Publish and Perish
i i \Main" | 2003/12/20 | 17:33 | page 1 | #3 i i Journal & Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales, Vol. 136, p. 1{17, 2003 ISSN 0035-9173/03/02001{17 $4.00/1 Presidential Address delivered before the Royal Society of New South Wales on 9th April, 2003. Publish and Perish david a. craddock Abstract: Two major celebrations will occur during this year, 2003. The first is the bicentenary of the publication of the first Australian newspaper, the `Sydney Gazette and NSW Advertiser.' The other major event will be celebrated at the end of 2003, with the centenary of powered, controlled and sustained human flight. Although the Wright Brothers' flight was an American success, their achievement was initially based on the work of other pioneers. The work of those earlier pioneers became available to the Wrights through the medium of print. This paper explores some of the Australian linkages between the written word and those early aerial endeavours. Keywords: Australian aviation, Lawrence Hargrave, Wright Brothers, human flight INTRODUCTION ney Gazette and New South Wales Adver- tiser', which first appeared on 5th March, As well as celebrating the bicentenary of the 1803 and had disappeared by 1842. An- first publication of Australia's first news- other paper, `The Australian', lasted from paper, and the centenary of powered, con- 1824 until 1848. The `Sydney Herald' be- trolled, sustained human flight, another an- gan in 1831 and continues to this day niversary has been acknowledged in Syd- as the `Sydney Morning Herald'. Those ney. The 170th anniversary of the forma- and several other newspapers provided the tion of the Sydney Mechanics' School of medium for the circulation of ideas through Arts was celebrated on March 22nd.
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