ | make it so it Will retain its good qnali* ttttenmwt to

I I Jim Corbett, the eminent pugilist, TUB with whose praises a continent is ring­ ing, was once a humble blink clerk. ANDREW JACKSON, I AM INPIFSNPKMT WMKtY NNWifAMUI. sssasnsetfssBsasxssn^ Considerable wrong-doing proceeds *SVK0*r«K»B5r'f SATURDAY, JUNE, 6 1891, from A t kitchen. An eminent au­ thority says that food poorly cooked b a t u r d a y / m'm11".,."*,1 rniV i A.tTSSSSSSSS >-",ii 1 -.i-. 11 SUCCESSOR TO DUNLAP & CO, , creates a craving for strong drink. W. 1ST, BLAIR, Editor and Prop'r Among the interesting firings to be W. JI- BLAIR, . RRICI ■ l.«B RIR ANNUM, seen nt the World’s fair will be an ex­ ■DEALER IX- £SSTSMTBBf9fBSF!rTg&K&T!Q3&GSSr m^!!T3X act reproduction of the ship Columbus PRICE 1 1 .2 Taawtt ia raid to be ia AImIc* but added in when he discovered America. wlierei* thelteta? CIKUHUN Servia is a very good oountry in one ,/? % VJ. * A gubernatorial muddle and a plague respect, Every citizen has some sort *pr<>ul,Taatoaf J ofcaterpillan ire making thinga lively of freehold property. In a population of more than 2,000,000 there is not a B ,P . Chitrcb.—1 in the bind o f wooden nutmegs. pastpr.; ■SerrtoeH u single pauper. fciuiol at 10:00 a iiJ It has been decided by a jurist of >1. IS. Cburcli.- etiquette that atrawberrie* should un Philadelphia has a boy who does tor. PreachluK at ofliool, a* a. il der no condition be eaten withaapoon. not permit sentiment to interfere with Yoims l G0P'e a , A NEW STOCK OF urnyur ineetiiig A grip bactlluabaa been caught and development^* a criminal. Hie stole 7:00 its picture taken. By all means the his sisters wedding ring the day before U .P. Olinrcli. . the ceremony. wastor. Service*] photograph should be put in the Mi- jiaiibatli acliol SIDING, FINISHING, FLOORING. SASH, DOORS BLINDS. AV. iI- fllmrcl rogue’s gallery. Greene county has a teacher by the •gator. ServW-erf •ijXK) p »u oacb Baft The Republic of Switzerland is little name of Pancake. A recent Philadel­ phia society debutante bears the name S:00 * in. j but it has lots of staying power. It ' ltaptiat Clmreli of Pinecoffln. New Mexioo has lmutor. l'reACliid wiU celebrate its sin hundreth enni- 1 lain, M>ui 7:00 p,l •Tertsaiy in August. preacher named Innocent Wolf. a:O0 o’cloelr pm; I noaday iiiglit; 1 A Pennsylvania man was a penta- A very rare casualty is a collision gamist, and he was just ou the point between a ship mid an ommbuJV but A large stock, All sizes, Readyfbrhangiag, at ■of becoming a henagamist when wife one is just reported from Hamburg, A DOOME! No. 4had him locked up. The bus was crossing a bridge; and the vessel poked her jib boom into it, but low prices. Estimates furnished on application, for A t . gtsxtumri A physician has been enatnining nobody was hurt. hie qulse every day for five years, and from a mass of statistics has educ­ anything in the line of Lumber. gurirlca t®, Bccol A man was recently sued for libit •» a d UnBt for " ed some valuable physiological infor­ in Canada. The defense was made ------—eaalami mation. * * • that the plaintiff’s character was so high that it could not be libeled, as no Monday, Lieut. Peary started for I t is not * one would believe any statement detri­ the North. His object w to find the Hfect upon that I mental to it. The defense won, but CALL AND ZEE FOR YOVBSELVE8 . innion will decat northern end of Greenland. He will Whole oontimsnl bunt for that country’s missing side at what a price! ■wilderness inluj Yet this is the - oiTjfeoL The Chinese goverment takes a vig­

1 madf) an attempt to atari. 1 t h e h e u & e d . “ Btit the Caucasian, if the scjentlfie men are to he believed, will not be able A«J |N1)EX'KNI>KNT WKKKLY NKWbl'APKlt. .to support existepee on thia hemisphere PURIFY YOUR BLOODi after the capital, In: the way of agri* 1# A KAxTOH-KA, the greatest. Blood Purifier. cultural and mineral resource*, has been ■ I s Liver Regulator and Tonic e v erk n o v m , Jspny exhausted, as it {most be soon. He will * n i l * pared In Nature’s Laboratory by Nature’s Chll- »» {SATURDAY, J U N E , 6 1891V -.i. ^ _ dren—the Warm Spring Indlansof the Pacific Waatyrara. AM disappear. The natural question la by Slope, among whom Its preparation lias been Cflwmtows—^ly. what process? It la very evident When Cl Ml I I I M a a sacred legacy from generation to generation W i l i m Z “ ir. //. JiLAJJi, Editor and Proper a superior race becomes poor and there­ ,N w l v for unnumbered yeaw,yearn, .It .itls is purely purely vegetable, vegetable,, *i’ . ‘m/? London.....^..-.... •* ♦ 10 I by unable to maintain its superiority, sod goes directly to the seat or nine-tenths oil 8i Otaruifton... “ ff90 I it . lapses into- thetfcptpiitioo ,'ef, ’poor : BNm»...... “ the ills of humanity—the blood—and its won-l i f t Oedsrrllte.,,,...... “ PRICK • I,SB PtR ANNUM. White,* If you* wlii Journey* through derful work of restoration begins with thefirst Wtibsribro* ___ «. the south md take notice of the man­ KA! dose, health and strength surely following. 3CSl*llSi*....,....1 ■ ' ner in which such conditions as those taring Valley... 11.:. have become ftive, you wiU.^per- Xbixsnns ...... o mfti €IICK0M»1KKCTO11Y. . l atl. WsynMVlU *“ 153019 ion ■..... eive that the*' t do?# in this ha does OrogoDts...... rs«i ... ttxc ... ' $ % & r-.\ A pj ray become thi incapablvof tuts, I II ortief'M U i Hediplst CommT.Corrr.PL Fort Ai nrienti-., ‘ “ - Oovou^tira |N|v • *r. . eventuf Movrow^.^.,....- “ BEE.9«)ttU m tiprout,- PaMVo* ; 'K i^ilar. jlorvloeB ' ihing f Booth Lebanon.. “ 11:00 h . svjtte. In .... he, lopes hlf it ■ 4 ,JU^ ...... tovCint.,., ..... “ 62010061 i in the i Mll«>*jl.„...,“ 1638 ■ i t * It, P.‘ Ohibrolt,—Ksvy; J. iff. M ort.... atloj^. a m : BatavlsJe.—..... nasknir. JterYiOBH »t:SLNQ*a >»; Hubbatit nj "’i.arqugu the progressive exhaustion BANK OF CEDARVIILE Oliaclwwstt__ sr. riwb.ap ndhom at 1(1:00 a m , . a t the resources,of the country state Bevlew or the Rraaee lleidlcal’ and Am am FM FM _ M. E. Church.- Rev. G. L. Tufta, pan* after state will neceasarily become«un­ ■urgtoal Institute, Columbus, O., General Baukiiig ie * tor. PreaohltiK at MrfS n m; Sabbath inhabitable, because it will bo. incapa/ Maafeward,' AM nftiool at 9:30 a. 111.; «I«hs , 3:*N> p, »«,; Without cbaiuk aw> without ClwalwMStf.....lv He wi 00 ft Young People’* meeMi»'< at 7:00 p in; bleof supporting, a population. Thus VIUUUDtCC. Bitsines Transacjlcd. liatavtA Jc...... “ rsao prayer meeting Weiinemlay evening at will come about the depopulation of la reviewing su establishment snob as Milford'...... •• 8,45 ... one Btate after another—of course by a l^veland...... “ €06 t'4t 7:00 this, its importance ss regards the MtabUah- Geo. W. llorper.Preii. Bouth lataaoo.. “ ,902 U. V, Church.— Rev, J, ip. ITarnoolf, slow process through many years—and IbmSitself cornea eeooBdttry to the toteroate Morrow...... »• 91C pastor. Services. at ll;00a.ni and 7 p there will bo presented the remarkable *f Ns patrons, and it is the Interests of tbs W . Ii- Clem»B*. Cashier. Fort Ancient...... “ hi latter which holds the plaoeof pre-eminence Oregonia' ...... “ n MNOS. ; Sabbath school at (0:04)am pbenpmehon of the dropping ■ from the In this Journal.' At we make no charge end Wsynesvlllo .....« A V*. IS, Church.—Hev. A. C, Npivfey union of these states successively, be­ receive no per from the Institution; but rely Individual assets principally invested in Real Qoxanna ...... “ r70» — Spring Valley....." ■astor. Services at 11:00 a in ami cause they have come to . be no longer upou those who patronise it for our regular Estate $200,000. ' 730^9® *7:00 p m each Sabbath; Sabbath school entitled to representation under the and assured income, wa do not. take fit to M—f r ___ .{?;• 7SlOQO *:(H) a in. . Jtaw by senators and reprorontstivee. consideration wtiat those Who conduct feucli WHbrrforce...... 17^. mwi Baptist Church. — Kev. D. M Turner, institutions desire should be said, but from Cedarville.___ _ “ pastor, Preaching •every Sabbath at ‘‘Nevada will simplnb« the first state *n» standpoint of the patron who dcseres s Selma...... ** to'succumb to the opdration of this in­ cle«;.deflnlM and truthful exposition, wo ■So. Charleston... “ emioes 11 a in. aiul 7:00 p lit; Sabbath .School at make such,, usking no pay from the eetub- CHAS. E. SMITH’S liondou ...... “ 8941040 lIK Sg, 2:00 o’clock p m ; Prayer meeting Wed* evitable liw. The outlook is melan­ West JeflSrson... “ 842.1.. tew* riesday night; lishment, and only the confidence of those Alton^ ______« choly, Thet is not to be denied. It is who read our report upon the eeme. Cal«MthBs.„...;,ar. ... RWIItei?! ndt pleasant to consider the frame of Henoe, tlie report bcrewiMi followlnr, being Is the place for you to get 'a smooth mlmlFMja? mind of the last civilized' man an tltis nnblssed ahd unpaid—free.of prejudice and ag, at continent a few centuries hence, stand­ made solely and alone lor the publics pro­ BelwHn »prisatoW, Xasla aN fiNtw. I A DOOMED CONTINENT. tection—may bo impUolty railed upon shave or a stylish hair cut. ing on a sand hill, where once the maize throughout, . Westward. luxuriously,grew, and shedding a silent The correspondent In reviewing the Francs Rpr*na*eld ...lv. tthn Startling Prophecy of a Noted tear of affection on the past of a, conti­ Mediesl and Hurgiosi institute at Columbus, Yeltow Springs. “ on, for nent which is given up to savagery O, has been neither led into exalting that Over, Ths Bank of Cedarville. \ ■ Scientist. . institution from intorestai motives, nor so X cm Iw. { | evermore.’’ : the other Imnd in lindcifating It from the - —.—... i .... \ ruottrer ot solf-interestr which Inspire irre­ D sytea----- Iff* . . A Uf«at tlaut. - (fimdrica tw.JBecome Gradually Cxhaasturd sponsible, unreliable and disreputable pa­ W.* F , T R A D ISR Blchreowd ...... ' aad Unfit for th* Abode of tin Cau­ John Knox is the town marshal of pers, which single out success and ability from envy, which causes the Uttle to ever casian Civilisation Lexington. Go., and is well equipped Bast word...... —, physically for his ^duties. _“A_few_days despise those greater than themselves. With ..the usual cpread-eaKle ‘and .fulsome R lehB in* ...... lv, i* r . ago be had occasion to arrest three evil­ euloglum of paid write-ups this paper has Attorney At Law. ■ It is not a comfortable theory to.pe- doers in a bunch, lie gathered one no sympathy—nor lino ft more for these 1 Ba/M»— pestifewns insects which would sting that ftect upon that state after state of the" under each arm. their legs dangling in upon which they cuunot feed. Dr. W. A. NO. 9 EAST MAIN STREET, OP- Xewlw...... f [union will decay like Nevada until this the air -and-drove the third along in Eranos is a power in the profession to which Yellow Springs, whole continent shall become a barren front and in that way proceeded to the he belongs aud no man in the country has * p ria |fi« M ...«ar. wilderness inhabited only by savages. calaboose, when oil three prisoners done mare to bring medicine and surgery to POSITE COURT HOUSE, were locked up.’* . . . tfant state of perfection which entities SSunday atop. bStops to dlwbtue pupea- Yet this is the prophecy recently made them to be known as exact sciences. gen received east of Morrows . ■ \ ‘by Prof. Otis Mason of the bureau of He . •has prsoUoed -for * ' gears, Dark Face* Trse Oatta* tjw t a l.M f.n.bl.00 Some Queer People. as^liptlwCMUIasaMIts (ethnology of the national museum. The achieving a wonderful reputation In G; L. P sikr, D. t«. b. Esku Ukynoldb , d. d. a {professor said: There is now living In Madrid, eayB a his cures p i long standing obropio dlseaseis and now seeks to occupy a larger field and “In order that this may he under- Spanish exchange, a lady belonging to ______itmrgh or connect tnrongh l a distinguished family, who has been benefit an increased number by widely ad­ bnrgh Union Station from and to Baltimore, {Stood, it is first necessary to explain vertising. Against such humanitarian in­ rAIHE & REFOLDS, Washington, Philadelphia end New York. tthat *■’ is vreRtern part of the world, confined to her bed for the last fifty tention ethics and the dry rotof the medical No*. l 7* (ms* a t oonneot. at Richmond for ilmown as North and South America, is years. A highly esteemed physician, in rofewlon may beat Ita head in vain. Dr. l ndisnapoUs and St. Lou la. Nos. a t wad * the province of Galaoia, has kept his ’ranee is an intelligent skilled scientistand tor Chicago- Jto, • for Logsnsport. 'from the scientific point of view an in- an honor to the. proiession. its is weli- JOSEPH WOOD, E. A. FORD, iferior continent as compared with the bed for the last sixteen years, merely fpost«t and keepa in touch with the latest. DENTISTS !i for the enjoyment of the thing, fie has and best dlsooverles in uicdical science—a ♦Mmllttiger, Smral FuMagw Ipri, pond masses of the other hemispheres, Xenia National. Bank building, corner UU-K Pittsburgh , Pxsx ’a . illy that is m eant that, while superior to Ucvcr gotnp;during .the whofe of this dAp readerppd1 profound fhlnssr. Against For tlmecarde, rate* of hire, through ticket*, ‘Europe, Asia or Africa in' point of veg- period, and as he cannot go to his pa­ such s man and his wonaertui: skill paid t a m n checks, and further Information re­ critics may write, and> thhfe "cribbed, cab­ Maiu and Detroit Sts., Xenia, O. garding tile running of trains apply to any (etable productiveness. It is less adapted tients, the totter come to him. He enjoys ined and confined” by moee-oovered ethic* * a cent of the Funnsyl vanla Lines, tor the support of animal life. To show a high and ever increasing reputation, Vitalized Air and Nltrou* Oxide Caa used tor the PAH* LASStatrac- ■ . W. R. Torrence, Agent Cedarville,O- hat this is so make « little comparison so that his house has become a much tlonofTeem. e frequented resort for pilgrims from all r yourself between the beasts a t this list of puree effected by Dr. France and iephore and those of tho other. The parts of tho country; We are here re­ his cespe of trained ; assistants. Dr. pliant of the old world is represented minded of an episode in the life of France, in addition to his own raoog- ire by the tapir. What we have as a Charles XII. of Sweden. After the un­ nlrod ability, has brought to his sfil A . J" OitMvrGitti, J. II. Lackey lucky battle of Bultova he took refuge, - the trained and intelligent services of com­ Isnbstltnte for the Camel is the llama, petent assistants—aud in all matters t er- X enia, O. Jaiucsiotvii, O. UNtCQUNMTEOWITH IKE QtQMMHV 0FTH1S COUNTRYWtUOfTfa which is just big'enough and strong with a< few followers, on Turkish terri­ talning to ths institute, rare executive abil­ MUCH V tlU U ti INF0RUATI0N fKOU A tTUOTOF TH1IKAP OF THE , {enough to cany'what would be a load tory. It was hero—at Bender—where ity ana >buslnese acumen go hand In band {for a man. The lion and tiger of Asia the king toy in bed for the space of six­ with tberoughnese aud wise discretion. No* Crawlord & Lackey teen months, and nothing could per­ iastituilon ever invceUgated offers such a | land Africa are represented on this side desirable combination of advantages as docs , iot the earth by little more than big suade him to get up, young, strong and the France Medical and Surgical Institute. BREEDS FANCY feats. ’ hearty though he was. Uetook his bed The remedy known se Olive Blossom, com­ “But to arrive at the most marked through sheer obstinacy, and in tho pounded tu.der ths personal supervision of hope of thereby inducing the sultan to Dr- Franoe and embodying in tie Ingredients ■exhibition of this contrast you cannot, and wonderful power the long experience itlo better than consider the monkeys?* pay him the first visit. and great judgment Of his master mind, pre­ Poland-Cliina Hosts 'which are moat highly developed of all sents to suffering women the panacea which i ‘beasts, approaching veiy nearly to Paper Boats la the Navy. has long been sought and makes good a con­ The navy department is about to be­ summation most devoutly wished for by (man. What is there to be found in the those whose sympathise ore with a long suf­ {Americas to correspond with the gin tho experimental use of paper boats, fering eex. Olivo filoecomie unequivocally anthropoid apes of the old world? The and for this purpose a paper whale-boat the greatest discovery In tbit nineteenth cen­ [gorilla, which uses a clnb; the chim­ gig has been purchased, and will bo put tury era of rare development and le par panzee, which is easily taught to wait aboard the next vessel fitted out at the excellence the woman’s friend sml suffering New York navy yard. This boat effects humanity to rarest boon. The editorie! de­ ’upon rite table and perform other do­ partment of tills pape* has nevorbelore Ciiicap, E dc I IsM & Pacific R f, mestics dutie*, and tho ourang. which saving in weight of abont fifty per been used to Indorse proprietary medicines, cent, over the ordinary wooden boat of bat this remedy wo gladly reooaimond, as hi The Direct lioute to end from Chlctgo, Joliet, Oitiva, (presents so many likenesses to the dotsg se we resllM that ws at* hassling IVorls, l^i Salle, Rock Iithml, In ItUKOlB; ■ human being, are represented on this ths some pattern, and it is said to be AVo have for HiIh «oh 84 Oaandl ■aids of the world by miserable little world for the purpose for which it to de­ uotiio largo growtliy jdgH' of boili every respect. The cost is about the afened, and is worth its weight In goto—for nruffa, in IOWA: MtnnnpoU* and St. I’ittt, la MIX- • 'monkevs with tails. me. “Some experiments, have already sexes. Price* to suit the lime*. Also NKSOTA: W»t»rtown and SloSr Fall*. In DAKOTA; , “Thus it la that this part of the earth tils tefaUibte where all others fau—it h u 3 extra Short-llom bull calves. Call C»m.ron, St. JoH|>hetui Kaon* City, In MISSOURI,; made which show that the boat h i m been knewa to fail la time ef need. lie termed aa inferior continent, because We Indorse no other medical laititutio* is on, o” addreea as above. Omaha, /.tncoln. Falrhu.-y and Mrlaon, In XKBRA8KA; !His notable to produce or support Such ean be submerged for an indefinite Alc)iiM>n, l*avcnwnrtli, Horton. T.iptka, Hulchlaioa, length of time without the material be­ Colambue, rave the Franoe Medical butt- Wichita, Bellerlll*, Ablleut, Doilf* City. Catdvull, la ‘high developments of animal life as tuts. It was incorporated to 18M, with * KANSAS; KlnrOrhrr,F,l RmtCand Mlaco,laIXDUH coming water-soaked or otherwise ds- Nmhm !!*<** t. rianpottofwlw •r«a4dttt '•are found in the other pert. Ctvjlked Mattel sftXXVMO. Xe other stallareatab. Wutk f«r tie, t>* Alma IVff*e A M lIft, TEUJUTORY: Dcnv*r, Oolnrada Sprint* aad ltordl ri*f/; BLUFFS and OMAHA, SBd tenrica UHfCAQO aad fe o f f in e |«edHllf!t-> V . tf fdlirttoWhfritkty IlESVKR, COLORADO SPRrXOH And TVEMLO, Via 'tkm. Ap forth* stete of Nevada, we com* and all akin eruptions, and positive­ *•*« t * , t \ ktrf *f!;*,iitl kk*v gfttrf (neirvDwatli Iritf. ftriMMif KANSAS CITY and TOPEKA and via ST, JOSXPH, Shave not been then twenty-firs years ly core* pile*; o ta o p required. tf It i* ^ |ia«r w earn »krt» TB#«**t4 IMftrU N A Favsnbto ImpreMtoii. Tttff$30001 ki I keif own iftf-ailtito.ri ir* t v n ;»«r U*«.I wD! *!fe*RirRtoh Flrtt-CIa* iHr Coachw, FREE- RKt'LININfl CHAIR ta d Ifereeomraee haw* been exhausted, guaranteed (ogive perfect satisfaction, tk# ihfiAtiaktefiniilApRHinMi *(>li k ft* mn e *m Ibtl mbvh L CARS, and Palace Sleeper*, with Dtntng Otr Serrke. 'la other words, it will almost fanmedi- A favorable iropra*»Iort to Invar* or aiaMj* refunded. Price 35 cent* N« fitokfMjr Rrf WMf»^je***flrre**Yof*»*ta?f#. R«*H/Nk4 ^Mtoklr Cine* connection* at Denver Mid CnleradA SpritifA with Pant IrifWHi I km en< fwtit f acfc dbKkltfpnoiWft 1 dlrenrinr rallwAy line*, now fenaiag tit# a»w Aad ifrejybs wsabie to support a population. um bos, For ante by B. G. Ridgeway’* klYlllmAliMjlil an4 rtetlde i tvEik e e x c e l l e d . (their Hviag there, aad it la simply a raseetkm of s short time when R wilt healing virtues. When th* lungs UM6 WAIST awl PERFECT HIP O ffice of D ittok A G ali -iv , Over which Mp#Tt>lr‘4fri**#4 tralat rint dally ‘becomeadead Mate aad so become irritated and Inflamed by a CFFCCT mo eaty tt pmdatod saoossslWfe Dealers in line horse*, Columbia, O. THROUGH WITHOUT CHAMOE to ahd ftea* tnH Itheoenditioaof aVstritory • I t i l City, Ofdes Aad Dm Fr*nd*c«. THE ROCK. severe cold, or the nasal passages se­ GKNTLEMKN—Early last spring one ISLAND M a Im Uw trtrect aad ravarllA Llae to aad c o . 'b k to revive into the living eoodlt of our horses wa* seriously Injured from Manttoe, Plke’a Ptok and all ether Aaaltarr Bed midstebelf it VMM * district oa th* crete a thin, watery fluid, and * heavy by being kicked. Arabiau Oil wa* •oeale meruanddUr* and mialardMristola Cetorada. teooe. dull feeling Is present In th* forefield ™DUPLEX recommended ton* and we gave it a D A ILY FAST XXPMCSS TXAINM “The peiafal rsfieetkm toeUkatto 1 s> then th* nuicoua membrane ts irri­ trial. The 'result was not only satis- Fran M. Joarph and hTiatoa Cttv to aad ftww All to* ithe aubjasiis tb*V other *i*te«, If not factory, tout aurpriaitig. The wound portani town*, cities and atoitas* fa Boathars NehrMka, v t tated, and It become * ihattor of great t ' [til of thean, are destined sooner or licaled rapidly, ami the aiihnal was Katana and tha Mdlas Territerr. Alea via ALBERT flMsr telfflUowNevada’s e« Bnpi*. Th* moment alto th* ••mdles we seek LEA ROUTE Stem Kama* Clip and Chleaes la Water­ ready for u*e in * few day*. Since town. Mm * Pall*, MINNEAPOLIS and ST, PAUL, tVofrfrtioa oa this eoatineat ecaaot and employ, that may he at least AOJUNTANLC that tltiie we have by ltd use cured eonnoctlehg tor alt point* north aad aorth*rt«l hMweos e a r lavneiisrfiy swrrivs the ****** of tab- ‘powerless to Impair that which they OVER THE HIP a number of cases of scratches and re­ Um (akto rad Um Padde Oaaat, itirienee afforded it by the eoernUy. t i mu moved gome bad case* o f curb. Ara­ For Tick*!*, Map*, FoMrw, ef that red tstonsatiw v k l e ny * » a fir* Inadequate to remedy. Jackson's appty to Any timpen Tlcktt Otfca toU m UaH*d Matos ’tihsit srisnee segrs to trae, th* tridfr A N Y FO R M bian Oil is undoubtedly the best gen­ ef Canada, er add row isua has got to go. There be* been Wlkl Cherry and Tar Syrup to no eral Stock Lintmout that we eirer *tellc t* theeNeov thattheChlaess awnt ’ iMtsstdy, ilVteg ' ff. RY. JOHN, JOHN tU M T lA N * cheap preparation, h u t to mad* with Itortsst Case and need, and we advise Farmer* and inalsb, batitiaset be- i Odliititi .tbit A view of doing what we say It will. -QblifaHiP- Ilorrotneti to keen a stiiqdy of it in rVilttasagar, 'o«11U.*IW .i*. >Wi*Ry ’ Hhsyare m f Mtob better sdi»*»il t* .j— _— „ jssras*. vrokh win. tote ,'W : enftii»,tu> Q ms dot* will rsltov* the cold and tliefr stable* at all lime*. Your* Re­ tint***. TK*y Y^^^i w—NNNN- spectfully, D itto* A Galmx . ttef « * * .ami*' ddssgyig 'aAudhd^u&od . 'roSShwStorttotofc ** riMVthsy win iwryir*m ber*. aad- ss^ ^ arva.'S: We offer #100 for * case of Scratches WANTED Nb*t they trill eoatiaae la worst cold. Prira 25 and <60 cent*. titotratosti Wswfsd. area orodeirM. Arabian Oil will not cur*. For *ak» by B. G. Ridgway. 1 the riv&iitNf m ju g * For sal* by B* G* Bldgway. MWTHCC m i C$., t e k m , Hick. A one line “Add” here,*

1 0 } HOUSEHOLi r ARQHEf ought t* do, nnd you should go Arana Bprtfterw 1 POINTS ABOUT ARCHERY. _AVhenmaking’ - 4 thought I might venture to come in." on your bended knees—not to him, but How J**w» nod Arrow* Should Be MjuU half teaspoon more to God, to thank Hun for having given Though Grace glanced at him coldly than sods, as thn ^ again m and refused the band he stretched 'sad How Used. 1 yon a son with such spirit. Tears, in­ Things will never he again as they cream of tartar mi ;j.s ^ Crde; deed! If he was my lad, this would bo towards her. Miss Ruth beamed upon him her sweetest smile, for this elderly were when the archers at Crecy and Btiffm*. 0 fate of th the proudest moment of my life*” Agineonrt decided the fate of the bat­ —Beat the yolk > to do a This was a day of surpfiscato the lady loved the shabby ne’er-do-well with the blind affection of a woman— tle. Bat if it has ceased to do serious o n the top of rusks v no prettie minister’s friends, In the morning he business there is now no prettier pas. putting them into !(j j,y the bo had astonished those w ho'had known perhaps because she had brought him makes that shine ( carrje8 wj, up from childhood and showered so many time than th at afforded by the bow and him for years by his display of oratory; arrow, and it always carries with it a cad cakes. history and to-night he literally paralyzed Miss favors on him. < gilded retrospect of history and rom­ . _-To loosen read Ruth, whose tongue heretofore had James Lawson's brief career had been meteoric and full of trouble. Loft as a ance. to cut the slime, tories conce been accustomed to wag in perfect un­ , They teU terrible stories concerning restraint, by a sadden assumption of baby one night on the door-step of a make firm sen ow and art farmer’s house, he had been saved from the efficiency of the bow and arrow in them. Sen bass ai rrovv having authority. ancient warfare, an arrow having been to scalo and clean. . t warrior'a a “Silence, Ruth,” he commanded. the tender mercies of the poor-bOuse by the compassionate Interposition of known to penetrate a warrior’s armor, -Oil-cloths »h<> 1 ddlo and k “Mrs. Besant came here—where sh® had leather jerkin and saddle and kil l his a right to come—for consolation in the the minister, who had given the waif used upon them, a - pierced a hour of need, and ! will not have her and stray a home in Ills household and, borfce, besides having pierced a steel the colors and tl t, while mu As-she clasped her loved one’s hand annoyed by yonr senseless gabble.” While never legally adopting him, bad plate two inches thick, while many an greatly benefited 1 jffor to his arrow has pinned a rider to his horse. A Story of the Late War. she turned on the pastor eyes full of Senseless gobble! .For thirty years brought him up under his care, -With as If a thin coat of vs ow has heei bitter remonBtnince; insomuch that Ruth Brentwood had ruled her brother much consideration for his welfare as In the old days an-arrow has been shot a year. f one tho the good mftn hesitated and. stammered a distance of nearly one thousand —A Splendid L ay p*m«A(iD aiGSBY, with uncontrolled austerity, and now though he had been a blood relation; under hoy appealing glance, and only he hod turned, .upon, her with a rude* Which kindness he bed returned by de­ .yards. To one quart of fi hows in Author of “ Loyal a tlM t.” “ X r LAay’fantaa- recovered himself with an effort for the nefls and vulgarity, which so over­ veloping in early manhood such a reckr They had all sorts of hows in those or one egg, one ti 5--whose a Uo," “XUm’a OnHtt.lacxat." vjrau . continuation of his address- • Among Thlevea," Etc. powered her that she sank upon a sofa less instinct for vice that Mr. Brent­ days; tho cross hdvvs—whose arrows two teaspoonfuls ,. more prg The sermon ended at last, and the ex­ wood had been driven to turn him they called guorrois, more properly or one egg with tl , French q cited congregation, after the manner pf in speechless Indignation. , v Copyright, 1891, by A* N. Kellogg Newspaper C*. “And now, Mrs. Besant,” the pastor adrift and refuse to have any thing to quarrels, from the old French quarre, cup of warm w . navp head- country folk, lingered awhile to ex­ began, soothingly, turning . to . the do with him. But James Lawson hod on account of the: squave head--were yeast. Makeup' sieges. B tAZ AFTER L change idc:is-T-chiefly, in this .instance, widow, “let me ask you—” t » Used in sea fights and siegCB, But the troit Free Press. , ,g bow, whi O n BUHDAT. unreliable news from tho scat of war— “Ask me nothing, sir,” was the pas­ elegant.bow was along bow, which (al­ —Rhubarb Pie many poqp ' T was the Lord’s hqrripd fpssily away to their homes, though in one form many people ,\m stalks into small aoms cap nsi Mr. Brentwood' did not occupy tho sionate reply. “Tell me, simply, will Day—the d a y you try to undo the evil you have dope? now draw with ease) none can use with tie water to prev .ness, andgr of all others parsonage, but lived in his own home­ the strength, and swiftness, andgraceof until tender, .add ime of the stead, a pretty farm-house, well out on It is not too late even now;1 you have when peaceand great influence over my boy, and a the archers of the time of the early sauce three well * the use o: good will should the outslrirt of tho village, near where word from you might turn him from his Edwards. Even after the use of fire­ piece of butter, a ,v»y the Ion; h a Ye reigned; the river wound its way out of the or­ arms was well under way tho Ions how and a little nutm- as lately as chards into the bolder scenery of the 1 fearful purpose.”.. but the Nation “And that word, my dear friend,”Mr. was delighted in, and as lately as in tho one cru st—Bostt u Elizabeth ■;W'hi.s vi if the mohntain landh. It was a quiet iretired \ time of the-great Queen Elizabeth there spot, well adapted to the studious hab­ Brentwood .said, sadly, “can never he —Egg Salad.— E thr^° tho throes of civil spokep. If Frank were, my own son, was a mass meeting of three thousand erv or lettuce let assed, deec wav, ( a n d the its of its occupant, wliowas a far bet­ archers, ' specially" .massed, decorated ter read man than.his parishioners had he could not bc dearer to. me, but---” six fresh eggs t ^ '“lccl ^y 1 tide of men’s The widow heeded .him not. Grace, j with gold ..chains, .attended by pages, they are thorou * “V the q evil pussions any idea of. His household was small, notwithstanding her first repulse, had j and met and reviewed by the queen. shells and cut th ww are o swept over the consisting simply of his sister Ruth and I Now the bow and arrow are only a granddaughter Grace — the former a nestled to her side, and was standing on the lettuce ai asure takm; land—even over with hands clasped on . her arms, her j feature of summer pleasure taking, but naise dressing. tlways rca the quiet valley lady of uncertain years and temper, big oyes moist with tears. To her Mrs. 1 their exercise will always remain a nished with pars H,t7- , of the Muskin­ whose periodical fits of irritability were Besant turned almost fiercely. thing of grace and beauty. Ladies’ Home Jo s™»y be, n| compensated for by splendid qualifica­ •The bow should usually be, if held gum, with its sleepy agricultural vil­ “Why are you silent, girl? I thought —Solutions o f lages and pleasant homesteads. Even tions as a housekeeper and a strong af­ you loved my boy. Have you no word up besides- its bearer, as long; as the . Jot. nly live feet fection for her brother, whom the neigh­ bearer is tall or certainly five feet long, known to bq fat. ^ niadft Qi the hamlet of Meltonburg—the last to add to my prayers that may make Which, cause ^ so { ^ e in; the world whei-e you would bors said she ruled with a rod of that cold old man more human and less at a venture. It is best made of $wo >. looked for excitement—was on iron — tho latter a, sweet girl . of different sorts of wood joined, the grain eighteen, whose radiantsmile— and_ dutiful? Speak! Perhaps he may listen “ i THOUGHT I MIGHT VENTURE IN. out affecting the tho °' ethis holy day in unusual commotion; and to you.” running different wavs, the outside iside piece winning ways made sunshine in piece curved, the inside piece flat organisms in tl the scene of this mental disturbance There was a painful pause. The girl cunningly managed to keep on the Among recent, d eacia are was, of all other places, the village the old man’s house. She was the ac­ blind side of Miss Ruth, and that good Asli and elm, and acacia are excel­ knowledged village beauty—a trifle bowed her head and was silent, , church, a building whose walls had “What!” Mrs. Besant cried, in a lady had never ceased to befriend him, lent woods for the purpose. It can f ater “ ^ . harrei stave short in stature, perhaps, but with a surreptitiously supplying him with be whittled out of a barrel stave. In fungus yew a great never, since the early settlers had first hoarse whisper, “you against me, too!” may be arrestee are hewed its rafters from the virgin forest- form exquisitely molded, expressive xn&ans out of her very limited resources. England they use the yew -a great deal eyes, •which spoke with cvpry glance, She shook Grace from her with a pas­ trees, tesoiinded to any thing more stir­ sionate aversion. “I’ve come to wish you good-bye," Sometimes the ends are tipped with ring than a condemnation of rural sin- a healthy complexion that let the the young man said, lugubriously, giv­ horn. The string is preferably of blush quickly suffuse the cheek, yet “Oh, no, no,” the girl, pleaded. “I fective.—N. Y. via\ p tto a - ners or an invocation to a gbdlicr life. would do any thing in the world for ing his hat, . which he carried 'in his hemp, bound about tightly with sewing The pulse of. the place was throbbing which had nothing of the pink-and- hand, an extra nervous twirl. silk, where the arrow is apt to abrade —Those who ■ wliito hectic loveliness so dear to lady yon, but—" ' at fever speed, and.the reason was that “ But, what; child?” “And, why good-bye, James?” Miss ! it at the middle. radirii may enj jf catgut Per, ytTosiah Brentwood, the aged pas­ novelists; a small, .soft hand, a low, Ruth inquired. “Are you going to It should never he of catgut When petizer. Prepa .montion musical voice and an utter unconscious­ “But I think,” she added, in low; tor, was preaching a war-sermon. It thqngh decided tones, “if I were Frank, leave Meltonburg?” a. bow of the length, mentioned is half pint in refusing to encourage Mrs. BCsant’s pro HE CONTINUED.] while shooting. Some wear also a pleco lone lfimp gleamed like a solitary star, j apprehensions for her con’s safety. frothy stir it to prevent hi eyes droop before his glance In an of leather on the arm to prevent bruises also one baj together, wi agony of shame. The visitor was a: handsome woman of f Grace heard little of the diatribe, for Jeweled Frajrer-DoCks. from the string, together , with a teaspoonful sting of a Poor Frank llesant! He had taken forty years, who carried her age so well 1 her thoughts were with the widow And Prayer-books are worbB of art now peculiar glove, consisting of » strap that she might have passed for a decade I her son. Yes, she confessed to herself, salt and one 1 ding three every word of the sermon ns a reproach much more than they are works of about the wrist holding' "three long fifteen mlnut < for the fi: to himself; for while all the lads of the younger, notwithstanding her tear- j Bbc did really apd truly love this young religion, says tho Albany” Express. thongs, with pockets for- the. fingers stained cheeks. { man, who was causing so much trouble add one pint it hurt, Mhi neighborhood had shouldered a musket Dealers keep prayer-books in4 stock that the string might. hurt; and tho paragns tops luded with ft and gone to the front, ho had remained She Ignored Grace’s caressing greet- * to the mall, and though ho hod never de­ which they . price all the way ‘from paraphernalia is concluded with a little ing and Miss Ruth's inquiry, and turned ' clared Any peculiar affection for her, she Boston Glolx te belt and * at home—not from any fear of the twenty dollars to one hundred dollars box swinging from the- belt and hold­ _ heeEWax f t dangers of the battlefield, but because" the . battery of remonstrant eyes on the 1 felt assured that she was dearer to him each. When something more costly ing some suet and beeswax rubbed the gentle woman, whose hand was now minister, who stood uncomfortably'ex- < than the other young girls in the neigh­ than this is demanded the book is made together for use on the shooting glove, TO RENO- pectant. j borhood; And it was hard—oh, so hard to order. Books have been made and and a wollen tassel on which to (lean Then, with a world of reproach in her j —to lose him; but would she have had Directions Fn 'he archer si have been set with jewels, and repre­ and wipe things, Tho archer stands the left foot accents, she said: | him stay at Meltonburg with the women sent an expenditure of four hundred perfectly erect* with the Ipft foot for­ “Yon have done your work well,, sir— , and the odd men, when his country-was An excell e so turned ii dollars. Frequent reference is made to ward , and the face so turned to tho light over tht my Frank, my hoy, is going to enlist ., in danger? No, » thousand times no, Pope's couplet in “Tho: Rapo of the right as to align, the sight over the left ly useful wh He has told me the bitter truth to-night. ' even though she should never set eyes renovation, ur holds the Lock,” and the sarcastic wit displayed hand, whose first finger holds the arrow 4' bow, whil* I have gone down oh thyknCei before onhlm again...... in grouping together the articles on a over the middle of th e , bow, while the solve four cen irir way ifito aolheid to know that fhfcy we’re only IV,haw, if it wasn't for tho alMuril pro- , ner dejected, and there was ft cringing havte the bofthd 'Ybhhtoe* of the Con­ tonstelitly' pushed their Way into Dew moved with ft great pity for tlio mother jndico of the age, Vd shoulder ft humility ip his bearing which waspAin- gressional Record for the last ton years ^ e rru tith o SSTS*, t»allynWtoj they were assured whs so soon to 1 p musket myself, You lmvo done yonr! ful to witness, c> 1 should like— - r , Whole Immense teuton which stretefie* living heat to spoil that boy of yours, . “1 peeped JhtorigK this Wihdow—” ho Attondant(rl«glug telephone violent; from the 'northern boundary ot China S lra d to a bereft; for hone, whb wow tatlmtitc finhc Arctic o**n *nd With him* dthildyfi WTM tho end would hud I tell you to yonr face that I .aai i said, glancing furtively into the face of ly> mo the poff&> station, quick! ^ “hltwArd 1 the W al m x M kins to R ohS T iK be. . . “ " ; glad you’ve failed. If Frank is going | either lady as though doubtful of th« re­ There's an escaped maulfth ImutAI—Chi Saftrpar S p S Ss il to^Bohrfuff £, MafraRN > filut knew it, tod. a-soldiering lie is doing ju*t what he | ception he was likely to meet with,. easra Tribune Thftrilf IHGlWlhto M. &

0 '" h o u s e h o l d b r e v it ie s . A FIERY-CYED CAT, Syrup o f Figs, ULCERS, GOLD MEDAL, PABIS, 1879. —When making white cakes, uw one Produced from thp laxative and nutritions Ms and Bis SICs Partner Uve by Fighting juice of California-figs, combined with the CANCERS, knit teaspoon more of cream of tartar M d Working a launch Route, medicinal virtues or plants known to be GERMAN tj,*n soda, as tbia extra quantity ol A bobtail yellow cat with only one most boucflclal to the human system, acts , SCROFULA, of tartar makes tbo egg whites eye lives on the roof of an uptown gently, ou the kidneys, liver and bowels, effectually cleansing the system, dispelling SALT RHEUM, Sweet Chocolate. ttlifer- block and follows the 'profession of a colds and headaches, and curing habitual ~Jfent the yolk of an egg and apread prize-fighter. Ho lost his right eye in constipation. RHEUMATI6M, . The mo«t popnlsr street oa tlie top of rusks and pies just before one of his great duels, so that he: is now BLOOD POISON* r J Chocolate in the market. Rememher that you are not game lust putting them into the oven. The egg left-eyed. His organs of vision make because some big man makes you qualL— It is nutritious and palat- £iakes that, shine Been on baker's pie* up in color what they lack in quantity. Detroit Free Press. ____ 1 ■ these an-l every kindred dlseast arising able; a particular favorlt* uulcakeB. " For his one eye is irridescent by day­ .from itnporu blood sooccMfollr treated by with children, and a moil Yon hardly realize that It is medlolne,whem thstnavsp-faiUng and best of all tonic* and excellent article for family ^-To loosen readily the scales of Ash, light, but at night it becomes phosphor-, taking Carter’s Little Liver Pills; they are msdlolnts, jp cut the slime, and to freshen and escent and gleams in thedarknosa like a very small; ne bad effects; all troubles from nee. torpid Liver are relievod by their use. | Served as a drink, or make firm sea fish pour vinegar over moonstone. I eaten as confectionery, il them. Sea baas ahd black Ash are hard Pis “backer” is a coal-black, eat of Tee world is full of people who enjoy see­ Lie a delicioaa Chocolate. to scale and dean.—Drake’s Magazine. quiet ways and modest mien. It is sup*, ing a tin pan tied to the tall of some other S m S s m S S S I The genuine ie stamped —Oil-clortia should never have soap posed that the black cat arranges all man’s -dog.—The Ram’s Born. _ . (upon the wrapper, 8. Ger­ used upon them, as the lye will destroy the fights in which the one-eyed yellow Ladies can permanently beautify their Books on Blood and BUn A man, Dorchester, Mass, the colors and the finish. They are eat engages, making wagers of milk complexion with Gleun's Sulphur Soap. Dltcotot free. »Hold hy Orotsrs e-rerywhers. greatly benefited and last much longer and cold chicken on the result. These Hill’s Hair and Whisker Dye, 60 cents. Printed tsstlmonlals sent on i •pplicatioa. Address W. BASSE A CO., Dorchester, Xaia. If a thin coat of varnish is applied once two cats are close friends and always It is a ... false . set-to. 1 :. when• .. a .cracked 1 - tenor syear. travel together. tries to atrike tb«< high C.—N. Q. Picayune. Both have lived on the roofs of the n«8wift Specific 0o. I EW IS’ * b LYE —A Splendid Light Bread Itehipe.— Neves fall to cure sick headache, often I Fownuzn row nuz Aim ruunniM To one quart of flour put two potatoes block for five years. They are entirely ATLANTA.OA _■■ CrATEXTEO> the very first dose. This is what is said by independent and have no' owners. The all who try Carter’s Little Llyer Pills. . The stronoMt and yruiwt Lyf or one egg, one tablespoouful of lard, This Vrada two teaspoonfuls of sugar; beat potato yellow cat has whipped every tomcat made. Will make the but per* that ever ventured on any roof in the . Woutu its weight lu gold—an English Mark Is on fumed Hard Soap in 80 minutes or one egg with the lord, adding a tea­ sovereign.—Mall aud Express. without bolltnj/. ft is the best cup of warm watery and teacup <>f block, no matter wlmt his weight, age . . f i t Best for cleansing waste pipes, dis­ yeast Make up with cold water.—De­ or training, or whether he fought un­ RfesT, easiest to use arid cheapest. PIso’s infecting sinks, closets, was» troit Free Press. der the London.'or Queensberry rules. Remedy for Catarrh. By druggists. 25c. f Watenuml tog bottles, paints, trees, eta —-Elmlmr'b Pie.—Peel and cut the When he fastens his one terrible eye on FENYA. SALT MTO 00* a cat he seems to hypnotize it The stalks into small pieces, add, a very lit* •^ fS H e i S L Gen. Agts., Philo., Pa. tie water to prevent burning and stew people living in the block have named yhaatnllilwiririgiuhi^m* A f until tender, add to one pint of .the him “Sullivan”, on account of his great sauce three well beaten eggs, a small fighting record. They have named the $500 REWARD piece of butter, a tablespoonful of flour black cat “Lord Lonsdale.” Day flfllllas Sberwood’fl Wax Block, for clow wfllb#pt2dtothefi«entof]E079CAleooiDMnywbf waftnttfla&ronB. KEW TilUiOiSEIATSILLER* A NE­ will «ny otr hU own name as Agent*thftt the Jo»ai and. a little nutmeg, and bake with only ■“Sullivan” and “Lonsdale” live by CESSITY IN EVEIIT FAMIfiT. S&xnplo, priMid, working a free‘-lunch route which they CorSSe* Write TI1K BODINE ROOPlNaCO., Su OaUsOIiU. 6 TON WAGON SCALE, $60 one crust,-—Boston‘Herald. , tVMAKB tUt fAFSSflfMf ti** yMVT** have established. Every morning they Is not sqnol to any mode, and a standard reliable —Egg Salad.—Arrange a bed of cel­ start out and together go to-the first Jbjr M l CHEAP, h it Is* seals.' For particulars, address only ery or lettuce leaves on a platter, jloil vestora vmtotroa wi house on the-lunch route, They enter $1°.? Per Acremade over too per cent. IUn Jones of Binghamton, Binghamton, H.Y. six fresh eggs seven minutes. When the roof door, and walk down the stair­ they are thoroughly cold remoye the way till they come to the fifth step from shells and cut them in slices, lay them the bottom. They sit down on the fifth on the lettuce and cover with mayon­ MPIUUTUI rmiiwy Mu w»ts SOMETHING M B A step side by side and calmly wait. Sont postpaid on receipt of ei.OO. Address naise dressing. The dish may be gar­ i a m b s C u m m i n g s a co,.i'nbii»hor«,C h i c a g o , m The mistress of the flat knows that U rS tU K TOW PAFM ..W tl»wnrUa nished with parsley or celery leaves.— their hour for calling is eight o’clock. Copyright, ISO, Patents! Pensions Ladies’ Home Journal. At that hour she comes out and places Send for Inventor’s Outdo or Bow to Obtnin • Patent. GOLDEN MEMORIES 7 Which w ill you have. Send for Digest of PENSION end BOUNTY LAWS. best selllnc book of the yonr '01. Write for terms— —•Solutions of copper have been long a saucer of milk before them. They PATRICK O'FABBBIX, - WAQHUfOTOH, B, 0. don’t dtilav. Hunt & E aton , l bo 6th Ave. N.Y.Cltr. known to be fatal to the minute fungi drink it and- then gravely go away. At sickness, suffering and despair, *r.YAJdls S1U9 FAPS&tVMjr ttM m W N . WVaiu iul» MSUm, «i».jrt»wma which cause so many of the diseases the next house at which they call they or health, strength, and spirit? If IV ECU ED CUBED TO STAY CURED. U fa I rLVkllWe want the name and ad- 1343 of plants. It destroys the fungus with­ wait on the ■ stairs till they get cold You can take your choice. ______dressof every sufferer in the WlIEir WBlTlXe TO ADVEKTISEK8 FJiEAl, out affecting the health of the higher chicken. The third house is “worked” HOT1IMA U.S. and Canada. Address, State that yea taw the AdrcrtUem.Ht ia this organisms in the vegetable kingdom. by the cats for beefsteak After eating All chronic diseases and de­ HO 1 11 III ft P. Bar«14H»ja,M.B., Baftl»,*.T. ■- pas**. ■ ' Among recent discoveries announced is three or four breakfasts their hunger is rangements peculiar to women & that even the progress of the terrible satisfied ■ and they go off looking for are permanently cured by Dr. fungus which causes the potato rot, fights. The 'bldck cat generally ar­ •may be arrested by it Though some ranges a fight or two before noon. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. "mixtures” are recommended, copperas At dinner time they take up the lunch It restores the female func­ dissolved in water is found to be ef­ route where they left off in the morn­ tV ith Liszt fo r M y M aster fective.—N. Y. Independent. tions to healthy action. It ing and manage to enjoy two or three By BTBLKA WILLHEIM ILLOFSKY —Those who can secure fresh horse­ dinners. When evening comes they removes the obstructions and radish may enjoy a most excellent ap­ know they are expected at three or four suppressions which cause petizer. Prepared as follows: To one- more houses, so they have a series of trouble and misery. s F o r pe­ A Valuable Article for Every Piano Student half pint of, grated horseradish add a suppers. pint of salt and sufficient good vinegar They have lived in this interesting riodical pains, internal inflam- SEE MAY NUMBER OF to make a. very moist mixture; stir Well way for five years; and have learned the mation, ulceration and kindred art of working the lunch route to per­ together, and if the horseradish is toe ailments, it is a positive rem­ strong to be agreeable, let it stand a fection. They are verf popular with The Ladied Home Journal few days before using. Keep in a bot­ the inhabitants of the block, who edy. The system is invig­ tle tightly corked. The flavor of onion admire “Mr. Sullivan’s” fighting quali­ orated, the blood enriched, di­ may be liked. Place a slice -in the vine­ ties very highly and think that he gar and let it remain several hours; has an ■ able backer in “Lord Lons­ gestion improved, melancholy then remove and add the horseradish; dale.” and nervousness dispelled. then add the vinegar. -N. Y. World. This is a true story of two real cats, It’s a legitimate medicine, the telling how they really live.—N. Y. —Higdom.—Two pecks of green to­ only one that’s gtiaranteed to matoes, two. pecks of cabbage, three Jourm-,1. _____ ■ pints of peppers, part red, two quarts Sanso—Why is Senator 3onndso call­ give satisfaction in the cure of onions, one pint of chopped horse­ ed a big gun? .Rodd—I guess it must be o f all “ female complaints.’’ radish, ono onneo of black.pepper, one because he often shoots off liio mouth ounce of cloves, one ounce of cinnamon, when he isn't loaded.—N. Y. Herald. one-half ounce of ground allspice, one- quarter of a pound white mustard seed, Bownmno of a bore—the gimlev “August one pound of sugar, ono pint of salt, Bboiwht up on a bottlo—labels. After chopping tomatoes, scald them up 9 J in a little salt and water, drain through Does not hurt—a wrap ou tbo back. a colander, throw away the liquor. L glove is a good thing to have on band, Pour ten quarts of vinegar (boiling) Jparks. over the mixture. Mix all thoroughly, It is. the landlord wbo doesn’t overlook the leased thing.—Washington Post. Perhaps you do not believe these —Cream of Asparagus.—Take one statements concerning Green’s Au­ qnort of asparagus, remove and lay A max is generally jealous of a woman’s aside the heads, cut the Btocks into past; a woman is generally jealous of s gust Flower. Well, we can’t make man’s future.—Somerville Journal, you. We can’t force conviction in­ Musical Helps and Vocal Hints small pieces and put on to boil with 'T 'H E success of the articles “ Musical Helps and Vocal H ints/’ pint white stock; cook tablespoonful It is not the fisherman who tells the big­ to your head or med- chopped onion, with two tablespoonfula gest fish story, nor is it tbo farmer who Doubtlng’ icine info your 7 published in the JotmtrAL, has encouraged the Editor to tella tbo most barrowing tales.—Yonkers arfange for fin entire series of articles which will take up every butter, ten minutes; add two tablespoon­ Statesman. throat . We don't fuls flour, and when w ell‘mixed and Thomas. want to. The money point that may enter into the aspirations of music-loving girls, frothy stir it into the boiling stock; add The detective business should be asus- is yours, and the or those interested in the voice. The best-known singers will also one hay leaf, one sprig parsley, oessful following. ______misery is yours; and until you ate write for this series, including teaspoonful sugar, two »teaspoonfuls B nujusa of a llfoof ups and downs that's willing to believe, and spend the one CLARA. LOUISE KELLOGO ANNIE LOUISE CARY salt and one saltapoon pepper; simmer what the pump-handle ha#.—Pittsburgh EMMA JUCH MINNIE HAUK Chronicle. for the relief of the other, they will CHRISTINE NILSSON MARY HOWE fifteen minutes; rub through a strainer, stay so. John H. Foster, 1122 add one pint cream or milk and the as­ "Banjos a good business man! I should SIMS REEVES RAFAEL TOSRFFY paragus tops; boil up once and serve.— say he was, He was bora with a fortune, Brown Street, Philadelphia, says: MADAME ALBANI 8IGNOR CAMPANINI Boston Globe. you know." “Well!” “He’s got It yet.”— S* My wife is a little Scotch woman, N. Y. Recorder. ______, thirty years ofage and of a naturally U 3 £ * T h e L adies ’ H ome J ournal will be mailed “Txxkx are born liars as wall as born delicate disposition. For five or six to any address from now to January, 1892, TO RENOVATE BLACK GOODS. poets,” but the former oomes easier to a years past she has been suffering balance of this year, on receipt of only 50 C ts. man.—11. Y. Recorder, Direction* For Making * Gaaaral Cleansing from Dyspepsia. She CURTIS PUBLISHING’COMPANY, Philadelphia, Fa. F luid, Naturaiat the “nickel cigar” makes a Vomit became so bed at last An excellent cleansing fluid, especial­ hard smoke.—Puck- ______that she could not sit ly nsefnl when men’s garments require Evxnr extravagant young maa has a Every Meal, down to a meal but renovation, is prepared as follows: Dis­ sinking fund.—Dallas flews. she had to vomit it solve four ounces of whits eastile soap A to n job—digging poat-holss In wet As soon as she had eaten it. Two B efore you buy 5.nylhing.dJsK two questions* shavings in a quart of boiling' water. waathr . —Binghamton Republican. - 1 bottles of your August Flower have When cold, add four ounces of ammo­ “ B o 1 d o - * AKKatt suggestion—roast beef, corned cured her, after many doctors failed. nia, two ounces each of ether, aloohol, beef or bam- nan I—Chicago Tribune. and glycerine and a gallon of clear cold Shecan now eat anything, and enjoy -waxit L| _ without itf water. Mix thoroughly, as it will keep “Sows men can’t stand suspense” as the it; and as for Dyspepsia, she does not philosopher said when ha witnessed .the know that she ever had it,”^___9 for a long time, bottle and cork tighly hanging.—Columbus Post for future use. This mixture will cost GREED OF GAIN about eighty cents, and will make eight Amoxg sidewalk tradesmen business is at Mud (hint r*T Therailaapassls* a ^ R E n quarts. Its best when it comes to a stand.—Boston ef the human IHMlIr. le *«*•*!■»*riM* rich- Courier. •* the I r t lt IS UxMi the nervous system th e se quesH ori^B E iBiffasy mckke yourichi For men’s clothing, heavy cloth, etc., straleed. lathe v«r»elt efeleiUere the had? dilute a small quantity In an equal The man who lectures for a living ex­ Is tsriarid IfO M IM t deseelte swaVI the amount of water, and following the changes orations for tottoas.—Pittsburgh hears deslooed h r r#»*** ar* ddvated to ex­ b u t they will neveS ll!^fprevent you from Chronicle...... hausting revelry | tha steaiashl* rathlesslir nap of the goods sponge the stains with latE*Md aiseai para water, the natural b u y i n g SAPO L*l O sQfe&Mxs** a piece of similar dloth. The grease drink fer all treated heing*, Is I snored, and that gathers upon the collars of coatf DO SHEET MUSIC 3 CT& lleaid are Is sahstltaicd antll, ere we are A series of popular sOwrs aware of lt> disease hae lined Its Iran ir»«» Bs uses are many and so are Us friends; will immediately disappear, and: the un ansnsed for piauo or organ; aaeaa*. Thea *re look Ihrtho “ remedy.” diluted fluid will vanquish the mors YOU consisting o f W pieces (regu- Te tha vletlsaaf these IWHee. we eentmeud .. Unite), nr ill be, tenton receipt HE. Tatt's LI«M- gUls They sttatalate 1*4 for where it is once used U is always used* To obstinate spots. When clean, dry with C i T A T V of * 1.00, or a alngT* eisosoa liver. strsasthsa the nerve*, restore tha as* another cloth, and press the under side ID.UL.Y V a * receipt of* cent*, petite aadh-MIHI up the debilitated bed». with a warm Iron. This fluid is atso tss* 9 Cents la Paint* Stamps forSsmsi* and Itch dean house wiihowb U is sheet folly , since U does useful when painted Walls and wood- TnR REriBY STIEft COMPANY. T att’s liV ey P ills P.O.Box 600. • Bauntoa^Ma MAKE A VIGOROUS BODY, the work twice as fast and twice ,as wdl. work require scouring, * cupful to a Siouxs no* Mriaiwrinww w * ...... : pail of w£ha water being the proper Prise 2 S6« OffiM,» * 4! Park Ptaos, W.Y. proportion, Tbs BaitU.S. When washing black dress goods, 1 l A D U F O R S A L E J t S r m m soap must net*? under stfjf attends- A- BUNTING A rflllm A TI SACRIFICE. stances he applied directly to the ma­ , FLAGS terial. In order to obtain the necessary U »A *M MUMMY — My wits and child having * Savers attack of Whooping suds, it must be abated and entirely dis tiVyVar^roand, "' Aoild Uie* on Cough, we thonebt that vra would try Fiso’a Cure far Con- solved to a'basinful of boiling water, 0.W . SIMMONS * J |., Prmn^wjMrlsi«r!i|48 Jo* w *Mf* ft pinttpsraaan ihsli* work.warn Tbs option, and roand- it a fenrfeafc anoOo**. first bottlo and tkM thrown Ifito H * twsbtuh.* Nsim m ■“a S ? * " * ; Hsrpar’a B*mt. ^ * ariuk* «ewri»s* 5SREH Samuel Anderson and wife, of T l f E - . Springfield, were the guests of Mrs. Summer Goods. A’s, parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. D. Wil- $ IT IS THE HIM $ AX .IXDEI'KNUKNT WKEKLV NJ5WSPAe»R, iatAeon, this week. * * • F,. -n- -u,- OF Miss Julia Barr, of Philadelphia The summer dress goods SATURDAY, JUNE, 0 1891. and Miss Echo Willamson. of Xenia, for this year are largely were the guests of. Miss Efron Wil- ginghams of all grades and' IF, //■. JiLAlIi, Editor and Prop'r li&mson this week" kinds. The* fine * French Some miscreant broke a couple of ginghams are very popular, PRICE S1.28 PER ANNUM. lights out of the window at Hooker the styles and colors are Riff’s barber shop last Wednesday very piety, Iu American DItOW XEI), night. It is-aupposed ‘to have been Z e p h y rs w e have; jnsfc_ re­ dope through spite. - Quigley, the nine year old..son of ceived a new line oi ven Mr, and M 1*, David Bhrodes was There is no saloon iu .the room next handsome Myles at To ets. drowned yesterday afternoon" while the Herald office. The “ Y’s” still pc, bathing in the creek near .the Covin* cupy it nmd the curtains are simply a yard they were 20 cents enter church. 'Little Dick Boyles and to keep the inquisitive public from earlier in thie season*. A n ­ , To keep at all times the largest, best and most comprehensive and re'i- Aden Barlow were with him at the gapping at them when: they are- hold­ other popular dress goods able stocks to be found in this market. time and summoned help after he had ing business' or social meetings. is ChaUies; our all wool fill To bring the producer anj)L ponsuraer in contact, thus sa\in^ the latter gone to the bottom, Ed. Farris run John A. Mitchell is now agent for ing challfes are <* splendid the retailer’s profit. * , ning at once and getting' him out ot To staijld bv every representation. the New Departure toungless corn yaluesand the patterns look the water before he had been in more To dW a business large enough to make the smallest profits fairly remu­ cultivator, with either wood or steel almost equal to the French nerative. We are one of the largest manufactures, and distributers of cloth­ than five minutes, . Mr. Herbert San­ beam, he also keeps repairs. This cul make that cost almost ing ip the country...... " , . . ders, of Xenia, who was with Mr, tivntor is wnrented to give-perfect sat* FaCtorr tfndef the supervision of the most experl'designers and ’cutters, Faris ran toDr. Oglesbee’s office and iefaction or money refunded. times as much, also a large (iunble us to offer the most durable, desirable, attractive, hobby and neat suits had that physician at work trying all line of new. cotton eh allies in the market, inndvnl ways at one profit below competion. means of resuscitation in an increda- The G. A. R. and W. R. C. at You always get.your money’s worth at joint meeting last night passed resolu just received at 5 cts a yard* bly short time,, hut without result al In white goods we have though the work was kept up for tions thanking Rev. Dudley, of New closed a lot of Embvioder^d hours, Dr. Oglesbee having the as Jasper, aiidDr. Pearn, of Xenia, for their valuable services on Memoria Hem-stitched flouncings f THE WHEN. sistance of many willing hands. The parents, brothers, and sisters of the Sabbath and Decoration" Day. a New York Importer and unfortunate boy are heartbroken oyer The Prohibitionists of Greene coun are selling them at just their loss. ty held a mass convention in Ervin an( about the price they cost to u I f Williamson's hall, Monday, and norn land in this country, 35cts, Fresh Baked Tile all sizes at B. W i anted seven delegates to attend the DECORATION. a yard for a full width etu Northup. ■..“ ■ 5 ■ State convention at ' Springfield next broidered flouncing is cheap ” House to rent and in good. location iveek. -, About fifty persons were JOBE BEOS & Co, Xenia by S'. K. Mitchell. tr present. Now is your chance Your choice of all our $6’ $8 and John Harper, of Dayton, spent Rev. E. H. Richards who spent ted $ 1 0 Suits for $•>. We5 now can sell allG. A. II. and S. years as a missionary in Africa, wil Sunday in Cedarville. of Y. suits speak at the M. E. church tomorrow Screen Doors at Mrs. Bell, of Selma was the guest at 10:45 a, jht, upon the manners am of Mrs. H. H. McMillan this week. customs of the Dark Continent. Her A. Jackson’s. Rev Patton of Columbus will assist will display a number of African cur­ — At 87.50 ------Rev. War nock at communiqn services iosities at the Sabbath school. The suit of Thos. H. Spencer el a tomorrow. ' vsC.L. Crain occupied the attention Just received a large shipment of the latest styles of Rev. “Dr. Morton was called to G in Straw Hats, (bir line.of Tics never was equaled in Mrs. Anna Young attended the Me cinimti Wednesday to perform the of the Common Fleas court at Xenia Kinney-Chapin wedding at Cincinna­ marriage ceremony of Rev. Davit this week. . The motion heart this town before, vve have 500 select from, ail new. ti this week. McKinney and Miss Carrie Haines was to disolve the attachment Everything goes cheap next week. ngainst the property of C. L. Crain Ralph Raney, who has been attend­ Chapin, daughter of D. B. Chapin his wife making the plea that the ing commercial school at Springfield, prominent merchant of that city. stock of goods was purchased with her «T * is now at home. v Mrs. Morton accompanied him. money. The cose has not yet been Mr. and Mrs. J. Strouse, of West Every republican in Cedarville decided. Carrolton, O., visited B. W. North up townsliip should be at the Mayor’s The Republican. .Executive. Com­ Bannqas, Oranges and Lemons.-.:tt and family this week. office this evening in response to the Mrs. Condon has a nice lot mittee selected, at their meeting on Bull's."" Friday evening of Inst week, Messrs. call from T. B. Andrew, central com of trimmed hats, constantly Rock Salt nt Bull’s, Mias Cora Blair, of Spartr Illinois, miti.ieman. Seventeen delegates are F. E. SIcGervey, of Xenia, and John' on binds at the lowest Go to Charlie Smith for n shave. is visiting her sister, Mrs. Jaa. Cress- to be selected to attend the convention B. Smith, of Cffisarcreek, as members well, south of Cedarville, at Xenia next Saturday. prices. It will pay yofl to of the Board of Election Supervisors, , A small shootin g affray- occurred nt call and see them if you subject to the appointment of the I f you have any news do not* ‘for­ Mrs. Meade, mother of Mrs. Wm. Jamestown Saturday afternoon iu get to make a note of it and put it in want to purchase. ‘ Probate Judge. These gentleman which Wm. Mnxou and Russell Schu- Barber of this place, met with quite a 0* are not members of the Central or the item box at the post office. serious accident this week at Granville lar. both ot tiint plnce* were the piu- Morg. Fudge of the Bellebrook Executive Committee. The Denu- W. L. Clematis and;-, wife were the where she is visiting her sister, falling ticipants., The trouble grew out of a Mpqn, advertises to sell out, giving ns cretic Executive Committee has also disagreement the parties had lind the guests of Mr.C.’s father, Rev. Marion and breaking her arm and being oth­ his reason .that he wishes to study for nnule their selection, namely, Messrs. | previous evening and when the men Clemons, at Franklin, Inst week. erwise injured. Mrs. Burlier left yes­ the ministry. We have heard some B. Sclilesinger and John M. Bootes. ^ met ou Saturday, Maxon declared terday for Granville to render what Bora to Mr. and Mrs, Will North- of the boys who were m the same reg- This will make a good Board, one'tliat ■ hi8 intention to sligot Sehular which assistance, passible. nient.with Morg during the wiir tell up, of Lima, O., formerly of this will work in harmony, there being no he attempted. Fortunately however A special train of forty cars loaded of the elegant sermons he delivered place, ou last Sabbath, a daughter. high kickers among the members. the ball did not hit Sehulnr, aud Max- with reapers and mowers, attracted a during that time and supposed he had om , was immediately arrested aud Breast pins, Necklaces, Rings, But­ crowd to* the depot Thursday tporning. worked at the trade' long enough to Note the mimes of merchants who placed in the lockup uutil Monday ton hooks, Ac, dirt cheap for two The train was loaded at Akron by J. continue without further apprentice­ advertise in the Herald, and when weeks, The F u r 35 8. Limestone st. F. Seiberling A Co. and is said to be ship. . ■ ' you visit their places of location* give1 when,he had his trial before Police Justice Clark who bound him over to Harry and Walter Rifle have gone the largest train of harvesting machin­ them a call. Let them know you op- Friday night of lost week a wagon court in the sum of $1,000. Being to Ft. Wayne, Ind* to "work in the ery ever-shipped from one factory in ^lecinte the information given you load of G. A. It. hoys attended the unable to give bond he was sent to hotel lately leased by WilL Leland, the world. through our colnmns. If the mer­ decoration exercises at New Jasper^ chant kuowB that you hAve been di­ jail. ^ . Mr* Kyler, one of the most highly A jury trial before Squire Osborne and report a pleasant time. Quite* a rected to his establishment through' nn respected citizens of Clifton, is quite last Tuesday, before whom a young number ol spcaches were made among Notice to consumers of Flour* W-o advertisement in life paper, you can take pleasure iu advising our friends sick. He is eighty-two years of age. man named Tcehan sued Jno* Gancf them being one by Hon, Andrew- rest assured he will not let you” leave for labor,attracted considerable attend Jackson, of this place, who entertain­ aid patrons that the improvements A. number of the members of* the* his store without offering you bargain's which our mill, has been undergoing W. ID. T. U. and Y’s of this placy .lion. The jury rendered a verdict for ed the audience about fifteen minutes. He ^aysfo’r an advertisement because for the past riionth telioW eompletoif. attended the county convention held the young man* Hon.George' Raw­ Before their return home the boys mdt He wants your trade. I f he is willing The entire bolting system which at Bowersville yesterday, lings of Springfield was his attorney, with an accident, their wagon falling; to pay for an advertisement, he will while Will Trader of Xenia represei. of a bridge aud precipitating them in was considered the-beat a few years John Weymouth who baa been undoubtedly be willing' to offef ydu' ted Mr. Qano. the water, but,luokily n0-i»he was in­ ago has lieeh thrown out and subetitu- working At Springfield .for the past some inducements to become a per- ed with the very latest improved bolt­ A very interesting event this week jured. maneu't customer* * . -• • ten months has returned-" hoe&b fbr a »*■»'!..... ing system known to’the tuiiling tradc, wae.thA marriage ofMiSS Mattie Cre^ E. E. Murdock has" moved*to week’s visit: He has po»tion(in Belle- Farmers buy your Binder twine In no way has either lime or expense well, datjghter-of Mr. and*Mrs Sam­ Greenville, Illinois. During his res­ fimntain, fu ll’s. been spared to equip our mill with the uel Creewell^to Mr. Joseph Turnbull, idence here,’ Mr. Murdock has made Will El rick made another trip *to‘ most complete appliances for (^curing at the residence of the bride’s parents numerous friends, and with the scores » Newf Yorit-Cream „ Cheese at Bull’s* Anderson, Ind,, this week to look the very best flour, and we feel wM;- Thursday evening at 0:30. Only the of men with whom he has done busi­ Trunkijatii*'- J-. C. Barber’s . .* after a contract for the building ^.of .a nnted in promising m r frimids a niucii intimate friends of the bride and ness,'there is none, but have found Well paper Iff cesWA e i the wall number of houses. He will return* lielter grade of flour than ever before, groom were present to '"witness ’ tile him square and upright ip all bis and Up* ' f ' J. OBnrber’s*' Tuoaday. being of a flue granulation we,t fully transactions. He will return to. CL*- ceremony. Rev. Morton officiated. FOH »AI*K. .. guarantee G Aden Rule Flour to re. A choral union has been organized darvilla some time in July; leaving hie It is rumored that Oscar Satterfield, The Riff homretead, near tain jts mojsture longer n fter‘beiifg here and Prof. Lon Spears, of James­ familyily at Greehvilla. George Wat* apparently the most impenetrable of leotge baked Into bread, than anyother flour town has been engaged to train them," Ao n acompanied cljurch, Cedarville. For'particulars young man, who has heretofore never him to Illinois and He will be here next Thursday even­ call on Wm. Iliff adminstrktor of 'es­ on the market. * Very Respeotfdlly * been known to speak to a lady with­ will remain there until Mr. 'M’a re- ing to give tb i ff ret lesson. tate. - McDillftE rvin. out blushing to the rootsof his hair,, turn, „ 1 For two weeks we will sell ohamber has at bat become a victim to Cupid’s Qraf’ set* (warranted) At one half what wiles* Mow or when it happened will Carpets in. Boll Dodiesj OxflszdA ' , other stores aakfAr them, in order to awver be knowabut that suob is the Special low price*. ovAralle. ‘ Best in this world ttb mifiOoenU'upat ** * Ik e eloeethem out, Fair 85 S. fact is-attested by his visits north over flllMfilillftai rit Hi lift i i ■ fitt' Uaaeetone at, Byriagflald, O. the Little Stormont & Co. ltormo&.t&Co.