10 NEW YORK HERALD. FRIDAY, ADGUST 9, 1878-WITH SUPPLEMEXT. lt»Mr Tbomeon. Moore, New TURKISH BATHS. i Steamer Konny Cndwallnder, Clark, Baltimore.J S Wsgner. do; An 1, bark Ellsa White, Walton.4*; brli W» 8lh-lrrlr<4, JoNphlu bark M asou. Ad una, do ;-Jd. barn (Am), Parson do; York; ship Odin (Sired). Nell,.01, L«ndou: Aimttno OBITUARY. Kreat. Korh;ue, do. K Autola. London. brlir France* Jnue, AMUSEMENTS. Sarab. Mebeod. Master. achra Alaoaa, Plomrucr, no; Kannie A Bailey. Norton, epetto (Ital), steamer Philadelphia Colin» Bruarn. Motion; ictin 0 K Sainpann, Can". Keuueboc; j^T5scr^Ek't,¥x"cjRiB«r" Steamer Kloannru. Jatinaon. Portland. Ve-J F Amea. Mdmkkii,(I Auk 0.Arrived, steamer (Br), Murray, T»rb*n. do: Rodney Pernor, Gel*>. bow TiiB PRACTICE OP H AT'IINQ ARD ITS BET. JACOB WAHIIENHF.BQFB. Steamer (iliucm. Bear*#, Snaton.11 K JJimoek. (jl-snnw. Olive* i ami; Cottle. lloetou. MR. MOI.LKMHATTKB'S Ictoinene Kelly, Tufla A Co. Nootm Hmrhf, (1H, hit 5.Arrived. ship Lennle Hoy- II Taylor, EKPECrS. HEALTHPL'L NOVAS* CONC IBT8 u the Kev. Jacob Wabrenher. Ship (Br), l.Jvort>ool.krkell, lo Naur Altn arrived, ablp Orpbeu* Kitll, bchulkeu, Antwerp; Yesterday morning Hark ConsigHere (ital). Conalglier*. Bristol, rill (Br), KtdieitMu. ltrislel land ordered York); emir* Ida A Anna, BOTH hark J olin «» li nil IV iterlord 'and ordered biirk I'lliu»nlI (Nor), Peterson. Aarbuua; COOL I NO. KLECTRIKYIRG ARD V1TALIZINO. TIOL1N BOLOS. gar, tor thirteen yeara pastor of the First Oerimu A Co. K.Stocoeleh (llr). Haulcier, C ook. Eleutbera; Walter K Pamir, Daniel*. Kennebec; J Hark Nereo O (Au». Uaaoinak. Cork or Falmouth tor to SheJiec): Lydla (He). Chalmers. Liverpool laud nrdorad Arnold, TO TIIR .STaV AT IIOMIi AND TO TUB bad lialaned al Gilwore's Gardao last avenlng ol N. J., was ay. A Co. off) ; Unity (Br). Huliner. do (and ordarad t» Kicbibuclo); B Carrlugtou, Parker, New HeeeO; .MaryC Tbey Presbyterian Church, Peterson, ordera.»'uaen. Kdye D< TRAVELLER. Orario or for brigs M 0 llaskell, Bellas;; Slora (Br). Caineroo. do. Arild, deltoiouilj a he fell Bark I.e (Ital), Kalle, Cork Falmouth Haskell. Mendelssohn and .Schumann rendered proaehing the Passaic Falls to alteotl picmo. Cleared.Kteatnora Ijeipei* (Git). Hoffman. Hremnn; At tbie season of the when the first nstnral InstI not dead ot heart was about onlrr».Slovovicli A Co. Olouakilty. J W Garrett, Po*ter, New rear, Bitter dlaeeae. tie aged City years . 'ilitam Crane, liowoa, lloetou; »y the famous orchestra wno.i Mr. Kdward liark tluirlielnio 1> (Ana)Drusravich, Cork tor ordera I'tiUHOi'O, Anit 7.In port, nclir Southern llotua (Br), J) Cork: E l> U to ti e body cool, fresh end tweet, tne beth ie and was a clergyman of o-'usidorablo ability. Gulnio. Hi"mu*. lor Sao York. Y ork; bark* Navareb (Hi), Levitt, Bibelot* keep name forward with his violin under bis Attilie v < tr). Dwyrr. Bordeaux: George If Jenkln* (Br), Ho*e, ee it be* beau brought in New Mcllonhaner Hark Arhltle F (Ital), Perieh, Cork fur order*-Slororlelt I'out Mui.dkavk Aug A.Pa-sod, bark* Isabel iBr), New llaven. grateful topic, espscielly of lleeiboven's "con- Bristol for I'rinre Kdward Aalmutea I*unelrk: actir Koin-y Parker, (intra. Yore to a The of irm to play the first movement PBOFPSSOU K. P. A. NOBLE. A Co. Lane, (aland; (Br), effective, md Catoeretoiie; pitch ol marimliout perfection. practice . Johnson, Hull for l'iciou. Sailed.Steamer* Eefraig. 1 his dark baire 1, dark-oved man, Hark Vederieo I.o Srevo (Ital). Vettora, Cork for ordera ill lliortiblll; bark*. Snvaeb, Charle*. Kali I, Wllbelm, bathing date* from lite earliest period of the world'* hi* eorto for violin." The death it in bis year, SlocorU'li A Co. 1'li'TOd. Alio H.Arrived, ttaamara lloraliy (Br). Ray- ilp looked announced, eighiy.seventh M iHUti* V lluirv and > (uutofMn ; l-rix Syea. «ia ntudente *na travellers are well informed ae te with a strong, bronzed lace una a sad expression, of Hark Xeoo (Nor). Jolianuetteu. Stettin-Finch. Kdre A mtmd, (iiliraltar: Lombard (Bri. Audoiaou, (lull; 5th, ahip 30- Arrived, Alexander lory, of l'roleeaor K. F. A. Noble, ol ibe University Co. Margaret inn Br). Charlnttetown. HKAUPOKT, SC. July aliip end of the ancient than a New York musician Loo- ( iu«), Ahlbere, Habla: bark* I.ovll (>we). Onlander. tbe luxury almost niarvellou* effect* more like a Spanish soldier ol several valuable Hark IJartnonle (Nor). J-etiten. Stettin . Fundi, Edye A (Jui aac, Aug B -Arrired, hark Lnrenao (Br), (look. !,ei|isic. (He was the author don (at brio True Coleman, Limerick. ki Dorothy Thompson (Br), Fro»llc, Oporto: Slat, Roman end modern Oriental bathe; yet the majority of ol German descent. But when tbo orcbastral of Co. Hairiinnay); (llr), A urolla (Swe), Sortb, Halila; Aur 1. lloppot (llui), Dunrk; papers n "Metre" and ou tho "(Jeograpby Hark Kspeland (Xor), Kerkolaeni. Concnh i«en Fuoeh, Cleared tith, ahip Helm..in (Br), Klaodon, Devonport; people .till "wag on Iheir weary way," heedlen* ot the was over and the delicate Underwork ol the and bad edited Xenophon and Ucero. Mis A Co. linrka Louisa Charlotte (Her), Hansen, Dunkirk; Norway o< do. Wiken)r, prelude Ptolomy,"Edye (Nor). brig Conijrosa (Hr), Orarea, Cleared July I'll, bark* Wm Kowen (Kr), Randall, Hull; sluggish impurities of their blond and teeming not to know tbe illusion vanished and the literary work, however, I* a "Collection of Hark Vnnae (Nor), Tellefsen, Konlcaberjt.Borkraaan, Amundsen,A Newport; piece began importantprincipal Orrlelu A Co. Mary port. uu I, lauilie (Br), William*. Plymouth. how quickly, eren at thie trylntr aeaeon, their spirits might Parellcli Iron the Lstln Poeis." Aiiir ti.Cloared. bark Now York (Ital). was revealed, it is needless 10 Hurk Krledleif Rotterdam.C Toblaa A itio (Sramdk no Sui.. July 21).Arrived, nark lletty (Br), BANGUK. be their and b-ou to the conscientious player (Nor), Strauaen, Hodge, Klohmond, Va. auaeo, Sorrento; nelir Ixetta. Ilinck*, Philadelphia. raited, systems toned up ipreeloua $ ibe great technical diillcuitles ol the oon> Co. for BATH, Aux (i.Arrived, aehr* Albert Maanu. Koae, fairer, the gentler tea.) their cumpiexiont cleared and recapitulate Brig Bertha (Port), Knadaen, Oporto.Ilnxeroeyer A In port,July 0, aehr City of Qreen Bay, Aga, Huneorn, A A Vanaleal', Motion, to load a test of ol and E. I dir. lluiinxton; Shaw, beautifled by and recooree to the fcerto, bat they are rapidity hugeriug Bruou. p r Baltimore; Henry Ad-'lber, Meady, (leurxetowii, frequent (udleione . 1(10 12.Arrived. Leonora, Peterson, which would deier any but tbe most Brin Florence, KlaeUer. Mobile K D llurlbat A Co. Jankiko, July ship Nellie Ci Alice Belt, (lammou*, Dover, to load lor end luxurious remedies or hot nlr, massage, effective bowing SHIPPING NEWS Sehr Carrie M Rlchardaon, Kiebmrdton, Tijio.Brett, Son Cardiff: brigs Adeoue itlar). Ornmberr. llKltlmore; aahiiiKtou; I-'iro Brother*, ilonaall, Philadelphia; sovereign a In one A Co. Ware. Asbbury, New York: lf.tli, ahip (,'mumble. Hum- i or» enmdnting and sunning. competent irom public performance. Cardiff, bark Eatella. Mnraelllaa. bilio Siurr, Poland. Portland i« loud nir ustveston: electrifying. it wns bard 10 judge tbe performance Sehr list tie Ii Smith, let, Maruaalbo.Spannveehia Broa. phrey, Poole, £ Van fiilder, ilrown, Boston to losd for Philadelphia; No Intelligent prraon need* Instruction ooncerulug the particular dvlir Ann Dole, llurri. Ponce anu Geo II Arrivuil previous to Ang .'I, brig D C Chapman, Tys.n, f» on us merits. Tbe acoustic qualities of tbe place OCEAN STEAMERS. .Viayaguet Baltimore. >» lianilin, do to ln.vJ I t Uaitimoru; Dou-'las ilaynes,Skyrk, functions of the skin.that wonderful regulator of the body a of teno Sq id ret. A.ilatiin. Now York; Virginia, Purges, Boston to load for are to bad for striogs ihmt feableuesa up- Hchr VP II Petit fiotre.Knnhardt A Co. Arrived Aug A, steamer City of Rio Janeiro, Weir, New it incloses; nevertheleaa an occasional bath or I I. havo oeou as DATE3 or DEPARTTKE FROM SEW TORE FOB THE MONTHS Card, Pom, York rle St bark Baltimore. -1"aw fork; Wo«t Dennis. l.'rowell. Philadelphia. ordinary par<-iil id the rapid passages might Sehr K O M"run (Br), Marttn. St Johns, NF--P I Sevlut Thomas; Spotless, Chapman. Sailed.Schrs Kuns It Phillip*. Baker, Washington; X W | " off" la too often thought sufficient for tho main much due lo tbe bunding as to the perlorincr or bis OF AUtll'ST AND SKI'TKMHEK. A Son. Suilcil July 1". barks Humboldt iFr), Laurent. .New Crokev, Now ponging bis NS. A York: lllli. Jeunlo Sweeney, j I it linn, Delaware ogee, Stselmnn, Philadelphia; Henry tenauce of cleanlinett. In trutn it le a ludierona an( lusirumeul. This important point reserved, SJ'tiitirr, Stiifn. Drrfimiti.m. Ottior. Selir Riecrslda (Br), Copp,.Halifax, P I Neviue d'Mona »'i>rk; Anna itarlru, MrNelly, Pltiiad'Ipbia: h M baker, marlu praise. ii is exucuiiun w .s Son. Cray Kneels. I neat, Baltimore: 13tli, shipBreakwater; Saratoga, Xickerscn. Now York; Uriah lamentable faet that tne groat mait of people are nevei playing high Sehr Marv F Piko, Good. St John. N'K.A T Ilener. iBr), Rhodes, Sun FraocKeo; barks Derweuiwater (Bri, 'J artor, Baltimore; and bis llugerlug almost faultless. l'tie ueiicacy F.rlu Auk lo Liverpool.. Or) Broadway K Bowllnit. Baltimore; 14lh. 11 Fish, Crowoll. coastwise port; John F. Dally. Long, lor thoroughly clean and never thoroughly realise tbe precise solir Jeaao ilort St NB.scammell Tiller, Mobile; Macule (iruy, . ol was adtnirublc. and some trills played Anehoria Aus 10 Glasgow... 7 Rowling Green (Br), Nutwr, John, bcltr W Barbados.
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