CO N FIDEN T IAL Josepha.D'amato
CO N FIDEN T IAL JosephA.D’Am ato,B.S.,M BA,M .S.,CP A ExecutiveS um m ary S eniorexecutivew ithoverforty fouryearsofprogressiveexperiencew iththirty yearsinthe gaming industry. Experience infinancing,m arketing,operations,administration,construction m anagement, regulatorycomplianceand openingand expansion ofcasino properties.Careerm arked by significant accomplishmentsincludingtenureatm ajorcasinocorporations. Experience EmpireR esorts9/09 – CurrentChiefExecutiveO fficerandM emberoftheBoardofDirectors M ountAiryCasinoR esort2/07– 3/09 – ChiefExecutiveO fficer S enecaGamingCorporation12/02 -2/07ChiefO perating O fficer From 1984 through 2007,heldfinancial,administrative and property experience atGolden N ugget AtlanticCity,Bally’sParkP lace,Trum pCasinoresortsandR esortInternationalAtlanticCity. S tartedm y professionalcareerw ithArthurYoungandCompany,now ErnstandYoung,andw orkedw ith them from 1970 to 1975. Ithen spent nine yearsinthe hospitality industry invariousfinancial m anagementpositions. Accomplishments O versaw the construction and opening ofM ount Airycasino resort,a$300 m illion project consistingofapproximately200 roomsandsuites,fourrestaurants,threeretailshops,spaand 2,500 slotm achines. P artofthe executiveopening team atS enecaN iagaraCasino $100 m illion conversion ofthe N iagaraFallsConventionandCivicCentertoacasino,allin100 days. P artofthe executiveopening team forthe construction of the temporary Seneca Allegany Casino, an $87 million project, which was completed in 120 days. Executivew ithoversightresponsibleforthe
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