Abd Al-Rahma¯N Al-Sufı¯, 1922 Aboriginal Peoples, 542–544, 546
Index A Alexander Romance, 1597 Abbey of Pomposa, 1745, 1747 Alexandria, 32, 1569, 1594, 1598, 1599 ‘Abd al-Rahma¯n al-Sufı¯, 1922 Algenib, 2087 Aboriginal peoples, 542–544, 546, 548, 549, Algeria, 1094, 1109, 1113 988, 990–994, 2215–2230. See also Alhambra, 1689, 1691, 1693 Indigenous peoples Alignment(s), 321–322, 412–414, 416, 418, Aboriginal bark paintings, 357 421, 422, 548, 549, 607–617, 788, 789, Abri Blanchard bone, 26, 322 1663. See also Axial alignments, Abul-Abbas, 1102, 1103 Solar alignments Abuli, 1446–1448 Alignment studies, 359, 360 Abu¯ Ma‘shar, 126–129 Align-the-Hall, 2087–2089 Abu¯ Rayha¯n al-Bı¯ru¯nı¯, 1922 Al-Jazari, 2176 Abu Simbel, 138, 139 Al Khazna, 496, 497 Accuracy, 375–376, 384 al-Khwa¯rizmı¯, 185, 187 Achaemenian dynasty, 1902–1904 Al Kutba, 1814, 1817 Acronychal rise(rising), 464, 465, 1577, 1578, Allied Forces of the Eight Powers, 2147 1857–1859 Almagest, 32, 1917, 1918, 1920, 1921 Adamclisi monument, 1366 al-Mahri, S., 56 Ad Deir, 1818, 1819 al-Ma’mu¯n, 1921, 1922 AD 1054 supernova. See Crab supernova Almanacs, 1929, 1930, 1933 Afla¯j, 1941, 1942, 1947 Almendres, 140, 1154–1156, 1161 Agrarian calendar, 1002–1003 Almogaren, 1117, 1118, 1120, 1122, 1123 Agricultural marker stars, 1936–1939 Alpheratz, 2087 Ahargana, 1995–1998, 2003 Alps, 1214–1216 Ahu, 2234, 2237–2239 Altair, 1683 Akapana Pyramid, 803, 805 al Tajuri, 1103 Akhet, 1507, 1535, 1536 Altitude, 460–465, 469 Akhet Khufu, 1510 Al Uzza, 1814, 1817, 1818 Akkadian, 1825–1826, 1830, 1836–1838 al-Zı¯j al-Mumtahan, 1921 Al-Andalus, 189, 190, 192, 195 Amaterasu, 484 Alaska, 534 Amazigh, 1112 Alatir and Tarazed, 536, 537 Amenhotep I, 1491 Alatri, 1645 Amun (Amon), 1474, 1507, 1531, 1533, 1534, al-Batta¯ni, 1922 1536, 1537 al-Bı¯ru¯nı¯, 126, 1902, 1903, 1905, 1922 Amenhotep, 1491, 1492 ‘Alchuklash,76 An, 1824, 1825 Alcor, 1681 Anahit, 1905 Aldebaran, 1208–1210 Analemma, 1744.
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