Brian Maskew (And Friend) in Concert Coffeehouse Folk Punk
I want to help 3RFS and 2019 Member Application the Tumblweed Music Your membership gives you voting rights in Folklife Y e s ! elections, $2 off most concerts, and is tax deductible! Festival Roll on! You’ll even get a nifty membership card to show your friends and neighbors! I would like to contribute at this level: A Newsletter for Columbia, Snake, and Yakima River Folk ___ $1000.00 ____ Individual ($20) or ____ Family ($25) Renewal? Y N ___ $250.00 Name___________________________________________________ ___ $100.00 Address _________________________________________________ Vol. 30, Issue 5 January 2019 ___ $50.00 City___________________________ State _______ Zip __________ $_______ Other Phone _________________________ E-mail ___________________ ____ Please keep my gift anonymous. (Donor names will be Please send Folk Talk by (choose one) US Mail ____ Email ____ Both ____ listed in next year’s program unless you indicate you wish to remain anonymous.) I can help 3RFS with: Brian Maskew (and friend) in Concert Name ___________________________________ ___ Refreshments at concerts ___ Setting up chairs ___ Fund raising ___ Taking admission at events ___ Folding newsletters ___ Coffeehouses and wind turbines. still his primary occupation, Brian Address__________________________________ Saturday, 19 January, 7:30 PM City _________________ State ____Zip________ ___ Serve on Board of Directors ___ Publicity ___ Song circles Initially, the calculations required sings as often as possible; he has led ___ Demonstrating folk arts ___ Membership Brian Maskew is originally from the full resources of a mainframe sea shanties in shanty singalongs and Phone Number____________________________ ___ Tumbleweed Music Festival ___ Other Yorkshire, England, where his music computer that filled a large room, but workshops, and sings at folk club E-Mail ___________________________________ Send check to: Three Rivers Folklife Society,P.O.
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