COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES COMMITTEE OK APPROPRIATIONS In re: Budget Rtqufit - 1963 - X984 renn&ylvanla Crime CommiesIon * « * Verbatim report of hearing held In Room 401, Main Cepltol Building, Harrleburg, Pennsylvania, on Tuesday, February 22, 1983 1:00 P.M. HOI;, MAX IIEVEKY, CHAIRMAN Ron. Kurt Zwlkl, Vice-chairman Hon. Joseph M. Hoerfel, III, Secretary Hon. H. William DeWeese, Chairman Subcommittee on Capital Budget Hon. James M. Kc In tyre, Chairman Subcommittee Health and Welfare Hon. Ralph Pratt, Chairman Subcommittee on Education MEMBERS OF COMMITTEE OK APPROPRIATIONS Bon. Mary Ann Arty Hon. Joseph C. Manmiller Hon. Gibson Armstrong Hon. Richard A. McClatehy Hon. Thomas R. Celtaglrone Hon. Gereld F. McMonagle Hon. Ttalo E. Cappabianca Hon. George Miscevlch Hon. Brian D. Clerk Hon. Nicholas B. Moehlmann Hon. Roy K. Cornell Hon. Howard F. Movery, Jr. Hon. Ronald R. Cowell Hon. Frank Flstella Hon. A1phoneo Deal Kon. George F. Pott, Jr. Hon. Dwight Evans Hon. Carmel Sirianni Hon. Stephen Freind Hon. Killlam J. Stewart Hon. Allen Kukovlch Hon. Ted Stuban Hon. Joseph Levi, III Kon. Edward A. Wiggins Hon. Stephen E. Levin Hon. Peter R. Vroon Reported by: Nancy J. Adelman, RPR alone [<egivt«ra<l Profercional Reporter 135 S- LanJit S*w>«t Hum me I down, Pannculvanio 17036 ALSO PRESENT* Lou Groaaman fit «.ff Representative iaul Vase IHDEX Malcolm L. Lazln> 9 Chairman 21 31 32 31 IS 61 64 70 Royal H. Hart, 43 Coaatlsalonftr Daan Vlllian Roach, 16 Connlaaloner 33 3^ 52 6I0* 69 Wallace P. Hay, 11 Executive Director 29 40 ? 62 71 3 (The following i« the prepared statement of the Pennsylvania Crime Commission*) "We «xt pleated to have the opportunity to appear before the Souse Appropriations Committee in relation to our funding for flacal year 1983-8^* I em hopeful that the following will addreee some of the e^eetiona you have about the Pennsylvania Crime Commission* and confident that you will use this occasion to get to mow us better.
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