Sobolev and Bounded Variation Functions on Metric Measure Spaces Luigi Ambrosio, Roberta Ghezzi Scuola Normale Superiore, Piazza dei Cavalieri 7, 56126 Pisa, Italy
[email protected]. Institut de Math´ematiques de Bourgogne, UBFC, 9 Avenue Alain Savary, 21078 Dijon, France
[email protected]. Contents Chapter 1. Introduction 1 1. History 1 2. Motivations 3 3. Examples of metric measure spaces 4 Chapter 2. H-Sobolev space and first tools of differential calculus 9 1. Relaxed slope and Cheeger energy 9 2. Elements of differential calculus 11 3. Reminders of convex analysis 14 4. Laplacian and integration by parts formula 15 5. Heat flow in (X; d; m) 16 Chapter 3. The Lagrangian (Beppo Levi) approach 19 1. Basic tools 19 2. The metric case 20 3. p-test plans and their relation with p-Modulus 22 4. The inclusion H1;p(X; d; m) ⊂ BL1;p(X; d; m) 24 5. Equivalence between H-space and BL-space 25 Chapter 4. Sobolev spaces via integration by parts 37 1. Vector fields 37 2. W 1;p-space and the inclusion H1;p(X; d; m) ⊂ W 1;p(X; d; m) 38 3. The inclusion W 1;p(X; d; m) ⊂ BL1;p(X; d; m) 40 Chapter 5. Functions of bounded variation 43 1. The spaces BV∗(X; d; m) and BVBL(X; d; m) 43 2. Structure of the perimeter measure 45 Bibliography 53 CHAPTER 1 Introduction These notes reflect, with minor modification and updates, the lectures given by the first author in occasion of the Trimester in Geometry, Analysis and Dynamics on Sub- Riemannian Manifolds held at Institut Henri Poincar´ein Paris, September 2014.