
What type of has many generations Which sociologist thinks that Childhood is but not many within each generation? disappearing?

Bean Pole Postman

Which perspective believes that the traditional family is disintegrating which is Which family type has the mother in charge? leading to the collapse of society? Matrifocal New Right

Identify one government policy from the last 40 years which has impacted the family (1970+). Which sociologist coined the term “Warm Bath Theory” Children's Act, Civil Partnerships, Support Agency, Paternity Leave, New Deal, Parsons Gay Act, Sex Discrimination Act, Equal Pay Act

Which sociologist completed a study looking What is the general trend in births since at housewives and housework? 1900?

Anne Oakley Decline

Name one way in which childhood could be Which sociologist is associated with the said to be toxic. “sociology of personal life”? Junk Food, Technology and Video Games, Carol Smart Lack of parental engagement.

Give one reason for the rise in . What is the triple shift? Divorce reform Act, Secularisation, Less Paid Work, Domestic Labour, Emotional Stigma, Rise in expectations, changing role Support. of women. What is a social norm? What is migration?

Unwritten rues of behaviour The movement from one country to another.

Which sociologist is associated with toxic What is the expressive role? childhood? The emotional and caring role. Sue Palmer

Define the term infant mortality rate. What term is used to describe a family where there are multiple ? The number of deaths per 1000 live births per year. Polygyny

What is the difference between an arranged What is a symmetrical Family? marriage and a forced marriage? A family where the domestic roles and Arranged means there is still a choice. decision making are equal among all Forced does not as is illegal. member.

Which sociologists is associated with the How often is the UK census completed? “Cushioning Effect” 10 years Zaretsky

What is the definition of fertility rate? What does the term “Dark side of the family” refer to? The average number of children for women of fertile age (15 – 45) per year. Domestic Abuse and . What are the 4 functions of the family What is a neo-conventional family? according to Murdock?

Duel Earning but traditional roles at home. Reproduction, Economic Support, Socialisation, Stabilisation of sex drive.

What are the 5 types of diversity according What is meant by Joint Conjugal roles. to the Rapaports? Where partners carry out a number of task Organisational, Cultural, together including leisure time. . Cohort/Generational, class, life stage.

What is the definition of death rate? What is the term for when society and focus on the needs of the children? Number of deaths per 1000 population per year. Child Centeredness.

Give one reason for the rise in . What are the three main types of ? Secularisation, Less stigma, women’s financial independence, rising disillusionment Marxist, Liberal, Radical with marriage.

Define the term family. Who are the two main Functionalist thinkers who discuss the family? Group of people bonded by blood or legal means. Murdock and Parsons

What is the postmodernist view of the family? What is the divorce rate.

We create the family that suits are needs at The number of per 1000 married that moment in time. couple per year. Who is associated with the negotiated family What is a pure relationship? and individualisation theory? A relationship that is held together by choice Beck and , not tradition or social norms.

Which sociologists are associated with the What is the general trend in in the March of Progress view? past 50 years?

Willmott and Young. Decline

Give one reason for the rise in the What is the difference between Emigration symmetrical family. and immigration? Changing role of women, Geographical Emigration is moving out of country, Mobility, New Technology, Higher Standards immigration is moving into a country. . of living.

Identify one inequality between children and adults. What is age patriarchy?

Neglect and abuse, control over children's Adult domination over children. space, time, bodies and resources.

Give one reason for the change in position Who looked into the historical differences in of children childhood? Introduction of compulsory school, Child Aries protection legislation, Children's rights, Declining family size.

Who believed that childhood isn’t What is the information hierarchy disappearing but changing? The division between adults who can read Jenks and children who can’t. Pahl and Volger identified two ways that money is controlled in the family. What are What is the duel burden? they? Domestic Labour and emotional support. Pooling and Allowance.

Give one reason for the decline in birth rate. What is the dependency ratio? Changing role of women, introduction of The relationship between the working contraception, decline in infant mortality population and non working / dependent rate, Child centeredness, Children as population. economic liabilities.

Give one reason for the rise of lone Which perspective sees the rising divorce families. rate as meaning that people have more choice over their lives? Changing role of women, rise of divorce, single by choice, fertility technology Postmodernist / Individualisation Thesis.

What is the instrumental role What is meant by fictive kin? The breadwinner and disciplinarian of the Friends that you treat as family. family usually the male.

Who is associated with the cultural Who suggested that is explanation for the domestic division of caused by patriarchy and the need for men labour. to assert their power over women?

Gurshuny, Man Yee Kan, Dunne Radical Feminists.

What is meant by a social construct? What is the information hierarchy

Concept created by society not naturally The division between adults who can read occurring. and children who can’t. Who investigated the Tikopia tribe in relation Who argued against Postman stating that to Children? childhood was not disappearing?

Firth Opie

What did Parson’s mean by “functional fit”? What is the sociological Cage? Families change structure to fit the needs of Class, Age, Gender, Ethnicity society.

Give one reason for the decline in death How does the family support capitalism rate. according to the Marxists? Improved Nutrition, Medical Improvements, Inheritance of Wealth, Passing on of private smoking and diet, decline in dangerous property unit of consumption, providing the manual occupations, better public health next generation of workers. measures. .

Give one impact of an aging population. What is meant by life expectancy? Higher dependency ratio, more extended How long the average person lives. family, more demand for social services.

What is net migration? What is a LAT The difference between the number of people coming into a country and the Living apart together. number of people leaving.

What is a reconstituted Family? Who is the main thinker in the New Right? A family made up of with children Charles Murray from previous relationships. What is a reconstituted Family? Which sociologist is associated with the neo conventional family? A family made up of parents with children from previous relationships. Chester.

What is a household? What does Patriarchy mean? A group of people who live under the same roof, share bills and resources but are not Male dominated related by blood or legal means.

What is the difference between a refugee What is an empty nest family? and an asylum seeker? A family where the children have grown up As have asked to be a refugee but not been and moved out processed yet.

What type of family was most prominent in In what 4 ways to adults control Children? pre-industrial society? Time, Resources, Space, Bodies Extended.

Give one reason why families have become What type of household counted for 11% of more child centred. all households in 2011?

Less Children, More resources, Laws Single Person.

What is an endogamous Marriage? Name the four types of marital breakdown? Marriage within the same ethnic group, Divorce, separation, empty shell, . social class or religion. What do radical feminists mean by political What is serial monogamy? lesbianism? Sexually exclusive relationships that follow Getting rid of sexual politics by only having one after another. sex with other women regardless of sexuality.

Give two reasons why domestic violence is What is meant by a sandwich generation? under reported. The generation that is looking after both their Fear, Embarrassment, blame, reclassification own children and their elderly parents at the by police. same time.

What is confluent love? In which ethnic group are matrifocal families most common? A relationship that last only as long as it is convenient and meets expectations. Afro- Caribbean

Name one way that Postman suggests that How did Aries investigate the historical childhood is disappearing. relativity of childhood. Information Hierarchy, crime, sexualisation, Paintings blurring f responsibilities.

What term did Parsons use to explain the What term is used to describe a marriage process of social institutions changing to fit with more than two partners? the needs of society. Polygamy Structural differentiation

What term is used by Parsons to describe the What is an ascribed status. role of the breadwinner and disciplinarian of the family. The social status a person is assigned at birth or assumed involuntarily later in life. Instrumental Role What is the difference between empty nest and empty shell marriage? What is the cereal packet family? Empty nest means children have left home. The ideal family type seen in the media, Empty shell means there is no love between usually two parents and two children. the partners but usually stay together for children.

Give one reason for the rise in cohabitation. What is cohabitation? Cost of weddings, using it as a pre-marriage A loving couple that live together but are test, Rise in divorce not married

What term is used for people who leave their What is meant by the aging population? country of birth to live somewhere else? People are living longer Emigration

What is an ? Give one reason for the ageing population.

3 or more generations living in close Better health care, more education, better proximity to each other. living standards, safer working conditions.

What are the three main causes of domestic violence? Name three sociologists that studied domestic violence, Husband's expectations regarding a woman's domestic work. Dobash and Dobash, Pahl, Binney, Abbott Possessiveness and sexual jealousy. and Wallace, Walker Allocation of family resources (money). Crisis of masculinity

Before the Divorce Reform Act what three Give one reason other than the divorce reasons could be given by a woman for reform act for the rise in divorce. wanting divorce? Rising expectations, changing social Adultery, abandonment, abuse expectations, ageing population. What is the main difference between Give one reason for the rise in family postmodernist and sociology of personal life diversity. views of the family. Immigration, individualisation, material Personal life suggest choices are based on factors, social values. experiences.

What is meant by maternal deprivation? What is meant by Dependency Culture?

When a person does not have a mother When the population relies on the figure in their lives. government for handouts and benefits.

Give one way that the line between Which Marxist thinker believed that the childhood and adulthood has become less is a tool of capitalism by clear. enabling the inheritance of wealth? Clothing, activities, access to information, Engels sexualisation of children.

Who believed that the march of progress Who takes the march of progress view of the view is an over exaggeration as women still roles in the family? do a majority of domestic labour? Wilmott and Young Anne Oakley

Who suggested that the nuclear family was Sociologists refer the childhood as what? a universal institution? A social construction Murdock

What is the key feminist concept which refers What is a kibbutz? to male dominance? An Israeli commune Patriarchy