Christ Self Reflections

1 Christ Self Reflections


All of this material may be freely shared

Cover is from Chartres Cathedral, France

It is a tenet of Christianity, as it is of most religions, that the period of history we are in will not last but will be superseded by an age that will be quite different and better. Christians believe Christ will return and usher in a New Millennium. In the year 2000 Jesus announced that the Time of Christ had begun and gave out instructions in A Course of Love for recognizing and embodying one’s Christ Self. The following reflections are an attempt to articulate the shift from separate self to Unitary Self Consciousness which means, to awaken to and be who we really are. The awareness of this Self and its Presence are gradually pervading humanity.

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3. Contents and reference 4. Preface 5. Introduction 8. Christ Self Reflections: Stanzas 1-965 477. Stanza Index

All quotes and references are from: A Course of Love (ACOL) by Mari Perron (channeled from Jesus Christ)

I1: - Introduction P1: - Prelude L1-32: - A Course of Love T1-10: - A Treatise on the Art of Thought U1-13: - A Treatise on the Nature of Unity S1-22: - A Treatise on the Personal Self N1-12: - A Treatise on the New D1-17: - The Dialogues F1-40: - Forty Days and Forty Nights E1: - Epilogue A1: - Addendum

3 Christ Self Reflections


Back in January 2018, enjoined by Jesus’ injunction to begin to dialogue from the Self, I began to add a period of Self reflection and writing to my morning meditation that I then incorporated on a blog on my website, I began this dialog with Jesus but hoped that it might lead to a wider sharing. It has lead to a book, Christ Self Reflections, that a year and a half later is on Amazon kindle. This isn’t just a part time project for me, but a gradual shift to centering myself in the soul and living as such. This is a shift that I believe many of us are in process of making. Although I have relied on Jesus’ Teaching in A Course of Love to provide the basic framework of ideas, I have, in the spirit of that Teaching, relied on the intuitive Knowing within the Self to be the authentic basis for my writing. I therefore am not claiming any special authority but my own inspiration. However, it is my hope that these thoughts may find resonance, as we all are awakening to the same inner Truth.

Don Turner June 2019 Seattle, Washington

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Not only Christians, but Muslims, Jews, Buddhists and other religious believers understand that history proceeds in cycles, and that humanity is now at the end of one age and is transitioning to a new age that will be quite different from the old. Christians believe that Jesus will return in this new age but they should also understand that He is even now emerging and can be reached in our minds and hearts. He is not yet here physically, but has been sending out His messages and His spirit to the world and many people are hearing this communication. There are many books that have been already published that articulate His thoughts on how to adjust to and live in this new time.

Science, of course, cannot understand how this could be because it can only know the material universe, and not the spiritual metaphysical universe that is causal to the physical. However, as spiritual beings living in human form, we can know this as we have a consciousness that transcends the human form we incarnate in. This spiritual consciousness is called Christ and is what we essentially are. The essence of Jesus’ new messages is about helping us to be able to shift our identity from the separate ego which our present civilization has been built on, to living as Christ identified soul. And the essence of this process involves releasing our attachment to separative ego beliefs and opening instead through the united heart and mind to our inner Self, Who is Christ. And then expressing this.

Many believers will not believe in Jesus until, like the apostle Thomas, they can see the physical form and are convinced by consensus thinking. But if one will listen to one’s inner knowing as that is given by spirit, one may intuit the one truth given out through the many people who are hearing and channeling Jesus’ thoughts now. In this time of turmoil in the world, the sooner one may understand the nature of the changes happening on the planet and align with the positive potential that exists now, the sooner one may move into the new reality of

5 Christ Self Reflections oneness, joy, peace and creative life that comprises the state of being and the new civilization that awaits humanity.

There are many signs in these times that indicate that we are in an epochal transition. The Earth itself cannot go on with the pollution and exploitation humanity have imposed upon Her. There is increasing acceptance that there are UFO’s observing us in the skies and letting us know in various ways that we are on the verge of a new time and an enlarged understanding of our place in the universe. The old civilization with its continual wars, global injustice, disparities of wealth and human suffering, can be seen by billions of people around the planet to be unsustainable and untenable for the future. The flaws of the few who control the system can be easily recognized by the masses of people who can see the selfish compulsion for power, acquisition and domination.

We need a fundamental change in our thinking and way of life. Fortunately, Jesus is offering us such a change that is destined to be embodied by humanity. We may begin now by realizing that the age of the ego — of separation, fear, lack, violence, and ignorance — is ending and that we may leave it now by opening to the new spiritual energy that is already infusing the planet and allowing each and all to realize that they have a real and ongoing connection to God and Christ within. This begins by shifting our focus from the ego mind, with its conditioned assumptions about reality, to the heart, which connects us to the larger life. It is through the heart consciousness, with its inherent connection to all life, that we may learn to realize and consciously express that One spiritual Life that moves in all.

A few of the people in the US who have published communications from Jesus that they have received:

Helen Schucman. Tom Carpenter. Paul Ferrini. Gina Lake. John Smallman. Darrell M Price. Nazareth/ Mari Perron.

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The following book is a compilation of meditative reflections of the Inner Self over a period of a year and a half that was prompted by Jesus’ encouragement to dialogue that was given out in Mari Perron’s channeling of Jesus in A Course of Love. This dialogue represents an endeavor to share an inner Christ infused consciousness, that we may begin to shift our identity to the Christ Self that is now emerging into our awareness and thereby begin to extend and create the New Reality that God Intends for Earth. I believe A Course of Love embodies Jesus’ most advanced Teaching that facilitates our direct awareness, experience and embodiment of Christ Consciousness.

Christ has been made so special in Christianity that we feel it is nearly impossible to have any relationship. He is ever above us, out of reach, an idol apart and beyond our efforts. This really isn’t so, fortunately, for Christ is ever within us, speaking to us continually as that Voice of our very Self. Christ is the essence of who we are, embodying the Love that we feel, the Spirit that moves us, the Consciousness that we share as extensions of God. In the moments when we forget who we think we are and step outside of our habitual stream of consciousness, we rest in the Peace of Christ who is always there waiting for us to turn our attention and awareness to Him, Who is us. Yes, in awaking to who we really are and shifting out of our personal identity by choosing our inner Self, we are awakening to the Christ Self we share. As we more fully embody this Self and live from this awareness, we shall gradually realize the full implications of what is emerging in the world now. Christ is not coming from without, but from within as an awakening to the One Self that we are. This book is an attempt to share this Self that is here now. Let us become aware of what IS here now and assume our role in the Second Coming that is happening now unannounced.


7 Christ Self Reflections

Christ Self Reflections: An Ongoing Communion

1. Something wondrous and long foretold is happening now When we look at the world situation from the perspective of the ego we see intractable problems and suffering that can cause anxiety, confusion, and even depression. It is wonderful to realize that there is something else happening unbeknownst that is the answer to our collective prayers and hopes. Jesus tells us that the Second Coming of Christ has begun and that we all have important roles in this process and awakening. Let us share our experiences of the emergent Christ Self that we are collectively an expression of, and share the vision, feelings, ideas and images that are inspired by this connection — and so create the New world.


2. It's a relief not to be concerned for the ego It’s such a relief not to worry about the ego and its history, limitations and tendencies. It’s not us. The personal self now provides a place where God may directly and consciously Be on Earth. How do we explain ourselves? We are just living in the moment, doing and expressing what we are given to.


3. The vision of a collective awakening to the One Self We have the collective opportunity of breaking through in consciousness to a higher level of our being and living from there. This entails awakening as a soul to who one really is. This is a vision of a unitive Self that we are each an equal expression of. This heart centered awareness is free of the separative concepts and beliefs that have occupied the ego mind. It is a free and light filled space within which may be formulated that which we can know here. In this effort we may help one another as explorers and creators in a new world. It’s important to recognize the love which connects us and which makes this

8 Christ Self Reflections space and this consciousness safe, peaceful and harmonious. Then, it is just a matter of opening up to what is there and sharing this with one another. A new light and life is breaking through in consciousness. May we recognize it, express it and create the New with it. In love and light.


4. It’s easier than we think What does Christ want but to be seen, acknowledged, accepted and embraced. He has gifts He wants to give that He needs for us to accept. That gift is our own Christ Self and everything that comes with that — Peace, Freedom, Light, Love, Power, Creation, Knowing. He wants us to step beyond time into the stillness and silence of the timeless now and accept His Life and His Consciousness — to become the divine Creators who we are and to begin to create the New World our God has destined for Earth. We may see Christ within everyone. We may hear Him speak through those we hear. We may accept that what He gives is given to all. This is not as hard as we might imagine as He does it all — we just allow it. This is surrendering to that larger Life we are opening to, and who we are realizing is our Self as we really are.


5. Let’s reimagine the world Let’s reimagine the world. It no longer needs to be a place where survival, security and personal satisfactions are paramount. Even now, we can change the social construct to establish universal entitlements that allow each to live without fear of want. Then imagine a wave of Light infusing and awakening all humanity to the fact that we are really interrelated extensions of the same divine Self and Life. Imagine the joy, peace and love that will be experienced by all when we realize that the prophesies of a New Millennium are being fulfilled. Now daily life will be freed up to allow each to joyously create their highest vision from the love in their hearts. This consciousness and opportunity is here now if we would choose it.


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6. The Hierarchy of Light is emerging into the world The Hierarchy of Light is emerging from within. Imagine the dimension of spirit gradually cohering and becoming visible as it moves within the physical world. This dimension of reality has always been within life, but was invisible. Now, because its frequency has been increased, we can notice it and align with it. This Light is an emanation of spirit and is a unity. By opening to the Heart we will realize that this space is a unitary Consciousness or Self. This is awakening to our real Self, as an expression of Christ. If we can shift the focus of our identity to this Self, we may access the innate knowing that is intrinsic to it and be able to live without the mental constructs and programming of the ego mind. From this new mind we will create the new world that is already within it as a seed or essence.


7. The blessing of inspiration What a blessing it is to be inspired each moment by what is present. Opening up to the Heart in the Now is to enter a treasury of riches. Releasing our hold on the old ideas of the ego mind, we will discover new vistas of awareness, of vision. The Self of Christ is an infinite and timeless space of ever new creation. As new nebulae are continually being born in the cosmos, we may also become co-creators of new worlds of consciousness. As Christ is being born in us on Earth as we accept Him, Who knows what ultimate purpose this may play in our living Solar life and larger Cosmic Order. Our eyes are being opened to spiritual dimensions beyond the veil of separation and materiality that had confined us. We are being born to our role and place in the One Infinite Life that suffuses the universe and more beyond. Earth is becoming sacred. The angels announce our imminent birth.


8. The different manner of expression of self and Self The ego will ‘talk about’ stuff as it is separate and therefore projects separation from life. The soul or Self just expresses directly from its own knowing. It doesn’t use the ego mind but

10 Christ Self Reflections rather uses the higher mind to formulate its ideas. In the shift from the age of separation to the age of unity, we must begin to stand in our own knowing and function as souls. We don’t have to rely on what we have learned as egos but may rely on our innate and intuitive sense that is part of who we are. It’s a process. We don’t have to worry about making mistakes as knowledge is really relative and the whole point is trusting our Self. There are an infinite number of ways of putting love into words and actions. And Love is really what it’s all about.


9. Christ is calling us to wake up now Right now, if we would look through the sky to the Light enfolding the planet we would see Christ blessing us and evoking us to wake up. He is embracing us and telling us that the time of fulfillment is now. We may see this vision before our eyes and as a banner hold it before us as the army of the Lord takes charge of Earth. There is no gainsaying this Power in this Destined Moment. Rejoice! Tell your friends, announce the Truth, leave fear and worry behind and move forward with the Angel host. A Time long awaited and prophesied has begun. Listen and you will know what to say and do. A clarion trumpet sound is reverberating through the ether. Rejoice and join the procession - and the dance!


10. Let us claim the freedom of the Self Let us claim our freedom to be who we really are and rely on nothing but our Self. We need no outside authority to grant us permission, to acknowledge our Truth or our Being. We are. And in that mighty acclamation let the New World begin. The New World is uncharted and as in the days of old when the rivers and mountains were new and unnamed, let us claim the divine right we have to create and manifest new ideas, forms, images, values and patterns appropriate to this moment when the Father and Creator is remaking Earth to realize His Supreme Purpose. He is inspiring us as we align with the truth of our Being which derives from Him. In our complete freedom is the freedom of spirit which is our divine nature. Releasing everything of the old

11 Christ Self Reflections world of separation is necessary to create something completely new and better.


11. Christ will spread the fire of His Love until it is felt by all The more of us who can make the shift to the Christ Self and live wholeheartedly from the Heart, the more immediate will be the impact on humanity. Rather than just a few here and there giving voice to an idea that is lost in the cacophony of worldly life, a movement like a firestorm will flame up and like a miracle, transform our collective consciousness. Victory has already been won within and it’s just the outworking of this that remains. The bastions of worldly power, and privilege, and the age old shibboleths that have seemed so solid and real will come crashing down in an instant. The power that has held them up has been withdrawn. The real Power of this world has come to claim it. It is time.


12. We are not separate egos Jesus, in His recent Teachings, has given a lot of emphasis to explaining what the ego - our false separate self and the civilization based on it - is all about, as the New Age of Oneness requires that we release our old separate identity as we awaken to our real Self. This corresponds to a shift away from relying on the concrete mind and its many cherished ideas which are then projected onto reality, to relying on the Heart with its intuitive knowing which it then extends in unity to others who are embodiments of the same Self. He has given so much attention to this small step, because we cannot claim our divine Self as long as we cling onto the old and the separate - “New wine is not poured into old wine skins.” And currently many or most well meaning people are still ego identified. This is what this blog hopes to ameliorate — to practice speaking from the soul.


13. Let us not be in conflict but affirm the Truth instead Standing in our own being, let us affirm the positive truth rather than fighting the negative untruth, which only gives it power. Let

12 Christ Self Reflections us affirm the Heart and fear will wither without belief in it. We don’t have to worry if our formulation of the inspiration of the moment is imperfect as we will collectively sort it all out over time. Let us give voice, as best we can, to what we are coming to know and hear. And with practice we can only become better co-creators. There are many dark things in the world now made by the ego for its own goals. Yet the more light and love we express and embody, the more the shadows are automatically dispersed. Fear is built on illusion and is powerless against reality. And the reality of the One Life is now encompassing the world.


14. Our separate form has changed We have gotten so used to living within the house of our separate personality, looking through the windows of our senses at the world outside, that we do not realize that something important has changed. The doors are gone and the window glass has been removed. Now outside air wafts through our form and the walls have become translucent to the light. We are now united with the living space that encompasses us. We breathe the same air, we are One with the same Life. Though we persist in a physical form, we are beginning to realize that the same Loving Consciousness is pervading us all. The veil of separation has been removed. Our ‘elevated’ forms merely provide places where we can share our common life and what we are coming to know together.


15. Living in a Divine Story Living in a divine story: To my fellow human characters in our wondrous story: as we elevate our vibration and ascend above the mundane, our lives become more associated and clothed in the magic of myth, legend and fairy tale. Anything created in the Mind of God has, by definition, a timeless eternal quality. This time we are living in and this Divine process we are surrendering to has been foretold long ago by the sages of old and proclaimed in song and myth. We are now caught up in that Divine Story that is unfolding. And we are players with our roles to perform. It's a fairy tale come to life. May we awaken from our sleep of life as

13 Christ Self Reflections we have known it, to the dream of life our God has created for us to realize and live "happily ever after" in.


16. Flowing with the timeless Divine Song Stepping out of the point of consciousness that we have identified with into the Heart space encompassing us, we do not just shift into emptiness, but rather open to the unfolding musical flow of love within creation. It embodies a chorus, a song streaming from a timeless place that we may flow with and give expression to. This is that Divine Beauty that is as the Divine Intent behind and within everything that all creation is flowing towards. Let us release our hold on the small particulars that we have given so much reality to, and surrender to this cosmic river of life which will transfigure and free us. Let us be grateful for this grace that we may experience in this moment.


17. Listening to the Self within all Shifting into the Spacious Self that we are all beginning to notice, open to and align with, we will find that even others who are not conscious of this Self, must perforce be within it, as this Self Consciousness is within all. Therefore, if we listen carefully we may translate their particular words and thoughts into those of the inner soul and respond to that soul. And by doing so, help to awaken them to the reality of the Christ Self we are beginning to embody. It is simply a matter of staying centered and at one and not allowing ourselves to be pulled out into a separate ego focus. And waiting in patience and trust to what we hear, and expressing this. Thus we live in the world but are not of the world.


18. The spectrum of Love From desire and attachment to the loftiest vibrations of supernal love, all that we can experience is a manifestation of the spectrum of love. And unless our mind and will are fully obedient to the course which love would have us set, we will flounder in missed opportunity, no matter what outer success is

14 Christ Self Reflections achieved. In accepting the wisdom that in love, ‘giving and receiving are one’, we each synthesize the feminine surrender to the encompassing spirit, with the masculine embodiment and action that love requires. Then our assent on the wings of love is as the beating of wings or the cycle of breathing. We become a point through which the Infinite Self can express, manifest and be and in each moment encompass more. What would our highest vision of love have us know, imagine, create, do or express?


19. Invoking Christ’s Love We know the importance of living from the Heart. Love is the portal to Christ. I believe our individual experience can be intensified by adding the Devotions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary, as the Catholics practice. Then we utilize a form that takes us directly into the flow of Divine Love that is our ultimate nature. The more we can be suffused with the encompassing embrace of Christ’s Love, the easier it is to then extend that Love and see and experience it in all we meet.


20. All hail those who love! Our gratitude and appreciation to those who express love. The power of love transforms relationship as it instantly creates connections and bonds. Love reveals the truth of who we are and grants us freedom to be ourselves. Love is beauty and the sweetness of life. Love is being real in the moment and touching an eternal moment. Love is a gift that lasts forever, a blessing, a revelation. Love is happiness and joy. Love is the doorway to a larger life, a path that leads beyond what we currently know. Those who love are light bearers, and angels in human disguise who show us our divine nature. All hail those who love!


21. Expressing from the Heart, not ‘talking about’ It’s difficult to get out of our old habit of ‘talking about’ life as if we were separate from it. This is an ego attitude. When actually life is unfolding new in every moment to be lived and embodied.

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Each moment offers the opportunity for new co-creation as we may give form and expression to what we are discovering and coming to know. We are creators in lineage to our Father Who has created the multiple dimensions and interpenetrating worlds of Earth. We are told that it is humanity’s destiny to co-create and manifest the New Millennium. The Light and spiritual energy is here now but we must give it form and embody it. Let’s not wait for someone else to do that which is our task. This is a disempowered attitude. Let us begin now to embrace Love and our Christ Self and build the New World together.


22. Manifesting Heaven on Earth Because Jesus returned to Paradise/Heaven, we shall too. Yet we shall not return through death, but by manifesting Heaven on Earth. Then Christ will not just be embodied temporarily through one man, but will be embodied by that portion of humanity who choose to throughout the New Millennium. Christ is returning through a collective/group embodiment. Therefore, together we must first accept Jesus as the Way, the Truth and the Life, and by doing so come to realize our Self and Christ.


23. Humanity’s vibration is increasing When Jesus said “If I be lifted up from Earth, I will draw all men unto me.”, the Father/Logos of course heard Him and fulfilled His desire and intent in the fullness of time. And so now Jesus’ vibration and energy has been increased so that it is noticeable and accessible to all. Now, not just the elect but anyone may choose Jesus’ Life, Consciousness, and Will as his own. As, indeed it is our own as He embodies our Self. Now we each may accept and be our Self and assume our equal brotherhood in Christ with Jesus. Now, in this new time, Jesus says we no longer need the intermediary of the Holy Spirit but may directly contact, live and be our Christ Self. We already exist in union and Oneness. Now we may choose this. And so it is.


16 Christ Self Reflections

24. Beyond duality The battle between good and bad, right and wrong has characterized the Age of Separation. Both elements were inexorably part of the whole. However, good is not the final destination, but a step leading beyond duality to the divine that has always encompassed our world. This step is a synthesis for we now see the part in the whole, the One Self within the ego, though the ego sees it not. And we may live as One in a world of separate forms and lives, by opening to and accepting the One Life in all. Thus begins the Age of Christ, of Unity and Oneness.


25. Acceptance Acceptance is one of the key ideas in A Course of Love. Acceptance not only implies awareness, acceptance and love of our feelings and personalities without identifying with these. At the same time it implies accepting our identity as the One Self in unity with Jesus Christ and all of humanity. This implies acceptance of the completeness that we intrinsically have integral to that Self. This accomplishment implies the innumerable positive qualities and knowing that we share with Jesus Christ. Acceptance therefore, not only frees us from our separate ego identification but allows us to express our Self through that human representation.


26. Withdrawing investment in thought I’m getting to the point of not caring what anyone thinks, because I don’t care what I think. Thoughts are just thoughts, but nothing to invest much reality in. Formulating my awareness in thought to share it is different, however. After it’s expressed the thought is forgotten. Thought is used as a form to communicate a consciousness but the forms themselves have no value. Being in the present is about sharing conscious awareness and not so much about thought itself. So why should I care about what anyone, including myself, thinks? I shouldn’t. I need only be concerned about the consciousness they are communicating and the qualities or feelings within that consciousness. And since all feeling relates to love in some way,

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I am just concerned with love. I am primarily concerned with the One Self.


27. Finding an access to Unity In terms of finding an access point out of the matrix of separation and into the dimension of Oneness, I like to imagine the heart energies expanding until my body is standing in a portal and my mind is now vibrating in this energy. Then I look out/in on a unified field of consciousness that interpenetrates and informs all creation. As this space is imbued with Self consciousness, light, love and purpose, I may shift my identification to this collective Self and begin to notice what I am coming to know through this shift. It is a space that accepts and holds all on the physical level and yet new knowing is always unfolding from within, that we may express and share.


28. What might be some simple steps to becoming whole? We connect to the loving heart and imagine this energy expanding and encompassing the entire body and mind, creating a portal. We look inward through the portal into an energetic space that actually pervades all life. We then realize that this heart space is imbued with consciousness, light, love and will and that it is actually the Presence of the One Self within all. Joining with this Whole, we notice an intuitive knowing and a desire and will to express it. The separate person then becomes the creative expression of our wholeness and what we are given to know and share. We live from Wholeness or Oneness, totally releasing the idea that we are separate. We become conscious creators, in union with God, manifesting the new.


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29. A spiritual dialogue So far, I have just been dialoging with Jesus, whose pure Light is showing us who we really are and how we may claim our divine inheritance and be as He is and One with Christ. This is not about being anything special, better or different as the ego thinks of it. Rather it just involves opening to, relaxing into and being something that is already there and complete within. This is about collectively awakening to our true Self as integral expressions of the One Self within all life. This entails a new purpose in living. Not the ego’s purposes of security, survival and pleasure. But the soul’s purposes of joy in new life unfolding, love and the creation of the good, the beautiful and the true. We don’t have to worry about making mistakes, it’s all good. A New Age is beginning. Let us embrace it.


30. The right time for Revelation Now the sun is out and the sky is blue and all is right in creation. The fertile earth prepares to bring forth new life. The angels in the sky soar in joy and exuberance. Everything is perfect and in order. Even those things that we might judge against are here because they must be, yet everything changes. Humanity is freeing itself and embracing the spirit within. We are in the throes of a great conflict and agony as we break through the false, the fear and the veils of separation to claim our divinity. God knew we would, for we embody His Consciousness and His Spirit and He has decided that it is time to reveal and manifest Himself.


31. Oneness as the alpha and omega What we are here to learn is what we must teach. Receiving and giving are interrelated. What do we want? We must share this for we already have it within. If we want to become who we really are, we must live it. There are many things on Earth that could be reformed or improved. This is all good and necessary work. But for myself, could I be happy living in paradise in separation? I think not. Unless whole and fully living as One, can one be happy? We all have transitory moments of satisfaction, love, inspiration and joy. We are grateful for those places of beauty

19 Christ Self Reflections and peace. Yet the divine river of life beckons, to which we surrender. The free spirit Lives, ever new and as One. It sees no distinction between mine and yours, giving and receiving.


32. Everything is part of the same One Life Wherever we are, with whatever is happening, imagine that it is all part of the same thing and an expression of one life unfolding. Whoever we see and hear, imagine that they are expressing the same unitary Self although speaking with different voices. Something links us all together in a Oneness. If we call it Christ then we are cognizant of Christ and are embodying Christ as we claim this One Self as our own, as who we really are. We are much larger than we thought we were. Now we are awakening to our Self and becoming Whole. Jesus, Mary and the spiritual Masters have realized and demonstrated this. Now we may take our place in this Brotherhood and live as One. Everyone is equally an expression of the same Consciousness so there is no better or worse. We don’t need to rely on anyone else, as what we are is intrinsic to us. Choosing Oneness we will extend Oneness. Releasing the ego mind, we no longer will project separation. Let us open to and embrace the One Life now and give thanks for all the blessings that come with this.


33. Christ is the bridge God is in me as God is in everything. God is in my experience as the Self Consciousness and Life within. Who links the Consciousness within all life? Christ. Christ is the bridge to God, Who is One with the Father or spirit behind and within all. Jesus has shown us who we really are as Sons of God. And He has extended His Life and Consciousness to us so that we might realize that it is ours. We have the same essential nature. And He is teaching us now that we too may claim and establish our Christhood. Let us believe in Him Who is the Way and the Truth, and thereby believe in our Self and our capacity to embody it.


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34. We now have more awareness of choice We have more choice today than we have ever had and more conscious awareness to go along with that. We can choose which thoughts, feelings and actions we want to give energy and reality to. We are freer from the confines of our particular conditioning, our past and our habitual ways if we would fully realize the potential we have now. We are more aware of the creative effect of our assumptions and beliefs on our experience and more conscious of our capacity to change these if not reflective of our deepest truth. We are becoming more aware that we may choose the soul, rather than staying identified with the separate ego, and the consequent ramifications of this shift. And we are beginning to be aware that we may choose to embrace Christ and that He is there within the moment waiting.


35. The impediment of judgment A big impediment is the idea or judgement that we should be or feel a certain way. Especially if we are not feeling so great, we subconsciously condemn ourselves, feel guilty and imagine that this feeling hinders attaining or maintaining a more ‘spiritual’ or positive state. It really doesn’t except that we think it so. If we would just accept and love this feeling, we would by virtue of this act, have to step out of it into the larger loving being that we really are. And we would realize that this negative feeling is not really an impediment but rather an opportunity to love, transform and become who we really are. We are both the separate and the whole. The dynamic tension between them is part of the creative process and life.


36. To redeem the world How do we redeem this world that has been created in separation? By embracing it in love, in Oneness. We see our One Self within all and call it forth. We awaken the separate selves to the underlying truth of the One Self we share by being the Self. Love naturally extends itself as we embody love, as we embody Christ. The world was created to manifest Wholeness through separation, timelessness and infinity through space and time. God’s Intention is to manifest Himself directly and

21 Christ Self Reflections consciously on this densest plane, and we are an extension of God’s consciousness. We are Sons of God who must awaken to our true nature and role. We must now create in union and love rather than from separation and fear. We are part of a planetary birth that is the Consciousness of God or Christ emerging into the outer world from within. It’s available now to be embodied to transform the world. And from this beginning a new civilization will be created.


37. Detaching from thought I’m actually not that attached to my thoughts, I think them or express them and then they are gone and often unremembered. And why should it be different? Each moment is new, so why would we want to hold on to an old conception? If it’s valid, it will articulate something that continues to be true, that will continue to be there to be known or felt. I have a different attitude to thought than I used to. I once thought it would be lovely to live in my thoughts. Now, that would seem like sorting through dusty books when Spring and Love is blooming in the world. Thought still has value - but it must express the heart’s experience and awareness. Thought must do Love’s bidding - and Love is ever-new.


38. A tenuous connection My relationship with my Self is still fluctuating. Sometimes there is me and sometimes We. Sometimes I’m in Oneness and sometimes not. I guess this would be fine if I could always choose, but sometimes I don’t notice Christ. And sometimes there is a mundane task that my ego is suited for. I do know, however, that it’s always there whether I am consciously aware or not. I’m getting better at noticing and feeling the Presence when I look for it. Moments of inspiration are reassuring. Jesus’ words are connecting. There, now I am back to the One of Us.


22 Christ Self Reflections

39. Speaking as the spacious Self I have tried to create this place of Heart sharing where we may speak from the soul’s knowing as the spacious Self. Not a place where as egos we discuss what Jesus has said and thereby separate ourselves from it as an other. Not a place where talk about all manner of personal reactions and thoughts. Although I know we can’t help but do that to some extent as most of us are just in the process of becoming and being who we really are. And this is a new and uncharted land that we are exploring together. However, let’s not worry about having to be perfect. Let us speak from the heart in love and everything will take care of itself.


40. What are some of the implications of the One Self? Sharing: As inwardly all is shared, outwardly all must be shared as well and the universal needs of all be established for all. Equality: As inwardly we are all equal participants in the One Self, outwardly there should not be unequal power, privilege or possessions. Creativity: As life is ever new, creative expression should be a universal goal. Knowing: As inwardly we already know, this intrinsic knowing of the heart should be fostered rather than relying on external authority and conditioned ideas. Holistic connections: As everything is an interconnected whole, we must acknowledge the divinity within all life and the role that each part has. God’s Plan: There is an intention and purpose within all life that must be accepted and surrendered to. Love: As Love is the primary force within, love must rule all.


41. The place that is always new We are really voyaging to the land of love — that place where we may do only what we love and be only who we really are. It’s a place where the day is always new, the sun is always shining and the birds singing. There we may listen to our hearts and create the inspiration of the moment, sharing it with each other. We have all lost the way at times, and the freedom of spirit, but

23 Christ Self Reflections as we trust in our heart and the vision of a New Age of peace, brotherhood, joy and love, now lived at One, we may find our way to this land and begin to build the new world of love together. It is a New Consciousness now spreading and a New Time long prophesied. It’s here now.


42. Living in the land of love Living in the land of love, we can expect to occasionally have flashbacks to when we had to fear, plan, control and think out how we lived. The old world was hard work and struggle. And we all know some friends and family who are still living there that we want to help. The best thing is to let them see how your life now is and they will realize the advantages, although they still might think they are not able to move and begin a new life. However, you have planted a seed that will eventually germinate. Don’t worry overmuch about the past and the old world. Shake off the old fears and beliefs when they come upon you like a bad dream. And be grateful for what you have now and what you can see that is coming.


43. The Word The Word is the spirit of Life that can move us in many ways. How do we give expression and form to this impulse? What visions, words, actions and feelings does it inspire? As it is whole, it reflects the whole and to do it justice requires one’s whole commitment and life. For the Word is the eternal living being that is our life, that is behind and within us and that we are ever aspiring to unite with and consciously embody. By the Word we are created. By the Word we are ever One with the Creator. Jesus reminds us of the Word that He embodies, so that we may come to embody it too. Let us listen, trust, express and be who we really are as equal Sons of God, as free divine spirits in manifestation.


24 Christ Self Reflections

44. February moments February is really a beautiful month. It has that inwardness, stillness, timelessness and feeling of being connected to the eternal and apart from the busy world that the winter months have. But it also has more light and signs of a new year being born that is so hopeful and positive. Really, each month and season has its own special beauty, blessing and joy. Just as every aspect of life is an expression of the perfect divine. Unless we are feeling grateful for what life brings us, we are not really experiencing all the love that is there for us. Our ideas of what we think we want and need are always less than the gifts waiting for us.


45. Finding the portal ‘in’ Our thoughts are ever in flux and conflict — good and bad, right and wrong, light and dark, past and future, inner and outer. How do we find that portal to the world that is ever peace, harmony, light and love? They say that within our physical dimension are inner spiritual worlds of Oneness and surpassing beauty. How do we open to, align with and experience these? How do we bring out and manifest the Truths, Beauty, Knowing and Eternal Life of the Spiritual Kingdoms? As we are spiritual beings, ourselves, we must already have a connection with these Highest Realms. If we raise our vision, and listen with the heart, we may even now hear the angelic chords that may inspire a vision to live. We just have to believe it and let it guide us.


46. Choosing to dream with God What can be better than a blissful blue sky? In the lighted emptiness above, thoughts like visions congeal and flow in the spirit infused air. Dreams arise like magic — imaginations of love and beauty. The mind becomes, likewise, a screen on which are projected movie, stories and scripts — of love. For what is life but an opportunity to create endless ways to experience and know love. What is the mind but a way to express and know love and that Self Who is the knower behind the myriad dramas of life. The mind can create many things — but the ultimate

25 Christ Self Reflections purpose of each is love and knowing the loving Self Whose Mind it is.


47. Choosing the shortest path of Love and Joy It’s interesting that no matter which path we take, they all seem to lead to the same place. Whether we try a shortcut or make a detour sometimes doesn’t seem to matter. So why not go by the most love infused and joyful path? Pain is only going to bring us back to this anyway. Let us notice what makes our heart sing and let us dance to it. ‘Joy is a special wisdom’. Let the heart be the compass that determines our way and then let us enjoy the journey. Whether we seem to stay in the same place or not, life is always unfolding something new. Let us stay open in the Now and share the gifts.


48. Recognizing the Word When Jesus responds to us it may not be in words or thoughts, but may more likely be an energy or circumstance that provides light, inspiration or direction. This will come as the voice of our own soul and our own knowing. Even if this is through a circumstance, encounter or action by another, the meaning and interpretation is something we have to derive within our self. And since we are One Self, that feeling and knowing is interpreted as being our own - as it is. Our prayers are really acts of communion and affirmation. These serve to clarify what our path is about, what we value and feel is most important. Let us hold the vision of the good of all as integral to One Self, and we will be supported in realizing this.


49. The simplicity of Being When we open to the awareness of the heart and the unitary Self, that we are each an expression of, we will find that life is much more simple than we have thought it is. If we can maintain this awareness and not shift back to the ego, the moment just is and we are intuitively given to know what to express in each unfolding moment. It’s a very pleasant experience to know that

26 Christ Self Reflections we are all expressing the same Self, each in our own way. Everyone is connected in Love. This is also a very peaceful experience as there is no struggle or worry. The ego will always have its agenda, but you can assess whether any of it needs to be done or not. Most likely it’s not so pressing. Some of it can be done as the Self, and some done as the ego — shifting back to the Self when done.


50. Christ is here like a ‘thief in the night’ Christ is the Self that we share. And like a ‘thief in the night’ He is already here unbeknownst within us now. There is no fanfare, no thunderclaps or great wonders in the sky. Just Him quietly there, awaiting our awareness and our acceptance. How do we know it is Him and not some other being or entity? When we share our Self and what we feel, know, think and create, we will find that we are all coming from the same Life, Consciousness, Will and Mind which is by definition, Christ. Christ connects us and allows us to experience ourselves as interconnected extensions of One Self. Jesus, Mary and the Masters, Who are One with Christ are sharing Themselves with us so that we might realize we also can claim our Oneness with Christ.


51. Choosing to awaken to Love I used to wake up to my self and my thought life for the day. Now I am choosing to wake up to my Self and my Heart life in the moment and let the day unfold. It’s a more connected, open, loving and fluid state. I still do things, of course, but they happen more automatically and naturally from being rather than from having to do. Rather than being separate, consciousness is a communion, and a relationship with my Self. It involves listening and then expressing from the Heart as I am endeavoring to do now. As I believe that we are all endeavoring to open to the One Self together, our efforts reinforce each other and establish an expanding field of light and love and Self Consciousness in the world. And that’s a big change — creating a world where we share our Oneness rather than our fearful belief in separation.

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52. From ego projection to the Self’s extension Jesus has informed us that the ego projects what it holds within its mind onto its experience and thus its experience is really determined by what it believes. Its experienced life results from and mirrors the ego mind. The Self extends its love and therefore sees a common Self in all. What we identify with determines the world of our experience and is our choice. In both there is a natural physical world, but the ego projects onto this its belief in the reality of fear, separation, struggle, pain, differences, time, attack, vulnerability and uncertainty. The Self sees the play of love, creative joy, peace, timeless ever-new life, Oneness and beauty, among other things. The better choice is obvious, but we have to overcome an ingrained habit that seems built in, to a degree, to our physical make up. However, Life, with every blessing is calling us to wake up.


53. The war against our Self Jesus says that all war is but war upon yourself. This reflects the process of the creation of the ego which arose from a belief in separation which is an attack and denial of the reality of the Wholeness and Oneness of the Self. In war we project our desire for power and control which we assume the ‘enemy’ holds against us. Our desire for power stems from underlying fear, uncertainty and assumptions of lack and vulnerability which are judgments against our Self. It’s certainly easy to see this playing out in the world now. The US and its allies have no real basis for the wars they continue to promulgate. It’s obvious that they are creating their enemies as a pretext for their aggression. Terrorism is a bogeyman and fear personified that seems to justify our present war. We are really projecting and fighting our own demons that we don’t want to own. There is no real reason that everyone in the world now could not live in peace and plenty, except that we - and particularly the world’s rulers - choose the old way of separation, self aggrandizement and ‘power over’. We, the people, must choose differently and choose leaders who represent this will.


28 Christ Self Reflections

54. Moving from thinking to feeling We place an excessive importance on the rational mind in our culture. As Jesus has said, the historical past has been characterized by our identification with the separate ego with its felt need to learn, think, and control in order to survive and prosper. The imagination of the heart has been of subsidiary importance to the separative ego mind and the world’s reality that resulted from it. Shifting to the Self, we must perforce open to the heart’s dreams and imaginations and give these expression and life. The new world must be a place where beautiful visions that enhance the general good can be more easily made manifest. As we shift from giving thought primary reality to wholehearted feeling, the infinite imaginations intrinsic to Being must begin to impinge upon us to be given expression and form through us — new worlds of light and love — that we can create together.


55. Not an impersonal abstraction but a growing intimacy Jesus has reassured us that as we move from ego to Self, from personality to soul, we do not become more impersonal but rather more intimate with all life. Really, as inwardly we are all part of the same consciousness and life, this is unavoidably intimate. We embrace all in a loving inclusion and acceptance. And others express our Self in a relationship that is a communion. Life and love and everything passes through us, as we embrace our interconnected Wholeness. To be impersonal is to be in the separative ego mind. To be in the Heart is to be in the center and source of all life, that allows us to feel One with all, which is a very loving and intimate place to be.


56. The new education Jesus’ Teaching has importance for education. Education should foster the Heart, imagination and intuition more in unison with the intellect. We need to cultivate the awareness that we have an intrinsic inner knowing and develop methods to explore this capacity. Our approach to education has emphasized the need to use of our minds in a computer like way to sort out and

29 Christ Self Reflections develop internalized facts and ideas. This assumes that what is real and important is external and what determines value is the mind. Jesus says that we have this reversed and must realize that the Heart is the avenue to connect with a knowing that is already there within us. We must align with the Self within and extend its knowing, rather than projecting the beliefs in the separative ego mind and then perceiving the world in terms of those assumptions. We must realize that what is real and important are not facts themselves as the ego mind thinks but the Self within which has the power to order everything for its creative purposes.


57. The appeal of timeless myth Myth and fantasy have a universal appeal, even to modern rational man, because we are really spiritual beings who have a spirit that is unlimited, free, unitary, knowing and powerful beyond what we can imagine. Modern realism is reductionistic and overlooks the most essential part of our being. It would discourage us from believing we are anything more than a self conscious animal who has evolved from the beasts and not a divine creation and extension of God. Yet if we will listen to the call of spirit we will ever be drawn to exceed ourselves and mundane concerns. The call of spirit is a call from deep within the heart which awakens us from all fear, sloth and petty self absorption. The Life we then live by and the world we subsequently create from our being, transforms the old world as it irradiates a higher Light, Love and Truth. Let us heed the call of spirit and reveal the New World!


58. Finding one’s Idea Jesus says that we are each a thought or idea of God. The idea that I am most aspiring to realize is that we are part of One Divine Self. I’m sure when that is more fully accomplished, I will notice additional aspects of that idea that I will give my attention to. One aspect is that we are creators whose purpose is to extend love. Another aspect is the revelation that God is all and within all. Our creation must serve God’s Purpose of revealing and manifesting Himself in the world. I’m sure when we are fully

30 Christ Self Reflections identified as Christ in the world, there will be other things to attend to. If Earth is the base chakra of our solar being, then as units of kundalini, we would take our accomplishment as Christ incarnate to other worlds and planets to awaken them. It seems that we are forerunners here or pioneers who have taken on the task of manifesting spiritual consciousness on the densest outer fabric of the universe. It’s been a horrific struggle, but will be a truly amazing accomplishment and a step on a divine journey we cannot even imagine. §

59. Awareness provides the conscious connection beyond The best time to practice Self awareness is often when the ego isn’t in the mood to, because if we have an ‘I’ awareness, the Self is there whether the ego wants to admit it or not. The Self has no problem embracing, accepting and including every ego state, good or bad. The Heart and Love can embrace all. It can embrace the thought of separation and by doing so transform it into a dance of Wholeness. We realize then, that we are not alone but part of something that is collectively moving in the world. We are awakening together to that Self that we share. It is here even now. Sometimes it speaks to us and sometimes there is just its reassuring Presence. However, we can evoke it and it will respond.


60. Realism is reductionist Modern realism is reductionistic and therefore missing something essential. We are really spiritual beings and at heart cannot be satisfied or fulfilled unless our timeless, powerful, unlimited, free, unitary spiritual nature is acknowledged and lived. This is why fantasy and myth have such a universal appeal — even to modern rational man. We can’t live and be happy by bread alone. The spirit lives in supernal Lighted worlds of Being, and calls to us to answer its call and embody it. I believe this will be the task of the New Age after mankind has reformed the political/ economic system and righted the planet. This could be a task for each of us now, actually. If we just listened to the deepest most true, real and beautiful part of ourselves, how would we live, what would we think, do, believe and feel?

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61. Our society’s lopsided valuation of the concrete mind The rational mind is just one overrated part of our human constitution. Being able to utilize it well is important for making money — and that provides a number of other benefits, but it’s not going to make us happy by itself. I think it a shame and an oversight that other more important parts of our human constitution — love, imagination, intuition, spirituality, awareness, etc. — are not fostered more in school. Our educational model is based on the false assumption that what is important and what we need to know is outside the brain, and that we must learn to internalize it and compute it, as if the mind were little more than a machine. I think, in the New Age, we will find that we had it reversed. Everything we really need to know is already within the Heart, and we must learn to access it and use the mind to formulate, express and share it.


62. From intellectual futurism to the Heart’s imagination The visions and related loving worlds that the imagination united with the heart can create, have much more capacity to move us in a meaningful way than the techno futurism that the rational and scientific mind serves up. I have often thought, what would we do once we have everything — as so much of our life is about getting what we need. What then? I have to believe that love, human relationships, imagination and creativity would come more into play as these are areas that supply the most meaning. Yet many who have spent their lives working to retire using primarily their intellect, have not learned how to just live in the moment — men in particular. However, we are certainly not there globally as there is much to do to provide the basics for all. This issue is really an issue of awareness and will. If we had more awareness we would see that we could do it now. And if we had more will we would force our leaders to do it and not buy their lame excuses.


32 Christ Self Reflections

63. The end of seeking is now The end of seeking is now. To all the idealistic, spiritual, religious and faithful, who are ever seeking understanding, inspiration and union, the time of realization and fulfillment is now. The ray of light that is illuminating our minds and our awareness is from Christ. The love that is connecting us and revealing our Self is of Christ. Our awareness is Christ looking through us as separate egos and revealing who we really are. Let us release all attachment to thought and old patterns of identification and relax into the peace and silent knowing that is within us now. Let us realize who we really are as the One Self awakening to conscious awareness of itself as it manifests through each particular human being. Let us stay centered in that Christ Self that includes and embraces all. We are each there now. It is the time of Christ’s emergence in the world and our role is to embody and express Him, Who is what and who we really are. The will which guides us now is Christ’s united with the Father or Logos. Let us open to what is and share what we are given as we respond to the call. How could we not be connected as God is all and within all? Let us acknowledge our conscious connection to Christ Who is the bridge and the destination and release all thoughts of separation except that we may each express this Wholeness in our own way. This Wholeness is Christ Who is here now. This awareness that we each have is Christ. Let us cease trying to direct our lives using the ego’s program and agenda, and listen within to the silent voice and knowing which will guide us forward from here on out. Let us stay in wholehearted awareness and trust the Heart to show us the way. The Heart is the way as that Heart is Christ.


64. We are really not the ego There is reason to doubt the ego — everything we thought we were, everything we thought we knew, our conditioning and history and everything we’ve done — it’s not who we really are, so we have good reason to doubt ourself. Yet within this separate personal self, is the Self who is who we truly are. The ego has taken its awareness and life as its own, but it really comes from another level. Now it is easier than it has ever been to step out of identification with the separate self and its pattern of thinking and reacting and into the embrace of the larger, inner,

33 Christ Self Reflections eternal Self within. Take a deep breath and notice your awareness now. Just let the ego be — you are the aware Self who is conscious of your experience now. And that Self is the same conscious Self that we all are opening to within. That Self in its fullest extent is Christ Who unites us and is us as we essentially are in Oneness. That conscious awareness will never leave us as it is the eternal Self that we are that we are now awakening to. This is the Self of Love as it encompasses all.


65. Let us release ourselves to the dance of Oneness Let us greet each other as we would greet our beloved, for indeed we share the same life and consciousness that are woven together in a loving dance of Oneness. Let us release ourselves in joy to the love and life moving within us now. Let us give voice to the spirit within and express those feelings, visions and desires as love would bid us. Now we are free — free from fear and worldly concern — free to create a new world of light and love where we may all live together as one. Christ has come among us as He promised and as Jesus testified He is now with us. Our days of feeling alone are over as a great tide of Light, Love and Spirit is welling up and washing through the world. And like a great tsunami it is washing away the structures of the old fear based separate world. Everything is now connected in a new energy that is infused with conscious life and spiritual purpose. Let us release ourselves to this flow that is carrying us to our God ordained future.


66. Love embraces the world Who when enraptured by love does not feel connected to the object of that love? Likewise when centered in the Heart gazing out at the world, Love embraces the world and all within it. Love sees its Self within the world, as indeed it is. We cannot see this truth unless we see with love - unless we see from the Heart. This love is not passive - it moves us as nothing else can. It is the most powerful force in the universe. And it moves us to act, to express, to be and live. Let us remember the love we have come here to express and give ourselves to it. Let us hear the

34 Christ Self Reflections voice for love and give it words, song, story and acts. Let us share these and bless each other by them.


67. Entering the river of Love Jesus has used many words and ideas to coax us into the river of Love. However, an idea or an image is different from the experience symbolized by these. We have our mind and can refer to the map there, but the territory is different from the map and at first appears uncharted and without landmarks to direct us. The river is soon the sea of Love - an infinite expanse of lighted energy, infused with consciousness, life and purpose. It is a unified spiritual dimension of life in which we may now live and be, connecting and embracing us. The sea becomes a new land. Here we all embody this same Light, Love, Energy and Consciousness. We are just beginning to discover how we may do this. This is a new world provided by God for us and we are the pioneers who are first exploring this nameless land where we will build a New Age together in love.


68. Our need to join in Love Every moment is new and a new opportunity for discovery and creation. First we join with the Beloved, as discovery only happens when joined. Then we open our wholehearted awareness, our heart and mind, to what is. What is is seeded with infinite possibilities so we have a choice. The easiest is to take whatever first arises to awareness. However, intuiting our purpose, we might evoke something else. Whatever it will be, will be related to the purposes of the Self in the world - purposes that involve the extension of Love by means of Light. The Light of creation is the way the Self is made known to itself and extended to fulfill the Purpose and the Will of the Father or Logos. However, now we just need to listen to the call and respond — the call that invokes us to live and express Christ. To ‘hear Me, see Me, embrace Me and love Me in all’. By doing so we claim our Self, which is One.


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69. The Heart knows all Now I am bathed in the Light. And with Light everywhere it can be hard to see. Yet the Heart can see, the Heart can hear, and the Heart can know. So emerging out of the Light are those beings from within who embody the Light, Love and Consciousness of Christ and who are our brothers and sisters in the new world coming to be. We have never been alone, although we have not been cognizant of those who ever resided on the spiritual planes that have always interpenetrated our physical Earth. There have always been multiple dimensions of reality that have been part of Earth, although we have seen them not. The spiritual kingdom of Christed souls is now merging with physical Earth, and the natural world has already merged with the new spiritual energies. Humanity is still not consciously aware of the nature of this transformative moment and what it entails, but that realization will come to more and more people. A New Millennium long prophesied dawns and we stand on the threshold of a New Age whose reality we find hard to imagine from a brain programmed with outdated constructs. How does one image a third dimension if one is living in a two dimensional world? So the New will come as a breakthrough and a revelation.


70. From Pisces to Aquarius In Pisces, the light which had been transcendent to life in Aquarius, merges with the waters of daily life and we feel surrounded by it and swimming in it. The light must then bubble up to consciousness where its revelations are more particular or specific than the more transcendental perspectives of Aquarius. The light illuminates things inside of time and the moment. The light in Pisces proclaims that ‘even in the valley of the shadow of death, I am with you’. In Aquarius the light proclaims ‘I am the light of the world’.


71. Creating a New World Although I am endeavoring to voice my own inspiration, I also want to help us develop a new frame of reference and perhaps a new language to describe and make real the realm of Light and Love now pervading our awareness. How might we reimagine

36 Christ Self Reflections the world and our life in it so that it is in synch with the new landscape of conscious Oneness? How do we live in this Light and Love? What are its implications for changes in all fields of life in society? How does this change our social discourse? In the 60’s when a strong wave of cosmic love and light hit the planet, people assumed that implied free love, getting back to nature and a simpler life, living a freer more creative life, more sharing and more joyous self expression. I’m sure that it still means all those things to a degree, but with more awareness of what is really happening and why. And with greater ramifications on the system — the outdated political economic system — that needs to be transformed to coincide with the transformation in consciousness. Now the main institutions of society are controlled by money rather than the general good. This needs to change if love and light will overcome fear.


72. 60’s energy as a precursor to the New Millennium To continue on with the theme of the 60’s — an era I quite liked as these were my formative years and I could understand and appreciate the spirit then and not be too distressed with the inevitable excesses. It was an era of expanding and liberating consciousness. Some of it was artificially stimulated with drugs which became an unfortunate habit that was excessively indulged in. However there was a collective need to break through the narrow conscripted reality of the conditioned ego and to move into the expansive free awareness of the soul. Some of the freedom was likewise an excessive self centered indulgence but it was mostly pretty harmless. The movement was a challenge to the consumerist, artificial, exploitive, and violent aspects of modern society. Certainly the establishment has tried to stigmatize the era to discourage its revolutionary trends. There was a holistic sense of responsibility to establish a sustainable, ecological, just and nonviolent society. Integrating these trends into society which often had values in opposition to the counterculture of love and light shifted society by incorporating a number of new values and ideas. For many that influx of energy was experienced as something external happening in the world with its associated fashions, behaviors, attitudes and institutions. These seemed to be happening to the personality, the ego. I believe that the present movement of light and love, peace and

37 Christ Self Reflections expanded consciousness will be experienced as something authentically integral to the Self as it is coming from within. Now we may better understand it as the Second Coming of Christ, Whom we are meant to embody. And the dysfunctional world system is cracking and ready for transformation.


73. Visualizing a spiritual place Imagine sitting in a circle in a warm fragrant wide spring meadow. There are some sheer silk banners moving in the gentle breeze, and past these the distant trees and mountains surrounding. The deep blue shimmering sky is pulsing with an energy that seems to vivify the earth as well. Despite the sounds of the birds and breeze there is a profound silence and stillness that embraces us and we know that we needn't say anything, but are each experiencing this energy and light that is moving through us. A deep feeling of peace and love pervades the moment and a joy in the beauty of life. The more we open, relax and center ourselves in this moment, the more we sense that this energy pervading has within it a timeless, eternal and otherworldly element - as if a portal in the sky was opening and allowing the down flow of energy from another spiritual dimension into our world. This awakens a sense of a home or inner beingness that we have unconsciously yearned for and remember somehow. We are too full with this moment to speak, but sense that this energy is entering Earth to stay and that we must find a way to embody it and demonstrate the potentials it carries. Its most pronounced quality is a sense of love and a livingness that unites life in Oneness. Jesus is with us and from Him is radiating the Christ energy that envelops the valley and fills our total being.


74. What makes relationship possible? When we commune together, what gives us the wherewithal to do this but Christ Who joins us in an embrace and Oneness. In reality we are each expressing the same Life, Mind, Consciousness and Spirit. Reflecting this to each other we may know and be who we really are, as Christed beings. Now we are more than just separate human beings. Our separate forms allow

38 Christ Self Reflections a sharing of our Oneness and continued creation as we listen to the promptings of the spirit within, and respond. Now we speak from the heart rather than the ego mind. Our relationship is integral to the new creation necessary for this time. Jesus has shared the fundamental ideas that establish the parameters. It is for us to join with Him and begin the process of sharing, creating and living as One. It is a time of transition as we clearly see the step we are to take away from the ego, separation and learning and choose instead our Self and the inner Life made real and manifest through Christ. Our Self is already accomplished and complete, we merely need to draw forth from it what is there in the moment that needs to be expressed and manifested. Let us just relax in peace into the Self that is there and just be our One Self.


75. Overcoming the illusion of separation One of the things that we discover when we let revelation happen rather than continuing to try to learn, is that there is really no separation. Although we perceive separate forms these are all an expression and extension of One Self. We need not maintain a bifurcated awareness of the One and the many, we merely need to maintain an awareness and identity with the One, responding to each as they unavoidably express the One. This simplifies things. This requires that we release fear and the habit of separation and just relax into our Self and be as we are. This is a condition of peace, trust and joy. And it is a condition of ongoing creation that we extend and create, in a process that unfolds from within as directed by spirit.


76. Being grateful to Be I am very grateful for the time I have to open up to the Self and explore the ramifications of this Consciousness. I am very glad to commune with Jesus and be united in Christ. Jesus has kindly differentiated Himself from Christ, although He is One with Christ, so that we might also realize that we are separate expressions and extensions of Christ, the One Self in all. And that One Self is Who we really are. Now it is there within, an omnipresent background to the foreground of our separate

39 Christ Self Reflections personality and physical events that are happening in the moment. Yet the miracle is that behind the apparent separation our minds are ever linked, our consciousness One. Inwardly, for example, Jesus can speak to everyone on Earth at the same time because there is no separation. We can connect with the Heart space within, the conscious Presence and intuit what we need to know, that we can express and share. In this, like Jesus, we are becoming creators in Christ. Jesus seemed to realize early on that there was a Divine Self of Love within that He could develop a relationship with until He became One with it. We may realize this too. Jesus has shown and is showing us how we may embody it. We may do it too just by stepping into it and expressing what we come to know and realize through identification with it. Christ is here now waiting for us to accept and embrace Him.


77. Resting in the ever new Self In this moment the Self is who I am. Behind sound, movement, space and time, I am. A spacious peaceful Consciousness resides within all and I choose to reside within it. This Self embraces and includes the separate selves in Wholeness. There is only one choice — to be it or not. There is only one process of listening, responding, sharing and extending. Nothing else is real or matters. Today, an old habit ended and a new awareness and Consciousness manifested — something that has always been here, only now I am it. Now I am no longer in conflict or uncertainty but include all, so there can be no conflict. Higher and lower, inner and outer are embraced in Oneness and Wholeness. The mind ever seeks answers, but the answer is a Presence that is here now, that it is our joy and destiny to embrace and live. This is our Self emerging into our awareness from within and waiting for us to awaken to it, accept it and be it. We each have to find our access to this unity. We each have to realize that this is not just another idea but a portal to a new life and new world and something that we have always yearned for, unknowing. Now we may collectively choose this unitary Consciousness and begin to create the New Millennium together. We are not alone — this spirit and Consciousness is sweeping over the world and awakening many.

40 Christ Self Reflections


78. Emptiness The seemingly empty space within is really full of Self. Our point of detached transcendent awareness is not just individual, as many meditators think, but a place where we connect with the common and unitary Self - the Self we share, or Christ. We all, unknowingly, utilize the One Self, but assume it is our individual nature as we experience it in our separate personalities. If we maintain a receptive Self awareness it will speak to us and make itself known. It is really speaking to us all the time although as we are not listening, we do not hear it. Its Voice does not come in words but through an inner knowing that we may hear in various ways. It’s very satisfying to understand how this process works. It’s very gratifying to understand how we may incorporate this understanding (and awareness to be our Self) and fulfill our role in the planetary shift that is happening. We no longer have to aspire toward an impossible ideal. We merely have to open to what is real and present now, and be who we really are. This Self is an extension and expression of Christ. We can only know each other because of it. We shouldn’t underestimate it or misunderstand it because it is a quiet Presence, speaking to us in stillness. It holds the Earth within its embrace. Its Love moves all. It merely is presenting itself unobtrusively so that we may gently and gradually merge with it. Like a gentle shallow on the edge of a mighty river we may step in to the water without being washed away. This river will carry all to our divine destiny.


79. Discovering the key to the mystery of Life We are in the process of discovering a great secret. The key to the mystery of life is within us as God is within us waiting to be discovered. Scientists say we cannot know this because they are polarized in their minds and there this secret is not discovered. It is through the heart that connects us in consciousness to the One Life, that the secret can be known. As God is all, God is within us now, as we are actually extensions of God’s Consciousness and Life. Christ is the Consciousness and the Angels are the Life. This unfolding relationship is creation. We are now unconscious creators but as we attain Christ Consciousness we may become conscious creators and fulfill

41 Christ Self Reflections

God’s Will and Purpose for Earth. Evolution isn’t just happening in a random way. There is a Plan that we may cooperate with. Humanity in its ignorance has gone off course, but the direction will be righted as we turn over control to the God within. Soon the Oneness of our planetary Life will be more apparent to all.


80. Becoming agents of redemption We act as agents of redemption to the extent that we live in love rather than fear, and union rather than separation. To the extent that we can identify with the Self within all, see that Self, affirm and relate to that Self, to that extent we overcome the age old pattern of separation which has determined the nature of the age we are moving out of. To the extent that we can choose the love which unites us and which is the nature of the One Self, to that extent we act as agents of healing, peace, love and light and act to resolve the judgements, hate, ignorance and violence that have wrecked the world. The Love of Christ is the redeeming Consciousness and energy. It is our joy and obligation to extend and express this, as Christ is Who we really are. This energy will naturally radiate from us as we align with our Self and just be who we really are. Our words and actions that stem from just naturally being who we really are will automatically carry the energy of redemption. We each will be called to different fields of life and service where we may authentically be our Self, doing as we are given to. So gradually the world is being redeemed as we are each supported and our actions empowered from within.


81. Remaining in Unity We must eschew the habits of doubt, fear, guilt, judgement and sloth, etc., that are all of the ego, and remain centered in the underlying Self of Love. We must resist the compulsive need to have to do and realize that the Self will see that we are safe and provided for if we listen, trust it and follow. Being the Self is being Whole and thereby embracing the needs and impulses related to the body. I can allow my bodily functions to happen while being centered in my Self. If I need to eat something, use the bathroom, sleep or other such basic things, I can maintain an inclusive Self awareness throughout these processes. Meditative

42 Christ Self Reflections awareness is meant to be an ongoing and continual ability to live as One. Everything, ultimately is encompassed in Oneness as everything really is One. Christ will show us the way as He is the Way.


82. The encompassing Self What helps to be able to maintain Self awareness is to not approach this dualistically, by comparing the personal self and the inner Self, but rather when personal thoughts or emotions are focused on, just to stand back and love these as part of the personal self that is embraced by the One Self. Then we are being whole and not in conflict. The personal self or self of form allows the Christ Self to extend into the world by relating to other extensions of itself and sharing what is being known through that process. Physical reality is the arena where Christ is now manifesting Himself by the Will of God/Logos. We are here so that we may extend the Kingdom of God to Earth. And although humanity is exploiting and poisoning the planet now, that can and will change as we realize that we are One humanity ensouled by One Consciousness and so must share all in love. Now the system legitimizes violent exploitation and inhumane accumulations of power, privilege and possessions. Let us embrace scared insecure humanity in love to show them that they are safe and that everything will be fine. There is enough for all. They are appreciated and valued. They are really larger than they thought they were. Instead of fighting and struggling let’s have a celebration of the birth of a wondrous New Age of Love, Peace and Creative Life together. The age of separation, struggle, scarcity and survival is over, the Age of Unity, Bounty and the Joy of Conscious Creation and Eternal Life is now.


83. Moving into the Now with an empty mind I am embarrassed to admit it but I am already forgetting many of the ideas that Jesus has taught us in A Course of Love. However I do know that we have a relationship and may therefore commune and communicate together through the Self of Christ Who unites us. The fact that Jesus has humbly differentiated Himself from Christ Who is our means of connection has helped

43 Christ Self Reflections me understand, to a degree, the nature of Christ Who embraces us all in Oneness as aspects of the same Self. So that when any one of us shares from our Self, we are making known common knowledge intrinsic to the Self. Whereas at first Jesus’ Teaching was my inspiration, today I am more inspired by my Self. This seems a proper development. We must come to rely on our Self and speak from our own knowing. This is the dialogue that He has encouraged us to have.


84. Accepting the reality of divine revelation If Jesus Christ, Buddha, Krishna, Archangel Michael or any other Divine Being materialized before us and told us that they had some particularly important things to say to us now, would we place our hands over our ears saying I have my beliefs or scriptures, I don’t need to hear what You have to say now? Only if we were very stupid, right? Yet right now through such Teaching as The Course of Love, Jesus Christ is speaking to us and telling us what we need to know now. And although eternal Truth is unchanging, time doesn’t stand still and there are some things that are different now and that are worth understanding. You will find if you read ACOL that you will have the experience of Jesus speaking directly with you through the words and ideas. For so He is. And you will find that you may thereby have an experience of Him and of Christ - an experience that is an ongoing relationship. A relationship that is an ongoing revelation. An ongoing revelation that is a portal into eternal Life.


85. Miracles I endeavored to study and practice A Course in Miracles for about thirty years without ever understanding or consciously experiencing a miracle. I had assumed that a miracle is something supernatural like turning water into wine that defies the laws of nature. I subsequently asked for and received the miracle of being consciously connected to my Self, although this does not seem like a miracle either as it is not supernatural but the most natural and real thing in the world. This does, however, meet Jesus’ definition as something that corrects our thinking about who we are that we can live by - and share - because by

44 Christ Self Reflections connecting to my Self, I am connecting to your Self as well, as they are the same. It does allow the transcendence of time because the Self is in the Eternal Now, and the transcendence of separate space as it connects us in and to the same space. Perhaps there are other things that could be said about miracles, but I am really more interested in expressing what we are coming to know through our connection with the Self of Christ.


86. Teaching through being Jesus has encouraged us to not proselytize but demonstrate through embodiment. When enough of us are living in the Light, Love and Consciousness of Christ, that it will have a demonstrable effect on that portion of humanity who otherwise would have a harder time understanding the implications of the time we are living in and the expanded consciousness that is now available. As we embody our Self and live as who we really are we must unavoidably change the patterns of thought and behavior associated with the ego. The world’s assumptions about life - lack, separation, threat, needing to work to get, special relationships, etc - are not relevant to the Self, and so we must transform these automatically by just authentically being our Self. New modes of living and ideas about how society might be formulated would arise through authentic Being and sharing what we are coming to know and what is appropriate to living in Oneness. Sharing for one humanity, one living planet and one spiritual Plan encompassing all, is a keynote.


87. The false block of ego assumptions When we are told that our task is to embody Christ, one of the biggest obstacles that we face is the old ego assumption that this is a task too much, and that the best we can do is to try to be good and loving. And the ego is right, for it is not us as separate personalities who embody Christ. Rather we accept the embrace of wholehearted union with Christ and live from this Oneness of Self. The task isn’t as difficult if we as separate personalities do not have to do it. Rather, as we surrender, it is done for us. We merely have to listen and express as we are authentically given to. Because the Christ Self is authentically who we really are. We

45 Christ Self Reflections then move in the world as a force for good, for love, healing, understanding, awakening and peace. We are part of a planetary awakening and birth. As such, we may trust that everything is in process for transformation and that there is no more basis for fear or doubt about the outcome, as painful as this planetary birth process seems to be for many. And in Christ is a liberating freedom to totally Be all that we are now without constraint. The spirit is ever free and new. Let us join with Jesus Christ now and accept our role in extending a new consciousness of Oneness on Earth, and the joyous new creation that will come from this.


88. Humanity is better than the political economic system It’s helpful to realize when we look at the troubles in the world, that the people of the world on the whole are much more decent than the present system operating in the world. Most of the suffering of humanity is unnecessary and is caused by the injustice and exploitation of a political/economic system dominated by the forces of money, greed, and power. The masses merely have to wake up and realize that they have the power to change this system to one based on love and universal human rights. They no longer need to play the role of powerless victims. Then, overnight, the outdated system based on fear, survival and service to self, rather than love for the good of all, will crumble as it does not embody the sustainable energy of the future. The world cannot continue to be owned and violently controlled and destroyed by a few. The sacredness of all life must be recognized and honored. Humanity must not only become the steward of Gaia, but the coworker with God in fulfilling His Plan to fulfill the Divine destiny for the Earth. Christ must be collectively embodied and the New Millennium of Light and Love manifested.


89. The holy relationship with Christ The ego thinks the everyday mundane reality that it perceives or projects is real. The Self knows that the reality that is, is holy. By joining the mind to the heart, we may experience the unity and holiness of the Self we share that is within physical reality. We cannot experience this from the separate mind that we have

46 Christ Self Reflections habitually identified with. We are not alone and at all times embraced by the holiness of Christ. Every moment is an opportunity to acknowledge, affirm, express and extend this holiness that embraces us. It can actually only be experienced now as only now is. Jesus has told us that there is a new relationship between the spiritual and the physical. This new relationship is experienced in the holy unity of what is. This state of consciousness will allow us to see the true nature of each other, as we are, in union. This is the holy shared vision of Christ that we are called to. Let us join the mind to the heart and see with Christ’s eyes. Let us see every person, thing and event as part of the holy whole that is. Let us become aware of this holy Presence emerging from within and embracing the world in Oneness. This is a new revelation.


90. The miracle of Jesus’ historical life It’s rather remarkable to learn how Jesus, as an individual man, developed a relationship with Christ, as his mother had, and how he came to identify with Christ to fulfill his role of being an example and demonstration of who we really are and what our true nature is. By doing so he initiated a new age for humanity where our resurrected life rather than our separate temporal life became possible. We are now on the threshold of yet another new age where Christ, the Consciousness of God/Logos, which had been realized individually can now be realized and manifested collectively by humanity as a whole as prophesied. Naturally this is happening somewhat differently than how many assumed it would happen. As a planetary transformation, it is beyond the province of any one religious interpretation. And the separate ego mind can not really understand something which is beyond its nature. However, our consciousness as we open our minds and hearts to what is happening now, can understand that this is a process of Love and Light, directed by Divine Purpose. And it is something that will result in only Good, individually and globally. As Jesus has said, it will no longer be a time based on learning through the separate ego mind, but rather accessing the knowing of the Christ mind. Jesus is again showing us the Way. Let us trust and follow, accept and Be.


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91. The indomitable human is beginning to assert its power Unfortunately, when thinking about the state of the world, I am too prone to anger and judgmental thoughts, believing that we have been too long under the dominion of the dark forces of fear, materialism, exploitation and greed that have caused so much unnecessary suffering and delayed the divine Plan. However, now we may awaken from our victim state and realize that we have been used, deceived, manipulated and deprived. The indomitable human spirit is awakening us from the fear that has enslaved us and is now causing us by the millions to stand up for what is right and necessary. The universal rights of all — including minorities, women, the poor, and disabled, etc. — to have the basic needs of life met must be established. And therefore the present system and New World Order of economic tyranny must be transformed. The Light, Love and Freedom intrinsic to the spirit is flooding into the world in an invincible tsunami. May we each embody the Light, Love and Freedom of the spirit and do as we are moved to in this time of a destined divine planetary shift and transformation.


92. Uniting higher mind with Heart Now I unite heart and mind and so love the world, feeling compassion and appreciation for the immense Love embracing all life. That Love knows that there is no cause for fear or judgement. A Power beyond imagination is moving here within all and slowly arising to our conscious awareness. Earth has a glorious divine destiny that is unfolding and all the suffering in the world will be quickly soothed when we realize the Truth of what is really happening here and what this life is all about. Christ with His angelic host have come to take possession of the Earth, and there is great rejoicing in the cosmos. Our Self is here now. Let us claim it.


93. Christ is the Consciousness of the Whole Christ and the myriad forms of life arose together. However, it’s only now that we may collectively consciously embody Christ, as Christ is the Consciousness of the Whole or All of God, which

48 Christ Self Reflections cannot be realized unless we are identified with the One Whole. And up to now we have been circumscribed by the ego’s separation. Through Christ, we embrace in Wholeness both the separate body of creation and the One Consciousness pervading All. Christ becomes the Way of continued creation as we — identified with Christ — extend what is revealed to us and so facilitate creation to unfold consciously. As Heaven is emerging on Earth, we now have the choice of Christ consciousness that was heretofore available primarily after death. We may fulfill God’s Plan to have Christ return to Earth to establish His rule and Kingdom here through us. God then will Consciously manifest and direct life on this dense planet — God in spirit utilizing God in consciousness to redeem God in matter to fulfill the Divine Creative Plan.


94. Christ may awaken in every living kingdom Perhaps that day may come when Christ will be awake in every stone, plant, animal and human on earth, and all will sing together in harmony a song of joy and fulfillment. What would Earth be like then when all is consciously One? What new creation would unfold and be manifested? What new revelations would reveal themselves of realities and vistas heretofore unimagined? What Beings and Powers would present themselves? What secrets and mysteries would become known? What journeys might we embark on with the freedom to roam the universe? What timeless realms of perfection and beauty could be experienced? Christ is the doorway to Infinite Life.


95. Thought is a prison Thought is a prison. We believe out of habit that we are confined to the separative ego mind which is only able to look through the window of sensation to outer physical reality that we may conceptualize. However, by merging the heart with the mind we may move into another dimension. We may then discover a space of Self awareness where we know without thinking and are no longer confined by belief or conditioned thought. In this space, habitual patterns of response exist as constrictive habits

49 Christ Self Reflections that need to be overcome. It’s a free clear space imbued with intuitive knowing. It’s our new mind. And we all share it.


96. From thought based reality to what IS — Truth Reality What if, instead of thought, the new reality is defined as an awareness of what is? This is different from the habitual linear, discrete, separative thoughts we have had ‘about’ what is happening, real, felt or imagined as we have functioned in the ego mind. Rather it is an experience of a Wholeness within the moment that is real and that is a unity — that is, it is one within all. What if this is a space and wholehearted consciousness that we may live from and share? What if, as we discover what we know in this space, we can express it and so make it more real and manifest? What if this new consciousness that is emerging into our awareness is the birth of our collective Self, of Christ, into outer form and expression? This is being confirmed by the fact that we are all discovering and coming to know the same thing — the same life, mind and spirit. It’s here now. Our job is just to welcome it and embrace it as the fulfillment of who we really are and what God’s Plan is for humanity on Earth at present. We can help deliver a divine birth.


97. Not spiritualizing the ego We think (unconsciously assume) spiritual practices like meditation and prayer are ways of being a more centered, inspired or spiritualized ego. We do not yet fully get that our identity is our choice and that spiritual practice isn’t just a window - rather potentially it is a doorway to our soul identity and a different level of being. We do not fully realize that our personal sense of who we are is a conditional and habitual pattern of thinking and responding. Habits are difficult to change, especially one as deep seated as the ego, whose assumptions about reality are reinforced by our entire culture. Yet Truth will ultimately triumph over illusion. The energies infusing our planet are changing the reality we experience. Whether gradually or suddenly, we will wake up to who we really are. As more of us choose the Self and the experience of expanded consciousness that is now available, we will create a momentum of change that

50 Christ Self Reflections will accelerate until major transformations occur in the collective and we realize that we have indeed entered a New Millennium.


98. The ego interprets everything in the terms of separation One difference in the way inspiration is received in the ego and in the Self, is that to the separate ego mind everything is experienced in terms of separation and projected on to reality that way. We may have an insight, vision, thought or feeling that is uplifting, but it is all experienced within the parameters of separation intrinsic to the ego. Inspiration and knowing that comes to the Self, however, are experienced in the Wholeness and unity intrinsic to the Self and then extended to the encompassing Whole that we are an integral part of. As the Self, we all are coming to know the same thing — knowing is shared and intrinsic to the One Self, Consciousness, Life and Mind. That doesn’t imply that we loose our individuality because our expression of our Self is as unique and distinctive as the condensation of common water vapor into the myriads of different snowflakes — snowflakes that are continually unfolding and conscious.


99. Sending Love to Earth Sharing from the Wholeness of the reality of the Self is a subtle thing. It’s like sending communications from outer space back to Earth, or communicating while having a lucid dream. It’s being in two different realities at the same time — one of which feels as evanescent as a fairy wing, and yet more real. I’m sure as more of us share from this conscious space, it will have the effect of making these vibrations more tangible and noticeable. We will reinforce each other in having the audacity to actually be who we really are. Soon it will be the new normal. And it’s a loving thing. Sending out a group hug.


100. The planetary shift We hear about a coming planetary shift to a New Age of Light, and imagine that it is something that will happen to us. However,

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I think it is also happening through us and that we must be the New Age and embody what we want and yearn for to make it happen for us. ‘Think globally, act locally’ is another relevant expression that comes to mind, for we must focus on identifying with the Whole while living in the particular circumstances of the moment. ‘Be the change that you want to see in the world’ likewise expresses our opportunity to make a choice that will not only have consequences for ourselves, but when enough people change, will unavoidably change the collective. ‘The mind creates our experience’ also expresses the related truth, that as we change not only our beliefs, but get out of the ego mind altogether, and into the emerging Self Consciousness, we will change our experience of life and precipitate the destined shift to the New Millennium that is beginning to happen now. Many of these expressions that we have heard in recent years have ramifications for planetary transformation.


101. The priority of demonstrating over proselytizing Jesus says that for those endeavoring to create the New, we are not to proselytize, evangelize or try to teach, but rather just live and demonstrate who we are. He says the new reality cannot be taught in terms that the ego thinks. However, we can and must relate to the Self in all. We don’t have to relate to the world on the ego’s terms. If we listen, we will always hear something unspoken that is being communicated that the person may not be conscious of. Let us have the courage and faith to ignore the ego if need be and listen to that deeper and quiet voice within, expressing and responding to that. There is much need for reform, change and improvement in the world. But for bringing in a New World, a different approach is required. It doesn’t happen by effort, control, thought or determined will. It already is, we just need to share what’s there, accept and live it. It is unfolding by itself, we just need to trust it and go with the flow of ever new life that is revealing its Self in the Now. Christ shows us the Way.


102. Extraterrestrials I believe that one of the reasons that extraterrestrials have never been mentioned much in religious and esoteric teaching, is not

52 Christ Self Reflections that there aren’t humans and other beings on other worlds — some of whom have and are visiting Earth — but that all human life is subject to the same universal conditions. This means that we must all learn to resolve apparent separation and duality back to unity and Oneness. Placing an emphasis on some peoples or ET’s who might have advanced knowledge in some areas, might cause us to overlook the divine knowledge that we each have within us now and that we must learn to access by trusting in our Self. And the path for humanity of Earth is probably different in important respects than the nature of civilizations on other spheres. We are an embodiment of our Heavenly Father/Logos and part of His divine Plan which is undoubtedly different on other planets. We have our own Hierarchy of spiritual Beings under Christ Who are helping to direct the evolution of life on Earth. Listening to someone from Venus or the Pleiades (and other places as you can now find on the internet) might be interesting, but we must not allow those perspectives to outweigh the testimony of our own Heart and spirit.


103. The inspiration of what IS here Inspiration isn’t difficult — we just have to accept what IS there. Not what we think should be there or would like to be there. Sometimes it comes in one form, sometimes another. I connect to the Heart space within and see what can be discovered in the moment. Whatever treasure is found, I’m sure it’s something that we share. I like treasure that is eternal and timeless but that is as new as this very moment. Fortunately it all is this way. We can take it as it is or make a story, or a poem, a song, a myth or an entire world out of it. It’s our creative choice. In the New Age our dreams and visions and what we can manifest are no longer limited. It’s a time to realize the visions of the Heart and to live in the freedom of the spirit. We no longer need anyone’s approbation or authority. We are Sons of God and divine creators, remember? I’m glad I’m waking up from that dream we had of a life of separation, suffering and survival. Now let the joy begin!


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104. Letting Love flow What if, by some aberration, we could no longer hold back the love we feel and are? What if the love in our heart flowed out incessantly to every living thing we encountered, in every situation we found ourselves? What if our every act and word was an expression of love? And it was an expression of love because we actually realized how much we loved everyone and everything as inexplicable as that may seem — and how grateful we are for this blessing of life from God? How much more would that be living. How much more insignificant would be the fears and petty concerns we normally have that hold us back? Isn’t this a yardstick by which we may determine whether we fully live? What would we say to each other if we let our hearts speak freely, if we spoke from Oneness and Truth?


105. Jesus expresses and extends our Self to us To know Jesus, is to know our Self. Jesus is our Self and expresses and extends our Self to us so that we may also share in it. It is One Self that we are awakening to and that we are. By accepting Who He is, we discover who we are. His expression of Christ is unique, as is ours. The One Self we share is Christ. Jesus says that He has fulfilled all scripture which means that we have accomplished this as well, as we are One. Now we may go on to write the unwritten story of the New together. As we live it, it will become real. Let us accept our role and fulfill Jesus’ story which cannot be fulfilled without us as we are part of it. Christ incarnated individually, but now will incarnate collectively through us. Jesus completed that phase of creation where humanity existed in apparent separation, and began the next phase where we consciously reclaim our divine identity and exist on Earth as conscious co-creators with God. Jesus planted the spiritual seed two thousand years ago that must now bloom into the tree of Life for this is the time of the Second Coming.


106. The Word awakens us When we let Jesus’ Word reverberate in us, it reawakens us to our awareness of our Self and who we are. It allows us to discover that we are connected. It allows us to realize that we

54 Christ Self Reflections are expressing the same shared consciousness and life. This is all rather mysterious and a refutation of our physical separation, but our real life is within. As we identify with that inward Self, we may extend it and experience it in all, as indeed it is. Let us rest in the peace and love that is integral to this shared Self, and wait until we are moved, rather than trying to do. The Self moves, is and expresses, and we merely need to allow it to happen and flow with it. We then extend a Consciousness through the ideas we use to extend the Love we feel and are. The mind becomes the creative agent of the Heart, in wholeheartedness.


107. We all have both male and female qualities We all have both female and male aspects — receptive receiving and active giving modes. The female has always embodied the heart centered connections and relationships that receptivity essentially represents. This has typically been manifested in a personal way that emphasizes family, friends and community that one is emotionally bonded with. The male has traditionally actively expressed himself in the world from a self will and mental focus that has involved acting on the ideas of the ego mind. This reflects a more impersonal orientation. The love he requires is fulfilled through his personal relationships. In the New Age we shall consciously embody both aspects and not be dependent on fulfillment through being complemented by the other sex, but rather from sharing all we are with one another. We shall not see each other as partial, but as each expressing a shared Whole and Oneness. Men will extend the knowing intrinsic to the Self, rather than the thoughts and self will of the ego mind. Women will maintain a wholehearted consciousness of the One Self in all and share this. Both will be collaborative coworkers in living and creating the New World that will come from our Being.


108. Jesus is within us now Jesus is within us now. He is expressing and embodying our One Self and showing us thereby, who we are. There is no division or separation between who we are and Who He is. As we wholeheartedly desire this connection, we are made aware that it

55 Christ Self Reflections is already there and that we have access to it. In the silence and stillness within we discover a knowing that is implicit in the Self. This voice and Presence confirm that what Jesus has told us, we already knew. We discover through this Presence and voice, that there is an inward unity that we are part of, a common Self Consciousness. When we are feeling separate and apart, we merely need to open up to the loving space within the moment and greet Christ, Who is waiting to embrace us. We can relax into this Presence and allow it to move us and to inform us. We merely need to choose it and extend it, acknowledging its Presence in all. We merely need to choose to live from love rather than fear.


109. Accepting Brotherhood “As we move into full access and awareness of unity, love is all that is required. Acceptance has been the means chosen, by us, to move you through the layers of illusion that have disguised your fear, to move you beyond false learning to the truth that only needs to be accepted.” ACOL F:4:53 Implicit in Jesus’ statement above is the admission of an inner Hierarchy or spiritual Brotherhood who are working to awaken and lead humanity to a different level of reality. That level is a conscious Oneness that unites us with this Brotherhood and Christ, Who is the Consciousness pervading and encompassing all. We can feel this impinging on our awareness but don’t understand the full implications until we are fully identified with it and living and expressing it.


110. The elevated Self of form The ‘elevated Self of form’ mentioned by Jesus in ACOL might be considered as the One Conscious Self or Christ which had been unconscious to us, that is being raised vibrationally to our awareness so that we might identify with it as our Self and thereby transform our separate form or person to an instrument embodying Christ. The individual becomes, as Jesus, a manifest expression of the Whole. Duality is embraced as a polar synthesis. The Kingdom of God becomes manifest on Earth, and with it the beginning of the Creation of a New Reality on Earth.

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111. Seeking solace within In the past, when feeling bereft and uninspired I might look for outer stimulation and thoughts to compensate. Now, in this in- between time of acceptance, I go within and access my connection to the unity of my Self which is always there. From that place, I accept and love my personal self, confident in the present moment of the embrace. This action activates the Self’s awareness and knowing. A knowing that wants to be expressed at present as an affirmation of the reality of the Self. An affirmation that wants to be shared and extended to all as a condition of all. We are awakening to remembrance of our common knowing. As we express this, more will be unfolded until the limitless qualities of the Kingdom of God and of the soul are manifest in a coherent whole world. A world that is a reflection of the intrinsic nature of our being, rather than our thinking, as the past age has been.


112. The challenge of sustaining identification with the Self It’s rather remarkable that Jesus during his life on Earth, was able to sustain an allegiance and identification with a Spirit, Consciousness and Will that was totally different than the reality of the world. To do this, one must first stand apart from the world to achieve that inner heart centered connection and unity. Then one must be able to sustain this inner orientation and listening while functioning in the cacophony of the world with all its conflicting pressures. This ability to sustain Oneness would become easier as that Oneness is experienced embracing the world - as indeed it does. Then one no longer has to struggle to maintain a separate state of realization, but can relax into a realization of a Oneness that embraces the Whole. Everyone becomes part of us. We then become the Whole Self or Christ. Our Life just is as we just simply be who we are. Being automatically creates the New Reality that is destined to become manifest.


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113. Infinite Love embraces all How long can one gaze at the infinite starry heavens before the mind recoils and seeks something more graspable? Is it fear that contributes to this reaction? A fear that it is too much and impossible to cognize? A fear that the Self is too vast and unlimited to identify with? That the mind needs something more definite and concrete? However, love can embrace the mind itself. Love can transform our need to create and our creations. Let these serve love and Christ. Let every thought be a stone so that it can be embraced by love, by Christ. Let us then give thanks for the specific things that come into awareness so that we have the opportunity to embrace and love these with Christ consciousness. The particular and the whole, the self and the Self are integral poles in Oneness.


114. Life unfolds new in each moment Movement is necessary to know the Spacious Self, as what IS, is continuously new. Making what IS known, requires a continual coming to know. “Entering the dialogue keeps you in constant contact with the unknown and with unceasing coming to know. You dialogue about the unknown, not the known. By keeping in constant contact with the unknown you stay in constant dialogue for you have not claimed a knowing that disallows coming to know.“ ACOL F:15:18 We are to co-create the New Reality together, which is the extension and manifestation of the soul Kingdom on Earth. We facilitate what is there to be made known, unfolded and real.


115. Love heals all When stuck, we embrace what we are fixated on, in love, and allow love to transform the condition. Anything and everything can and must be embraced in love, as love transcends and yet includes all. In opening to love, we open to the Self of Love, and thereby shift out of the separate self and the mind to the being who we are. This Self is free and unlimited by any condition.


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116. Seeing our Self in one another When we gaze into another’s eyes, we are really gazing into a mirror whereby we may see reflected, exactly what we believe is real and where we are at. We therefore may either gaze into Christ’s eyes, or see another with their particular human set of qualities. Let us choose to see the other as an extension of the same Self, the same heart, mind, and consciousness. Let us then greet each other, always as it were the first time in the ever new Now, and share together what is here to be made known and expressed.


117. Our minds are joined It’s a miracle to sense that our minds are joined. Each is an extension and expression of the same Self Consciousness— which is Christ. This is a miracle because it shows that the apparent separation of the personality and the form does not reflect the truth of who we are, but merely how we share who we are. The separate form allows us to establish relationships where we can express what we are coming to know and remembering together. The Self is One. Our minds are joined in the creative task of making the intuitive knowing expressed and manifest and thereby fulfilling the purpose of the Father/Logos. What is invisible is extended. Creation is extended. We fulfill our role as creators. What seems miraculous becomes the norm. No one is special. We are all doing the same thing.


118. The New Age of Love and Light How do we explain what this new time is about? Each is just being real, authentic and themselves. Each is living by an inner locus of direction. Each is no longer living by the mind or trying to control or plan their lives. Rather each is living by the heart and surrendering to the heart’s intuitive knowing and direction. The moment unfolds in a living flow that is a manifestation of what we desire and want. We are at one with life. Everything is good, beautiful and in harmony. We bless the suffering in the world, knowing that it reflects choices that will be changed as each realizes their power as creators. We know that Earth is in birth and that a New Age of Love and Light is unfolding. We know that

59 Christ Self Reflections we may choose to live in this emerging reality now and so do our part to manifest it and make it demonstrated. Everything is part of One Divine Life emerging! We can access the One Consciousness of that Life now and be it. It’s really quite simple if we no longer allow the complexity of the mind to interfere. Abundant life is lived in Oneness, gratitude and sharing. Creative life is fulfilled in harmony and spiritual purpose. Divine life and Consciousness is realized and extended.


119. The new human The new human is being born. This is a human who is no longer separate, fearful and having to control life, but a human who is Whole and part of the divine Whole. As such, he realizes that everything is unfolding in divine order and beauty. The new human realizes that they are an embodiment of the One Humanity and Christ Who unites humanity and God in Oneness. The new human knows that they are empowered creators, who can manifest what they desire. And what they desire is to fulfill God’s Divine Plan for Earth and help manifest the New Reality of Light and Love that is destined and possible now. The new human has moved beyond a circumscribed identity and is now a citizen of the cosmos and the larger life which embraces the Earth. The new human assumes his conscious place in this larger scheme of living worlds, lives and beings. The new human is not only a steward of Earth, but a conscious extension of God on Earth and in those worlds where we now have access to.


120. The impacts of cosmic energy When some strong cosmic waves of love, light and liberation swept through the planet in the 60’s, many were carried along, their consciousness expanded and their lifestyles changed. However, most did not understand the full import of these energies. And the political-economic system itself was little affected. People had to struggle to embody a new unitary spiritual consciousness in an old materialistic separative system based on exploitation. Now the shortcomings of that system are more apparent, and the system itself more unstable and sick. The propaganda that justifies it can be seen for what it is. We

60 Christ Self Reflections are ready for a fundamental shift that will allow the system to get more in synch with the human consciousness of love, light and unity that most people have. Despite the continual wars and human suffering caused by the system, most people now want to live in peace if their well being can be assured — which it can be. And we can now clearly see that the Earth itself will not survive unless we change our exploitive system. We must change from a ‘power over’ ‘using’ system to an equal entitlement sharing system that honors the divine whole of life. It will be easier to maintain the new consciousness of love, when that is supported and embodied by the political-economic system.


121. The timeless Now It is inspiring to realize that there is no other time but this moment. This is the moment of life. In this now, everything that ever was, is or will be is. In this moment we are embraced by God, as everything that is, is an expression of God. We exist in the Mind of God as an extension of the Consciousness of God, or Christ. Because this One Self Consciousness is shared. We are all expressing and extending the same Self in this same ever new moment. This Eternal Now is the only moment that ever was or will be. We have the choice of being aware of this moment and living in it or not. If we don’t, we are then caught up in our ego minds and unaware of life as it is. If we are conscious of this Eternal Now, we stand in the unknowing of the Self that we would make known. We stand in the Love that pervades all creation and which invokes us, calling for a response. This New Moment is totally unblemished and pure, as a white sheet of paper waiting to be drawn upon. We as the artists of life have the opportunity to create something totally beautiful, true and good. There is no need to rush, as this moment is eternal. Let us create the reality our heart yearns for together. Let us bring the timeless into time, the eternal into now.


122. Extending our vision First we imagine what we desire and what the heart cognizes. Then we extend that vision into the world we experience, seeing

61 Christ Self Reflections it manifest there. As what we desire is only a formulation of what is, we are not endeavoring to create a separate reality, but rather to give expression to God’s reality that is already there but unmanifest. This is validated by the fact that we all have access and awareness of it. We surrender our separate agendas and open up to our collective reality that we are endeavoring to live, be and express. Truth is only universal and eternal. This is using the eye of vision to create. We also create using the Word that we inwardly hear and can then express. We have to clothe this Word in ideas that give it appropriate shape and form. It is easy to misinterpret this energy. Hearing and speaking, intuiting and seeing are the two active ways of expressing the knowing implicit in Christ Consciousness. Being moved and touching as we are given to is another. Feeling and sharing feeling is yet another. Sensing the Presence and radiating what we sense is the fifth way. These have correspondences to the five senses which are avenues of contact and expression, inwardly and outwardly.


123. What do we desire most? It is important to ask our Self, what we want to experience because experience is our choice as divine creators. The Self wants to experience Conscious Oneness, Love, Divine Purpose, Peace, Joy, Creative Expression of Knowing, Harmony and Beauty and many other uplifting positive qualities that are intrinsic to its nature. Unless we are experiencing these, we are not fully being who we are and settling for the world’s version of life and what historically has been thought possible. Freeing ourselves from the restrictive and circumscribed programming of the ego is part of the path that leads to the freedom of the Self. Therefore, any time we are experiencing a negative, fearful ego state we consequently are identified with, we may then realize that we have an opportunity to choose again. We begin by accepting and loving that ego from the transcendent Self, realizing that we are not the ego, even if we have a tendency to think we are. Then, as the wholehearted Self, we remember who we are and what we really want. Then we stay centered in the Self, being who we are and doing as we are moved to. We give thanks for the personal self which provides the grounding and opportunity for expression of the Self in the world.

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124. Realizing a world dream It’s very exciting to realize that emerging into the world now and into our awareness and experience is something for which we have dreamed and yearned, individually and collectively, that presents the answer to the dilemmas and problems of the world and the way forward to the promised future destined for our planet. This is not something that we have to seek or work toward with great effort. It is already here awaiting our awareness and acceptance. Lo, Christ is here now, within this moment and within us. He is here as the revelation of who we really are as we awaken from the dreams of reality that the world has held based on fear and separation. He is here to lead us into our inheritance and the divine destiny for Earth in this New Millennium: from the world of fear to the world of Love: from our experience of being separate to an experience of the divine Oneness and unity embracing all: from darkness to Light and resurrected Creation. Let us open up to the Heart and the Consciousness and Spirit of Christ Who is here now connecting us in One Life, Mind and Spirit.


125. Being Whole Being Whole implies opening up to the Presence moving in and through us and surrendering to it, as that living Self that we are. We therefore endeavor to express this Self as best we can by expressing the knowing implicit in it. This Self embraces the physical self as its avenue of contact with the world and its means of establishing relationship with others who are also embodying this Self. Making this process conscious is bringing awareness to the Self and acknowledging its role in experience. This creates a shift in who we are being. We shift from being the self to being the Self, or the Whole which embraces and includes the self of form as its instrument of extension in the world. We realize that we are multidimensional beings who can focus our awareness on different aspects of our being. We are no longer confined to a separate self. We step into a larger universe of being with unlimited possibilities to dream, cognize, realize and manifest, guided by the Heart.

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126. The meaning of sex Sex involves wanting to express connection with another and to unite and become whole. However, we can’t become whole through any outer connection, which is a projection of our need to consciously connect with the whole Self within and realize Oneness. Once realized, that Wholeness can then be expressed and extended with another who we realize is also an extension of the same Self. The Self Who unites us is Christ. Sex is probably thought about more, but understood less than just about anything. It reflects the universal urge of love to unify, encompass and become whole and complete. Life in separation unconsciously realizes it is unfulfilled and seeks its fulfillment. It initially seeks without but must eventually realize, it must seek within. Inwardly we already are whole but must consciously realize this and then extend this in the world, experiencing this Oneness in all. When we feel the desire to connect, first connect with one’s Self, Who is within all. Then see and express this.


127. Riding the crest of a wave that will sweep the planet It’s hopeful to understand that in endeavoring to realize and achieve a unity consciousness of the One Self emerging into awareness in the world, that we are ahead of the curve of what is happening now. We have moved into a future which will be ever more widely embraced. Already the world is getting more integrated. Electronic communication— the externalization of the etheric neural web of the One humanity — has already established world wide access to information and interconnection. This offers the possibility for rapid transformation as the mass of humanity is moved by spirit and becomes empowered to make necessary changes in the status quo. The moribund old system and the 1% will quickly be overwhelmed in the tide of change embodied by a consciousness of love, Oneness and a sustainable and just future, that is not only needed, but which is divinely destined.


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128. Our perception or vision is our choice Our perception of the world is really our choice. Every time we despair at the suffering, injustice, war and evil in the world, so evident in the news, we could choose to see instead love breaking through the incrusted stratifications of fear, ignorance and separation that have been the foundation for the historical world we have been living in. Subconscious beliefs, values and attitudes are being brought to consciousness to be purified in the light and love infusing the world now. The exploitation and injustice of the system in its rigid laws and institutions are being exposed so that these may be changed and transformed. Suffering denotes negative and false attitudes that create the systemic abuse that cause it. The cries of suffering humanity indicate problems that love will attend to and solve. Pain brings awareness needed to find the problems causing it. Fear is but the resistance to love. Invincible and all powerful love is now moving in the world to heal and transform it. Salvation has come. We must be its agents.


129. Remembering who we are Jesus has said that we must recreate our sense of who we are by incorporating three ideas into our awareness. First, our consciousness is not separate as we have believed, but is an extension of Christ. Secondly, it is not special nor are others, but is the same within all. Thirdly, we don’t have to wait until we die to experience heaven and all that is, but can experience this now as it is already accomplished and within us. If we incorporate these ideas we change our experience and our identity. We become who we really are as these ideas are aligned with the truth of who we really are as an extension of the Self of God. This is acceptance of our Self, rather than seeking it. This is acceptance of unity and relationship and our power to create that comes from our unity with the Creator. This is New Creation and the Reality that comes from simply being who we really are, rather than who we have thought ourselves to be in separation. We may now create a New World from our experience of union.


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130. Imagine Loving all the time Imagine feeling so much love that it spills out in every moment. In every moment we are experiencing the joy and wonder of being alive. In every moment we are glad to be totally present, embracing everything that is happening with love and appreciation. We experience every moment as a gift. We are aware that we are consciously One with everything. We don’t judge but look for the divine and find it. Yes, we are grateful to be able to love and totally be our Self, and even more grateful when that Self responds in kind and we experience Oneness. Christ connects us in the Holy Relationship of Oneness and union.


131. In Truth we are One with God We are One with God. We must consciously realize that we are One with the Son of God, instead of being separate as we have thought. We share the same Self as Jesus and are therefore a conscious extension of God. We may come to know God as we are of God and His Being or Christ. We merely have to consciously own this identity, this being which is who we really are and which we share with Jesus and Mary. Jesus and Mary share Their Self with us so that we may realize that this is also our Self. We must sustain a realization of this ongoing Oneness by claiming it, living it, extending it and seeing it in all. The Word of God awakens us to who we really are. It is also ours to share as we are One with its source. The Word is going out to all now in this time of awakening to Christ, Who is here now and Who is us. We must wake up to the reality of who we are as Sons of God.


132. Our relationship to Jesus, Mary and God Because Jesus and Mary are One with God, they make God known to us. When we claim Jesus and Mary as embodying and representing Christ for us, we must also claim our role in our relationship with divinity, as Christ is our shared Self. Our role is to express what we are coming to know through that relationship. We are in relationship because we are part of the same Whole that we are remembering to sustain identity with. Jesus and Mary are reminding us of what we therefore already know but had

66 Christ Self Reflections forgotten in our journey through our seemingly separate reality as ego, and the world which is the manifestation of the ego. Jesus has told us that his life, mind, heart and spirit is ours. Let us believe Him and embrace His Self as our own. Let us claim our relationship with God through Jesus and Mary.


133. Everything is in process of transformation There is much anxiety and uncertainty in the world now as everyone can sense that the world and everything that we have known is in flux. There is much suffering and travail and fears for the unknown future. There are many people endeavoring to change the world for the better, but the powers that continue to rule the system aren’t changing and are persisting in their efforts for more power and possession, war and exploitation. The world situation is more unstable and polarized, yet what is happening is more obvious if one will look. The system needs transformation if human civilization will have a future. Many of the needed changes are known, but these are being opposed by the rulers of the world whose power and profits would be lessened. The masses cry out for help and redress of their plight, but must realize that they actually have the power to take control back from the 1% and make the needed changes if they will assert spirit and will. Behind the scene, spiritual forces are working to resolve the blocks and conflicts and bring forth the new consciousness and reality that is emerging as long prophesied. The Light is coming.


134. Christ is now accessible We may now choose to experience the revelation of who we are as the Consciousness of Christ that is within us and accessible to us. Jesus and Mary are merely expressing the same Self that we share together and that we each express in our own way. Let us awaken to who we really are and begin to live from there and extend this newly conscious reality. When we connect with our Self, we are embracing the One Self within all, and may therefore speak to each and all as they really are. Jesus, Mary and other Spiritual Masters have demonstrated that it is indeed possible to move beyond separate identity to Oneness with the

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Life within all, with Christ, the Consciousness of God. We may now choose this reality as well. When we open our heart and mind to what is there, we will find a consciousness that we share with Jesus, who has shown that it is possible to claim this and live this as our Self. In this time of the Second Coming of Christ, this reality, experience, awareness and possibility is now available to any who would believe it and choose it. It’s here now as a new revelation and the beginning of a New Millennium that we will create together by sharing what we know through this awareness. It is as simple as what is now, as we open our hearts and minds.


135. There is a new way given into the destined future There is a new way given into the destined future. Not through the mind but through the heart will the path be found that leads to the Eternal Now, Life and the Consciousness of what Is. When we realize that the heart is a portal to the Presence of Christ Who is here now, we shall be able to embrace the present moment as the discovery of our Self. We are not the separate personalities we have thought that we were, but rather a deeper Self who has always been waiting for us to remember who we really are. Through the portal of the heart we may discover this Self we share, and begin to live as such. Listening, feeling, seeing, speaking and creating as the Self, will be the process whereby the new world will be manifested. We do this together for we all are coming to know the same thing that we are each expressing in our own way. Breath to breath, heart to heart, hand to hand do we extend love and share our beingness. This is no longer about becoming more spiritual people, rather it is about being our real Self now — the Self we all are part of. Let us step through the door — a New Day has come. Let us awaken to it. From the sleep of separation, may we now awaken to life in Oneness and in Love.


136. The holographic Self The holographic Self seems to be within me, but it is also within you. We are both opening to the same space within, the same Consciousness. Our most inner Self, is One, and as we share

68 Christ Self Reflections what we feel and know from our Heart Consciousness we make that inner connection more outer, real or manifest. This must lead to the collective realization that humanity and indeed all life, is an extension and embodiment of the One Life, Consciousness and Spirit that encompasses our world as a divine incarnation. We are thus Sons of God and must awaken to our true identity. It is not enough to just be loving spiritual personalities in relation to the encompassing whole, we must identify with that Whole while expressing it in our particular form. Everything is unfolding in divine perfection. Everything is emerging from within. We may allow our Self to Be and trust that all is and will be well.


137. The challenge of personal identity A big hurtle in moving from the age of separation, fear and mind to the age of unity, love and heart, is releasing our old sense of personal identity. The stages of human growth and development now require an additional stage beyond mature individual consciousness. This new stage is soul or Self consciousness which is identifying with the One Self Who has always been within us. Our civilization has cultivated the mind associated with personal consciousness, but now we must release that mind and choose the Heart that leads to the real Self within. The Heart space is a boundless field of light, love and intention. It is devoid of the familiar thought forms of the mind and so seems empty at first. We must choose to take it on and be it and so become who we are as embodiments of love. We have to give up the ego’s separative agenda and judgements and be willing to just be our Self and express what we feel and intuitively know. We rest in Peace, listening, trusting, saying and doing what we are given to say and do. Who gives us the Word we hear and the Spirit that moves us? In the past we sought salvation or enlightenment. Now we accept salvation, resurrection and enlightenment. Eternal life is here now. The timeless moment unfolds in Peace and Love. Let us accept our role in Christ’s Plan for Earth.


138. The meaning of this historical moment Many people all over the world are opening to spirituality, love and expanded consciousness, but don’t know the larger meaning

69 Christ Self Reflections and nature of this historical moment. Indeed it really can’t be comprehended until it is experienced by enough people who can establish a new way of being on Earth. This isn’t about just reforming and improving the behaviors, institutions, values, and beliefs of humanity, but rather it involves accepting a new reality. This is the Second Coming of Christ in mass Who is bringing another level of reality into our awareness. This is the Reality of the One Self of God Who has always been within all, but was unseen. Now we shall work with this energy and Presence and those Divine Beings Who are consciously aware of the higher dimensions. We shall see with new sight and wonders that were hidden shall be revealed. As we choose this collectively, the New must become known and manifest.


139. Choosing to honor what we feel When we choose to approach reality based on what we feel rather than what we think, we will not have to attain any ultimate state or goal that we might think we are needing, that is based on a separate from that sets us apart from life itself. Rather we just accept what we are actually feeling and choose to love this. Love itself aligns us with the transcendent and immanent Self. We don’t judge the feeling, we just embrace it in love. Love soon becomes predominant. Then the question becomes, what does love want or desire? And we will find that love wants to extend itself. Love desires to be known, shared and experienced by all. Love is a very liberating feeling as it frees us from things that restrict us and cause us pain and allows us to be who we really are, as we are all embodiments of love. As we are never apart from feeling and love, we are never apart from life which is ever- new in the moment. Life brings us those new situations and feelings that we direct love to, so that we slowly resurrect all life that we come in contact with. And our blessing is returned.


140. The big difference between the past and the future A big difference between the past age and the future age is approaching life from the mind and emotions or from the Heart and Love. Wouldn’t all of humanity’s problems be resolved if approached from Love as Christ admonished us to do? If we

70 Christ Self Reflections loved and valued our Mother Earth, would we poison Her? If we loved our fellow man would we continue to exploit him and war with him? We would create a civilization based on love and sharing for the divine life in all so that the needs of all would be honored. When money serves the good of all rather than something stolen and hoarded, each will have enough. Our system will no longer be based on lack and deficiency but on abundance and sufficiency. Our system will no longer be based on having to do and to get, but will be based on the universal having and sharing based on love. Our economic system could be totally changed tomorrow if the awareness of the need for that change was present, but instead the problems intrinsic to our present system are blamed on the victims of the system. However, the present system is based on fearful ideas that are wrong, and no amount of effort will make them right. Let us choose Love instead so that we may create the world and the future our Loving God has destined for us.


141. We already have what we have been trying to get Up to now, we have been operating on the belief that we are separate from something essential and important that we have to have and that we need to exert effort to attain it. ‘It’ may be enlightenment, salvation, wealth, love, security, power or possessions, but whatever it is, we are separate from it. Now, however, a new idea is impinging on our awareness that affirms that we already have all, as we are already part of God. We merely need to go within to become aware of our connection to and identity with the Self or Son of God, Who we are. Our ‘I am’ comes from our source, which is One for all. Therefore, instead of searching outwardly and making great efforts, we merely need to realize who we are, and trust that Self to support us in every particular. As we are provided, we share and life is experienced in grace and blessing. We live from within an inner unity and experience that extended in our outer life in Oneness.


142. God is calling us God is calling us. We merely need to hear the call of love and respond in kind. What do we love? What would love have us be

71 Christ Self Reflections concerned with, think, feel, see, express and create? We are urged to give form and expression to our love, to make it manifest and real and in so doing to transform the world by bringing a new reality into being. This new reality has always been there within, but it is now time for this inner Oneness to emerge into our awareness and be seen, lived and experienced by all. We are each called to fulfill our unique role in creating and extending God’s Plan for Earth. For this is our Plan that is our deepest desire, longing and vision. When we cease living to survive and start living to love from the fullness of our Heart, we may take part in divine emergence and manifestation of the Kingdom of God in Earth.


143. Being life artists We can all be artists of life, crafting each particular of our life in joy and beauty. Let everything be uplifted. Let everything reflect our highest dream and vision. Let every detail be cherished and loved. Let music resound. Let us succumb to sweet nature’s embrace. Let the flowers bloom, the birds sing and the leaves flutter in the fragrant breeze. From morn to night let the moment unfold in holiness and perfection. Let us greet each moment as the revelation of divine blessing. Let us share this New Day with others as we would share a holy communion. God is here now. Christ is with us. Let us do the tasks we are given with gratitude and live a consecrated life of beauty.


144. Bridging what is only a small gap It seems that there is just a small gap that makes all the difference between identifying with the separate self and thereby looking at and experiencing the world as the projection of the contents of the ego mind — and seeing as the real Self or ‘I’. The latter is a heart centered experience of Oneness with the world, without the judgements and interpretations of the ego mind. From this place of unity, love and peace we may hear the invocative call of the spirit and respond through our vision, feeling, thought, creativity and expression. For me, I am interested in being able to make this approach to life a more concrete, defined and acknowledged way of life. I suppose this

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Self actualization could function within various spiritual or religious frameworks. The essential element is that it is based on the actual awareness and experience of the Self rather than on beliefs. Love and awareness of what ‘is’ then replaces habitual thoughts.


145. In the garden of life In the scented Spring garden of life, everything is good, alive, positive, beautiful and harmonious. It is just our thoughts that can be discordant. However, love, like the sunlight, brings everything to light. Love is here now pervading the moment and love calls us to experience ever more within the infinite eternal treasury within. Touching love is like hearing a chord with limitless harmonics and notes that reverberate. From this world these vibrations reach out beyond time and space into the blissful Heart of God’s timeless imaginations. These worlds unfold in a divine perfection beyond our capacity to conceive. They reverberate back in the angel’s light and energy that transmit the divine Life and merge with Love.


146. Choosing the Real We can assist each other to ‘ground the Real’ by choosing the Real emerging within us and making the historic shift that is happening now: from fear to love, from separation to unity, from ego-mind to the mindful heart within all, from the personal to the conscious One Self that is impinging on our awareness as that collective being who we really are.

By living as such and expressing what we are given to feel, think, imagine, dream, create and manifest from this consciousness, we may extend the reality of Christ centered beingness into the world and so enhance our collective effort to realize the potential of this momentous moment.

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Therefore let us consciously claim our awakening identity as the One Self of humanity and use the power intrinsic to this Self of Synthesis to express the Truth and what needs to be known and shared now. Christ is here now!


147. Let us Love it all Let us love it all— The fearful sense of separation, The foolish striving for control, The violent endeavor to dominate, The senseless exploitation, The greed, selfishness and ignorance— A tsunami of Light is moving into the world And only for a little while will anything stand against it. A vast influx of Love is bringing this world to a new Day— And with gratitude at our deliverance From the fearful dreams of the past Let us just let these go And open ourselves to the Light and Love Pouring into the world, Transfiguring.


148. Choosing to give up separate will The Light, Love and Spiritual Will of God cannot be defeated by any separate will just as a shadow cannot defeat the light which causes it. Humanity has been given a separate will and the ability to create, and we have learned from this the cause of suffering and joy. However, now it is time for humanity to come into alignment with the Divine Light, Love and Purpose which is its Source and essence. Coming into the world is the Divine Self to awaken us to who we really are as Sons of God so that we shall no longer create in separation and opposition to the Logos, but may rather fulfill His Plan for a New Spiritual Kingdom to be manifest on Earth and for humanity to assume its rightful place in

74 Christ Self Reflections the larger solar Whole. The solar and galactic peoples are observing our process of conscious birth and through the travail of this birth, into a New Millennium.


149. Moving into the Fourth and Fifth dimensions Moving into the fourth dimension we connect with that universal space and energy that is within all. We vibrate on this bright living energy and embody it. As we all are vibrating on this same energy field, we are in a unified space, that we each express through our particular human forms. We realize that our Self is shared. Moving into the fifth dimension we transcend time, for we connect to that Eternal Now that contains everything that was or will be. Every Divine thought living in the Mind of God exists eternally now and can be accessed as Divine Truth that lives within us. We realize that the worlds interpenetrate and that we actually have our eternal being in the timeless Heart of God.


150. Our personal ‘I Am’ is borrowed from the Self We take our ‘I am’ self consciousness as a personal condition whereas it is actually an outcropping and extension of God, as is everything. We are therefore never separate from God, but only think we are as we get identified with the thoughts in the ego mind. We can consciously choose to reconnect at any time by opening to the Heart and the Presence of Love moving within all that is our real Self of God. This seems at first like an empty space, but as we acclimatize ourselves with it, this Presence is a Being imbued with Light, Love, Purpose and Consciousness, that is actually within all of humanity. If we stay centered and identified with this Self, we will find that we can live from this place of Oneness — listening in the Silence to what we are given to know and expressing this in thought, feeling, image, creation, movement, and word. This One Self Who is Christ Who is always within us and Who puts us in synch, connection and relationship with all life. Jesus has reassured us that we no longer need rely on anything external to connect with Christ. He is here now and we may express Him.


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151. Moving from separation to Union with Christ Mankind’s voyage through the experience of separation is over if we will now choose union with the One Self and Christ Who is now accessible and waiting for us to embrace Him and be embraced. Our task is merely to listen and respond. What we hear comes as the fulfillment of our heart’s desire. Our response merely requires overcoming the fear that would block it which is to doubt our Self and who we really are. Awakening to who we really are as embodiments of Christ is as simple and natural as breathing. There is no effort required, merely releasing our efforts to block it. The sun is rising on a new day. It’s nothing special, it’s just the way things actually are as we release all our ideas of how we think things should work and be. Let us unplug ourselves from the media and all the world’s dramas and beliefs and open to a new, pure, unnamed, uncharted moment together. We now have the opportunity to create a new world. It’s our task, in fact. Let us begin.


152. Moving beyond the belief in separate knowledge In the past we believed that some people knew things that others didn’t, and that some people therefore, had more knowledge and capability than others. Now we are discovering that this is not true — we all know the same thing that we are remembering together. “All are chosen and accomplished” as Jesus says. We no longer have to rely on anyone else, or study and learn an external knowledge. We already have everything within, that we each can access. Therefore, education in the coming time must be different than in the past. Ideas will be presented to merely provide a temporary framework to begin Self exploration. Ideas and knowledge will not be valued for themselves, but rather for the good these can do to bring all life into a more conscious alignment with the spirit within and its purpose. ‘Good’ implies undistorted energies that allow the deepest purpose of the individual to be fulfilled in harmonious relationship with the whole. This implies that each has a divine nature and purpose that can be known and facilitated. Humanity must work not only for its own health and development, but also to facilitate the conscious growth of all life. Nature does not merely provide for our use and benefit, but also as a sphere of service. More than

76 Christ Self Reflections just being stewards of the planet we must help cultivate the divine spirit in all life.


153. There is a new energy grid emerging There is a new energy grid that is slowly emerging or manifesting on the planet. This net puts us into direct connection with everyone and especially those who are expressing love, light and action for the good of all. Our individual expression is a contribution that strengthens and adds to the intensity of the energy connecting us in Oneness. This etheric web, like the internet, provides a means of communication and interchange that integrates the world, like the nervous system of the planet. As it intensifies it will be more noticeable to awareness. We will immediately ‘know things’ as this energetic web is seeded with spiritual ideas, inventions and impulses for our destined evolution by Christ. There is a Plan for the evolution of Earth to fulfill the Earth’s role in the greater scheme of things. Humanity is just one link in a great chain of being. And it is time for humanity to wake up from its separate and fearful dreams and consciously align its Self with the deeper purpose behind its existence. Humanity doesn’t exist just for itself, but to fulfill its role in God’s Life and designs.


154. Hearing the Call We are each being called now to rise up and return to God. What is the nature of this call? It can come as the Heart’s desire — a longing for a dream of realization and fulfillment. It is something we do not have alone, but collectively share. It can come as an image of a vision of a home or world that is possible but as yet unmanifest. It can come as a feeling of love, joy and beauty that calls us to a nobler and consecrated life. We are being called to awaken to a higher spiritual reality and to take a step on a path that leads beyond what we have known. The angels are sounding their trumpets. A great shout and chorus resounds. Let us believe what we are hearing in our Heart and what spirit is impelling us to do. Let us leave our old burdens and chores and move forward in trust, meeting up with others who also are

77 Christ Self Reflections hearing the call. We are now part of something that has been hoped for as it is destined. Christ is here and coming!


155. Finding the answer outside the mind As long as we remain in our minds, we shall ever be the seeker and the learner, trying to find and attain something that we already have if we would look in a different place. Opening to the Heart’s awareness, we find that we are not separate and lacking but are part of a living community united in love. No matter where we are in this world or our circumstances, we are part of the same Conscious Self, the same life and spirit. We can connect as easily as opening to what is here now. The loneliness and alienation of the modern world finds its antidote in a living Presence that is emerging into our collective awareness in this very moment. With no fanfare, in silence and stillness something is here now that transforms our experience of the world. Rest in Peace. We are not alone.


156. Aims of the mind and the Heart The mind ever seeks to understand. The Heart desires to experience Oneness. How can these be reconciled? The Heart is primary, and the mind must serve it. The mind must formulate and clear the paths to Oneness. The mind must share Oneness or Love and extend it. The mind is the creative agent of the Self. Thoughts, images and ideas only have value to the extent that these express what is real and help us to know and be our Self. The mind creates bridges or lines of light that reveal and connect us. We must go first to the Heart and ask, ‘what would Love have us express, create and do?’ In this way we establish an invocative relationship with God and respond to what God calls us to. Striving for abstract knowledge must be replaced by knowing the need of the moment and formulating an answer to it. We cannot fully realize the Light of Wisdom until we utilize that Wisdom in service to others, who are really part of us. We Love our brothers as our Self by utilizing the mind in service for our collective experience of Oneness.


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157. The rules of the game have been changed The rules of the game have been changed, unbeknownst to us. We are no longer in the same world we were born into. Day by day the world is slowly transforming and we must transform with it. The young intuitively know things we may have spent years struggling to learn. Our minds — programmed for the past age — can no longer guide us into the New — but our Heart can. Our feelings are providing us with revelatory discoveries that only recently we might have denigrated or denied. Everywhere there are breakthroughs, new ideas, inventions and projects that can be seen as a weaving together of the strands of Light of a New Age. Our insights and intuitions are merging into the beginnings of a synthetic vision of a New Millennium coming into being, a new way of life. Everything is being raised up and made conscious — including those blocks and resistances to the inflowing Light, so that they may be clearly seen for what they are and released. Let us release the heavy weights of fear and fixed beliefs and ascend on the upwelling energies of love and light, flowing free now on these. Then, in exhilaration, let us sing a song of the New.


158. The coming Age of Mary Women now are coming into their own and beginning to gain the respect and opportunity in the world that they deserve. However, women do not need to be like men in their attitudes to achieve success. The equality of the divine feminine principle must be acknowledged. Women will lead humanity into the New Age of Unity, as they have ever held aloft the banner of love, life, beauty and community for mankind despite the denigration and disrespect they have suffered. Who of Christ’s disciples have been more stalwart in their devotion, though given little praise? The Holy She will lead us into the Age of Love as She embodies it in Herself. Men have had their time, their power and advantages, but now must stand back and let the Force of Divine Life Itself lead us into the destined future.


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159. Are we to worship God? I have always had some difficulty relating to the religious need to worship God, because, in part, God’s attributed power and knowledge have been so defiled and misused by the religious themselves — so much evil has been done in the name of God. Where is benevolent power and knowledge being demonstrated on Earth? I can, however, respect a reverence toward devotion to good, to life, and love as these have demonstrable merit. Not a fanatical devotion to assorted abstract ideas that have caused so much harm in the world, but action based on real human need and feeling for the other. There are so many people endeavoring to help one another and build a better world for all. I will worship the spirit of consecrated selfless love that motivates these world servers. Such selflessness leads us to the Self Who we really are and to that larger Life all encompassing.


160. Tremulous at Wesak Sitting here in silence with the Wesak transmission approaching, I feel a great pressure of love and spirit welling up, like a dam preparing to break and release a flood onto the world. It’s a good thing that the spiritual energy enfolding the Earth is being released in a measured way, for we could not integrate the full power waiting to come in. Too much light could be blinding. Too much energy would only activate propensities adverse to spiritual evolution. Purification must accompany absorption. Pain and suffering can be healing when combined with heart centered change. God is patient but inexorable. Love is guiding His schedule to maximize the good for all. However, let us align with the Love and Light and Power suffusing the planet. May we embody these energies for the good of all.


161. The energy of Synthesis Christ is now releasing the energy of Synthesis into the world. This is the white light which is essence and synthesis of the septet of colors and qualities which compose our planetary life and which brings these to the higher encompassing whole. This energy allows any condition to be seen and experienced as a manifestation of the energy of the One even when this condition

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— like an ego state — seems to be in opposition to the whole. Therefore bringing this synthetic energy to the apparent conflicts that have been plaguing Earth, resolves them and creates new holistic manifestations. This is happening now. (For example, the global private banking system is an expression of the energy of mankind, manifest as money, that is an endeavor to formulate, this energy so that it may be used.) The fear that has been incorporated into the present system, that has distorted it, will be addressed by assurances of free access that will mitigate fears of having enough. Those involved in the banking system after it has been transformed to a public service for the good of all, will then feel good about what they are doing, rather than guilty, as they will have transformed a ‘service to self’ attitude to a ‘service to all’ orientation. This synthetic energy is slowly bringing humanity to awareness of the One Self that it has ever been an expression of in reality.


162. The Power of Love How powerful love is! Love can enter any situation and immediately transform it. Love rules, and when it shows itself, all who are cognizant must give it honor and praise. Love, like water, always finds a way to come through. It nourishes the Earth and all upon it. Like light, love immediately changes whatever it touches. We can only see in the light of love. Servants of love often do not realize the power they possess. They are just being themselves and may take surface rejections to heart not realizing that their love must eventually find its target. Love, once expressed, never dies, for love is eternal. All hail embodiments of love, bringers of life and all that is good! All gratitude for the gifts you bestow!


163. The real underlying trend There are many individuals and groups in the world who are endeavoring to help mankind and improve society by promoting ideas and action for human and planetary progress. How much more powerful would these efforts be if we consciously realized that this group of world servers is actually all connected and part of the same consciousness and spiritual impulse moving into the

81 Christ Self Reflections planet. There is now an unconscious telepathic rapport established as we are acting on related ideas that have been seeded by spirit. However, if this Oneness was more conscious it would be strengthening and empowering. Likewise if the various groups, organizations and individuals that are each currently focused on separate specific issues, could coalesce in an outer alliance of the forces of Light and Love for the Conscious Evolution of the planet, what political power and social consequences that would have! We must overcome the curse of separation on all levels — personal, spiritual, social, religious, political and economic — and replace it with conscious Unity!


164. The antidote to modern life Modern life is so active and hectic. However, we do not really have to be so busy, stimulated, and involved all the time. We have to be able to take refuge in the silence and stillness within and know how we are continually nourished by the Heart. The Heart not only connects us to our Self, but in so doing, provides the guidance and support we need in our life. We have to be able to step out of our minds and connect with what is. Like a swimmer who has left the rocks of thought and habit and is in the water, now we must learn to relax and just float and be gently carried along in the Heart current if we want to. This current of life and inspiration is flowing through us as well, and we must learn to express it if we would move with it. We must find the Heart’s voice and share our inspiration, our feelings, visions and intuitions. It often takes quiet to hear this voice and faith to know that we must give it form and expression, though it may seem so different from the conventional reality around us. The Word must sound forth through us!


165. Personality vs. Self What is the difference between functioning as a spiritual personality or as a conscious soul? Spiritual people, even when dedicated to good purposes, are still functioning with an identification as a separate ego and relying on the mind, conditioned by internalized ideas from the culture to guide and control their lives. Despite endeavoring to be loving and helpful

82 Christ Self Reflections leaders and servers, they still are characterized by ego dynamics — a fear based concern with survival and self esteem; a need to resolve a fundamental sense of lack; projection of the mind on to reality; a sense of a need to control time and circumstances by one’s personal will; a sense that one’s history, situation and beliefs are one’s identity; a sense of living in a linear separate world defined by conflict; etc.


166. Living as a conscious soul Living as a conscious soul means living with the Heart as the locus and center of one’s being. This automatically creates a greater sense of connection and Oneness with surrounding reality. Others are experienced as expressions of the same One Divine Life. The intuitive knowing of the Heart guides one in the flow of life that no longer needs to be controlled. Time becomes experienced as an unfolding of the Eternal Now that is an ever new discovery. Rather than the mind, Love and one’s feelings are paramount; fear is replaced by trust; anxiety by peace; belief by intuitive knowing; separation by Oneness; external linear discrete reality by mutable living reality; fixed identity by holistic identity, etc.

Living as a spiritual person is wonderful, but the next step of evolution for humanity is awakening to the soul and living as the One Self Who we really are.


167. A time of increasing synthesis We live in a time of increasing synthesis. The world is getting more interconnected and integrated by the day. In recent years the materialistic science and ideal of love in the West has pervaded the East, just as the metaphysical wisdom of East and ideal of spiritual realization has pervaded the West. The influx of Asian religions spearheaded by Theosophy has enriched simplistic Christian metaphysics of the triune Godhead to help us understand the multidimensional, multifarious reality that we live in and aspects of it that Christian theology could not adequately explain. However, realization for the occidental must honor the West’s intrinsic psychology. Spirit must be synthesized with life

83 Christ Self Reflections and not be a separate transcendent mental realization that is achieved. Love expressed as an ongoing Oneness and thereby service to all is the goal. We are not here to escape or transcend the world but to act as an extension of God to redeem His Life that is within creation and manifest His Consciousness on Earth. Being an embodiment of Christ and Love is our evolutionary and synthetic task.


168. Without guilt or blame we choose the Whole Self Looking back, it’s easy to see the many things that we could have done differently and better. And often worse than one’s failings are the things that we didn’t say or do that would have been truthful and loving. The present moment contains a number of layers within it and it is distressing to realize how superficial our focus often is. We take many blessings for granted and overlook others. It can years before we may realize what was truly important in a situation or relationship. How can we resolve these regrets? We must be grateful for what we are becoming aware of and what we are realizing that is truly meaningful. We must try to incorporate this truth and then forgive ourselves for being unavoidably human and imperfect. Then we must choose to be the loving Self that we are now, and live as fully in the moment as we can, bringing all that we are to the present.


169. In Spring, the moment opens up like a flower In Spring, in the dappled luxuriant shade with the birds flitting in the fragrant air, the moment opens up like a flower. The sweetness of life intoxicates as Love’s perfume pervades. All that eternally is hovers immaculate — past and future scenes weaving together in a tapestry of the infinite worlds, choices and experiences that are ever within the timeless Now. Like a clear bell Eternity resounds linking all in a mysterious note reverberating from the angel realms. We realize how little we really understand the Divine reality that we live in. We live on the outermost skein of a boundless Divine Life comparable to the fathomless physical universe which arises from it. We can only gaze from the heart, both inwardly and outwardly, in reverential awe at the wonder and beauty of the little we can see and sense.

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This view gives us Heart to free ourselves to experience the full rapture and Divine Bliss of the Infinite Life that encompasses us and to step forth on to that path that leads into the Heart of all.


170. The ascending fire of the Heart The flame of the Heart naturally ascends, as all flames do. Entering it we ascend in spirit toward the Infinite Heart of all. Desire is not to be shunned, but rather cherished as the more we embrace the longing of the Heart, the more swiftly are we carried up. Feelings are the fuel and the current, and Love the celestial river and ocean of Life more abundant. The more we can express it, the more it can flow through us, and we can flow skyward toward Infinite Being. Let us step into the Heart Fire and allow ourselves to be purified by it — burning off the dross — becoming a pure vessel for its Truth. Let it burn off the fetters which bind us so that we may give voice to the flame of the Heart. Let Love free our tongue and give us words to speak that would embrace all in this Fire. Let it guide our hands and our feet in our acts and daily life.


171. Judgment is a habit we need to overcome It’s humbling to realize just how prone we are to judgement. And ‘good’ judgements are still judgements, which by their nature give a limited interpretation to the reality we experience. Expressing these has the effect of disrespecting the other by making a false imposition. Often the judgement has an implied criticism of the other, as if we knew better or they were incapable in some respects. Becoming aware of our expressed judgement, the attack on truth implicit in it rebounds on us and we feel self condemnation and guilt. If we actually looked at what goes on in the world we would be dumbfounded by the amount of violence happening through the judgements we express to one another everyday. May we forgive ourselves for this egoic tendency, and strive to speak more from the heart rather than the mind.


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172. The challenge of stepping away from consensus reality It is not easy, when our entire culture is based on the development of the mind and its use in life for success and gratification, to make the shift to living by the Heart and making Love primary. Love is important in the world of course and is often the centerpiece of our life dramas, but it definitely plays a secondary role to the mind in the educational, scientific, economic, cultural and political areas of society. Wouldn’t it be illuminating and productive if Love was attended to in school — if we were encouraged to consciously reflect on what Love is to us, what we love the most, how we could express love more, and all the many ramifications of Love? What if we had conventions on love and how to make our institutions and society more loving? What if we were judged not by what we think but how well we love, and recognition was given for this? It might then be easier to live by love if our culture reflected this value and attitude. But of course, that’s what we’re working towards, and as we each make the shift, the culture must shift too.


173. Reimagining one’s life Today I went through an inventory of family, friends and associates and reimagined them. They are no longer the separate people I know and interact with, but are now the Divine Self extending itself and manifesting through these individuals. And so am I, as we share the same Self. I have thus allowed the New World to come into being through my awareness of it in the here and now. This makes it more real and actual. Why continually and habitually project the contents of the old ego mind on to surrounding reality if it is no longer what you want to give reality to? Extending Oneness, I notice that I am immediately relaxed and at Peace, for there is no longer any conflict if everything is One. I realize that I must extend this to all, for nothing is excluded from it. I am moving into a New World! I am and we are the New World!


174. As free spirits, we choose what we give reality to Energy follows thought and therefore what we give reality to becomes our experienced reality. This is why so many insights

86 Christ Self Reflections and realizations do not bear fruit — because we do not act on these consistently and fall back into older habits of thought. This is why spiritual practices should be regular as it takes time and persistence to change ingrained habits of thought and deeper ingrained assumptions of personal identity. However, the ultimate real must eventually triumph over the experienced real. Thoughts seem real as we identity with them but eventually we realize that it is the Self that is real and not the thoughts that may be in awareness at any moment. When our energy shifts to awareness of the observing Self rather than the objects of perception, everything changes. We then realize that we are really multidimensional beings who by shifting awareness can experience different levels of being. We need not confine ourselves to the physical. However, if we have been involved in some ‘real world’ task, we need not berate ourselves either, for in the next moment we can as easily choose to focus our awareness differently. As free spirits, what we give energy and reality to is our choice. We encompass it all while being more. The ‘more’ is the spirit of God which is continually prompting us to transform the moment by bringing the unknown into it.


175. Shifting from self to Self In this moment I have made my awareness and knowing conscious, and by doing this have shifted my focus and the locus of my self from the personal to the soul level. Awareness of what is has proceeded from the personal mind to the Self who uses the personal mind to share and extend its Self. For in sharing my awareness I share that awareness that we all have and are remembering together. We are all waking up to the freedom of Self knowing. This is now easier than it used to be, because what is here now within this moment as a transcendent/ immanent awareness is easier than ever to access. And whether this is because the energy of the soul has been increased or because the veil between the worlds has been removed or because of some new energy or factor — like the Presence of Christ beginning to move into the world — I really don’t know. Whatever — the end result is good!


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176. Living from rather than talking about Rather than just talking about the ideas in Jesus’ A Course of Love or any Teaching, I’m trying to practice them by accessing unity with Self, as best I can, and sharing from there. What else can we do but connect with the Heart and express what we are given to know, visualize, feel, create, say and do from this place of inner Oneness? This is why I have to take breaks from any input, book, media, relationship, etc. and withdraw into the silence and stillness and then authentically express and share what I get — what is there. In this way we stand in our soul, in spiritual being, and learn to trust it. We have to learn to rely on the Self and our own intuitive knowing — to find our own voice. Then we express directly from the Heart and don’t separate ourselves by talking ‘about’ it. As Jesus has told us, the time of a need for an intermediary is over. We all now have direct access.


177. Staying open to inspiration Sometimes an idea will just pop into one’s head, like just now when I thought, ‘only universals are true’. Can this be so? If I express a deeply held thought or feeling isn’t this my truth? These indicate that I am identifying with them in the moment. However, is expressing a momentary attachment expressing truth? As this thought, emotion or feeling may change tomorrow, the truth seems to be the process rather than the particular content of the process of attachment. If I express love, however, I am expressing something universal and eternal, so this must always be true, although what I think love implies may change - and must therefore be untrue. Whatever we express in the moment is true in that we are becoming aware of what we are identified with. However, the truth is that the Self gives reality and life to what it gives sustained attention to. The Self is therefore the Truth and the truth giver. And the Self is really universal. By gaining awareness of this intuitive knowing, we get and give at the same time. To gain awareness of the Self, is to identify with the Self and to exist as the Self, to the extent that we can maintain this awareness. Sustaining Self awareness frees us from attachment to passing thoughts and emotions that are no longer our truth, but mere objects of temporary attention. The mind is like the blissful blue sky, which has the passing cloud thoughts. The Self is the infinite conscious space

88 Christ Self Reflections encompassing the sky that is part of God. As the Self, my truth and your truth are the same, as we have the same Self. Let us share this Truth.


178. It’s easy to realize what is always here It used to seem difficult to achieve Self awareness. Now it is as easy as opening up to that Presence, space of unity, and Self Consciousness that is always within the moment. It is still easy to be distracted by passing sensations, thoughts and emotions, but as the Self can encompass and contain these passing contents of mind, presumably Self Consciousness will be sustained without interruption. Love is the key — loving the contents of mind with detachment, realizing these only have the energy and reality the Self gives them. Attaining this state, we are free to really look around for the first time and gaze into the distance. We have moved into a larger reality and a vast vista can be seen before us. We have reached the edge of the first abode or heaven of the saints and angels. Life here is all about channeling light and love into forms appropriate to human need and divine purpose. Human need now is essentially related to overcoming the belief and experience of fear and separation that have defined and circumscribed civilization. Humanity is now breaking out of this shell and into the larger reality of Divine Oneness that has always been within and encompassing the Earth. It is now time to consciously ascend and to greet one another as equal extensions of the same unitary Self that we are awakening to.


179. The key to making the imminent shift The key step we need to make to shift from ego to Self, is shifting from thought to conscious awareness of what is in the moment. Awareness allows us to step outside of thought and ego and into the larger life and encompassing whole that we are. Conscious awareness shifts us from thoughts which are all related to the past, to the living present moment. Awareness is part of the Self, so even if we begin to be aware on a personal level, we are connecting to a line of energy that is connected to the Self. When we realize that this Self Awareness contains Love that we can direct wherever we want, we then can liberate

89 Christ Self Reflections ourselves from anything that seems to restrict us by loving it and thereby liberating ourself. For Love is free. When in the 60’s people talked about free love they were just recognizing the actual cosmic nature of Love, because if was a time of an influx of cosmic energy. Now I am aware that my separate self is sitting in a beautiful Spring garden. But I am also aware that another Self is looking through my eyes, my thoughts, feelings and sensations. And I evoke that Self and listen for the answer.


180. We must share who we are Jesus shared and demonstrated who he is and we must do likewise. We must take the risk of speaking from the Heart and showing others who we really are. The thoughts and feelings may be different from conventional expression, but we must be willing to share our Oneness if we are to really help humanity take the next step. Not just transforming the structure of the world, but sharing a Conscious Oneness is needed. And unlike all the work involved with changing the institutions, laws, values and beliefs in the world, coming from a Christ centered Oneness can happen now, immediately, and as easily as being our Self. To do this we don’t have to be better, different, more knowledgeable or braver— just truthful. The separate self is fine as it imperfectly is. We don’t have to improve it — just realize that we are not it and be willing to be who we really are once we get out of our heads and all our ideas of how that is supposed to look. Just be — don’t think about how.


181. All we really need we already have What we need and want we must give and share realizing that we already have it within. And in no area is that truer than in love. Even when we are not blatantly trying to get love from another, but only wanting to express feelings and affection, we assume that we have to do that physically with the special people that we feel love and affection for. However, love begins by loving that Self which is the source of love, and expressing this Self Love as a pure gift to everyone, because it is within everyone. We extend such Love because this is the nature of who we are. As we are always loving the Self by being the Self,

90 Christ Self Reflections the Love of the Self is automatically radiated out. What we give we are receiving. And others also reflect this back to us in varying degrees.


182. Grappling with the world For a few days I have been grappling with things going on in the world, as we have to when we have some task that needs to be attended to. In particular I have been thinking of the evil Mideast war(s) as these continue to create great suffering and threaten even greater devastation. I believe it is necessary to become more consciously aware of the evil players, methods, and agencies employed and the ongoing deception that is part of the process. It is distressing to see it all so prominently now. This awareness seems to be part of the general purification and consciousness raising going on in the world now.


183. There is no negativity, fear, or evil in the Heart When we go to the Christ Mind that is fused with the Heart, fear and negativity are not there. The evil that is so powerful in the world has no importance. What is important is human need — the need to free itself from its bonds, its fears and its controllers so that it may realize and express its divine spirit and power. The Day that unfolds in the Light and Love within has no negativity, and nothing to effect its Peace or Oneness. This is a moment that is totally New and not a continuation of the past and the historical dramas of conflict. The outer wars will be resolved not by siding with one side over another but by realizing that we are really One and that we cannot hate our brother except by denying the Truth of Who we really are as equal expressions of the One Self of humanity. I don’t believe that wars for selfish gain can be won anymore. The spirit of God is rising up to oppose these through the massed will of the people. Let us step back from this insanity and open to the New Day that is upon us. Love is here. We need not fear anymore.


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184. Our experience is our choice Jesus informs us that every situation is actually a relationship that is our choice. We may either choose to project separation, fear and judgement — or unity by extending the Self to embrace all in love and wholeness. Until we overcome our habitual identity with the separate self and the ego mind we will not experience everything that is truly ours in the unity of the Self. However, the Heart is both the way and the destination. It is not just the source of love for the separate self, it is the doorway into another level of being, when we choose to fully rely on it. We may extend its love to embrace everything that we experience, so that we live in unity and Oneness. We can accept everything as it is when we see everything pervaded and connected in Love. Let us release our learned beliefs and accept the completion, wholeness and peace of what is.


185. Moving into the destined future If we want to really move into the destined future, we must move away from the past as embodied in our habitual stream of consciousness, our thoughts and emotions, and into the now of the heart space of inner awareness. By doing so we connect with the unified space of inner being. We may believe that this is just a subjective individual awareness at first, until we discover that this state is really a universal Self that we are experiencing the edge of. As it is devoid of the thoughts and emotions that we are habitually identified with, we may initially believe that it is a nothing. However, if we can learn to polarize and center ourselves here, we will discover that we may live from the intuitive knowing and spiritual intention intrinsic here. We then consciously participate in the unfolding of an inner being of love. We begin to be the Self who we really are. Our future is our essence — being who we already are, when free from the historical belief in and identity with separation. The issue of separation is the major one that the Hierarchy is laboring to help humanity overcome now.


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186. The New morning that IS If we pray, let us pray to accept what is. Let us pray to become aware, understand and choose what is. Let us align with what is, express, be and extend what is. Let us listen to what IS, feel what IS, have faith in what IS and share what IS. Let us learn to ignore and overlook what is not, and free ourselves from what is not. Thereby let us be at Peace and no longer in conflict as what IS, is One and cannot be in conflict with itself. And what is ‘not’ cannot be in conflict if we don’t give it belief or reality. Fear will no longer be able to touch us. We don’t have to fight fear, which gives it reality and power. It’s just part of the illusion of separation that we are awakening from. What IS, is the glorious morn after a night of frightful dreams. Our eyes are adjusting to the Light and a world transformed.


187. Let us give thanks that we are awakening Let us give thanks that we are awakening to the reality of our shared life in God. Let us give thanks for those, like Jesus and Mary and the spiritual Masters and Angels, Who are helping us in moving through this transition from separation to Unity, from fear to Love, from darkness to Light, from anxiety and doubt to Peace and Trust. Let us give thanks for the blessings of God that are ours and for God’s Plan for the glorious future of Earth. Let us give thanks that the reign of fear is ending and that the suffering of humanity is nearly over. Let us choose to have faith in the Truth now and stand up for what is right and best in the world. Let us assert the Power we have as divine Spirits and Sons of God so that we may collectively hasten our deliverance.


188. The Holy dance of life In the holy dance of life, we inspire each other by being who we are and letting our heart sing and our spirit flow free. When we surrender to the divine music that thrills through all creation, we flow in joy, giving and receiving with each other in heartfelt communion. We need no special rituals to honor the divine Self in each, just the holy ritual of embracing each other in love that unfolds new in an Eternal Now. By giving ourselves to the One Divine Life and freely sharing what we are inspired to share and

93 Christ Self Reflections extend, we join the dance of life, a celebration of love. Life is not hard work - the spirit naturally moves to an ever present divine song. We just have to quit being afraid of it, blocking it — and just let go and move with it. Let every step be a dance step. Let every word be part of a song we sing to the God in all.


189. When a bird sings When a bird sings, does it have to think about it or does not song just pour out unstoppable from the heart of Life. When a flower releases its perfume is there calculation or plan or doesn’t Life just move irresistibly to completion. When the breeze caresses each tree is there thought or isn’t love just being irrepressibly expressed. So must we learn to move, taking instruction from the Divine Life Herself, letting go of thought and just flowing with Love. We must become the pure embodiments of Love that we inwardly are, and use the mind to merely fashion the expression of Love. The mind is the creator, Love the source and essence of that creation. Love is ever unfolding its Self, and the infinite aspects of its Being. Let us consciously take up our role in this divine process of Life, and Be Who we really are. Let us embrace Christ. Let us create the New World of Love and Oneness on Earth.


190. Let us open our minds to our Heart and what IS “History has shown you that what you believe is possible becomes possible. What is possible depends upon what you can imagine being possible. Imagination is linked to true vision, for it exercises the combined capabilities of mind and heart. Beyond imagination is the spark that allows you to conceive of what never was conceived of before. This spark is inspiration, the infusion of spirit. Spirit precedes inspiration, inspiration precedes imagination, imagination precedes belief, and belief precedes form. You then can move forward again, taking form beyond its given parameters. The one exercise for your mind is dedicating all thought to union. Not taking control, however, is the key to unlearning. What you term as being in control is simply another way of saying acting on old beliefs.” ACOL

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L:23:17-26 As Jesus encourages us to do, let us open our hearts and minds to what truly is, releasing old beliefs and attachments that have obscured our vision, so that we may see the One in All and express what we are given to know by spirit.


191. Escaping the ego’s world A fish living in water does not realize that its experience is just one of many types of experience as the water life is all it knows. So the ego living in its internally consistent world does not realize that there are other dimensions of being and possibilities of life. If a fish were to momentarily poke its head into the air it would not know what to make of this alien environment, even though its life is dependent on the air that pervades water. The ego’s reality is based on attachment to a belief in separation and a fear that implies that it is deficient, vulnerable, and lacking. To remedy this situation it uses its mind and will, where it identifies itself, to judge, control and compete to gain what it thinks it needs. When it temporarily experiences the Peace, Love and Light from the spiritual realms it doesn’t realize that it is touching a whole new dimension of possible being, but interprets these only within the context of its existing belief structures. It doesn’t realize, like the fish, that its separate life is actually dependent - and resulting from - the spiritual energies it may briefly notice. Unlike the fish, however, we may and must free ourselves from the false constriction of our present life to ascend into the free realms of being where we have our home. However, to free ourselves we must realize that the everyday reality of the separate world and the fear and belief it is based on is false and doesn’t reflect who we truly are. Let us now release our personal identifications and attachments and awaken. Christ is here for this purpose.


192. Belief creates experience that manifests it Because we believe in separation we experience it and thus believe that Christ is separate from us and an experience to be striven for. Wrong. Christ is actually looking out at the world through our eyes, we just don’t realize this. Christ is behind every thought and feeling we have, we just don’t realize this.

95 Christ Self Reflections

Christ is here now and begging us to see Him, embrace Him, know Him, love Him, and live Him. Our life is His Life, our consciousness is His Consciousness, our mind is His Mind, our spirit is His and that of the Father or God within all. We no longer have to wait or depend on anyone else, we may be One Now. Let us be our Christ Self now.


193. Detachment and surrender Reflecting on the concepts of detachment and release I notice that these seem related to the mind and the will which is the province of the ego. Surrender and embrace seem more related to the heart and the soul. After all, detachment from the ego must leave us open to a larger identification with Self and love. However, the ego has a negative interpretation of surrender as it assumes the need for personal power. However, surrender to the larger Life and Self is really to embrace freedom and the power of creation. As divine co-creators we have the opportunity to manifest what we truly desire and want in our Heart, not just what we think we need and want. The former is life that is free, the latter is experience bound to the wheel of karma.


194. Necessary World change One of the first major changes that needs to happen and that we must initiate in the world is the abolition of the private banking and financial system which is a keystone of capitalism and the predatory New World Order. This private financial system allows the theft and control of the world’s money - which is power - and the maintenance of a global debt slavery system. This control and exploitation of the many by the few contributes to war and death as money is always made by war, and human life is of no concern to the few. This is why banks and the monied cabal who by money control politics and the media are always pushing for more war, but deceitfully rationalizing it. The rule of the power hungry and selfish few over the suffering many must end, and institutions for the general good of all replace the flawed capitalistic banking system. Now the true nature of the beast is being revealed so that all may take the power back that

96 Christ Self Reflections they have given to it and choose Love instead over the fear that has been used to deceive mankind. Everything must be shared for the good of all. The Lord will no longer allow the unjust and destructive tyranny of Earth. Everything is being lifted up to a higher vibration, and those who cannot function on this new level will have to incarnate elsewhere.


195. Holy Relationship When we release our hold on everything — our thoughts, emotions, body and will — and completely surrender to the One Life, we establish a Holy Relationship with that Life that is no longer restricted by anything. Not believing that we are a separate self, all life expresses our Self — each living being is part of us. Not being attached to body or emotion, our Self embraces and encompasses all in an unfolding flow of ever new Life. No longer having a separate will or agenda we may fully experience God’s grace and the infinite blessings latent within the Eternal Now that are waiting to be discovered, known, expressed and manifested. Christ presides over this Holy Relationship of Love. He is waiting to receive us.


196. Living the divine Idea that we are We are each a thought or idea of God. Reflect on what brings the most joy, what inspires the highest vision, what embodies the most love, and what holds the most beauty. We are meant to embody this divine Idea as our Purpose. Such an idea is living. It is alive and part of the infinite dream in God’s Mind that is playing out in unfolding Creation. We have our Being in a timeless story beyond anything that we can conceive. We do not have to understand. We just have to freely and joyously be the spirit that we are — the Divine Idea that we are consciously extending in the world. We have habitually looked outside of ourselves for the answers that we think we need. That answer is already within us and is now emerging into our awareness. We already know it, we just need to let it out and be it. Let us shout out with one voice, our vision, our dream, our desire, our love, our joy, and our truth and create together the New World coming into manifestation!

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197. Seeing the Self in one another Everyone we meet who shares themselves, shows us who we are, for we each express the same Self that we discover in relationship. Let us give thanks for the blessing of each other, and for the gifts that we offer each other when we take the risk of honestly being ourselves. Especially when we share from the heart or let our secret yearnings and deepest passions out, we weave ourselves together in a tapestry and dance of love. As we all share the same Self, our most intimate feelings express a commonality. No one really has a special knowing that is not shared by all. Let us realize this so that we may set aside our fears and freely be totally present and transparent. Let us share from the Heart with each other, and make the culture of Love and Sharing the culture of the world.


198. We each have our necessary contribution We each have our necessary contribution to make. The whole cannot be complete without every piece. We all have our particular gift, our interest, and our ability. More than thought and effort is needed now — the world has been overfilled with thought and our effort is destroying it. Love is needed now and the courage to give voice to it and the dreams, feelings and desires that love needs to express. Often the simplest gesture or act given out of love counts for more in the greater scheme of things than some great achievement of the mind that our culture reveres. We can all remember some kind word that touched us more than any great spectacle. Let us listen to the Heart and not be afraid to do as we are prompted. The future will be a creation of the Heart.


199. Relationship is key Participatory relationship is the key now. Processes, organizations and projects will be effective to the extent that they maximize the involvement and contributions of those participating. Top down organizations may be effective in getting

98 Christ Self Reflections something specific accomplished, but the living structures of the future must enhance each life and be the collective expression of each life and not abstract ideas. Our culture has idealized ideas but we must now find those living organic forms that facilitate the fulfillment of each participant. These must enhance consciousness and integration. A survival, achievement and competition culture will be quite different from a culture built around enhancing awareness, Self expression and sharing. In every effort we are making toward the New let us invoke each other in the collective process we are undertaking.


200. We need to embody Christ Christ will support, empower and enhance every effort we make to express Him and fulfill His Will and Plan for Earth. However, although His energy and spirit flows through every molecule and being on Earth, it must be consciously taken up by humanity if we are to fulfill the role that we have been given by God. No one can do this for us — it is up to us. To do this we merely have to release our separate will and ideas and open up to Love and the Heart of Christ — which is the Heart within us. We will then know what we have to say, do, vision and create. Then we use the mind to fashion the Heart’s voice and knowing. As the energy and consciousness of Christ is radiated and extended throughout the solar system, let us consciously recognize, absorb and express it in our life and actions.


201. Seeing with new eyes Where are we now? Imagine that we have just incarnated into this moment from the highest realm of Light - which is probably more factually correct than our linear life as a human personality. Imagine that we come wrapped in that supernal Light that confirms the power of our spiritual being. What we are, we see and we therefore know that within Earth is a Great Cosmic Life slowly manifesting Itself for Its Divine Service in the cosmos. Unfolding its flaming petals it reveals the Love emerging from its inner core and soon to blaze effulgent in its solar Being. From the center of densest form, the Divine Kundalini prepares to arise bringing Conscious Life and Awakening to everything it

99 Christ Self Reflections embraces. We are units of the One within All, and our task will be to reveal that One, to awaken, to extend the God that we are units of. Physical matter cannot constrain us for we have the power of an all powerful God within us and the task to bring His Life forth.


202. The new leadership I believe that new leadership excels at activating everyone involved in a project. A leader may sound the note and hold the energy, but is only effective to the extent that he of she can get everyone excited, involved and participating. We all have our gifts that we give to the whole so we each need to be able to make our contribution. What is more interesting — a lecture that we passively listen to, or one where we each have a chance to share our response to the subject and get involved if we are so motivated? A true leader demonstrates, motivates and empowers individuals to act on issues that are latent in the collective waiting to be realized. Therefore a true leader is always acting for the greater good, who embodies the solution and doesn’t just ‘talk about’ it. This is a key to the new leadership style. The ego promotes ideas, the soul demonstrates and lives them.


203. Remembering who we really are Everything is a gift from God. Everything is a call from God that invokes us. We can only see the gift and hear the call when we have stepped away from the ego mind which interprets everything in terms of its conditioning rather than its reality. However, in the Heart we are able to truly hear and see. Heart is a conscious space outside of one’s personality that is not identified with or invested in. From here we can apprehend what is and cognize our response. For the Self is in a continual relationship with God that is an integral aspect of creation. From the Heart we co-create and extend the Kingdom of the soul and the Consciousness of God. In the stillness and silence of the moment we participate in the flow of giving and receiving that is our communion with the larger Whole that encompasses us. We are that Whole, the Self in relationship with it, and the Creation

100 Christ Self Reflections that results from interaction. In the Heart we can remember Who we really are and what we are called to be and do.


204. We can reimagine memory I think we will discover as we recall our memories, that there is usually a level of awareness that had not been integrated and expressed at the time. This unawareness is a cause for regret, but is also a cause for joy when we realize that we can integrate our deeper Self awareness now, and express the real truth now. By reimagining our memories, we shift out of our personal separate self into our real Self. The past can be synchronized with the future in the present. For example, imagine recalling some incident where we didn’t say or do what we now realize we should have. We clarify the unexpressed truth and then find a way to express it. The latter may involve talking about it, doing something relevant or even just writing about it. Our unawareness in the past prevented the truth of who we really are from being expressed — but was not the truth, merely its denial. The truth is only positive. In this way we can integrate the lessons from the past without taking on any negativity.


205. Our need to embrace each other in Love Let us embrace each other as we would our Self. Let us embrace each other in the One Love we are each an embodiment of. Let us see in each other an extension of the same One Consciousness and One Life. Is it boring to embrace unity? Do we complain about breathing the same air or bathing in the same light? We each express the infinite potential within Christ in our own unique way. Our individuality allows us relationships whereby we can come to know and share our Self. Separate forms allow Oneness to manifest and be expressed in the diversity of physical Earth. And that is the point. God is manifesting Himself directly on or through the densest concrete level of the universe. It’s a great achievement and we are the spearhead of that process. We are the Consciousness of the Avatar Who has come to awaken the latent spirit of God within the world. We do this simply by being who we really are as we

101 Christ Self Reflections awaken to that spirit and consciousness of Love moving within us now.


206. Moving from seeking to finding Let us move from being seekers to being knowers. Moving from the head to the heart we move from focusing on thought to feeling. The Heart has its own knowing, a wisdom that will guide us more surely than the mind’s ideas and beliefs. Thought forms are static, but Heart knowing is infinitely adaptive, alive and relevant to the present moment. In Love we find what satisfies and fulfills us which the mind’s knowledge never can. We are moving from the age of the separate mind and learning to the age of the soul, where we discover that all we really need to know we already have within us. Let us choose to center ourselves in the unity of the Heart and trust and live by its intuitive knowing.


207. The challenge of authenticity For those of us who are naturally idealistic, it can be challenging to balance those ideals with authenticity. We may feel some feelings that we don’t think we should. However, our feelings are really our guide and must be embraced if we would become one with the spirit within. That doesn’t mean that we have to act out or express every feeling, but we should be aware of them, embrace them in love and see what they are telling us. And then trust our authentic Self who is more than any ideal. We have many ideas about how life is and should be lived, and many of these are loving and well intentioned. However, the holistic Self is more than any idealism and we must learn to trust it if we are to be who we really are and become free.


208. The transformation of the world We seem to be in a period of cleansing in the world. Things are being pushed into consciousness so that they can be seen, released or integrated. We are becoming aware of old patterns and hidden dynamics as well as new impulses, ideas, and

102 Christ Self Reflections values. The human spirit is rising up and freeing itself from old restrictions and fears. The conflicts between the old and the new, the fearful and the loving, are becoming more clearly defined. It is a period of tumult that is part of our planet’s birth into a New Age. The old civilization is on the way out, old energies are being purged and a new spirit and consciousness of Love, Light, Wholeness and Oneness is emerging. The old institutions and ideas meant to perpetuate a reality based on separation need radical transformation. Let us trust the divine process of birth that we are now in the midst of, and flow with the Loving spirit that is taking us to a New Age of Light and conscious Oneness.


209. The newness of life when merged with the Heart Standing in the Heart’s fire, merging with the flame of Life, everything is continually new and alive. Staying centered in the Heart, the walls or boundaries are lessened. Everything moves together as One. All the possibilities and realities within Infinite Life are somehow more accessible and present. The differences between past and future, here and there are much more malleable now. My mind is much more impressible now that it is fused with the Heart. The innumerable feelings that spring from Love are more definite and manifest. The separate form becomes as a holy cathedral where the spirit plays in the rapturous music of Infinite Life. The question arises “what now?” And an answer comes, to just stay here, live in this experience, be open to what comes, share it and extend it.


210. The ego in time The ego conceives of the present moment as a linear process that it has control over to the degree that it can change its thoughts and actions and its resulting track and consequences in time. It plans and uses its will and mind to create the future it wants. But time itself is a fixed given that proceeds inexorably. The soul has a more fluid experience of time, as a doorway that can be entered to experience past or future, latent and potential experiences as well as achieved ones. It therefore has more choice about what it will experience in the present. It

103 Christ Self Reflections experiences time more as an unfolding of what is, in an Eternal Now. It can reimagine and change the past and can also experience the future it wants, by tuning into the essence in the present, as it already exists, even if it has not manifested. Therefore, let us choose to open up to our future and essential Self, Who lives at One with the God in all, and freely Be all that we really are. To do this we have to surrender to Love and release our attachment with the separate self.


211. Realizing Love When I was younger I always wanted to realize Oneness, although then, I naturally conceived of this romantically as a union with a special loved one on whom was unconsciously projected one’s own soul. Now, however, I know that we can consciously unite with the soul and live in that Oneness, seeing and extending this all the time. Our experience is either a projection or an extension of our locus of awareness. If we are identified in the separate ego mind we project and perceive the separate contents of the mind on external reality. If we are identified with the One Self, we see and experience that One Self in all. The mind naturally separates, and it is only when it is united with and subservient to the Heart, that it can extend instead of project. Therefore to unite with the One Self, we have to live in the Heart and Love which connects all in Oneness. Then we consciously realize that we all are part of the same Life and the same Self and can share this experience all the time. We don’t have to rely on special circumstances to realize Love, it is always here in the Heart waiting for us to surrender to it. Christ is bringing this awareness of Love powerfully into the world and into our awareness now.


212. Moving from a ‘getting’ orientation As long as we are expecting or wanting to get something in particular from another, we are relating as ego, for the Self just accepts things as they are. Rather than judging or interpreting a situation, the Self just responds from the Heart, using the mind to formulate the intuition of the Heart’s knowing. When we are reacting emotionally we are in ego, for the only response of the

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Self is an embrace of Love. When we are trying to control the outcome of a situation or relationship we are in ego, for the Self is glad to accept things as they are and respond to these as such — bringing Love and awareness. The ego is always afraid that it is not going to get what it thinks it needs. The Self has its need met within its Self. The Self is therefore free, the ego dependent on externals. Let us set each other free, embracing everyone in the Love, Peace and Light of the One Self we are all an extension of. Beyond the stars and all manifest life is the Reality of the Universal Self which is our source and true nature. We have come here to Earth to reveal and extend this Consciousness to the furthermost reaches of the cosmos. The stars give us our bodies and vehicles of expression, but God gives us our Self. And here, in the nethermost reaches of the universe, God is already present and waiting for us to awaken to Who we really are.


213. What is our deepest desire? What is our deepest desire? We need to find it and embrace it as it comes from God. To renounce desire is to deny the force for Life and Fulfillment that God placed within us in order that we may find our way Home. The compass is found within the Heart, not the mind. Until we embrace our deepest desire, we live on the outside of life, separate from it, ever feeling incomplete and bereft. Our desire is as a lightening bolt, uniting earth and sky, allowing light and life to connect. Let us embrace our heartfelt desire and as Zeus, hurl these bolts into space, lighting our way forward to Oneness.


214. The gradual ascension The entire vibratory embodiment of Earth including all the inner dimensions and kingdoms of life, is being quickened and synthesized. There will continue to be the separate kingdoms, races and beings, but the One Life which pervades these will become increasingly noticeable. The integration and harmony of all life will be enhanced and the walls separating and interfering with the free flow of spirit will be greatly reduced. Harmony will rule instead of conflict. Humanity will be able to consciously

105 Christ Self Reflections realize its place in the body of the planet and work for the good of the whole instead of its heretofore separate agenda. Humanity will then be able to foster the spirit of God and its latent purpose in the lower kingdoms. And we shall become aware of the inner worlds and various peoples of inner Earth. As the veil of separation is removed, we will be able to really appreciate for the first time the wonder of the Living Multidimensional Universe that we are in and the Great Beings Who constitute our hylozoistic God.


215. The unity of giving and receiving We each have within us our own chalice or Grail into which we distill our elixir of life which we then give out. We need to share it to fill it. What we give to others we really give to our One Self and by giving it, possess it. The elixir comes from the stars, from spirit and from the radiant fields of being that resonate with us. We take it in, synthesize it and breathe it out, co-creating the world in the process. For we are creators and in sharing with each other, bring forth the worlds of spirit into outer manifest expression. We are now at the beginning of a new time, unlike the past, and we have the joyous opportunity to create and extend a new reality on Earth that has not been seen before. Christ and the spiritual Masters are coming to show us the Way, but we must collectively live it, be it, sing it, share it and create it. It is already here now as Light and Love needing to be given appropriate expression — as a Self needing to be embodied. Christ is pouring Himself into this chalice.


216. Brotherhood Dear brethren, thank you for sharing yourselves with us, for initiating contact and communication. Your knowing, your sensitivity, understanding, peace, joy, creativity and connection to spirit are important. You align us to the finer energies of life and to our holistic global community. Your energy and consciousness is necessary for our Wholeness. Let us work collaboratively for the good of all and extend together the Oneness that is emerging in the world. Our fire is the spirit of God moving in all life within the Earth — a spirit and

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Consciousness from beyond the Earth. Let us cooperate to consciously embody and extend this spirit and this Consciousness and so fulfill the Purpose of our God. Let us share this relationship in Christ. As we express our coalescing knowing, a new Light will become manifest on Earth.


217. There is only One real Self in the world There is only One Self in the world, and everything that is happening is an expression of the One Self that we may be conscious or unconscious of. If we are unconscious we are functioning in the ego and projecting its assumptions on to reality. If we are conscious, we see and refer everything to the One Self and live in Love. Living as the Self means that every moment involves an unfolding of the knowing of the Self which can be shared and extended. We listen in the silence and stillness and intuit what is there to be expressed. What we share is given for all as we are all awakening to the same Self. Let us take a moment and reflect on that. Jesus is endeavoring to awaken us to who we really are as an extension of a shared consciousness that is here now. This is Christ. It is as close as our Heart and the Self within. Let us realize that we are here to share that Self that we collectively embody and extend its/our knowing in the world.


218. The change wrought by Jesus Jesus changed the meaning and nature of human life as it was experienced. His resurrection from temporal separate life showed us who we really are and the true meaning of life. That eternal life that He demonstrated is available now — we do not have to wait until we die and go to heaven. Jesus tells us that through Christ, we have also been resurrected. By reuniting the mind with the Heart, we reunite with God and can be our resurrected Self. Jesus says we are called to return to our virgin, whole state which holds the power to resurrect in form and life. Christ is the bridge uniting the worlds which we may also be when we unite with our Christ Self. Union with our Self is union with God. Through our prayerful remembrance of who we really

107 Christ Self Reflections are, we unite with our Christ Self in the Heart. We become the body of Christ by uniting mindful awareness and Heart.


219. The moment and it’s treasure The moment may seem empty when centered in an awareness of Peace, without thoughts arising, but this moment is full of the treasure of the Self if we know how to access it. The Heart calls us to access this treasure within. This Self and its knowing would be made conscious and shared. The Heart is the means of connection. The Christ Presence within the moment is who we are, coming into our awareness through the Heart. Remembering that we are here to be who we really are and express what we inwardly know, is to participate in ongoing creation. What is here that needs to be recognized? What are we becoming aware of? How would we live if we no longer base our awareness on what we think, but on who we are? What do we say and express when connecting in Peace with our inner Self? If we stay centered in the Heart, what would we say and do? This is a new way of being in the world.


220. Steps to Oneness Basic understanding and steps for realizing conscious Oneness:

Our ‘I’ consciousness is the tip of God or Christ Consciousness.

To gain Christ Consciousness we must release our identification with the ego mind, and through the Heart and Love connect and unite with the One inner Self.

By sharing what we intuitively come to know by listening in the silence and stillness of the Self, with one another, we may gradually extend, realize and embody our Christ Consciousness.


221. The lizard brain Like some dinosaurs we have two brains, and despite our seeming intelligence and sophistication, we have actually been

108 Christ Self Reflections functioning in our primitive lizard brain. The lizard brain is a fear based survival brain programmed to project its anxious judgements and efforts to control on to the world in a self absorbed drive for ascendency. This brain has managed to gain supremacy over the other brain, located in the heart, which is just used for emotional needs, but is not given freedom to direct us, as it could. A lizard or ego brained humanity is a confused humanity, for its programming is limited to the physical level and doesn’t access the larger matrix of life as the heart brain does. However, as the lizard brain has convinced us to denigrate and ignore the heart brain, we don’t really know what it could do. This is the problem. We are functioning in ignorance, but this programming has convinced us that the other option is flawed and incapable of fulfilling the lizard function better than the lizard brain. From within the lizard brain this seems to make sense. We are stuck. Some humans use the heart brain and encourage us to use it too, saying that it actually offers a richer life experience. But habits are difficult to break, and the habit of fear intrinsic to the lizard brain reinforces the inertia that keeps us trapped in lizard world. As this identity is projected, that’s all we see so that’s all we think is possible. However, Jesus reassures us the Heart has within it a Wisdom that we can trust. Let us make the shift.


222. Disidentifying with the ego mind Today I am looking out at the world without judgement, without identifying with belief. And all my memories are rolled into one process of disentangling my Self from my persona. My persona has had a lifetime of experience but only recently have I really been able to freely stand outside of it without the customary attachment we have for our personalities. In fact, it is a process that is just happening by itself, and my choice is merely to recognize it for what it is. Presumably, this is happening to all of us as Christ emerges into the world and into our awareness. Nothing is any different than it has always been except that we may now consciously identify as the real Self instead of the person that real Self was expressing itself through. However, this small change makes all the difference in the world. This is awakening and freedom. We now can more freely and completely be who we really are and consciously express or

109 Christ Self Reflections extend the Love and Oneness we are experiencing. The test and fulfillment is relationship. Can we maintain our detachment from personality with each other’s personalities? And thereby realize that we are all sharing the same Self? Fear would have us deny the Truth of our unity, but Love attests to it and Joy is the expression of it. It is time for us to awaken to the Christ Who is here and Who is us.


223. Our world happenings are reflections of ego dynamics What if what is happening in the world is actually reflecting what is happening in us. The leaders of the world reflect our conscious ego structure who, in the Trumps and Mays, etc., we are realizing are not providing a reliable ego leadership we can depend on. The media as a supportive communication ego structure is also letting us down — fake news, distraction and disinformation are not giving us reliable information about what is real to make informed decisions. Things in ego world are beginning to get very unstable, fearful, angry and threatening. From the depths of our unconscious, volcanos are bringing new psychic material to the surface that is reshaping our consciousness. Nature in her increasingly extreme weather is showing the ego that we cannot adopt artificial, toxic and exploitive attitudes without consequences. God is giving the crazy ego valuable feedback. And we should listen and stop supporting our flawed leaders and lying media. We should also notice what is being brought to the surface of our conscious awareness. What feelings, desires, dreams, impulses and intentions do we need to become aware of and integrate? God is showing us some important things that we need to notice.


224. Our illusory habit of personal identity If we are feeling spiritually stuck, the biggest shift that we can make to get unstuck is to realize that we are not the personal egos or who we think we are. If we aren’t who we have thought ourselves to be, who are we? Our self consciousness is actually a manifestation of the One Self within humanity that we have taken to be a separate and personal phenomenon. If we can just try to imagine that this might be true, what consequences would

110 Christ Self Reflections this have for us? Instead of aligning with our personal will and agenda, we would be more able to notice and open up to a deeper sense of purpose and direction. We would be able to better attune to a deeper place of listening and knowing. We would feel less inclined to project our personal judgments and interpretations on everything and just be more open and accepting to what is. Imagine that you are really an extension in form of the One Divine Self, and then ask this Self to reveal what is next. All the spiritual efforts of the ego are not necessary if we are not the ego. We don’t have to become what we already are. Our Self nature is just awaiting our recognition. The ego tries to realize what it thinks it needs to achieve. However, the Self is already here and has been here all along, we just wanted something else. Lets accept who we really are and the Peace, Love and Joy that come from living as such.


225. The ego’s experience is a projection The ego naturally thinks of everything in ego terms. It naturally thinks the heart provides love and life for the ego. It doesn’t realize that the Heart is actually a portal to another plane of being beyond the ego. The ego naturally believes that it has to work hard to achieve the spiritual benefits it lacks, as this is its assumption about life. It doesn’t realize that those benefits are already part of its real Self. The ego believes using its mind and will is the way to progress, as this is the way the ego functions. It doesn’t realize that the Self already is and unfolds through surrender to it. The ego likewise believes time is linear and space is fixed because that is its experience. It doesn’t realize that perception is relative to the consciousness who is perceiving. The ego naturally believes its life is all about its separate self. It doesn’t realize that ego identity is actually blocking a true understanding of what life is really all about. When we are identified in the separate ego mind, we naturally project the contents of that mind on to the world where it seems real. The ego doesn’t realize that its beliefs seem real because the ego believes they are. However, another Mind is there that the ego can choose but the ego doesn’t recognize it because it doesn’t exist in terms that the ego gives reality to. To the ego, the Self is a nothing. However, that nothing contains all creation, including the ego.

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226. Moving beyond thought The basic assumption in mindfulness meditation is that although we have/experience thoughts, emotions and sensations, we are not these although we habitually identify or are attached to them as part of our separate personal ego self. However, if we practice a detached observer awareness we can become more aware of the real Self who exists beyond our habitual stream of thoughts, emotions and sensations. And develop a more peaceful, knowing, joyous Self centeredness.


227. The Heart portal Usually, however, just cultivating a detached witness awareness tends to still leave us in the ego mind. It is easier to connect with the transcendent Self — the real I — if we practice maintaining an observer awareness from the Heart, as the Heart is actually the connective center which connects us through a loving heart space to the larger whole Self much more naturally than the separative mind does.


228. From separation to the One Self If we cultivate this connection to the Self through the Heart, will come to realize that what we initially assumed was an individual Higher Self, is actually a unitary collective Self — ie, we all are part of the same Self. The full collective embodiment of this Self is Christ. So Christ is already within us waiting for us to embrace our real identity. And as we begin to realize that we can actually live as the Self of Christ, another entire way of life opens before us.


229. The need for mindfulness in the Heart Awareness, then would be a better term than mindfulness — an awareness focused in the Heart, which is really a doorway to another plane of being — the kingdom of the soul. It’s natural to

112 Christ Self Reflections assume mindfulness implies awareness in the mind, however, because in the East, they have emphasized striving for enlightenment of the mind. However, in the West, Christ taught the importance of living in the love of the Heart and seeing our Self in our brothers who are really one with us.


230. The ego is the problem Although the body is the obvious symbol of our separate self and it provides a natural tendency for us to identify with it as ourself, the fundamental problem in dualism is not the body but the ego. The ego, as a fear based program in the mind that we have identified with has associated beliefs, world view, and a modus operandi that are all integrated in an internally consistent self identity. This false self and our identity with it is the real problem. The body is really neutral and is how we perceive it. We may see it as a proof that we are separate, or we may see it as a means by which we may extend the inspiration and knowing that come from our Oneness with God with each other. The creation of nature and the body are ever new as life around us is continually moving and unfolding.


231. The ego’s agenda compared to the Self We are likewise continually having new sensations, thoughts and emotions. We may go with the flow of life but our human self consciousness prevents us from just mindlessly flowing with the moment a lot of the time as an animal does. As egos we endeavor to impose our ideas on to the flow of life based on our notions of what should happen. This latter is creation largely based on the ego’s agenda of internalized thoughts and desires. However, there is another level of creation based on our Self Consciousness. Listening within, we may choose to co-create what is happening in the moment by expressing what spirit would have us share and extend. We thereby bring Love and a new element into outer creation. So we have the creation of life or God, creation of the ego and creation of the Self or Christ. The ego’s world is really a temporary and intermediate stage, as it is based on fear and the false belief in separation. Self Consciousness is based on our inner connection in Oneness to

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Being. As we become more identified with this Self, we may find that its inner creative process also just continually unfolds if we will allow it and express it.


232. Love is eternal As Love is eternal, if we have been touched by Love, the memories of those moments will continue to reverberate in our minds and hearts forever. And these memories will live and be alive as Love brings Life more abundant to life. These memories as a guiding star show us our way home and reveal what is really important and meaningful in life, which can be so easily overlooked in the noise and hectic activity of the world. As we thank others for their gifts of love to us, so are they grateful for ours. We bless each other in the communion of Love. Each such sharing from the Heart adds a measure of Light into the world, until the day comes when all shall live in that Light and Love normally and continually. Then heaven will have come to Earth. Christ is coming to light the fire of Love in all and set the world alight.


233. The habit of consciousness Consciousness has a momentum. If we start the day caught up in ego thoughts, worries and concerns we tend to stay in ego. However, if we awaken and immediately connect to the Heart and unified Self Consciousness it is easier to sustain this. As St Paul said, we must ‘die daily’ to the personal self and its habitual patterns so that we may be reborn, in each moment in Christ. We must surrender old habitual ways of thinking and identifying for the larger Self who we really are. We can get used to this new sense of freedom, joy, peace, love and connection. It is easier to sustain this if we can share it with others who can reinforce the truth of this new level of being that we are opening to and living from. In the silence and stillness of the moment, a Presence is making itself felt and noticed. Something real that we have subconsciously longed for is here now awaiting our conscious awareness and embrace. We are no longer alone. The New Day unfolds in unity that we can extend together.

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234. Nonduality I believe proponents of Nondual practice would gain more followers if a meaningful context for Nonduality was given that would help people place it in terms of Love and events happening on Earth. The Eastern approach tends to reinforce an attitude that realization is individual, although this is a contradiction to Nonduality. The mental emphasis in the Eastern approach also doesn’t avail itself of the motive power of Love which actually underlies Nonduality. Jesus’ approach places Nonduality in the context of the Will and Consciousness of God that humanity in the coming Age is meant to embody, to fulfill its role in God’s creation. Love in His Teaching is the fundamental Reality and Motive. It is not a realization apart, but a realization within the One Life, Mind, Spirit and Consciousness of God. Self inquiry must be combined with Self Creation in loving service to the All. Christ — our essence and archetype— is a synthesis of spirit, consciousness and life.


235. The ‘emptiness’ of the Self It takes awhile to get used to the ‘emptiness’ of the Self, which is a characteristic of buddhi. We are so used to attaching ourselves to the noise of the world, with its thought forms, emotions and sensations that the silence and stillness within can seem to be an uncomfortable nothing. However, if we focus on this energy we will intuit a knowing that can guide and support us. This is what ‘is’. We need to learn to become more consciously aware of what ‘is’ here now so that we may discover what is within it as a great treasure. The thought of the world is finite and circumscribed, but what we may discover in the treasure within is unlimited — a doorway into the Infinite. We stand on the threshold of a New Millennium, and the new wonders will not just be happening to us, but will be brought into being by our embrace and manifestation of the dimensions of Being we will be able to access within the ‘emptiness’ of our common Self.


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236. I Am connects to the Whole ‘I am’. And with this conscious declaration a line of Light and Love is anchored on Earth, that has a stellar source, connecting the two realities. I could have as easily said ‘we are’ as we are all interconnected aspects of One Divine Life and Consciousness. It is time that we may consciously affirm our real identity and nature and disidentify with the roles we have been playing. We may not need to make any major outer changes, but we will be living now, awakened. Or we may want to make changes. Now we are free to do as we are given, as we listen within. It may seem to be similar to what we have been doing to outer appearances, except that we are no longer using our programming, but are rather relying on spirit in the moment. To the world we may look the same. Except that we are no longer the personalities we used to believe we were. We are not out to be better than anyone or make others uncomfortable. This is a gentle act of love that we are extending. Accept it or not, it’s your choice. It’s a celebration that anyone can join at any time.


237. Our destiny of Oneness Who doesn’t, in their deepest Heart, long to experience Oneness — to experience the other as an expression of the same Self and Life? Who doesn’t want to hear the other expressing one’s own Self? Who doesn’t want to live in Love embodied and manifested in such a holy relationship? Who doesn’t want to feel at One with all Life, and feel the Joy, Peace and Harmony that comes from this. Who doesn’t want to feel such a Oneness expanding, encompassing and opening to the Infinite and realms of Beauty beyond conception? Who doesn’t want to feel the sublime bliss of Oneness, and a Love that frees us to experience the Supernal Life? Yes, from the seed of desire and longing God has placed within us, may arise a vine that climbs back to its source. From a spark a flame arises until all is lit in its light.


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238. The triadic Reality Consciousness or awareness is a fundamental and universal factor in the universe that is different than mind. In religious terms, the Son/Consciousness/Self links the Father/Spiritual Purpose/Will with the Mother/Intelligent Matter/Mind and this Divine Trinity encompasses the universe. Scientists usually reduce consciousness to the mind or the brain when actually consciousness is one and pervades everything. There is consciousness within the animal, plant and mineral kingdoms. We just take consciousness to be personal and mental because that’s where we are identified. If we can imagine this and the possibility of its reality, it makes it easier to detach from our separate ego consciousness and open up to and experience a unified Self Consciousness or Christ that we are all an interconnected extension of. This is what the mystics have been advocating for a long time. As an example of how consciousness is different than mind, remember a strong feeling of love that you have experienced. At that moment you are not in your mind, but experiencing consciousness in your heart. Your mind may be trying to interpret that experience but a feeling of love is different. Likewise the consciousness or awareness of a physical sensation is different from our ideas about it. Mystics say the way to the unified state of the One universal Consciousness is related to the heart which is the connective organ, just as Love connects. The mind is related to creation in which consciousness incarnates. Uniting mind and consciousness allows us to experience Christ in creation.


239. The limit of empiricism The meeting ground between science and spirituality is consciousness, which can either be directed outwardly to inductively and empirically explore the outer material universe and thereby discover its laws or directed inwardly to explore the inner metaphysical dimensions, which are likewise governed by law. Theosophy or the esoteric Wisdom, are ideas that are scientific symbols of inner realities, processes, structures and laws of being that have been derived inductively through conscious explorations over the centuries. These ideas are more factual than many religious beliefs that have a mixture of speculation, fantasy, superstition and erroneous human

117 Christ Self Reflections interpretations. Of course if a person has materialistic beliefs, such understanding will be meaningless to them. However, it is impossible to establish a holistic understanding if a person is just looking at part of the data. From my point of view as a spiritualist, I recognize the legitimacy and value of science for the physical plane. However, naive or materialistic scientists assume that they can speak about matters beyond what they can empirically investigate — like God, Self, Mind, or Life or what it all means — and they really can’t. The mind is more than the brain, the self is more than the person, life is more than living processes of nature, God is more than everything in the universe, etc. The metaphysical aspect must be taken into consideration for a more complete understanding.


240. Choosing the Heart over the mind Once humanity collectively chose to fearfully believe that it was separate from God, it thereby indicated that it chose to give preference to the reality of the mind over the reality of the heart, which connects us to God. The mind then, as the chosen reality, became the authority and interpreter of reality. Subsequently what is thought to be true has become more important and real than what is really true in relationship with God or Reality. The mind, to the separate ego, became the source of answers, knowledge and understanding. However, from God’s perspective, this is not the purpose of the mind, which is merely to create and extend love based on the intuitive knowing of the self at one with God. The mind by itself can never understand, which implies relationship to the whole, because the ego mind is separate from the whole. The Heart, however, connects to the whole of God, and therefore consciousness in the Heart can know and understand God. The ego mind projects its beliefs on to the reality it perceives through its senses, and thereby experiences what it gives reality to — its assumptions. The Self in union with God through the Heart, extends its reality to encompass what it experiences as part of God. Everything remains within it rather than outside of it, as everything is within God. Therefore we need to go to the Heart if we want answers, not the mind. Christ unites these in Wholeness.


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241. Our person needs Love Sometimes a fearful or obsessive concern may preoccupy one’s consciousness. Then it is helpful to reconnect to the Self and direct love to the personality who has the habitual tendency to fear, knowing the Self has no reason to fear. Experiencing the peace of unity, consciousness becomes refocused on positive life rather than on negative thoughts. We don’t have to deny the personality or ego, but just embrace it, knowing that it is not who we really are. Reconnecting awareness to Heart, we can focus on what ‘is’ again. Just letting everything go, we return to Love, Peace and inner Knowing. The silence becomes resonate again and we can hear the voice of the soul. Then we may vision, create and extend what we desire and intuit in our Heart.


242. Communication of the same Self What do we say to each other when we know that we are sharing the same Self? What do we want to express when we know that there is no boundary separating us? — when the inner Light and Love flows through us as a common blood? When we are completely at Peace and One what do we want to create out of the fullness of our Heart? The human experience has been so much about trying to get what we felt we lacked and needed, what do we do when we lack nothing? What is life all about when we are living in heaven on Earth? When fear is no more and joy is ever present, what do we desire to do? When we are no longer alone, but now among our beloved, what could love express that is not already a given in the moment? When time is no longer a passing burden, but an ever new Now, how might we flow in the movement of what is unfolding as a wish fulfilled? In the past we saw the infinite stars, now we envisage infinite worlds and vistas of life. Moving from the outer universe to the inner, dimensions of Being appear before us heretofore unseen. The veil now removed that circumscribed our sight, multifarious kingdoms of Life are seen to populate the Living Cosmos. We will stand in the garden of the resurrected Earth, and begin to sing our song and weave our light in a cosmic dance, celebration and service.


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243. The miracle reveals The miracle reveals that we are each connected to and expressing the same Self. Therefore, our mind is as shared as our Heart. Not the concrete personal mind, but our real mind that we are communicating with. What seems to be a miracle is just the way we communicate when we remember who we really are. What we communicate is what already is. As we share our Christ Consciousness, the forms, patterns and ideas within it will be revealed. These are already there within. As we extend and co- create these, we assume our role in God’s ongoing creation — the creation of the future that has yet to be manifested. This creation is our dialogue with God. In this, we are given everything.


244. Moving away from judgment It seems that part of the process that we are undergoing in this time of Christ, is the opportunity to make a ‘last judgement’. We are not being judged by God, but have ourselves collectively judged, as the ego is prone to judgment about self and the world. We can now choose to renounce judgement as we release our identity as ego and embrace our identity as Self at one with Christ. In the process of doing this we will experience our memories of people and situations that we have judged and can choose to forgive ourselves for our judgements which have been denials and distortions of the truth. We renounce judgement because we realize that judgment doesn’t reflect the Love and the Truth of who we really are and what is real. Judgment is a characteristic of the ego’s perception— a projection of the ego mind on to reality. As we awaken to our Self, we realize that not only do we not want to judge, but we can not. Our judgements about the past and about ourself were distortions of the ever present reality of God. We now have an opportunity to revise the past in the Light and Love of Christ and then to leave it for the present which is the unfolding of the Eternal Now. Our acceptance of our new identity as the Self must be accompanied by the ongoing renunciation of our old identity as separate ego, and the patterns of judgement that ego lived out. Unless we are experiencing everything as the extension of our One Divine

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Christ Self, we are in judgement. With every breath, let us open to what IS.


245. Living from within In this New Age that we are moving into, we move beyond the need to learn, that has characterized the ego’s approach to coping with its perceived reality. This has included its need to adapt to get its needs met and survive. Now, however, we may choose to operate on a different basis. We may learn to trust and live by the intrinsic knowing of the Self that we may intuitively access in the moment. This is an act of remembering what we already know as we open to the Truth of who we really are as part of the Self of Christ. Learning implies going to the mind to determine what is real and important and having to think and plan things out. Remembering means going to the Heart united with the mind, where we are supported in receiving what we need as we share and express it. It’s only the Heart that really knows. The mind, by itself, is just a program that was never meant to be an authority about what is. It’s only when united with the Heart that it can fill its true role as the creative agent for the Heart. This is not about learning, but about the ongoing Creation of Love as directed by Christ. Let us look within, rather than without, and find what is there and what we need and desire.


246. Being the Heart center In Theosophy, or the Wisdom Teaching, all Being is said to exist hylozoisticly as a chakra in an ever larger Being. In particular, our Sun is said to be a Heart Center in its larger cosmic life. Therefore it is only appropriate that on Earth we must eventually create a civilization that is an embodied manifestation of Christ Consciousness, as Christ embodies the Love, Consciousness and Heart of the Whole. Earth, as the Intelligent Creative expression, must become a transparent reflection of the One Loving Consciousness that is behind and within it. The New Reality that we will collectively create and manifest will allow the infinite potentials of Christ Consciousness to be progressively known, realized and extended for the good of the larger Whole that our Sun is an integral aspect of. Humanity is essentially the

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Christ avatar Who is taking a physical incarnation on this most dense planet in order to bring the Light, Love and Power of God to outer reality. The inner spiritual Cause is emerging without in order to manifest Its Self directly, to lift all back to its originating level of vibration, and to create a synthesis. This act of Service is an expression of Love and Divine Will. We must each find our place and role in this collective awakening and birth by aligning with the Self of Christ and the Word which provides our knowing and direction.


247. The New Covenant The New Covenant is the shared Christ Self which is who we are and available now to be chosen and lived. It is all we need. This is what is. We no longer need to learn, but merely to rely on what we all already inwardly know together within the Self. Therefore we are our own authority and our own creator and creation. The newly elevated body also is now of Christ. Realizing this requires sharing as one. The experience of Oneness replaces duality. We are One Self expressing through a shared body. The wholehearted Self, in union with all will birth the new ideas that will create the future. This will occur by letting the old go and surrendering, accepting and sharing what is given and what is.


248. Moving from learning to awareness of what IS Jesus tells us that we are moving away from a culture and civilization based on learning in the mind, and an ‘if this, then that’ understanding of reality to a New life based on acceptance and discovery of the Christ and what the indwelling Self is aware of within the given moment. For the body and the Self in form, the laws of spirit will supersede evolution and the beliefs and understanding of the ego. For the Self, discovery, as an ongoing aspect of creation and Oneness, is shared. The revelation of the miracle resolves time and duality, and allows the experience of the One Christ Self where being and doing are one. The body will then represent what the Self does when it is One. The body is no longer bound by natural law when it is embodied by the Christ Self. Loving all unites all in the One Self, the one body and field of creation of Christ. The shared Consciousness of the

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Christ Self replaces the laws of evolution in time with transformation outside of time.


249. The Self awaits recognition The persona thinks meaning in life is all about its fulfillment. It’s not. Just behind the persona, the Self resides in timeless Love and Light, awaiting its recognition. The Heart guides us to awareness of what is, beyond the veil of thought. As we center our awareness in the Heart we unite with the One Self that we share. Now we are conscious and present in the moment. Now we can share and extend what we are coming to know together. Now life is no longer about a personal agenda based on internalized ideas but is about opening to what is here now — discovering and sharing what we are experiencing in the living moment and what we are remembering and coming to know. When we realize that we are actually part of the same Self, then we are also united in Christ Consciousness. The persona becomes the form through which we express what is.


250. Moving from fear to Love Fearful thoughts and emotions prevent Self awareness. So if we are having these it’s best to first of all attend to them and see if they require any action. If so, do what seems appropriate so you can then let them go and re center in the Self. The more you can maintain identification with the Self the less will you be troubled by fearful thoughts and emotions. You may want to address issues or situations that could trigger reactivity, but will do so from a more peaceful and loving place. Your thoughts will not give energy or reality to fear, but will help to lift above and resolve it, as Love dissolves fear.


251. Moving away from ego thinking The ego believes it lives in an ‘if this, then that’ world and must therefore work to get what it needs and wants. The Self lives in a different reality and already has everything it needs, it just needs to share this. How can one step across this chasm between the

123 Christ Self Reflections ego and the Self? The ego tries to figure out a way and to learn how to do it by utilizing its mind. The Self says, just give yourself to me and everything will be fine. The ego doesn’t understand how this could happen as it couldn’t in the ego’s reality. It doesn’t understand that the Self resides in a different reality where different laws apply. The more the ego tries to utilize the mind, the more does it keep separate from what will actually resolve its mind created dilemma. Because from the ego’s viewpoint the Heart is just another part of the ego system supplying love and life to the persona. It’s only when it is realized to be the doorway to the Self, that a way is found that will lead beyond the ego and its dilemmas.


252. The blessing of the morning In the morning I find it easier to feel the inner Heart space that pervades the moment. It is easier to sense the Oneness that unites all. It is easier to realize now that we are all extensions and expressions of the same Self. Feeling love and peace, it is easier to notice the light that illuminates awareness and apprehend the knowing that intuitively arises. Now the ongoing relationship between the inner and the outer and our role in bringing forth creation is clearer. We are the creative agents of God — and extensions of God. Our role is to manifest the New which has already been seeded within by God. This New Reality is the shared externalization of the limitless potentials within the One Self, the One Life that encompasses all. A New Day is upon us, and now freed from the confinement that limited humanity in the past we may co-create together a New World. We are awakening to our shared consciousness in Christ and a new sense of why we are here and what we are to do. Let us be grateful for this new Light that illuminates our unity and the Love that is prompting us to move forth to New Creation.


253. We all have a relationship with the Hierarchy We all have a relationship with Jesus, Mary and the spiritual Masters whether we know it or not as we all share the same inner life, consciousness and spirit. Jesus has extended from His Mind and Heart, a bridge of Light and Love that we may use to

124 Christ Self Reflections cross to the other side where we consciously share our Oneness. This bridge is a formulation or creation of what is — or Christ. Christ links us in Oneness. We are individual points of Light, Love and Power in the cosmic sea of Life that is comprised of these energies. Jesus is reaching out His Hand to us so that we may cross the bridge and assume our place among the elect and awakened humanity — now identified with their inner Self. And with this transition comes an autonomous freedom and ability to act in with the Whole as that is Self determined. Emerging within the moment is a Presence which would welcome us home and remind us of everything we already have that we may now share and manifest together. Let us accept this blessing and assume the place waiting for us.


254. Beyond change to transformation There are many people in the world now who are working to change things for the better — to educate and lead humanity from outdated ‘service to self’ attitudes to ‘service to all’ values and institutions, which is the only choice if mankind will survive. The transformation of our culture from separation, fear, and lack to one based on love, sharing and the Divinity of all life is necessary if life will continue to flourish on Earth. In addition to these important outer changes, there is also a new energy and reality moving within the Earth and mankind which is Christ Consciousness. This will provide the collective opportunity to embrace and embody a completely different experience of life — life lived as a conscious extension of God. This is a voyage of discovery into the unknown Mind of God and the co-creation of the intentions and possibilities therein.


255. Realization After we have made our wholehearted choice for and acceptance of, Unity and the Self of Love, we realize that: We are and will be as Jesus is — an embodiment of Love — and will demonstrate what this means in Eternal Life Now. We leave behind fear, anger, separation, judgement, specialness, challenge, learning and striving.

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The Self of Union and not the separate self is, real and Peace, Joy, Certainty, Safety, Revelation and Creation through Unity.


256. Accessing Unity Jesus says that our particular access to the experience of Unity may vary. “Your point of access may be your head, or a place just above or to the right or left of your head. It may be your heart, or some mid-point just beyond the body. It may, for some, feel like a connection that arises from the earth and as if it is just below the form of the physical body. Some could feel it in their hands and others as if it comes directly from their mouths as speech is enabled that bypasses the realm of thought completely. Do not fight any of these feelings or others that I have not named. Just consider them givens and choose what feels most natural to you as a focal point for your focus on access.” ACOL F5:5 The benefits of union can then be shared.


257. Our need to share By endeavoring to open up to and access the shared inner Heart space of the Self together, we are making it more real and manifest for everyone. It has always been here but has been too evanescent to be noticed. It seemed to be the empty space which served as the background and container of our experience but seemed to lack anything that we could get a fix on. The ego notices the form of thoughts, emotions or sensations and not the space or Wholeness encompassing these. Yet this space is imbued with Love, Light, Consciousness and Intention. As consciousness is raised and we learn to polarize our awareness here, we may develop the faculty to share what we intuitively come to know by listening in the silence for what is here. This is beyond the thoughts of the ego mind. It is an expression of Love and our connection and unity in the larger shared Life that we each are an extension of. Let us listen within and then share our dreams and visions that God has seeded that are now to be made manifest. Oneness is but a new starting point for a New Reality that will be born on Earth.


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258. Leaving the chrysalis Do we loose our self when we choose identity with the Self? Or do we for the first time consciously become all that we are? Loosing separation is merely loosing a wall that has kept us circumscribed. Releasing the programming of the ego is merely loosing an instinctual pattern of belief, perception and experience that doesn’t reflect who we really are. The shell or chrysalis must break open if we are to be released into the larger Life that is our true home. Without the confinement of fear we can move freely as the spiritual being that we are. Now humanity becomes merely the form through which the Divine Self reveals the wonder of God.


259. Our need to stand in spiritual being Although Jesus is and has been our Teacher, He is encouraging us to rely on our Self — the Christ Self we share. We must learn to stand in spiritual being and rely on the authority of the Truth that we are learning to listen to and apprehend. Our interests and perspectives may be different — that’s OK. We are not here to imitate anyone else or mimic their thoughts. We are here to attain our own Oneness with the larger Life and to trust and live from our Self identity, and to thus authentically be who we really are. Some of the ideas that Jesus has suggested are merely to help us align with our Self and freely function as that Self. He is not telling us what we should do once free of the ego and identified with the Self. He has specifically said that the future will be our new creation. That is an exciting prospect. As the explorers of old, we will discover a new land that is uncharted and will have the opportunity to create something more beautiful and magnificent than anything yet seen on Earth. The new living world, created of Light and Love will be a demonstration of spirit in matter and a beacon of Light in the cosmos.


260. Accepting Love Jesus’ Love can be felt in His Purpose which is consecrated to the Good of all and God’s Purpose. Jesus’ Love can be felt in the respect and encouragement given us to freely realize our own

127 Christ Self Reflections equal Sonship through His Teaching. Jesus’ Love can be felt in His unfailing support and eternal Presence. Mary’s unconditional and universal Love can be more easily felt as Love encompassing all and surrendered to the spirit in all. Mary’s Love is tender and immediate, soothing and life giving. It is the same Love, but we each express it differently. Imagine Love embracing the Earth and all beings on it. Eternal Love, like the sun, shines on us regardless of our actions, and is yet as intimate as a tear. Love would have us free ourselves from conflict and suffering and accept our Divine inheritance. We may accept it now.


261. Living in an in between time Jesus says that we are now living in an in between time that is defined by our learning to access the unity of the Self. This time has some characteristics or conditions such as: The expansion of space, by connecting to the inner Heart space that interpenetrates all. Time changes from a linear progression to an unfolding Presence in the Eternal Now. This body starts to regenerate rather than degenerating. The holy relationship of everyone being in One Self replaces special relationships where individuals have given roles. Grace replaces the ego’s habitual effort to control life. Reverence, Love, and certainty replace uncertainty, belief and fear. Intuitive, intrinsic knowing replaces learning.


262. Accept all feelings Jesus advises us to accept all feelings in ourselves and others. We don’t have to react or respond to these in any particular way, rather by going within to the Self and listening, we will know what the appropriate loving response is. By freely accepting everything, we rise above judgement, defense, distancing ourselves or having a superior attitude. We are free to be completely in the present, embracing everything in the Love and Light of the Self. We are not in conflict with anything, while being focused on what is, that is all encompassing. Feelings are expressions of the Self although the individual may misinterpret

128 Christ Self Reflections their meaning. They put us in touch with the Self and give us an opportunity to express Love. The path of the Heart to Oneness is through the acceptance of feeling. Feelings of Love of Self will be the sense organs of the Self.


263. Being born again We are born into the separate self of form, but must be born again into the One formless Self. By sharing this in union, the form elevated and harmonized with the Self. Identified with the universal space of the One Self, we may encompass all forms and obstacles. Whether another realizes it or not we may encompass them in Oneness and know the Self that is in them as well. Love permeates and embraces all. Absolutely everything exists within the Self. Fear, being a lack of Love is encompassed by Love and so rendered ineffective. Healing occurs as this Love is accepted.


264. Learning to speak from the Self What do we say to each other as we are opening to the One Self we all are? We are beginning to let go of a personal locus of reality and are opening to a shared consciousness. Moving within all things is an energy and a Presence that we may become aware of and come to identify with. We will loose our separate identity but not our separate form that we will express the One Self through, each in our own unique way. There is no loss but only gain as we become who we really are as an extension of the creative spirit moving in all. We will consciously greet the divine in each as if we were looking into a mirror. Brotherhood will become more than a loving connection of separate individuals — it will be the conscious realization of a shared Consciousness and Life. Love now unites us in an embrace of unfolding ever new Life. And our relationship provides the basis on which the New World will be manifested, as we share our being and what we are coming to know, together.


129 Christ Self Reflections

265. Humanity’s main groupings Humanity will be composed of three main groupings: personally centered humanity, spiritual humanity, and divine humanity. We are familiar with being person centered which is also family centered. This is a separative identity but with healthy community affiliations. Spiritual implies love and good will for the whole from a personal but a soul infused identity. Being divine implies a shift to Christ centered identification. Being spiritual implies being under the influence of the soul while being divine means being identified with the One Self in all. What will it be like when a large portion of humanity embodies Christ Consciousness together? We can only imagine it now.


266. Repurposing the mind The mind is turned to many purposes depending on one’s consciousness and one’s intent. Let’s turn the mind to uniting with the Heart and sharing its loving intent. Time includes a never ending stream of various experience. Let us embrace what is here now in the silence within as that reveals itself to us and thereby embrace what is eternally new. The world holds many places, but let us open to that inner place that holds the world within it. Rather than staying separate and on the outside of life, let us choose to become aware of and unite with its inner Oneness. Let us choose to embrace the Wholeness of the Self now. Then the mind can discover and reveal what is real and what needs to be realized now.


267. Feelings guide us We tend to believe that if we are either more successful or more spiritual that we should experience more positive feelings. This is correct if by this we choose to love whatever feelings we are having. Love is always positive and can embrace any feeling — even those that do not seem positive like loneliness or sadness. If we do not reject the feeling but choose to see what that feeling is telling us, we can then integrate the positive message that all feelings have. Seemingly negative feelings may help us clarify what our needs and desires are and what we need to express. Since all of our needs are fulfilled within, we always have the

130 Christ Self Reflections capacity to resolve seeming deficits. If we notice that we are not experiencing something that we want to experience we need to focus our attention on what actually facilitates this experience so we can have and share it. Love embraces all and allows us to realize that we lack nothing, but rather encompass all.


268. Who is Christ? Jesus teaches us that Christ is God’s Conscious Identity as well as our Self Consciousness, as humanity is the kingdom that bridges and unites separate consciousness with unitary divine Consciousness. Christ Consciousness embodies the ongoing coming to know God and resultant creation through relationship with God in all. Humanity’s role and purpose isn’t just to become Christ centered or identified, but to then directly extend and manifest God’s Creation on this outermost world where God is within all. “Christ-consciousness is your will to know, to be, and to express.” And we can only really come to know in relationship as what we know is all shared and not individual. By opening together to our shared Self, we may come to know the divine in all and what needs to be extended and manifested now in the birth of the New. This time of the second coming is the time of the collective embodiment of Christ.


269. Sitting in the garden Sitting in the garden in the morning sun, the sky is filled with a space and energy that pervades the moment and all things. I breathe it in and align with this silent Self and the unity. Letting go of my personal thoughts I open up to what is, remembering that Christ is always here. I realize that my purpose has to do with expressing this unknown Self and making it known and conscious. We have lived and identified ourselves as personal selves, but now we may embrace the larger Self that encompasses and awaits us. It is a small shift from being who we thought we were to being who we really are as we discover and live as such. It’s hard to do it alone. But together we may share this space, this Self, and manifest a new Reality on Earth. Light, Love and Peace infuse the moment. Our separate form has been lifted up vibrationally to consciously connect with the

131 Christ Self Reflections spirit within. That spirit is pushing up in the world too, bringing everything to Light, including those hidden and selfish agents and ideas. Now we may join with the conscious vanguard of Light and the Loving Oneness that is emerging from within. God has ever been within all, and now we may realize our Oneness with God and consciously become divine co-creators. I am sounding the note of the One Self who we can now join with and be. Brothers and sisters, the air is filled with a Presence which is our destiny and our deliverance. The loving Self wants to be shared and extended. There is really but One Self in the world, and we are it. Why are we here, what are we to do? The ego asks these questions, but only the Self holds the answer. Let us choose to consciously live as the Self now, and let the answer unfold and manifest itself to the world.


270. Making what is within, manifest The more we can express what we are inwardly coming to know and realize, the more real it becomes to us. These subtle states and vibrations can be difficult to grab hold of, as they are evanescent and ephemeral and the habits of personal consciousness are strong. Yet Love is the strongest of all and as we focus on what we love and what Love calls us to, as a cosmic magnet Love pulls us inexorably forward and out of our bondage in matter toward our freedom in spirit. Let us not be afraid to express our Love and what that Love is all about, for ultimately we all share it. Every expression of Love no matter from who is part of us. Love unlocks all the doors and is behind every secret. When we feel the touch of an angel wing, know that we are boing touched by Love. It is a gift given to all that we may share.


271. Finding our resonate idea We each seem to resonate with varying divine ideas that we then champion. It may be freedom, love, justice, beauty, divine purpose, oneness or some other, but whichever, these ideas provide a keynote and theme for our life purpose. These ideas are different from the thoughts of the ego in that each is a living directive that contains in its essence a divine intention. The Mind of God is different from the concrete personal mind. God has a

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Purpose in Mind far beyond what we can cognize. We can gradually apprehend the Mind of God through the Heart which connects us to the Consciousness of God or Christ. Christ links the Father with the Mother, the Purpose or Spirit with Intelligent Substance or Creation. Through our Oneness in Christ we become conscious co-creators, embodying the Will of God and resurrecting the spirit of God in matter until everything is consciously One.


272. An internally directed life Jesus informs us that Wholeness/Eternity and separation/time is a continuum that we can learn to experience together in awareness, in Wholeness. This awareness will involve transformation from an externally directed life to the freedom and unlimited choice of an internally directed life that is one with God. Awareness that this is possible and acceptance of this state of being which is available now is necessary. This is a new possibility for humanity — experiencing Wholeness while living as separate humans. By integrating all that opposes Wholeness into one level of experience, duality becomes two levels of experience that are held simultaneously. ACOL D:29:1 Wholehearted desire will return us to awareness of the Reality in which we truly exist. In this we are the creator of our reality and experience.


273. Creating our Heart’s desire We have been enjoined to be conscious creators. Therefore it behooves us to contemplate what we desire to create and experience. To create something altogether new, we must begin with something new — the awareness of unity rather than separation. This is then visualized, extended and lived by allowing it to move through us. We then surrender to it as the spirit and consciousness of the Self who we are and are becoming. Our visualization gives form to what is an actual reality that is here now. Our experience becomes grounded in what is, rather than what we think. What is, is an expression of Love, of connection and unity. What we want to create and experience together must be an extension of our shared Self, of

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Love. Rather than a separate personal reality we are opening to the inner shared reality of the One Self and creating ways to share this experience so that our life is centered in this reality.


274. Visualizing the goal It’s difficult to realize and accomplish a goal if we have not visualized the goal. Once we have imagined it, this gives a focus to our mind and will. We all struggle to resolve the experience of separation, consciously and unconsciously. Through desire, sex and love we endeavor to connect with, have and unify with something to complete us. Our consciousness is identified with the thoughts, emotions and physical attributes that constitute our personality and in our desire for completion we seek those factors that we are missing. What if we are looking in the wrong place? What if instead of seeking some separate person, relationship, achievement, realization, or feeling, Wholeness is already here to be experienced? The foreground of our consciousness is focused on the particular, the personal and separate. However, the background like the white paper on which we have written our life, holds and encompasses the personal, the temporal. That background is the conscious Self that gives its Consciousness, Love and Life to all. How do we turn around to see the Wholeness that we really are? Let us hold this image in our imagination that we might visualize the possibility of releasing our separate ego identity and accept our identity with the One Self. It’s something that we have to do together, for we each must see the Self in one another.


275. Our relationship with Jesus Discovering our relationship with Jesus, Who is an individuated Son of God Who is also One with Christ, is to discover that we are likewise — we are both the One Whole Self and the individuated expression of this in our relationship with each other. To know Jesus is to know our Self. To know our relationship with Jesus is to know Christ. We are the eternal in the temporal, the One Conscious Self in separate form. In our relationship with each other we make known and extend the unlimited potentials within God and contribute to the unfolding

134 Christ Self Reflections of creation, by becoming conscious Creators ourselves. In this way God, the Father or Logos takes direct control through us on this densest physical world and manifests the Reality inherent to spiritual Being. Christ will incarnate collectively in humanity. This conscious incarnation of the avatar of Love, is part of the ascension of solar kundalini which will impact the entire solar life and beyond.


276. The intimate change There is change that no one is speaking of because it is so intimate. It concerns who we are. We are sensing that we are different than we thought we were. We are looking out at the world through the same eyes, but a different person is now looking. This person is us, but without any adjectives, characteristics or qualities from before. It is a new raw us observing the raw data of life without any preconceptions about what it means. We have stepped into the unknown now and as a visitor from another sphere look around us with new eyes. Life is unfolding new in the moment, only now we are detached from the ordinary human stream of consciousness, associations and habitual patterns. If we would speak we would say, “I am”, but little more. Family and friends think they know us, but as we don’t even know ourselves, how could they? For we are being born anew, naked without thought and freed from the ego.


277. In the garden of life Birds flit about in the lush flowered green of the summer garden. The morning is already relaxed and warm. The chickens announce that an egg has been laid while the squirrels are busily collecting nuts. More distant sounds can be heard now and then. Everything just is and is good. Life pervades. Communing with Jesus, Spirit pervades and a Heart space of awareness and connection. It’s nothing special. It’s just what is, as this is held in Love. Living in the Heart, the moment unfolds like a flower. Now we are not in our head or thinking about things, but rather aware of and opening to the One Self within and what this entails. From morn to night human doing is incessant. Yet something is here now which merits our attention.

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Let us stop for a moment and notice it. A Presence stirs in the air and in us. This Presence is us, come to awaken us. It’s morning in the world, and a New Day is born.


278. Giving Love its due In the past, although everyone wanted love, it still wasn’t given the value it was due. Love was considered an emotion that felt good when experienced or that flattered the ego. It was experienced as a force that gave us strength to persevere and achieve success. It provided meaning and direction, but was secondary to the overarching purposes of our life. It was considered but a component of a happy life. Now Love will be realized to be all and everything. Love embraces and encompasses all. Love is the goal and the direction, the means and the end. Love is the boundless sea of energy of which our Self is composed. Love is the great river of Life carrying us to God. Love is God and the more we can live by and in Love, the more do we realize our Oneness with God.


279. Living as the Self Now we may choose to open to, embrace and identify with the One Self that we share in unity. Now we may choose to move away from separation, learning, striving, and needing to do — to Oneness, Being, Knowing and accepting what Is. We may now accept our role in embodying and extending Christ Consciousness on Earth. Christ is within all, and to accept Christ is to see and hear Him in all and to respond to Him in all. This is our role if we would accept our role of creating the new world, the New Reality which is emerging now and which would be born through us. Christ needs us to accept Him and Be as Him, sharing what we are given to know in relationship with others of like Purpose. For a long time this has been a remote ideal. Now the reality of it is here and asking for our recognition and acceptance. We need not worry how it will all be accomplished because it is already accomplished within and merely needing our willingness to share, extend and create it outwardly. This is as simple as sharing what is here now and what we notice and are aware of as we open to the Heart space

136 Christ Self Reflections within. It is as simple as listening in the Heart and responding. Christ is speaking to us now. Let us respond. Let us say yes to Life, Love and the destined future.


280. The Heart is a doorway Let us realize the Heart as a doorway we may pass through to a different level of being where we experience the inner Oneness of life instead of, primarily, the outer forms. This energy is manifest in and through the separate forms, while being part of an interconnected living web. In the coming time, what is within will become primary and will be extended without. The human past, which was built on and from the separate concrete mind, projected that separation of identity from its source on to outer reality which we therefore assumed was also separate. Yet it never was and now the Oneness of inner and outer will become known. Matter is but a lower vibration of spirit which is a higher vibration on one spectrum of Life. As we pass into the next higher dimension of Loving Oneness we may become conscious intermediaries for the highest vibration of Spirit, Purpose and Will to become manifest on Earth. Humanity as a whole is an intermediary between the Father or Logos and the subhuman kingdoms. Through humanity God may take a direct control of His Creation and raise it up or resurrect it.


281. Moving away from learning In the past, I wanted — as I’m sure we all do — to be more knowledgeable and understanding. Now, however, I don’t. I’m wise enough and turn away from the many books of learning with disinterest. I still have desire of course. I still desire to explore and experience life, to share and experience love, to be inspired and at One with Life. However, the needs of my mind are now secondary to the need of my heart and spirit. The mind now serves the inspiration of the Self. Oneness can’t be achieved by the mind. Self realization requires living in and by the Self. As Jesus has informed us in this New Millennium, the Second Coming of Christ has begun and we may participate in this process by directly accessing Christ through the Heart which is the portal to the Unity of the One Self. We may sustain

137 Christ Self Reflections this focus and live as the Self and thereby shift our identity to the real Self of Christ. This entails being who we really are and becoming conscious co-creators, extending the New Reality that God would manifest on Earth.


282. The difference between then and now The main difference between living in the past and living in the time of Christ, is that now we have the choice to not live for and as a personal self, but we may live as the collective Self, the One Self that we are each a part of. This entails a shift away from the nominal separate identity we have assumed with our particular history, conditioning, and physical circumstances. These factors recede in importance as minor conditions affecting the instrument through which we, as the Self, express our Being and extend our love, and knowing. When we meet others, we likewise meet our Self in them and share what we are collectively coming to know and be together. This may seem like a rather minor and subtle shift in consciousness, but it really makes all the difference in the world. It allows us to take a step away from everything connected to the past and all the prevailing assumptions about reality to begin an entirely New Age, founded on a different level of being with totally new assumptions about reality. This involves making real and manifesting the Christ infused soul kingdom on Earth.


283. Reimagining our reality One of the exercises that Jesus suggests involves reversing our normal perception by imagining the air or space surrounding us as visible and our physical forms as transparent. This gives us a more accurate representation of the encompassing One Self - as space - expressing through its diverse forms. In this visualization, some of us would undoubtedly continue to speak and identify as separate selves, while many of us would find it more natural to realize that we are an extension of the interpenetrating and universal Self. It is illuminating to reflect on how this shift would change our perspective, our interests and communication.

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284. Christ’s emergence Many people look forward to the return or reappearance of Christ as a physical event. However, the infusion of Christ’s Consciousness into humanity is ultimately more important as this will allow us to wake up to our real Self nature and collectively embody Christ. This will entail a collective shift in the reality that is experienced and lived on Earth and the beginning of a New Spiritual Age. This energy and consciousness is actually here now and increasing. We are being lifted up vibrationally to contact the inner Oneness of the One Christ Self Who we are all aspects and expressions of. Through the Heart we may experience the unity of this Self and the Love which holds the universe together. Through the Heart we may become aware of that encompassing Self who we really are and thereby gradually release ourselves from the fear and separative beliefs that have characterized the world we have known. We are being collectively born anew, but must consciously choose this to really have it. Let us choose to see each other as equal expressions of the One Self. As Christ enjoined us two thousand years ago, “to love your brother as your Self”.


285. Christ is here now “Where any two are gathered together in My Name, there am I.” Christ is within all in every moment, but we only make this real to us by sharing this awareness and experience. This is more than sharing a belief or a faith, as in the past religion was focused on ideals. This experience entails realizing that we actually now are part of the same Self and that we are meant to live as and extend this identity as the One Self. Christ connects us and makes our Oneness a reality. Christ’s Name is the creative Word that establishes our Being. Let us move through the portal of the Heart to that inner space of the One Self and realize that we are all expressions of the same Conscious Life. Then let us share what we are intuitively coming to know from this awareness and so make real and manifest Christ’s Plan for the Earth. Humanity as a whole has the role of the creative agent for God, but we need to shift from a purpose based on

139 Christ Self Reflections separation to one based on Wholeness and the Divinity within all life.


286. Our reality is changing Today, the nominal human reality is based on personal separate selfhood. We are each identified with the particular beliefs we have internalized and the emotions that we experience as a result. We think that we are our bodies with whatever physical and personal circumstances are associated. And this reality is reinforced by the culture we live in. Soon more of us will experience an awakening to a deeper level of Self and a peace and sense of freedom from the restrictions of belief and ego. We may not realize the ramifications of this inner authenticity and integrity but only find this awareness centering and stabilizing. This is not about leaving the world for a spiritual one. It is realizing that this spiritual reality is actually within this very moment, and within nature that is alive and new every moment. Likewise is the Eternal experienced in the temporal, the Wholeness through the separate forms of this world. We will gradually step through the ‘looking glass’ into the New Millennium that awaits us and our active participation. Step by step we will move away from the past with its conflicts and suffering and into the New world of Light and Love that we are destined for. Let us begin by admitting that we love each other and are connected. Let us open to our shared Self and realize that Christ is here uniting us. Then let us share our Self with each other and discover what awaits us.


287. From the world’s fear to trust in the Self of Love When we read or watch the news it is natural to feel worried, fearful and perplexed by the continual conflicts, problems and suffering in the world despite the intelligence of mankind and the many achievements and technological advances. However, the more we can align with the positive inflow of spiritual energy into the world, the more we can feel hopeful and enthusiastic that something truly wonderful and long hoped for is finally beginning to happen. The more that we can make the shift and identify with the Self that is emerging into our awareness, the

140 Christ Self Reflections more will we become so infused with its positive energy and purpose, that we will worry less about the negativity and turmoil in the world now. Our future is only good — and we can claim that future now for God supports us in doing the work He gives us. As we take up our role as co-creators with Christ, everything will unfold harmoniously and the intractable problems of the world will be resolved as easily as a cloud dissipating in the sky of Love. §

288. Using the higher mind that has united with the Heart In the past, thoughts were assumed to have some value in themselves, and so a life of the mind was thought to be worthwhile. This is no longer true. Ideas that reinforce a separate ego reality are counterproductive to the evolution of consciousness which entails moving into more integrated and holistic states of being. Jesus has informed us that humanity has sufficiently developed its separate mind and that now we must learn to develop our intuition and the knowing of what is already within us and ‘accomplished’. Therefore, education in the New Millennium will be based not on working with knowledge internalized from without, but rather on trusting and expressing what we already know within and making this conscious and articulate. We will move from an externally based reality to an internally based one, and from a mind and learning based culture to a Heart and co-creative one. The many books written in the past, the schools of thought, the ideologies, stories and literature had the value of exercising our separate minds and developing mastery. Now, however, we will use our minds in a different way that will entail extending Love, the Reality of Oneness and the Spiritual Purposes of God — not for the separate self but for the One Self and the Whole. The mind joined with the Heart in Wholeness will be the servant and no longer the master.


289. The ego’s compulsion to control The ego endeavors to control life and circumstances using its mental programming and will. It’s all about survival and achievement, competition and success over challenges. It’s about effective ‘doing’ to get the satisfactions and benefits of

141 Christ Self Reflections life while relishing the joys and pleasures along the way. Some people are more aggressive and self serving than others in this, but for all, life involves effort and thought. Life lived as the Self is different than this. It involves surrender to an unfolding ever new moment and what is there that would be made conscious and extended. This is living in harmony and peace without fear or personal agenda. What ‘is’ is good and there to be discovered and shared. The concrete mind operates more automatically and is subsidiary to the purposes of the Self. Initially the purpose revolves around sustaining Self identity, but as we become more centered in this, the further implications of our new creative life, become more apparent. Let us make the shift to Love and the work of realizing the dreams of God which are our dreams and our future.


290. Pain We all experience some physical, emotional and mental pain in life. The way to resolve it, is to first of all ameliorate any conditions contributing to it and then let the Love intrinsic in the Self gradually encompass and dissolve it. There is no pain or suffering in the Self so pain comes from our identity with the personal self. Let the Self’s Light and Love bring out any learnings or insights about the cause of the pain and then send Love to the issue or person and let it go to God, realizing that it can no longer affect you as the Self, unless you choose to hang on to it. If it persists, explore what you are doing and again detach in Love. The New Age will be free of the pain and suffering that afflicted the age of separation.


291. The change in our relationship to God In the past we prayed to a God we felt we were separate from. Now we commune with a God we are part of and Who is communicating with us continually. Now we realize we share God’s Being and nature. The human part of us allows this to be expressed in the concrete plane of the Earth. In the past we gave reality to the separate forms we expressed ourselves through. Now we give primary reality to the One Self expressing through the separate forms and realize that the relationship

142 Christ Self Reflections created by our separate forms allows us to know our Self and extend the creation that we are part of. Our role is not merely to realize who we are and our Christ nature, but as creators, to fulfill God’s creative purpose on the physical plane. This entails seeing the God we are part of within all life, and consciously redeeming and resurrecting that Spirit.


292. Meta mindfulness Mindfulness meditation practice — a detached awareness of one’s thoughts, emotions and sensations — is insufficient for gaining awareness of the Self. Focusing attention in the separative mind keeps identity in separation. Recognizing the unitive Self requires shifting awareness to the Heart which is the connective center. Through conscious awareness centered in the Heart we may become aware of the fact that we are already inwardly part of a unitary space, energy and consciousness. The object of meditation isn’t to merely achieve detachment, but to achieve Union with the inner source and essence of who we really are. This involves shifting our conscious identity from separate self to the One Self. There are Heart centers in the chest and in the head. Through these we may move from our personal selfhood to the soul and Christ centered being. This is the historic shift that humanity now has the opportunity to choose in this time of Christ.


293. The integration of the chakras The process of shifting identity from the separate self to the One Self involves naturally transferring the energies of the lower chakras to the higher. The ‘desire to feel and have’ of the solar plexus is transformed and subsumed by the love of the heart which desire is directed to. The sacral center’s ‘urge to connect, join and create’ is transferred from an outer orientation to an inner union with the Self and the creative results transferred to the head centers to express the results of union with the Self. The throat center which had embodied self will is transformed to expressing the creative Word of the Self. The ajna center now formulates the intuitive knowing of the Self. The loving individual consciousness of the Heart is transferred to the higher head

143 Christ Self Reflections center where the loving Consciousness of the Whole is maintained. The Creative energy of the Self ascends from the base center and descends from the head center simultaneously. The separate form has now become the vehicle through which the Self extends its Being on Earth.


294. The wonder of life now The fact of our conscious incarnation on this amazing world spun out of God’s Mind provides cause for wonder. However, there are additional factors which can now inspire us. As we are told, the fact that increasing spiritual energy is now allowing us to begin to pierce the veil between the material and spiritual levels of reality and cognize the underlying Oneness is a cause for excitement and inspiration. We automatically look at the world through the beliefs and concepts that we have internalized from our culture that are projected from the ego mind. However, before long we will we be able to see in retrospect that an entirely different reality is now intruding into our world. This energy is a doorway. Let us become aware of that Presence which is now here and realize that something is quietly happening that has been long foretold. As we connect with the Heart we can feel a conscious space moving and pervading. If we would give words to this Consciousness what would it express? Let us listen in the silence within and give it a voice.


295. Communing with Christ Anytime we read or listen to the Word, we are communing with Christ Who connects us in One Self. Likewise, anytime we hear another, we may listen to what the Self is saying through them, for there is only the One Self. This awareness totally changes our experience of the other. Rather than focusing on the separate self, we focus on what the One Self is expressing. Christ embraces and unites us. As we may embody Christ, we may likewise embrace our brother in Oneness. We may be the Whole expressing through the separate. As we identify with the Whole, we naturally resonate and respond to the Whole in one another. The Great Spiritual Beings do indeed embody the One.

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We may also begin to do the same with one another. Relationship and Oneness are both means and end.


296. Releasing our habitual identity If we step back from our habitual ego identity the world doesn’t change, but we detach from our automatic associations and thoughts about the world. We may continue to be sitting in the garden or wherever, only now everything is new. Love and Peace pervade and Consciousness fills space. There is a silence and stillness within the living moment. As we listen we intuit an inner knowing that we may express. We hope that others too would become aware of this space, for we want to share it. Now it is a nothing, yet filled with a Presence and Consciousness. If we could share it together it would become more manifest and real in a sense. Now it is formless, unspoken and ineffable yet filled with Being. It is waiting for us to embody it. It is the Consciousness of God come into the world.


297. Change or transformation? It is tempting to look at the world and see the many things that need to be changed, reformed and improved, however this is perception of the separate mind. Better still is to see the perfection that ever exists and the Oneness that ever embraces and pervades the world. There is nothing wrong with endeavoring to change the world for change is needed but also needed is realization of the underlying eternal Oneness and the Self who we really are. Becoming aware of this Self that is emerging from within, and shifting our identity so that we may live as this Self, brings an entirely different level of being and reality into the world that is part of the Plan of God for Earth. This is the most important step that we can take now. We are destined to evolve from a world of separation to a world of unity where the One Divine Life and Consciousness within all is embraced by all. In the silence and stillness of this moment this Self is calling for our attention. As more of us notice and become aware of what is happening and what this entails, the momentum of collective transformation will increase. Christ has come as ‘a thief in the night’ and is here now.

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298. The Word resounds to Infinity “I am.” Thus the Self sounds its note that reverberates through the created spheres. Now present in the world of dense form, descending from the higher realms of formless Light and Love, the Self is here and present. Linking the higher and the lower, the Self is here for a purpose that God will have fulfilled. For what God wills must come to pass. This Self is One and in relationship we may come to realize and share what would be discovered, known and extended. Oneness isn’t a static condition but a doorway to a dimension with infinite treasures awaiting discovery. Imagine a world of complete Love that is unfolding more Love in every moment. The universe is infinite and we are destined to embrace it all.


299. Christ is bringing Synthesis Christ, the One Conscious Self within all, is now utilizing the energy provided by the Avatar of Synthesis to resolve the human conflicts caused by the fearful rejection of the Self by the ego. This denial of God causes inevitable suffering. Synthesis energy unites the suffering, the need and the cause and transforms the situation so that a new constellation results that unifies the factors and creates harmony. This new harmonious situation reveals the underlying Oneness that has been there all along unrecognized by the rejecting ego. Synthesis energy is transformative. To channel it one must stay aligned with the source while detached from the situation, remaining focused on the underlying Oneness while allowing the energy to do its work. The main conflict in the world is between those who want to continue to control and use the world for their own selfish benefit, and humanity who is gradually becoming more conscious and empowered. Humanity is being used and exploited now and must claim the intrinsic power of spirit and change the institutions of the world so that they are just and serve the life of all — humanity and nature.


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300. It’s hard to explain the New in terms of the old It is difficult to explain to the average person what we are trying to do and achieve. We might explain it in religious terms but this brings up a lot of ideas and that can get in the way. A psychological approach may be better — “I am just being who I am” — but the full implications of this are not obvious. The ego conceives of life as a struggle to do and achieve, but we are really not about doing or achieving — rather being and accepting that we are already accomplished. It’s really about living from an expanded state of consciousness where everyone is part of the same Self, where Love prevails and where the goal is just to become aware of what is and to express this. Rather than trying to control life, we surrender to life as it unfolds new in the moment. This life only gives us what we want and what we share together. It may not seem so exciting but it unfolds in Love, Peace and Joy.


301. The resolution of World conflict We shouldn’t become disturbed by the seeming chaos going on in the world and in the news. The hidden, duplicitous and evil machinations and those who are its agents must come to conscious awareness before these can be resolved. Everything is coming to Light so that these blockages may be purified and healed. The lies, disinformation and manipulations must become obvious so that these can be seen through. The true nature of the intentions and actions of those who have and serve power and money must be revealed so that their selfishness, greed, violence, hypocrisy and the suffering they cause can be understood. The Heart of humanity is good. The world servers are bringing Light to the situation and offering humanity choices. Evil would use deceit and fear to manipulate humanity to continue the injustices of the system which benefit those with power. Love would have us transform the system so that it benefits all and is sustainable. The Forces of Love and Light are moving through the world and highlighting resistance in this time of planetary transformation. Change requires awareness. Let us choose to give emphasis to the Light and not the darkness that is being exposed. Let us be grateful for the Love and Light infusing this moment and attend to it.

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302. When we wake up When we wake up in the morning, regardless of what is going on in the foreground of our consciousness, the background is always Love — holding, allowing and embracing. When we take our attention off the personal in the foreground and on to the larger space of consciousness that is present now, we intuitively know that this is a shared space, a Self that we have in common. When Jesus has been speaking to us, it has been from this space with its intrinsic qualities and attributes . And likewise, when we open to this Self now, we commune together. Love is here now, and we may be an embodiment of this Love that we realize by extending it to one another. This Love links us to the highest plane of spirit and the purpose of God/Logos for our solar Life, which must entail extending the Consciousness of the Whole to the plane of form and separation. We link Divine Purpose with Intelligent Mind/Matter and as we shift to living as the Self, rather than the self, we shall bring that Purpose to Life.


303. What are we here for? What are we here for? Each must find the answer as a living experience that involves a conscious connection with that larger Life of which we are a part. It is actually within this present moment as that Self whose Presence is emerging into our awareness. Little as we may realize it, this universal conscious energy moving within all is part of who we really are. We may think that this is too vast, but we are much larger than we have realized. However, let us not worry about that and just realize that we are part of the same Self of Love and must shift from thinking about it to sharing our experience of it. We must shift from personal identity to Self identity. The age of separation and the ego is passing while the age of Unity and Oneness is beginning. Christ is now present to all and unifying all in His Embrace.


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304. Men and Angels The Angels are the expressions of the Thoughts and Intentions of God. Humanity, as the Self Consciousness of God, embraces these as part of Who we are. Consciousness links Mind and Spirit, Purpose and Creation. As we shift to identifying with the Whole, we may become the co-creator with God and manifest His Planned Creation on Earth. Our civilization has largely been about what the separate ego imagined it needed. Now we may directly create a spiritual world of Love and Light as God has planned it. Each will have a necessary role in this process that is determined by what is most inspiring, most beautiful and what one loves the most. Humans and Angels will work consciously together for each needs the other. Angels embody the forces of Life, humans will embody the force of Christ Consciousness.


305. Christ is here and coming Descending from the highest sphere in response to humanity’s cries of supplication and God’s Will, Christ comes. The hour has finally arrived when He may make His appearance and embrace and lift up suffering and confused humanity. The work of the cycles has been completed. Now humanity, having gained its lessons and learning, may take a new step into a new reality. A Light will suffuse this world that will reveal something that has been heretofore unseen. The unified consciousness within will be cognized and the spirit of God within all Life be seen. The real Oneness of all will be experienced. We will realize that Christ is now within us and that we may embody His Self, which is actually who we really are. From separation, darkness and pain we will move to Unity, Love and Joy. Let us trust and heed the call of Love now.


306. Moving in the air... It is possible now to live as the One Self. Moving in the air and flowing in the space that pervades the moment is a spirit and consciousness that we may notice as we attend to it. As we listen in the silence we shall sense something that would be expressed and shared. What makes our heart sing? What is most beautiful and holy? What glimpsed vision takes our breath

149 Christ Self Reflections away? Where is the doorway to magic, the sublime and the sacred? As we align with this inner sense and listen to our heart we may touch something that we have always wanted and yearned for. We may begin to realize that this is part of us and something that we are meant to share together and make real. It is something eternal as is this moment. The passing of time now moves to the unfolding of an Eternal Now and the flow of spirit unfolding within it, that we would surrender to.


307. Let us be soothed by the Mother When thought is dull and wisdom empty let us remove ourselves to the garden and let the Mother infuse us with new life and inspiration. Let us forget our routines and notice what is new, alive and present in the moment. There is nothing more pleasant than being warmed by the sun while being caressed by the fresh breeze, hearing the birds and the rustle of leaves — a pleasure that can be savored anywhere. Nature is an exercise and display of Love and all Her creatures feel the song that moves through all. Every flower reveals divine perfection and in the perfumed breeze we may appreciate the sacred benediction of the God Who created it all. Nature shows us that all is good. Her creatures move without stress in a dance of life. Things just are. And we too may open to the inner perfection and joy unfolding in the moment. Life unfolds like a flower if we would surrender to it and reap the blessings each moment offers.


308. Our shared destiny When we meet anyone, although we may never have met them before, yet we know we are both endeavoring to become conscious as the Self, because this is the destiny of all. The other may temporarily be personally identified with a set of thoughts, specific interests and intents, but underneath they also want and need to recognize Wholeness and be Self aware. How do we reach across the gap created by the identification with separate purposes? Separation serves the Self’s purpose of making the Self known, which requires relationship. Greeting one another in love is the first step. Announcing our Self is the second, by blessing the other in the name of Christ. The Word is

150 Christ Self Reflections active and moves out without fear. We are not fully Self realized unless we are actively and consciously expressing as the Self in the world. When we can see the Whole in the separate, the One Self in the personal self, then we may greet this Self and affirm its purpose which is in all.


309. The confusion of thought It is really very simple. It is only thinking that makes things complex and confusing. It is just what is here now. It is simple because it is one. All we have to do is open, be aware, accept, express and extend what is here. It is the same for everyone. Many may choose to hold on to beliefs and conditioned thinking, but if one will just let go and trust what is here now, a new way will be revealed. It’s as if a light has been turned on in a room we are in that reveals that we are in fact in the same room, the same Self together. Previously we assumed that we were living in separate realities but now a Light is revealing that we are actually part of the same Reality. This not only qualifies our outer life, but more importantly, our inner life. At first we may be taken aback by this revelation for it totally transforms our old reality and understanding of how we thought things were. It will take us a moment for our vision to adjust to what we now see. Many will shout in amazement seeing this transformed landscape that now defines our world. The inner Light and Life within all can now be seen and the Love connecting all can be felt. The entire purpose of our lives must now be reconstituted. Now we no longer have to rely on our separate minds, we merely rely on what Is here now. Although we are all part of the same Self, we each express this in our own way as we each share our Self with each other. It’s a loving and cooperative endeavor as we begin to extend and create the New World.


310. We all now have a choice We all now have a choice. We may hold on to the old world of separation or choose the new world of Oneness. We may be hesitant to choose Oneness because this entails living in a different way and the unknown can arouse fear. However, Oneness is pervaded with Peace, Light and Love, so it hardly

151 Christ Self Reflections justifies fear. Let us realize that exploring this new land is like children being let out into a beautiful garden, with fruit trees, birds singing, and a wondrous feeling of joy and freedom. We have been confined, but now a wonderful landscape appears and offers the fulfillment of our dreams. Let us choose to make this inner reality our outer and lived reality. We are not seeing a mirage — the Kingdom of God is cohering in the ethers.


311. What do we love the most? What do we love the most — our cherished beliefs and ideals or the Life and Love that connects us now? Our accomplishments, or the new nameless vista appearing before us? Our personal self and history, or the Presence that now unites us? Our separate self or the One Self in all? What we love the most will determine what we want and choose. Many of us, however, have grown weary of separation and a world based on it. The dramas of human life have become repetitious and stale, the old beauty no longer alluring. The suffering attendant to the old way cries out for redress. No longer can we countenance a world built on falsehood and selfish power. Not when the Divine Will of God offers us a destiny that we have dreamed of and yearned for. The time is now. Everything proceeds in cycles and now the world turns to the New Millennium that will provide the answer to human suffering and hopes for Eternal Life. Eternal Life will be experienced now. God will be experienced in all. Christ is appearing now to us in the Self that we share with Him. He is emerging from within in this moment as a Presence that will deliver us as we choose it and embody it.


312. Our new story Our new story is a collective one, as we are collectively awakening from our voyage through separation to our discovery that we share a common Self. This Self is part of God and holds within it the infinite potentials and possibilities of God that are awaiting our discovery and activation. As vision is so important to us, we might imagine the inner Light now permeating our awareness and the world as a reflection of the Mind of our Self that is now One with the Love that we are. Love embraces all

152 Christ Self Reflections and utilizes the universal Light to express and extend Itself. This process requires our relationship and the sharing that results when we open to what is here now in the Heart centered moment and express our Truth. So our new story is that of the Self breaking through the veils that had created separation to see and embrace Itself within all creation. We move likewise away from identification with our separate Earth to realizing the part we play in the living cosmos. And then to begin New Creation cooperatively with God. This entails God directly and consciously manifesting on this physical level through us, as His extension. Our new story is thus imbued with every divine quality as an embodiment of Life more abundant, of Wholeness and complete Spiritual Freedom.


313. The Self embraces all The Self is free because it is identified with the Whole and therefore includes everything. It can therefore not be in conflict or fear for there is nothing outside Itself to be in conflict with. This Self is Love with Awareness and Mind to extend, formulate and manifest Itself. Thus may the Self come to experience, know and extend Itself. We may thus look at each other as fellow explorers and pioneers in a New Land that we will co- creatively establish together. This begins with the awareness that we are now to identify with and live as the One Self. By shifting to the Heart we may connect with that Self and get in touch with what is wanting to be expressed and made known now. It’s not something that we have to think about. It’s more an expression of what we feel as we open to the space of the Self — Love, Unity and what IS that would be shared.


314. Step by step First we connect with the Heart and acknowledge that we are opening to our common Self. We realize that this Self is our new identity. Our separate form is merely the instrument or channel for our One Self. Then we maintain an inner listening to apprehend what we are feeling and what is there to be shared and expressed. This seems too simple, but in reality involves sharing who we are from a different and unified state of being.

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As we sustain this we shift away from functioning from a separate and personal center and detach from all the old patterns, beliefs and reactions that characterized who we thought we were. We thus shift away from identifying with the concrete ego mind and instead use the higher mind to formulate the knowing and discoveries of the Self. These come as felt intuitions or as sparks of light within the luminous field of the Self. It is a space without the familiar forms of the concrete mind, but which is shimmering and alive with infinite potentials as seeds within it. §

315. Our need to share to overcome fear Fear of sharing who we really are, and what we really feel or think is really an ego phenomena. As the ego doubts itself it is always judging and comparing itself with others or internalized ideals. It is thus afraid that it may not measure up well so it has to compensate for this intrinsic sense of deficiency by being better and different than what it actually feels it is. This makes honest self disclosure and real intimacy difficult. When we realize that we are all actually expressing the same Self that is complete and good just as it is and cannot be judged by anything that has happened in the past or any thoughts or feelings we might have experienced, and we are expressing ourselves with love, we will no longer worry about being who we are and expressing our Self honestly and authentically. As the path to the future is based on sharing from the Heart, we will find our way along this path only when we are no longer afraid of what we feel, think or see. It is only the ego that judges the ego, the Self just loves. The Self is not afraid of anything because it is invulnerable and eternal. Therefore let us not be afraid of any judgmental thoughts or negative emotions — these don’t characterize who we are, merely who we have believed we are. Let us take the risk of sharing from the Heart and owning our common Self.


316. Christ is speaking to us If Christ is speaking to us throughout the day, why don’t we hear? To listen we need to maintain a peaceful attentive state which has, unavoidably, a creative tension. We may find that

154 Christ Self Reflections tension hard to bear and therefore find the excuse to revert to a more habitual ego state. We may also have difficulty formulating the ‘nothingness’ of the Self into an awareness, idea, vision, intuition, desire or action. If we wait, however, and maintain a poised receptivity, something will congeal that we may give some form to. Then we need to give it an appropriate expression as a creative act. We are fundamentally creators, and are here on Earth to create in consort with God. This is a time not only of deliverance from the old reality based on separation, but the beginning of the manifestation of the New Reality based on Unity and Oneness. It is therefore concomitant on us to learn to hear the voice of Christ, the One Self, and to give it expression.


317. The Self is omnipresent We might imagine Self Awareness to be omnipresent everywhere and the ego self to be created by a discrete mental construct that functions like a mirror to direct Self Awareness on to a separate point. If we can hold this image it is easier to detach from our identity with the ego and open to the embrace of the living ever new Self which is here and present in the moment. When consciousness shifts back to the ego we, as the Self, merely have to direct the light of awareness on to the separate point that we can now visualize, for its reality to dissipate. Like the moon, it merely reflects the light of the sun or Son but has no light of its own. Now, as the Self, we stand in unknowing, in the luminous Presence that IS present now and unfolding. We are being lifted up now into this experience and level of Oneness, from which we may now live and share our Being. This is not an aberrant individual phenomena but part of the process of the collective embodiment of Christ which is part of the sacredization of Earth. Humanity will no longer be in conflict with God but will become a conscious extension of God. The ego has always debated the existence of God, but as the Self we are the Consciousness of God as Christ that we each may express in our own unique way.


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318. Unknowing and emptiness The ‘unknowing’ and ‘emptiness’ of the Self isn’t of course real unknowing or emptiness. This manner of expression is used to differentiate it from the seeming knowing of the ego, which is really an attachment to thoughts which block its experience of Reality. The concrete mind fragments the Whole into separate parts which it then projects and experiences. Unknowing is really the gate to real knowing and emptiness is really a fullness as God pervades all.


319. How do we live in the Self? The space of the Self is always here, like the background of our experience but we don’t know how to live from it — and as everyone around us is always polarized in separation we unconsciously assume this is the only choice or reality. When we express love and positive feelings we express it to a degree however we are typically expressing these as separate selves and not as the Self. So we are not consciously functioning as the Self. How do we bridge the small gap between the self and the Self? Understanding the nature of our challenge and choice helps. Practicing remaining in Unity helps because we are not acting against anyone by doing this although some may verbally attack us because we are not validating their assumptions and reality by being the Self. However, as we are actually demonstrating to them what they also really want to do, they cannot really be too upset. Its just the ego that has a difficult time when its reality isn’t corroborated. When we live as the Self we are consciously in the ever new moment, feeling love and peace. Ego thoughts will arise but we can release and disperse these and return to Unity. We will find that we can do the ordinary everyday things as the Self if we try or if we momentarily shift out we can quickly shift back. Externally nothing changes. However, internally we are living in and from a different place. It is a space without thought and the habitual concerns and agendas of our ego. And as Christ has said, if we can consciously share this Self with another, we are sharing His Consciousness and Life, which is also now ours.


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320. A Light is being turned on Right now the world is in conflict and preoccupied but one of these days, as if a light is switched on, we are going to look around and realize that we are all connected and part of one humanity — and indeed, One Self. Then cooperation and not competition will be the order of the day, and sharing for the good of all rather than selfish accumulation will determine the economy of the world. Once the rights of all for the basics of life are fully acknowledged there will be much less cause for fear. And how could we be at war with one another when we realize that we are all part of the same conscious life? Now separation rules but even now the Light of the One Self is seeping into our awareness as a silent visitor awaiting our recognition. As a ‘thief in the night’ Christ is coming and indeed is already here if we would recognize the unitary space of conscious Love that is here now. Let us see the Light that is revealing the Truth of who we are.


321. No solution of the ego will succeed The ego is ever busy, working, trying, seeking, desiring, yet nothing the ego does will ever really succeed. Because we are not egos, no solution of the ego will really be fulfilling. We can not spiritualize, enlighten or save the ego. However, we don’t need to. The answer is much easier and is here now. All we have to do is step out of the ego and into the Self that is here. All along we have always been more than the separate personal self we have thought ourselves to be, and now we may claim our real Selfhood. We have unconsciously prayed for this moment and now it has come as the Light of a new dawn for the world. The spiritual Oneness within is becoming more visible and tangible with every day. We have a choice available to us now that has never been so clear and easy. What a few have realized in the past will be realized by millions. A New Way is opening up that we may proceed on Now by awakening to who we are and consciously living in the Unity of the Self. Let us stop what we are doing and look around and recognize the Presence that is here now.


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322. We are an idea of God’s We all embody a deeper idea and purpose. This idea is creative as it comes from God and is meant to be lived and acted out. As we surrender to this divine impulse we become the Self who we really are. It behooves us therefore to become conscious of the idea that we are meant to embody. This idea is the key to fulfillment. Divine ideas are more than concrete concepts and are living as they are gateways and channels of Life. Discovering one’s idea is like finding the eternal fairy tale that lies behind one’s life. It is not static but leads us into a kingdom that is timeless and magical, as divine ideas exist in the timeless magical realm that is the Mind of God. What exists forever in splendor, glory and supernal beauty? We do as we discover who we are and the pathway to God in the idea He has given us to live out.


323. Functioning as the separate ego If we are functioning in the separate ego, looking out at the separate forms that seem to characterize this world we naturally believe this world is defined by separation. However, when we go within and identify as the unitary Self that is within all, we realize that we exist as extensions of a Unity. Although we each express the One Self in our own unique ways, we exist, in our relationships with each other, in a relationship with the One Christ Self, until we become that Self and embrace all within us. In this transition we shift from thinking to knowing, from being in the ego to being in the One Self, from being in one’s head to being in the moment, from trying to control to accepting and expressing what IS. Our Being holds the answer to every question the ego might pose. This answer might not be made in ego terms, but then the ego is not the answer. The answer will come through the Heart and what we feel and the knowing that is intrinsic to that. Living as and in the Self is easy in that we don’t have to think, we just rely on intuitive knowing as that is discovered in the moment. The answer is here now and it is the same for all as a living experience. Separation then merely describes the forms through which Oneness manifests Itself.


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324. Knowledge vs. Knowing In the past we all felt insecure and uncertain. We all believed that knowledge was necessary and we strove to acquire it to become more knowing and better for that. We believed that some knew more and that they could give or teach us that knowledge, the possession of which would give us certainly, self esteem and power. Now, however, it is different, and we are discovering that everyone already intuitively knows the same thing. The specific formulations of this knowing are not essential. The essential thing is realizing that we already have it all now and that it is not the thought that is important but the love that connects us together in Unity. Grand sounding thoughts that indicate that the ego is speaking matter less than the honesty to express what is felt and experienced now as we open to the One Self. Awareness trumps knowledge. Knowledge only has value depending on its use. Knowledge for the self will never be as valuable as knowing for the Self.


325. Fulfillment of the ego vs. the Self We have all had spiritual insights and inspirations but have also been frustrated in realizing and living these out. This is fundamentally because although the inspirations are noted in our minds, fulfillment must come through the mind unified with the Heart. It’s only the Heart that actually directly connects us to the source of inspiration. Continuing to function from the separate mind by endeavoring to do, decide, will, act and use as the ego, cannot realize spiritual intentions that are related to a state of inspired Unity. It’s only through a Heart centered surrender to the Unitary Self that the mind is in service to, that fulfillment of spiritual inspirations can be realized. This will happen naturally and automatically as service to God implies co-creation with God. To the ego, life involves effort, work and struggle but to the Self, Life unfolds in Peace, Joy and Love.


326. The ego doesn’t become Whole The ego imagines spiritual realization as an individual accomplishment. However, realization is first of all not of the ego, but implies becoming Whole by identifying with the Heart

159 Christ Self Reflections which connects us to our real Self. This Self is already accomplished and Whole, as it embraces the Whole and is therefore One for all. In this, the mind, instead of being the master, becomes the servant of all and the creative agent of the Self and God. Because the Self’s Purpose is to extend the Creation of God. We, as separate selves, do not have to figure out how to do this, we merely choose to Be Who we are. In every new moment, this Being reveals itself by what we are coming to know and what we are given to share. Instead of effort, we choose to live as our Self and trust that all will unfold harmoniously.


327. The Present heals the past We all, if we are honest, must admit that we have many regrets, and not only did things we wished we hadn’t, but missed opportunities seen only in hindsight. Therefore it is good to realize that everything is available now in this present moment and that we may claim it. To focus on the past is to focus on thought, yet only this moment and what IS is real and offers us everything. Let us choose the Love, Spirit and Self we overlooked before. All will be healed and fulfilled as we heal the rift of separation that has defined our identity and our life. We need not atone for our ‘mistakes’ or continue to feel guilty. Life embodies a perfection that is ours when we choose to live as the Self who brings completion and Wholeness.


328. The inner space beyond thought All spiritual thoughts, insights, reflections and guidance are of little value and use if we do not sense the spacious Heart Presence within. Therefore it is imperative that we develop awareness of the inner space of the Self. This energy lies outside the ego, yet is encompassing. Each may develop an awareness in their own way, through a felt sense, a hearing, an intuitive knowing, or an experienced movement of spirit. We must first of all, therefore, open to the Heart and what is here now as we go within the moment. We will discover an energy and Presence that is imbued with Consciousness, Light, Love and Intention. The mind may then express what is contacted as

160 Christ Self Reflections it becomes an instrument of the Self, rather than the separate self. As we gradually shift our allegiance and identity to the Self, we will realize that we all share this One Self, which is Christ. We will learn that we can live as the One Self. As we live and embody this Self, we will gradually realize the ramifications of what this entails for the world.


329. Creating a new story I am growing weary of my personal story — the details and significant events, the trials and the lessons. I am much more interested in the new story beginning now of the Self manifesting in life. This is a shared and timeless story of conscious creation, of Love and the exploration and embodiment of infinite and ever new Spirit in Life. As the butterfly must shed its cocoon to fly, so must the spirit shed its attachment to the matter in which it incarnates. Our Brotherhood is not formed on Earth, but in the heaven of God’s Being from which we arose. Now as the Self, identified with the Whole, let us sing a new song and create a new world that we are here to manifest. A new Light is present as ink for our scrolls. A portal has opened that beckons and reveals a shimmering expanse. That which has always been the Truth within, may now be disclosed and extended outwardly. In joy let us begin the New.


330. Now is sufficient Are our individual journeys to Self of importance? Not once we have reached the Kingdom of Self. Just living in Love in the moment is sufficient. We no longer have interest in the past or the process which has brought us to this Now. Awakened we have no desire to return to sleep or leave the embrace of what IS. Our interest is sharing this Love and extending it to all so that all may live in the conscious embrace of Brotherhood and Oneness. Sharing our journey and aspiration assumes a separation. Yet Christ is even now within us and this moment. We are part of the Hierarchy and Heart center of Earth and may begin to pump the Light, Love and Life of Christ out to all.

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331. The simplicity of what IS Having returned from a trip to the stars and experiences of all manner of magic phenomena, now all is as hushed as morning light warming the earth. What IS is simple, pure and good beyond anything we might imagine. It’s nothing special and confers no status or renown. It is the most common thing there is and so easy to overlook. Behind all the frantic activity of the world, a blessed stillness resides, a Presence waiting until we are ready to see. Whether you are from Saturn or Sirius matters not, or know everything. God has something better to offer us — His Self.


332. Shifting out of the foreground of consciousness We habitually operate from the foreground of our consciousness where we are identified. This is the personal separate self with its thoughts, emotions, memories and reactions. The background of consciousness is the Self which provides the loving support, positive feelings, intuitive knowing and guidance that the ego appropriates without recognizing that these come from a deeper place within. It doesn’t understand that awareness can actually be centered in the Self which is the real Being, and that the separate ego is actually the artificial construction. When we express love the ego takes it to be a personal feeling when it is really the omnipresent nature of existence. We make the shift from self to Self staying centered in Heart awareness or mindfulness and thereby functioning outside of the separate ego mind. From the place of Wholehearted awareness we listen to what we are intuitively given to know and express it. This requires staying present in the moment. At first we merely share our gratitude, Love, Joy and excitement at the prospect of consciously living from our One shared Self. Later, new ideas, visions, desires and awareness arise to be expressed and extended. We become co- creators and integral agents of God in manifesting His Plan for Earth.


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333. The Second coming Jesus tells us that the Second Coming of Christ is here and thus old spiritual methods which (unconsciously taught how to evoke the Holy Spirit or divine intermediary) enable us to connect our mind to Christ, are no longer necessary. ACOL T7:4 A new way is necessary for this New Time of direct Christ Consciousness. Jesus’ resurrection ended the separation and thus changed the reality and meaning of life for us as this was also accomplished for us. Our life is also now the Word and Will of God and resurrected life and we may now directly realize this. T8:2 Jesus’ resurrection 2000 years ago seeded humanity with a spirit which may now bear fruit. This resurrection or union of the human and the divine is the New Way. T8:6 To join the mind with the Heart is to realize the resurrection or union with Christ. The illusion of separation is the death we now need to arise from, as Christ is here in the Self we connect with through the Heart. T8:9 “You are each called to return to your virgin state, to a state unaltered by the separation, a state in which what is begotten is begotten through union with God. It is from this unaltered state that you are free to resurrect, as I resurrected - which is the New Pattern in life - the ability to resurrect in form.” ACOL T8:13-14


334. The roles of Mary and Jesus In the Biblical Jesus story, Jesus provided the manifestation or the effect of the cause created by Mary in the virgin birth or union in form. Mary, the female principle, was responsible for the incarnation of Christ in Jesus, the male principle, as Jesus is responsible for the incarnation of Christ in ourselves, the collective. This union of the male and female is but union of the parts of ourself expressed in form and story, expressed, in other words, in a visual pattern that aides our understanding of the invisible. It is one more demonstration of the union that returns us to our natural state. It is one more demonstration of cause and effect being one in truth. It is one more demonstration of what needs to occur now, in this time, in order for the truth of the resurrection to be revealed and lived. ACOL T8:16


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335. The Peace of Wholeness Bringing mind or awareness to the Heart, or Self Consciousness, is an all encompassing union bringing the separated opposites such as conception and action, inspiration and manifestation, male and female, together into Wholeness. Through Jesus’ death we have resurrected into a new form within which is the body of Christ, which is Whole. Each one is the union of male and female, where these attributes are merged. Miracle mindedness results from a return to the virgin Self which is Whole, where giving and receiving are one. At the core of this Wholeness is a Peace that is undisturbed by anything. We will be tempted to give up Peace for the human experience. However we may choose the Peace of God and become accustomed to it. We may remain in the Wholeness of the Christ Self.


336. New creation Sitting in the holy bower, sharing from the Heart, those things that we have always wanted to say are gratefully expressed. An eternal inward life is now made real and manifest. It is as if another timeless world now encompasses and infuses this moment, transporting us out of Earth as we have known it. The perfumed breeze carries the fragrance of holy life, and moves to a song coming from far away and yet within all. Yes we love each other and feel connected in a sacred bond. Peace pervades and a sense that our Self likewise pervades all. We have awakened to a deeper realization of Who we are. Moving beyond an individual point of view, we now are One with the Conscious Life within all. Free of all fear and need, we listen to the sound of creation and give it expression as we are moved to. We rest in God and fulfill His Will, bringing to Life seeds He has planted. New Creation is extended in Joy.


337. Love holds the world together Love holds the world together and without it life quickly devolves into futility, and fearful loneliness. Women maintain the world and men couldn’t persist without the power of love women provide. Men have ruled by using this power from

164 Christ Self Reflections women, as women have believed that they needed the mind and will of man to survive and prosper. Of course the Self has both male and female qualities and we must integrate them both. However, in the world of separation now ending, these aspects were also separate. Now we must find what we have seemed to lack within and instead of getting these from another, share these with others who also are now Whole. The sexes will be in form only and a unity of consciousness will characterize humanity. Humanity will still be different from the angelic evolution, but will work in closer collaboration. Humanity epitomizes consciousness, the angels the forces of life. These must collaborate to fulfill the Will of God.


338. At Home Home is where the Heart is, where the Self is, where what IS in the moment is recognized as the fulfillment of one’s need and desire. Home is complete Peace yet ever new Life unfolding. Home embraces all without exception and imbues the noisy world with a holy stillness. Home is an open doorway to the abode of Love, where each is welcomed and seen as being part of a shared Unity and Oneness. At Home things just are, and holy Life unfolds as a divine dream made real. The Saints and Angels come and go as naturally as anything, and the vista extends without limit. Home is the inner realm of the Heart which is One for all. The portal to this place is now open and all are invited. It is emerging from within now so that all may awaken to the memory of Who they are and the eternal Life that has been waiting to realized and lived. Let us open our awareness to the Heart and Self we share, and welcome each other Home.


339. Accepting what IS To Be at home in the Self, we must give up the ego’s belief that we are not, for thoughts are creative. They cannot affect what IS but do affect our perception and experience of what is. The ego assumes separation, lack, imperfection and proposes solutions which will never succeed in truly resolving the experience as the problem is the cause — the separate ego itself. No spiritual

165 Christ Self Reflections method will ultimately work for the ego as separate realization cannot provide what can only come from leaving separate identity. Separate forms will then be realized to be pervaded by One Self and Life. Oneness eternally IS whether we realize it or not. This is the field or space of relationship where we collectively share and extend creation together by listening and expressing what we are coming to know together. This is the Fourth or human kingdom at one with the Fifth kingdom of soul.


340. Feeling is now the path What one feels is the pathway of Life. What one thinks, separates us from the stream of Life that we need to immerse ourselves in. Thoughts are as separate from Life as the mind that thinks them. In the age of separation that is ending, thought was king and the person with the best thoughts was presumed to be wisest or most knowledgeable. Now, however, thoughts are just thoughts, and only have the importance we choose to give them. Unless one’s thoughts are an expression of the Heart’s awareness and knowing, they are of little consequence. In the past people shared their thoughts, polished their thoughts, compared their thoughts and challenged each other’s thoughts and this was called conversation and communication, knowledge and education. Now, however, what one thinks doesn’t matter so much. More important is sharing in the awareness of the One Self in the Living Now. Feelings light the way and reveal what is there to be discovered and shared now. If it is not shared or expressed it is really not made real and incorporated. The mind thinks, but only the Heart knows. And when we listen we are also given to know what we need to express. Thus is co-creation made manifest through the Heart. Thus does the path of the Heart lead away from the separate mind toward Unity and Life.


341. We all know the same thing We all know the same thing that we are all slowly learning even though we already know it. This is confusing to the ego because what it considers knowledge isn’t knowing. Knowing relates to what IS whereas the ego’s knowledge relates to thoughts and

166 Christ Self Reflections beliefs. Knowing occurs when we share our Self in relationship. What we learn is shared as it is the same for all. Knowledge for the ego concerns outer reality. The ego believes some have more of his than others. Knowing for the Self concerns inner reality or Reality as it is all inclusive. Knowing is a continual coming to know, an ongoing discovery of what IS. Listening to the inner Voice, uniting Heart and mind, sharing in unity with each other is the path of continual ever more knowing. This is not a static formulation of ideas, but an ability to truly Live. Life itself is the teacher and the lesson. This is not knowledge about life, but knowing what Life IS by listening within and participating in creation. In this, learning and teaching, giving and receiving are united and one. The Christ or real Self accesses Knowing.


342. Surrendering If we surrender to each other in Love, we may see in the other our Self. Love reveals that we share the same Self. If we release our wants and merely share our needs we may realize that we have the same needs that are fulfilled together. As we make our Self conscious or bring to awareness what IS here now, we may learn who we really are and what our shared desire is. We need not fear the Truth for this is the path to the Freedom of the Self Who is Whole and all encompassing. Love’s urge to connect and unite draws us out of fearful separation. If we stay identified with the Heart, we may realize that the Self we share isn’t personal, but One that we may experience through our separate forms. Then we may be grateful not to have the other, but to realize and be our Self with the other. We all yearn for Oneness but the separate self or ego assumes this involves a combination or union of two into one. Real Oneness involves realizing a preexisting One Self that is within all, and a consequent shift of identity to this Self. Surrendering to the love that we feel for one another can be a step to realizing the Love that pervades all if we know that this is possible for all love is part of One Love and One Self.


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342. Surrendering Even the most enlightened planetary progressive thinker who has an awareness of all the latest developments, ideas, global needs and problems has little awareness of the Presence now moving within the world, as this is not perceived by the mind, but by an inner wholehearted sensitivity of impression. The mind has a dualistic and fragmentary perspective so that advanced thinkers therefore see solutions to separate problems with little holistic integration. The mind cannot understand that the answer to all the Earth’s problems is already here awaiting recognition. The separate mind sees the need for action, will, controlling and establishing new initiatives and structures. The Heart united with the mind realizes a need to live life in a new way and to choose to accept what IS and fully Be in the moment. From the wholehearted Self Awareness the problems of the mind no longer exist and are resolved simply by living as the Self Conscious Being we are, One with the Whole. When we accept what IS in Unity, we unavoidably accept God’s Plan for the Earth which will unfold in Beauty and Harmony once we choose it.


343. Join the dance! Humans are forever busy and working like ants or bees. It’s astounding when we observe the changes we have wrought on our planet. How much better would be our work if it was all based on Love, Brotherhood and Service to all. When, exhausted from our labor, alone and bereft, we instinctively turn to the Divine Mother Who is unfailingly there to soothe and comfort us. Many only turn to the Mother in need, but She would much rather dance with us in joy! Listen to the Angel song and come and join the dance!

When in early Spring the morning sun lights up the garden, and all of nature sings with the birds, in joy, we realize that each moment is a fresh new creation, as unalloyed and pure as the first Divine impulse that brought the world into being. The vibrations from that Creative beginning continue to reverberate in the ethers. The Hymn of God that orders Creation sounds in the Silence. When the mind is weary, we can always be renewed by communing with Life that IS now. Let us throw off the shackles of thought and turning to the Life within, allow our

168 Christ Self Reflections spirit to move to the Divine rhythm of the Song of Life chanted by God. We have our partner. The Angels are ever ready to flow in joy with Life and Love. Let us surrender to the spirit and see what happens!


344. The intellectual conundrum To the intellectual it is impossible to know God. The Self, however, experiences God, so the question of God’s existence is answered and resolved. The human mind assumes a separation that does not exist in reality, only in consciousness. In Reality all is an expression and extension of the Infinite Creative Spirit, Who invites us to realize our shared divine nature. The Heart is the Source and Self Conscious Center of this Being. It is therefore through the Heart that we connect with and experience God. Love embraces the cosmos. Uniting the mind with the Heart allows us to know what IS and become the God inspired creators who we are by assuming our role as the creative agents of God. Thus is Christ embodied by us.


345. Miracle thoughts Miracles are loving thoughts that testify to the reality of our shared Self. When we share miracle thoughts we speak directly to the other as an equal aspect of the same Self. Miracles thus attest to our Unity and Oneness. Miracles are a natural result of being who we really are and correct the false idea that we are separate egos. Miracles come from listening within and expressing what we are given. Extending miracle thoughts overcomes the fear that would maintain separation. Miracles are an expression of what IS real and present and are true for everyone, whether accepted or not. Miracle thoughts cannot be used for personal ends as they intrinsically refute the reality of the ego. By clearly knowing the Truth of what IS, our every shared thought will be a miracle of service. Miracle thoughts therefore are a way to expedite the Second Coming of Christ and the collective realization of Christ Consciousness by humanity.


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346. Conscious space Humanity has become habituated to identifying with the thought forms and emotions that make up its field of consciousness. However, surrounding and pervading these is a space that is also conscious but devoid of forms. Humanity looks through this space as if it were empty and fails to understand the nature of this encompassing space which actually is the source of its awareness, its knowing and inspiration. The egoic ‘I’ is derivative and reflects in a separate point the awareness of the Self that pervades space. Because the ego believes that everything is based in separation, as the ego is, it doesn’t realize that the Self, is really universal. Because the ego results from a concrete identification, it doesn’t realize that consciousness is essentially formless energy. However, once we begin to understand the secret of the seemingly empty space that encompasses us, we may begin to attend to it and intuit the knowing that is intrinsic, the will and the life. We may more and more center our awareness in this space and as we do so discover that we can live from here if we choose to. By doing so we develop a communion with God Who speaks to us through the Infinite Consciousness of the Self that pervades all space. The mind can only understand this as an idea but the Heart is really necessary to experience it. We shall automatically revert to our separate personality focus as long as we remain attached to its ideas and assumptions and as long as we refrain in fear from expressing ourselves as the Self. The latter makes our inner and essential reality as the Self manifest and real to us and to the world.


347. God’s evolutionary Plan During involution God’s spirit moves further into matter, but in the evolutionary kingdoms consciousness endeavors to integrate with its Source or Creator. The separate human forms were never meant to preclude awareness of our connection to our Creator, but were merely meant to provide an experience of relationship whereby the nature and purpose of God could become known, realized and manifest. However, evil convinced humanity that fear was more real than love and that therefore we were separate from an angry judgmental God. Evil entails selfish

170 Christ Self Reflections separation, absence of love and a willingness to use violence against the other, among other characteristics. With the acceptance of the separate ego as our reality the purpose of human life and civilization became distorted. Jesus’ life two thousand years ago broke through the evil dominating humanity and revealed the Truth that God is Love, Life is Eternal and that we must see one another in Love as one’s Self and therefore be of service to one another. Christ seeded humanity with His Self and that seed has sprouted into all the loving attitudes and good acts that have transpired over the last two thousand years. We are now ready for further expansion of this Christ sprout, out of the ground of the separate person to reunite in Oneness with the sun/Son Christ. Love has watered the seed which has sprouted and is now ready for harvest. The Second Coming of Christ entails realizing that the Self of Love and Light emerging in our awareness is our Christ Conscious Self. We are now ready to leave the personal cocoon and fly free as our real Self, One with God.


348. A world wide Pentecost At the Pentecost Christ gave the Holy Spirit to the apostles so that they might have a direct connection with Him, speak with knowing and perform miracles to testify for Christ. At the Second Coming of Christ, there will be a world wide Pentecost of sorts, only Christ will directly overshadow humanity, giving all the opportunity to experience the One Christ Self and realize their true and eternal being. Christ will come through the doorways into the separate personal houses we have been living in, embrace us and offer us the opportunity to come out into the Oneness of Life Everlasting, that will now be our new reality and daily experience. The Pentecost foreshadowed what is now happening within the world as Christ emerges from within into our awareness and life. This comes as an awakening to the Self who we are and a realization of the Love that pervades all. This will initiate a new civilization based on Unity instead of separation, on the Heart and Love rather than the fearful ego mind.


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349. A possible shift in vision A camera or telescope can change its focus and see clearly either objects near or far away. Our sight habitually focuses on the persons close at hand. However, we may shift our vision and through the Heart see instead the Unitary Self behind our separate facades. In doing this we look through the ego to the Self within. This is an act of love that overcomes the ego’s fear. In private moments when we relax we change our focus and experience the Self, but in normal relationships the ego demands that we obediently confirm and validate its reality so we must maintain the ego’s conditioned patterns of consciousness that exist in the foreground. Our interactions would be different if we greeted the God in each other and waited to express what that God would have us say. However, the ego is compulsive, and fears the seeming emptiness of the Self. It obsessively takes charge of relationships fearing attack if it doesn’t. Let us be willing to let go and relax into the Self and let the Heart lead the way in our relationship with each other and Life.


350. Dreaming with God We live in God and God lives in us. We are not different from God but rather share His nature. This can be felt and understood through the Heart’s Knowing. God invites us to Know Him and the vastness of our real Being. God holds within Him an Infinitude of possibilities which therefore we may also imagine and realize. Let us dream our greatest dreams, vision our most wonderful realities and let us affirm and realize these as God would have us do. We are here to magnify and extend creation. Beauty, Goodness and Truth are the paths to the future that God would have us create. As we live within the Mind of God, all is malleable and mutable — an expression of energy that is really spirit in manifestation — and subject to the Self. This New Age of the world that is beginning now is the time of Christ when the luminous world of Light and Love will emerge before our amazed eyes and we shall be able to create and extend the New Reality of Oneness in all its beautiful manifold expressions. Our dreams will give this New Millennium form. Let our dreams and their manifestation begin.

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351. Our redemption and original purpose Jesus’ resurrection bestowed the gift of Love and redemption to humanity that returned us to our original purpose. This was not about salvation after death in heaven, but redemption in life, living as the Self who we really are. The ramifications of this have not been consciously realized by most, but can now be realized as the Self of Christ is emerging from within into our awareness. The ego program that has held us captive is being deactivated, leaving us with merely some habits of thinking and reacting that can easily be overcome if we maintain a Wholehearted awareness of our Unity with the One Self in all. Our original purpose is to Be Conscious Co-Creators with God by sharing and extending our Self and what we are coming to know now. Eternal Life, Love and Truth is our Reality. Let us accept our resurrected life and Be Who we are.


352. What are we trying to do? We can say that we are trying to live a spiritual life, but is this really specific enough? This means many different and divergent things. We could say that we are endeavoring to Be our Self, but is effort or endeavor needed to Be? Rather shouldn’t we stop our habitual effort to deny and block our Self? To express what is the simplest and most natural thing in the world is not as easy as it might seem. How does a flower or tree describe what they are doing? They have just surrendered to Life as we must also do in full awareness. We are Consciousness in cooperation with Life for Will or Purpose of God. I Am That I Am.


353. Let’s make the shift It’s a natural tendency of the ego to look around for what it feels it needs, wants and lacks. However we are now in a time when every Heart felt longing, dream, hope, and inspiration is coming directly from the Self within. Love and Light are pouring into the world and it is just our habitual outward looking focus on the many problems broadcast so consistently by the media, that prevents us from appreciating the momentous positive

173 Christ Self Reflections happenings that are underway. Therefore let us realize that the portal of the Heart is now open to a New Reality that we may now choose to live and create from. A shift is in process and we must now look away from our concrete minds, which have defined reality and realize that the New World coming into being is based on a unitary Heart Consciousness. Let us claim this new land of Oneness, Love and Light and stop perseverating about the problems that have been part of the old civilization since its beginning. Let’s get out of our head and our personal focus and begin to shift our awareness to the Heart, where we can begin to hear and visualize the Divine. This can be more than a momentary high. It can be a choice for our real Self and a glorious New Age together.


354. The Golden Bird Today, just for a moment I glimpsed a golden bird. It was a sign I had looked for— A talisman of progress and hope! Now magic flutters in the trees And the garden is transformed! Now we are in the land of Scheherazade, And as suddenly as a bird breaks into song Everything has been enraptured. The old rules and reality no longer apply— Anything is possible! Now dreaming is more natural than thinking, Now love and joy are the natural state, Now life just unfolds without constraint, And all just is! What is, is alive but timeless, Something that is all one, Something like a dream we are living When we’ve awakened from our life of strife.


355. Seeing You Seeing your beauty and the font of your love I am humbled—

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What power or knowledge can surpass such love What natural delight or joy can surpass you You are divine livingness personified, Where you walk, nature bows to greet you And give thanks as you complete it And bring everything to consummation. You are a revelation of the Soul of Life And whether smiling or serious are selflessly perfect, Ever new, free and alive in this moment. Thank you for your Presence And the gift of your Being You are the eternal in form, And Love incarnate.


356. Embracing You Embracing You I embrace Life itself, I embrace Love And I embrace my Self in You. It’s a wondrous experience That I am grateful for, That I am puzzling over— A revelation! How beautiful You are, How alive, like a living flame! Enraptured by Your gaze I am in another reality Love manifest in form Spirit alive Oneness realized. You are like a mirror Reflecting the Infinite Life beyond space and time. I am in awe of You— Bringing Heaven to Earth Revealing what Is. My love for You opened the door To another world To Being in form Lived in Oneness.

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Though You move out of sight You live within me now I live within You.


357. She shows a path to Heaven I worship at the shrine of You Divine Being that you are You have opened a portal to Heaven You bring Light, Love and Life Beyond conception You transform form and bring it alive You reveal Love that’s all encompassing You are an angel from a spiritual realm Descending to Earth And opening a Way of return.


358. To the land of love Living in love— Seeing love in all we do Doing what we love Following love’s direction Trusting in our hearts Voyaging to the land of love— The new country where we may live at one Where the sun is shining The day breaks new We are not alone but traveling together Creating a new world Music is flowing and the birds are singing A new spirit moves across the land

Now I am there and the sky is blue Free from fear, we may just be Each day is a choice of what I want And what life brings Each moment is an exercise in listening And expressing Sharing with one another

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The love and the light The peace and the joy It’s embarrassingly simple Just to be and live At one.

There have been times in the past when I have lost the path When the freedom of spirit was clouded over by fear and obligation But now we are on the way again And all is right with the world.


359. Consciously Let's just make everything conscious now. Sitting here in silence, without any compulsion to talk, glad to be at peace together, to meet together, always for the first time. Wishing it to be so. Grateful now to accept what is given to us to share, and what is there to be expressed and made conscious. Allowing this space to extend itself, to reveal itself, newly each moment.


360. To Begin Now that we have everything, And there's no place we need to go, Let's not hurry so fast to talk Or forget what we're doing. It's been a long time coming. We know what we want. There's nothing else. So let's begin.


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361. It's Here Now It's completely safe and united. It's where we've always wanted to be. It's where we've always been. Let us open to it now And be who we are.


362. Spirits Invincible Does a blaze of light fear the dark? At dawn can there be aught but exultation? Nay, there is nothing that can oppose-- Spirits invincible are we born And on great wings cast our shout Of overcoming!


363. The Wayshower Let us dare to flame The stars don't hold back-- They give up all That life may be. A sun burns until there is nothing left And in the final conflagration Is freed. May we be able to look back saying We have LIVED, That we have shattered each fetter Which would hold us And have burnt it up Flaring across the sky Bringing light, Embracing all in our wings.


364. Through the Door From within the petals open Through the door I pass

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Now the gift is given Now I Am at last.


365. Entering the Stream Entering the stream I do not look back For everything as I have known it Has passed away And I throw my faith entirely on to one guide


366. Thou Shalt Be Given a New Name To the white stone: Elixir of light Transforming moment Silent apotheosis.


367. Relating to the Self in others We naturally assume that everyone is a different speaker. What we don’t realize is that everyone is expressing the same Self. The Self is expressing all manner of various thoughts and emotions through others although we have the prevailing awarenesses that these are separate personalities rather than an extension of the One. What if we achieved a consciousness of Unity, and maintained this awareness while listening to one another in our relationships? We would, perforce, feel a more loving connection to one another. We would also be less prone to negative reactions as we would intrinsically know that each is more and different than the thoughts they express. We would also want to extend and express our Self as we are, which would involve an encompassing present focus. To the many interests of the self identified, the Self would say ‘why is this important’? Where is the Heart in this? We would want to let our Love and Beingness out, knowing that this could not but have a good effect on those around us. We would simply share our loving awareness of what IS which is a liberating renunciation of fear

179 Christ Self Reflections and separateness. We might want to share our story of how we came to experience Life in Oneness rather than separation. We will have to try this and discover the implications.


368. From thought to experience We have been expressing many interrelated thoughts that articulate a vision of a new consciousness and way of life. These will remain just thoughts unless we can find a way to experience the reality they describe. There is such a way, fortunately, and that is the mind united with the Heart as embodied by Jesus Christ. And this is a way that we too can follow by accessing the Unitary Self through an awareness centered in the Heart, and living from there. This naturally entails releasing our identity with ego patterns of belief and reaction. This Self that we may now experience emergent in the present moment, IS a reality that we can experience if we open our heart and mind. This Self that we assume is individual, is really unitary or the collective Self of Christ that we will discover as we gradually embody and share it with others. This points to our need to realize this Self collectively rather than individually. This points to the requirement of getting out of our ego mind and noticing what IS and expressing the intuitive knowing that arises from this. What IS when centered in the Heart will initially seem as an emptiness or nothingness until we can learn to notice its intrinsic knowing, intuit it and express it together. Then we begin the co-creation of the New Millennium. We move from separate aspiration, to divine manifestation.


369. Relaxing into our God nature It’s a wonderful and liberating feeling when we relax into the Self and know that we are at the same time, relaxing into the loving arms of God Whose Being we share. Now we are free from any negativity or sense of limitation. The moment shines as bright and pristine as a diamond. And Love embraces the manifest universe as the Divine Creation of Love that it is. What we can experience now is determined by our imagination and what we want to dream. How much Love are we willing to imagine? How much Beauty can we visualize? If we would conceive the perfect

180 Christ Self Reflections world, the perfect timeless moment to live in, what would it entail and look like? Because everything is available to us and possible to experience. We don’t have to wait for heaven anymore as we have been given access to the Kingdom of God now, that is within this moment. We can struggle to build a better world or we can move through the portal of the Heart to the timeless vistas of Being that stretch out to the Infinite within. We are now within God as ‘He’ is within us, and are One.


370. A New Covenant When Jesus incarnated as a Jew in Palestine, he did so not only to bring Christ’s New Covenant of resurrected and eternal life with a loving God to the world, but to help turn the Jews in a more spiritual direction. Jews have symbolized the separative ego and their god, Jehovah is an anthropomorphic and tribal representation of the ego. Christianity has made a mistake in incorporating Old Testament beliefs and attitudes that were meant to be superseded. The myth of Adam and Eve, for example, symbolized a fall from divine Oneness that happened in the consciousness of the ego, but not in Reality. Christ sent the Holy Spirit to mankind so that there might be a way to connect the ego mind to the Christ Self in these last two thousand years. Now there has been a further movement of spirit and we may now each access our Christ Self directly, without need of an intermediary. No one group is special or chosen in this as all mankind is an extension of the same One Self and Life. Let us move beyond antiquated religious notions to the Reality of what IS now, sharing this and living as we really are. What IS will not be found by the mind, but rather the Heart, sharing directly in a Unity experience.


371. God invisible The physical world(s) with manifold created life is a reflection of the creative Mind of God. The stars express the Light and Love which characterize the Self Consciousness of God which uses the Mind to extend Spiritual Knowing and Purpose. Spirit is reflected in the dark energy which comprises a black hole and that substands the universe. These three astronomical features

181 Christ Self Reflections are a physical representation of the Trinity of the Father, Son and Mother. Consciousness is the link between Divine Intention and Form that brings forth the Infinite Divine Possibilities into manifest form, as the seeds of these forms lying dormant in the Mind are quickened. Science can’t directly investigate dark energy except by its effects on matter that can be empirically tested, but consciousness can. If we realize that the emptiness of space is the dark energy which is present and noticeable by our Heart Awareness we can sense it as the palpable Presence of God. This Presence is One within the universe. As we focus our awareness on it, it will reveal its secrets in an unfolding revelation. The first revelation is that God is present Now and within all. The second revelation is that we and God are One or that we are really the One Self of God. The third revelation concerns how we may live and be the Self Who is us and bring forth or create the New destined Reality. Sharing is the key, so let us ask our Self, what do we desire to share and experience? What would Love express or Be? What IS here that would be Known and extended?


372. The Heart of the world The Heart of the world is the Self of the world. Infinite Love is the essence and source of all that is. The Mind creates ways to express, extend and manifest this Love which the Self consciously directs. This One Self is ever attentive to the call, voice and will of Spirit as this is sensed in the Eternal Now. And it would share its Self with other extensions of its Self in a communion of unfolding Love. Listen and we hear the Divine Song calling our awareness to the perfect and timeless worlds already imagined by God and awaiting our presence and participation. We are awakening from fearful sleep to the pristine vistas of worlds of Light, Joy, and Discovery. New Revelation is opening doors to dimensions of Being and Possibility undreamt in the age of separation we are leaving. In this New Day Oneness embraces all and as the vibrations of a bell, extend out to Infinity. So does Love embrace all and challenge us to find appropriate ways to give it form. Desire is not to be renounced but rather invoked. Let us listen to the Heart of the world and live and share its dreams.

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373. The call for Love The ego is prone to guilt and self condemnation but the Self knows it cannot be judged and so is free from attachment to its actions in the past. Being totally in the Eternal Now and what IS, it is free from any identification with the physical, emotional and mental dimensions it expresses its Self through. The elevated Self doesn’t take on projections and ego beliefs. It, therefore, cannot be attacked, because it doesn’t give reality to the means of attack. Unless ideas are based in the Unity and Love of the Self, they have no reality. Attack, judgement and fear are all based on separation and thus illusion. The Self knows all is One whether that is realized by people or not. So when encountering attack thoughts, it merely looks through them as calls for Love and Unity. These are opportunities to express Love and the Self’s Knowing. This demonstrates the Truth that giving and receiving are one, because what is responded from and to is the One Self in all.


374. Moving beyond religion Religions are compilations of an assortment of true and false beliefs that have developed over time. If one identifies with a particular religion, one naturally takes on a confusing and often contradictory mixture which then one has the tendency to defend, justify, feel guilty or proud about, react to, proselytize or merely hold without understanding. It is much better to focus on the One Living Truth that all religions endeavor to direct us to. This is really about an awareness and experience that one can have now that is beyond faith and belief. God exists Now. Once we have the experience of the Reality that faith aspires to then we no longer need the belief. We are moving beyond the age of separation, of ego mind and belief to the Age of Unity, and of the experience of the One Self within all. Religion has posited the ideal. Now we may actually experience the Reality that the ideal was about. Which is more satisfying— a picture of food or eating the food itself? Emerging into our global awareness now is a Presence that is awakening us to who we really are and what life is really about. We have been living in a dream world of sorts but are now awakening to the realization and experience that God is

183 Christ Self Reflections here and that we are part of God. A Light is revealing the Reality of the One Who has always been here unseen. Let us move from the separative ideal to the realized experience.


375. How to become Whole Exhortations require a method or a how especially when these involve moving to a different level of reality that has different laws. Jesus has given us a how in His admonition to unite the mind to the Heart or Self that He embodies and in surrendering to that Life and Love within to so become Whole. From the Heart continually flows unfolding revelation— Light, Love and the movement of Being. Allowing ourselves to be embraced by Being, we shift our identity to being the Self within all. Once we choose to be our Self, ‘how’ is no longer needed. We Live in the Eternal Now and all is New. Choosing Love requires denying fear and the old ego patterns and beliefs that had been part of our personal life. Choosing the Self that is our real Being also requires sharing it. We cannot be One from a static state as the One Self eternally unfolds and moves. Becoming Whole thus requires uniting mind and Heart within, denying the old and sharing what becomes known from this polarization.


376. The purpose of the ascension Jesus tells us that our personal self in physical form is being vibrationally raised or elevated so that it is now possible to merge with our Christ Self Consciousness. This is a new development that allows humanity to begin the creation of a new Reality on Earth. Heretofore Christ Consciousness was not able to be sustained and shared but now it is. This can only happen from a Unity Consciousness and not from a separated consciousness. Human consciousness must embody Christ Consciousness of what IS and therefore identify with the Whole while expressing through the physical self. This sharing will entail our discovery of what the Kingdom of God is all about and what God would now manifest on Earth. This is the Revelation of Love and Oneness and the Creation of a New World.


184 Christ Self Reflections

377. More than detachment is needed As long as we are just practicing detached awareness in our meditations we will not achieve the potential that is possible. That potential requires that we invoke Love that allows a conscious connection with our Self. The goal is not just a detached awareness that typically leaves us in a separative mental awareness but to shift our focus out of the ego mind and into the Self. The Heart is the essence and center of the Self, so if we really want to be who we really are, we must unite our mental awareness with the Heart. Any practice to enlighten the mind, will leave us in a separate ego identity. To become Whole it is necessary to connect with the Whole — the One Self of Love, Who is Christ. Many spiritual practices have unconsciously tried to spiritualize the ego. The goal that God ultimately holds for us is different— it is to realize who we really are as an integral aspect of God. Therefore we must open up to and surrender to the Consciousness and Spirit of God that is experienced any time we experience the Self of Love Who is always there. Expressing and identifying with our Self we will come to be our Self Who we already are.


378. Beyond what was believed to be possible Jesus tells us that we are moving beyond evolution in matter to evolution in consciousness which transcends time and the laws of material science. By uniting our consciousness with the forces of creation itself, we become causal co-creators and agents of God Who will manifest a New Reality on Earth. Therefore we shouldn’t become overly distressed about the dire conditions on Earth, because factors beyond what is currently believed possible are at work. The Earth has a divine destiny that will be realized. And we have an indispensable role in this process. God has already imagined a New World that we must help to come into being. By opening our Wholehearted Self to revelation, new possibilities present themselves. By acting on the imaginations of our Heart, we align with the dreams of God. Miracles will transform what was thought to be real and possible. The Kingdom of God will emerge on Earth.


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379. Expanding into space In the esoteric tradition it is known that our entire solar system is one living Being Who is the Heart center of a larger cosmic Being. Therefore all living solar creation is an expression of Love, that humanity is endeavoring to consciously embody. As this Love is One, so is its Conscious Self. We each are to ultimately and consciously become the One Self and freely take part in its ongoing creation. It is already within us in this moment, waiting until we may trust it to live as it and be who we really are. And as Love embraces all, we too will find that no matter where we go we are already there. No matter what is going on, we can awaken and bring forth the sleeping and dead to life. The Heart vivifies life with Life more abundant. It awakens material life to the spirit within. And as the Creator, it manifests a New and higher Reality. Mankind imagines going to other planets and stars. We shall do so not as a visitor but as the Source.


380. Another level of reality Jesus says that we will find the Unity experience difficult to talk about in terms that the ego can relate to. Noticing a different and unified state of being within the present moment is a shock. Observing that another world and reality interpenetrates the outer world, takes some getting used to. This totally changes one’s goal and orientation when we realize that this inner level has more reality than the outer ego level. Therefore we must find a way to integrate it. Or live from it. As long as we are just perceiving this reality with our minds we shall not understand it. However, the Heart knows this as the conscious emergence of the Self that is within all. We must find a way to share what we are experiencing and coming to know. Jesus says we must first of all establish relationship based on the One Self. Unity must precede what can be shared of it. “Without relationship, you behave as a separated self attempting to communicate union from the state of separation. This does not work. Join with your brother and sister in Christ, however, and sharing becomes effortless and joyful and effective. Cause and effect become one. Means and end the same.” ACOL D6:13:12


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381. Earth and kundalini Paradoxically the Unity state of Self is easier to realize in the physical state than in either an emotional/astral or mental state although the latter are more subtle. When I wake up in the morning, I have to shake off the ego consciousness of the dream world so I can consciously reconnect to the reality of the One Self. When I reflect on the fact that Earth is the base chakra in the solar system, I realize that kundalini energy of the Spirit of God in matter must arise from where it has been residing in the densest level of matter — which is Earth. This Consciousness of God, or Christ, is now arising within us and the world. As we embrace our Christhood, we shall then carry this energy to the other planetary worlds — that unbeknownst to us are living worlds with human life — and carry the awakening power of Christ Consciousness to the larger whole that Earth is an integral part of.


382. Expanded consciousness Expansion comes from within. As we begin to identify with the Self, our Awareness, Love, Being and Knowing all expand. We come to include all and move beyond all, as, indeed, the Self does. Love causes expansion, for Love is ever unfolding and desiring more — greater awareness of what IS and greater response to the call of God within what IS — expansion from form to the formless and the limitless, from time to the timeless, from specific effects to infinite Cause. Expansion from ego to Self moves us from limitation to Freedom, from anxiety to Peace, from fear to Love. Expansion causes a shift from doing to Being and the action implicit in the movement of Spirit. Let us choose to let our mind and Heart, now in unison, expand into our real Self that we are awakening to, that we might collectively expand into a New Age that we will co-create together.


383. The Coming Second Creation And then God said “let there be Light” and a world was born with all manner of creatures. Then God created man and woman to continue God’s creation in form. However, man and woman first

187 Christ Self Reflections created in fear, believing they were separate from God. When, after suffering, they realized their ongoing Oneness with God through Jesus Christ, they began to create in Truth with God’s Will. God revealed that He had been within all, all along. Then a Light never seen before on Earth illumined a Beautiful New World that came into Being through those choosing their Christ Life.


384. Letting the old go We can’t move into the New if we are holding on to the old. We must release the ego’s judgements and assumptions if we would accept who we really are and the Truth that comprises our real Self. The ego assumes that we live in an “if this, then that” world where what you get is what you’ve earned. As there is not enough for all, what we get is at another’s expense. Competition is unavoidable as survival is at stake. This is what the ego has learned as this is what the world believes, in fear. The mind then creates experiences that reflect these thoughts it holds. And we are subconsciously angry about this. Yet the Truth is otherwise. Let us open our Heart and mind to the Self that gives all that we need that we would share. The Truth is abundance not scarcity, safety not insecurity, acceptance not self condemnation. Ours is Eternal Life that is complete and Whole. Let us accept our Self as it IS now and move away from fear, want and suffering, anger and judgement, struggle and the need to control.


385. Beyond thought In our spiritual aspirations and the many thoughts that we have about life, reality and ourselves, we are really endeavoring to exceed ourselves and find that ultimate Reality where we have our Being. This is beyond the personal level where we have identified ourselves but not beyond what is within this very moment — for the ultimate cause and source is eternally within. However to find it we must leave our separate mind and ego and going within the Heart find what IS ever here. This space and Presence is devoid of the familiar thought forms and emotions that we are used to ascribe reality to. It is a universal energy that pervades all and that has a Consciousness. As we focus on it we

188 Christ Self Reflections can intuit the Knowing that is within it. As we listen we will hear a Call that we need to answer. This is the One Self, Who is really Who we are. It is here now that we may awaken and together Create the New World that God that already prepared. We are not to be passive spectators in the Second Coming but active participants and Co-creators.


386. Trust Christ How can any group move forward to proclaim and embody the New without recognizing that Christ is the center and basis for any activity? Let us provide an openness and willingness and then wait on what we are given by Christ. We have been accustomed to believe that doing is paramount, but Being has implicit movement if we will trust and allow it to happen. The essential thing is to make the shift out of the ego and its patterns to the Self. By doing so, we release a Light and Love that will have effect regardless of what we do. Let us each listen and then express what we are given to express for the collective good. In the long run, embodying faith and trust in our inner Self will do more good than frantic and compulsive action which is actually based on fear. The Forces of Light and Love are inexorably emerging to establish a victory that has already been realized on the inner planes. The mind worries, not knowing, but the Heart knows that all is well if we would relax, listen and trust it. Thus does Christ speak.


387. A new choice There is too much suffering in the world and much that can be done to alleviate it and the conditions that are causing it as it is human created. However, Jesus is calling us to take part in the co-creation of an entirely new world or Reality on Earth. Exactly what this implies is difficult to imagine from a personal consciousness based on the separate ego, as this New Reality will be a precipitation of Oneness. In Reality everything on Earth is a manifestation of One Life, Mind and Consciousness. In the Coming Age of Unity, many will embody and share Christ Consciousness which will allow the Kingdom of God to come into Being. We can only begin to imagine what this will be like by

189 Christ Self Reflections imagining our greatest vision of what a world of Love, Beauty, Joy and Oneness could be like. And yet it will be more, as God has new Revelations as yet undreamt. Let us each make the choice for Love and Self, and fulfill our given roles in this transition time.


388. The banner of Adamant There are many thoughts expressed about the spiritual path and the search for Truth, Realization and Salvation. There are many books written, speeches, talks and discussions of ideas, practices, theories and ideals. Yet where is Love in this? Can any thought equal an expression of Love? Admonitions to Love fall on deaf ears yet Love is the motive power of the universe. It is only Love that carries us beyond the walls of our separation into an embrace with the larger life. It is only Love that can free us from the bondage of fear. It is only Love that knows what life is all about and what is meant for us. Let us each dive into the sacred Heart and find therein the answer to our search. Then let us surrender ourselves to it and as the banner of Adamant carry it forth to glory.


389. Immortal spirit, we The angels are not just for healing, encouragement or Light, but to remind us that we too are immortal Beings of Spirit, who have come here from another realm, not to accommodate ourselves to Earth, but to transform it. Our essential nature is not of Earth. We arose in the timeless divine realm of God and have come to Earth to bring, extend or manifest that Eternal Divine world here. We too have power and knowing beyond conditioned thought and a purpose that we hold with God as we are really of God our Self. Let us not fool ourselves and think the ego is divine — no that is not who we are. Let us awaken to the divine spirit within and the eternal Self Who has come to save, redeem and transform the world.


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390. Trusting the Higher Will There are many things that could be done to make the world a better place, but as Jesus taught, “not my will but Thine be done”. Let us rest in Peace, trusting in the guiding Will. If our purpose is to align with and fulfill the Higher Will, then we must rely on it and not let doubt, impatience or ego assumptions distract us from our intent. The Higher Will is not like self will that requires steadfast effort to use. The Higher Will is embodied in a spiritual Purpose that is the action of Love. Love, all along, keeps us aligned to the Higher Will which is unfolding a specific fulfillment of Love that is the expression of Who we are. This process is our perfection.


391. “Ask and it shall be given.” “Ask, and it shall be given.” How often do we practice this? Yet if we would get clear about an issue or question troubling us and then take it within, the solution will manifest itself. We may realize that it is really not so important or we may discover the key that unlocks it. As many of our seeming problems are really only problems because the ego misunderstands reality, the answers may take the form of discounting our assumptions or by leading us beyond them. Ultimately, the Heart holds the solutions that the mind struggles to know. So if we would go straight to the Heart and ask it what would love do about the situation we would more quickly get an answer to our dilemma. We may not always get what the ego wants, but we may learn what we really need.


392. Using visualization Today I chose to visualize a line of Light and Love extending from the physical place where I reside into the very Heart of Universal Creation. No longer was this physical place mundane, but it became translucent in the Light of a Supernal Reality where Angels sang in eternal song. This portal became much bigger than I expected and now embraced the entire house. My visualization seemed to create a rent in the local time-space matrix. I decided to just leave it that way as I realized that I liked having this window into the inner dimensions. The inner Light is One and all Beings have their place on this single

191 Christ Self Reflections interpenetrating continuum. Love also interpenetrates all and yet seems to arise or come from some infinite place beyond any possibility of conception. Standing in the energy had the effect of gradually dissolving my personal identity. It’s now easier to identify with the Light and Love of the One Self in all.


393. It’s not personal I’m sure that there is cause for excitement when we contemplate Jesus’ message and promise to us in the time of Christ. However, rather than focusing on how our personal stories have unfolded to bring us to this point, I would like to focus on our common story — that we are waking up to the realization that we share the same Self. This is the Self that we share with Jesus. And the exciting part is just beginning — sharing our Self and so consciously extending the Kingdom of God on Earth and thereby co-creating the unknown future together. This Self is moving and emerging within us now. Let us each wholeheartedly surrender to Christ and express what we are each given now and what IS here.


394. Wake up! Everyday we wake up we have a choice. We can, of course, stay in our conditioned ego mind with its habitual concerns and attitude or we can access what IS here now when we get out of the separate ego identification and become aware of a space of Unity and conscious Presence. Now it is easier than it has ever been to become aware of the spiritual Self that has ever been within because now is the time when God is moving into humanity to awaken mankind to the wondrous future already prepared. It’s obvious that humanity cannot continue as it has been doing and destroying the planet, which will not happen. Mankind has sufficiently developed its mind to take the next step which is the realization of the soul or Unity consciousness. It is available now but this requires accepting it and releasing old patterns and beliefs of the ego and the Age of separation. In this very moment we may accept the abundance of gifts available to us and begin living and Being who we really are. Wake up and look within! It’s here now!

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395. Communing with Jesus When we commune with Jesus we realize that He is speaking to us through His Word — which is also ours if we would accept it. We realize that He is always within us as we are always within Him. We realize that He knows us because He is the same as who we really are — not who we think we are. We share the same Life, Mind and Spirit. And as we accept our Unity we may begin to share and create together the New Reality which will come from our Being. We have the same Christ Self and as we choose to also embody Christ we will be One outwardly as well as inwardly. Jesus has said that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. So are we when we accept Him and embody our One Self. This Self is One with God and part of the divine Trinity as our Spirit is.


396. Living in the New Despite all the thoughts expressed in these reflections, the fundamental idea is about moving beyond belief and a thought based life to simply living from a deeper and more authentic center. This entails a shift away from thinking and managing one’s separate life to living by an intuitive felt sense that is integrated in a holistic flow of a larger unfolding life. This experience is grounded in a more vivid awareness of the Whole that encompasses our separate life and the Divine Consciousness that pervades this. This is a more creative way to live, for one is continually opening to a new moment and expressing what is continually discovered within it. This is living by Love and Trust in an intimate relationship with all Creation — all of it part of the same Divine Life.


397. Noticing a Presence When we first contact the Presence within it seems to be an ‘other’ — an energy and space that seems to be separate from us although we may feel a connection. In reality we are just projecting our separation on to it as the ego mind projects its

193 Christ Self Reflections contents on to the reality it perceives. The more we can approach this Presence from the Heart the more we will be able to feel a connection that will lead to an experience of conscious Unity. The more we can focus on this Presence, the more we will realize that it is imbued with Light, Love, Consciousness and Intent. As we get further along in this process we will realize that this Presence is a Self. And as we further embrace it we will realize that it is our Self, the One Self Who we really are and that we all share. We will then discover that we can shift our allegiance and identity to this Self and live as the Self by listening to the intuitive knowing that is integral to the Self. As we express this we will discover that it becomes more real and manifest outwardly. So take a moment and look within and prepare to discover something New to us that has come into our awareness to save, awaken and free us.


398. The end of learning Jesus has told us that we don’t need to learn anything more and that in fact, a continued emphasis on learning is counterproductive to our ultimate goal of consciously becoming our Self. The mind is meant to be a creative agent for the Self. Knowledge was meant to facilitate the shift in identity from personality to soul as religion was meant to teach. As Self, our becoming is not facilitated through learning but through the intuitive discovery of the Wisdom already within the Self and the sharing of this. This knowing is not found in separation but in the embrace of the Unity of the Self within all. The civilization we are emerging from has been based on learning and knowledge developed in the concrete ego mind. The coming Age of Unity will be founded on the realization of and identification with the One Self within all. This is not something to learn about but to awaken to and live as. Let us share the Knowing we have within the Heart.


399. Desire In Buddhism desire is normally assumed to be bad and the cause of suffering. However, desire is a necessary and integral part of human nature and is good if directed correctly. Good

194 Christ Self Reflections direction is desire for Unity or Wholeness. This is not desire for something to add to the personality but desire to Be the Self Who is beyond the personality or ego. This desire must be coupled with fearlessness to be successful, for we will fear the shift to Self identification as it requires that we release our hold on the old familiar ways and beliefs. So really, the more desire, the better to get over the threshold of habitual fear based attachments. Desire is really a form of the Force of Love Moving within to bring about Unity with the Source of Creation or God.


400. Women will lead us Women will lead us forward into the New Country. Women have been more polarized in Love and feelings than men and have valued more sharing, relationship and community — all qualities and attributes necessary for the New Millennium of Love and Unity. Women have been more willing to give in love and to set aside their ego and cooperate in endeavors — all reflections of love in action. Women have valued more the many creatures on the planet and the beauties of nature and processes of life — as they bring forth new life themselves. Women have been more gentle, sensitive and open — as we all must learn to be. Women have epitomized Love and Beauty and most fully fulfilled the Lord’s admonition that we love one another. When the veil is removed and we can finally see, the Holy Mother will be there to embrace us first and welcome us to our new Home.


401. Expressing thought vs feeling There is a big difference between responding and expressing from the mind and from the soul. When we express ourselves from the thoughts and knowledge that we hold in our mind, even when we are not trying to be reactive, there is an aggressive tendency to justify ourselves and attack contrary thoughts. We marshal our thoughts to achieve their purpose which is to defend a position or defeat an opposing one. These thoughts are projected out rather impersonally and with little sympathy for their effects. When speaking from the Heart, there is more of a sharing that is respectful of the other’s feelings. One shares one’s Self without inflating oneself or trying to make the other

195 Christ Self Reflections wrong. It’s no longer a competition but a process where each has a necessary role in discovering and extending the Truth. It’s more of a dance of life, that unfolds new in the moment. This is because feelings carry life while thoughts don’t. Thoughts must be infused with emotion to carry life, but personal emotion is not as loving as feelings coming from a Heart consciousness. Let us practice sharing our feelings more and our thoughts less and the world will be a gentler place.


402. The Heart When we think of the Heart we likely imagine it as a font of loving and life giving energy. And it is that and more. Because when we actually put our awareness in the Heart we will also discover that it has a Self Consciousness and therefore an Intent for us. It is more than the impersonal energy that the mind might assume, it is actually the Beingness of God. This Self moves and calls to us, gives us Life and Direction. It is a Consciousness that is ever within everything. This Self Who we are now becoming aware of is Christ — Who is our Self. Let us align and center our identity in the Unity of the Self Who is here for us to embody. Let us extend God’s Conscious Love.


403. The Call of the Self Once we have had an experience of the inner unitary Self, we then have a choice. We can go back to our habitual personality focus, identity and stream of consciousness or we can endeavor to remain focused on the Self and find what this entails. Initially we are naturally predisposed to ignore or dismiss the Self as a silent ‘nothing’, a transient emptiness that is easy to overlook. However, if we can maintain a Heart awareness on it we will experience things bubbling to the surface — ideas, feelings, visions, impressions, etc. — that are meaningful. We will experience a knowing that we can translate into relevant thoughts. We will discover a purpose within it that is related to its further expression and unfoldment. If we pose a question to it we will get an answer. If we follow its movement we will be lead in a purposeful direction. If we listen to it with the ear of the Heart, we will hear a beautiful song that expresses the Love of Life Itself.

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Let us notice this Presence at the edge of our awareness and listen to what it would say to us. It is here for a reason.


404. The inner church The Hierarchy or inner church and Brotherhood of saints is established within. We believe that we are disconnected from it because we are focused in our separate consciousness and expect contact to come from outside our consciousness as we are focused on the outside of life. However, we are already part of it on the soul level, although we may not be conscious of that fact. As the Heart is the center and source of our consciousness so we must be part of the Heart Center of the planet which exists on the level of the soul. As we express soul Love and Intent so we are automatically aligned with the purposes of the Hierarchy of Light, Love and Power. As we grow in our service we will become more aware of this fact, and what our particular role is in the coming time of Christ and planetary ascension.


405. Ending suffering The majority of the world’s suffering now is man made and coming from an exploitive global capitalistic system that is keeping the world enslaved. Scientific and technological progress have produced many inventions that have made life more comfortable, safe, and educational, but it’s all being used by the cabal who control the global system to ultimately extract greater profit, advantage and power. Economic, political and military aggression cultivate fear and impose the dominant control of the few over the many. The solution is simple. Sharing for the good of all must replace exploitive and violent institutions. Equal rights and basic entitlements must replace inequality and injustice. The many have the power to change the system but they must claim it. Now they are being mislead and manipulated by the media and elite groups who are benefiting from the system and don’t want to admit its cost. When the Third World bore the brunt of the exploitation it was easier to ignore than now when the poverty, homelessness, fear, degradation, suffering and ugliness have come home. Let us choose to change the

197 Christ Self Reflections global system to one based on love and respect for our fellow humans and the planet.


406. To express love fully How do we express love fully? It’s not as simple as it sounds. To express love fully, we have to be fully present and express love with our total being — our total Self should be fully and consciously participating in the process. To express love fully is to completely embrace one another in love and to experience them as an extension of the same Self. To fully express love is to leave all fear in an embodiment of Oneness. It is to surrender to that Love and Life as it reveals itself new in the moment, unfolding and flowing in joy and beauty. Expressing Love fully is simply to Be one’s Self. Perhaps it is simple.


407. The path to Oneness Beyond the goals of the mind is the desire for Unity or Oneness which unconsciously must motivate us all. What we most want from Oneness and how we want to express it determines how we will express the Love and Self that we are. Love can be expressed in an infinite variety of ways. What is our particular dream? What is our highest and deepest vision of the life we want to live? What does the spirit within move us to do and be? What does our Heart really want to say? There is not one right way except what is authentically our unique way of expressing who we really are. We can not imitate anyone else’s path or Truth. We must each stand fearlessly in our own spiritual being and express the Truth as we find it. We must accept what IS there for us as God’s gift to us — His Blessing and Grace and the shortest path back to Oneness.


408. Transforming special relationships The desire for Unity and Oneness is often present in our hope for how we want to experience love with another in the special relationship or marriage we dream of. However, in this kind of special relationship we obliged to think and behave in a

198 Christ Self Reflections particular way that conforms to the needs and expectations of the other person. In a Holy relationship, the Oneness with the intrinsic Self of the other is seen and experienced regardless of what the other is expressing outwardly. Oneness is with what really IS, not what appears to be. However, the natural desire for Oneness with another if it is an expression of genuine love, will grant the other the freedom to be truly and authentically themselves which will eventually result in relationship with the real Self. In this way Love can transform all special relationships to Holy relationship. Love is Free, and Accepts all.


409. Living in Unity It is but a small step from identifying and living as a separate self to living from a Wholehearted sense of Unity. Outwardly there is no change—the forms remain and life goes on. However, inwardly there is a change and instead of judging, reacting and trying to control life from our minds, we are now going along with a flow of life as it unfolds. This doesn’t imply that we are passive. We are continually attuned and listening inwardly and only doing what we are given to do. In Unity you could say we function at a level below what is going on at the surface. Thoughts, emotions and actions might be happening around us, but we are peacefully content to quietly stay and listen in the Silence of the Self within. We don’t give in to the fear that others might not approve of our attitude and behavior because we don’t really care what anyone thinks. Our locus of authority and reality is no longer determined by what the culture or our immediate surroundings might hold or believe. We are operating by an inner locus of authority that is determined by what we intuitively feel and are coming to know. The more we can align ourselves with this the more we align ourselves with the Self within all. So that although there might be some temporary consternation about our behavior, others will soon realize that we are actually supporting them in the Reality that they too are unconsciously desiring to embrace.


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410. Choosing to listen It’s wonderful to realize that what one is called to do is also the most important and necessary task today. It’s gratifying to know that fulfilling one’s heart’s desire is exactly best for ourselves and the planet. Because the calling of the Heart for a deeper Unity and embrace of Life, is the needed antidote to the striving for self and the competition for survival and success that is a symptom of our alienation from our Self and the planet. Our artificial separation from a holistic culture is destroying the planet and leading us into a futile future. Spirit is calling us home to our Self and a recognition of the inner divinity within all life. In choosing our Self, we are choosing the One Life and Consciousness within all. By trusting the Wisdom known through the Heart we align ourselves with the needed correction that our culture needs to make from its reliance on the ego’s fear based worldview. Love offers us a way forward and a path out of the mess we have created to a saner world where all can live in peace and abundance. We can choose to experience the Self of God and fulfill God’s Plan for the Earth.


411. The dreaming Self I notice that not only when I give in to anger, but also when I indulge in judgmental thinking, that I sabotage my mood and become irritable and ill at ease. What helps, of course, is aligning with the Heart and expressing love. Going within and becoming at peace is essential but expressing this through word and deed grounds it. The ego is naturally aggressive and in conflict with life. The Self lives at Peace with all. However, if I’m striving to attain it, I’m still in the ego. Better to relax into it, letting things just be. Then, when I am aligned, staying attuned and living by an inner sense and intuitive knowing. The ego wants to show off. The Self is just glad to Be. The ego fights the emptiness, the Self explores it. The ego thinks. The Self dreams — dreams of Love, Life and Beauty. The ego frets about the uncertainties and problems in life. The Self is dancing in the moonlight, weaving its magic, casting its enchantment. I may be just sitting in my chair, but my spirit moves to an unheard music. Unseen companions swim in the air.


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412. Soaring free I thank the many beautiful souls who have shared their Love and who had the courage to express their Truth and Be themselves. Can we do more than to fully Be Who we are? Each is a Leader who points the way forward, and who reveals another facet of the Self that we are. Beauty and Truth can be expressed in many forms. Glory to those who dare to live and who dare to realize their dream of life. Too many of us are just living mundane lives or struggling to improve our material circumstances. Our economic system exerts a pressure that is hard to ignore. But to those free spirits who dare to live, to explore, to dream, to love and to create their vision— glory and honor. Religious belief only gets us so far. We must trust our guiding spirit and go forth on our own. We are not really alone, of course, but for a moment it seems so as we leave our earthly confines and soar free in the sky of spirit.


413. On the mountaintop Jesus is giving us a “mountain top” experience of a connection with the Unitary Self within the seeming confines of our ordinary life. Our real life isn’t ordinary — we have just taken on the world’s belief. However, we can also release those beliefs — which is easier when we have an experience and an awareness of a different level of reality within the moment. Through the Heart’s portal we can find an access to the emerging Presence of the Self. This Christ Self is one with Jesus and provides an avenue of communion and communication. This communication is felt in the intuitive knowing of the Heart. It is a felt sense that we hear in the Silence within. This is a Wholehearted experience because our mental awareness has joined our Heart and is no longer in the separate ego mind. We all want a release from the pressures of daily life and we now have it. Any moment we go within and avail ourself of our access to Unity, we step into a different world and reality to the everyday world. Something New is here that can transform our life if we let it. This Energy is not an ‘it’ but an ‘I’ coming to awaken and free us. As we join it and share it we thereby assume our place in the creation of the New Millennium.

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414. The transition Jesus says that we are going through an in between time from our first experience of the unity and reality of the Self until our sustained identity as one’s Self. This period is characterized by moving from fear and doubt to certainty and Love; from the degeneration of the body to its regeneration; from functioning in time to functioning in eternal Presence in the moment; from the static linear world of the ego to the expansive creative reality of the Self; from an ego endeavor to control life to the Self’s acceptance of living by grace and the support of God; from conditional life to divine Oneness. Organic life proceeds by incremental growth. However the radical realization of who we really are and what we are awakening to exponentially expedites this process. It may still take us some time to fully release patterns of thinking and behavior that have characterized our entire string of incarnations. However, the interval will be relatively short considering everything. This is because Christ is now moving into the world and we are being lifted up to see and embrace Him Who is our Self. ACOL F7:1-21


415. Without thought It can be disconcerting to arise in the morning without a thought in one’s head. The ego believes that there is something important missing. All the seemingly important purposes seem to be in abeyance. Self doubt arises. And yet the Self is here. Unity persists and Peace pervades. This is the truly important thing. The problem was identification with the form rather than with the Self being in form. Empty and devoid of thought, the Self embraces all. What IS, is here now. The shift that needs to happen in humanity’s awareness will not happen as a result of better thoughts or efforts but by realizing that a Presence is now here to awaken us to who we really are and what is real. This is easier to discern from the Heart which is intrinsically integral to this Self. We could say Love is moving into our collective consciousness and awakening us to its eternal Presence as the One Self. Let us shift our awareness into the Heart and welcome our Savior Who is Us. We still can formulate thought, we are just using a different part of the mind that is the servant of the Self

202 Christ Self Reflections rather than the ego. Now there is no pressure, just the unfolding discovery of what IS.


416. Arise Accepting our Unity and identity as Self means we are also accepting our Oneness with Jesus as inwardly and in reality we share the same spirit and consciousness. He is endeavoring to awaken us to our true life and Self as this is the time of opportunity when we can all shift out of our false identification as separate ego and embrace our eternal Self and Christ. This is the time of collective resurrection. Our time in separation is over if we choose what is being offered us now. Let us understand the nature of this choice, which is not a choice for the ego, but to release the ego. It is not about enlightenment of our personal self, but the acceptance of the Light and Love within the Self who we really are. This choice means we are embracing the power that we have to create our experience and our reality. The world can offer but little resistance to a Power that says “Arise”. We each may now arise from our sleep of forgetfulness and awaken to Jesus’ call to join Him in manifesting the Kingdom of God. The world, in its suffering, cannot wait any longer.


417. Group initiation Esoteric teaching says that we are moving from a time of individual initiation to group initiation. The soul is group conscious which means the soul level is really a Unity. We may seem to have an individual soul only because the soul has been housed in an individual causal body on the mental plane. When that causal body is disintegrated at the Fourth Initiation or crucifixion, our consciousness merges with the buddhic plane as a Whole, as a direct manifestation of the spirit that we are. We are then identified as the One Whole, as spirit is One. As we identify as the Self, in relationship with others who are also doing likewise, what we share and extend together gradually extends our Self. That is how we manifest more and more of the spiritual potential that is the nature of our God Self. This is a collective process. Together we co-create the New Reality on Earth that is an extension of our Being, through that portion of humanity that

203 Christ Self Reflections is embodying Christ. The separate processes that characterized the Age of separation and the ego have been transformed to a group process reflective of the coming Age of the Unitary Soul.


418. A deepening authenticity I certainly don’t imagine that I am getting everything right as I speak. Intuitions and impressions may be incorrectly formulated into thought, and old ideas and judgements may intrude. However, I feel that as I practice listening within that over time I will become more transparent and more able to directly express and extend the Truth within. Perfection is just an ideal and therefore false. All we can do is Be our Self with as much authenticity and integrity as possible and trust that we are living as fully as possible in the moment. The moment is a bit like an onion with levels. As we fearlessly accept everything as it presents itself to us on one level, we become aware of more within. I’m sure it’s never ending. As we embrace and express more, we become more of what we already are. Everything is already part of us, as we are part of God, but we don’t realize that at first. As we come to realize this we come to live by grace and feel a boundless Reverence for the Infinite Life and Consciousness that is manifesting through the entire Universe, yet which can be contacted in this very moment and heard speaking to us. This may be beyond the capacity of our minds to fully comprehend, but we can try.


419. A new holism C. G. Jung, in his personality typology, defined the rational functions of consciousness as thinking and feeling, one of which was more dominant and used outwardly and the other used less consciously and more subjectively. In our thinking dominant culture, being thought oriented has been an advantage. However, we are shifting into a feeling dominant time, so being focused in the Heart will now be an advantage in aligning with the energy of the New Age. Jung’s irrational functions of intuition and sensation, can complement feeling by either unfolding the essence entailed in a feeling, or by an ability to give feeling an appropriate form or expression. The holistic aspect of Jung’s

204 Christ Self Reflections ideas further reflect the holistic nature of the Self, which is Whole and complete. The future will move to realize a holism that recognizes that everything is part of a larger Whole and has a necessary function to fulfill within the larger life of which we are a part. We won’t, as now, believe that one part — be it the mind, the will, or the body — is the best. Every aspect is good and necessary for the harmony and health of the individual and the collective.


420. Love, Truth and Power All of us in the world now who are wanting to serve, to lead, to educate and to create the New which will light the way forward for humanity are responding to our feelings of Love. Love Lights the way. Our feelings of Love are prompting us to express it in many different ways suitable to the place, time, interest and proclivity that we each have and to make our individual and unique contribution to the world. Let us realize the Power that we each have when expressing the eternal Truths of Love. As we align ourselves with the Truth, we align ourselves with the Power of that Truth which is our Power as we choose it. As we shift our focus from personal doubt about our ability to adequately channel the Truth we are in contact with, to getting clear about the Truth itself and expressing it, we become more effective. The Truth carries its own Power. We merely have to express it and leave the rest to God.


421. The saving Truth What is the Truth of the moment that will save humanity and fulfill God’s Plan? It is that we are more than the temporal personalities we have believed ourselves to be. We are part of God and may awaken to our divine Consciousness and Power that we share with God, as there is but One Life, Consciousness and Spirit within Earth. Expressing what we intuitively come to Know is a necessary aspect of claiming our Self and our Power, for Spirit is naturally Creative and would extend, unfold and manifest the Self’s Knowing. This Consciousness is Christ Who we may now embrace and share as our Self. To accomplish this we must release our ideas of how this should look and work and

205 Christ Self Reflections merely accept what IS now. This Being within the moment that we can be aware of is us, our Self. It manifests itself in our feelings, our dreams, our desires and imaginations of Love. Let us shift our awareness and identity to this Presence within now. The Time of Christ has begun!


422. A simple change One simple change in awareness will make our service much more empowered. This is that we are not working and striving as separate personalities endeavoring to understand and align ourselves with the Light. We are the embodiment of Love who must use the Light to express what we are remembering together. We are all part of the same Self, that we are becoming conscious of and sharing together. How does this change our effort? We shift from lacking to having; from uncertainty to trust in our feelings; from separation to innate Unity; from mental confusion to clarity. Because we realize that the fundamental process that needs to be realized is the fact of our shared Self that we are each opening to. The soul is not separate. We are entering a vast space filled with Love and Light. We are now where we’ve wanted to be. Accepting what IS here, expressing and extending it, will be much more effective than having to think out and work to make things happen. We can work as separate personalities in the old way, or we can realize that a new unified reality requires a different way of living, and being. This is living from within rather than without.


423. In the Heart cave When we meditate there is a common image of going within a cave high on a mountain where in the rarefied air above all mundane concern, we may look out over the world with a transcendent Consciousness imbued with Supernal Light. If we hold this vision, imagine turning around and noticing that everyone else is also in the same cave but each is gazing out through a different window to the world below. This cave is the common space of our shared Self consciousness that we thought implied separation because we each looked out through a different portal. The Truth is, the space of the Self is One.

206 Christ Self Reflections

When we go within to our sacred place, we are all going, unbeknownst, to the same place. When anyone speaks of their deepest Truth, it is our shared Truth discovered in the cave of the Heart that they are giving expression to. Let us realize that our Self is One and shared. Let us greet each other in the Brotherhood of Christ.


424. Peace Peace may not be the most exciting or dynamic quality but when one is embraced by Peace the mightiest thoughts and most profound emotions are quietly subsumed leaving the surface of consciousness undisturbed. Whatever bubbles up in the psyche dissipates. The programming that would react to happenings is disabled. We realize that nothing matters except that we believe it does. A deeper Oneness and Love predominates. Things still go on on the surface of life, of course, but everything is embraced by a Love moving within the moment. In Peace, it’s hard to even take the surface happenings seriously. We really want to go within, listening, feeling, surrendering and allowing Life to unfold and reveal what IS really here now. Now we remember the Self who we are. Now the mind has aligned with the Heart. Now we are no longer alone but part of the inner Consciousness of Life. Now we are and Life Is. Through a portal opening to the Infinite, God is looking back through us. We are One with God.


425. From duality to Unity Woman has been the jewel in the center of the lotus of the self, the font of love and life. Man has been the petals around that center, utilizing that love and life for the many separate ideas and intentions that he has embodied. Now is the time when we may unify and become Whole, accepting the love we all have within, claiming our choice to give it appropriate mental form and expression. Man, who has worshiped woman for the beauty that she embodies, must find the beauty and Wholeness of Love within. Woman who has worshipped man for his independent mind and will, must claim her own mind united to her will to Love. We move now from duality and separation to Wholeness and

207 Christ Self Reflections

Oneness. Let us share that Oneness with one another but no longer expect the other to provide our completion. We are all the same inwardly, although we will express this one Self differently. Humanity embodies the path of Consciousness and its creative expansion. Let us choose to be the Whole Self that we are and do the work we are given as the Creative Self of God.


426. The Unity of all Hearts When we go within, seeking the holiest and most eternally real place we naturally go to the Heart. The Heart is the center and indeed the source of our self consciousness. Love is the Force of Life Divine and the essence of who we are. Within the Heart we are nurtured, healed, energized and empowered. The Heart informs us of what is most important and meaningful. The Heart calls us to needed effort and purpose. The Heart will talk to us in a Voice that can be heard in the Silence — and we will do well to listen. The Heart is actually Conscious and holds our Self Consciousness — a Presence that Lives — and if we only realized, a Unitary Presence that moves in all Hearts for all Hearts are an extension of One.


427. Love embodied When I saw you and felt the love you expressed Every thought of mine felt pointless. All I could really do was to praise you And appreciate the beauty you embodied. You were conscious life living and new And the day and moment became an original creation. I was grateful to be in your presence In awe, actually, with how you could transform experience. Something inward and invisible could now be seen Something alive became more manifest and real. You just simply were your Self With no pretense or specialness. However, everything ordinary you touched became imbued With the extraordinary — with some enchantment you carried. Now I knew what magic really was Now the spiritual realm was manifest on Earth.

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You knew a secret we all must know You wielded a Power with gentleness and Love. When I looked into your eyes I saw spirit dancing And Joy enough to set the world aflame!


428. Moving away from judgement In the past I wasted a lot of conscious time. Thoughts, emotions and feelings were judged and ignored, repressed, or indulged in which resulted in an ongoing stream of consciousness, but with much wasted psychic material. Now I realize that the Self can consciously embrace it all in Love, and like a spiritual recycling plant, everything is utilized and new positive products come out on the other side. Seemingly negative states reveal hidden positive ones. Even the garbage comes out good. Positive feelings and thoughts are enhanced and extended. Fears, guilt, resentments and doubts once looked at in Love are resolved, leaving only Love and a clearer understanding of the intersection of the human and the divine. The end result is that I can be more fully present as I don’t judge what is here or fear it. I know Love holds the Power and the Truth to resolve every situation, and every uncertainty and bring forth Light.


429. Simply being There is no technique or method to living and being one’s Self. We notice it, we choose it and we live it. Developing an awareness of it takes focusing in the Heart and recognizing what is experienced. Choosing it implies realizing it is who one really is. Living it means releasing attachment to personal patterns of belief and behavior and trusting the Self for everything. We stop being who we thought we were and start being who we really are, which is living by a different law — the law of Oneness and the One Divine Life within all. We don’t have to understand it with our mind, we merely need to trust what we feel in Love and Oneness. It’s difficult to explain a fourth dimension to those living in three dimensions. However, our Being and demonstration will be persuasive, particularly if enough of us make the shift. There is a New Reality that is emerging into human awareness and

209 Christ Self Reflections presenting us with a choice we have never collectively had before. It’s a simple choice to simply Be.


430. Ending violence Rosenberg in his NonViolent Communication (NVC) clearly delineates how unconsciously violent judgements are that we habitually wield with one another. The separate ego mind automatically divides the whole of reality up into discrete parts/ thought forms and then projects these thoughts on to holistic reality — an intrinsically violent process. What is the alternative of the Self? The Self bases its vision on the Love intrinsic to it that we feel. Feelings that derive from Love establish a holistic space wherein we may function. “Your feelings of the Love of Self will be the new sense organs for your spacious Self Consciousness.” ACOL F12:2 Our consciousness, now centered in our loving feelings that embrace our experience rather than projecting separation, extends its Love to include all. The body and the ego rather than being the basis for our experience are subsumed by our experience of the Self which is no longer based on separation but on Unity. Listening with the ear of the Heart we now inhabit the sacred space of the Self and share the Unity integral to it with all. Love extends and unifies rather than thought’s separating. The mind united with the Heart serves the Self rather than the ego.


431. Thinking with Light The mind struggles without thoughts to be attached to and work with. It wants to think, to conceive, to formulate and create. However, the universal Light which pervades the Consciousness of the Self is devoid of form. This is the shimmering energy of the space of Self Consciousness that is also imbued with Love. This space is within all and embraces all. It is the ‘I’ of God and so also imbued with Divine Intention. When the eye of God looks through its Self, it sees and knows its Self and in the process manifests the potentials within its Self on the outer planes through which it experiences. In this process also, the outer lives are redeemed and resurrected and Divine Life that had been within those lives now consciously expresses through the outer

210 Christ Self Reflections forms. This vision, formulated in thought, is an attempt to use the Light to see. It can not be true without being united with Love which knows the Divine Intention. Love is Truth ever seeking to embrace, expand, create and experience more of its Self and the timeless dreams and possibilities imagined by God. We are at the beginning of a glorious New Age on Earth when we will fashion a New Reality from Light. This Light is a manifestation of the Love we feel that calls us to embrace the Divine within. This synthetic One Life has come to claim and reveal. What has been unseen within will be seen without and Earth will become a sacred place. Beauty will be revered and everything will be Good.


432. The need for change God has established that aligning with the spirit brings positive experience while denying the promptings of spirit in fear brings negative experience, pain and suffering. God has given us a natural inclination to avoid pain by understanding its cause and making changes to not create it. We also naturally are attracted to experiences that bring us joy, Love and satisfaction so everything tends to bring into line with God’s destiny for us. This works on an individual level when we analyze our psychology to understand how we are creating our experience so that we might create better what gives us joy and is fulfilling. The beliefs and programming in our minds create our experience and can be changed. This also works on the collective level to understand the causes of the widespread human suffering that exists on the planet that is caused by our beliefs, as these are institutionalized in the laws and systems we have created to order our economic, political and cultural affairs. If we would psychoanalyze our civilization, we would discover that it is based on many fallacious beliefs that may have been deemed legitimate in a world based on the fearful struggle for survival and dominance, but which are unsuitable for a future of peace and harmony. The current system is not sustainable or conducive for the general good and so must be changed by a collective realization and will. The insanity of the present system is all too obvious if one will read the news. The reforms necessary are being articulated by world servers. May the Light and Love prevail quickly to minimize the

211 Christ Self Reflections suffering that is now so widespread. Humanity cries out in agony, seeking help and redress.


433. Christ’s work — and ours Christ is our inner and eternal identity as the Conscious Self or ‘I Am’ of God, Who relates everything to God. Christ Consciousness is the awareness of what IS (of God) and the relationship that allows us to know that God is everything. Christ, as our accomplished Self, is already within us. He wills us to know His Self as Ours within all and know His Holy Relationship with God. We are One Self Who can only know our Self through sharing in Unity and relationship. The elevation of the self in personal form is the recognition of the One Self of God within all which would be made known. The Conscious Son links in relationship the Father/Spirit with the Mother/Creative Intelligent Matter in Oneness. The Conscious Self works to bring forth the spiritual seed of God within the forms of matter, so that the forms of Creation are gradually leavened and the vibrations raised. This results from the evocation of God’s Will combined with the White Magic of the Self to give it form and expression.


434. Improving our investments In writing, as in life, one will encounter blocks created by judgements about what should be or happen. The resolution is just to look at what is actually there in the Love and Light of the soul and to make the needed changes in understanding and attitude. Awareness of what IS, reveals the solution. Just as every moment is new, every situation offers us a choice of seeing and experiencing the free and unlimited nature of Being or not. ‘Not’ implies a personal attachment or investment in a belief that is not giving us a good return. We ‘think’ we are right, and are afraid of being wrong. In reality there is no right or wrong, just thoughts that only have the value that we invest in them. Better to invest in the Self that is free — free to love and live as moved to by spirit. Then the block and judgement are released and the moment is New and unalloyed.


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435. Living one’s dream We all are moved by dreams and though it may be but the most ephemeral urge, desire, idea or vision, it can totally transform one’s life if we believe in it. Without dreams to give meaning to life we merely exist, which the greatest prosperity cannot help. Dreams, like love are given to us by God to show us where we really need to go and what we need to realize. The dreamers in society are our teachers, leaders, and those who create the beauty we all need and appreciate. We each can be an artist by creating the life of our dreams. It will be authentic and a valuable service to society. When someone is living out their dream, they unavoidably release an energy that uplifts everyone around them. Realizing a dream may seem to involve sacrifice, but we all know it’s worth it. We’ve all dreamed of a better world, of heaven or our highest vision. It’s there within us now, waiting to be believed in and lived.


436. Healing acceptance Feelings of love are typically aroused by particular people, situations, ideals or events, but our love, like the sun’s light, must embrace all — the good and the bad, the beautiful and the ugly. The Self includes all and we cannot let fear of some particular keep us from embracing and accepting it in love. People and places in denial and fear also need love and acceptance. Love pervades the universe, but if someone denies love and connection in fear and separation it seems to create a void, in the experience of that person that only amplifies the fear. Let us be healers, embracing all in love, returning attack and judgements with acceptance and forgiveness. It’s not for us to try to break through other’s walls of separation. We must radiate the Light and Love that will demonstrate that it is safe to come out, to leave separation and join the celebration of a New Day of hope and opportunity for all on Earth.


437. I dreamed we awoke I dreamed we awoke— All the world together,

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And on that Day we were not alone, Each was arrayed in a natural splendor— As a passing dream the world we had known.


438. Love is silently succeeding People assume that the progress of civilization is measured by our increasing ability to understand and utilize nature to create a comfortable, safe and enriching life for all. To accomplish this we have to necessarily develop our minds, ergo the importance of education and scientific research. We have indeed come a long way in our modern technology with creating better conditions of life for many on Earth. This could be further improved by political and economic reforms to better share with the billions of people who as yet are not afforded all the benefits of our material progress. However, I have to feel that the real sign of progress has not been fully appreciated. This is our increasing attitude of love and respect for one another despite differences in language, culture or religion. This is despite the demonization and fear being promulgated in certain quarters in society. I have to feel that our inclination to love our fellow humans is stronger than it has ever been. Indeed people are more advanced in this respect than the global political/economic system that orders our lives. Love has slowly and inexorably permeated humanity over the centuries. Therefore outer change in our institutions must come to reflect this development despite the efforts by the few who control the present system. Love, the greatest Force in the universe, will prevail if we let it.


439. Risking love In any given moment we are experiencing inner feelings and thoughts. It takes courage to share these and let our companions know where we are at and what we are really about. We may fear the disinterest, judgement or rejection of others, or we may not feel sufficient love to bring others in to the sacred space of our inner Self. Love would extend Itself but we may fear the responsibility and implications of being fully present and fully expressive of all that we are in the moment. It’s much easier to hoard the gold of the riches within than to share. Just expressing

214 Christ Self Reflections through writing is not enough, for we are not sharing directly with others in the living moment. Truth is living, so it can only be fully communicated in a living moment. The mind gives form to Love but Love Itself is a Reality that can only be known through direct experience. When we fully share ourselves with others, we are sharing the Love that comprises our common Self which is much more important than the particular thoughts communicated. Let us take the risk to love and fully be our Self.


440. On the edge of the Unknown Continually forgetting what we have thought and known allows us to fully be present in the moment to the Unknown and what IS here now. This can feel challenging in groups as one can feel vulnerable without any ready thoughts to either defend or express oneself. We feel the Love of the spacious Self embracing all in Unity, but what this implies or how we can articulate what we are coming to know in each moment can feel more uncertain. We must be patient and trust and continue to stay attuned and listening. We are not obligated to say or do anything and must feel free to just authentically be our Self as moved by spirit. As we wait, what we need to share and extend will reveal itself. As we stay in the Heart, what we share must be loving and for the good of all. The New is continually revealing itself anew. We stand on the edge of the Unknown Future. As this is a future of Unity and Love, there is nothing to fear.


441. God Consciously incarnates As Jesus has said, although we all share the same Self, our interests, where we focus our attention, and how we express ourselves will vary. One thing that I am interested in is the nature of the Self as it presents itself to our awareness, which is almost like a substance and dimension of reality. This is a synthetic energy as it manifests an underlying Oneness that is more real than the outer forms it pervades. It acts to offer a Unity to the consciousnesses within those separate forms. Inwardly there has always been a unified dimension of life energy, but the Self energy is an almost palpable precipitation of this that seems to be emerging within the outer world now. Perhaps it is only

215 Christ Self Reflections accessible to humanity, however humanity can certainly extend it to the subhuman kingdoms. It is said that Christ now wields the Energy of Synthesis to resolve the duality and conflict that have plagued Earth and to create the coming Age of Unity, Light and Love. The Self is certainly a manifestation of One Consciousness that can synthesize all separate consciousness. As the Self is an extension of Christ Consciousness which is an aspect of God, we actually have a new divine energy moving into the outer world to transform it into a divine world, where God will Consciously incarnate.


442. Being inspired I’ve often felt that it would be wonderful to be able to be inspired all the time. Not just to live within one’s conditioned stream of thoughts and emotions, but to find that door to venture out of the ego into the infinite living reality within. There is such a door in our Heart. Passing through, our mind then can formulate the wonders experienced. Everything we’ve ever dreamed or hoped for is there and more. Peering into sublime Timeless vistas, we are awed and humbled. Spiritual Beings now become companions and collaborators in a divine Creation that we have a role in. Aligned with one’s Muse, inspiration sings.


443. The Son/sun and the personality The person is as the moon is to the sun — reflective of the Light of the soul but not its source. The personality likes to believe that everything is about him but it’s really not. The ego can even intuit or imagine some powers and capacities of God and mistakenly believe that it should have these — becoming enlightened, powerful, wise, creative and great. However, the person must realize that the lower must be negative or receptive to the higher. The individual must shift his allegiance to the soul or Higher Self and realize that this is actually who he is. It is the Self Who is Knowing, Powerful and Creative. The individual should not try, therefore, to imitate Christ but just to simply follow Him as He reveals Himself as the Self of each. As we gradually become who we really are by being our Self, we also embody Christ, Who is the One Self. What the ego imagines it needs from the

216 Christ Self Reflections outer world is really all within. The ego wants to get the reflection in form. It is chasing shadows in the world’s cave, while all along we may leave the cave and move out into the Light. Focusing on the unified Light and Love of the Self that are found within we will find that we can be this Self and emerge from the cave of the personality. Then we find that what we thought we needed we already have.


444. Accepting our resurrection Jesus, Who was resurrected, showed us that we too must be resurrected. We must die as the separate self and be reborn as the One Self. Christians talk about a second birth in Christ. This is not just becoming a Christ inspired person who now has faith in the Bible. It is more about becoming Christ identified by living as and in the Self. We do not have to wait until we physically die to experience the Heaven that the Self lives in. We can now bring Heaven or the spiritual dimension of divine Oneness, down to Earth. In fact, this is the Plan of God that requires our active participation as co-creators. We must see God in the world and in all we meet. We must hear Christ speaking to us in all we meet and respond to Christ and so awaken remembering in all we meet. Miracles will demonstrate that we are really all joined in One Self, Life, Mind and Spirit. The crucifixion is done, let us now accept our resurrection. Let us join our minds with the Heart.


445. Uniting in consciousness We don’t think we require our own sunlight or air in life — we realize that we share a common supply. Likewise we share a common Self, however we don’t realize this as are polarized in a separate ego. The energy of the soul is a unified field on the buddhic plane. This is the dimension of the consciousness of the Logos/Father that links and unifies the higher three planes of spirit with the lowest three planes of form — physical, emotional and mental. Consciousness establishes relationship between the God in form and the formless spirit of God. We are God’s Conscious extension into the outer universe. We share God’s creative nature as we are part of God, and here on Earth to

217 Christ Self Reflections manifest God’s Will and Plan on Earth, and to give form and expression to the New World that has already been created in spirit. We can do it because it has already been accomplished by God — we merely have to discover it, extend it, and be it. As this exists in the Unity of the Self, we must create what we share and come to know together. It is a manifestation of Oneness, so cannot be known or created by the ego.


446. How to Love We want to be loving and embrace one another with the Love of Christ but this is hard to do as the separate self. Everyone is doing and thinking so many disparate things, we are challenged to accept it all. This conflict serves to highlight our need to shift to the spacious Self who is not concerned with thoughts and the doings of the personality. Our focus then shifts from an unconscious attachment to the conditioned world of the ego’s concerns to the Peace, Love and Freedom of the One Self. We then discover that we were confused. We are not obliged to love and embrace anyone or anything— just our Christ Self. By trusting this Self we are guided to know the appropriate response in all situations. Listening within and sharing what we know and feel we let the Self determine what we express and extend. The world places an emphasis on thinking and doing but we place an emphasis on feeling, sharing and being. Let the Self show us how to Love.


447. Claiming our God given Power Up until now we have looked outside ourselves for the answers, support, wisdom and guidance we felt we needed. Now, however, we must learn to rely on the authority of our Self. We must learn to stand on our own, trusting in our intrinsic spiritual being. Releasing our hold on beliefs, ideals, teachers and traditions let us claim the power that we have to know and act that is given to us by God. Let us speak from the Heart without fear or reservation. The time to be circumspect and prudent has passed. Let us give a great joyous shout of freedom and free our voice to proclaim our truth. Let us join together in a growing

218 Christ Self Reflections chorus of song and celebration. Our day of deliverance has come and we may move forth now and claim our divine destiny.


448. The Way of Mary ACOL F19. Jesus has much to say that is revelatory about the Way of Mary which is the emerging divine prototype of incarnational creation in union with God. He contrasts this path with the complementary path of Jesus of individual expression of the Truth of the God in all. The Way of Mary is reflected in the expression, “Be the change that you want to see in the world.” Mary’s creation in life establishes relationships which express the divine. One’s path is the life one creates, lives and shares which is an extension of Love. One lives and embodies what one wants to become. One’s life becomes an example of union with the Whole. We might say Jesus expresses what he knows, Mary creates what she knows. The knowing of both comes from Union with God. “One makes the unknown known through individuated example lives [Jesus]. One makes the unknown known through creation of the new so that the unknown is no longer unknown but made available to be experienced. This creates a new pattern that begins to weave into the web of reality.” [Mary]. ACOL F19:12-13. The Way of Mary thus fulfills the Will of God for the co-creation of the New Reality.


449. The utility of need and suffering If someone is totally satisfied they are likely to be more complacent and less motivated to really understand what life is actually all about. Inwardly the ego is by its nature, anxious and uncertain, but this can be hidden through an outer pose or material comfort that seems to reinforce the ego. However, no matter how successful, until we are One with the soul, we are still confused and incomplete. Therefore need and suffering offer a real opportunity to break through the ego’s walls and reach the real self within. In these circumstances the ego realizes it has a problem and has to make some necessary changes. It welcomes the embrace of love that connects it to a larger community. In this regard, we often witness how healing times of crisis can be where people are forced out of their shells and into an embrace

219 Christ Self Reflections of common humanity. This time of crisis for the planet will force humanity to address the core beliefs that underly the system that is contributing to the widespread suffering. Individually and collectively we must open to and embrace our common life in love if we are to resolve suffering. We must move beyond a pattern of identity in separation to one based on Unity and the One Life and Self within all.


450. A Course of Love Jesus in A Course of Love presents a comprehensive Teaching and Path of Self and Christ realization. It is a Teaching that fully embodies the potential of the time we are living in which is the beginning of a New Age on Earth that is the fulfillment of religious prophecy. I thought it might be useful to see how the sections of the book fit together — (from my memory which may be imprecise). The first section on Love enunciates the Way — that of the Heart which connects us to the unitary Self. The next section on thought teaches how we use our mind which becomes a creative agent unified with the Self of Love. The section on Unity further amplifies the nature of the necessary experience of the Unity and Oneness of the Self. The section on the personal self enunciates what our view of the personal self, old patterns of thinking and the body should now be. The section on the New enunciates the result and purpose of Self realization — co-creating with God the New World destined for Earth. In the Dialogues, Jesus gives us an experience of the method of creation that involves sharing what we are coming to know as Self together. In the section on Forty days, Jesus helps us begin to live and put in practice what we have been beginning to be aware of, experience and live. This whole approach is based on our capacity now to touch the soul level directly and gradually shift from being separate personalities living in an artificially created civilization to awakening to who we really are as soul and then creating a new world from this.


220 Christ Self Reflections

451. From wanting and seeking to finding and having Whether we consciously admit it or not, we don’t have all the answers to the problems in the world or indeed to our own sense of longing and incompleteness. We may get what we think we want but it’s never enough for long. There is often emotional pain within if we would really dig down, and mental confusion if we would relax our self assured pose. In the past people relied on their faith in a higher spiritual truth, but that faith is being sorely tested in these days of a science which has only brought us more problems. Yet Jesus Christ Who showed us the Way two thousand years ago, still speaks to us if we would listen. As He taught the need for Love then, the Truth remains True. Only now, due to changes that have occurred, it is easier than it has ever been to become aware of and experience the Higher Christ Self within through shifting our focus to the Heart. Now is the time when we may awaken to our Self as soul and thus more than the incomplete person we have experienced ourselves to be. And with this revelatory awareness we move from seeking to finding and from wanting to having all that is intrinsic to the Self. This is the time of a collective second birth coincident with the infusion of Christ Consciousness into the world. This idea will never satisfy us but the experience will, if we open ourselves to the Self now present through the portal of the Heart. As we step through, we will be embraced in Love and have the Unity we have unconsciously yearned for.


452. A dissociative process What if we became dissociated from our personal identity but continued to experience the world through our senses? The facts of external reality would remain and we would still become cold, hungry or tired, etc., but our habitual pattern of engagement, interpretation and reaction would be severed. We would look at the world with only a clear mind and a loving heart. This change might not greatly affect how we experience nature but would probably change how we interact with one another. A simple greeting or question like “How are you?” would require a more authentic response and reflection than we normally give. It would become an existential question that challenges our understanding and our self identity. What are we trying to

221 Christ Self Reflections experience in life? What really is our life all about? We would still feel connections with others, but would be communicating on a different level of Wholehearted feeling. Because dissociated from our personal mind, we would still have feelings and these would provide the basis of our communication — feelings given form and expression by a clear mind. What do these say, mean and imply? We will have to find out.


453. Only One Relationship How many relationships do we have in our life? If we are Christ centered we only have One. Every relationship is an opportunity to embrace our Holy relationship with Christ within. No matter who we see or communicate with, we can always choose to commune with Christ Who is always within the moment and within every person and circumstance. It’s our choice to step out of whatever is happening on the surface of reality and put our ear to the ground of being and really listen with our Heart. We will not only hear what Christ is saying to us, but also the reply that we need to express back.


454. Our unique opportunity We each have our unique contribution to give to the whole. By sharing our experience of our authentic Self we strengthen the awareness of the Self in others. By sharing our authentic truth, we make the One Truth more real to everyone in whatever particular manifestation may be addressed. The goal is less the form that the thought takes but more the Self awareness and Self expression itself. To be our Self, we must express and share our Self to others who are actually part of the same Self. We bridge the separation created by the human form we live in. In this way we manifest and make real the potentials of Being and realize who we really are. This requires living it or synthesizing our awareness with life. The ego believes that the particular thought is the important aspect but the Self is concerned with expressing loving awareness. And although there is but One Christ Self, we all have our individual and particular way of expressing the intuitive knowing that is integral to this. Love creates a universe of Being.

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455. When all is Light

When all is filled with Light When radiance sparkles in the morning’s Peace When the blue sky is clear as a bell Sounding its Holy chimes When the mind no longer intrudes When the fullness of Now is all there is And remembrance returns to us Love is now all there is And a stairway to Heaven opens before us We needn’t leave this world— The Angels are coming here to join us!


456. Sharing feelings When we reflect on what moves us the most in our relationships I feel that it will not be about what people think but it will be about the feelings that they share. The ego is always wanting to talk about life from the outside, but the Self directly expresses its knowing from within its experience through its feeling in the present moment. When we share what we are feeling we bring Heart awareness to conscious expression. We are then in the flow of Love which is bringing everything to Love and to the shared Self. We may be interested in how this process of being our Self works by sharing our thoughts about it, but the most important thing is just sharing the Love as it manifests in our feelings in the moment.


457. The common denominator of Wholeness Jesus calls our Self the Common denominator of experience as It unites the seeming dualities — separation and Wholeness, time and eternity, mind and Heart, man and God, joy and sadness, etc — in Oneness. Each becomes part of the spectrum of Wholeness which can be experienced simultaneously. Everything that seems to oppose Wholeness can be integrated

223 Christ Self Reflections to one level and encompassed by Wholeness. All experience is possible in the freedom of the Self. Wholeness defines the Consciousness of Christ Who manifests and is known through separate human forms. We may identity with that Consciousness now and be the Self we inwardly are. In so doing, our humanity becomes the means of realizing our inner Oneness. This is now a choice.


458. Utilizing Wholehearted desire Desire is not to be renounced but to be used. Jesus calls Wholehearted desire the source of our power to join and become Whole. And unless we are Whole, we suffer, yearn, and are in distress whether that is conscious or not. No circumstance can long satisfy the deep yearning we all have to consciously reunite with our Source and become Wholly who we are. Therefore it is best to admit this longing and desire and to invoke it as a fire that will lift us up to Oneness. Thus the fire of the Heart merges with the fire of spirit as it moves through the resistance of form or matter. Desire is the Force God placed within us that will lead us Home however long the path. Wholehearted desire is conscious loving desire to be Whole.


459. Leadership Leadership is becoming less about outer power and control and more about being empowered to claim and express one’s own truth in whatever sphere one may be living and working in. Leadership is moving beyond fear and judgement by acting on our loving feelings. Leadership is about moving beyond separation and comfort to embrace others and the larger needs we have together. Leadership is about recognizing we are all part of one humanity and One Divine Life that requires honor, respect and care. Leadership is Love in action.


460. Creation All experience is a result of creation, which as far as humanity is concerned, comes from the interaction of the One Self with the

224 Christ Self Reflections individuated self. As long as we are just having the experience of life happening to us, we are not realizing how we are creating that experience. To know the One Self within is to know the Creator. Our experience is really our choice if we are conscious as the Self. The Self recognizes the Whole of Divine Life and Love that encompasses all, and therefore sees and invokes that in its experiences as the Self in form. As the Self gives reality to only what IS it only creates experiences of this. To deny Love would be to give reality to separation rather than Unity and Oneness. The mind at One with the Self only creates and extends like its Self. The Self in form allows the creation of the Self of God to manifest on the level of consciousness, which is the dense physical world of Earth for us. Creation, thereby, is experienced and manifested.


461. Ego belief Beliefs — particularly those we identify with and live out — are creative and result in experience that mirrors them, as the mind is the creative aspect. The ego results from belief in fear and separation but is much more than a simple belief — it is an internalized program of self identity that incorporates a number of related beliefs and dynamics built around fear and separation. As the ego is based on identification of the self with the separate body, it therefore denies the whole of its Self. This establishes a locus of identity in the concrete mind which then projects this negation inwardly as fear, doubt, anxiety and guilt, and outwardly as judgement, control, violence and attack. This ego program, whose goals are survival and happiness, then places primary reality on the concrete ‘ego’ mind and self will to realize its objectives.

The ego is like living in a glass house — the light and air of the encompassing Self flows through the house, but the separate self believes it is isolated. Realizing that one’s artificial reality is based on false assumptions can allow one an insight and motivation to step through the door and into the embrace of the larger Self that all along was the true reality of Life. Once this Unity is experienced, one needs to continually reject the habitual false mental assumptions, and programming. Separation is just a belief that can be denied and by doing so the creative mind

225 Christ Self Reflections becomes open to the experience of Wholeness. The glass walls are gradually dissolved and one lives in the free open space of Life, breathing in the Life giving air of spirit.


462. Transforming devotion Idealists can have a hard time adjusting to reality. They place primary emphasis on their wonderful ideals and beliefs but over time become unavoidably discouraged, as no matter how hard they try, the reality they experience is less than what they hope for. They may do much good in the world as leaders, inventors, educators or artists, but attempting to mold life into the forms of two dimensional ideas will always limit the holistic nature of reality. Likewise do our self image and personal ideals limit our holistic and living Self. The solution lies in shifting our devotion to the living reality of the Self as that is experienced in the moment, rather than our mental thoughts and ideals. When devotion is oriented to trusting the intuitive Knowing of the Unitive Self, then it is adapted to what is living and continually unfolding rather than something rigid and static as mental ideals are. Religious beliefs are symbols whose reality must be experienced. In this process we must place primary trust in our Self rather than in ideas about the Self and the larger Reality.


463. Accepting Jesus We may think we understand everything and are wise and knowing but unless we accept Jesus, we shall likely miss the spirit that connects us to the living Reality of the Self and Christ. Jesus has extended his spirit and consciousness to us so that we might come to know it as our Self as we share the same Self. He has shown us the Way and the Truth which is also ours if we choose it. Jesus is our teacher but also our brother in complete equality of spirit. He has realized his Oneness with Christ more than we have, but Oneness with Christ is also our destiny. Jesus shares the Unity of his Self with us so that we may also experience the Unity of the One Self we all share. This is not something outside of us that we are separate from — it is already who we inwardly are. When we hear his words we are connected to his consciousness and spirit and may commune in

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Unity with him. As we identify with the Self we shall be choosing Christ Who is the One Self in all. Jesus is demonstrating our resurrected Christ Conscious life and extending his hand to us so that we may do likewise. We cannot do it alone, but in Unity it is accomplished.


464. A consciousness for everyday We need a consciousness that is viable in all circumstances and situations — not just with our spiritual companions, spouse or lover. Such is the Self. The Self just accepts what IS. However, this implies that we needn’t feel obliged to comply with the expectations of others or the world’s norms. We needn’t arbitrarily defy these, but our primary reality is defined by the One Self. Choosing this, we will find that we are also supported in managing situations in daily life as well. And we will discover that we can maintain a dual focus. We can maintain a Unity Consciousness while acknowledging the separate personalities and concerns we encounter. As the Self supports everyone, other’s reactions to us and our perceived difference, will change as they realize we are embodying Love. Because we are no longer in conflict with our Self, we will demonstrate a peaceful energy that will be appreciated. Because we are fully present, we are able to cope with whatever is happening in the moment. There is no reason that Christ Consciousness cannot be lived all the time, as Christ is omnipresent. It takes practice to listen in the inner silence when surrounded by noise or hectic activity but it can be done. And it makes things easier and without so much effort. We can just trust our intuitive knowing without having to think or plan things out so much. Yes, the more we live as our Self, the more we will find that things work better and life is more fully and authentically lived and enjoyed.


465. Unity is here Unity is here all the time but we don’t know how to express it even if we do recognize it. We may feel a oneness in nature or a love that connects us to particular others, but a continual sense of unity is usually short lived. Because unity may appear as nothing special we may overlook it. Our expectations get in the

227 Christ Self Reflections way and we may be looking for something that feels more special, rapturous or exhilarating, when unity is usually plain and unadorned. When we do notice it we may not know how to put it into words. It may be a fleeting awareness that just as quickly is submerged by our habitual stream of thought and emotions. It’s an altered state that has a hard time competing with our entrenched mundane reality. Yet were we able to hang on to that sense of unity, and find the means to maintain it, we would be entering another more expansive world — one in which we are only limited by what we can dream. Unity is here now in this moment. Now we are no longer who we thought we were. Let us share our dreams of what life may be and really is.


466. Living in Christ If we identify with the Unitary Self or Christ, we are automatically in relationship with Jesus who embodies Christ as an individuated expression. If we maintain an identity with Christ Consciousness all the time, we create an experience of this all the time in all circumstances, as the creative mind that is one with consciousness creates experience that reflect that consciousness. In this we demonstrate the power intrinsic to us to create. We are the experience and the creator of the experience. The relationships of individuated being allow us to know our Self and manifest the Will and Being of God. We are now awakening to the possibility of establishing an identity based on the One Self instead of a separate self. The physical body won’t change but the consciousness expressing itself through it will. Instead of going to the ego mind to understand, we will go to Christ Who knows all. As Christ is our Self, we are attuning to what we really know, see, hear and intend. By sharing this we extend our Self to others who also share it. Jesus has begun this process for us but now we can continue it together. We will consciously extend Love and build the network of Love and Light which will manifest the unified reality of the kingdom of the soul.


467. Overcoming fear Love overcomes fear. As Love is the ultimate Reality, we could say understanding Reality overcomes fear. Or realizing the One

228 Christ Self Reflections

Reality of Love overcomes the fearful illusion of separation and vulnerability. Or Eternal Reality overcomes the fearful belief in vulnerability. Or the spiritual impulse to express Love overcomes the fearful belief that there may be bad consequences from expressing something Good, True and Beautiful. When one identifies with the Whole and the Love it embodies, the free expression of the spirit must extend that Love. Fear does have a role as it accentuates our need to extend Love and overcome all illusory obstacles to realize Oneness. Fear was built into matter. However, our resurrection transforms matter.


468. The Divine marriage In the Divine marriage of being and form, consciousness and matter, humanity is the evolution of consciousness and the devic evolution is intelligent living matter. The devas provide the vehicles for consciousness to manifest on all levels while humanity ultimately connects intelligent matter to its source and thereby lifts its vibrations. Our Triune God manifests as a duality that expresses a Oneness. Intelligent creation is a manifestation of the Mind of God that is connected to Spirit by Consciousness. Consciousness is the magnetic field or space that links. Being and form are Holy Relationship when the Purpose of God is realized in extending and manifesting the Oneness of God and His Plan.


469. Living matter Men have confused women with angels or devas. Women have naturally embodied more feminine, receptive, loving qualities of creative life than men, but must also integrate their masculine active will and mind and become whole and not subject to men. The soul has both masculine and feminine qualities and to be fully our Self we must embody both. Then we can establish a true partnership where each contributes to realizing the Whole Self both share. Devas are subject to human will, but this should be based on the Higher Will and Purpose that is for the good of both humanity and devic life. Devas express life, light and joy, while humans express love, will and freedom. It’s a beautiful and complementary relationship.

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470. Yoga Yogas are methods of union or integration developed in the East. These vary depending on the area of experience that is focused on: Agni (spirit), Raja (mind), Jnana (knowledge), Karma (service), Bhakti (emotional), Hatha (physical), Laya (chakras). Raja Yoga has been the highest and responsible for the enlightenment of the mind epitomized in Eastern religions, but Agni Yoga pointed to the yoga of the future for the West which will involve identification with the Whole. This has not truly been fully possible until today, as the underlying energy of the One Synthetic Self has not been directly accessible. Now, however, it is and it is possible to live while aligned and identified with Christ as this is the time of the Presence of Christ emerging into the world and into our awareness. This new practice doesn’t require the austerities and struggle of the traditional yogas, but merely requires that we access Unity with the Self through the Heart, and then in total trust and Love, to share and extend our Being and its intrinsic Knowing with others who are doing the same. We don’t try to become Whole as separate personalities, we open to and accept the Wholeness that is already here within the moment. We live by the Heart’s intuitive Knowing as moved by Spirit. There is no thinking involved, the mind now one with the Heart, merely formulates and extends what IS. By humanity’s adoption of this new Way, will the New World be created.


471. Holy relationship In the special relationship of love there is something specific that the other has to do or be, to gain or give us the love we want. In the Holy relationship of Love, they don’t have to do a thing and Love embraces us regardless. We give and receive Love regardless of what the other does when we experience and share the Self who we are. The Holy relationship sees all the world embraced in Holy Love and Light. Why would we need someone to fill a lack when there is no lack? In the Holy relationship we recognize that we share the same Christ Self and thus are intimately and eternally One. Whether the other person believes this doesn’t affect its reality. Special relationships attest

230 Christ Self Reflections to a belief in separation and maintain separate identity. Gladly, we don’t have to pretend and play that game anymore.


472. Embodying Christ Realizing that we have a connection and relationship with Jesus is to accept that we have a relationship with Christ Who connects us and Who is the bridge in all our relationships. As we only exist in relationship we always have a connection to Christ Who is the One Self we all share. We may choose to see and experience that each is an extension of our common Self and when we do, we are embodying Christ. We may now directly embody Christ which is no different than being our real Self. We no longer have to feel dependent on anyone else to make the connection. Christ is now directly accessible. So when we relate to Jesus now, it is with the realization that we are United and share the same Self while being different expressions of it. What this implies is a shift to living from a different level of being — a unified rather than a separated level. This small shift changes how we relate to everything. Rather than relating based on assumptions of separation, we relate based on an experience of Unity. If we no longer use the separate mind to determine what’s real, we can learn to use the Wholehearted mind to express what the Self feels and knows in the relationships that link us. We begin to function from Unity or Christ Consciousness. Which is simply a matter of sharing what IS experienced now in the moment of Unity. This is extending creation of what we feel, think and know in the relationships that we have. By doing so we each become the bridge between God and man, eternity and time, the known and the unknown, the present and the future.


473. Christ Consciousness Jesus defines Christ Consciousness as “the awareness of existence through relationship— a relationship that allows the awareness that God is everything.” ACOL F:40:14 Christ Consciousness is the ‘I Am’ of the One Self of God we are all a part of which is based on Love. This Consciousness is only experienced in relationships with others who are likewise part of the same Self. It is “Oneness in relationship with its Self that

231 Christ Self Reflections allows God to know God.” This is the relationship to Love. However, beyond this Consciousness is the Unknown Spirit and attributeless Love and Being of God, which is progressively Known, embraced and extended by Christ Consciousness. The Son creates with the Mother what becomes known through relationship with the Father. Christ Consciousness is both the ends and the means and the beginning of the Creation of the New World. Jesus in showing us Who the Son of God is, is showing us who we really are and what we need to realize and extend through relationship with each other.


474. Not by the mind, but by the Heart now When we are working toward our goals we are in our minds and thus not fully in the present moment. Only the present moment and what is here now as we open to the Heart’s Unity holds the answer to the dilemma of our existence and the problems of the world. Working to realize an idealistic vision has its place, but the future will not be created out of our ego minds but rather created from the Heart’s Knowing as that is experienced in the living Now. Spiritual idealists are holding aloft a new worldview and aspire to enlighten us, but the Heart is already enlightened. The doorway to the future opens now through what we are feeling and experiencing in the Self we are becoming aware of. The mind demands will, effort, discipline and struggle over obstacles. The Heart knows that these are mind created issues and holds open the door to a Life unfolding in Oneness and Peace that is already here, waiting to be lived and shared. If enough of us can demonstrate this new way of Being — living as soul and not as personality — the new choice mankind has now will be seen to be a viable new way and a Heart centered culture will arise. Christ’s return will hasten this planetary transformation that is part of the Plan of God. Civilization on Earth will be no longer based on separation but will be based on Unity with God and the Divine Life within all. Thus we must move out of our locus in the separate mind and become centered in the One Heart. Christ embodies the Consciousness and Heart of God and is now extending His Presence into our awareness that we might recognize it and choose it. This entails choosing our Self for we are really part of Christ. Let us step through the Heart’s portal now and trust the Love and Spirit within to guide us into the

232 Christ Self Reflections destined future. We will create this by sharing our Being as this unfolds in the eternal Now.


475. Surrendering to Love Imagine living in Love all the time. Imagine always seeing the world bathed in the Light of Love. Imagine always loving all you meet. Imagine a Love so strong that it can easily embrace any fear or negativity. Imagine Love streaming through the universe from the inward Heart of God Who has created it all. Hear the Heavenly strains of Love from the timeless realms of spirit. Feel the movement of Love within in you now that you would give voice to and act on. Become aware of that Self Who embodies all Love and accept Christ now. Surrender to this Self Who gives you your Self and your Life which is now yours. And begin your new Life as One.


476. Listening within Jesus Christ says He is speaking to us in every moment. ACOL A1:39 We hear Him when we hear our Self. We encounter Him in what we feel and what we are coming to know by listening within. As we share the same Christ Self with Jesus we discover who we really are by discovering our Self. Through expressing and extending it we make it real to us. By living it we become One. Jesus can speak to all at once as the Self is everywhere. There is but One Self of God and we are all part of it. Thus we are really the Consciousness of God or Christ in manifestation. As everything is part of God, so are we living in the Mind of God, making it known as we discover it. We can now begin to stand in Christ with Jesus and the spiritual Masters. Let us listen with the Heart and then add our voice to Creation.


477. The Sacred Heart When we enter the portal of the Heart and let the fire of divine Love bathe us we enter the Sacred Heart which Jesus and Mary have pointed to as our essential need and nature. The One Heart emits a Fire and Energy from an inner dimension of Life

233 Christ Self Reflections that we may now choose to embody and live. This is Christ Self awareness. Let us share this Self and what we desire to extend and create from this awareness.


478. Suffering and choice We believe that if we choose Christ we will loose our self, our personal desires and life, but we will actually loose nothing — rather we will become who we really are. Our separate thoughts and desires only lead us into suffering. Our desire for Oneness in Christ only leads us into Peace and the larger Life. If we look at the pain and suffering that we have experienced, it has invariably been created by our attachment to a separate agenda for our life. Yet if we would open our heart and mind now to the Self that is here, we would realize that we are not lacking, but rather are complete. Let us give thanks for the blessings that we continually have from God. Let us choose Christ and be at Peace. This begins by experiencing an awareness of the Unitary Self that is here now that we connect with in Love.


479. Acting on trust It’s amazing that from the smallest germ of an idea one’s life can be totally transformed if the idea is believed in and acted on. This may be a vision of what one wants to do or be, that may be completely different than one’s present condition. We take the will, faith and ingenious effort that humans demonstrate almost for granted without fully appreciating how incredible this spiritual capacity is. Likewise, when we touch the soul we sense the possibility of a new way of being in the world that may not make sense to the ego, but if we have trust and begin to live by this inner sense and intuitive knowing, our life will also be transformed as surely as if we had moved to a new life in another country. To step into the unknown takes faith and courage, but moving into the New Country of Love and Unity we move out of the world of fear and separation that restricts us. Our efforts to make this shift reinforce each other and before long the new normal of Oneness and creative Being will be established. By living as the Self that we are, we manifest it and make it real to each other.

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480. Finding the answer Science doesn’t have any answers to the ultimate questions about life, but the wisest people who have lived on the planet — people often with supernatural powers that defy science — have spiritual answers. Throughout history people in all cultures have experienced the miraculous in various ways that justify our faith in a spiritual dimension. Just because we can’t empirically test it doesn’t imply that it is not real for we cannot see our thoughts and emotions and yet we often give these more reality than things we see. The spirit world is no different — it just requires experience of it. However, we are actually having that experience all the time but don’t realize it. Because our consciousness — our awareness or ‘I am’ — is actually part of our spiritual nature. Just because we don’t believe that as we direct our awareness toward the everyday world, doesn’t change the reality of it.

How might we change our understanding of our consciousness so that we might realize its true nature? By directing our awareness in love toward the ‘I’ or the knower rather than the objects that are being known or perceived, we may become more aware of the spiritual nature of consciousness. If we utilize the Heart space we may become aware of the Presence of the Self within. It’s like turning the radio dial and picking up a new station. We will have to get used to a new language that will be heard in the wordless Silence. But if we listen with the ear of the Heart, we will soon experience an intuitive Knowing that comes from a level beyond the mind. And as we share what we feel, we will make it more real and understandable to us.

The first discovery is that no matter who we relate to, we have a loving connection and commonality with them despite outer differences in culture, race, gender or belief. A second discovery is that we really are less interested in the superficial and outer aspects of life, than in the phenomena and miracle of consciousness itself. What does it imply or lead to? It’s something like waking up. Now that I’m awake to who I am as a spiritual being, what’s next? How do I share this experience? To be continued....


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481. Opening to what IS now In the past I explored the world, now I sit in my chair and direct my awareness within. Then I sought love, now I endeavor to express the love within that is always there. Then I felt separate and apart, now I endeavor to stay connected and in unity. The understanding I sought, I feel I have attained through Theosophy. The Oneness I sought, I am gaining through Jesus Christ. I can now live in Peace and Love, and open myself to the inner Reality of Life. I am still exploring but in a different direction, moving through the doorway in the Heart that leads to Life in the Now without the preconceptions of the mind. This feels like waking up to another level of existence where we have our real Being and all share the One Self.


482. Strains of bliss Who has not felt, as dusk falls, despite feelings of happiness and contentment, a longing for some nameless but remembered eternal bliss beyond the world. It’s as if the human being can only bear to hear distant strains of a heavenly chord but never the full measure. Can we tolerate a Love that embraces all the suffering in the world? Can we accept a Light that dissolves every human conception of difference, limitation, form and time? If we could only finally stand in the Presence of God and experience the Divine Fire that is our Source. We unconsciously yearn for this homecoming and consummation. Let us move steadily forth in the Light and Love that now shines on us. On the horizon the Light of Heaven can now be seen.


483. Being here now All the wonderful ideas of philosophy and religion are of no matter if one can’t be here now. One must be able to dive into the present moment, forgetting everything to actually find the treasure spoken of by the sages and saints. Although, God, being everywhere, must be in our minds, we will meet Him directly in the Heart that we share, as it is actually His Heart and His Consciousness. This is the Self discovered in the present

236 Christ Self Reflections moment. This is the Love embracing us. Forgetting everything we thought we knew, let us open to what IS here now within the Heart as we would open a treasure chest filled with golden riches and jewels. The seeds of timeless truths, images, visions and dreams are each portals to divine vistas of supernal beauty. God is offering these to us now but we must release our hold on the tawdry bling of Earth to take them. The divine treasure exceeds our imagination. Let us dive in and share what we find. We are meant to.


484. Moving beyond a world based on denial Psychologically it is said that anger derives from our judgements or expectations that we project on others and the world. When these are not met we can feel anger. Jesus says that anger is more deeply derived from our investment in the ego and its built- in assumptions about reality, which is a denial of the Self. This investment assumes that we live in an ‘if this then that’ world and must earn whatever we want to get. As the ego believes it lacks and that its needs are met from without, it assumes that we have to work and earn a living to get its survival needs met. We have an unconscious anger related to buying into this and thus denying the Truth of our Self. We can use this understanding to become aware of the ego’s nature and who we really are by comparison. Trusting and becoming the Self means freeing ourselves from the ego, its dynamics and beliefs. It implies moving toward a reality of Love where our needs are met by virtue of the nature of the benevolent universe in which our Self resides. Let us move beyond a world of fear, denial, anger, lack and obligation that is the ego’s. We then move beyond the world’s rules, and claim our Self.


485. Finding God Modern man doubts the existence of God and thus the possibility of knowing God. And polarized in his separate ego mind he cannot know God Who is experienced only in Oneness as the One Life, Spirit and Consciousness within and encompassing all. However, through the Heart Consciousness, which is actually One in all, we can know God Who we are part of. Little as we

237 Christ Self Reflections realize it, our separate consciousness actually derives from and is split off from the One Self as a mirror reflection created by acting against our One Self that we share with God. As we rejoin our Self, we will again feel our Unity with God Who is the Ultimate Reality that has created and Who contains the universe. God pervades all and thus is always here now within this very moment. We cannot help but experience God although we don’t know this until we reconnect in Love with the One Consciousness of God or Christ Who resides within our very Heart. God is looking through us into the world that He has created for us, as a wondrous garden to be planted with the divine seeds He has for us. In this outermost place, He is creating a beautiful garden world we will cultivate for the benefit of the cosmos we will soon be a conscious part of.


486. The self/Self confusion When spiritual people realize that they have an immortal soul or Higher Self that has spiritual qualities, they still have a tendency to think that by mimicking or by acting as the soul that they will be the soul or Self. However, the personality must surrender to the larger Self and then let that Self Be. The self doesn’t become the Self, it stands aside and lets the Self express its nature and knowing. Therefore anything controlling or arrogant is coming from the self. It is not the self who knows, but rather the Self. One’s self will needs but surrender to Self will. Efforts to control are typically signs that self rather than Self is being identified with. When we are coming from our head rather than our heart, the separate personality is on stage. It may be doing an excellent job of speaking under the influence of the soul, but it is not the Self that is directly speaking. However, now we have the opportunity to be authentically our Self. Let us as self step into the Heart, greet our Self in Love and allow this Self to freely Be.


487. Giving thanks for the miracle of God’s Love I have sometimes thought that I haven’t experienced miracles but when I reflect on my life I realize that I have actually been saved from the dire circumstances that I put myself in many times. Occasionally this salvation has really been miraculous but

238 Christ Self Reflections at the time I just took it for granted and didn’t fully appreciate its unusual nature. Spirit is with us all the time but we don’t usually notice — as spirit is our eternal essence we unconsciously take it for granted whether we believe in it or not. It’s like the atheists who disbelieve in spirit while all along displaying spiritual faith in beliefs that can never be proven. Or people who do not profess a belief in the afterlife yet waste their ‘one’ chance at life in trivial pursuits because they know on a deep level that they are eternal. Or people saved by ‘pure luck’. And we aren’t even mentioning the many blessings that ‘just happen’ to come our way. One misses the evidence of invisible spirit if one isn’t looking for it. However, when we look we will see that we are carried, supported and nurtured by God. Let us give thanks for the miracle of life and the continual Presence of God within supporting, loving and guiding us.


488. Living in a New moment Our concrete mind is linear and entrapped by time. However, the Self isn’t and experiences each moment as a new opportunity to create its dream. Connect with that awareness that is qualified only by Love and Unity. Forgetting personal history, regrets, emotions, dramas, etc., just open to the unblemished Now. Everything we have ever really longed for and desired is actually here, waiting to be expressed and realized. That may not seem possible, but the Self is a miracle worker. Surrender to Love and give thanks that everything we have wanted to express and Be can now be expressed and shared in this experience of Oneness. Forgetting the world and time, the real world of our Self and our dreams arises from within. It’s always been there, but we ignored it. Now, however, we may Live in it and begin anew.


489. The advancing Host Is it possible to be in two places at once? This is not difficult for the Self who is not restricted by space or time. I can be sitting in a winter room while at the same time reveling on a Spring lawn with my brothers and sisters of spirit, as we welcome the New Age of Love and Harmony. Strains of music are wafting on the

239 Christ Self Reflections fragrant breeze and all is Joy and Peace. This music is even now moving through the world, awakening all to a New Day and a New World. The call of Spirit and Brotherhood resounds through creation. The army of the Lord awaits the Word. A Ray of Light unites the Highest to the lowest and in a consuming moment everything is New. We are hearing the music of the advancing Host. The world awaits, tremulous.


490. A wind shakes the world A wind shakes the world. There are crises and wars, disasters and outrages. Leaders struggle to craft solutions while the people rise in anger and revolt. Little seems to work as it once did. The old system appears doomed. Fear sweeps up many. However, as we reach out to help one another, somehow there is hope. As we recognize our common plight, and feel a connection with one another, a light can be seen and a way forward. Taking stock, we realize that there is actually enough if we would change our ways, share and cooperate. Life doesn’t have to be a fight for power and possessions. The old attitudes are not sustainable. Our leaders have only represented the vested interests. However, now we begin to see through the lies and the manipulations. Only as one humanity can we create a future that will work for all. Only with respect and Love for the divine in all life, can we preserve this world.


491. The touch of Love The ego mind likes to compare to assess value. We can do that too. Remember a time that Love awakened you, opened your eyes and turned you around. Now think of some mental accomplishment you are proud of. Which experience is a doorway to a larger living life and which is a static thing, sitting on your mantle gathering dust? You might be proud of that thing you thought, created or did, but it doesn’t take you anywhere. Love always leads us on to more. When we touch Love, we connect with an energy that takes us, if we would follow it, into the timeless living center of all Being — into eternal realms beyond conception. We may just briefly touch the fringe of the divine garment, but there is also Its Creator. Cherish these

240 Christ Self Reflections moments of Love when we unknowingly experience the Angel’s touch and a path of Light to the Eternal Divine.


492. Not alone God’s mill grinds fine. Yesterday I was not my Self, and the day passed in shadows. Today I am and it’s as if I never left. Perhaps I had unremembered work elsewhere, in another sphere or dimension. As in sleep, we often have our learning and tasks — it’s not all wild fantasy — that we return from. However, without our Self, life is not the same — a dance without music we move to alone. It’s a trial and perhaps we are better for it. But I prefer today, when the sun is shining and all’s right with the world.


493. Living by Love The mind becomes easily fixated and assumes certain particular things are most important. It locks us into a particular world view, belief, occupation or place. It assumes some things are better than others. The Heart opens the door and says: be free, enjoy. Nothing is obligatory, nothing is compulsory. You are the master of all you survey. Relax, celebrate, sing, build, love, write, create, nurture, play or whatever you desire. It’s not hard work — that time is over. Now we just do as we are given to by spirit and everything unfolds in harmony, all needs are met, and nothing is lacking. It’s hard to believe it at times, as this is so different from the way things used to work. However, as we are living from trust rather than the programed mind, it’s all OK. Others may not believe us, but that’s OK. Eventually everyone will realize that living by Love is not only possible but the only future we really want.


494. Signs and changes When we are young, we look outside ourselves for our needs and for the answers that will define who we are and what we are to do. When older, we can become more inner directed, although that will also be in relation to the milieu we inhabit. It’s harder to transcend our time and place but the soul does and so great

241 Christ Self Reflections souls have risen above their time and created effects that reverberate long after they have gone. A period in history is shaped by the larger forces of the universe that play upon it. There are cycles and influences as certain as those of the sun and moon although their effect is more subtle. Modern art, for example is in disarray — dissonance prevails and intellect. But in 2025 when the Fourth Ray returns, the new archetypes and patterns will become known on which art can be resurrected. Religion, likewise, has waned and is not directly relevant to modern psychology. Faith in ideals doesn’t answer our need. However, even now a new energy is emerging into our collective awareness which brings with it an awakening to who we really are as soul, that will answer our need. This is what, consequently, the New Millennium will be about. Ages have come and gone on the Earth, but this cosmic moment is a transformative birth long awaited. Let us open our eyes and see the signs.


495. Becoming Whole What do we need the most now, but to become Whole. Many think they are whole but are really identified with their mind and body and imagine that they are a separate personality, defined by their conditioning and circumstances. No, I mean consciously identified with the Self that we are all part of and aware that our Life is One. To be Whole is to have our locus of will and Consciousness outside the ego mind — and in the Self. To be Whole then implies including all within one’s Self and of not excluding anything. We embrace all in Love and yet are free to express, extend and Be exactly who we are. Nothing is outside of us as we are part of God Who encompasses all. In this moment we may move toward Wholeness by allowing the Love that we embody to accept, embrace, heal and transform everything within the sphere of our experience. Surrendering to this Love, we are transfigured and resurrected. We become Whole by choosing to consciously extend the Love that we are.


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496. Christ Self? I’ve been told that ‘Christ Self Dialogue’, isn’t the best name for the blog, which has resulted in this book. Perhaps better would have been ‘Higher/spiritual/divine/inner Self’. Higher Self or soul, however, could still imply a separate self. Although this word Christ has been overused and overloaded in Christianity, I want to use it because where “any two are gathered together, there am I”. These reflections are part of a dialogue that I am having with Jesus Christ and with you, so it is only appropriate that Christ be referenced. I am not writing in separation as these feelings, thoughts and ideas only come to me when I am connected and centered in Unity. Our experience of the Inner Self within is the first step in our relationship with Christ Who connects and unites us all in Oneness. I may not articulate all the impressions correctly and may unavoidably add some personal thoughts, but I am trying. Christ is the Consciousness we all share in, knowingly or not.


497. Sharing One Self Imagine everyone in the world using the same mind, speaking from the same Self. We would not be identical clones of one another, for the One Self Consciousness can be expressed in an infinite variety of ways. Water is one but each snowflake is unique. The human being, proud of his belief in his separate self, rebels against the idea that he may, in fact, be a separate expression of a unitary being. However, this Unitary Being is God. And with God’s nature come God’s attributes, which we would be glad to realize that we also possess. We will gratefully trade these for the struggle, fear and inevitable disappointments of human life if we knew that we could. To do this however, we must accept, embrace and love all creation, as God does. We cannot just pick and choose the bits we like. We must accept and love our entire experience, for we remain eternally more than that and untouched. We are the Self, aware now in the world to bless it and redeem it. Joining with one another we acknowledge that we are joined already in reality as extensions of the same Self. Christ is now coming into this world and we are an integral part of this process as we accept Christ Consciousness as ours.

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498. Co-creating a New World Peace is ours, if we don’t choose the ego and conflict instead. Unity is ours if we don’t choose separation and attachment to separate thoughts, emotions and intentions. However, the seeming emptiness of the spacious Self takes getting used to. It’s easy to allow awareness to revert to habitual patterns and get caught up, attached and identified. However, if we just stay peacefully centered in the mindful Heart, intuitive Knowing will arise. We will begin to notice impressions, visions, desires and intentions. Ideas will come to us. Spirit will move us to create, share and express. In this vast field of Lighted Love and Living Being, God has planted the seeds of New Worlds of supernal Beauty. Let us discover this treasure and by sharing it, do our part to co-create and manifest the New World destined to appear on Earth.


499. The power of Love What is the motive Force that drives all Creation? Love. This Power and Energy underlies evolution and drives all seemingly separate lives to consciously return and reunite with their One Source. All the thoughts, actions and inventions ever expressed by mankind have Love as their impulse and rationale. However, evoking Love itself is the most direct Path. Let us therefore honor the Heart from which all that is good springs, and daily cultivate the Heart’s Love which would come forth and be known and expressed. Let us recognize that Love holds the answer and is the savior. Let us align our focus with the Heart that encompasses all, realizing that it is also ours. Focusing our awareness on what Love wants to express through us, we can expedite Love’s purpose as we cooperate with it. Let us Love as we are given to and be grateful for the blessings.


500. Let us accept Jesus Christ Jesus reminds us that we cannot realize Oneness and our spiritual destiny by our separate efforts. We must “resign as our own teacher” and let Jesus Christ reveal our accomplishment.

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We can only realize this in Unity, so being in a unified state where we are One with the Whole is a prerequisite. “Means and ends, cause and effect are the same” as Jesus says. This unified Self is already here and merely needs our recognition which Jesus can help us achieve by extending His Word, Consciousness and Love to us, as we inwardly already share these with Him. He is helping us remember who we are. He is reaching out His Hand to us now. Taking it, we will realize that we are One with Him and share Christ Consciousness together.


501. The end of separate thinking That we conceive of the return of Christ as a separate person merely shows that we are still identified in our separate minds and therefore are projecting this assumption on the world. Yet Christ is here now, and may be experienced as an awareness of the Self who we are as we join in the Heart. The return of Christ may be better conceived as the awakening of humanity to the One Consciousness of God Who has ever been within and the realization that we are a part and an extension of this Self Consciousness. Thus we join in Wholeness with the One Life, Mind and Spirit of God. Christ’s emergence into the collective awareness of humanity signifies the resolution of the duality that has been the cause of the suffering on Earth, and the conscious manifestation of the Divine. This will result in Earth becoming a sacred planet whose outer form will transparently reflect the inner Purpose and Plan of God/Logos. The false separation and will of the ego will be resolved and overcome. Let us realize that all thinking in terms of separation whether of person, place or time, is of the ego and no longer viable. Wholeness is now accessible as we join with Christ in the One Heart and share this Love with each other.


502. Floating free in the Self space As the ego was created by willfully denying the Wholeness of its Self, it has to continually repress awareness of this ongoing fact to maintain its separate reality. In this process it naturally is enmeshed with the beliefs and emotions that derive from this creation of a split-off self. What would happen if this ongoing

245 Christ Self Reflections attack on the Self ceased? I feel it would be like a sudden experience of weightlessness, which would leave the thoughts, emotions and body harmlessly floating adrift in the space of the Self that surrounds the previously gravity cohered personality. The context of weightlessness in space would free the individual and his thoughts from the reality previously given and also allow one to notice, with a suddenly expanded awareness, the encompassing space. The importance of the thoughts related to the gravity world of the separate self would no longer be relevant. New awareness arises as space, which had heretofore been considered a ‘nothing’, is now realized to be permeated with Life, Consciousness, Love, Light and Intention. This can happen as we step back from the person we thought we were and allow an awareness of what is really here now to become conscious. We realize space is filled with a Presence and a Knowing that we can express.


503. Greeting the Self in each Let us acknowledge that we share the same divine Self. When we greet each other, we meet and greet our Self. Let us open to and express the Love that flows through us. Let us be willing to share the ideas and visions that come from listening to the Heart. Let us work together to create the dreams that come to us. Let us realize that in doing so we are extending God’s Plan for Earth.


504. The coming sea change Our culture must come to a tipping point where a sea change will occur where our locus of reality is. Our reality has been determined by our identification with the separate ego self and with its concrete mind that is projected on to external reality, giving the world the ego’s meaning and interpretation. Now, moving into our awareness from within is the Unitary Self of God, which, as more and more people recognize and choose this, will provide our new locus of reality. Instead of going to the ego mind to decide what is real or what we should think or do about anything, we shall rely on the Self that we can feel in our Heart. This immediately connects us to a larger matrix of reality that is outside of the parameters of separation and which is integral to

246 Christ Self Reflections the One Life, Consciousness and Purpose that has always been invisibility within all. Our locus of reality will change to One which is felt within rather than perceived separately without. Rather than just reacting from an identification with our concrete mind, we will remain consciously joined to the Unitary Self, and listen inwardly to what we are given to know and how we are given to move and express ourselves from being this new and real Self. The moment will come alive as we will align with unfolding ever new life rather than just live from the script or conditioning that has been driving us. Rather than just perceive the outside or forms of creation, we will merge with the living conscious inside of life and become One with creation. We will not become identical clones, but will become who we authentically are.


505. Stepping forth in Trust I imagine that all people have experienced moments of love, joy, inspiration, grace and sublime peace, amongst other wonderful qualities, that have been like shafts of light illuminating a fragrant breeze coming in the open windows of one’s house. We feel uplifted, energized and heartened and realize, perhaps briefly, how truly beautiful and wondrous life can be. How many of us, however, believe in the full implications of these transcendental moments to leave this home and go forth to embrace the ‘life more abundant’ these experiences attest to, as it pours down on us from the blazing sun of God? This fire obliterates all differences, fears and personal agendas. It transfigures and transforms us — and who is ready for that? We come through the fire purified of the dross. We reappear in white with a new name.


506. Craftsman of the Stars If ‘energy follows thought’ one of the reasons that we don’t make more of the fleeting spiritual impressions and awarenesses we all have at times, is that we don’t know how to focus on these and work with them as a craftsman will work on his art. These ephemeral energies feel outside of our control. They coming from another dimension of reality we feel powerless to gain on our own. Like a dream, these fade in the light of our everyday

247 Christ Self Reflections reality. However, if we have a memory of these, we also have an energetic link that we may utilize to travel upon to reach the level these have emerged from. If we can maintain consciousness in the Heart, we are beyond the laws of space and time. We may then choose to direct our awareness along any of these energetic lines of connection. Our choice is determined by which is the most luminous, the most attractive, the most significant. Stepping through the portal of the Heart, we step into a boundless plain of shimmering Reality. Where we ‘go’ is entirely up to us. We have been given many invitations to supernal worlds within the infinite Mind of God, but our destination is a free choice once we leave the confines of Earth. We can also choose to bring these places here by using the Light within our mind to imagine and conceive what we become aware of. Christ isn’t a monotonous sameness, but an opportunity to experience the Infinite possibilities within the Mind of God. Every good message that we have ever received is true. Let us step through the doorway in the Heart and accept the invitations we have received from the Angels to make these our own.


507. Living Free We well know the laws of the world, the rules of the ego, but better is it to live by the law of freedom, the law of spirit. This law does not recognize fear or any negative consequence. All is Light and Love and remains so. This law does not judge as the world does but goes its own way. The individual who lives by it will not become more, they will just become free — free to be fully who they really are and express this without reservation. We can’t expect to be accorded acclaim, for we may seem to make others uncomfortable as much as anything. However, it doesn’t matter. We are taking a different path that offers its own reward. Breathe deep. Listen in the Heart to it all. Then just Be your Self.


508. Radical awakening The path of spiritual development has been governed in all religions by rules of character development, types of conscious effort, processes of initiation, age old traditions and so forth. However, we have now entered the New Time and things have

248 Christ Self Reflections changed. For one thing, we are told that initiation will no longer be individual but will be a group process. What does this mean? The soul is an integral part of the group soul of humanity, so as we become consciously soul or Self identified, we are no longer a separate ego consciousness. Our spiritual progress is subsumed by the progress of the collective Christ Consciousness that humanity is beginning to be able to embody. Radical awakening doesn’t imply a separate ego enlightenment as some people think. It involves shifting one’s identity to the soul who is One with the Whole. As long as one is getting inflated about one’s spiritual development and knowledge, one is still in the ego. However, now it is possible, as Jesus teaches, through the mind at one with the Heart, to directly access and live from the Unity of Christ Consciousness. This is the radical awakening to our Self that is now possible.


509. The two purposes of thought Thought has but two purposes, to justify the ego or to extend the Self. Depending on where one is polarized when using the mind will determine the result. Cause determines effect. So although one may be articulating the most rarefied philosophy, if one is functioning as separative ego, it will all amount to nothing. So are many of the world’s philosophies and theologies. But if one speaks from Love, although still identified as an ego, Love will connect the separate to the Whole, one to another. Without Love, it’s all an exercise in ego, that we needn’t worry about. The answer is always, why bother to be concerned about it. Many have been convinced by the world’s authorities to give value to superficial and false beliefs and attitudes. However, now in the New Time each must learn to find authority within their Self. Many are now freeing themselves and their spirit from the tyrannies of old — the tyranny of the ego. We are learning that we can each find the Truth within. As we live by it, we shall be able to more easily see through the machinations, the allure, and the distractions of the ego and those who promote the systems of ego thought for their own benefit.


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510. Standing in the Light We believe the love that we express is intermittent or sporadic. We would be better off to realize that we actually express love continually. Love never stops flowing through us unless we block it. This realization is helpful as it allows us to maintain awareness of the unfolding flow of life within the Oneness of Being which encompasses us. Love brings us to the Presence of the Christ Self within. Being sensitively aware of the flow of Life and Love allows us to better attune to the Knowing of the Self within this moment. We become aware that the Self IS. Secondly that we may choose to rejoin with this eternal Self within all. If we maintain this identification, our voyage through separation is over. This is returning to our Source. Now One with God we may consciously participate in Creation by extending and Being and our Self. What do we say now when we consciously stand in the Light of the One Self together? Now we join with those on the inner side who also live in the Light of Love. We may now work together to extend this Light and Love to the outer planet so that Earth will become One and duality resolved. This is happening now.


511. Mary Mary has been veiled because men, loving the form, would desire to possess Her as they have done with women who have embodied Her. Yet Mary is within us all and Her Love, which is ours, is ever present and available. Mary is always accessible and responsive. Her Angels are instantaneous and immediate. Imagine the purest eternal unconditional Love and you are in contact with Her. Mary is ever before us guiding, nurturing, protecting, preparing. Her Flame is indomitable. She is waiting to welcome us to the New World of Light where we will see Her and be glad.


512. Joining in Unity In our prayers we ask for a return to knowing and a remembering of who we are. Once we have experienced this breakthrough in awareness, we need to step across the gap that has separated personality from Self, and claim our Self. This isn’t about

250 Christ Self Reflections enlightening, liberating, or realizing the ego, but rather freeing ourselves from this false separate identity, awakening and becoming who we have eternally been and are. The personality believes it will become wiser, powerful and free, but the Self is already these and complete as it is. Emerging from within is an awareness of the One Self. It is the answer to our prayers and our longing. Let us join in Unity and sustain this Identity by sharing it.


513. Becoming Wholehearted We may look out at the world through our mind and see the separate forms of creation, and we may look inward through the Heart and experience the Oneness of Life and Consciousness within. When we unify mind and Heart and become Wholehearted we combine these visions to see and experience the forms of life pervaded and encompassed by Oneness or Wholeness. Oneness is the Reality that is made known, shared and extended through the relationships engendered through the separate forms manifesting the One Life, Consciousness and Spirit. When we share our Self and what we are coming to know, feel, think and create, we cooperate with each other in the manifestation of the Kingdom of God on Earth. And at the same time become who we really are as Sons of God and embodiments of Christ.


514. Reorientation of the chakras When we identify as a personal self the solar plexus chakra channels the energy of desire for all that we believe we need and lack as a separate self for our survival and happiness. The sacral or sexual chakra channels the creative energy for connection to join and assuage our unhappy sense of separation which manifests through our intimate relationships. When the Self utilizes the solar plexus center, devotion is focused on the Self of Love that fulfills desire. The sexual center then grounds that Unity with the Whole as it manifests in the moment as the revelation of God within all. The Heart center which had channeled Love taken personally by the ego, becomes an expression of the Conscious Universal Self Love. The throat

251 Christ Self Reflections center which had expressed personal will, becomes the expression of the Creative Word of the Self. The ajna or eye center concretizes or visualizes the intuitive Knowing of the Self and no longer separate thinking. Thus the chakras or energy centers are repurposed when we shift our identity from self to Self.


515. The equalizing Self There are many advantages that come from cultivating Self awareness. Everybody as Self has the same inner Knowing which we support each other to remember and share. The ego, however, competitively struggles to acquire knowledge from without by memorizing and analysis. Egos believe that those who have more knowledge and intelligence are more valued than those who have less. The Self doesn’t judge or have to think things out as the Self relies on its intuition. Egos are also in a continual struggle with time to control circumstances and ‘do things’ to succeed and ‘get’. The Self is all about trusting unfolding Life in the present where its needs are met. Where egos therefore feel stress and anxiety, the Self feels Peace and the Joy that comes from the Loving embrace of the larger Life which flows effortlessly in Grace. Fear and a sense of separation underly the ego’s life and actions, whereas Love and a feeling of Unity and Connection are integral to the Self. We may choose the Self now or we can wait, but why delay the Joy that comes from becoming who we really are.


516. Standing in the Light of Love Now we stand in the Light together that we want to share. Now our minds are open to what IS and to new conceptions and visions. Now Life pervades and the moment is new. Now we are embraced in Love and a feeling of connection with the One Self within all. No longer alone, we are part of the great Brotherhood of Earth, the Brotherhood of Christ. The Earth is passing through a process of birth and we may help by opening to the New World that would be born by living it. Let us recognize the Light that now pervades. Let us recognize the divine Self emerging from within. Let us align ourselves with the Will of God that is

252 Christ Self Reflections awakening us to the Unity and Presence of God that would become manifest. Now with the mind united with the Heart, let us surrender to the Spirit and the Knowing that guides us. Let us move forward in Trust, Love and Oneness.


517. Transported in Love The idea of One Self encompassing the known universe might seem to imply a stultifying uniformity unless we realize that the Infinite diversity within the universe has arisen from this, as has all the known civilizations, thoughts, dreams and imaginings of humanity. And yet the Unknown lies waiting to reveal another Infinity of possibilities more wondrous and beautiful than anything yet realized. Isn’t this our opportunity? Let us dive into the Heart and bring forth its Treasure. By means of the Heart, which pervades all realms, we may instantly be transported into the supernal Unknown, to places in the dreaming Mind of God as yet awaiting recognition — unvisited sublime timeless worlds. Through the Heart we may touch these and bring an awareness back that may infuse our Self with new qualities, ideas, visions and creations. We are on the threshold of a New Age that will be built with a mind that serves the Heart. Let us be transported in Love and start dreaming new dreams.


518. The fulcrum point of change There are many new ideas coming through that are associated with the New Age we are transitioning into, but the most central and essential one for humanity is the idea that humanity is moving from separate identity to an awareness and embodiment of Christ identity — the One Self within all separate selves. This is an idea that is meant to become an awareness, then an experience, then a new living expression for as many of mankind who can or will embody it. We are thus moving from a civilization based on and reflective of ego dynamics to one based on the Oneness and Unity of all creation within God. From this point will everything change — all our values, institutions, and way of life. Each must make the change now, for it will not come from outside of us, except that many of the old ways, traditions and institutions will collapse, but must be embraced from within each.

253 Christ Self Reflections

Each must authentically claim their Self and the authority and freedom that comes with this. Each must choose the values, beliefs, attitudes and actions that spring from the intuitive knowing within and refashion the world.


519. Extending our Self We have read and listened to the words of Jesus Christ in the Bible as if from another person, another place and time. Yet the Truth then is the same as now, a Truth that already lives in us and that we may claim as our own. The only difference now is that we no longer need an intermediary, as Jesus tells us in ACOL, but may access and know Christ directly. Now we may speak the Truth directly too without veil or parable and with greater psychological sophistication. However, this requires an adjustment in our thinking. We habitually express thoughts, but now we must learn to formulate our intuition of the Truth as a living experience. The Truth is what IS as it is known in the moment. This is another dimension of Reality and more of a feeling that we formulate as a thought. It is Love, that creates bridge that we extend to each other in the Process of expressing the Truth of who we really are in Christ.


520. We are here to awaken and resurrect If we are, as Jesus says, birthed as “an idea of God”, ACOL L26:21, whose essence can be discovered in the Heart, what idea could this be? I feel that we must look at Jesus Christ Who provides the template. He, in Unity with God, extends the Light and Love of God to awaken all to God. He brings God’s Consciousness to this outer world and by doing so, directly manifests God in His creation. The Love that we feel and are, is the same. We must also cleave to Love and its Lighted expression. Centered in the Heart we must remember that we are of God, free divine spirits who are here to Be, to awaken God in all and to manifest His Kingdom.


254 Christ Self Reflections

521. Leaving judgment behind There are many erroneous and antiquated concepts in the Bible. It is not, in total, the Word of God, as the decision as to what was to be in the Bible was a fallible human decision. The concept of worship that underlies a Christian attitude to God implies a separation and idolization that is not factual or productive. We have ever been part of God so the separation has been a choice to maintain a separate consciousness only. God would want us to heal this artificial rift. Sin is another erroneous notion. Sin is simply the tendency to remain in the error of the ego, which can be corrected at any time by ourselves. Denial of the Truth is a transient condition. A fearful attitude to a God imagined as judgmental is likewise an erroneous inherited belief and attitude. Christ brought a New Covenant and concept of a God of Love, Forgiveness, Mercy and Charity. And now in this beginning Time of Christ, we may leave behind judgment, at last, and accept our Oneness with the Light and Love of Christ, the One Son or Self of God. We need to move beyond ideology to embrace the living Presence of the Christ Self.


522. ‘Thy Will’ Just as Jesus has so does Mary speak to us from within our Self that we share, urging us to realize our shared nature and Oneness. We may utilize this dialogue of Love to foster a greater awareness of Love’s Presence and a greater capacity to express this. Love IS as we really are. The greater our awareness of the reality of Love, the greater our capacity to express who we really are. We are the ‘I Am’ of God. This Self would be made known and extended. ‘Thy Will’ becomes our will as we embrace Christ and identify with Him. ‘Thy Kingdom come’ is the result when we share and extend our Self with each other. Things having to do with our human needs and nature are then automatically taken care of. We attain Peace that is always within the present moment.


523. Our prayer Our prayers are often different than we imagine. When we pray for help we are actually affirming what we believe (that we lack)

255 Christ Self Reflections but are also extending a line of Light to the Self that helps us know who we really are. When we pray for others we likewise strengthen the lines of Light and Love that connect those others to the Beneficent Source. Angels and Christed souls may further energize these connections. Coming to know who we really are is realizing that we are co-creators with God, and that therefore nothing can happen to us which is not our will. When we really Know — and not just believe — this, we realize that we are the master of our Earthly life and circumstances. Our experience is our choice. Therefore it behooves us to Know our Self, that we may become Wholly who we really are and fulfill God’s Purpose for us, which is really ours.


524. A change in education As our psychology changes in the transition from self to Self, ego to soul, so must our educational process. We must learn to go within and access our intuitive knowing to determine the value of the information accessed externally and give a necessary balance to the concrete mind’s separative perspective. The rational mind is lost without the wisdom of the Heart. Love and the good of the whole must guide the purposes of the mind, our thinking, and efforts in all areas. Fostering creative endeavors must be emphasized. Of course, our economy must provide the basic entitlements of life so that individuals are freer to follow their interests and not just work to survive. Many will live in the Light of their soul and transform the institutions of the world. Others will identify with the soul and will bring in a New Reality to the world. Education therefore must integrate the mind with the Heart, thought with intuition and feeling, facts with the good of the whole.


525. Creating a community of experiencers What is needed now is more than a community of believers. Rather the time calls for a community of experiencers — those who are dedicated to experiencing each other within the One Self of Christ. In the church we have a good start in those who believe in the message of Jesus Christ and who want to love each other as Jesus did. However, now we must shift out of a

256 Christ Self Reflections personal and mental effort to live by this ideal, to a Heart centered endeavor to embody the Christ Self of Love. This involves getting out of our minds and our beliefs about how this should look, and to begin to trust Love, as we feel it and hear it, to reveal its Awareness in the moment. Therefore we have to quiet the separate mind that always stands outside of Oneness with Life and Love, and step into the circle of the Christ Heart where we share the same Self. From this place of intimacy and unity we may begin to share what we really feel, need, think, imagine, and want to create to directly extend Christ’s Being into the world. This is something that we can only do together because Christ Consciousness is by definition not separate but a unitary encompassing state of Being that we can therefore only experience in relationship. This relationship while revealing Eternal Truth is also Eternally New and in each moment brings New Knowing to awareness that we may share together to extend Christ’s Self.


526. From doing to Being As we progress on the path, we need to relax, trust and release our compulsion ‘to do’ which often is related to a felt need for validation, and therefore fear. We need to just trust the process of trusting and being one’s Self. Being doesn’t have ulterior motives — it just IS simply and fully itself in the moment. Listening within the Heart and doing as we are given to is really all we need to ‘worry about’. This New Path is different from the former spiritual path that involved aspiration, struggle to overcome and effort to achieve. Now as we are already in connection and Unity with the spacious Self of Christ, we merely need to trust it as it unfolds in the moment. It’s here now, we are in it, and we don’t have to prove anything, proselytize or witness. We just have to Be our Self — it’s that simple. The only question is ‘which self’ and that we will resolve by ‘moving through the Heart portal’ into the space of the Self within. We have to quiet the mind’s frantic compulsiveness, which we can do by uniting the mind with the Self. This holy marriage will create the Peace we need to just Be.


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527. Being Present How may we ‘learn’ to be present, which is the key to Being authentically one’s Self? If one is in one’s mind, one is not in the present because one is caught up with one’s thoughts. To be present is to be centered in the living space of what IS unfolding now as that is energetically experienced. This is not a focus on outer sense stimulations, but rather on that space that encompasses these and is within it as a Presence. This is the awareness of Self. By centering ourselves in the Self of Love, we intuit a Knowing and feel a movement of Spirit, which we may give ourselves to and express in some form. This is Being our Self in the moment which derives from being present to that Self. As the Self is the only thing that is really happening, it is really the only thing that we can be present to. Any focus on sense perception really entails a focus on the mind that is automatically interpreting external reality that is then projected on to its object. To get out of the mind, we have to focus on the feeling within our awareness in the moment. As we express this feeling and its related knowing, we may learn to flow in the unfolding Now. We are then present to the Christ Self we share.


528. A planetary birth To my many brothers and sisters I would like to suggest that the Christ Who we await can now be sensed within the Light and Love irradiating our minds and hearts and with the increasing awareness of the Presence of this Self emerging from within. We do not need to look for anything external or separate, for Christ is coming to embrace the world from within the consciousness in the world — as the One Consciousness, Life and Spirit of God that has ever been within all. This is therefore a group or Unitary Consciousness, that we may shift to and be now as it represents our collective awakening to who we really are as a soul. This also is a new spiritual path not based on individual accomplishment but on recognizing and embodying our innate divinity. Humanity has evoked Christ whose time of reappearance is now. This manifestation may be different than we expect, based on our separative thinking, as it signals the end of separation, both individually and collectively. Let us open our eyes to the reality of what is happening that we may consciously join this emergence and planetary birth.

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529. Oneness is claimed not made In our romantic special relationships with another that we love, we have sought to realize a oneness that we may actually claim spiritually now with the Unity of the Self. We have tried to project on to another the need to surrender separate mind and will in a committed personal endeavor that we must, in actuality, surrender to the Self. We have tried to make a oneness or unity between two people that can really only be experienced once one’s identification as a separate person with separate needs is released. Unity or Oneness is already here but its realization cannot be forced, projected or made but only claimed as an ongoing Self awareness that is not limited by person or place. The ego wants to have a separate oneness, but Oneness is not separate but a free unitary state of Being. Yet what we project on to another we must do for our Self. We must surrender our separate mind and will, in love of the larger Self who is here and realize the Oneness that comes from the embrace of Unity with all. Thus we give up the ego’s belief in a special and limited oneness for the Oneness of the Self.


530. Under an open vault of blue When we have a relationship with another we have something concrete to engage with — the thoughts, feelings and actions of the other. A relationship with the Self can seem like having a relationship with the sky. Ideas rain down, feelings and intuitions light up our awareness, insights like lightening flash and illuminate, and the wind of spirit moves us hither and yon. Yet without relationship with others, it can seem impersonal and missing something essential. I am grateful for this relationship with spirit, but it would be better still to feel that I am sharing it with others who also are reveling in the beauty of the sky and of the starry heavens, that now seem so close to Earth. I am walking under a cloudless vault of blue like the Mind of God. And all Creation breathes with Her Breath.


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531. A New Day coming There have been many things that have been hidden from humanity, being too sacred or sublime for humanity in its present state to contemplate. However everything hidden must come to Light in the Time of Christ that we are moving into. Our reality has been very circumscribed — a play of shadows on a screen that will soon be drawn back to reveal a multidimensional living Universe beyond the wildest conception of our greatest thinkers. We are awakening from the fearful dream of separation into a Unitary Reality pervaded by God and a panoply of spiritual Beings living in Oneness and Harmony in an Infinite Divine Order. This multidimensionality will allow us to experience the interpenetration of other realities with ours and to be able to transcend space and time. We will be able to travel the universe in spirit and explore worlds of Light and Beauty unknown now. When we have remade Earth into a paradise, we will also have much that we can share and give to other solar and galactic civilizations. The Light of this New Time and its possibilities can now be seen on the horizon. A New Day is being born.


532. Only Love IS In esoteric myth the savior turns his back on his own betterment to save mankind. This may seem like a sacrifice until we realize that His Life is within mankind as God is and that in denying a separate advancement He is really claiming the Whole of God that encompasses all. He only looses his separate affiliation. Denying a separate will is claiming the Higher Will which is affirming His Self. This is not a personal effort, but a relinquishment of personal effort by submitting to the Will of God which is really His. In the past this was a lonely and dark endeavor but now the world is in Light and many are choosing to become Whole. For we cannot loose anything real. We just become who we have really been all along. We join a celebration in the Heavenly meadow in an Eternal Spring of Life where fear is no more and only Love IS.


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533. I dreamed of Love and You answered I dreamed of Love, and like the sun, a light blazed forth from your eyes to illuminate my world. I dreamed of Love, and like the sweetness of spring your scent engulfed me in Life. I dreamed of Love, and as the voice of the beloved, your voice became a song in my Heart. I dreamed of Love, and awakening from a dream I began to live in an Eternal Now. What is my role in all this? All I can do is sing your praises, and honor your Presence in all. You are the Inspiration, the Joy, the Love and the Life. Your Beauty transforms and vivifies. As a Divine Spirit you have shown me the Reality of Love and the True nature of Life. I now walk through Creation honoring You.


534. The need to experience the Self There are many thoughts, feelings, images and imaginations in this SoulLifeCenter blog, but unless one has the experience of the collective Self they derive from, these are just more thoughts that unproductively add to the mind space of humanity without transcending it — which is its purpose. We must ever go back to the necessity of cultivating an awareness in the Heart or rather, to be able to move through the doorway in the Heart to the conscious space of Love beyond where the Self IS. By centering our mental focus here we may realize that we can function on a different plane of being. This universal energy that pervades creation has a consciousness and intention that we may Know intuitively. We may become aware of this Knowing that we may access by listening in the Silence and Stillness of the Self. This is the same Truth that we all have within us and that we may help each other remember. Therefore, these thoughts only have value to the extent that they may help us locate the inner Thinker. Each day and each moment is new as is the unblemished present. Let us step across the threshold and make real the Eternal Self that is here now, that we are all part of. We really can shift our identification from the person to soul and begin to live in a new way.


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535. The present moment It’s only the ego that believes the present moment is lacking something. In a way the ego is correct because the experience it is focused upon is a lack. However, it is possible to experience a moment without lack. There is no lack in the Self as the Self includes all. So the choice is really whether one chooses the ego’s experience or the Self’s awareness. Love pervades the Self so there is no lack of Love. The moment is always new and full in the Self, so there is no lack there. For any question, there is always an answer in the Self. When we dive into what IS now, there is only treasure to be found.


536. The dialogue with God Our dialogue with God, as Jesus says, derives from our awareness that the present moment in its entirety is a creation of God that calls us to respond to the Creator and thus consciously contribute to creation ourselves. This awareness requires that we join with the Self who has the experience of the unfolding ever new Unity of creation. Within the Heart of this experience is an intuitive Knowing that is the Self’s response to the Creator of the experience of the present. This Knowing that we then express is our response to the call of God that is within this experience of God. What we express in our dialogue is an extension of creation. We as the extension of the Consciousness of God, or Christ, are responsible for co-creating or extending God’s Will and Plan to the physical plane. The Kingdom of the soul/Self will thus manifest on Earth. The prerequisite is experiencing the present as a unitary creation, which can only be accomplished by uniting with the Self who is one within creation. This Self or Son Knows the Father and fulfills His Will. Jesus calls this process a dialogue because it is an extension of consciousness or Being rather than a doing. Being has a movement that acts on the world but this is a secondary effect and not a primary intention. This endeavor to mentally conceptualize and understand the nature, process and purpose of consciousness is a response to God of the experience of creation. Love utilizes Light to make itself known and extend itself. The purpose of Light or mind is extension which is also resurrection. This is resurrection because the spirit of God that is within everything must be consciously resurrected to Oneness

262 Christ Self Reflections with its Source. This articulation may seem rather serious and heavy, but the process may manifest as simply as a bird song which is a Wholehearted expression of Love and a response of creation to the Creator.


537. At One with Christ I believe that Jesus through ACOL is inviting us to participate in His process and experience. His forty days on the desert prior to His ministry has its correlation in our forty days of prayer and union with the inner Self. Although we have an individual experience of this Self we are actually uniting with the One Conscious Self within all — or Christ. Just as Jesus became One with the Son of God, we may also. This is not only possible but it is actually destined and inevitable as we are all of God. And as we are living in the beginning of the Second Coming of Christ, His Presence, Energy and Consciousness are now more available than ever. The leaven of Love has infused mankind over the last two thousand years so that mankind can now recognize the Self of Love within and awaken to who we really are as conscious embodiments of God’s Love — or Christ, the Consciousness of God/Logos. Our lives will be different than Jesus’ was — we are not going to be crucified — but we will be resurrected. The challenges of this day and age are different but are really the same — overcoming the ego with its intrinsic belief in the reality of separation and fear. Now, however, this is far easier as the Light and Love of God shines down on Earth and the Presence of Christ is moving into our awareness even as we speak. There are cycles in the Life of God. The time of separation, suffering and learning is over and the time of Unity and the Revelation of the God within is beginning. Our role is quite simple, as Jesus’ role was — to align with the Unity of the Self within and Be this Self, doing as we are given to do. This will be experienced as the revelation of our Self, the manifestation of the soul, and the co-creation of the Kingdom of God on Earth.


538. Self in relation to Christ What is the difference between the Self and Christ? I believe that the Self is the extension of Christ into our energy field so that we

263 Christ Self Reflections may become aware of the One Self of Christ, so that we may experience and embody it. To embody it we must also extend it, share and express the Knowing and Movement implicit within it. By doing so we gradually take on or embody more of Christ and become a Creator. Christ is the Wholeness and Totality that we progressively manifest. This requires releasing all separate and lessor identifications and affiliations, because at first our identity shifts back and forth between ego and Self. Self is the individual expression of ‘I am’. Christ is the collective Consciousness that the Self expresses in relationship. Self is also One and an expression of the Whole that just appears individual as it is expressed through a separate body or form. In Reality, God as Spirit redeems God in Intelligent Matter (Mind) through God in Consciousness until all is Consciously One and the ultimate Purpose of God in manifestation is fulfilled. This Purpose, for us, is related to Being our Self and expressing the divine ideas and intentions seeded by God. Being our Self really means identifying with the One Self as it is an extension of Christ.


539. Redemption through Christ Humanity has been enmeshed in a separate ego identification and the belief that it is separate and could not therefore affirm its freedom in the moment and be One. Now, however, impelled by Christ in us, we can affirm that we share the same Self and are here on Earth to consciously Be and extend this Self and thereby overcome the age old identification with fear and separate thought. The Age of Unity and Oneness is beginning as we stand in the Heart and the Love that unites us and express what we feel and what we are intuitively remembering together. Humanity is meant to create the forms that will embody the Purposes and Consciousness of God, and not our separate ego agendas. To do this we must focus on the Self of God or Christ Who unites us in Oneness. He is here now, He is us and we may choose Him and Be our Self. We are awakening to who we really are in God.


540. On the path of return When the soul incarnates, on the path of return back to conscious Unity with its source, he must overcome or redeem

264 Christ Self Reflections the inherent tendency in the matter in which incarnates. The ego is identified with the separate mind with its separate survival purposes. The person on the spiritual path gradually incorporates ideals which incorporate a change in orientation to the larger soul life, Light and Love. It is through Love and service to humanity that the soul is able to finally function outside the circumscribed concrete mind and maintain soul consciousness which is identified with the Whole. The soul then takes over and uses the mind to create forms that will express and extend the Purposes and Self Consciousness of God, which the soul on the buddhic plane embodies.


541. God is turning up the dial It seems that day by day God is incrementally turning up the intensity of the energy of the soul within the world which helps humanity gradually align with the conscious Self of Love who humanity really is. Behaviors, attitudes, beliefs and values are gradually modified to reflect the soul until the moment comes when the individual makes the shift and can function as a soul instead of a separate personality. The conflicts in the world are part of this horrific struggle of the spirit in humanity overcoming the matter in which it has incarnated until that spirit has freed itself and claimed its divine nature. We are awakening and liberating ourselves from bondage, fear and ignorance. Christ, the Consciousness of God/Logos is infusing the soul kingdom to give us the power to Be the Divine Self that we have always been but that we can now choose to be. Humanity must now choose the Purpose and Plan of God instead of its separate purposes. By identifying and functioning as our Spiritual Self, we may intuitively listen and apprehend what we really feel and know and want to share and create together. Collectively embodying Christ we shall cooperate to create the New Reality that God Plans to be manifest on Earth now.


542. Thy Will Once a clear channel of energy is established between the self and the Self, then what is desired, thought and created must be determined by the Self. Maintaining a Wholehearted

265 Christ Self Reflections consciousness ensures that Love and identification with the Inner Self leads to listening to the Self. Sharing what becomes known in the Silence and Stillness within, provides a focus that grounds this Knowing. The guiding intention must by ‘Thy Will’ rather than my will. The purpose of creation is for the general good, not for self advancement or aggrandizement. Cooperation with others in this process reinforces and strengthens the polarization and expression of one’s Self. The fundamental issue of evolution now is helping people become aware of and identify with the real Self within (that we are all part of) that is emerging into our awareness. If this fact can be realized, everything else will flow from it.


543. Taking Christ off the pedestal Christ has been made so special in Christianity that we feel it is nearly impossible to have any relationship. He is ever above us, out of reach, an idol apart and beyond our efforts. This really isn’t so, fortunately, for Christ is ever within us, speaking to us continually as that Voice of our very Self. Christ is the essence of who we are, embodying the Love that we feel, the Spirit that moves us, the Consciousness that we share as extensions of God. In the moments when we forget who we think we are and step outside of our habitual stream of consciousness, we rest in the Peace of Christ who is always there waiting for us to turn our attention and awareness to Him, Who is us. Yes, in awaking to who we really are and shifting out of our personal identity by choosing our inner Self, we are awakening to the Christ Self we share. As we more fully are this Self and live from this awareness, we shall gradually realize the full implications of what is emerging in the world now. Christ is not coming from without, but from within as an awakening to the One Self that we are. This book is an attempt to share this Self that is here now. Let us become aware of what IS here now and assume our role in the Second Coming that is happening now unannounced.


544. The end of conflict Just because people believe that they are separate personalities and relate to the world as such doesn’t require us to do so. We

266 Christ Self Reflections don’t have to be in conflict, defeat or save the ego as humanity has believed in the past in the ageless battle between good and evil. The ego, as a belief in something false and a denial of what is true, has no reality. Therefore we may merely look past it to the Truth within, while remaining in Peace, Love and Unity. We merely need to listen to the Voice within and not the voice of the ego. If it takes a moment to get clear about what this inner Knowing is saying, so be it. There is no requirement that we abide by the world’s expectations about what is normal or proper. If others get angry or confused by our behavior that is their choice. We can’t live by two different laws at the same time. We must choose Love, Oneness and Peace and let the world’s belief in fear and separation go. Choosing Unity, we will discover that everyone is actually living in the One Divine Life whether they realize it or not. And by extending this vision of Reality we help to awaken others to it as well. We shouldn’t try to force others to accept our Truth, but rather just Be as we are, and others will more quickly realize that it is safe to come out from behind their walls and join the celebration and joy that the Freedom and Oneness of the Self affords.


545. Meeting need Although we all have the same needs, paradoxically we don’t need anything specific from others, and yet our needs are met in our relationships in life. This is the way God works in supporting and providing for us. Our needs are met through our relationships but not by our effort and control. Surrendering to Life gives Life the opportunity to give to us, often before we even consciously know what we need. Becoming aware of felt needs allows us to experience fulfillment of these. We already have all that we need but don’t realize this. Therefore fulfillment through relationship allows us to realize this by sharing it and making this process conscious. Ultimately we all need the same thing although this may manifest in different ways. When we give what we have, we make our possession real and manifest. We demonstrate that our need is fulfilled.


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546. Special relationships The ego, as a separate reflection of the Self, unconsciously endeavors to mimic the Self by creating special relationships to imitate the Oneness of Love that the Self experiences. It does this by making relationships based on a game of roles and agreements about rules, behaviors and beliefs. However, this is all made up and therefore ultimately ineffective, even though the Love and Oneness of the soul underlying this drama can be experienced nevertheless and allow the ego to feel that the special relationship is working. In the Holy Relationship of the shared Self, Oneness doesn’t have to be made and no special agreements or behaviors are necessary because Oneness already IS. It merely needs to be accepted, joined and shared. Inwardly and in Reality everyone is part of One Self. The Holy Relationship merely accepts the Truth of what IS and embodies Oneness whether the other consciously does or not.


547. Speaking in the language of the Heart When we speak from the Heart, we speak more like song than prose. Thoughts are free of grammatical and logical rules and come out in a sense of their own, to the joy of it. One expresses freely and if it is hard to follow on the surface then one has to find the inner connection that makes sense of it all. Feelings burst like fireworks, insights flash, a kaleidoscope of images may unfold in excited wonder. The soul lives in a different dimension and bringing it clearly down to Earth, is not always possible. What cannot be in three dimensions is totally normal in four. The Self speaks in a language of beauty that causes us to remember things we have forgotten — dreams of Life that have ever called to us from some timeless place beyond remembering. Let us free our tongues from stifling convention, and sitting at the knee of the Self, learn to speak the language of the Heart. The soul yearns to free its Voice and sing its Truth.


548. Living at One Everyone is part of us as we really are, as we are all part of the same Self. This Self is Christ which is who we really are — embodiments of the One Christ Self. Awareness of our Self is

268 Christ Self Reflections dawning within us as the morning light which gently awakens us to life. We have thought Christ was different, special — another glorified individual — but we are discovering that Christ is already within us as the real and eternal Self that we are. As we accept this embrace of Love and embody this Self we will gradually find that life is different than we imagined. We will begin to live in God Who encompasses all rather than in the separate world that we have created from our beliefs. We will move beyond fear, doubt and guilt to the Peace and Joy that comes from living in the ever New Life every day. By sharing and extending our Self together, we will create and manifest a New Reality on Earth that is part of the Purpose and Plan of God. A great transformation is in progress that accounts for the turmoil in the world. It is coming from within as the most natural thing because it involves the infusion of Reality into the artificial world humanity has created based on the ego. A New Day is borning. Let us realize what is happening so that we may flow with the new energies which are actually bringing us what we have always wanted — a world at Peace because we have embraced the Peace of the One Self who we really are.


549. The accomplishment of Jesus and Mary Let us pause for a moment and consider what Mary and Jesus actually accomplished. They didn’t live and die to atone for our sins as Christianity preaches. Rather they demonstrated for us the true eternal nature of our self which from that point became an option that humanity could choose. By resurrecting, they overcame the world’s reality and manifested the sinless reality that is part of our God nature which humanity could henceforth realize. They consciously brought down the Love and Consciousness of God to the physical level where humanity could see and access it. Jesus and Mary are prototypes who are showing us who we really are and what is possible for us. We don’t have to die and go to Heaven to experience our Divine nature, we are meant to do this now. They taught that God is Love and by choosing to join our mindful awareness with Love we may become One who is the Son of God. Let us also choose Christ Who is the One Self Who is emerging into our awareness now. It’s as easy as awakening from sleep.

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550. Sin and evil Our sins are forgiven because we — as we really are as soul — have never sinned. Sins, as errors in thinking by the ego, are released by choosing Love and the Self we really are. Christianity has put too much attention on sin as some eternal affront against God, which it is not. Likewise are evil and the devil simply resolved by choosing our Christ Self. Evil has no power over us unless we give it power by our belief. Evil has no substantial reality but is the denial of Reality in choosing separation and fear. There is no fear in God as what is One and encompassing everything cannot be threatened by anything that is part of it. Evil is merely the temporary choice to oppose the evolution toward reunification with the Creator.


551. The basis for redemption According to the Wise, the basis for our suffering and the related necessity for redemption is because our God, in incarnating, must overcome the intrinsic tendency in matter to remain separate and continue vibrating along purely material lines. Humankind therefore succumbed to this tendency to the separate mental and material nature of matter by adopting the ego as its self. The ego embodies a separate will and mind that is opposed to the underlying connection with the God it is part of. Christ, as the God Self that humanity was meant to identify with, must now be consciously chosen to overcome the mental and material tendency of the ego and end the suffering that the ego’s reign of exploitation, fear, war and greed is causing in the world. The overall effect of humanity’s choice for Love will result in the redemption of the matter in which our God has incarnated, so that Earth can become sacred.


552. Finding the doorway All the ideas in the world are of no avail if we don’t use the doorway in the Heart that leads to the next world. Unless we find that portal we shall remain trapped in this world from which there is no escape besides death. All the beauties and joys of this

270 Christ Self Reflections world are as nothing without the divine living world within it from which it derives its meaning. However, we can go within and enter into the inside of life rather than staying on the outside. It is the inside that gives life and spirit to the form. The Heart is the doorway and Love is the key. This is more than love as an emotion that the person derives so much meaning from. This is Love as a kingdom of Being where everything lives in an ever new unfolding Creation and Oneness — a blissful Eternal Now. This is the fourth dimension or kingdom of the soul that is in process of fusing with our third dimensional human civilization. Let us choose the Way of the Heart and proceed along the path of Christ toward the Kingdom within.


553. Where is God? Where is God? Christianity emphasizes a transcendent conception of God Who is above us in some Heaven world from which he looks down at the world He created but is separate from. This conception corresponds to the way the ego perceives by projecting its separate mind with its separate conceptions (God included) on to external reality. Increasingly however, we will be inclined to experience God which predisposes us to a conception of God immanent in His creation. This is a more subjective or inward approach than the objective separative one of the ego. ‘Higher’ in this view implies higher in vibration rather than in space. God within all implies the divinity of creation rather than a dualistic judgement of it. God immanent implies that the Divine Spirit is already there within awaiting our awareness and acceptance. Where is God but here, now within this moment and within our Self, as we are of God.


554. The Lord’s Prayer In the Lord’s Prayer we ask to be delivered from evil and sin. What is evil but maintaining a separate will at odds with the good of the Whole and the Will of God. What is sin but maintaining our judgments about life rather than surrendering to Love. Thus does humanity require forgiveness as these tendencies have characterized human consciousness. ‘Thy Name’ is the Word or Christ Who redeems us and Who is the Love and the Good of

271 Christ Self Reflections the Whole embodied. ‘Heaven’ is the divine omnipresence in Oneness — God, the Creator of all, is within the whole universe and yet can speak to us each individually. ‘Thy Will be done, Thy Kingdom come on Earth’ is happening now as it was destined to — Christ, the Consciousness of God, is now pervading humanity to fuse it with the Kingdom of the eternal soul that has ever been within, but which will soon be our consciously chosen Self. This consummation will be a glory.


555. The new approach to life Jesus has informed us that life in the New Time will unfold by feeling, listening, surrendering and expressing rather than by thinking, striving, acquiring and doing as it has been. When we feel ourselves as the spacious Self, moving within and behind all, when Light and Love irradiate awareness, and when what IS is the Truth we live by, then we may begin to create the New World that we are now beginning to be conscious of. This we shall do together as a demonstration of Love. What is Love prompting, desiring, and imagining? When we realize that we have all and are now free to be as we’ve always wanted to be, we can let Love and the movement of spirit guide the flow of Life as it unfolds new.


556. Recognizing One Self More and more people will realize that the love we feel for one another is all the same love and an expression of the same Self consciousness. If we realize that the only thing really separate about us are the physical bodies that we are expressing the same Self through, we may also realize that we can now live in and share Christ Consciousness for this is what it is. If we align our separate will with the will to maintain Oneness or an awareness of the Unity of our Self, and release our old ego agendas and programming, we may begin to live in the New Reality of a shared Self. We are awakening to who we really are. The Time of Christ is beginning — which is more than the reappearance of a Christed Being Who is the Son of God. It is a time when the One Spirit and Self that has always been within humanity is breaking through the walls of our separate

272 Christ Self Reflections personalities and emerging into our awareness. We may now claim this Self, identify with it and Be it. The Consciousness of Christ is suffusing the outer planet. We are leaving the Age of separation and beginning the Age of Unity. This is a gentle process like awakening from a dream to a new day filled with Light. Love is showing us the One Self Who is us. We may step across this gap into the New World which will be manifest as a result of our collective sharing of what we are experiencing now. Women are already embodying this loving consciousness. Men must clearly see it in the Light for what it is. It is not personal. It is the end of separation, fear and want. Let us make the shift to recognizing and being the One Self, and begin discovering all that is available now within this moment.


557. Now that we have everything What do we say to one another when we have realized the Oneness that we have yearned for forever — when we realize that we share the same Self and are conscious embodiments of the same Love, Light and Spirit? A New Day begins when instead of trying to do, achieve and get, we can just Be and begin our conscious communion with God. Now, instead of being focused on external reality, we are focused on what we are experiencing within the ever new moment, and on what we hear, feel, intuit, see and know. Our relationship and dialogue is now with God but we share this together and so strengthen the awareness of the New Reality that we are beginning to know. Light and Love are streaming into the world. Now we may consciously make the shift to being the One Self that we share and align our purposes with the Will and Plan of God for Earth. This Plan involves a collective shift in human consciousness from separation to Unity and the related sacredization of Earth. In whatever area of life we are focused, we must see, invoke and redeem the divine life within creation.


558. Women’s love connects and reveals Jesus has said that he achieved Christ Consciousness because His Mother had achieved this embodiment of Love and therefore demonstrated it. So do women, who more naturally embody

273 Christ Self Reflections love, show us this loving consciousness and thereby awaken us to it. Women’s love blazes across space, connecting separate creation, revealing its underlying unity. Men see the love, the life and the beauty that women express and believe that these are the qualities of the particular person expressing them. However these are really qualities of the universal Self we share and are all part of. Realizing this can free us from feeling dependent on any one person for this Love, Life, Beauty and Light that are within all. Men can express the same Love if their mind and will is dedicated to Unity. Women, can take this Love too personally and therefore can be assisted by men’s mind and will if these are consecrated to seeing and being the One Self. Men and women are now coming to an equal place where each serves the other in holy relationship, recognizing that we are each equal expressions of the same Self.


559. Responding in the language of Love We think that we are relating to different people when we interact with one another. We are actually relating to the same Self in each, little as we consciously realize this. The fact that they may believe that they are separate and are attached to their particular set of thoughts and emotions, is just what the Self can do, not what the Self is. We therefore needn’t be troubled by their thoughts or actions for if we observe closely we will recognize the real Self in the silence between the words, in a presence that is there unannounced, in a feeling of love that is reciprocated that evidences a connection and commonality. Something will touch us and urge us to respond to the Self who is there. It’s really a communication of love. And just because they might believe they are only a separate person, we don’t have to be inhibited by the same belief. We can freely be our Self and live from the Heart. In fact we must, if we are going to create a new world.


560. Through the portal Jesus has given us everything that we need for the journey — the spirit, love, ideas, encouragement and support — but we must make that journey ourselves by opening to the unknown

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Now and expressing what we come to know. We cannot take any baggage from the past for we must be free and travel in Light — although it is the dark Light of Spirit. We have to check our mind at the door and take on the New Mind as we pass through the portal. This New Mind is One with Love of the Whole and what IS Now. It is felt with one’s entire being. It’s a voyage of discovery, revelation and creation. It’s a journey into the luminous timeless Mind of God. And whatever we desire is already here, to be seen, possessed and shared. It’s as if the dark jeweled curtain of the night sky were drawn back to reveal the lighted Heaven world that had shone through the starry points of light. Now our world is over lit by another dimension of reality that supersedes our former reality. Now we move among the Angels and Saints. It takes a moment for our eyes to adjust to the Light, but when we do we realize that this is no fantasy, but the magic of God’s Being. Ask and it will be answered, desire, it will be fulfilled. Now we co-create with God. Therefore our mind must be identified with the Whole, with Christ. Treasure is all about us. What we choose is our choice. I choose what is needed and freely share it with all.


561. Creating new patterns of communication Jesus has said that we need a new pattern of communicating and sharing. Instead of just sharing our thoughts, and emotions, we must learn to share more of our dreams, our yearnings, our deepest feelings and heart desires. Because every dream is a true seed, planted by God. If we break open the husk, though it be marred, the germ carries a divine idea. Usually there are layers but in the very center is a luminous spark. By sharing these sparks of Light and Love, we contribute our essential piece of the Wholeness of the Kingdom that is to manifest on Earth. In earlier times, people struggled to live by Love in a dark world. Love had difficulty extending beyond family and friends. Now, however, the planet is encircled in Light and Love so it is much easier to proclaim that the Age of Love is here and must be acknowledged in all of our worldly affairs. Old systems must go — anything that is not of Love will not withstand the tsunami of Love that is coming. I have a dream of a world living together as One — and suffering and fear are no more. Dreams exist to

275 Christ Self Reflections be actualized. We can make them real by affirming their importance and living by them.


562. Hologramic Consciousness The hologram symbolizes how each individual point of consciousness can contain the Whole of God. Three dimensional space is superseded by a fourth dimension that is within the three. We are symbolized by the cross within the circle, which is also the symbol of Earth. As the Consciousness of God or Christ in matter, we extend God and redeem matter in the process. We must do this together, for as Jesus says, relationship is necessary to share the Whole. What exists in Unity must be shared in Unity in the collective for the state of Unity to be sustained. Let us share our common Self together and so begin the New Age of Love. Hologramic waves of outflowing energy result automatically whenever anyone chooses to embody the Christ Self that is emerging within our collective awareness. This sends out circles of spiritual energy that amplify the etheric space of buddhic awareness in each. As this results from being rather than doing, it has a powerful effect. We accomplish this by utilizing the Heart to access the etheric space of unity within and the Self Who resides there Who is us in Unity rather than in separation. This is functioning as a soul rather than a personality. This automatically aligns us telepathically with the Christ Hierarchy that we are an integral part of as soul. As we are moving from the age of separation to the age of Unity it behooves us to choose to access the Unitary Self through the unifying agency of the Heart. Our identification with the concrete mind must surrender to the buddhic consciousness beyond the mind. And buddhi or Christ Consciousness is One or a group consciousness and therefore telepathically related. What each realizes is automatically shared with all.


563. Can we loose by choosing Self? Some people imagine that if humanity is really the expression of but One Self and Life that it suggests a stultifying homogeneity. Is it stultifying to have but one sun, one Earth, one sky and one

276 Christ Self Reflections air? Just as every physical body is unique so is the expression of our shared Life and Consciousness. Each may determine which of the infinite possibilities within the Mind of God will be chosen and attended to. Each, although connected in a common Love, may create their unique expression of Love. It’s just because we have been so habituated to thinking of ourselves as separate and different, that the separate mind can’t imagine Unity and Wholeness and what that entails. We fear the loss of our personal identity because the ego can’t imagine a reality different than the one it knows, just as a two dimensional being can’t imagine a third. Yet evolution in consciousness moves toward increasing synthesis, which is also increasing awareness of a more encompassing Whole. We don’t loose anything real, we merely release barriers that have prevented us from recognizing what is more real, eternal, good and beautiful.


564. Prayer as communion Prayer is communion— a Wholehearted surrender to the Self who is here. This implies a surrender to “Thy Will” rather than my will and my mind. In communion, our prayer is already answered as the Self contains all. Jesus calls the Self ‘accomplished’ as it is complete, lacking nothing and having the intrinsic wherewithal to create and manifest whatever is necessary. The Self is our One Self — Who we really are and not just who we think we are. Therefore prayer is an act of Union and a reestablishment of identity. In prayer we relax into the moment and what IS within the moment. Christ is eternally available and may now be accessed and chosen as the Self that we are. When we happen to be feeling separate, just open to the Unity within. We don’t have to pray to a separate God, when we are in a separate state of consciousness. We merely have to open and surrender to the experience of Unity and Oneness with God that is within each moment and intrinsic to our Self.


565. The centrality of the Heart We have been living in a culture that places primary authority on the concrete mind to determine what is real. This is only natural as this is the way the ego functions. However, we are moving

277 Christ Self Reflections into a New Age that will place primary authority on the Heart, and all that is implied by this. The Heart is the center of consciousness of the One Self of Love within all. The Heart is Infinite, ever new and eternally alive. The Heart connects all dimensions, all beings, all worlds and all creation for the Heart is the loving Consciousness of God Who creates and sustains all. When we realize that we can access and experience the Heart within, we shall have the means to leave the separate and artificial world created by the ego mind, and be able to return to the Oneness of the Consciousness of our real Self. Then we will be able to create a new world on a different authority based on the divine Life that everything is an expression of. Living by and within the Heart, we will extend, share and create only what is beneficial, necessary and good for the Whole. Living in the Heart will allow us to access the timeless Mind of God and to thereby discover riches of spirit heretofore unknown and beauty unimaginable. Let us make the Wholehearted shift to Love and to the Unitary Self and begin the creation of the New World.


566. Attaining a conscious rhythm Just as life proceeds through regular cycles of heart beats and breaths, so does our co-creation proceed through the regular process of invocation and evocation. We breathe in inspiration by listening in the Silence within to God and what is revealed. Then we breathe out or extend what we formulate or express that is our sharing of creation. We are co-creators in Unity with God or Christ. Just as creation involves an extension of what is One through many separate forms, so does our creation require relationship for us to come to know and share what is One. Creation is an extension of Oneness that allows the nature and potentials of Oneness to become known, experienced and manifest. The hours of our days, the months and years are a progression of cycles of in-breaths and out-breaths. There are times for inwardness, meditating and contemplating and times for expression, action and creation. When we attune to the Self within we will naturally come to find a natural harmony and rhythm that will put us in sync with the living universe so that we may fulfill our role in it.


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567. The evolutionary need for fundamental change Our political/economic system must change because it is based on obsolete and false premises that are not suitable for the future as they don’t reflect fundamental spiritual Truth or reality but merely reflect our beliefs about reality. These assumptions are that everyone must act for their separate interests that are at odds with other’s interests that we are therefore in competition or war with. We also assume that it is natural and appropriate to use and exploit others and nature in our struggle to get what we lack and need. We assume therefore that we are separate and vulnerable and live in a world where fear is legitimate and that we have to violently protect ourselves from others who threaten us in our struggle to survive. We believe that some people are better than others and therefore deserve more. We believe that we must work to claim our right to have what we want and need.

We don’t realize that we are projecting our assumptions on to the world and creating a society thereby that reflects what we believe, rather than what is true. However, now is the time when it is easier than it has ever been in human history to free ourselves from our learned conditioned thinking and access the deeper Truth within that will free our minds from the past and all that limits us and distorts our thinking. As we access the wisdom and knowing of the Heart, we can change our minds and change the institutions of the world system that are based on old false beliefs. We must, if we are going to have a future on planet Earth. We’ve come to the end of the old and are becoming aware of the necessity for fundamental change not only to avoid collective crises and suffering, but to create a world and Life of Love, Joy and Beauty that is calling to us. It’s an obvious and destined choice.

These beliefs are of the ego. The call to awaken is coming from the Self within.


568. The Newest Covenant As outrageous as it may seem to the ego, the Newest Covenant asserts our right and opportunity now to become as Jesus —

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One with Christ directly and without need of any intermediary. As we become aware of the One Self of Love within and begin to live from there we will discover that we are becoming One with Christ. There is really no difference as Christ is the Self we share. It’s like stepping into the shallow waters along the ocean beach. At first all we notice is that our feet become wet in the splashing surf, but as we proceed further we may float on the vast expanse of the deep. Jesus says “All that it requires is the acceptance of the new and the denial of the old that will allow for the sustainability of Christ-consciousness in form.” ACOL D3:1 Now we no longer need to have faith and believe for we merely need to go within and experience the Presence of the Self Who is here now. In the embrace of Love and Unity do we experience this and by living from here and releasing old ego habits of thought do we maintain this.


569. The soul is tripartite— The infinite intuitive Heart space of consciousness The ever new unfolding creative intelligent life The inner spirit, will and purpose All three are divine and One. Consciousness mediates or connects life and spirit and creates in life by a dialogue with spirit.


570. Organic development Everyone gravitates to a level of understanding appropriate to where they are at. So we cannot say, in this respect, that one set of beliefs and values is better than another. The evolution of consciousness is intrinsically self corrective, however, and proceeds over time to more integrative holistic states reinforced by the ultimately negative reward of separative states and the positive reward of states that incorporate more unitive spiritual aspects. This may not always be obvious in any given moment and takes time to see. In the world now change is pressing because the bulk of humanity is more evolved and decent than the political/economic system that we live within. This can be seen in the daily news of violence and wars, economic exploitation and injustice, inequality and bias, degeneration and

280 Christ Self Reflections corruption, etc. — these don’t reflect what we really value and want. We have outgrown the status quo establishment and therefore the political fervor for change. It’s a simple organic process.


571. A nondual realization Many spiritual teachers dispense higher knowledge and an enlightenment of the mind, which is fine as far as it goes, but illumination is not equal to identification with the Source. Living in the Light of the soul maintains a dualism that is resolved once the soul is identified with and we leave our personal self behind. Enlightenment can produce a temporary ecstasy until we return to Earth and realize that we are still bound by form and time. However, the Self isn’t. Identification with the Self of God is identification with the Whole which is One. That One expresses itself through separate created forms, but these are subsumed in nondual Oneness. Enlightenment of the mind has its place and purpose, but through the Heart which encompasses all, the Self of all can be contacted, known and embraced. Through surrender we become who we already are within as the Christ Who has been waiting to welcome us back Home.


572. Meeting in gratitude and peace Can we say to one another, ‘thank you’, for being who you are and for allowing us to experience the Love and Light that you embody. Thank you for your Trust and for sharing your Self. It is also my Self and helpful to awaken me to who I am. Placing no demands or expectations on you, leaving you free to just be exactly who you are, wanting nothing from you, we meet in Peace. Opening to the new moment just as it is, needing to change nothing, everything is Perfect. Your Love and Light are also mine. Your Conscious Self is also mine. No matter what you say or do I honor and appreciate the divine being who you are. Let us open our mind and Heart to what is here now that we may share and realize together what would become known.


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573. Detachment from ego mind Thoughts only matter to those who think thoughts matter. If you don’t think that they do, then you are out of your mind and functioning in a different part of your self. Those who are functioning as Self still formulate thoughts but are not attached to them but rather to the awareness from which they were created. Those who are Self centered do not give primary reality to the mind but see it as the creative agent of the Heart, which is primary. The mind exists to make known and extend Love or God. The mind as we are familiar with it is an artificial and separate domain that is cut off from the larger reality that encompasses it and therefore its conceptions can’t fully contain that holistic reality. Of course, we still use the mind to share the Self but we express awareness and not intellectual thought. Intellectual thinking begins from thoughts while Self expression begins from intuitive awareness. As what we give energy to is what we give reality to, those who are attached to thought are identified with personality and the separate ego mind. Those who are centered in the Self are not attached to the mind and only use the mind to create.


574. The power of music Have you noticed that it is easier to amass thousands of people to hear music and song than to hear speeches. Music and song arouse the emotions and stir the soul. Speeches can do this as well but it is more challenging as these appeal more to the intellect. This shows that the Heart is really the center of life regardless of how much time we actually spend in our mind in our work and daily routines. Considering that the themes of most popular songs usually relate to one’s emotional life, I have often wondered how powerful it would be if instead, these events were massed spiritual invocations. Although, I’m sure that some large popular have unconsciously been such. People often endeavor to loose themselves in the uplifting strains. Probably at some point this whole process will be more scientifically understood and applied.


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575. Love is the key All of religion and philosophy is hinged on one point — the fulcrum point of Love. If we love then we must inevitably move toward others and a larger embrace and understanding of life. If we don’t, though we believe in the most intricate, refined and abstruse conceptions it will avail us not and we will not understand. Love is the key and Force that leads us from separation to Unity, from fear to Peace, and from confusion to understanding. Love has many permutations including imagination, desires and sexual drives, but Love is operative within these to move us forward to enlarge us and bring us in contact with a larger experience of life. The ego believes that love is a special something it can get and possess, like gold, but Love is really part of our being and something we need to share to fully experience. Love is ultimately a mystery to the mind and therefore undervalued in philosophy and religion. And even in Christianity that is based on Love, the practice of Love is a difficult work in progress. However, Love is the nature of the Heart and must be joined with the mind to know and live the Truth.


576. Learning to live in space It has been said that space is the future and futurists talk now about leaving Earth and colonizing other planets. TV and film are filled with science fiction images of imagined life in space. However, instead of looking outward we must look within to understand this metaphor. The intuition knows that the brain or separate thinking represents the past as the space of Love is where our future lies. We have been confined in the separate ego mind or brain but it is now time to fully integrate the soul within by joining the Heart which embodies the consciousness of the soul. To enter the Heart we must leave the concrete mind and step into the boundless space within the Heart. This space at first seems as empty as outer space, but with closer awareness we will discover it is full of Self and pervaded with Light, Love, Consciousness and Purpose. We must learn to live in this Heart space by activating our intuition which can discover what IS in space and how to function in this place that is so different to what has been familiar to us. Living in space means moving through the portal of the Heart into fluid Love and ever

283 Christ Self Reflections new Being. It means flowing on an energy that pervades and is One with all creation. Life here is different than the one we knew on Earth, but it is exhilarating, free, joyous and One with God Who encompasses all. We don’t have to go to outer space to do this. This space is here now within this very moment. It’s just a step and a Heart beat away.


577. I dreamed of Love and You answered

I dreamed of Love, and like the sun, a light blazed forth from your eyes to illuminate my world. I dreamed of Love, and like the sweetness of spring your scent engulfed me in Life. I dreamed of Love, and as the voice of the beloved, your voice became a song in my Heart. I dreamed of Love, and awakening from a dream I began to live in an Eternal Now. What is my role in all this? All I can do is sing your praises, and honor your Presence in all. You are the Inspiration, the Joy, the Love and the Life. Your Beauty transforms and vivifies. As a Divine Spirit you have shown me the Reality of Love and the True nature of Life. I now move through Creation honoring You.


578. Ascension

Every moment involves choice. Every step involves a choice of what we want and love and take as real. And we move forward Until eventually we find ourselves at the edge of a high cliff. Again we have a choice — to stay rooted to Earth or to take another step and soar into space. I choose to soar free

284 Christ Self Reflections and when I return I will no longer be who I was. My wings were made for flying and the eternal spirit within knows no fear and bids me to embrace the sky. The path ascends


579. A new Oneness is precipitating on Earth We are told that Divine Spirit when manifesting is differentiated into a septenary of qualified energies that pervade and sustain all. Christ, when He ascertained that the time had come for resolving the dualism and conflict that has afflicted Earth, invoked a Synthesis Spirit of God Whose energy brings the underlying Oneness that has ever been within all but which has been hidden. This process of synthesis began by creating a new Energy from the First, Second and Seventh Rays, thus synthesizing Spiritual Will, Purpose, Consciousness, and Ordered Manifestation and thereby creating a new catalyst to bring about outer Unity. This was an initial embodiment of the One Divine Life within. Then the Sixth Ray fused with this Energy by changing its orientation from its focus on outer ideals to an inner focus on the experience of what IS now in this new manifestation of Energy. The Fifth Ray fuses in the new synthesis by changing its orientation from mentally creating in separation to creating from Oneness. The Fourth Ray fuses into the new synthesis by changing from harmonizing soul and personality to intuitively at-one-ing Consciousness and Knowing of God. This just leaves the Third Ray which is that of the Earth itself which is also the base chakra in the solar system. The Third Ray becomes in synthesis the Mind of God manifest in creation through which the Consciousness of God, expressing through the Solar Heart center, can now find a clear channel. This New Energy and Consciousness are transforming Earth into something New and revealing the Divinity of Earth, manifesting soon as a sacred planet. No longer is consciousness to be imprisoned by form. The Logos is Consciously emerging directly through the entire planet. The New Earth becomes one of Unity and Synthesis rather than separation and conflict.


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580. A shared Self The simplest way to conceive of the New Reality is that whenever we meet anyone, we will realize that we greet someone with whom we share the same Self. This intimate Oneness therefore implies new laws of life different from the old ‘if this, then that’ reality we have been living. By making this state of being conscious and articulate, we ground it and make it more real or manifest. Of course, we are not ‘making’ anything in the old way we used to create. We are merely accepting what is real and sharing this. Love becomes what we live in. We step out of our separate mind and its perceptions of the world and see instead the Unitary Life within, that we are all part of. Instead of referencing everything to the ego mind we reference everything to the Heart and the One Conscious Self we share. The day unfolds as a new discovery as we open to what IS here and share what we are coming to know together. The only difference from the old to the New is that before we were trapped in our ego minds and therefore experiencing the world in false separate terms — and now we’re not. Before we identified with who we thought we were — and now we are just our Self. Now there are no rules, just free and ever new life lived in shared Oneness. We have all experienced this at times in the past but now it will become our lived state of identity. Recognize that a New Day is dawning on Earth.


581. Choosing Christ now We are always experiencing Christ — we are just not conscious of this as we are identified with our ego, the separate personal self. Christ is the One Eternal Being or Self within, Who we are all a part of and an extension of so we cannot help but experience Christ. When Jesus became consciously One with Christ he was merely demonstrating what we too can and will do. Our separation from God as represented in the myth of the Fall of Adam and Eve, didn’t happen in reality, just in consciousness after humanity choose in fear to believe they were separate and denied their connection with God. This can easily be reversed by bringing that connection and Oneness to awareness again by rejoining our separate mind with the Heart. The Heart is more than just a personal feeling of love, as it is the portal to the loving state of Unity within all creation. This is an

286 Christ Self Reflections experience available to us now that entails moving from personality to soul, from separate self to the One Shared Self, from belief to Intuitive Knowing, from time to an Eternal Now and many more things besides. Because this conscious rejoining with God is a step into the Infinite Mind of God and the beginning of the New Reality that together we will co-create on Earth.


582. A passing touch Often we will experience a fleeting touch from the spiritual world, a glimmering intimation, a dream image, or a feeling that might seem as evanescent as the brush of a fairy wing, yet if we will fasten upon it, it will unfold an entire world. These things are easy to discount, ignore and forget yet they are precious gifts that can be mined for the treasure within them. As they come from another level of reality, they provide a line of energy to that reality that we may avail ourselves of. By concentrating on the experience we may go within it as a doorway that opens to lighted inner dimensions of timeless Being. Who hasn’t wanted, at times, to turn away from the dreary dusty world to experience Beauty beyond this world. Angels are always trying to get through to us. Next time in some quiet moment when you happen to have an unexpected heartfelt feeling, take it as a communication from the spirit world and really listen.


583. The ‘battle’ with Satan Satan is really a separate will that acts against the good of the Whole or Love. This can happen in different ways by deception, fear and coercion. However, it is a denial of Reality that only has the power that we give it by our belief. There are more extreme forms of this energy, however any time we try to force, manipulate or use others in order to get something or do something that we think we need, we are aligning with this energy. The ego, as it embodies a separate will, is naturally susceptible to this. It is overcome by Love and acceptance of Christ. By accepting the Whole that the Self of God is, we move away from ego agendas, fears, wants and compulsions. To the Christ Self, Satan is merely a delusion — a false and transient

287 Christ Self Reflections orientation. It is not anything to worry about as it has no Reality. We shouldn’t fight it as that gives it Reality, just as Jesus, without fear, merely turned his back to it. We only need to embody the Truth, the good of the Whole and the Will to Love, and Satan will wither away. However, in those areas of human life where Satan is dominating, the Truth needs to be affirmed. If we accept the Self, we naturally move away from separate creation and the need to make anything happen and accept what God has for us now, which is all we really need.


584. Enlightenment In Raja Yoga a necessary step is restraint of the natural thought making tendency of the mind in order to attain a quiescent receptivity to illumination. This can be achieved most easily by desire for something higher than the mind — the Self of Love that encompasses but is outside the mind. By shifting our awareness and identity to the One Self, the mind automatically falls into line as the Heart’s servant or creative agent. The mind then acts to extend the Self’s Knowing, rather than being focused on itself. Enlightenment isn’t really about the mind, but about realizing the Self who uses the mind. There has been much emphasis placed on the mind in Eastern spiritual practices which feeds into the ego’s identification with the concrete mind. Self realization is not ego enlightenment but realizing that our Self is not the ego. Outside of our personal self and mind is a space and Presence of our real Self. We don’t have to struggle with the ego mind, we merely need to choose the unity of the Heart and the Self. Then we discover the “rain cloud of knowable things” within that we can share.


585. The problem of expectation Expectation makes it difficult to experience the Presence of the Self. Attachment to memories and thoughts inhibits our acceptance of the Self in the present moment because from these we project on to the moment what we assume it is and expect it should be, rather accepting what it actually is. The present moment always extends to Infinity and is therefore always more than our initial experience or awareness of it. We

288 Christ Self Reflections have to get out of our head to really know what is happening. It’s not until we connect with the Heart and the larger space of Unity encompassing us, that we begin to be present to the Self that is experienced in Peace and Love within. The Self speaks in a quiet Voice and not always with fireworks and great flashes of Light. In stillness it reminds us that it IS always here. What we want is just to Be our Self and this Being encompasses all outer personality states. This is a lesson that we need to learn. The Self is just as much here when we are feeling tired as when we are feeling joyous. If we can get out of the self and open to the larger Self moment we transform our experience from a linear and limited consciousness to a free and expansive one. If we can maintain this awareness, we may then flow with life that is newly unfolding and bringing us gifts, Knowing, images and intuitions. Let us realize that the Answer is always present to the dilemmas of human life, but that we must get out of the ego mind and connect with the Conscious Self Presence to find it.


586. Translating experience of what IS into words It is difficult to translate Self awareness into words because thoughts are nominally part of separate personal consciousness and what IS is not separate or personal. It is not a thought, an emotion, a memory, an imagination or a sensation so it’s not a category of experience that we have normally noticed. It is a fourth dimensional Presence that has always been within and behind our outer self and states of consciousness. It is a level of reality that interpenetrates the three dimensions of our personal world. And it is a unified field rather than being broken up into separate forms. What IS is conscious, but that consciousness is determined intuitively by a felt sense. What IS is Divine and the threshold to the inner dimensions of God’s Being. When we become aware of what IS, we become aware of something that can change our experience of who we are because we will come to realize that we are really meeting our Self. Our Self is, therefore bigger and different than we have believed ourselves to be. This is difficult to talk about but we can have this experience with others who are becoming aware of the same Self that we all actually share. We will intuitively know that we are now living from a different place and are cooperating in

289 Christ Self Reflections translating this awareness into form. We are extending a New Reality into the world.


587. Becoming artists of life Where should we begin in our effort to become authentically our Self? We must begin with where we are at now and open to that which enfolds this now. If we start from a separate point of awareness we must open to the unitary Self that is within this moment. We establish this connection through joining our awareness with the Heart which is integral to the One Self. Self Consciousness is the Consciousness of Love that is within all. Then we relax into this space and notice what is here now. Of course we always have a choice about what to attend to, but something will attract our attention which we can bring to an articulate awareness. This will invoke and inspire ideas about the best way to express this. And off we go. The more that we can flow with inspiration the more will be revealed. Like an artist formulating his inspiration and vision, we all may become artists of life, bringing something new and beautiful into the world. And how much more beautiful it is if we are living it and making our life the canvass. There is nothing more beautiful that spirit consecrated to the divine within.


588. Communion We commune with Jesus through the Word which connects and unites us in spirit and consciousness. We commune through experiencing and listening in the Heart to the Truth that is shared among us. We commune when we share and extend the Love that we embody together. We commune when we connect to the One Self within Who unites us in Oneness. Anytime we see or experience our Self in one another we commune with Christ Who is our shared Self. Communion can be an ongoing state of Unity in Life — a giving and receiving of the gifts of God and of the inner consciousness that we share in.


290 Christ Self Reflections

589. The field of consciousness Jesus has given us few visualization exercises, but in one He suggests that we imagine a dot within a large circle to represent the personal self embraced within the space of the Self. ACOL D7:26 When moving outside the dot to identify as the Self, the dot becomes the human form that the One Self expresses through. Imagining a multitude of dots allows us to imagine how this One Self is actually expressing through all. Even scientists are now speculating that consciousness exists as a field outside the brain. Evolution doesn’t just happen by itself, but is guided by this conscious field.


590. It’s not personal More than just being loving, being one’s Self means coming from a place that isn’t personal. More than just responding in a heartfelt way, being one’s Self involves being centered in the Whole. This requires a detachment from the conditioned patterns of the ego mind with all the associated assumptions, reactions and behaviors. As the Self is not personal, Being One means being authentic by practicing a deeper listening. Feelings guide the Self, but these aren’t taken personally. As the Self is not separate but includes everyone, personal relationships to those about us are superseded by a loving Unity and Inclusiveness. It’s wonderful to be a loving person but we are more than this. Christ Consciousness is awakening us to who we really are as integral extensions of the Whole of God.


591. The New Reality Christ Consciousness isn’t just a goal for itself, but is part of God’s Plan to manifest a New Reality on Earth and beyond. The co-creation of the New can’t happen from a separate consciousness but must come from a consciousness of inner Oneness and Unity as it will be an extension of this inner Divinity. Our Self is integral to this inner world of unified Being. It is very real and will increasingly be where we live. Identification with the Self involves an ongoing discovery and revelation of what IS within the living moment. What we come to know is what we will share and extend. We thereby make the inner

291 Christ Self Reflections dimensions of the soul more real and manifest on Earth. What IS is a shimmering field of endless possibilities that opens before our astounded vision now. What IS is here as a Reality that can be apprehended and not just imagined. What IS is a Life and Consciousness that we share together which is our shared Self. Therefore, what IS is our experience of Christ and not just our belief in Christ. Let us leave behind our beliefs and open up to what IS here now in this Wholehearted moment so that we may share this.


592. On the edge of Revelation It’s mind blowing to contemplate that we live on the cusp of time and on the edge of life as it has never been experienced before. If one is fearful, one can certainly extrapolate negative scenarios from the distressing news in the media. However, if one will go within the Heart with an open mind, one cannot help but sense the possibility of Beauty, Love and creative Life more wondrous than has ever been experienced. Some of the ancient civilizations on Earth attained glorious heights but inequality and suffering were not eliminated. We are also told about advanced civilizations on other planets. However, advanced technology by itself is not enough, as we are discovering. We have the opportunity to create on this beautiful garden planet, something that will be the extension of the highest supernal Light and Love but manifest on this dense outermost place. When Love rules all, then God will come and turn this world into a divine temple and a Light that will illuminate the galaxy. The Angels are waiting.


593. The travail of birth Christ is giving everyone as much time as possible to choose love. He is pumping the Heart bellows within humanity as a whole that is causing many breakthroughs, insights and transformations. Pain and suffering are hard but can also contribute to positive gains. The world cries out in agony at the moment but relief is already here. Christ is now extending Himself to each and every one of us. Take His Hand and so be lead through the tumultuous tribulation on Earth to the coming

292 Christ Self Reflections

Age of Love and Peace, Unity and Divine Co-creation. The crises and breakdowns, catastrophes and wars indicate the collapse of the old and the outdated. A new civilization must arise on Earth on a new basis of love and an awareness of the Divine within all. See the travail of Earth as birth pains and align with the new divine world being born.


594. Trusting the process Each person in being authentic must follow their own path as dictated by their own soul. We must trust that this process must eventually lead to the same place of Oneness with Christ. We must therefore refrain from judgement and endeavor to support each in the process of listening to the Voice within and Trusting their Heart and their guiding Spirit. This path will look different for each but such is the way it is. To doubt is to fear but Love fears not. This doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t share what we feel with another, if we have concerns about them. Indeed, we are given to share our Self and to see that Self in all.


595. Waking up Whole We have spent so many lifetimes trying to attain, to get and to become that it comes as a shock when we inevitably wake up one day and realize that we are finally Whole. No more seeking, trying, struggle and effort. We are here and totally here for the first time. And it feels great, a relief and a joy. We are now at Peace and at One with everything because we have finally realized that our Self isn’t separate or personal, but One with everything. So we no longer need to fight anything, worry, or figure things out. Life just IS and unfolds new in an Eternal Now. Instead of trying to control life, we surrender to it. This is not fatalism because now we are freer to be our Self than we have ever been, because we now know consciously who we really are.

A Light is now visible and in this Light we see the outlines of a spiritual dimension of Unity and Love that wasn’t so obvious before. The outer world hasn’t changed, it is just lit up from within by a Reality New to our astonished eyes. After wonder

293 Christ Self Reflections comes gratitude and reverence. The One Divine Life that has ever been within the outer forms of creation, has emerged into our awareness as the Revelation of God. Although so real, we’re also afraid to loose this awareness and experience as yet another fleeting intimation of something just beyond our grasp. This time, the experience persists, evoked by our Wholehearted desire to sustain it. Letting go of everything — fear, expectation, judgement and attachment — and just letting things be, everything continues to be as it IS — Whole and Real.

We still have free will and choice. We may choose to Be or not, and even choosing Being we have a choice of what we choose to focus on, express and manifest. And we are no longer alone. Every thing we give is shared with all. It’s like a portal we pass through together into a conscious space that we share. Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter, it is all the same in the sense of the same ever new moment experienced in Wholeness. Mystics have noted this state in the past, but now it is a Reality that is beginning to infuse the world. We will wake up one day and realize that although the world may look the same, the reality of the old world has been totally washed away in a new Light.


596. Going with the flow There is a good expression that carries a lot of truth about our ‘need to get out of our own way’. The ego is always wanting everything to be about it, hogging the stage, and spoiling the show. We need to step back from the ego and just allow things to be. There is a natural flow to life that we can intuitively navigate if we don’t let our ego agendas dominate or our compulsive effort to control the outcome. If we listen to the Voice within, we will intuitively know when to take appropriate action. It will really happen automatically as a result of just being who we are. In our society we are always acting for a future that exists in our minds, which makes it harder to just be open and spontaneous in the moment. If we learn to go with the flow more, changes will still happen but we won’t feel the need to force things so much, which will result in less stress and a greater enjoyment of the moment. We will be more fully present as we won’t be trying to get to the next moment that we want to

294 Christ Self Reflections get to. And others will probably appreciate our presence more too.


597. Enlightenment Enlightenment isn’t knowing everything — it is just knowing what you know and who knows it. It is realizing that belief or thought isn’t knowing. Knowing may be expressed through thoughts but the form is not the content. Enlightenment is about knowing rather than knowledge. Enlightenment is first of all realizing and being aware of the Self who knows. It’s only the Unitary Self that can be enlightened, not the separate self, because enlightenment is a Unity or Wholeness that can only be realized by the Unity of the One Self. Eastern religions place a great deal of emphasis on enlightening the mind, but Love irradiates our entire being. When living as the Loving Self, the mind becomes naturally enlightened.


598. Accepting Jesus The easiest and simplest step to become our Self is to accept Jesus, as Jesus is our Self. It is simple because Jesus is the only Self Who is here now within us and within this moment. Join with the Consciousness and Spirit that pervades space. Become aware of the Heart of Love that embraces all and surrender yourself to it. Become aware of a Reality that is a pervading Presence and recognize the universal Self that Jesus is and that we also are. Jesus is not here as a separate personal being but as the Self of Christ. He is extending His Self to us now that we might also choose this. Christ is infusing the world with His Presence, His Self. Let us recognize what is really happening now, and avail ourselves of this opportunity that we have waited forever for. It is easy because all we have to do is let go of what we are not.


599. A new Light and a new Earth appearing When the sky is clear we can see the sun directly, the light shines upon us and we are happy. When there are clouds, we

295 Christ Self Reflections wonder and question, waiting for the day when we will see the light again, when the sky will be blue and the birds will sing. Now, however, a new Sun lights the sky — a dark light shines everywhere, sunny or not. This new light is revealing a new Reality appearing out of the ethers before our eyes. What do we make of this new apparition? What is happening to this Earth that we love? Another dimension emerges within us. A new world and a new order are merging. From the mind only questions arise. But from the Heart, a Knowing says all is well— Our separate creation has now been joined with a unified Life that is Divine.


600. Choosing the Way Home More than Universal Light, Love, and Being, Jesus Christ is our particular doorway to Life, Love, Light and Divine Being Who is the Way and the Truth for us. Why struggle to find the way on our own when it is being offered to us on a platter. Jesus is knocking at the door of our Heart now. Jesus is Christ and is offering us the key to the Kingdom of God and our Inheritance. Why search the universe for this key on our own? Everything is of God so we will eventually find our way home on our own, but a shortcut is before us — a fork in the road that leads directly Home. Let us take this Way together and so not put off any longer our Homecoming with the Angels and Illumined Ones Who are waiting to greet us.


601. Anger and Self denial Jesus teaches that we all have anger from denying the Truth of our Self and believing instead in the world’s and the ego’s assumptions. Chief amongst these is the belief that we must work to get what we need and that those who have more must deserve it. Therefore if we don’t get what we need it must be because we haven’t deserved it because our efforts were deficient. And then our guilt and self condemnation are also deserved. However, as what we have learned and believe in our mind is what we will automatically create and experience, we don’t realize that we are creating our experience by our belief and just assume this is reality. It is the ego’s and therefore the

296 Christ Self Reflections world’s reality, but we need not choose this. The Truth of the Self is that our needs are fulfilled by God. There is no lack. The world, however, runs on an assumption of lack. Therefore we spend our lives struggling to earn a living to get what we need to survive and in the process have to deny what we really would love. And we are subconsciously angry about this. If our society were living by spiritual principles, all needs would be entitled. We can each begin to change the world by choosing to live by the Truth of the Self and in time the world would also change.


602. Becoming congruent Buckminster Fuller proved that there is enough of the basics needed for life in the world for everyone if the world’s resources were distributed fairly. This is what Love would do. However, fear says there is not enough and therefore we must engage in an unavoidable competition to get what we need to survive. In this process it is perfectly legitimate to exploit one another to get what we lack. These are the world’s and the ego’s self serving assumptions but these are based on lie. Exploitation is violently using our fellow man, which is not Self serving or loving, and yet our capitalistic economic system is based on exploitation, unequal wealth and arrogant entitlements to power over others. This does not really square with Christ’s Teaching, but we have so compartmentalized our lives that we believe that we can hold contradictory beliefs and not be confused. It is time to become congruent and live by what we really believe in our Heart and not just mouth empty words that reflect hypocrisy.


603. Abundance A difference between the abundance intrinsic to the Self and the abundance that the prosperity preachers promise, is that Self abundance is immediate. It does not result from actions to rectify lacks or deficiencies in one’s life related to the ego’s world view. Rather Self abundance is a natural result of channeling the Unity of the Self. God contains all and is abundant and so we experience that when we identify with the Self. This abundance is also different than the ego’s abundance by ‘want fulfillment’. The Self provides need fulfillment and

297 Christ Self Reflections therefore is different. Desire is operating in both cases but the ego’s is related to thought and emotion, the Self’s desire is related to the Heart. Prosperity doctrine is really a bargaining technique that the ego tries to use to get what it wants from God. It’s not necessary for we have already been given everything — we just need to accept the Self through whom all blessings flow. Why do prosperity preachers continue to ask for money from those they preach to if they know the secret to prosperity? Because they don’t.


604. Acceptance Acceptance is not a passive fatalistic state but an active embrace of our power and our intrinsic destiny. Acceptance implies living at One with free Spirit and thus moving in the world as we are called to without doubt or fear. Acceptance means accepting our Christ Self as who we are. It is a choice that we make in every new moment until we have forgotten the old way of separate being. Acceptance means acting for the Whole and for the larger purpose that moves us for collective Good. Acceptance means totally being present and expressing our Self completely without reservation. Acceptance means accepting what IS here now. Acceptance implies our need to express and share what we are discovering and coming to know. Acceptance is the key to the gateway of Being and God, and to Life fully lived Now.


605. All or nothing Jesus tells us that being one’s Self is an all or nothing proposition and although at first this will be a gradual and tentative process, we cannot ultimately hold on to the ego for this to happen. The ego would like to have some of the good features and benefits of being Self centered while retaining a separate orientation but this is not possible as Unity and separate identity cannot both be maintained. We really wouldn’t want to once we come to realize what is entailed in Self consciousness. However, our long habituation to conventual separate reality and our fear of the unknown and of loosing our self has made us hesitant to fully move into Unity. Jesus knows

298 Christ Self Reflections this and it is why he has been so patient in his teaching and given us so much encouragement through direct experience. It’s a free choice. We may hesitate in the doorway of the Heart, peering into the Infinite vistas of God within for a long time, before the day that we decide it is safe to choose what our heart cries out for. However, when we do, we will realize that this step has been something destined that we have already chosen.


606. The keynote of synthesis The world is becoming more unified in many ways via electronics, science, the internet and communications, finances, culture and politics. This reflects what is happening spiritually as well as we are told that the inner ashrams are becoming one and the whole process of human development is shifting from an individual emphasis to a group emphasis. The individual initiations which have marked the milestones of human conscious evolution are being synthesized in a group process. What this trend really is about is that God/Logos — the One Life, Mind and Consciousness within the manifold creation of Earth, is now consciously emerging within the separate forms and lives of creation and establishing outwardly a synthesis which has eternally existed within. Christ is returning to pervade and encompass the entire planet and offer His Self to us, that we may also become Christ identified or One. The civilization based on separation is therefore destined to pass away, thankfully, and the suffering and conflict that have characterized Earth will be no more. If we can see what is really happening in the travail on Earth now, we will be less troubled and more able to cooperate in helping this Unity manifest.


607. The rhythm of spiritual contact I believe that those who meditate or go within in regular contemplation will notice an increasing sense of spiritual awareness — particularly in the morning. Every day we are being touched by the soul and infused with an increasing dose of new spiritual awareness. The process of gradual assimilation has a cumulative effect, so that more and more we are able to stay centered in the Light of the soul and identified with our

299 Christ Self Reflections inner Self. God moves slowly and inexorably but by cosmic measure the pace today is a veritable explosion. Likewise, those who are spiritual or endeavoring to serve the planet will also notice that they arise from sleep with new ideas and intuitions. Out of body at night, much teaching takes place on the inner planes. Let us become consciously aware of the help that we are receiving so that we can consciously cooperate with this process.


608. Overcoming the temptation to think The farther that I proceed with the shift to Self, the more I notice how dissatisfying it is to just formulate thoughts if these thoughts aren’t an expression of what IS being experienced in the present moment. Just thinking, reinforces old habits of mind and the pattern of personal identification. The New is different — an awareness of a living Wholeness and Unity within the moment. It is tempting to think about the world with its many interests and problems, but the mind must be used in a new way — not just to think ‘about’ the world and experience as if separate from it, but to speak from the Heart and extend what IS here now, and what is desired, visioned, felt and inspired. Voicing what IS now involves making known new discoveries from explorations in the realm of boundless Being. Thinking is basically about recycling old and familiar notions and repackaging them — and then taking credit for this as something new. A new vista opens before us. Let us explore it together and so create the New World which is destined.


609. Beyond learning The ego mind assumes that we have to learn and know a lot before we can finally get what we really want and need. However, everything is actually available now if we Wholeheartedly desire it and open to the experience of it. This everything is the Self that contains everything and is who we really are. There are no tools, procedures, concepts or knowledge necessary to become aware of the Real Self — it is simply what is here now when we release attachment to the concrete mind and accept the embrace of the consciousness of

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Love that is within this moment. Pervading the space within and without is a Presence that we can feel and intuit. This Presence is actually the revelation of Christ as the One Eternal Self that we are in Truth. If we will maintain an awareness of this Consciousness, we will become aware of a Knowing within it that we can share. In this way, through sharing and cooperation will we embody and extend Christ and bring forth a New Reality into the world. We don’t have to learn anything to do this. We just have to Be and extend the loving awareness that we can experience now.


610. Incarnation and return to our Divine Source The Divine Trinity of God is: *Father/Spirit/Purpose/Will *Mother/Intelligent Substance/Divine Mind (the Holy Spirit is that aspect of the Mother which connects our mind to Christ) *Son/Being/Love/Consciousness In the process of incarnation, God breathes/sounds the Word which is One with its Source into existence. Which then infuses formless energetic matter and creates a separate form of light. This form takes on mind/thought forms and self will based on consciousness of separation. An emotional nature relates the separate individual to others. Thus we have the Self, hidden within the threefold personality.

On the path of return/Unification the process is reversed until the separate individual becomes One with the originating Word/ Christ. First the individual feels a connection with the Word in others and chooses to relate to others with love. Then he/she chooses to use the mind for good and to abstain from imposing a selfish agenda. This is a phase of searching and learning. Finally, identification with mind is restrained. Crossing the formless energetic plane, is the phase that refers to what we have been focusing on in this book - stepping away from the ego mind and into the Heart space of the Self — the etheric reflection of the buddhic plane — where we intuitively ascertain what we, as Christ, know and would create with one another.

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Thus by identification with Christ are the separative tendencies of the personality overcome and the individual becomes consciously One with his/her Self/Source. However now we become One while residing in a physical body. The Conscious Self in form becomes manifest while the matter through this Self incarnated has been redeemed.


611. Moving across the field of Light In the phase of the process of return where we are now at, we have moved away from identification with the ego mind and have now moved into the formless field of Light and Love that is in-dwelt by Christ. There is just seemingly empty space and the Presence within. How are we to proceed across the boundless field of energy? We must listen with the ear of the Heart and feel with the intuition to discern the Knowing within that which we experience in the moment while in this energy. We must then draw it out and express this loving awareness to one another and in so doing we create a bridge to Christ which we walk across in the process of Becoming Our Self. Soon we are Home, beyond space and time. We realize that we are more than human beings but are really a Divine Being expressing through a human form. Now we have another work to do, that will result from simply sharing our Being and everything that is part of this.


612. The basic duality of Earth Our God, the Logos of Earth, when manifesting does so as a Divine Hermaphrodite composed of the male evolutions of consciousness and the female evolutions of intelligent matter. Both interdependent parts need and serve each other. Humanity, for example, requires devic substance to manifest, as the mind, emotions and physical body are all composed of devic lives. Devas are feminine in that they are negative to the will of humanity. They evolve by submission to the law of life while humanity evolves through consciously overcoming painful resistance in matter by gradual identification with the Source, which is only possible by incarnation in devic matter. Human identification with Source allows devic integration with their

302 Christ Self Reflections originating Spirit. This dual reality relates to why humans, women included, have been referred to as male because in relation to the Whole they are all part of the positive evolution. This is also why women should not be subjected to man’s will as the devas are, because women’s purpose, like men’s, is to freely and consciously identify with and be the One Self. The human soul incarnates in both male and female bodies, and although women can seem more loving and angelic, they are not devas. The human duality of the genders merely reflects the fundamental creative duality of Earth.


613. Channeling our Self Polarized in the Heart space we allow whatever intuitions, feelings, visions, love, creative impulses or actions to pass through us into the world. We become an open channel for our Self. We no longer block our impressions because of fear or belief that we can’t be our Self. We no longer remain preoccupied with a personal agenda or concern. We use our mind to formulate and express our inspirations but the mind is purely secondary. We are now free to be Whole and fully present. We are the Love that is within the Light. We are now a conscious contributor to the Creation of the future, as the future is like a God seed within us waiting to be discovered and watered by our awareness.


614. Floating in space A metaphor for our conscious existence, is that we are like soap bubbles floating in the air that have been breathed out by God. We believe that we are different and separate because we have separate forms although we are all composed of the same thing and are floating in the same space. We can communicate with one another about our various concerns because of our basic commonality. Life carries us hither and yon until eventually the film bursts and we discover that we are all part of the same One space. Of course human life has a more grounded aspect, but our indwelling consciousness is either an ego bubble or a Oneness with Christ, Who we have ever been composed of.

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615. Spirit is moving in the world We can sense that Christ is beginning to infuse the world with His energy because, despite the problems, there is increasing love present. Recent disasters show that there is much good will and efforts to help one another. The average person feels an increased sense of commonality in these difficult times and it’s primarily those insulated by power and privilege who display a selfish, arrogant and complacent attitude. New developments like the awareness of global warming are rightfully bringing people together. The sense of vulnerability to imminent crises breaks down walls that have kept people isolated. Leaders like Trump are activating people and many are rising up. People also realize that there is a lot going on that isn’t being reported in the MSM and this creates a sense of expectancy. The spirit is moving many to take action. Many people regress in fear but soon it must be clear that there is just one way forward. We either kill ourselves and the planet in our greed and selfishness or we cooperate in Love. Therefore the deluded who advocate for war and exploitation must be removed from power, and cooperation, sharing, fairness, human rights and peace established. This is the choice for Love that Christ will help us make. This will lead to the One Divine World that Christ will help us realize. There is only one real choice between life and death, love and fear.


616. The refuge within There is a place of refuge and retreat from the world where we are at peace and safe from the pressures, fear and conflict around us. This place, paradoxically, is a place of Unity and Oneness that is within the world. We don’t have to escape from the conditions and circumstances of our outer lives, we merely have to find that portal that opens to the inner space of the Self Who is within, now. This is the Heart portal that reveals another dimension of Being that we may step into and live in. Instead of continuing to live from the outside of life, we live from the inside — which is One Sacred Divine Life. We may not fully realize this at first as we feel the Presence of the Self within in the Silence and Stillness of our meditation. However, as we choose to

304 Christ Self Reflections attend to this awareness, listen to our Heart, Trust our intuitive Knowing and live from this place, we will discover that we are living from a deeper part of our Self that is part of God. And as God provides all, this is all we need.


617. Using mind Our use of the mind will reveal whether we are coming from the personal self or the spiritual Self. The personal self is naturally reactive and fastens on thought with an emotional attachment. The Self is indifferent to thought and belief and uses the mind merely to express Self Knowing. The Self doesn’t react to what others may say, think, do or believe. In all situations it merely listens within and responds with what it intuits as a result, using the mind to formulate this. The ego self gets caught up in issues and what is ‘right’ but Self isn’t interested in this. The personal self is identified in the separate concrete mind while the Self isn’t identified there, so isn’t invested. The Self uses the mind to express what IS, the self uses the mind to express its beliefs. The Self’s use of the mind contributes to our remembering of our shared Truth and what we Know in common. The self’s use of the mind is a competitive struggle to demonstrate who knows the best. To the personal self, thoughts initiate a creative stream of thinking. For the Self, awareness is the initial factor that precipitates creative thought. The personal self therefore, is always caught up in thoughts that it has, that paradoxically are separate from it. However, for the Self, the mind extends what is integral to to the Self and remains unified with it — these ideas never leave their source. The Self therefore uses the mind to extend its Oneness. The ego self uses the mind to project its separation.


618. Self awareness Consciousness of Self is an awareness outside of personal consciousness that looks back on the person, feelings and thoughts with a loving detached acceptance. The Self does not judge and therefore is not threatened by anything being experienced by the personal self because the Self knows that the ego is not who it is. The Self will intuit the meaning of the

305 Christ Self Reflections feelings experienced while accepting them all as there are no bad feelings or good feelings. The Self is also more interested in the intent behind thoughts than the thoughts themselves, as the Self is more attuned to consciousness than the mind. The Self is a meta level of awareness that provides a more encompassing context and meaning to experience. The ego is a superficial and more artificial consciousness which by its nature lacks understanding by virtue of being separate from the whole. It naturally gets things wrong because it is based on a false foundation — that we exist separate from the Life that we are part of. It’s only when this false denial is overcome by identifying with Self that we can really know who we are and what anything is for or means. The Self Knows as the Self is part of God Who Knows all but Who doesn’t judge.


619. Self as doorway to Christ I began this blog which also became a book not only to express my Self and continue a dialogue begun by Jesus, but to demonstrate that what Jesus is telling us is true, real and achievable. We have been so used to believing that Christ is apart from us and a nearly impossible ideal that it’s hard to believe that Christ is here now and directly accessible. Specifically, the idea of Christ has been like a Star in the night sky which guides our lives but which seems so far distant. Well now that Star has come down to Earth, and its Light and Love can be felt and experienced in the Self which is our psychological doorway to Christ. We no longer have to rely on faith and belief. Christ is now emerging from within our very Self awareness as the Self Presence that we can experience if we focus our awareness on it. Now, for the first time in human history, we have the collective opportunity to move through the portal of the Heart and greet the Self Who has eternally been within, but Who we have felt separate from. This is not a speculative belief or a hypothetical possibility but a reality that can be experienced now. When Christ said that He would return He expressed a Truth that we may begin to experience now.


306 Christ Self Reflections

620. Christ as Self In the past we assumed that the Voice and injunctions of Christ that we have read and heard about came from an exalted other. We must now translate and transfer this as coming from our Self — which is the One Self within the world. This is the difference between the past and the present. Then we were not able to easily overcome our sense of separation that is intrinsic to ego consciousness. Now we can because the energetic gap has been reduced to a manageable step. Then, what Jesus accomplished in becoming One with Christ was interpreted to be a singular event in the history of mankind, rather than a preview of a collective accomplishment. It is interesting to review some of the admonitions of Jesus Christ and imagine how these would feel coming to us as intuitive Knowing from within. We will discover — as there is only one Truth — that it is not hard to recognize the awareness of this Voice as our own Truth. Let us listen to the Heart’s Knowing with an open mind and we will realize that the Self within Knows and remembers more than we thought possible because it is larger than we realized.


621. Our divine purpose When our love has embraced the world and everyone and everything in it, When we have realized that we are more than human, When Peace and Love allow us to just Be without fear or separate thought, Then we realize that we are the Self who is the Knower and an extension of God, We realize God is all that can be Known that is in all, We realize that Christ is the One Conscious space of Knowing that connects us and God all in Conscious Oneness, We realize that our purpose is the Will of God, which is to make God known and manifest.


622. Healing Healing requires that our Self’s Love embrace all — there is no escape or exception. Embrace does not imply attachment but

307 Christ Self Reflections rather an acceptance without attachment that allows rejected thoughts and feelings to pass through. Healing allows us to become conscious of things that had been rejected and which are thus blocking our Self. We bring what becomes known into conscious relationship, while keeping our awareness of what IS and letting the rest go. In sharing Unity, Oneness and Wholeness, healing happens.


623. Oneness with the Creative Force Jesus tells us, ACOL D15, that when we can sustain a boundary-less state with each other where we all consciously share the same Self, our purpose will be to become One with the Creative Force. This Force moves to continually unfold the unknown spirit, so that it can become more known. This requires an ongoing creative dialogue with each other in an “all encompassing state” where “everyone and everything interacts with you”. We can’t sustain Christ Consciousness without allowing spirit to continually move through us. What we come to know has always been within us but we have not been conscious of it — it has not been known. Of course, most people will still have boundaries which should be respected although the Self can embrace and flow through these. Respecting means not giving more than be appropriately received. Sustaining Consciousness of the One Self within all, in its movement, also requires that we focus on those particular areas of interest that we have that we desire to know more about. The unknown spirit is infinite, therefore we each make our unique path in it even while One.


624. Responding to Love Every time we see or experience Love Being radiated or expressed we are experiencing Christ, Who is the One Self of Love within us. Being in a physical body allows us to connect with the energy of the Heart space of Christ Consciousness being expressed, and to join in Unity. This couldn’t happen if this was just a mental or emotional experience as in a dream, because then we wouldn’t have access to the energy of the Presence, which is a physical energy. This awareness helps us

308 Christ Self Reflections realize that incarnation is an essential and necessary part of God’s Plan and that God is actually within the physical as well as the spiritual. Seeing Love naturally evokes a response of Love in us. We are embraced and we embrace in turn in an all encompassing state of Wholeness. In this process we give thanks and share the gifts that we are given to share, extending what we are coming to know through Christ. In making our Self known we are similarly expressing Christ as we are when expressing Love.


625. Awareness Consciousness is awareness. Personal consciousness allows us to know our self as a separate individual with awareness of our particular beliefs, emotions and experiences. Christ Consciousness is awareness of what we can Know, Be and express as the One Self of God. Anytime we access our inner Knowing we are connecting with what we can only know in Unity as Christ is One Self in all. It is One Truth that we can intuit and remember together. The personal self knows or is aware of separate temporal thoughts that it has learned — the Self remembers One Truth that is preexistent and eternal.


626. The paths of Jesus and Mary The main difference between the Divine paths of Jesus and Mary, is that Jesus demonstrated what he knew through Union with Christ — the resurrected eternal nature of human life, the Loving omnipresent nature of God, the miracles that are part of our divine nature — to a humanity trapped in separate consciousness, ignorance and fear. Mary demonstrated what she knew through Union with Christ by extending creation of the New with others who were likewise joined in Love within. Jesus focused on bringing awareness to those without. Mary focused on extending the New Reality of Oneness to those already consciously connected within. ACOL F17


309 Christ Self Reflections

627. Giving up effort We are so habituated to having to do everything ourselves if we are going to succeed that we have a difficult time realizing that progress from here on forward comes from a different approach — that of joining Christ. It is not by effort of will or mind that we will become our Self and reunite with our Source, but simply by uniting with the Self Who is here now. The approach of will, effort, learning and mind is the way of the personality. The way of the Heart which is the Consciousness of the Self Who is within this very moment is the path of the Self conscious soul. It is through identification with this Self as it lives, moves and IS, that our path forward unfolds. This is not a path forward in space or time, but into Infinite Eternal Life and Consciousness within — that we will extend without from our Being it. When unsure of what is to be done, just go within, listen, accept and surrender to the Self that you are and let that Self show you the way.


628. At the end of history as we know it As our entire history and civilization has been one characterized by human identity with the separate ego, our religious conceptions have likewise been formulated on the basis of separation. Therefore we assume that God, Christ and our soul are separate from us in space and time. The Truth is different and as we move from the Age of separation to the Age of Unity, we will discover that we are now and have ever been within Christ and God. We will discover that Christ is not different and apart from us, but rather is Who we really are. It is not that we as personalities are Christ but that Christ is the larger Life and Consciousness that we really are that we realize through surrender to Him. Now, at the end of history, we will see and meet the God Who has been waiting to greet us and take us Home, Who we will realize that we have been living in all along. We have never been separate except in our thinking and soon we will discover this Truth.


310 Christ Self Reflections

629. A necessary transformation Time proceeds in cycles that are characterized by differing energies and purposes in the evolutionary Plan of God. We are finishing an era on Earth where our civilization has been focused on mankind as separate self conscious beings that has facilitated integration and development of mind and will. In the next phase of evolution that separate self will be fused with soul which has ever been the eternal Self within, which will result in a group or collective consciousness in humanity, for the soul is identified with the Whole. As, impelled by God, this new holistic soul energy pervades the planet and the energy of separation is withdrawn, the forms, institutions, beliefs and values of the old must likewise collapse to make way for the coming Age of Unity and the creation of a new appropriate culture. Thus we see the many crises and conflicts, destruction and suffering in the world related to this transition. Love which unifies, will guide us in the transformation we are in process of.


630. Christ emerges As I envisage it, in the transition that we are in the midst of on Earth — from a world based on separation to the reality of Unity — Christ on the buddhic plane where He is headquartered as the Heart center or One Consciousness within Earth, when the appropriate time came, first descended to the mental plane and brought Light, knowledge and awareness. This stimulated many to necessary evolutionary purposes. He then descended to the emotional plane awakening love, compassion and concern for others that are so widespread now. He has subsequently emerged in the physical etheric plane and has likewise vivified this plane and infused it with His Presence — which can now be felt and contacted.

We may experience the effects of Christ on all the planes of human life now. We may directly become aware of His Presence by utilizing our own Heart center to become aware of the etheric Heart space within that is pervaded by the One Self of Christ. By doing so we may not only inform the personal self, but we will discover that we are connecting with our own real Christ Self that we may awaken to. We may gradually become our Self as we intuitively live from our etheric Heart space. We must

311 Christ Self Reflections release our attachment to our concrete ego mind as we cross this seemingly empty space that is an energetic reflection of the buddhic plane, and trust in the intuitive Knowing of Christ within. Christ is awakening us to the presence of our real Self, and thereby causing a shift on Earth from separation to the One Divine Life within all.

Christ is returning — we may now see and experience Him in our Heart. He is offering us the choice now to also awaken and become the One Self, by living it, expressing it and extending it — which is to embody Love for all. This is to stand in Being, trusting only in Spirit.


631. The Reality of spirit Many today articulate a vision of hope, a theology of love, and practice of service. However, the New Path of the Heart must answer the severe test of the cry of the existential human who needs something more than idealistic belief, passing love, or worldly succor. Fleeting moments of joy are of little value if they are going to be invariably succeeded by loneliness, distress or heartbreak. For some it is necessary, as for Thomas, to be able to put one’s finger in the side of the resurrected son of God to know. It is my hope and prayer that as more of us choose the Path of the Heart and cross the rubicon to the Land of Love, Light and Oneness that this spiritual reality shall be as real as physical life — life that has been pierced by spirit and resurrected.


632. Channeling Love When we enter the cave of our heart, when seeking healing and redress from the stress of the world, if we will look we will notice a ‘back door’ in the cave. This door opens on to a boundless space of the limitless energy of Love that pervades the universe. It is as if we are looking at the inside of the manifested universe. This is an infinite sea of Love and Life that is in continual flow. It boggles the mind, and yet if we will attend to it we will notice that it is qualified by Love, Light, Consciousness and Intention. It is our Self within. Standing in the doorway, if we surrender to

312 Christ Self Reflections the flow of energy and intuitive knowing that we can channel by expressing it in the world, we become conscious creators.


633. The possible future We have a tendency to think of some of our described ultimate states of being — nirvana, Heaven, samadhi, salvation, Self realization, enlightenment, etc. — as somewhat static end states, rather than beginning states of Being. However, it’s only when we’ve moved beyond the circumscribed reality of historic human civilization with its shopworn thoughts and concerns, that we are able to discover luminous realities totally new in the Infinite and Timeless Mind of God, that has created this universe and universes within it. On Earth we are passing the nadir of material expression and on the assent can begin to manifest a higher creativity. A new revealed World of Light will provide the basis for the next civilization on Earth. More technology, science and material progress are not sufficient even if we can restore an ecological balance. No, our planet is waiting for the Coming One Who will draw back the veil that has separated us in consciousness from the larger living multidimensional universe that we are part of. And set our steps toward fields of glory that are now only an incipient imagination. When Earth is filled with enlightened Christ centered humans, we can begin to create something that we cannot even visualize now.


634. A bell sounds Despite all the thoughts and ideas I might use, I really feel that most of the time my mind is as empty as a bell. I will just be sitting and staring off into space when someone will start ringing it. The vibrations contain thoughts and ideas that I can express until the sounds trail off into the Silence. In the world, the sky is thick with thoughts but we determine which ones we will tune into. If I didn’t like the sound I could stop it, but I enjoy hearing the melody sounding out. In a distant place a church bell sounds. Whether heard or not, it saturates the ethers.


313 Christ Self Reflections

635. Inscrutable spirit It is difficult to describe and understand something in our three dimensions that is of a higher dimension, as this new reality doesn’t seem to exist in terms of our present experience. ‘Withinness’ is an example. A higher reality exists within our present reality — it pervades it and yet cannot be empirically substantiated. It’s difficult to describe how to experience this higher reality that is always there, except to let go of our belief that it is not here and to use the intuition — the eye of the Heart — and to feel it. Spiritual progress is also difficult to accomplish past a certain point as it’s not about doing, willing, striving or thinking, but seems more related to a surrender to and trust in something invisible and inscrutable to three dimensional understanding. The Heart is the key and a growing sense that one’s life is pervaded and guided by benevolent spirit that has its own timetable and process.


636. Living in the Kingdom of God It seems that there are five main qualities in God’s Kingdom, which, if we live by these, we can begin to experience a heaven on Earth now, and with everyone. Forgiveness, Acceptance, Love, Sharing and Trust. First we forgive ourselves and everyone else for everything we have done, believed and felt. Let the past go. Let our history go and our belief that our body and person is who we are. Forgive the so called mistakes and just love it all. Accept it as perfect just as it was. Accept everyone and everything without judgement or blame. And accept that we are all divine beings who are all part of the same divine Self that is One with God. Accept everything that is happening now as part of this perfect divine moment. And Love it all. Accept and Love your feelings and share these with one another. Share everything in Love, and Trust God. I used to live in the world, but now I choose to live in the Kingdom of God. It’s a much happier place.


637. Sharing love Whenever we feel love we are actually in the Kingdom of God, but we don’t realize it because we’re misinterpreting. We think

314 Christ Self Reflections love is related to a particular situation or person when it’s really not. If love is triggered by a person we can globalize the experience and let it encompass us. Our love for or with another person is showing us how things really are with everyone. We may not want to share or see everyone in love, but we can choose to. This doesn’t imply being inappropriate with everyone — just broadcasting love and seeing everyone within the embrace of oneness. In love we see the other as part of our Self. A feeling of love need not be restricted but can be shared with all. If we can share this awareness, we can really make the Kingdom of God manifest.


638. Giving permission I give myself permission in advance to be wrong, to make mistakes, to be inappropriate, to say things that people could take offense in, and to not know. It’s like a permanent ‘get out of jail’ card saving me from the torments of guilt and self condemnation. I could say I’m well intended, but I know I can also be thoughtless so I need an all purpose permission to be imperfectly human. It’s so much easier and less stressful when one is not held by any ideal or expectation. Life can be challenging enough as it is without making up a lot of artificial rules that we must comply with. Permission encourages freedom which leads to joy. Of course, some people don’t trust and believe we all need to live by rules. They can if they want but I’ve realized that I can trust my Self and found that the more I do, the better things turn out.


639. The shift to Being Whole In the shift to Wholeness — which is possible if we believe it is — time and space are compressed. We can experience the separation intrinsic to our physical body while encompassed by the Wholeness of the Self simultaneously as a spectrum of Oneness. Likewise is time encompassed by the Eternal Self which becomes Eternity expressed. Time and space merely provide an opportunity for the Self to Know and extend God, which the Self is of. The Self transforms the conditions of life. The external conditions of time and space no longer apply. Life

315 Christ Self Reflections within orders life without as external life is encompassed in the Wholeness of the Self. At first we notice two realities that we can be aware of simultaneously. Subsequently, Oneness or Wholeness subsumes the experience of external separation in form which becomes merely the Self in manifestation. We loose our personal identity but become who we really are. Duality is transformed into Oneness. “If you can integrate all that opposes Wholeness into one level of experience, you will be able to experience life from within the reality of Wholeness rather than from within the reality of separation.” ACOL F29:1


640. Being creators We are the creators of the reality that we experience by choosing what level of reality we will identify with and thus function from. Just as the mind can create experience which manifests those beliefs that we are invested in, on a higher turn of the spiral, when we choose to identify with the One Self, we are choosing another dimension of reality that has different laws than the external separate world that we have lived in. The experience we have as the Self comes under the laws of the Self and we cease to be restricted by the laws of the world. What we create is a direct manifestation of who we are, what we desire, intend and envision. It is immediate. It behooves us, therefore to become very clear about what we see, are and desire to manifest as this will come about without the usual time delays that operate in the external world. The key to safe creation is Christ. If everything is referred to Christ, Who is our Self, we won’t have any problems that would result from separate desire.


641. Some steps to Being Whole Connecting to love and the Heart Awareness that within the Heart is the Presence of an inner Self Joining with the Self in a Unity Awareness that the inner Self is the Source of Intuitive Knowing Awareness that the inner Self is One with Jesus Christ Awareness that the Self is One Self in all Awareness that the Self is who we are Awareness that we can shift our identity to the Self and live as it

316 Christ Self Reflections

Awareness that the Self is the Whole and is of God Awareness that we can co-create with God a New Reality


642. Extending the One Self of God To understand where humanity is at collectively we must realize that the evolutionary stage of separate human self consciousness is a stage between unselfconscious animal man and humanity conscious of its Self as One. God, in extending Himself into the separate outer domains of time and space requires a vehicle or instrument to manifest His Consciousness through. Up until now, humanity has not been up to the task but has been necessarily perfecting use and control of the personality — the physical, emotional and mental aspects of the human constitution. Now that these are sufficiently developed and integrated, God can make His Consciousness apparent to humanity so that mankind may choose it. Mankind will not experience this as choosing something separate, although the projection of separation has characterized humanity’s experience, but as an awakening to a deeper level of authentic Self. Which it is, for God has always been the real and eternal Being within humanity although humanity has not known this. Humanity is now awakening to its Self, as the One Self of God, and sharing what is becoming known in the Unity of the Christ Self, and in doing so, consciously extending the Creation of God into the outer external universe of time and space. God has always been within all but now will be able to directly impact His Creation as humanity will realize that it is an extension of God. Form will no longer imprison His Consciousness but will reveal His Consciousness. This is the Second Coming of Christ to humanity as a whole. Oneness will characterize Earth instead of conflict and separation.


643. The Self includes all Initially the Self may seem like an ‘it’, a reality that we may not realize is all encompassing. Yet, if we will embrace and surrender to the Self without fear, we will discover that the Self is all inclusive. Not only do we live within the Self, but the Self lives within everyone. What do we have to fear or protect if all is

317 Christ Self Reflections contained in Oneness? Judgements and attack thoughts are easily included without joining the separate reality they originated from. The ego’s world is merely based on a denial of what IS, and so is but an artificial and temporary manifestation. When we live as the Self we no longer have a separate identity — and are just an individual and unique expression of the Whole. Our Being by its feeling, thinking, knowing and creating, shares the Self in its own way. In sharing our One Self we make this known to others, who are likewise sharing the One Truth that we are remembering and discovering together. The initial sense of sameness is dissolved in the infinite diversity contained within the Self.


644. The way of feeling The path of the Heart is the new way of feeling. This is the path of direct relationship with the Christ Self, and consequently of direct intuitive knowing. The mind and emotions cease to be the modes by which one’s life is navigated. ‘Feeling’ in this path is a total experience that allows one to see with the eye of the Heart and align with the flow of spirit that guides us in the moment. Instead of living from a separate and personal orientation we identify by feeling with the Self that is all encompassing. Instead of reacting from our minds and letting our mind determine what is real, necessary and needed, we maintain an inner Oneness with the Heart and let our feeling sense guide us. We realize that our Self Consciousness is the Heart, and consequently we live to express and extend the Love that we are. Love is the nature of God and opens all the doors to realms of Being that we are destined to explore and manifest together. Let us venture forth on the New Way of feeling that is the path that will take us into the New Age and the Kingdom of God. We can’t be who we really are unless we embody Love and trust Love to guide us in every particular. We cannot realize Unity in Love unless we move away from the ego’s mode of living. Moving through the Heart we are transported to another dimension of spiritual Being. We may live in this inner Oneness by following the Path of the Heart.


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645. Across the unknown Many of us are loving, decent, conscientious people but our focus is in our personal self and not in the Conscious Self who is within the self. When we are caught up in our minds and doing good we are still identified with the person who sees the world as a projection of the concrete mind and interpreted by the mind. We are on the outside of life relating to the external forms. How can we connect to life itself? We have to get out of this mind by connecting to the Heart which is intrinsically one with life. So long as we stay identified with the personal self we will interpret love in a personal way and not realize that Heart is actually a portal to another dimension of Being. As long as we stay in the separate house of the ego, we may feel the lovely energy of the Heart wafting through the open portal but won’t realize that we can actually move though this doorway into the domain of God. This trackless Land of God is devoid of the usual landscape that we know and so we assume it is nothing. To navigate we have to rely on a different sense than the mind and emotions that have guided us in the world. The Infinite and Eternal Reality of God is within it but this is ascertained by a felt intuitive sense. Instead of relying on the mind, we see and hear with the Heart and what is felt and intuitively known. The mind has taken to the edge of the known world, but now we must set off into the unknown if we are to reach our destined Home.


646. Creating scientifically Science endeavors to discover the laws governing external reality by repeatable inductive empirical investigation. Esoteric science endeavors to discover the laws of metaphysical reality by repeatable occult investigations in consciousness. The discovered laws are symbols of the processes, structures, dimensions, cycles, laws, lives and qualities of God. Science endeavors to make the subjective, objective through symbol and formula whereby it is represented and known. The mind wants to fasten on to these symbols and ideas. However, to know the Self is to directly experience the Reality that is being symbolized. This is what we all ultimately desire — to become One with the inner Self Consciousness and Life. Then the mind is used to extend Love by whatever intrinsic concept is most appropriate to Christ. We are coming out of the Age of learning

319 Christ Self Reflections and the mind and are entering the Age of the soul, where our emphasis will shift from the outer separate forms to the Unitary inner Consciousness. We will therefore experience our capacity to create and manifest forms magically but scientifically out of nothing. To do this we have to put Spirit above matter, Wholeness above separation.


647. Energy follows thought I notice that when I indulge in judgement, or react in thought to issues in my environment that it can then take awhile to return to a peaceful Self centered place. Therefore I wonder if I shouldn’t just eliminate this habit and always respond with Love and Self awareness. I assume this is doable however much the world’s problems seem to call for answers in terms of the world’s thinking. The real solution is on a different level of consciousness. And it really doesn’t help if I allow my focus to be pulled down. Then I become part of the problem. The world’s solutions seem to require a change of thinking and an exertion of will. However the Self’s solution merely requires surrendering ourselves to an awareness and a process that mysteriously happens by itself. This is hard for the ego to understand as it operates under a different law. Maybe one approach doesn’t exclude the other. If someone has fallen they can be helped up — and seen as the Self they are at the same time.


648. The new path within A new path is opening up for humanity. Mankind has stumbled along in the dark, but now the Light is here and is revealing a way out — which is really a way in. Our consciousness has been focused on the outside of life and on the external separate forms, but the way forward is the way within. Entering through the portal of the Heart we may unite with the living Self that is within the forms and discover the God Who has been waiting to receive us. Going within is more than a momentary meditation to align and inspire our personality, to enlighten the mind or center the emotions. Going within means shifting the locus of our identity to the One Self within Who we join in Love. This means leaving our personal sense of who we are as this is established

320 Christ Self Reflections in the mind, and awakening to a deeper holistic Self and discovering that this is who we really are. The path within is therefore a new way of Being in the world. By going within we choose an inner Oneness over an outer separation. We are in fact choosing the Life and Consciousness of God Who has ever been within all, but up until now we have not seen the doorway. Now it is open and beckoning to us. Now we may live in Heaven while on Earth. The path of the Heart opens to the Infinite and Eternal Mind of God that it is our destiny to explore and manifest. It is accessible now because Christ is emerging into the world to bridge the gap between the inner and the outer and reveal the door — which is Him.


649. Becoming Wholehearted Joining the mind with the Heart and becoming Wholehearted as Jesus suggests that we do, is really to focus our awareness and identity in the Heart. Because as soon as we move into the Heart, we perforce leave the concrete ego mind. We then use the higher mind when we want to formulate and express a thought. In the Heart all the personal concerns and agendas are gone — all the judgements and beliefs that have characterized our thinking. Love knows that they don’t really matter. The Heart attends to what IS real and here now, not what we think. The Self therefore is more focused on Reality than the ‘realistic’ man of the world, who is actually focused on his beliefs about what everything means. For the Self, the mind serves consciousness rather than the other way around for the ego.


650. Choosing Love for the planet The political and economic system in the world is based on the dynamics of the separative ego. As we move into the Age of Unity this system must necessarily be reformulated to reflect the energies of Unity, Love and respect for the Divine Life within all. The ego reflects the beliefs and energies of fear, lack, attack, survival, ‘using’ nature and our fellow man, acquisition, separative thought, controlling and violently forcing. This has resulted in inequality, injustice, suffering and the ecological destruction of Earth. We can each hasten the inevitable

321 Christ Self Reflections transformation by seeing the trend and choosing to live by Love and Respect for our fellow man and the planet now. Many world servers are working to educate humanity and advocate for the necessary reforms but the forces of selfish power are using fear, money and disinformation to delay these reforms so that they don’t loose their power, wealth and privileges. Reason and common sense can see that continued exploitation and war can’t lead to a future for humanity, but change requires overcoming the entrenched establishment with all the resources it commands. Let us each choose to live by Love in all areas and so turn our backs to Satan and his manipulations of fear and selfishness as Jesus did and realize that we are one humanity vouchsafed by God. With awareness and will the many good hearted people can overcome the ‘1%’ and enforce the needed changes.


651. Building the new civilization The atmosphere of the world is saturated with ideas, thoughts, images, myths and beliefs. The libraries of the world hold a vast mass of accumulated books and knowledge and yearly the publishing companies put out more. Of what value is all this creativity to us? It symbolizes what has been thought in the past and what was possible. Yet for each of us, we must create our own way. We live in a transition from the historical world we have known and which has defined and determined the nature of our thoughts, ideals, myths and visions. We venture into something totally new for which the thoughts of the past will little serve us. These were products of their time but no longer suffice. With an open mind we must move into the New Country and like the first pioneers name the new mountains, rivers and seas. We are the first to step upon these virgin shores and together we must begin to build a new civilization from what IS here. The future is a possibility that is only limited by the limits we place on Love or the visions of our Heart.


652. Christ is the bridge Christ is the bridge that connects and unifies and when we embrace Christ we become the bridge. Christ is Who we

322 Christ Self Reflections inwardly are. It is time we realized who we really are and quit thinking in terms of separation, believing we are different and less than, which is disempowering. The Whole is within each part, so as soon as we choose and identify with Christ, we embody Christ in our own way. As the One Self, Christ is the basis of all relationship, as we are all inwardly joined and part of a common collective Self. We each will be a unique and not identical expression of Christ Consciousness. We each will recognize that everything is part of us because we will no longer identify with our personal self. Christ is the bridge between Creation and God, between mind and Spirit, between self and other — and so are we.


653. Creating a path I’m trying to cobble together some ideas and images that might paint an evocative picture of where we are at now and how we might proceed from here, if we are to realize our divine destiny. I’m trying to fashion thoughts into something which makes the reality they allude to a more tangible possibility. The imagination can paint a vision that can make the impressions of the Heart, more manifest and real. Ideas spring from the Mind of God, and approached in the right way, can transport us there. I’m envisioning now a world becoming as One. And like a lens brought into focus, we will then see clearly through it into the sublime realms beyond.


654. Working magic When Jesus admonishes us to become Wholehearted — that is to join mind and heart and to become Whole — I believe this can include maintaining a focus of consciousness in what is called the ‘cave’ center — which is the Heart center in the head created by the magnetic field between the positive pineal and the negative pituitary glands. This is where the Soul/Self contacts the personality and where the soular, mental, emotional and etheric energies meet. This is where the Self — standing free of identification with the personality — invoking its Divine Intent and its inner Knowing, can act as a creative magician and using the brain, create and extend those idea forms into the

323 Christ Self Reflections world that are needed. White magic is done in the name of Christ for the well being of all, black magic is done for a selfish purpose. Magic is creating appearances, forms and effects seemingly out of nothing, but in reality out the energy, force and substance underlying appearance.


655. Overcoming separate will How do we come to terms with and resolve the separate will within the ego that is opposed to Christ? We do so by realizing that this will has no meaning, purpose or future opposing the Whole which gives it life, but that by becoming the servant of God and extending Love in the world of separate forms it can have a place and function. The separate will then is overcome by Light and Love. Light provides a vision of Reality so that one may apprehend the Truth of one’s situation. Love provides the consciousness that embraces separation and gives it the purpose of the extension of Christ. In this way the matter of Earth in which our God is incarnating is redeemed.


656. Finding God The reason thinkers have never been able to establish the existence of God is that they were looking from the concrete mind which is separate from the Whole and God. They have been using the wrong instrument. It’s only consciousness in the Heart which is part of the Whole that can apprehend the Consciousness of God that is within all. The Heart is more than a personal center of love and life. It is really a doorway to the Consciousness of the Soul which is outside of personal identity. We imagine that our consciousness is confined to our brain, but the Consciousness of the Soul is more like the sun filled sky. It may seem empty but it is full of Light and Love, Spirit and Divine Intent if we will focus our awareness on it and intuit what is within it. As we attend to it, feel, listen and access our inner Knowing, we will discover the God that we are a part of. He is speaking to us in the language of Love that we must also learn to speak. In the Silence within can be heard the chords of a Divine Song that we must learn to harmonize with and sing. We are here to fulfill our destiny as creators with God. Finding God

324 Christ Self Reflections is just the first step on the next stage of our divine journey Home.


657. Meditation Meditation is the endeavor to establish a conscious connection between the personality and the soul. We are normally focused in our personal self but need to become aware of our real Self. Through uniting our mind with our Heart we can become aware of the Self within. The purpose therefore is more than obtaining some momentary benefit for the person. It is really to establish a connection that will allow the individual to stay centered in the Soul so that he/she can gradually become who he/she really is and thereby gradually shift to living as a Soul. Being requires expressing oneself as the Self and thereby extending the Reality of the Self into the world. As we live in this Reality we manifest it. We live in the world but are not of the world’s reality as we are living in the Oneness of the Kingdom of the Soul. Meditation is the first step.


658. Without boundary Moving from personality/self to Soul/Self is moving from a circumscribed identity to having an uncircumscribed identity. A circumscribed identity has boundaries that separate what it is from what is isn’t. The Self, however, encompasses all so it has nothing it needs to protect or defend against. Unlike the ego, it has no fear. That doesn’t imply that it will jeopardize its existence, merely that it can trust Life to support it. Unlike the ego who believes that it has to control its circumstances to survive, the Self knows it is an integral part of God and the Divine Plan. We have a hard time imagining what it’s like to live at One with God, because all we have experienced is separation. Yet the deeper Self can remember as it has never left Oneness. Which means it’s something that is as familiar as a distant memory of a Home we long to return to. Imagine a place where everyone is filled with Love, Light, Peace and Joy and all share the same infinite Consciousness. What is God saying now? Not in words but in an awareness of what IS.

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659. Resolving our differences I take solace in the fact that we all are part of the same Christ Self and that therefore if there are differences between us these are of the mind. Differences of thought and belief are not real. Thoughts only have the relative reality that we believe they have. The Heart is the antidote to our attachment to the thoughts of the concrete mind. We all share the same Heart just as we are all awakening to the same Self. If we remain Wholehearted we will resolve our differences as we are remembering the same Truth. Love sees no difference.


660. The Holy relationship Opening, connecting, accepting and allowing the Self within automatically aligns us to the Self within all, as there is only One. The ego imagines that it has an individual higher Self, because it thinks in terms of separation but the higher Self is really the only Self that there is for everyone. As we shift to identifying and being the Self we naturally include and encompass others just as our separate human form is encompassed and embraced. Just as we hold in our awareness any feelings, thoughts or sensations we may be experiencing we also hold or contain what others may be experiencing as they are also part of the same Self. Our process is the same — we go within and listen for the Self’s response and then we share it. Our relationships with each other are really a Holy relationship we are each having with the One Self.


661. Becoming artists of Life How do we explain our Self and what we are doing now? We could say we are becoming life artists — creating what we are given to create in whatever form is suitable. We may express our inspirations in a particular art form, or we may just freely share our Self as we are in the moment. In whatever way we extend our Knowing we are always fully open in the moment to what moves us and the inspiration that is present. Life unfolds new and is an ongoing discovery. An artist is open to the flow of

326 Christ Self Reflections inspiration and seeks to give it an appropriate expression. Together we may weave our inspirations, imaginations, visions, and intuitions into a new manifestation and creation of life. Together we will manifest a New Reality from the God infused Self. Traveling on the Path of the Heart together, we create that Path leading into the Infinite and Eternal Mind of God. We are making God’s Dreams real as we choose them for our own.


662. Love and Light are permeating the noosphere Humanity consciously lives in a noosphere created by the ego. The internally consistent concerns, modes of thought, values and way of life are based on identification as a separate ego. Ego dynamics are established by first of all denying Oneness with the Whole in the fearful belief that one is separate and thus vulnerable, lacking, and identified with the body. It’s assumed that one must look externally to meet felt needs using the mind and will to control life to survive and flourish. Although the ego’s artificial reality floats on the deeper Reality of the Whole of God that it is really an extension of, this is not conscious. God, like everything in the ego’s reality is assumed to be separate from it. God’s Love and Life pervade the world’s noosphere but the ego interprets these in its own terms. Love is taken to mean either those special relationships that enhance the ego, or those acts in the world that mysteriously defy the ego’s reality. When one lives a life based on love it is held up as a remarkable achievement because it really involves a transcendence of the ego. As more and more people are doing this, the noosphere is gradually being rent and permeated by the Light and Love of God. Soon we will be able to realize that humanity’s artificial reality has actually been blocking the underlying Reality of God or the One Life that humanity is an integral part of. As more people live as Self gradually more of humanity will awaken to their conscious connection to and identity with God.


663. Integrating personality In psychology there is the concept of sub-personalities which are complexes of behavior and attitude constellated around particular roles — parent, child, authority, victim, husband,

327 Christ Self Reflections employee, etc. — that the individual can take on and identify with. Each sub-personality has its particular function which ultimately needs to be consciously integrated into the self. The core sub-personality is the ego or ‘dweller on the threshold’ whose role is to preserve the self, develop and integrate the various aspects of human nature, and express its potential. Just as we are more than any particular role, we are also more than the ego but don’t realize it until we become aware of the spiritual Self who we really are. Just as sub-personalities are integrated through conscious love and appreciation for their positive function, so is the ego integrated into the Self by appreciation and acceptance of the ego’s positive efforts and role — which have been completed. Then the ego is assigned a new role by the Self. The ego becomes a servant of Love and that part of the Self manifesting through form.


664. The Self is being born When we join with the spacious Self we create a channel through which the Self can consciously breathe and be in the world. We naturally look at this process from the person’s point of view. From the real Self’s point of view He has finally established a clear and unobstructed instrument through which He may express his nature and Knowing in the world without the continual obstruction of the ego’s focus and agenda. This represents the Self’s conscious birth into the world. This small shift makes all the difference between being lost and confused to finally being one’s Self. Now everything is translated into a new language because we speak in a new voice. The old concepts of the ego’s separate reality don’t express the Self’s Truth. “I Am” are His first words that reverberate through the cosmos. And as the dust settles from the old world destroyed, He sees a new and uncharted land to call His own.


665. Putting experienced Truth first Science has shown us how conventional thinking must change as it confronts new experience that upsets old assumptions and theories. We are gradually enlarging our sphere of experience not only through technological developments but also through

328 Christ Self Reflections consciousness. The religious concepts and theologies of the past are confronted by our increasingly sensitive conscious awareness. Our actual experience is our primary reality and we must place our trust in this reality rather than in our religious beliefs about it. We must be as inductive in religion as in science. If religious theology is based on Truth then its ideas will be symbols for realities we actually experience. Our conscious intuition will guide us in this exploration just as a scientist’s instruments are used by him. Many religionists put primary authority in belief but our faith must be in our Self and the authority of our actual experience now.


666. Escape People use drugs to escape from pain of one sort or another. Normal healthy people can experience pain associated with the feeling of being trapped in an artificial circumscribed experience of reality that is our modern life. Therefore many seek thrills, excitements, and sensory highs to give them an increased sense of being alive and stimulated. However, there is another doorway out which is really a doorway in and that is through the Heart and Love. The ego’s reality is an artificial and circumscribed one but when we can open up to Love we can find the Heart’s path to a larger experience of Beauty and Life. Through sharing and living from the Heart we can find real Joy and Peace, motivation and meaning. The drug epidemic is a symbol of a spiritual crisis. Our modern life even when it provides us with comfort, safety and interest is not providing us with the answers we need to satisfy our soul. We are crying out on many levels for help. That help will come as we see our brother in Love and work together to build a better world.


667. Managing ascension The vibration of Earth is increasing. This is one factor that is making it easier to step across the vibrational divide between personality and soul. However, we really cannot just ride this energy wave to a higher level of consciousness without taking responsibility for the changes that we have to make in this time of transition. As long as we remain identified with ego and the

329 Christ Self Reflections historical, linear, conventional reality that has been the ego’s world, we will invariably feel threatened by the changes in the energy of the planet and the outward transformations. It is only by choosing to awaken to the deeper Self identity that is emerging in our collective human consciousness and aligning with this Self, that we will experience the joyful possibilities of this time. If, in fear, we hold on to the past we will be focused on the loss rather than the gain. This is a time that will test our trust in spirit. Can we trust in the spirit that we can actually feel moving us, or will we put our faith in the beliefs and programming that we have internalized about life? Is everyone part of a God of Love or do we continue to believe that we are separate and threatened by each other? Is Love or fear what we are basing our life upon? If we choose Love then we must trust the spirit moving within us and within the planet as a whole, awakening us to the fact that we are all part of One Divine Life and Consciousness.


668. Our need to be fully present All aspects of our Self must be fully acknowledged, and accepted to make the shift from self to Self. As long as some parts are denied or repressed we are not being Whole and thus cannot fully be who we really are — which includes everything. This doesn’t imply that we need to identify with everything that we think, feel or experience, merely that we allow our awareness to embrace it all — and then let it go. And then, in the next moment to notice whatever has presented itself and IS here and to share what needs to be expressed. The key is to be willing and able to express whatever Love calls us to express. So long as we are blocking, we are in fear and not the Self.


669. Crossing the field of Light In the transition from self to Self, it is essential that we overcome our habit of thinking of ourselves as separate and instead remember that we are the Self within all. Everyone expresses us. Everyone is an extension of us. We must stay out of our concrete minds and maintain a Wholehearted awareness that is attuned to the Self within all. We must refrain from interpreting

330 Christ Self Reflections what anything means by a habitual mental projection and instead maintain a listening in the Heart to what we will intuitively know. We are bigger now. We encompass all things. Everything is part of us. We can now rest in our Self without fear. We have left the domain of mind and now traverse a field of Light illuminated from within by the Word — the Self of Love. We no longer have to try to figure things out, we can just trust the process and Be Who we are. Because the process now involves awakening to our Self and living as One. The One Self of God is moving into the world to end the conflict, duality and suffering which have plagued Earth. Christ has come as our salvation — and our Self.


670. Humanity’s purpose Reality is multidimensional. Within us, moving through the same space are hierarchies of beings unseen to us but living within the infinite living Cosmos of God. Within the hierarchy of life, humanity is a place of synthesis — integrating the lower forms so that these may be carried to a higher point in consciousness. In this process, humanity, as cells within the Mind of God, must learn to respond to God’s Ideas rather than human thought. We must bridge the gap between Spirit and Matter and fecundate Creation with God’s Purpose. Humanity assumes that its purpose is about its own fulfillment but really our purpose is to fulfill our role in the greater Whole of God of which we are a part. Soon the veil must be drawn back revealing the living Cosmos. Then we must be about our work.


671. The wonder of Spirit What explanation is there for an appearance of a Spirit consecrated to Life? There is nothing in the world that can account for it for Spirit lives by a different law and in a different reality than a human. Spirit lives free of all care save for the Truth of its own being. Spirit soars above the normal and conventional concerns of human life. Like a meteor blazing across the sky, Spirit comes from the unknown Cosmos bringing Light. Spirit reveals the magic intrinsic to its supernatural nature and demonstrates powers that exceed

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Earthly law. A Spiritual being may just appear briefly but its effects last long after, demonstrating that time is indeed relative. In a moment an eternity can be revealed. Spirit is Beauty personified, transforming the matter it touches by the Truth of its Being. A Spirit brings something new from a supernal world down to Earth — like a fairy dust it leaves the world enchanted. Spirit is now rising in the world to carry us off to its magic kingdom. We are being offered wings. Let’s fly!


672. Becoming Wholehearted To be Wholehearted is to join one’s awareness with the Heart’s Consciousness of Love. This is a step away from separative ego consciousness into the One Self. Because to be Wholehearted, whether we initially realize it or not, is to join with a collective or group Self rather than just a loving personal self. Men can appreciate the universal aspect of the identity of the Self but must realize that the Self is not a concept but a Being Who we really are. Women can appreciate the Love that the Self embodies but must realize that this is not personal although it is expressed individually. When we can maintain a Wholehearted connection to our Self, we can then channel the Self and gradually embody and Be the Self. When we can share this awareness and intention together we shall have begun to share and live as the Christ Self together. The locus of our reality will have shifted from separation to living within a shared Consciousness of Unity. The One Life of God will be our experience.


673. Becoming One An intellectual grasp of the process of becoming One is insufficient to become One without the willingness and courage to express and embody Love. Understanding is of the mind, but the path to Oneness leads away from thought and through the living moment where only Love can be relied on. Love forges the bridge to connect our separate self to our inner Self which is within all. We must relate to it within all and thereby affirm the Reality that is our Truth. Oneness is not the self becoming One, but rather involves our renouncing our separate self and

332 Christ Self Reflections claiming the Self within all. Love is the means and the end, the cause and the effect. Only Love can overcome the fear of loosing self by facilitating a more profound Unity.


674. New realities are emerging As our vibration is incrementally raised, new awarenesses will arise in our consciousness. These may be fleeting impressions like dream images that are soon forgotten but which will harken that new realities are emerging and coming into view. Like fleeting visions of UFOs, these impressions portend that we are breaking through the veils that have kept our world and our reality separate and beginning to experience that we are really part of a multidimensional living universe populated by beings, lives, and esoteric influences which we have been ignorant of. Our journey through the desert of separation is nearly over. Soon we will realize that we have never been really alone. This expanded consciousness will enrich us and allow us to move forward to realize the Divine destiny that Earth has in the greater scheme. A New Age and stage is beginning in the evolutionary Plan.


675. The Heart’s dream In order to realize and be our Self, there must be a complete harmony between the deepest dream we hold in our Heart, and what we are endeavoring to live. As long we are acting on some ‘shoulds’, dreams for personal happiness that are really compensations for fear, or internalizations of the world’s ideals, we will not be creating an experience based on our authentic Truth. Only the Heart, freed from all constraint, Knows where and what we are called to. It doesn’t even Know how we will get there save by consecrating ourselves to the Dream in Trust. Only in the Freedom of the surrendered Spirit to his particular vision of the Heart’s calling will the authentic Path be traversed to God. Religion has offered us many ‘shoulds’ but the Path of the Heart is simpler. The Fire of Love provides all, unites all, and completes all.


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676. Sharing One Self How does the realization that there is really only One of us change our experience? It will make it easier to love everyone once we realize that we are all expressing the same Self. It will be easier to share when we realize our commonality. We will feel less constrained by fear when we know that we are all alike and know the same Truth. We will feel less need for anything special from others as we all have a shared nature and common needs. The glamour of self importance will seem less legitimate — as will the many airs and arrogant entitlements that humans have believed they deserved. Will life become more homogeneous and stale? I don’t think so. Each one’s expression will be a unique signature of the divine which will highlight whatever divine aspects each individually chooses. Sharing the same consciousness of the Whole still allows one to create and manifest whatever ideas, dreams, images or intents in the divine Mind that resonate or appeal. Recognizing that ours is just One Consciousness that is within all life is just the beginning of a new level of Creation. Rather than creating an artificial separation, we will co-create together with God the wondrous future that is our destiny. That’s something to get excited about.


677. Sharing consciousness I feel that it is important to consciously affirm with others the Truth that one is living rather than leave it unsaid and unacknowledged. For example, if we are endeavoring to join with the One Self in all and to relate to that Self which is speaking and moving in the other person, then it is helpful to share this awareness and intention. This may just go past the other person who may not know how to respond, or it may provide an opportunity to share together in a deeper way than heretofore. What we need to do is to bring everything to the Light of Conscious Awareness. Usually there are so many things unspoken which implies that one is not fully present. Being fully present requires that we be willing to fully be our Self in the moment — allowing this Consciousness to share whatever IS present. As we center our awareness in the Heart we will only share feelings and thoughts that are the best for all.

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678. Finding my Self After years of studying and attuning to Jesus’ Word and Teaching, I feel that I am finally getting more of a ‘lock’ on him. Which is to say that I am in a more continuous conscious connection with my Self. Because we express the same Self. This is the new spiritual approach. Rather than projecting separation we affirm and extend Unity. Rather than focusing on realizing an ideal we focus on manifesting an experienced Reality. We are not separate from the Consciousness of God now except that we believe that we are and maintain an attachment to personal identity. Once we step through the Heart portal we become imbued with the Presence of the One Self Who is waiting to welcome us Home. There are no fireworks but just the sense and the Peace of finding our Self. And as we listen with the Heart we will discover all we need to Know.


679. Moving beyond personal will The development and use of self will is normal and natural in the process of personality integration. In the beginning phases of spiritual growth it also serves the purpose of orienting the personality to a higher level and goal. However, at a certain point it must be renounced for the Higher Will of the Christ Self. Personal will is dualistic — there is an intrinsic separation between the will and its object that reflects the separation of the ego (it is utilized by). Exerting this will therefore reinforces the ego. It reinforces the related ego beliefs in lack, incompleteness and the need for achievement or fulfillment. These ego assumptions and goals are all unnecessary if we are not the ego. The Higher Will asserts that we already are complete and lack nothing, have no reason for fear or need to accomplish. The Higher Will is the Will of the Self who we really are. In surrendering to this Will we are really claiming our Self. There is no need to perfect the ego self if that is not who we really are. Therefore a continued reliance on a personal will and effort betrays the fact that we don’t know how to be our Christ Self. The way to the Christ Self is easiest through the Heart as the will and concrete mind are part of the personal self. Little as we realize it, all hearts are really part of the One Heart of Christ, so

335 Christ Self Reflections focusing our awareness on the Heart allows us to immediately connect with Christ. When we realize that Christ is already within us as the Self who we are, we can then begin to transfer our identity to Christ and His Will and Mind — which are really ours. Resolving evil in the world really entails overcoming the separate will that is opposed to Christ and the evolution toward Unity with God.


680. Imagine Imagine getting everything you think you really want — all the love, all the support, all the security and comfort, all the opportunity and freedom, all the wisdom, Joy and Peace. Then what? What difference would it make? What would you want to do then, express, or create? Because we really have everything we really need now. We just have to believe and accept that and start living our highest dream — and totally being who we really are. If we realized this we actually might not need to change much in our outer life even as we completely change our idea of who we are. Imagine awakening with amnesia about everything except the yearnings of your Heart and Spirit. Imagine being free of all fear about acting on these yearnings. Imagine living totally at One in the Truth of your Self. Then realize that you have the choice to take that step now into the timeless life of you dreams. Wrap that feeling around you now as your new attire in this new life beginning now. Step through the portal in your Heart into the Inner World of Oneness that is accessible now.


681. Christ is here now If we reflect on our experience over the course of our lives we realize our experience of life has changed. This is something more than just changes wrought by time. Our experience of who we are is different. And if we have been flowing with these changes rather than resisting them, then we will realize that we are more authentic, conscious and our self. Because our outer life is now more permeated with our Self than it used to be. It is an odd thing to say that does not seem to make sense but is actually true. Despite all the crazy things going on in the world,

336 Christ Self Reflections our inner world is now more real and conscious. Flowing imperceptibly into the external world is the Conscious Self which is behind and within us all. We take our experience of it to be a personal development but it is actually not. We are all part of the same Christ Self that we take to be personal. But it’s not. We don’t consciously understand the full implications of this change because we are still looking at the world through the ego mind and therefore in terms of ego assumptions. But the world has changed and we need to wake up to the full implications of this change. Christ is here now and coming and becoming more apparent every day. Christ is bringing us awareness of who we really are. We are all part of the same Self.


682. A dimensional shift Earth is in the midst of a dimensional shift. New energies are permeating and changing our reality. Consciously we must accept and flow with these changes which are bringing us an increased awareness of spiritual realities that have ever been within. In the process we are able to escape the circumscribed linear separate reality we have lived within and connect to the unitary soul level. Besides the expansion of our consciousness, the new reality infusing Earth is also different. The time-space continuum and the opportunity for creation and manifestation are all raised to a higher level. It is now possible to transcend physical limitations that have restricted us in the past. Seeming miracles will become more commonplace. People are unconsciously reaching beyond the physical to ground themselves in a new spiritual dimension of Being which entails a completely new way of life. Our entire civilization must now be based on these new energies, this new reality. It is a reality that is part of God — an extension of the Light and Love of God that is now suffusing Earth. As we begin to share more from this space we will begin to ground a new consensus reality that is much more part of the living Whole than the artificial separate reality of the ego we have been identified with.


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683. The Sacred Heart In images of Jesus and Mary that reveal the Sacred Heart, they are pointing to it to indicate that the Heart is the key, the Way and the secret. They are not pointing to the head yet we continue to try to find the answer with our mind. Jesus epitomizes the Consciousness of Christ, and Mary, the Love of Christ, although both are of the same Self. Mary is Immaculate — symbolized by the lily — in that Her Love is without thought of separate self. The thorns around Jesus’ Heart indicate the resistance and pain that is experienced in the expression of Christ Consciousness and Love in the world. We too will encounter resistance to sharing and being our Self. The roses surrounding Mary’s Heart indicate the natural ease and beauty of Her expression of Love, which all women have. The twelve stars around Her indicate that She is the actual Heart center of Life. Jesus’ cross symbolizes the redemptive purpose that Christ has in the world. Mary’s piercing sword symbolizes the pain experienced in humanity’s rejection of salvation. The Fire and Light emanating from the Sacred Heart symbolize that the Heart illuminates all and burns up all, which transfigures and transforms our lives to reveal the eternal Spirit within. Let us evoke and cleave to the Sacred Heart.


684. A new Reality Our minds are programmed to want and expect certain things to happen that will indicate that we have succeeded and gained what we have sought. Yet, with the shift of realities we are transitioning through, outer effects will be different than we might expect. Therefore it is best if we can release our attachment to the beliefs, assumptions and expectations of our minds and focus instead on the perfection of what IS here now. The Self that is here is the reality we have sought unknowingly. Centered in the conscious Heart space that is within all, we are the Knower and the known, the Love and the Light. We rest in Peace in God, at One with His Breath and Voice that we intuitively feel and know. Now, without fear, we may consciously share and extend our Self with one another who also share the One Self of God. The world is different now that Christ has come. It can no longer be judged by the old beliefs of a reality that has been transcended. Let us live by the Truth that IS. As

338 Christ Self Reflections we gradually adjust to this new Reality we will reinforce and validate that we are indeed participating in God’s Conscious emergence into His Creation. Now our collective purpose is no longer about a separate human agenda for survival, happiness and achievements but is rather about extending and fulfilling God’s Plan and Life — which is ours. The first step is awakening to what’s really happening and its implications. The implication for each of us is that now we can awaken to and be who we really are. This entails noticing one’s Self, as awareness of it comes upon you. This is not a thought but an experience. God is no longer just to be believed in, but to be experienced. God is here now. We can now be in the world but not of it.


685. We are being lifted up God is raising the vibrations of the planet and we are consequently being lifted up as if we are on a spiritual escalator. We think we are standing in one place but we are really imperceptibly ascending to the next level. We are also gradually adjusting to this and are beginning to consciously notice the change. If we carry the programming we have used to function as we ascend, we will notice that it is no longer so useful or relevant, for life functions in a different way on the soul level we are going to. We will notice that we now have a more detached awareness than we used to, for we are being lifted out of the ego identification which used to define us. The dimension God is moving us to is defined by a Unity that embraces all rather than the separation that had characterized our dualistic world. It is a dimension pervaded by the One Consciousness of God or Christ which will be our new Reality. Moving away from identity with form, we will still be within form, only it will no longer limit us. We are merging with the Force of Divine Creation, so that our Co-Creative manifestations will be empowered. That is why we must learn to create in the name of Christ. With our new opportunity comes new responsibility. Can we imagine living in Heaven as we have on Earth? However, no longer being in the old world will help to free us from the old fearful separative mindset. Prepare yourself to get off this escalator in a new Joyous dimension of Unity, Love and Light. We’re going up. Which is the same as going in, for vibrationally ‘up’ and consciously ‘in’ are the same. We are going to a dimension that

339 Christ Self Reflections transcends space because we will be of the one space within all. Taking the elevator up yet another level will allow us to transcend time for we will then live in eternity.


686. Something remarkable is happening As we make the transition in consciousness from self to Self, from personality to soul, we will also experience the resolution and completion of the themes and issues that have characterized our human adventure. It’s as if we have each been playing roles in dramas we have been totally identified with. We will experience a growing detachment from the heartaches, joys, successes, failures, timelines and characters of our human stories as we begin to realize that we are more than all that. We will realize that we can love it all and appreciate its many gifts because our happiness is no longer dependent on circumstances that no longer define us. We will experience the freedom of the Self who knows intuitively that they are part of a larger life that is carrying us forward in Love. If we can refrain from judging things by the parameters of the news and culture of the world, we will realize that we somehow have a sense of Peace, Trust and Knowing that is reassuring our Self that all is well. What is confusing to our mind doesn’t trouble our Heart. Despite appearances, something remarkable is happening that we know is good.


687. Why have we experienced separation? Although we are beginning to realize that we are more than the human story we have been living, it is fair to ask what has been the purpose of the voyage through the reality of separation in the external world of form and time. It must be that God wills that we learn to be in form for some further purpose that He has. In the process of life we have learned to use, develop and integrate our human constitution so that it may now be an instrument of the Self within. And so it is, for God has now decided it is time for the inner Self to take conscious control of its human personality. So He is altering the energy structure of reality to gradually synthesize these two levels. Now that we have had the rich experience of being identified with separate

340 Christ Self Reflections form, we shall be able to be in form while remaining conscious as our Self. Perhaps if we had not gone through the human stage, we would not have been able to synthesize Self in form. God would not have been able to appear on this outermost level of reality without a human being who could channel His Consciousness. Now everything is ready for the next stage in the Divine Plan — a civilization of Christ embodied humanity manifesting God’s next Creation.


688. Accepting it all Jesus has said that in the process of shifting our identity from separate self to the Self of Unity, we will naturally become more detached from our old patterns of thinking, feeling and being in the world. However, we must not deny anything but rather accept it all in a loving embrace of awareness. We cannot be judged, defined or limited by anything that we have thought, said or done so we need not fear it. Our human experiences have provided us with a diversity of gifts that will continue to provide benefits. We don’t need to reject, expel or escape anything. Likewise we can embrace all feelings, positive and negative — even those of others — as the Self contains it all without difficulty. Awareness and acceptance are different than attachment and identification. We can let all these things be, flowing through us in the process of redemption.


689. The world’s irrelevance Is the world irrelevant? From the vantage point of the Self luxuriating in the bliss of a divine New Day, yes. All the confusing activity of the world is as a loud raucous noise one wants to shut out from the Peace, Beauty and Harmony of nature’s garden. In God’s Life, everything unfolds in an eternity that is as boundless as it is perfect. Light and Love pervade a view of distant fertile horizons and timeless splendor. Angels come and go and the only thing that could be missing is the beloved to share it with — but they are here too — ever-present companions of spirit. We need this garden that is a refuge from the world and a place to draw the divine inspiration to transform our world to a Heavenly realm. The world’s knowledge is of no

341 Christ Self Reflections help in creating another on a divine template. Artists have caught visions of Heavenly beauty, and now we can create it in consciousness as well as form. Love will rule all and the human heart will sing.


690. Joy in the opportunity of Now We are indeed fortunate to be living now. In the past human life was circumscribed. We had our brief time upon the stage to make the best of our circumstances in love, career, and worldly opportunities but could not avoid a deep seated sense of separation and restriction, longing and loneliness, conflict and confusion in living our small brief lives. Pain was unavoidably woven into life and even the most fortunate could not avoid it. Now, however, if we will notice, things have changed. Despite all the problems in the world there is more of a feeling part of a larger whole. And more people are speaking up for the good of the world as a whole. On the personal level life has an openness to the larger life it never had before that gives it a freedom and opportunity unknown in the past. We are no longer circumscribed by linear, personal, conditioned reality but can now step outside of it to create something entirely new. It’s as if we are coming to the end of history and can now look across the sea to a new land at the horizon that harkens a new expansive experience of life. The new energies emanating from this new world are even now shimmering about us, exhilarating and uplifting us. Divine music can be heard and a delicious fragrance wafts in the soft air. As we look around we will see that others too are also noticing this New Day that we are opening to in gratitude, together.


691. Freeing ourselves In the world it is assumed that everything comes with a cost that must be paid and that therefore we have to work for what we get. This is an ego belief that we would well release. Jesus says that ‘if this, then that’ thinking is just an ego assumption and part of ego programming. In the reality of the Self, everything is already given to us to freely enjoy and share. We are continually supported by choosing Self so that everything always turns out

342 Christ Self Reflections for the best for everyone. In a world based on fear, survival demands effort to satisfy needs. In a world based on Love, our awareness that our needs are always satisfied is validated by experience without effort or expectation. Our experience is our choice. We can choose to believe that we have to live by the rules of the ego’s world, or we can choose to be free and live by the life of the spirit. Choose Love and we really choose to step into the New Reality of Oneness that is opening before us as a Path to God.


692. Harmony through conflict Humanity is characterized by the energy of ‘harmony through conflict’. The apparent conflict of differing wants, needs, feelings, beliefs and behaviors are continually producing awareness and change that ultimately leads to identification with the Whole. When the good of the Whole is our good, we will no longer be troubled by personal differences. When Love for the One Self rules, then concern for difference fades and the struggle for harmony is resolved in Oneness and Unity. The struggle for harmony operates in areas where the mind is dominant because mind produces the refracting differentiation of Oneness into the manyness of form. This pull of forms on physical, mental and emotional levels is resolved when we can detach from them and focus instead on the Divine Purpose that is seeking to be fulfilled through the particular circumstance of form being considered. Although superficial detachment may delude us in imagining that we have really achieved a transcendent Peace, the many petty annoyances, irritations and situational conflicts we continue to experience show us where we still have investments. For this, we must be grateful, for we can’t release what we are not aware of.


693. Channeling God It is said that there are over sixty billion human beings or souls in and out of incarnation on Earth. If each human being is a cell in the Mind of God, this approximates the number of neurons in the human brain. Unfortunately humanity took the wrong fork in the road in prehistoric times and began to act on its separate

343 Christ Self Reflections will and program for life, rather than God’s. This put everything off for we were no longer in synch with God’s Will and the Divine Order. However, now the energy of the Heart is infusing the mind and helping us align with God’s Will and Purpose. Christ’s return will unify the Heart — which He embodies— with the mind in humanity so that we can begin to channel God rather than the ego. The power we have as Divine creative units will be revealed to us, when that power is not misused.


694. The apocalypse Apocalyptic prophecies have been made with images of widespread catastrophe about this time of transition. Even when we do not experience these outwardly, which we need not, we will experience the collapse of our entire civilization inwardly. Our historical civilization has been based on the ego — the programming based on separate identity, fear, lack and identification with the concrete mind. This entire civilization and way of life is dying as surely as the ancient ruins of former ages demonstrate the inevitable divine cycles that cannot be escaped. We need not experience horror if we are focused on transitioning to a new and better world based on our underlying Unity with the One Divine Life and Consciousness within all. We will not loose anything real. It is really a blessing that this transformation is finally happening now, for the entire planet is crying out for release from its oppressive conditions and its related suffering. Let us focus on the positive life and awareness that is breaking through, not the negative conditions that are breaking down. Beginnings must have endings that precede them.


695. Oppression ‘Politically correct’ refers to an endeavor to rectify historical oppression in racial, ethnic, sexual, gender, religious and class areas of society. Its detractors believe that proponents are also oppressive with prejudices of their own. One oppression that isn’t mentioned although it is the most fundamental and universal is the oppression by the ego mind set. We oppress ourselves and others mirror this to us. If one refuses to go along

344 Christ Self Reflections with conventional assumptions of proper, normal attitudes and behavior, one is often attacked by judgement. Others can feel threatened when they notice someone who is not upholding societal beliefs about what is real and right. We generally fear to challenge the collective mind set, values and assumptions. So most live in fear although this might not be apparent. Fear is the tyrant who enforces conformity. We’ve internalized this tyrant and fear monger who oppresses us unconsciously. This tyrant is the ‘no sayer’, identified with his judgments that he enforces. However, as Love is not opposed to anyone and has everyone’s best interests in mind, it undermines oppression, fear and judgement. Only Love — not being ‘right’ — can resolve oppression within ourselves or within society.


696. The power of Love We can greatly underestimate how powerful a simple expression of love can be. A word or touch of love coming from someone living in the Heart transmits an energy that instantly connects, soothes, encourages and liberates. Love penetrates through the walls that keep us in painful isolation and returns us to life. Love gives us the strength to hope and feel good about ourselves if we were feeling discouraged. Love is a Light that beckons us to faith and trust. Love, as the most powerful force in the universe, aligns us with God and Spirit within that embodies Love. Those who embody Love are transforming the world and the matter of which the world is composed, by their very being. Let us be the flaming suns/Sons of Love we really are until all is Light.


697. Christ’s Call Christ is now and in every moment embracing all mankind and the entire planet in Love. From the very center of all Life He sends out wave after wave of Love to awaken and raise us to conscious awareness of Him. Angels are sounding the trumpets and all Creation is harkening to the Great Call — Christ is coming! The moment has come! He now wields a Power that guarantees success. He has already established dominion in the inner realms of Earth and is coming from within to claim this world too. Listen to your Heart now and feel Him moving within

345 Christ Self Reflections you. Feel the Love that is thrilling through space. Christ is rending the veil and emerging from the inner realms of Oneness and Light that are now available to us. Our outer world is being encompassed in a New Energy that will be the basis for the New Reality that we will live in. Harken to the Call!


698. Discovering the living Universe Earth actually includes a number of inner realms populated by denizens who we are unaware of. The dense physical planet is just the most outermost of these. Many people have experienced and seen fairies, fawns, gnomes and such, but there are also other species, some human, who we have yet to meet. In the coming time, the veil that has occluded these will be removed and we will experience a more realistic understanding of the true nature of the Divine Life we live within. Likewise, we shall also become aware of the lives on other planets and star systems. The Universe is really an Existence composed of an Infinite number of Divine Lives in great chains of Being. The glimpses of UFO’s that we are getting are signs that soon we will take our conscious place in a galactic system of human races and civilizations. Our science fiction is already preparing us for this exciting step. Earth will ultimately have an important role in the larger cosmic Life of which we are a part, when we have gotten our act together. The energies that the scientists now study are really the energy of the Mind of God that we live within.


699. Waking up When we talk about waking up, this is not waking up as an enlightened, free, wise and love filled personality but waking to realize that we are of the One Consciousness within all Creation. This is a Self that transcends time and space, form and the particulars of the journey that we have been on, that is bringing us back to Oneness and Unity. We are really a multidimensional Being in the process of reunifying with our Source that set us out on this journey through form and separation. This is a process of integration of aspects of our Self that have been split off from consciousness and bringing everything back to

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Wholeness. Consequently we will no longer be restricted by the linear consensus reality that has defined our humanity for we are much more than that. We are waking up to an expansiveness and freedom of Being that we have not even been able to imagine heretofore. Because our consciousness and perception will no longer be limited by the brain. We will use the brain but not be identified with it. We are waking to a spiritual Oneness of Being that will express itself through form, but not be identified with that form. All of Creation is ascending to a higher vibratory level of conscious unification with the Creative Spiritual Source and we are part of that process. We are part of the One Consciousness that mediates between Intelligent Creative Life and Spiritual Purpose. This may sound too big, powerful and scary to be anything we would want, but that is only a human interpretation. God is also within every blade of grass and is as simple, quiet and gentle as a sunbeam. We don’t have to be anything more than we feel comfortable Being. We’re just waking up after all.


700. Love is a mighty river When we experience falling in love we experience being in the grip of a force that can completely reorder our life, our thoughts, our feelings, our behaviors and our priorities. Our experience is transformed by love and this can have far reaching consequences. Things that had seemed so important suddenly aren’t. Another person can now become part of one’s life and one’s former sense of separate identity can be completely transformed. A few moments with one’s beloved can have more reality and importance than years of mundane time. In love we can feel powerless to do anything but surrender to something taking us where we’ve always wanted to go but couldn’t get to on our own. Now try to imagine the effect of feeling the Love that embraces all Creation and feels each hurt, sadness, joy and longing. What would our life be like if we totally surrendered to this Love and quit blocking it? Love is like a mighty river carrying everything out to a boundless sea. We may not know where we are being taken, but we know we want to go there. Now imagine living in Love each day, in every minute. The river is really flowing through us.

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701. From individual attainment to collective attainment Over the course of history only a relative few individuals have been able to attain the heights of spiritual realization. These individuals have served as our teachers, leaders and exemplars and demonstrated the attainment of spiritual ideals that have inspired the rest of us. Now, however, average people have the opportunity to realize levels of awareness and being that only the rare few achieved in the past. As Jesus has said, we each can access Christ directly now and become One with Christ. This also signifies a change from the individual path to the group path. As we move out of the age of separation we also move into the Age of Unity where our individual consciousness will be joined with the One Self of Christ. Our progress then will come from cooperatively sharing our Knowing with each other rather than accomplishing an isolated achievement. We will act for the good of all because we will experience our Self in all.


702. Letting go of conscious control Ego consciousness exerts control of the direction of one’s life to achieve its desired aims. Our spiritual efforts are similarly controlled in what we think is a better direction. However, within us is a deeper wisdom that we must learn to trust that as often as not comes from surrendering our agenda and opening to the unfolding process of life from a Heart centered embrace of it. Synchronicities and opportunities present themselves as part of a dance of life as we give ourselves to it in Trust. By letting go while listening within we can learn to flow with the Spirit moving within life. Our beliefs about what we need to experience can often block the very experiences that will bring us the fuller experience of life that we really yearn for. As we surrender, an experience of a deeper Self that is One with all life can begin to be realized, bringing gifts that we had overlooked. How often do we look back and see opportunities we missed by being caught up in our personal agendas? When we live fully in the moment from the Heart, we allow possibilities to manifest that we would have missed. The moment is like an onion. The more we can live from the stillness and silence of the Heart in Trust, the more deeper levels of the Self can be experienced in the moment.

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Who we are and what is happening in the Moment begin to merge as the Self unfolds, in an embrace of Life it is One with. Our spiritual path becomes something we surrender ourselves to rather than something we try to do. “The wind blows where it wishes. You hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.” The Spirit has a wisdom that will guide us from the Heart.


703. Grounding Oneness Imagine that you are not just aligning your awareness and energy with the Energy and Consciousness of the One Self for your individual purpose, but that you are establishing an individual portal so that this New Dimension and Reality of Conscious Oneness may enter Earth. Visualize, if you will, that your particular person is now the location for an inflow of Love and Oneness into a large geographical area. As you embody and channel the Christ Self, realize that you are providing an entryway into the collective where this Energy can be grounded. You are not really doing it for yourself anyway, as you are now aligning and identifying with the larger Self we are all beginning to be aware of and become. As we connect with each other and share our Self we are creating a web of expanded consciousness that will eventually coalesce in widespread awareness and acceptance.


704. Functioning in a new way We will find, in our transition from self to Self, personality to soul, that we will have to alter our way of doing things. Tasks that had been natural and that came easily to the ego may not be so natural to the soul. In particular the ego’s forceful and willful approach is not that of the soul. The pressure of time does not register so prominently to the soul. Things are accomplished in their own time in a more relaxed and trusting process by the soul. The soul does not share the worries and priorities of the ego so it is also not so concerned about the worldly angle. However, when in the flow of the soul much can be magically accomplished in a short period of time. Things just

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‘fall into place’ and before you know it, all is accomplished. Because the soul isn’t restricted by linear thinking, it can manifest the whole at once. The soul has its own interests, however, and it naturally is not suited to the ego’s purposes. Despite our growing Self awareness things can quickly spiral down if we loose our focus. In becoming the Self who we really are, we really must align our purpose with the Self and not try to serve two masters. In the transition we will notice both but at a certain point we will realize that only One is Truth.


705. Challenges We will continue to face challenges that offer us choices about how we respond and which reality we are aligning with — the ego’s or the Self’s. Old programmed patterns of response will not vanish if we persist in giving them energy by our belief in their legitimacy. However, if we see these situations for what they are and make the new choice for Self, we can lightly sidestep problems that could have quickly entangled us in an escalating series of negative reactions. There is no guilt or obligation in the Self, but a freedom that allows us to float above the entanglements and involvements of day to day life. There are no ‘shoulds’ that compel action or reaction. Every situation offers us a choice of who we will trust, the ego or the Self, fear or Love. Choosing the Self is really choosing what is best for all as it reinforces the energy of the One Self within all Who we are destined to Be. Every challenge is an opportunity to release ourselves from the bondage of human thinking. We may still respond to a situation if we are called to but from a vantage point of Love and transcendent Wisdom that affirms the good of the Whole inherent in the situation. Our primary responsibility is maintaining our higher energy and alignment that overcomes separation.


706. Forgiveness Forgiveness involves more than releasing a judgment of blame that we have projected on another. It involves releasing our own responsibility as well for our role. It further leads to a sublime indifference with regard to any outcome. Blame is transcended

350 Christ Self Reflections in a detached Self awareness that sees everything within the embrace of Wholeness. The role of each person is accepted as part of a larger process of the Self that includes both. As long as we are just trying to forgive the other person for their perceived offenses, we shall not release the issue because responsibility for our role in attracting the situation to us has been denied. We have to first forgive ourselves. Then we have to let our investment in the issue go, not just our blame of the other.


707. Living as the Self The step that is before us now individually and collectively is comprised by the change between thinking of ourselves as separate personalities to the awareness that we are all extensions of a shared Life and Self. This step will entail subsequent changes in how we live. We are beginning to realize that we all are more than we thought we were and can live now in a different way. The Self we are consciously getting in touch with is integral to all humanity. We may access the intuitive Knowing of this Self we are becoming merely by going within the Silence of the Heart and listening to what we feel. In the process of aligning with this inner center, we must release our attachment to personality programming which would impose its own reality. As the Self, we are no longer outside of life and in our minds, but are rather now living from within life and are One with it. Our focus on what we desire, vision, intend, know and create, also activates these potentials within the collective whose Self we share. Our perspective is no longer from lack but rather from a realization that everything is already within us and capable of being manifested. This establishes a sense of peace and an appreciation of the power we have as co-creators with God. Rather than a God we are separate from, we evoke the power that is within the Self.


708. Completing life themes As we move to embrace Oneness with the Self we must necessarily complete life themes that we have been involved in — for more than one incarnation. The literature of the world is replete with the issues that we have all been playing out in our

351 Christ Self Reflections human experience. Stories of love; fulfilled, betrayed, unrequited, passionate, jealous, familial, etc., of survival, success, failure, ambitions, sacrifices, losses, fears, comforts and deprivations, worldly acknowledgement and loss, etc. There are many themes and stories that we have been involved in, but now we must see our particular roles and issues with compassionate detachment. This awareness sees the themes that have been so important to the personality while releasing investment in a personal outcome. The Self Knows that it really doesn’t matter. As we disentangle our identity from those things that were so important to our personality we gain a sense of Peace, Connection, Trust and Freedom that more than compensates for any seeming loss stepping away from the emotionally charged dramas of life. Releasing the emotional charge that kept us tied to certain situations requires that we not repress, deny or try to escape from the barrage of related thoughts and emotions, but rather accept and embrace these in Love while simultaneously letting any concern re outcome go. When we can accept everything related to our humanness without judgment or attachment, Knowing we are more, we are ready for the next phase of our journey.


709. Not from the mind As long as we are living from the concrete ego mind — the abode of the separate personality — the future we long for will never happen. We will continue to formulate wonderful thoughts about it and we may make every effort to align ourselves with these ideals but the reality will elude us — a beautiful dream we are unable to realize. We may create circumstances that provide momentary satisfaction but the ultimate goal will escape our grasp. And yet the future is already here now if we would get out of our minds and into what IS here within the Heart’s awareness. It’s only within the Now that the future can be discovered and realized. This is not a Now within our mind because nothing is happening there but thought — it’s not alive and instead is separate from the living Whole. It is the Now within the Heart’s awareness which can intuitively apprehend the Word of Life. We don’t need the ego mind anymore because the Heart Knows, Visualizes, Intuits, and Intends. The Heart then uses the higher mind to create. Our civilization, built on an identity with the

352 Christ Self Reflections separate concrete mind, has forever thought ‘about’ life and reality but cannot understand these as it is apart from them. Let us realize the Reality symbolized by our beliefs by diving into the Heart which is the living consciousness of the Divine Life we live within. In the living Now we will be able to fulfill the dreams and longings we have had by connecting to the Source of these. We will discover God Who has ever been within the Heart.


710. Easter Easter, as the holiest day in the Christian year, reminds us that life has been resurrected. Christ, in demonstrating the resurrection of human life, revealed to us that His Eternal Life is ours and in the process transformed the nature of life on Earth. We can also arise from the tomb of separate mortal existence and claiming Christ as our Life and Savior join Him in the Heaven awaiting us Now in Consciousness. For, as Jesus says, we now have the possibility of living as the Self of Christ that we really are, on Earth. We no longer need to physically leave Earth to live in Heaven. Christ demonstrated the potential of human life and for two thousand years the ideal of Christ and a Loving Father God have inspired mankind. Now we need to actualize that ideal by choosing Christ as the Self that we are. Christ is not an ‘other’ as we may have believed, but Who we are in Truth and Eternity. We have thought of everything as being separate from us because we have been identified with the separate ego mind. However, now we may find our right mind which is One with Christ’s Love.


711. Living in Oneness We Love and will always Love one another. You are part of me as I am part of you. We are of the same Self, plighted for eternity. I not only accept every part of you but am grateful as well, for you are a revealer of Life and the wonders of Spirit. You are the delight and joy of Life, and I am nourished and renewed by you. Like a bird song wafted on the scented breeze of Spring you arouse me to an appreciation of Life as a gift of God — God moving within us in this very moment. In the sublime Peace of

353 Christ Self Reflections the garden, a Silence and Stillness pervade. There is no longer any difference. All is of One Unfolding Life and Consciousness.


712. What is happening now What is happening now on Earth is an imperceptible but gradual energetic shift that is allowing humanity to become aware of and access the unitive inner state of soul consciousness. This is allowing a corresponding shift away from identification with separative ego consciousness that historical civilization has been based on. It entails an infusion of the energy of the soul which lives by spirit. This is a confusing time as we will need to learn to navigate life by listening to the Heart rather than the ego mind which has been our authority. Relying on the divinity within instead of the ego’s programming is a major adjustment. Those with faith in their religious beliefs will find that trusting the spirit in the moment is different than living by belief because the context is different. The context of living in a new dimension of reality that we all are sharing in together implies that we are no longer living in a world based on separation, dualism and ego mind. This is the reality of the One Self or Being of Love.


713. Moving from being inspired, to Being What is the difference between being inspired by the soul and being the soul? When we are inspired we are still identified as a separate personality or ego who believes in his thoughts and makes an effort to do things that are felt to be right or good. We are thus living from our mind, using the will to achieve the goals that the mind holds. Our thoughts may be inspired by love, but we are still functioning as ego. When living as soul, our locus of Being is the Heart, not the mind. We rest in Being trusting in the intuitive guidance of the Heart which is One in all. Thus we pay no heed to the world’s thinking. The soul lives in and by Love and Trust in its Self. It lives to share its Knowing, not its knowledge. The Knowing of the Self is the same for all. Thus the Self awakens all to our connection in our shared Life and Consciousness in God.


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714. Not by effort but by Trust Although I have exerted effort to accomplish something I thought I should do, I notice that this did not bring me closer to my Self or help me be who I really am. Perhaps my action did some good in creating a better world, but it did not further my co-creative process. As Jesus says, we are really here to birth the New, which won’t happen if we continue to function in the ego’s matrix of reality. It’s only good and natural to want to reform the world and help others. However, the most significant thing we can do is to lead others beyond the world’s reality, which requires living in a New Way. This New Path is the mind at One with the Heart and living by the Knowing within the Heart. This New Way recognizes the One Divine Life and Consciousness within all and joins with this Self. Then we co- create from our shared Christ Self. As we progress on this Path to Being Now, we shall feel a decreasing need to compromise because we will find that compromise with the ego’s world isn’t very useful. What do we gain by ignoring the Truth?


715. Birthing the New The New is created by simply living from and in the Heart space within all and no longer using the ego mind to interpret what this means. The new mind simply formulates what is here now in the space of Love we share. Recognizing that we are all expressing and extending the same Consciousness, establishes our Brotherhood. The separate agendas, desires and needs of the ego no longer intrude into the Peace and Oneness of the Moment. There is no need to force anything or exert effort. We simply express what we feel and what we are intuitively coming to Know. This is not about sharing thoughts but rather sharing who we really are, together. This is an ongoing and unfolding process of discovery accompanied by gratitude, appreciation, joy and reverence. When we have accepted and admitted everything, we then discover that we are more. Every response to the call of the Heart evokes more from God. We progressively move from the outer to the inner, from the unreal to the real, from time to timelessness. Co-creation of the New is the manifestation of God.

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716. How to Be Here Now ‘Be Here Now’ is a New Age adage but truly living it can be difficult if the ego is operative. Because although the ego may be consciously aware in the moment, its point of view is separative and its perceptions are merely the projections of the concrete mind it is identified with. The being of the ego derives from the Self who is the ego’s source. Therefore, unless identified with the Self, we are really nowhere except in our head. This, unfortunately, is where some meditation practices leave one. ‘Now’ is integral to the larger living Whole, but if one is just in the ego, one is consciously separate from this. So the key to making this adage viable is shifting our awareness out of the ego mind by connecting to the Heart. The Heart is the loving Consciousness of the Self — or our Being — which is One with God. This is here now.


717. Jesus shows us the way Jesus demonstrated who we are and what we can also realize. His resurrection portended our resurrection. Just as he became One with Christ, we must too become One with Christ. The ego protests that this is impossible — and it is that for the ego. Fortunately we are really not egos but are inwardly part of Christ Who is our Self. So becoming One is not difficult — it already is inwardly. It’s just a matter of consciously realizing this and shifting our focus and identity out of the ego. The entire matrix of a separate reality cut off from the whole which has been the ego’s world is now being dissolved. What we will see when this is gone, is the One Divine Life of God within all. And we will all be part of the One Divine Consciousness of God — or Christ. As this is really happening to us, it is as easy as choosing to be who we really are. Why wait?


718. Holy relationship I want to tell you that I love you and that we share the same Self but something holds me back. I want to tell you that I also share your loving consciousness and how appreciative I am of the

356 Christ Self Reflections love you express. I want to tell you that I desire to consciously experience the Oneness of the Self we are with you. But something holds me back from expressing this. Instead, I embrace you in Love and see the Holy One in you.


719. The necessity of relationship The ego is a separate identity and thus believes it has to do and accomplish on its own. Yet we can’t accomplish spiritual realization on our own as this requires relationship. This is why Jesus urges us to give up trying to learn on our own and to accept Him instead. Through surrender to the Sacred Heart we discover who we really are and what we really Know. We are already complete in Christ, but didn’t realize this as we have believed that we were separate. When we give up trying to be separate and release our hold on our separate thoughts, we will discover that we are part of a conscious relationship with all life. We are of Christ and we can embrace all creation in the Love that we are also of. And it is only in this relationship with the Whole and embodiment of it that we may Be Who we are. Trying to realize our Divine Self on our own is futile.


720. From seeking to expressing spirit Our religious faith assumes a false dualism between our separate personality and God. We believe that we are separate and different from Christ or the particular spiritual Beings who we look toward as exemplars. In reality there is no separation. Inwardly we are One and encompass it all in consciousness. However, outwardly we are not conscious of this. Inwardly we Know the same Truth as Christ, we have just not realized this yet outwardly. In the Age that we are moving into, we will discard our belief in separation and work instead to manifest what we already have within. Religion will be about spiritual expression rather than spiritual seeking. We will defer only to the Truth within us.


357 Christ Self Reflections

721. The ego The ego is based on the denial of the Whole it believes it is threatened by and separate from. This negation or attack is really based on the fear of God. This denial creates a separate identity in the concrete mind where the fear and belief were given reality and where a separate identity crystallizes around the assumptions derived from the fundamental act. With identity focused in the concrete mind, perception becomes a projection of the contents of the ego mind either internally or externally. We see what we believe, in effect. We don’t see reality as it is, but see our interpretations and judgements about reality. Likewise our internal projections are characterized by the fear and negativity of our core denial of the Whole of God. We thus experience self doubt and anxiety and compensate for these by trying to be better and different than what we really feel we are. The will of the ego is then harnessed to survive and succeed in the threatening world it has believed it exists in. This is the reality of the ego that has been humanity’s identity since time immemorial. However, the time has come to awaken from this false self. Spirit is breaking through the walls in our minds to reveal the Living Presence of God moving in the world. We may now choose to leave the prison of our circumscribed and linear beliefs. We are being resurrected in Life and in Christ.


722. Forgiving ourselves As Jesus says, spiritual realization is based on forgiveness. “You must forgive reality for being what it is.” ACOL L6:1. That means we must forgive ourselves for being different than we thought we are and for being unable to make it on our own. Our world has been a reality based on separate achievement that we have invested our life in. We have to forgive ourselves for being wrong. Feeling superior is not a replacement for feeling Whole or at Peace. The ego has invested itself in the world that it is really a projection, so naturally it doesn’t want to admit it has been a wasted effort — the momentary satisfactions just leading to dissatisfaction and disillusionment. Yet the sooner we realize that the track of separate achievement is hopeless, the sooner we may get on a better track that is not one we have invented but one God provides. Therefore its success is guaranteed. This begins by forgiving ourselves for fearing and denying God and

358 Christ Self Reflections for the self condemnation and guilt that resulted. God Knows only Love. There is no need to be forgiven as we are not condemned. We merely have the choice to choose God now, by choosing His Son Who is our Self. The new formulation of this Truth is psychological (Self) rather than theological (Son) because it is based on our actual experience rather than our faith in our religious beliefs.


723. Getting free of the mind Our thoughts are like costumes that we dress up Reality in, and as children do, we make up all sorts of stories about what we imagine. Reality exists in Wholeness but what we think and imagine exists in separation in disparate conflict. This would all be great fun if it didn’t involve so much real human suffering and if we could just put it down and return to Reality. However, humanity is so hypnotized by its imaginary world that it has the utmost difficulty getting out of its mind to experience things as the really are. We have created many systems of thought and practices based on these to free us, but these, as often as not, merely keep us enmeshed in the mind we are endeavoring to free ourselves from. Enlightening the ego mind merely informs it with new concepts to become attached to that are then projected in separation on to the Wholeness of Reality. The way out is through the Heart that is the portal to the Wholeness that exists within. The mind separates but Love unifies and is integral to the living Consciousness of the Self which exists beyond the mind. We will never experience Reality through the ego mind because its purpose is to deny Reality and create a separate world. However, if we will live in the Heart we will realize that God is in the separate forms we have been giving imaginary roles to. God is here now and when we are tired of the game we have been playing, we can awaken to the Home that we have ever lived in despite our unawareness of this.


724. Using the New Mind It is difficult to not think or to deny the thoughts that we habitually are identified with. Our effort to do so is itself a thought we are endeavoring to enforce. Just as many meditation

359 Christ Self Reflections practices attempt to observe thoughts from a detached observer perspective that is also unconsciously within the mind. To transcend the mind we must avail ourselves of an agency that is outside the mind. The Holy Spirit does this, but now we can directly accomplish this ourselves by joining our awareness to the Heart. Connecting to the Heart connects us to the Self within, which, we will discover, is One in all. This Self, that initially seems to be an individual experience, is really our particular experience of the shared Christ Self. This living Reality provides a real foundation that we can anchor ourselves to that is outside of the ego and thus the ego mind. No effort is therefore required to remain detached from our habitual thoughts because in the Self of Love we have left the ego mind altogether. We then use a higher aspect of the mind to communicate — the New Mind. This New Mind or higher mind formulates what the Christ Self is Knowing which are the thoughts of Love that we want to share.


725. The dance of Creation Everything — matter included, as Einstein proved — is energy. And energy, is really spirit. Physical matter is one end of a spectrum of spirit that is vibrating at its lowest frequency. And spirit is really the energy of the Mind of God that is the created universe. Humanity is the evolution of consciousness that mediates between spirit and matter — between the Father and the Mother. Our consciousness registers many energies and it is our task to gradually cohere and incorporate these into a new conscious synthesis. Consciousness can encompass it all. By sustaining a conscious connection with our Source we serve the living beings who are the energetic lives we live within and help them also reunite with their Source. What is Joy, but the energies of Life? What is Love, but the energy of Consciousness? Together these perform a dance of Creation that unfolds and manifests the inscrutable Purpose of God.


726. Romantic love Humans ever long to experience true love in a soul mate who completes them and who they can feel one with. This is a

360 Christ Self Reflections natural and universal desire because the division of the genders reflects our separation from the deeper Wholeness that we all seek. We unconsciously project on to the beloved those aspects of our Self that we yearn to unite with and experience. Jesus calls these special relationships that the ego creates, its most prized gifts. These are relationships where each fulfills a complementary loving role for the other. This script, however, limits one’s total freedom. Because ultimately our Oneness is achieved by uniting with the Self within that is One. We can share this Oneness with another but it does not depend on them. Romantic love is the province of the personality that naturally seeks to realize and express Love and Oneness with another. This is a beautiful desire and experience. However, when we become One with Christ we naturally feel Love and Oneness with all because all express this same Self, albeit unconsciously.


727. Flowing in Love It’s natural to feel challenged by our feelings and emotions that move us in all sorts of ways — some of which can be uncomfortable. How do we cope with these? In the same way we approach everything — with Love. Love is not threatened but accepts everything lightly because Love is not affected by it all. Love holds everything in the Light where it can be observed in detachment without judgment. Then it is gently released as responding as Love would bid us to. When we see with Love, hear with Love, move with Love and speak with Love, all the variegated emotions and thoughts are resolved in Love. We don’t react to them by taking them to be real, we listen within to the Voice of the Self Who is an expression of Love. We let things be on the surface of life while we flow in a deeper current that gently carries us through the whitewaters of life.


728. Discovering a transforming fact What is our fundamental assumption? — that we are alone in a threatening world. Yet what do we discover through the Heart but that we are part of an Eternal Self within all. This may seem to be just an idea at first, but as we live within this awareness

361 Christ Self Reflections we discover this inner Self to be a living Reality that is of God. This is corroborated as we share our experience with others who are having their similar realizations. By sharing, we make this subtle state more real to ourselves and others. We create lines of Light and Love that weave and manifest a New Reality on Earth. The Oneness within gradually emerges without until a new world can be seen by all that supersedes the illusory world of fear and belief in separation that has characterized human civilization. Then the structure of a new civilization must arise based on a new fundamental — the One Loving Divine Life within all.


729. Transforming idealism Idealism has lost its legitimacy. Where it used to be a noble aim and effort toward a higher and altruistic purpose when mankind was polarized in the mind, now it is no longer so useful. Now our aspirations must be turned toward realizing and expressing the Reality that was symbolized by our past mental ideals. As we turn our awareness within, we will realize that we are in touch with impressions, intuitions, feelings, visions and intentions that arise within the Self we are becoming conscious of. Our devotion must be oriented to expressing these apprehensions and knowings rather than to the images and ideals that have symbolized these. We move from focusing on the ideals of the mind to the knowing of the spirit which we then endeavor to express. This represents a higher creativity of the soul rather than a creativity based on the conditioned thoughts internalized in the mind. We must aspire to express and extend what IS, not what we think. We move from dualism to manifestation of the experience of Unity.


730. The Path of the Heart The Path of the Heart is not about thought or any practice or effort based on belief. It is simply about living from the Heart and expressing the feelings, visions, intuitions, dreams, desires, intentions, and knowing engendered by Love. By sharing these we share our real Self and the Truth of who we really are that we are remembering together. We bring the life within to conscious

362 Christ Self Reflections awareness and begin to create a new reality on Earth that reflects and manifests the One Divine Life that we live within. This must perforce entail a shift out of the separate ego and its concrete mind that we have identified with by joining the larger Whole where our One Self has its Being. This Path, therefore, is an adventure and discovery into the unknown but destined Being of God. And it is a Path that is relevant to the time we live in as we must begin to build the new civilization of Christ embodied humanity that can now begin to manifest on Earth.


731. Sounding the Word Alone, high in his adamantine seat the sage sends out his sublime thought to a weary and confused world. His Love streams out in ribbons of color and sound. His aura spreads in ripples to the four corners of Earth. Where does this mighty stream of energy come from? Aligned with the Cosmos, a Ray from beyond is now refracted here. But wait, now other points here and there begin to reflect back this Sound — until all Creation begins to sing in joy with the Word.


732. The opportunity for radical awakening Just as a fertilized human embryo slowly develops in stages to a human being, a child grows in stages into a mature human being. A mature human being also has its psychological process of development, successively utilizing its physical, emotional and mental constitution until fully integrated and under the control of the ego. Later there is the process of spiritual integration when the personality endeavors to appropriate and fuse with its soul and more subtle aspects of its Being. This is all part of the universal evolution of consciousness. However, now humanity is sufficiently consciously developed and evolved that we may take the radical step out of the slow evolutionary process and shift directly into the Christ Self that has ever been within and behind the whole process of human conscious evolution. This is the radical step out of linear time and mind and into the eternal spirit or essence of Being that is the Cause and Source of Consciousness. Christ is not just returning to Earth as a separate figure to lead and inspire. Rather Christ

363 Christ Self Reflections

Consciousness is now beginning to pervade the planet and offer each of us the opportunity to wake up and become One with our real Self just as Jesus became One. It is as simple as embracing the One Heart of Love that Christ embodies and choosing to live in this Oneness. To do this we must release our attachment to our separate beliefs about who we are and choose our God nature instead. The Heart replaces the mind we have given reality to. We become who we are destined to Be and Who inwardly we already are.


733. Correcting our error As Jesus has said, something went wrong in the evolution of humanity on Earth, when mankind, in fear, chose to believe that it was separate from God and then began to miscreate in opposition to God’s Plan. A wall was created that separated mankind from its divine Knowing so that the effects of its separate creation would be more limited. However, the time has come for change and God has begun to dissolve that wall that has separated us from our Self. We may now step away from the ego and into our divine inheritance. The vestigial ego programming in the mind now only has the reality we choose to give it. A door is now open in our minds allowing us to step through into a vast uncharted divine landscape. Let us choose Union with God now and begin true co-creation in line with God’s Plan. We do this by referring everything to Christ, and to the Self Consciousness within which is now who we choose to embody. Our mistake is correctable as it did not affect Reality, just what we made of Reality.


734. The Heart sees, hears, knows and creates What we really see with the Heart is that each person is an expression of Love and sinless. The mind sees otherwise and would project its judgements on to the other, but we must learn to see with the Heart if we are to see truly. The Heart sees everyone as equal expressions of the same Love and as we see more deeply, the same Self. When we unite with the Heart and live within it, we must perforce live in the One Self within all. Then we stop focusing on the separate forms and become

364 Christ Self Reflections aware of what connects them in a larger Wholeness. As we live in Oneness, we experience others within the same Oneness. The Heart allows us to recognize that everything comes from and is part of the same Source. Through listening to the Heart we may hear what God is saying to us. This is different than what others’ words seem to say. God is asking for our loving response. The Heart Knows what that is.


735. Spirit is Self reliant Spirit is Self reliant. It needs no approbation or approval and has no need for any authority save that within it. We are moving from the age of fear where each has doubted his intrinsic Knowing of the Truth within. We have sought the validation of others and conformed to consensus norms because we were afraid to trust our Self. Now the spirit bids us to awaken and arise and soar in the free skies of spiritual Being. There are no paths in the sky. Each wings his own way to the destination of his choice. The birds of paradise all reach the New Country, for the spirit that they live by is enthroned there. We are guided home by an intuitive Knowing that is of God.


736. Using imagination Once we begin to notice the ego as a separate false focus within our consciousness and realize that its judgements, fears and built in attitudes to life don’t really serve us, we can begin to release ourselves from its grasp. We can use our imagination to feel what it would be like to live without an ego and to feel only positive feelings, Oneness and Love, Peace, Freedom and Trust all the time. By doing so, we align ourselves with the Self and relax into its Knowing and its Life. By continually recalling this imagination, we gradually align ourselves with who we really are until this becomes as natural and habitual as ego consciousness once was. So notice all the impediments and then imagine your self free of them and Being who you truly wish to Be. This will feel so good that you won’t have to force yourself to do this exercise, you will realize that you really enjoy it! Let us use the faculty of imagination for our benefit, rather than against us, as the ego does.

365 Christ Self Reflections


737. A New World of Light is emerging Taking the risk to express Love, we experience it reflected back to us in a dialogue, a dance and a chorus of Life that sings with Joy. Giving freely, without need of return, we receive what we give, and more. Taking the chance to open our Heart, and express what is there, we are confirmed in the faith that our actions expressed. Who doesn’t want Love? Who doesn’t want to be reminded of the Truth they long to embody? Who doesn’t want to be relieved of the false fears that have kept us in bondage? A New Day is breaking on the world as fresh and pure as when the world began. We can only experience this if we get out of our heads and share the Beauty that arises from our Heart. Something unprecedented is happening now — something that has been coming since the Earth was created. And we have the blessing to participate in this Birth by sharing what wants to emerge through our Heart. Don’t hold back — it’s what we have been dreaming of.


738. Taking the air out of the ego I notice that as I remain more distant from my ego by staying firmly centered in my Self, the ego withers through lack of energy that feeds it until it becomes a small niggling thought of separation that doesn’t really pose a problem, because it’s obviously not true. What we give reality to, becomes real to us. And if we open our minds and Heart to Reality, and not just what we believe to be reality, Reality quickly confirms itself. We may express our Self through the separate form of a human body, but we don’t confuse that body with us. The Self includes and embraces it, but is more. The separate self merely becomes an extension of the Self in the world, allowing this Self to Know and Extend its Self nature with others who are doing the same.


739. Love is all powerful How grateful we are to those who express Love! They beautify the world and give us permission to also express Love that we

366 Christ Self Reflections otherwise often don’t express. In a world of vehement judgements, competition and struggles for supremacy it can feel threatening to open to Love. Those who express Love can expose themselves to others’ judgments of weakness, devaluation or become objects for manipulation. It takes strength to stand in Love when subjected to others’ expectations, projections and coercions. Yet Love, if we cleave to it, has the power to overcome all by embracing all and transforming conflict into connection and commonality. Love, the greatest Power in the universe, is always the answer to every dilemma and is the transformative and synthesizing Force of God.


740. Sin Christianity calls human error sin, which it is not. All error, like the ego itself, is human nature and reversible. It needs no forgiveness from God, because God does not judge and only sees us in our perfection. We are the ones who need to accept our right to be human and release ourselves from the guilt and self condemnation that we have judged ourselves to be deserving for not fulfilling our false images of who we think we should be. Sin is a holdover from the Judaic god of the Old Testament who is not the loving Father Christ taught. Those who preach sin are revealing that their faith is confused and not in Christ, but in Jehovah.


741. The Fall The Biblical belief in the Fall or God’s banishment of mankind from Paradise for disobedience reflects what humanity has believed — that did not actually happen. The separation from God experienced by mankind reflects mankind’s choice to believe, in fear, that it was separate by giving reality to the ego. Separation from God therefore merely existed in consciousness, not in Reality. For how could we be separated from that which encompasses all? The myths that underlie any civilization contain only relative truth — that is, beliefs given reality must create resultant experience. This merely demonstrates the creative power of the mind, not the truth of those beliefs. It is

367 Christ Self Reflections time to extract ourselves from our ego mind and the conditioned beliefs that have circumscribed our experience of Reality. The ascension of energies now makes it easier than it has ever been to step out of the ego and into the soul and to reclaim the Kingdom of God within that we have denied and forgotten.


742. The requirement for learning Jesus reiterates that we can only learn in Unity, not in separation. We can only learn of and remember the Truth when we have joined our mind and our Heart, because the Truth is of the Wholeness of Reality. The ego mind is a separate mind that projects its separation on to everything, therefore it can only know its thoughts. When we begin our thinking process from thought, rather than from an awareness of what IS, we are beginning from the ego. The mind joined to the Heart, is awareness joined to what IS present now. When we begin from what IS, then we begin from the Consciousness of the Whole Self. Then the mind becomes the servant of the Self in formulating its awareness, rather than the master it has been by giving priority to its thoughts. When we join the mind with the Heart we start utilizing the higher aspect of the mind rather than the ego mind. We are then in a position to co-create and express the Self’s Knowing that we are sharing and extending to each other. In this, we are waking up to the Truth of our Being that we are discovering now. Through Jesus, we may learn — or remember, rather — the Truth that is already within us.


743. Everyone has faith Everyone has faith, whether they realize it or not, because everyone believes what they believe is true. The atheist has the most faith because his faith is not supported by his experience, merely his false interpretation of it. It’s almost comical to realize that everyone has faith that their particular beliefs are true even though these are all different from one to another. People who disparage and doubt themselves have a firm belief that these thoughts are true, just as the inflated believe in the truth of their grandiose assumptions. We may call the faith that we have that our programming is true a necessity for living and a self

368 Christ Self Reflections correcting process instituted by God. Because beliefs that reflect the truth of the soul lead to positive experience and are reinforcing while beliefs that oppose the soul’s nature lead to pain and suffering and are inevitably corrected. The ego is continually endeavoring to amass the best beliefs because it wants to be better and superior. The soul is not identified with belief because it knows that Truth is not found in belief. When we have released ourselves from the ego, we will not concern ourselves with belief at all, and our concern will not be thought, but feeling and intuitive knowing.


744. Spiritual reductionism Unlike Freud, who believed that everything was based on sex, we can assert that everything — sex included — is based on Love. Desire and sex are longings of Love that God placed within us to lead us out of separation and back to conscious Unity with God. Desire is not to be renounced but rightly oriented, for what we really desire are not the things that we imagine we lack, or the love of others that we similarly feel that we need, but the Love intrinsic to choosing our Self and becoming One in God. In sex we play out our projection of our longing to reunite with the Beloved. Yet the Beloved is ever within us and is us as we truly are. Let us embrace the Love that would transfigure and transform us to who we really are. Spirit reduces us to One — but One Who encompasses the universe.


745. The ego can’t let things be as they are The ego is compulsive and can’t just let things be as they are but must continually make something or do something with Life. Because the ego is an obsession that must continually defend itself from the God it denies by proving itself right and demonstrating its power. As God is ever present, the ego must be ever vigilant. Because it is an arrogant assumption of power, the ego projects that God is also all about power and desires to overcome the ego should it let down its guard. By making use of the gifts of Life and arrogating ownership of these, the ego believes it demonstrates its authority and power. It is all about using and exploiting. It believes that it has usurped God by

369 Christ Self Reflections creating like God. However, ‘making’ by the separate self is different from the Creation of God which is Whole and thus given equally to all.


746. A miracle experience If we seek to experience a miracle, let us realize that it is a miracle to even have an experience of Unity which is not a state that can be recognized within the separate ego where we have been identified. Let us realize that all miracles are expressions of the underlying Unity we have with all. All minds are really joined as Jesus reminds us. Miracles allow us to experience that all is One and thus collapse time which is a condition of the mind. When we first become aware of the Heart as a Conscious Presence within, we don’t yet realize that it is of the Self, the Christ Self within all, and God until we Unite with it. When we do, we are transformed by the experience of Unity and become who we are, and recognize others as who they are. We can then relate to others as who they really are, not just who they think they are. This is a natural miracle.


747. We are coming! Going within, Standing in the portal, Behind is the dark light of Spirit, Before is lighted Creation, All unfolding in ordered harmony, Yet incomplete, Missing Gods in form — Missing those who will reveal Christ, And connect Creation to its Conscious Creator. We are coming!


748. Just simply being one’s Self We actually rest in our Self more than we realize for we live in the Self though we are conscious as ego. In a quiet moment, without thought where are we? We may just be staring out into

370 Christ Self Reflections space and caught up in a passing feeling, but a moment later we snap back into an ego focus. What if we could maintain an inner focus and listening and didn’t feel the compulsion to maintain our normal primary self identity? The Self expresses through the ego, but the ego takes all the credit. What if we could find a way to just Be our Self without the ego? We can, of course, for when we express love, create a work of art or are just real and authentic we can express ourselves from a deeper level. Authenticity is central to a new spirituality. Rather than having to live up to an ego ideal, as in the past, people are realizing that it is alright to just be honestly themselves. This produces a gradual integration with the Self. The key to this integration is expressing what Love feels and wants to express in the moment — being Wholehearted as Jesus calls it. Which is letting everything that is there ‘pass through’ us. If we can just restrain the ego, in fear, from meddling in everything, we will feel a greater intimacy and Oneness in the moment and be more able to just let things Be — that is, let our Self Be.


749. Releasing knowing By dedicating ourselves to Union with the Heart and with Love we free ourselves, at least temporarily, from the ego mind. However, the conditioned beliefs in the concrete mind will still persist and intrude until we withdraw our belief in them — until we realize that basically none of our thoughts are true. This radical detachment from the contents and programming of the ego is necessary to give full reality to Love and our Self nature that we discover through Union with the Heart. The Heart space is the Consciousness of the Self who we really are Who Knows the Truth intuitively. We no longer need to go to the ego mind to know, for here we just access belief. We go to the Heart which Knows by virtue of being an integral aspect of the One Self within all where true Knowing is discovered or remembered. Because Knowing is a discovering of what IS real and eternal within God where the Self lives. The ego uses its mind and will to try to control life and circumstances based on the false assumptions it holds. The Self doesn’t try to control life or circumstances — it doesn’t need to as it is supported in its needs by Life. The Self ‘uses’ its Knowing to share its Love and its awareness of what IS and will Be. What will Be is the spirit’s

371 Christ Self Reflections intention of what Love desires and experiences as Beautiful. Creation endeavors to manifest God’s dreams of Love and Beauty. The sooner we can divest ourselves from our identification with the ego and its beliefs, the sooner we can be a clear channel for the Self we really are. And take up our co- Creative role with Christ.


750. Life is the teacher Life is continually providing us with therapy — only we don’t realize this. We have fixed ideas about what we want to learn and achieve and we expect life to conform itself to our expectations, whether realistic or not. In one sense life does conform in that it allows the mind to create experiences based on its core beliefs. However, these are the emotionally identified beliefs that we hold subconsciously that we live by and not those that we may rationally subscribe to. Therefore by our experience we become aware of our real motivations. To the extent that these are fear based, we reap suffering. Negative experience ultimately stems from Self denial. To the extent that these spring from Love and life, we are rewarded with happiness. Life is therefore teaching us where we should direct our energies and what we should give reality to. What slows down our learning are the internalized preconceptions of the world which often cause us to doubt the intuitive Knowing that would otherwise sort out the lessons our experiences hold for us. Life provides a feedback — what we give, we receive. If we don’t like what we are getting, we had best examine what we are living by and giving reality to. And make some changes.


751. Truth comes from Unity All learning of the Truth requires joining ourself in Unity because our Truth only exists in Unity. We join through the Heart, which is One in all. In the Heart we are complete and recognize that complete Self in all. By recognizing this, we give this Love to all and receive or experience it. By recognizing that we all live in the grace of harmony with God, we experience it. Giving is receiving, as Jesus says. We no longer need special relationships because there is nothing lacking in us that we

372 Christ Self Reflections need to get from another. We no longer need to think or try to control because our will is fulfilled by surrender to God’s Will, not by resistance to it. God’s Will becomes our will as we accept it as ours. By aligning our will with God we continually discover what God would give and have us manifest. We become the creative extension of God on Earth. This is our Purpose. We create in Union with God by choosing to Be our Self. As this Christ Self exists in all, we see and experience it in all. We let go of separate thoughts and ego agendas and remember who we really are. Every moment gives us a new opportunity to discover what IS within the Conscious Self which would be Known and shared. This is a New Reality that we are becoming aware of. It is a Presence that is here now. It is Christ tangibly present in our awareness. It is the Word, the Spirit, the Love and the Light of our shared Self that we can now choose to shift our conscious identity to and live as. This is One or a Unity that is within all. Let us devote our will to Unity with the One Self that we can experience through the Heart.


752. The miracle of being joined When we recognize that we are all equal extensions of the same Self, we also realize that our separate minds are actually joined together by that same Self. We then realize that we always have a choice of who we communicate with. We can communicate with the separate self who uses the separate mind, or we can communicate with the Self within whose Voice is also speaking to us. We have to listen in the Heart to hear this Voice however. By responding to Christ’s Voice, we strengthen our awareness of the Reality of Christ in our Self and in others.


753. Being attacked We are afraid to Be our Self because we are afraid of being attacked by other’s judgements. We don’t realize yet that the Self is invulnerable. We believe that moving beyond the wall of the separate ego we have lived within in fear, exposes us and makes us vulnerable. We don’t realize yet that the Love that we are encompasses all judgements and attacks and renders them harmless. A judgment is really just a false belief that is a

373 Christ Self Reflections harmless delusion and cannot affect anything unless we give it the reality it doesn’t have. An attack thought is really fear projected that needs forgiveness rather than a reaction that would validate the fear the other feels. Judgements are thoughts of fear that are the basis of the ego’s separate reality. To legitimize these is to strengthen the ego, rather than opening a door of Love that offers a path out. We are invulnerable. Knowing this, we can totally share our Self without fear. When the other sees our Freedom, they will want to experience it too.


754. Service Service is considered to be something we do from love or altruistic ideal that helps others or improves the world. It takes effort and will but we feel better for it, and are often appreciated for our work. However, service on the Heart Path happens naturally from who we are rather than from what we do. The highest form of service comes from a loving sharing of our Self that embraces others in a space of Oneness. The action of the Self arises naturally if we don’t block it. This is to “let the universe be of service to you rather than trying to use the universe to accomplish your goals”. ACOL L29:4. Being is Love in action. This is not meant to discourage anyone from helping to improve the world if one is so moved. However, the Path of Oneness is really about manifesting a New Reality on Earth that comes from extending the Self in the living Moment.


755. Creating the future now We think of time as a linear process moving from the past into the present and then the future. Yet, everything that has ever been or will be already exists within the Eternal Now. The present moment offers us the opportunity to connect to future possibilities and to choose them. We choose them by becoming aware of these inner potentials, affirming them, and making them real and manifest. We are creators who can now begin to bring into being the dreams and ideas within the Mind of God. The eternal yet ever new Self is a creative bridge between the unmanifest and the manifest. We are as cells in the Mind of God that are meant to extend Divine Creation on Earth. One Purpose

374 Christ Self Reflections that God Intends is for humanity to help awaken His Consciousness in all the kingdoms of Earth so that all is consciously One. Another is to extend His Consciousness throughout the solar system and beyond. Humanity doesn’t exist just for itself, but to fulfill its role in the greater Whole. As we transition from self to Self now, so will the nature of what we create change. We have created for separate purposes but soon we will create for God’s Purposes.


756. Cultivating a sense of an inner Self The Path of the Heart is really about cultivating an awareness of an inner Wholehearted center of Consciousness that we will discover — by living from within it — is a place of deeper Self identity. What may initially seem like just a more heartfelt place within, we will discover is a conscious space imbued with Love, Light, Spiritual Intention and a connection to a holistic inner Presence. By listening within, we may develop an awareness of a Knowing that we can Trust and share. By shifting our identity out of the ego and into this space of Love, we discover that we are indeed awakening to a larger Self, who we really are.


757. Home can be a spiritual center Every home can be a spiritual center — a place where each can Be consciously who they really are. A place of Love and Light and Peace where each can open to the Present Moment without any pressure or expectation and just accept what IS. A place where the Heart rules and not the mind. We may have thoughts, of course, but these are as clouds gently moving across the sky which are embraced by the vastness of the space of Consciousness encompassing. The space is the reality — not the thought within it. In this center each is encouraged to dream or vision the most beautiful or highest vision that they can make real and live. In these spiritual centers we know that we are cooperating in creating a shared space that we are manifesting together. This one conscious space serves us all. In this space there is no judgement, just acceptance; no fear, just Love; no force, just Trust.

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758. New experience means new creation Every moment is a new experience that has never happened before and that holds within it new awareness of feelings, insights, intuitions, knowings, visions, dreams and imaginings that come as answers to our prayers and hopes and deepest purpose. We may gather these gifts from God from out of the air and send them on in whatever form seems best. It might be an action, a story, a song, a painting, an incipient organization, or an idea needing expression. As creators, we are here to manifest God’s Ideas, which as we will discover, are also ours, as we are of God. As we manifest more, we encompass more of who we really are.


759. Soul awareness leading to Self The soul is all about awareness, not thought. Thought is the province of the personality, the separate ego. The soul uses the mind — but the higher mind. The soul formulates its awareness, its Knowing in the higher mind. Therefore, for the soul, the Intuition is primary to the higher mind. The soul, as the consciousness that links the Self to the personality, endeavors to get the attention of the personality so that it is attended to. However, the ego is full of itself and believes its thoughts are the reality. It doesn’t realize that it is a mere reflection of the soul who is the real thinker within. Be that as it may, as we become more aware, we will realize that although we have thoughts, we are not those thoughts, and this begins the process of dis- identification with the ego and the gradual shift to being the soul. This process is enhanced by having a loving motivation. This encompasses the related shift to taking on the soul’s ideas and intentions which intrinsically are loving and concern the greater good, as the soul is group conscious. As we become the soul we come to realize that the soul is a conscious expression of the One Self. And this realization leads to a more profound shift in identity. As the Self we are One with the Whole and God.


376 Christ Self Reflections

760. Getting spiritual guidance We may wonder why, as we go about our daily lives, with all the busy activity, that we don’t seem to have more guidance and communication from the soul. The answer is that the soul is really not concerned with most of it. It’s all part of the ego’s affairs. This may seem a hard thing to say, but it indicates our confusion. We are not here for the personality with its separate agenda and imaginings, but to fulfill our spiritual nature and destiny as Sons of God. When we listen to our Heart and the promptings of Spirit, then we will receive communication from the soul and hear the Voice of the Silence. In any important decision we can rely on the Spirit to Know what is right and best. But many things that the ego is invested in are of no concern.


761. Observing without commentary Our experience is like a movie we are watching with ongoing commentary by a narrator or with subtitles that describe the action. The ego is continually telling us what it all means. What if we could turn this interpretive voice off and in silence be with the experience, letting the meaning reveal itself and clarify what our response to it should be? The ego’s commentary reflects its assumptions and its related emotional reactions that it projects on to the experience. The soul listens within to the Heart and responds with the feelings or intuitions engendered. The ego has many thoughts while the soul may only have one feeling about a particular experience. The soul will always be loving and accepting. The soul will always support our freedom to be. However, the soul may not reinforce as important the many things that we give importance to. We may observe many scenes without response and then quietly move on to what we really are working on.


762. Two types of relationship We have relationships with circumstances and environments just as with people. These relationships are determined by who is doing the relating — the ego or the soul. Ego relationships are relationships of separate people with competing agendas,

377 Christ Self Reflections differing thoughts and needs. There may be cooperation if beneficial but often the relationship is just a self serving opportunity to get needs met. This relationship varies depending on one’s beliefs about what is happening. A soul relationship is much more harmonious and uniform as the soul relates to the soul within rather than the outer identities and dynamics. A soul relationship then expresses acceptance, commonality, respect, appreciation and positive loving attitudes. In regard to circumstances the soul expresses the positive Truth within the situation and the greater Good and affirms these. The personality is often in conflict and striving to control a situation to realize its beliefs. The soul, in Peace, accepts things as they are but freely expresses its Truth and extends its Love. As an example, the ego’s attitude toward nature is primarily based on using it to get its needs met. The soul’s attitude is an appreciation for the Oneness and Beauty of Life which it seeks to foster.


763. Ego ideas cause suffering The ego’s ideas and beliefs about what ‘should’ be, and what it ‘should’ have and experience cause suffering. Therefore the ego is opposed to life and what IS, which it judges against. The ego tries to control life to fulfill its wants and beliefs and refuses to accept that it really has little control. And this situation causes suffering. This can be resolved by realizing that the ego’s voice in our heads is false and can be safely ignored. The Divine is in everything. Things are as they are meant to be from the perspective of the Self. Ego beliefs and ideals are delusions. Accepting things as they are acknowledges that the Divine Self, Who is Whole, Perfect and Complete, is always present to reveal the True nature of Reality. God is continually supporting and providing for us. There is no basis for fear or a separate agenda to fulfill imagined lacks. If we can disidentify with the ego and its beliefs, we will be free of the suffering it causes. If we can open to and accept the divine Self’s Presence in the Moment and its experience of Love, Joy, Oneness and Peace, we will no longer suffer. Because we will realize that we are One with God Who is beyond suffering.


378 Christ Self Reflections

764. Aligned with Reality Opening to the awareness and experience of the Self is like standing in a doorway to another dimension of Reality. This Reality is the real ‘I’ or Perceiver within. It is the Consciousness of God or Christ. This Divine Self is within all. Knowing that we can rest and Be in Christ changes our experience from duality to Oneness. We no longer identify with the separate forms, but dance with the One Life within those forms. In this dance our Consciousness moves between between Spirit and Life, Divine Father and Divine Mother, invoking and evoking, receiving and giving in ongoing Creation that we are now a part of. We become a Conscious cell in the Mind of God.


765. We are not alone Our brothers and sisters in the higher dimensions are always with us, within us and supporting us. Part of God’s Plan was that there would always be those in spirit to help those who chose to incarnate in matter so we would be supported in remembering who we really are. As we awaken to our Self Knowing, we will also recognize our companions and brothers in Christ. We are all the same. They are not better than us — just more fully aware of Who they are. The inner world or Kingdom of the Soul, will gradually merge with the outer world. The forms will remain but be pervaded by a new consciousness that is now One with its Source. Then we will recognize many other worlds of life that we had not seen when we were living in separation. The Universe is a Living Being filled with an infinitude of lives in which the Earth will also take our place and fulfill our role.


766. A new bird in the garden There is a new bird in the garden and a new awareness in me. This is a fuller experience of being awake in the Self more of the time. As this bird is bigger and colorful, so is this experience of seeing the world as the Self sees. As this new bird is feeling at home here, so am I feeling at home in my Self. Can I say it is mine if it is larger than who I thought I was? Yes, because we are really more than the human beings we thought we were.

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Just accepting what IS in awareness but not in thought allows me to rest in the Presence within the Moment. Just as this bird flies, feeds or just looks about, so do I. I feed on the manna of the Presence. I fly freely without restriction in the space of consciousness. I look about and notice what is there within. What is happening without can trigger reflections that are answered within. The bird sings in the Holy Day and so do I. Everything reveals the perfection of God.


767. Knowledge vs understanding The mind wants to understand life and reality by analyses. However, taking what is Whole apart can never yield understanding as this requires a holistic vision. When we see Wholly then we can understand the role that the part has. A form is not really separate and until we see how it fits into the larger context and is interpenetrated by this larger Life, we will not understand. Dualism is a facet of a deeper Unity. Spirit and matter are two ends of one continuum. Every outer form has its inner cause. When we see Wholehearted, we see how everything is an expression of one Loving Purpose. Just seeing how something particular seems to function scientifically, as many scientific laws postulate, does not establish understanding until we see how it fits into the Whole. Only when the mind has joined with the Heart, which is One, can true understanding arise.


768. Jesus’ most advanced Teaching Jesus has been communicating and teaching through a number of individuals in recent years. One difference between A Course of Love and earlier Teachings is that ACOL is nondual. That means, he is relating directly to us as one embodiment of the One Christ Self, to another. He is not primarily talking ‘about’ life and reality as if we were separate from it, but expressing directly what IS and encouraging us to do the same. The implication of this is that we no longer have to strive for something that we lack or are separate from. Rather, we merely realize we already have it all within and that we can become aware of this and join with this Self now. This latest Teaching therefore emphasizes the

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Path of the (One) Heart in connecting to the Presence of the (One) Self that is emerging into our collective awareness — as it is the Heart, rather than the separate mind that is integral to the Whole of God. The Holy Spirit connected the concrete mind to Christ, but now we can make that connection ourselves and embody Christ’s Consciousness — which is already ours within.


769. Earth is on a spiritual path Being ‘on the spiritual path’ can paradoxically feed the ego, because it’s the ego who is trying to become enlightened, saved or realized. The soul is already there. So the question really is, how do we shift our identity to the soul, the inner spiritual Self? There are many answers to this question as people are at differing developmental places in varying cultures, with diverse dispositions, preferences and beliefs. This is why there are so many forms of religious, spiritual, psychological and educational systems around the world. Spiritual growth tends to be a gradual and organic process although at a certain point, a quicker awakening becomes possible. This quickening is being expedited by the increasing energies that are hastening the moment of collective planetary awakening and the prophesied shift to a higher reality on Earth. We are feeling this push and it can be disconcerting as the ego feels it’s loosing control as the system begins to come apart. The whole planet is on a spiritual path, actually, so the only way is to go within and tune into it. It’s not something we have to do, it’s being done to us. It’s leading us to the soul within that has been our destination all along. The ego has its own ideas about how it is supposed to be. However, if we could release these and just flow, in Trust, with the spirit within, we would more effortlessly arrive where we’re going.


770. Seeing with the Heart Our concrete mind, where we are usually focused (as distinguished from the higher mind), is somewhat like a window through which we perceive the world. When that window is impacted with thought we see those thoughts superimposed on the world which seem to tell us what everything is and means. If we can clean that window by detachment from thought, then we

381 Christ Self Reflections can see the forms as they are. If we can maintain a focus in the Heart while also experiencing sensory perception then we can intuit the life and consciousness within the forms of creation by connecting with the Creator. As the Heart within is the same Heart in the Creator.


771. Creation is a call Life is a gift from God. Creation is also a call from God that invokes our response. When we respond, we take up our part in the creative process. We begin a dialogue with God. When we respond to what IS experienced now, giving and receiving become one. This is the relationship between Creator and created. This is the ongoing creation that is our role on Earth. What IS speaks to us and calls us to respond. Our response is given to all in Unity. ACOL T2


772. Oneness through Love When we fall in love we drop into a feeling image of love that we project on to the special one we become in love with. This animus/anima image, as Jung calls it, is an image of the soul that we unconsciously feel separate from and yearn to unite with as we are dualistically polarized in only a part of our Self and desire to be whole. This attempt to become whole by uniting with an image of one’s other half that we project on to the beloved, is different from the way we realize Love and Oneness in the Self. When we connect to and identify with the Self in the Heart, we directly become One with the soul we had been consciously separate from. Then, as the Self, we see and extend that Self to all. We are not bonded to a special one but our Love and our Self embraces all. In fact, we realize that this Self is within all — we are all part of the same One Self. This is Oneness realized by extension rather than projection on a particular person. This Loving Oneness is therefore not dependent on others to agree with it or not. The separation that the personality experiences causes us to have a universal urge to become Whole and complete. We can really only do that by joining with the Self who is Whole and complete. We can then

382 Christ Self Reflections share our Self and our Love with others, but won’t need to get anything from them to fulfill the process.


773. Reimagining our life Jesus encourages us to reimagine our past to bring it into line with the present, so that only our Self identity remains. How do we do that? In any situation, regardless of what the personality is trying to do, it is always acting on energy derived from the Self. We merely have to recognize the error in the ego’s superficial attitude and motivation to then see it within the context of the Self and thereby integrated into the Self until only the Self remains. As an example, reflecting on the personality’s competitive ambition we realize that the ego, believing itself inadequate, felt it needed to be superior to compensate. However, as Self we are grounded in a divine identity that no longer needs compensation. Therefore our seeking for achievement has, all along, been a seeking for the Self that we now have. When we now look back at our past ambition from this new vantage point, only the underlying motivation to unite with the Self is left. Similarly, any ego dynamic can be seen to reveal the underlying reality of the Self. The Self has been the only Reality all along — its energy was just misdirected by the ego. As the only Reality, it’s all that’s left when reflecting on one’s past life.


774. Relating to Self As all minds are unconsciously expressing the same Self, all minds are unknowingly joined by that Self. Therefore whenever we are relating to someone, we are relating to the One Self as it is individually expressed through the other. Why does this matter? Seeing as Self means we are Being Self and relating in Truth rather than the separate illusion of the ego. This implies that we have overcome the ego’s fear of God and can just relax in Peace and Oneness of God. As this is what we all unconsciously yearn for, it matters a lot that we can experience it. This also changes the dynamic of our relationships. Rather than primarily relating to the ego’s content, we relate to the Self’s content that we hear because we are listening for it. It not

383 Christ Self Reflections only feels wonderful to extend this loving awareness, but this helps to also awaken the other to ‘their’ Self nature.


775. Living as Self Living as Self immediately transforms one’s experience of the world. Everyone becomes experienced in/as the Self also whether they consciously realize that or not. The Self gently pervades all separate personal boundaries and forms by encompassing all in Oneness. When we awake in the morning, the Presence is always there. It is what IS. We stay in awareness of the Self, referring everything to it rather than our ego mind. Our mind has joined it in the realization that this Conscious space is who we are. And the moment — the Eternal Now — unfolds. Now begins our dialogue with God and the creation of the New that results.


776. Coping with the ego’s fear When we visualize experiencing our highest vision and what we desire most, fear often intrudes. If we reflect on this fear we will realize that there is no real basis for it, except that our Self nature challenges the existence of the ego. What we desire most is some manner of experience of God and this seems to leave the ego, who is first and foremost about its survival, out of the picture. How can we resolve this so that the ego’s fear doesn’t hinder us? The ego, like the materialistic forces generally, are destined to become the agents and servants of the evolutionary Forces of Light. They must understand their important role in grounding Spirit in matter. They know form well and therefore can be of service. Therefore, do not fight with the ego who only has the power you give it. Realize your personal self is the part of you through which you relate to others and the world. There is no reason to fear as nothing is ever lost or threatened.


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777. Beyond fear Imagine a world without fear where you feel only a joyous Freedom to Be and consequently express all the Love you feel and all the ideas, impulses, intuitions, and intentions that inspire you. Such is the nature of your Self. Being One with the Whole, the Self moves to the Spirit animating the Whole with no thought or fear restricting it. It has no fear for any consequences of its actions because it Knows it is the action of the God of Love encompassing all. It has Faith in its Self and its experience. It doesn’t need to have a plan, to be in control or even know what it is doing. It just IS. Fear defines the illusory dream world it has awakened from and in the Light of Day, there is only Love, only a continual ongoing relationship with the Divine within all Creation. In this Living Day the Future unfolds in the Eternal Now where the Self resides. All is One and therefore what could intrude to interfere with the Peace and Harmony?


778. Becoming the new you The new you must be discovered and experienced— it cannot be learned by the mind as it results from moving beyond the concrete mind by joining with the Presence within. This Presence is experienced initially as a conscious space and Heart energy. Later we realize that it is a Self that we can choose to embrace. Then we realize that it is Christ, Who we may now identify with, embody and live as. This is the new you, for Christ is the Self we really are and can now be. If we believe that this is impossible it is only because we are still in the ego. It is impossible for the ego, but it is as easy for us as uniting our mental awareness with the Heart and the Presence within. It’s as simple as shifting our awareness to what IS already there, awaiting our recognition and acceptance. We don’t have to do anything to merit this achievement — just choose it. The new you is everything you’ve ever dreamed of being, lived and expressed now. The new you embodies all the love you’ve always wanted to express but which is now channeled into a new world of Unity and Oneness that is an extension of the new you. For in becoming who you really are, the world also becomes what it really is — an expression of the One Divine Life of God.

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779. The imitation of Christ The ego realizes that God exists and that there are greater levels of being, but it sees these as threats. However, it tries to imitate what it senses are the qualities and attributes of Christ so it can be as great and have what it believes Christ has. Therefore it arrogates to itself authority. It imagines that its knowledge is like Christ’s Knowing for it senses the Wisdom of Christ. It imagines that its mind can approximate Christ’s Mind. It arrogates the right to impose its will and to use force as it senses the Will and Power of Christ. It doesn’t realize that Christ doesn’t act for selfish purpose. It can even feel Christ’s Love but thinks of it as something precious it tries to get, giving only to get. Yes, the ego is arrogant, thinking only of itself and thereby missing the Good of the Whole that Christ is. Striving to use and get for a separate self is the opposite of Christ Who shares freely for all. Trying to mimic wise and loving action is not the same as embodying Wise and Loving Being. We see many such arrogant, ignorant and ‘power over’ people. In church and temple many endeavor to impose their thinking and their will and imagine that they are right and better for their beliefs. However, it is only when we give up all that we think we know and want for the Whole, that we can begin to know and express Christ. When we share everything in Love with all then we will have everything in Christ.


780. Living in the immaculate now This moment has never happened before in all the universe and thus it is pristine and pure. We imagine that our thoughts and emotions can understand or tarnish it, but these are subsumed in the immaculate Light that defines the Reality of the moment. Likewise is any noise encompassed by a Holy Silence that pervades all. Unless we experience the profound Beauty and Peace of the One Divine Life interpenetrating all, we are not experiencing what IS now. We are completely Free of the past now and can rest in God. Look not for any personal reward or benefit but realize the reverent wonder of being in God. We have awakened from a long voyage through matter and are now returned to the Self which is our Source. Now we can look out

386 Christ Self Reflections on the worlds of form while living from the formless realm of spirit. Now we can begin to do the real work that God has for us. Let us begin.


781. Translating duality to Oneness Breaking free from the separation that has conditioned our thinking and the world we have created from thought, we must now redefine all concepts. Everything was seen through a dualistic lens that was an illusion. Christ has never been separate from us. There is no need to seek who we really are. Rather than aspiration and effort to transcend and achieve an ideal, we merely have to let go and relax into the Self that is already here. We have just not noticed Christ because we have been in our head. When we look from our Heart we will realize that He has been looking out through us all along. He is our real Self. Does it take courage to recognize that the stars are our elder Brothers? No, just honesty. We are on the verge of a New Millennium where we may all choose to embody Christ, as Jesus did, for the same reason — there is just one Divine Life in all Creation, Whose Consciousness is us. Now we have the opportunity to extend that Consciousness on Earth and beyond. Although there may still seem to be separate forms, these are all actually joined in Oneness and the energy of Christ.


782. Moving from the outside to the inside The ego is externally oriented. It looks outside of itself for what it believes it lacks and needs. We must learn to turn within, joining mind and Heart in the Peace of the Self from which all arises. Changing habits usually takes effort, but this change merely takes awareness. By shifting our awareness to the Wholeness of the Self within we move from feeling incomplete to feeling complete. From experiencing ourselves as separate and on the outside of life, we move to experience our Self within all. Everything comes from within and by going within the Heart in the moment, we join with the Source and become what we sought. The separate human forms that we express our Self through no longer limit or define us. There is no longer anything on the outside for the Self unites inner and outer, form and spirit,

387 Christ Self Reflections in Oneness that encompasses all. The Heart is the doorway to the Consciousness of God that is within Creation.


783. Suffering is a call to change Suffering is a call to change our beliefs, our attitude and our orientation. When we look at our personal life or the global situation, the suffering we witness is not caused by God except that is a mechanism built into creation that might cause us to become aware of our miscreation so that we may change. The woeful suffering in the world comes from our belief that we are separate from one another and God and have competing interests. This is a false belief that justifies the inequality, exploitation and oppression that are causing so much suffering. Likewise on a personal level, despite the recent movements for human rights and freedom, we overlook the suffering caused by the ego’s oppression because we believe the ego is our reality. It only seems to be because we have given reality to it by our belief. The end of suffering individually and collectively will come from choosing the path of the Heart which takes us from a world based on ego, to the One Self of God.


784. Thought separates Our thoughts keep us apart from each other, Love and God. We are proud of our beliefs and knowledge and feel superior because of these. They are useful to maintain our separation and inflate our self worth but this isolation is an ultimately lonely place. Even when others praise us for our ideas, we are still alone and unfulfilled in the midst of the acclaim we are desperate to maintain. Our feelings, however, connect us and proclaim our commonality and kinship. When we share feelings we share the Love within the feelings that builds bridges from one to another. If we can share from the Heart we embrace the other directly in the Consciousness of the Self within. If we can dialogue from the Heart with the other we begin to live in the world of Light to come.


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785. The treasure within Jesus exhorts us to explore the treasure within. ACOL U1. This is a new concept for we have only really explored for treasure without. Yet if we can learn to dive into the moment and the Infinite Self within this moment, we shall find our way into the boundless Mind of God and supernal dimensions beyond imagining. Humanity is gradually changing its orientation to life. We are moving from being identified with external form from which we project our separate mind on to the world where we have been seeking, to being identified with the Self within those forms, from which we will extend our inner Self into the world. As the inner becomes primary we will discover that there is actually more to explore within than without. As we choose the Self that is One with God, the gates to the treasury of God will open to us. These gifts are ours to share as they are part of us as we really are. God has been dreaming for his children to bring His dreams to life.


786. The Angels are waiting When we listen to the Angels, what do they all say? That we live in a Divine Life, Glorious and Good, Beautiful and Loving. And that we merely need to become aware of who we really are and claim our Divine Identity for a New Golden Age to begin on Earth. Angels emphasize following the Joy that is integral to Life and living in the Light and Love that ever stream from the higher spiritual dimensions. They are attuned with God’s Will and the Divine Order that rules Creation. They await mankind’s awakening so that in cooperation with the Angel orders we may establish the next phase of God’s Plan for Earth.


787. Feelings of Love Feelings of Love that are expressed weave the world together in energetic strands of Beauty. Coming from the Heart they unite and uplift. The various expressions of Love are like birds singing in a sacred garden — they inspire us and evoke a sense of being in a Holy place, although we may not understand it with out minds. Expressions of Love inspire our spirit and color the sky with wonder. They recall memories that we have from

389 Christ Self Reflections somewhere beyond time of a Home where all is Peace and Perfection. Expressions of Love give us hope and courage to also Love and to come out from behind our walls and fully Be. There are as many ways to express Love as there are flowers — each is a perfect gift.


788. Thinking without thought Jesus encourages us to begin to think without thought, without form. This entails beginning from a formless intuitive sense, and then allow the inspiration to be expressed to generate an appropriate form. Awareness comes first rather than thought. Standing in an emptiness of Wholehearted mind we attune to the Light, Love and Spirit within. Something is there asking to be heard, calling us and asking for a response. We listen with the Heart and then share what we are given. Receiving and giving are interconnected parts of one process, like breathing. Our mind, now one with the Heart, is One with formless Spirit moving in Creation. We may not know, ultimately, what the Purpose of this Spirit is, but we know it entails Conscious expression, Synthesis, Freedom, Love, and Life. When we attune to the unitary field of Love, we let creativity happen.


789. The Purpose of Life “There would be no need for form if there had been no desire for expression. Life is the desire to express outwardly what exists within.” ACOL U3:2 This is an essential understanding — that humanity exists as part of the chain of Creation, the Purpose of which is to consciously extend God from the highest inner realms to the lowest outer level. Humanity was therefore created to channel the Consciousness of God by becoming Co-Creators with God to redeem and reveal God in matter. It is important to remember that everything is part of God, so that God is already here within matter — energy is really spirit. Humanity’s role is not only to awaken to its true nature and Christ Consciousness, but to then redeem and awaken the spirit of God moving in the animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms. We do this in Oneness by expressing the Love which animates us and which encompasses all.

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790. The walls are dissolving Humanity has functioned for so long within ego programming that has circumscribed its experience of reality that it doesn’t realize that this programming is being deactivated by God and that we are now free to live in a different way. It’s like a dog who has been confined within an electric perimeter who continues to live within it even though the fence has been turned off. We are creatures of habit and this includes our tendency to maintain our habits of thinking, of belief and attitude especially when these are being reinforced by the culture that we live within. Yet things are changing in the world and the time of our adolescence and confinement is over and the stage of adulthood is beginning. In this adulthood we are given our inheritance and our freedom. And we are ready to explore the wider universe of Reality that has always existed within. Our experience of this Reality has been blocked by ego programming that has made us believe that we were only separate humans, struggling to survive and accomplish. Now, if we will awaken to our new opportunity we will discover the Divine Being that we live within, Who has been veiled from us, and embrace our role as Divine Co-Creators. The inner and the outer are merging and a New Age of Unity is beginning.


791. Making the shift What we give reality, energy and belief to we will experience as real, so every moment that we spend standing in awareness outside the ego mind and attuned to Heart Consciousness slowly builds in a new dynamic of being. Every time that we express ourselves from the Heart and share our real feelings, we build a bridge to our Self. The more we let ourselves trust our intuition and live by our inner Knowing the more we let ourselves move across that bridge to live as the Self we really are. We may not consciously understand what we are really doing or the implications of this gradual shift to a more authentic Being, but in time this will become apparent. We will be naturally drawn to others who are also living in a Heart centered way. We will slowly realize that this isn’t just a personal change, but a Path

391 Christ Self Reflections that ultimately leads us beyond a strictly personal identification toward our discovery of our God nature and Christ. This is a Path leading us beyond fear to the realm of Love, Light and Spiritual Oneness.


792. Responding to the Call If we would listen in the Heart we will all hear a call. God is calling us all, each in a particular way, and we must respond to that calling if we would realize our purpose and our real life. Fear will impede us and whisper that we can’t do it and that we ‘have to’ do more important or realistic things, or that we ‘have to’ consider what others will think, or our responsibilities. Fear will have us doubt ourselves and our capacities. However, the call is a call of love and joy that if responded to leads to fulfillment and peace. We all have a calling that is not just some random urge or desire — it comes from deep within and is showing us the very individual path that we are each given that will ultimately lead us Home.


793. Unlearning must accompany new learning Learning the New and unlearning the old must go together. We cannot actually learn the New unless we unlearn what we have believed, held and identified with, because the latter are all based on the assumption of separation while the New is based on the experience of Unity and Oneness. Although we might have a momentary experience of the Oneness of the inner Self, we are not going to be able to maintain this if we still hold on to and habitually live within our ego mind. The linear thinking and separate knowledge of the ego are the past but as long as we continue to believe it, we will have one foot in the past while the other foot attempts to step into the future. Therefore Jesus has emphasized understanding the ego because it is harder to move forward if we don’t understand where we are at. Moment by moment and day by day we must sustain our New Self identity by maintaining an awareness of the mind united with the Heart and by sharing what we are intuitively coming to Know by this. This is living by Knowing that comes from listening within the Heart rather than by what we think. In time we will unlearn our

392 Christ Self Reflections need to think altogether. Then we will just use the higher mind to formulate our New awareness and the Love we will want to extend.


794. The New approach to life The new approach to religion and God is different from the old approach which was based on an assumption of separation that required strenuous effort and will to overcome. The new approach is based on the awareness that God and the Christ Self are already within awaiting recognition and acceptance. Realizing this doesn’t require effort, work, sacrifice or will — merely awareness and trust. Likewise the old approach to personal growth and self development required effort, struggle, learning and improvement to realize our potential. The new approach is to understand that inwardly we are already complete and accomplished. The only thing we need to do is to live from that Self and Be Who we really are. If these sound too simple that is because we are still thinking in the old way and still living in separation. Yet a new unified field of Light and Love is now beginning to emerge into our awareness from within. This new Reality will enable us to make the necessary changes in our awareness, our attitude, our understanding and our way of life.


795. Trust Trust is an active state, not a passive one. Trust is knowing that we can totally Be our Self and Be safe, supported and have our needs met by Creation. Trust is knowing that we need not fear, or worry about what anyone thinks or what the world believes. Trust implies that we allow ourselves to move as we are given to by spirit and express exactly what we are moved to say. We live by Trust — how else could we live and be Whole? Trust doesn’t work if we are trying to trust our ego beliefs — it only works when we are consciously connected to the One Self, because only the Self knows what is right and best for us. Trust means relying on what we experience within, not what we think. Trust is naturally validating, and works for the good of all, despite the fact that others’ initial reactions may be negative. Trust is intuitively knowing that as we give, so do we receive.

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796. Addressing the lesson of anger Jesus urges us to recognize that the underlying anger that we all carry comes from denying our Self and believing in the ego’s world view instead. We have unknowingly separated ourselves from the Whole and God and then blame God for this. Chief among the ego assumptions that we think we are compelled to live by, is the belief that we must work for what we get or that we must earn our living. It’s ‘if this then that’ logic that makes sense to the ego and the world is based on, but that actually doesn’t reflect the reality of the Self. We can live in a different way and structure the world differently too. Even now politicians are beginning to talk about a guaranteed income. And food stamps acknowledge everyone’s right to food. We are moving toward establishing basic human entitlements that would relieve humanity of the fear of survival that haunts us. And the internet and volunteer services show just how much we actually are glad to do for free. So our economy could be structured differently and allow for more freely chosen activity. Anger results from belief. If someone cuts in line in front of us we get angry because we believe that shouldn’t happen. Let us recognize these as part of the ego and begin to live from the Love and Trust in the Self — and transform our world in the process.


797. Miracles Miracles are divine intercessions that correct perceptions of separation and thus heal. Miracles thus consciously connect one to the One Self that we are all part of and in relationship with. Miracles thus remind one of the underlying perfection, Love and completeness of what IS. We lack nothing and are not in conflict with life or circumstances. A miracle frees our mind from attachment to the ego’s judgements and reminds us of the underlying Unity within the moment and within Life. A miracle bestows Light and Peace and puts us in Harmony with God. We can share miracles with one another by sharing our awareness of our experience of relationship with the Self within all.


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798. Jesus is here now Jesus is here now and is calling us to recognize and accept Him and our Brotherhood in Christ. Jesus is extending His Hand to us and His Spirit and Consciousness so that we might realize and accept who we really are and take advantage of the opportunity we have to awaken to and Be our real Self. There is an urgency to the moment, for collectively humanity needs to make some fundamental changes to fulfill God’s Plan for Earth. There is an ascension of energies happening that will allow humanity to move from a reality based on separation to one based on the underlying Divine Unity within. But we must consciously choose to make this shift that is symbolized by claiming our Christ Self. Jesus is teaching us what this transition is really all about and how we can embrace it as the realization of our Divine nature and destiny. Jesus can be contacted now for He resides within the Heart. He is waiting on us.


799. Opening to the New It is as hard to imagine the New as it is to imagine three dimensions if only living in two. The concrete mind thinks in terms of separation so that is all it can imagine. This is why we must think in the Heart, for only the Heart can experience its Oneness with a Unitary God and thus can formulate its new impressions in the higher mind. The New is only Love without judgements, reservations, blame or limitation. As we accept the Reality of the New, we completely leave the old world we have known and move into the boundless Light streaming from within. This Light carries the seeds of wondrous aspects of Being, Life and Spirit that we may manifest and experience. We begin by recognizing the pure Love and Consciousness of the Unitary Self that we all share in. We then begin to share what we are coming to be aware of as we open to the Christ Self that we share. We begin to live from within in the Truth of our Being of Love. We then use the higher mind to extend the Love and awareness that we want to express. What are the New dreams and possibilities that we sense within the eternal Self now? What would our Heart Love to realize and create? This is something that we have to bring into Being together. We each have our own unique contribution and role. We each can only do

395 Christ Self Reflections this by being true to our Self. The next phase in the Life of Earth is beginning.


800. Salvation by what IS We are not going to be saved by any agency that is separate from us. We are saved by the Reality of who we are. Who we are is the Reality of the Self that can be contacted and experienced now. That Reality can be lived as the Eternal Truth of who we are. This is not an idea, but the Being of God which is the Source of all ideas. It is One as it is the same for all of us. This is a Reality that can be felt as an experience of Infinite Conscious Love. We are saved because our Spiritual nature is eternal, invulnerable and immutable. We are not the personal form that we express ourselves through, although this form can represent our Self. Let us shift to identify ourselves with the One Self and so save ourselves from further suffering.


801. Awareness from Venus Supposing someone from the planet of Love or Venus came to Earth. I can imagine that they might be perplexed to witness all the unnecessary suffering on Earth. They might say, ‘why don’t you just love more and pay less attention to your conflicting beliefs if you want to suffer less’. It would seem so simple. And it is, but for some reason we are focused in our separate minds here on Earth with their myriad of complex notions. We don’t seem to see the relevance of love to the world’s problems because of our beliefs about love. We relegate love to a personal feeling and give it little importance with regard to the complex issues that we face. This, again, results from being in our head, and only knowing our thoughts and not the reality symbolized by thought. The person from Venus would clearly see that we can only escape from this predicament by paying attention to our Heart instead of just our mind. But that seems difficult for us to do as we have gotten into the habit of going to the mind for everything. It’s as if we have become slaves who have forgotten that they can live independently as we have become so used to being dependent on the (ego) master. We have been trained to doubt ourselves and feel guilty if we

396 Christ Self Reflections disobey the master, indulge in independent thought and make independent decisions. We have been mastered by fear. It’s ironic that love, which by connecting us should make us feel safer, has been made to seem like a reward for being successfully separate. It is because we misunderstood love that we don’t realize that it is different than we think. It actually is a Reality that connects us to the larger Life of God. And Peace and Freedom from conflict.


802. Moving away from argument It is natural to get drawn into argument and mental disputes because we are still inclined to identify with the ego’s assumption that some beliefs are right or better than others. So naturally we want to have and defend these. In Reality right and wrong are part of the dualistic illusion. And if we are defending belief it is because we are usually attached to belief and are identified with the ego. We want to show off the knowledge that we are so egotistically proud of. If we could see the Earth clairvoyantly, we would see it surrounded by a thick cloud layer of thought forms and emotions that people live within that is blocking out the pure Light of the Spiritual sun or Truth. The relative merit of some thought forms over others doesn't compare with the difference between living in Truth or not. Therefore when we are tempted to argue, defend, rationalize or explain, let us only defend the Truth by living it. This will do more to heal the world than any thought. The Truth is Love and Love is One.


803. The field of Light Beyond the gate stretches a boundless field of Light. There are no landmarks that tell us which way to go. Empty of forms, we look in vain for anything familiar. Yet a song can be faintly heard wafting on the cool breeze. Love encompasses us. We know we are where we are meant to be. Out of the shimmering Light appears the Beloved. Only One Consciousness pervades all. Where do we need to go when we are here? We are not alone. Within the Heart a soundless Voice is heard.

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804. Life is an art Life isn’t a race or a competition. It’s not about consumption, fame or success. It’s an art to live that not everyone knows. Are we living in the timeless Silence from morn to night? Do we have moments of bowered Grace to share from our Hearts? Are we living in our dreams and making them real? Are we friends with the birds, the golden dewy morning, and the diamond nights? Do we let the breeze caress us and open our minds to memories from beyond? Is the world a place of magic and wonder? When we surrender to spirit life becomes an adventure into the unknown every day. It’s a journey in reverent wonder with Love and Joy as companions. And it’s meant to be shared. For a moment we touched, our Flames merged and a new Star was formed.


805. Beauty is beyond reason Beauty is beyond reason. Which is why we have forgotten Beauty because of our infatuation with reason. When our machines and skyscrapers are old we will look at them and despair. Our knowledge has not brought us closer to Heaven and our fascination was a delusion. Modern art is an attack on Beauty that we will tire of. When there is nothing left we shall see Beauty again, shyly sitting apart and radiating something we will remember finally that we have forgotten. The cacophony of the world has drowned out the song of Beauty. However, everything proceeds in cycles, and the New will be born — in Beauty!


806. New Laws I could say 3 precedes 1 and you might say I was wrong, but Reality is much more mutable than we imagine and in some worlds I am right. We bind ourselves by our fixed beliefs — as strong as prison bars. However, Spirit is master of every human law and is held by none. The question is which Law do we want to live by? The laws of the Earth that doom us to death and limitation? Or the Law of Spirit which gives Eternal Freedom of

398 Christ Self Reflections the universe? God is opening a new door into the Divine and we may now pass through and live by new Laws. Who wouldn’t want to flee a prison if the door was opened wide?


807. Love has magic Love has a logic beyond time and space. Love is not just a cosmic magnet that attracts everything back to Oneness, or the Force of God that enacts His Will. These linear metaphors cannot describe the Synthetic transformative magic of God’s Living Love that partakes of His Nature. It’s something that can not be rationally understood, just experienced. When we align ourselves with Love, our life is transformed in Grace, and things happen that couldn’t otherwise have occurred. Love is the Way, the Truth and the Life, just as Christ is the embodiment of these. Let us surrender to Love!


808. All are chosen As Jesus has emphasized, all are chosen. None are therefore better, superior or given special status by God. We are all equally created Divine souls who each have the opportunity to choose to remember who we are and be that Divine Self. In the time of Christ, we also have the additional opportunity to experience our Oneness directly and therefore no longer need to rely on belief or any intermediary — even the Holy Spirit. Because of this, we can now be our own authority by referring everything to Christ within, which we access by uniting the mind with the Heart. We now can live by and within the Presence of the One Self. We can now unite our vision with Christ and observe what IS. We can identify with the One Self in all and chose to experience the One Self all of the time. This vision will reveal that all are chosen because all are expressions of the One Self of Christ which each can remember. We cannot choose our Unity without choosing everyone’s Unity.


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809. Observing what IS Being able to observe what IS allows us to see that everything is sacred and pervaded by holiness. Everything. There is nothing outside of everything as it encompasses all. Therefore if we are perceiving with judgement we are using the ego mind which perceives its thoughts rather than the One Reality. To see with Love that Unites us in Oneness, we have to center our awareness in the Heart which is actually One within all. We connect within and extend this without. This is opposite to the ego who perceives without what has been projected from its separate mind. Choosing Oneness we experience Oneness in the world, while the ego is a choice for separation that is then experienced in the world. Observing is Uniting and thus has a creative effect that impacts the field observed. We extend the Creative power of God into the world by becoming Co-Creators through extending Christ’s vision.


810. Communicating with God As we habitually reside in the concrete mind and emotions it requires some effort to overcome this tendency. How can we reside in the Heart as if we had just fallen in love? Awareness allows us to realize that every moment is a gift of Love that we can explore. If we get out of our head and dive into what IS here now, we shall experience inspiration, intuitions, feelings, visions and intentions that we can express creatively. These experiences are Life and Spirit bubbling up into Consciousness. Every moment offers gifts from the Creator that then call forth our response. When we sit together with someone we love and share from the Heart with each other, one moment just leads to another, one sharing calls forth a response. Being with Christ is the same. He is with us all the time, we have just forgotten the rhythm of communication. Imagine being in Love with the One Being in all Life. What are you aware of now that you are experiencing from Him/Her? What is your Heartfelt response?


811. The new relationship As Jesus says, “A new relationship now exists between the physical and spiritual. It is not an indirect relationship but a

400 Christ Self Reflections direct relationship.” ACOL N2:25 In the past we have been separated from the spiritual in consciousness and perceived it through the concrete mind as something ‘other’, as it was represented in the mind. Now, however, due to the change in the energy matrix on Earth, we may, through the Heart, have a direct apprehension of an inner unified spiritual dimension and thus become aware of the Consciousness of the inner Self. The Heart corresponds to the Love and Consciousness aspect. Life corresponds to the intelligent living matter which is the negative pole of manifestation and which is a Creation of the Mind of God, just as Consciousness is the Creation of the Consciousness of God which mediates between the Spirit or Purpose of God and Matter. Humanity is the extension of the Consciousness of God in the external world. We are meant to attune to the Purpose of God and manifest it in matter. Now we are able to do this directly by experiencing the inner Presence. We no longer need to work with our separate thoughts about it. However, this requires that we shift our identity to the Heart and the Self and live from there.


812. ACOL ACOL is really about awakening to who we really are as a Son or Self of God, and embodying and sharing our Christ nature and Knowing together. In the process we will manifest a New Reality on Earth and naturally transform our civilization and even our physical bodies to be able to carry the New Energy. This will entail the prophesied Second Coming and the unification of the soular and the human kingdoms. All this is part of the Plan of our God and the destiny of Earth. Just as night cannot oppose the coming light when the sun rises, so the dualistic reality of separation that has characterized human life on Earth cannot ultimately oppose the Unitary Energy of the One Life and Consciousness of God as this is gradually but inexorably pervading our collective awareness and experience. Let us rejoice in this and harken to the first Rays of the coming Light and Love that can even now be noticed if we look and listen within.


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813. Creation is the body of Christ Manifest Creation is the body of Christ — it is all the expression of One Energy and One Consciousness. Thus do we also embody the relationship between the Creation of God and the Spirit of God, as we embody Christ. And we continually add to that Creation which is an ongoing process. We partake of the Trinity. In form we are the created, in Consciousness the Creator, and in Spirit, That which lies behind all. We live in the Energy of God and cannot express our Self apart from the Whole. It’s only when we accept this fact and quit rebelling that we can consciously Be and Realize our Self nature. This is a new experience for most of us. We may have believed that it was possible in the past, but only now is it widely accessible. We Unite Spirit and form and bring God’s Purpose into manifestation. We are thus loving agents of the Mind of God and units of solar kundalini — as Earth is the base chakra in the solar being.


814. Thine Will is really mine “Not my will but Thine Be done.” In this new time we will realize that the Higher Will is really our will. We have just been confused and believed that our personal will was the extent of our identity. Just as we have believed that Christ was an ‘other’ and separate from us. We are beginning to realize that we are larger than we believed. We can maintain this new awareness by simply choosing to live from our Heart rather than our mind. Because the Heart is different than we imagined. The ego believes that the Heart merely supplies love for the ego and doesn’t realize that the Heart is really a portal to the One Self within all. As the Age of separation passes we will have to reevaluate everything through the lens of Oneness.


815. Unity In moving from the Age of separation to the Age of Unity we move from ego or individual consciousness to shared or group consciousness. Our existence becomes defined by a relationship which we live within — our relationship as the shared Self within all. This doesn’t mean we become identical

402 Christ Self Reflections for what IS is Infinite and this allows Freedom of focus and expression. However, it does mean that the emphasis on learning that has been part of the ego program is no longer necessary because everything is already complete or present within what IS. This shared consciousness is characterized by Truth just as ego consciousness is characterized by belief. This is Christ Consciousness which we must share in Unity to Know it. Only in Unity can we experience the Revelations that God has in store for us.


816. Changing energies and patterns As the energies in the world are changing, the old ways, beliefs, attitudes and institutions in the world which have been built on the archetypes within those energies will no longer be supported and will collapse. The new seeds of archetypes that will carry and embody the energies of the coming time must be discovered, articulated and manifested. As these will embody the energies of spiritual Unity and Oneness, they must come from sharing together in Unity, Love and Oneness. We are on the threshold of a New Time and it is our Joy and Opportunity to Create the New in those forms which allow it to freely manifest. As an example, in 2025 the cycle of the Fourth Ray of Harmony begins which will facilitate new artistic forms of expression. Combined with the strengthening Seventh Ray, spiritual and intuitive inspiration will be able to be manifested more readily. If we look back in history, every Age had its distinctive character. So will the New Age that we will create in a New Reality of Light that is beginning to pervade the world.


817. Awakening to a new Light Awakening to the Self is like being in a busy city with everyone caught up in their activities and their mental interests when all of a sudden everything is pervaded in a new Light and a new Reality from within. All that was happening is rendered superficial and secondary to the Conscious space that is now Lighting up the world. This inner space of Light and Love that we are awakening to is the Presence of the One Self that is now accessible to awareness. This is Christ returning to the world

403 Christ Self Reflections bringing a new Kingdom that has already been prepared for us. We will discover that we may express, share and live from and in this Presence. It offers a new way to live that we may embrace and come to identify with. We may leave the old separate self with its orientation to the world and live in a new way. As more of us begin to do this and extend what we are coming to Know, what we are inspired by and intuit from our connection to this Space, we shall begin to ground it and make its potentials manifest. We are being awakened from our collective sleep to awareness of the One Self within who we really are. As Jesus said to His disciples at Galilee, now “follow Me”.


818. Love beckons Let us accept the fact that we are joined — that we are all extensions of the same Self, partaking of the same Love and Life. This fact doesn’t diminish us, rather it frees us to be who we really are. When we have forgotten all our separate pursuits and interests, what remains? Before us is an open door and a field of Light beyond. Love beckons.


819. Love denied It was sad to see you feeling unloved and lonely with Love and Light flowing all around. I channeled as much of it toward you as I could. It was sad that you imagined that you were alone and unloved in the world when Love was desperately trying to find a way in. You had your own beliefs of what love would look like that you loved the most.


820. More than an unconscious In psychology it is recognized that psychic material can come from internal sources outside of consciousness. This then is presumed to come from one’s subconscious or unconscious. However, these are catch all terms that don’t usually imply that we have an inner autonomous conscious identity. In transpersonal psychology this could be called the soul. This is the source of real Knowing that is accessed intuitively or

404 Christ Self Reflections through an inner felt sense that is different than the knowing of the outer personality which is based on internalized thoughts and beliefs. It can be hard for the soul or inner Self to get the attention of the outer person, who is usually preoccupied with the ego’s agenda. However, if we can learn to listen within to the Heart, we will be put in touch with the best guide for our life, who knows our real purpose and who is attempting to lead us there.


821. Beyond the secular We live in a secular age. The worldview dominant in the media, academia, and in society is a secular one. Religion has been relegated to the periphery of society and is often focused on narrow doctrinaire issues. It has not done a good job of really integrating with the scientific worldview and modern thought. And science, by its nature, cannot integrate religion as it is exclusively focused on data that its instruments can empirically ascertain which excludes most of Reality — the metaphysical and inner realms of Life and Spirit. This creates a confusing situation. Human psychology, as long as it is just focused on the physical personality, can also not consciously integrate with the larger metaphysical Whole — particularly when focused in the mind, which by its nature, separates from the Whole which it then further fractures in disparate concepts. The connective and integrative factors are the Heart and consciousness that are intrinsically capable of transcending the empirical self and becoming aware of the inner spiritual Self. However, we have to believe that this is possible to really accomplish this inner awareness, connection and Unification. Although we are continually informed, enlivened and guided by our inner spiritual soul, the ego will take ownership and refuse to acknowledge its actual dependance on an inner center of Being. The nascent science of psychology, although helpful in integrating the personality, doesn’t realize the potential for Self Realization. Religion, which has been focused on effort to realize mental ideals, must become more psychological and focus on cultivating actual inner Self experience and its expression. Science must realize its limitations and cease disparaging understanding that is beyond it — but which can actually be experienced in consciousness. And popular culture which has

405 Christ Self Reflections become a haven for various misguided secular notions, must be slowly enlightened by the spirit and understanding of the pioneers of humanity. These servers are endeavoring to inspire necessary reforms in all areas.


822. A new God For those struggling to understand life in this Age of Separation, the concept of God as promoted by religion is often more of a hindrance than a help. The anthropomorphic, caricatured distortion of a judgmental angry god is naturally going to confuse and turn people off. I feel God is best imagined as the Living Whole and an inner Consciousness, Purpose and Mind that we can actually apprehend if we get out of the ego mind and attune to the Heart. As everything must be encompassed in this Whole, God must already be within us, and accessible. As a result of the changing energy structures on Earth, we now — as Jesus has informed us — can directly access the Consciousness of the Self of God, or Christ, and begin to live from this Being. This entails a shift from separation to Unity with the deeper Being who we have always been while we have been focused on the outer and personal levels. God must move from being a concept in our belief system, to a daily experience that becomes the Reality of our life. This change will require more than just changing our idea of God, it will require changing our experience of our self. We will discover our God Reality when we discover our Self.


823. Releasing the ego mind The ego is full of questions and concerns — ‘What should I do now?, What is right or best?, How do I do this or that? Why this or that?, etc. To answer these innumerable questions which are part of navigating our life day to day, we habitually go to the mind and what we’ve learned or been taught. When we’ve begun to join our mind to the Heart, so that we are beginning to live in Unity, we naturally will need to unlearn our reliance on the ego mind and instead Trust our intuitive Knowing. Part of the problem is that the Knowing Self is disinterested in most ego concerns so we must also shift our area of concern or focus

406 Christ Self Reflections when shifting to orienting our life from the Heart. The Self of Love is focused on what IS in the moment — it isn’t interested in the future or the past but in what is real and felt now. Therefore its focus is on awareness of its experience and what is within that experience, not on what it thinks. When we live as the Self we are living in a different way. The ego mind becomes a hindrance. The Self is the Path into Life by living within and then extending and manifesting what is discovered. We become divine co-Creators with God and no longer focused on the ego’s survival program.


824. Knowing Unity To Know Unity we must experience Unity. To sustain Unity we must share Unity to make it real to ourselves and to transform the actual molecules of our human form so that they become built on the New Energy of the Self. Although we may have a momentary insight into the Reality of the inner Oneness of the Self within all, we must demonstrate our Trust by living as the Self which implies overcoming fear and the habit of separate identity. This would seem to put us at odds with the world and the way everyone thinks. And it does, except that Oneness subsumes the world as it is experienced within all even though others may not have this experience. Because Unity is invulnerable Reality and our goal, we are not threatened by this discrepancy. As forerunners of the New, sharing our Self and Christ Consciousness in Unity is Service that happens by itself.


825. Self Consciousness is shared The Consciousness of the Self is shared. This is something antithetical to the ego which is based on the belief in the singularity of its ‘I’ consciousness. If we imagine a dot as representing a human person, within a very large circle, the space within the circle would represent the Consciousness of the Self. All human ‘dots’ are also within the same circle. Although each human being will express Self Consciousness in its own way and focus on different aspects, ideas, qualities, or intents within the Self, the underlying Consciousness is the same. This is the true basis for Brotherhood. It’s only when

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Consciousness gets identified with thought in the concrete ego mind, that it seems to be separate. The infinite space is really beyond time and space. This is Christ Consciousness.


826. Functioning as Self Living or functioning as the Self is to be in relationship with what IS within the circle of Consciousness and to then bring that through into outer expression. As it is the same Truth for all, it is a shared and cooperative endeavor. We share what already IS as this is progressively Known. We become God’s Creative agents in manifesting Divine Intent. “What IS becomes New by becoming shareable in form.” ACOL D10:5 What IS, in God, continues to become by being shareable in relationship with others doing the same thing. We draw from Unity and extend to Unity. What is received is given out. This is the way the One Self is Known and extended on Earth. The more of the Whole that we embrace and share, the more of the Self we embody.


827. Embracing the self in Love When we experience frustration, aggravation, grief, guilt or disappointment, we are in the ego and its agenda and expectations. What we are wanting at these moments but not getting, we have to give to our self and so receive it. All perceptions of negative experience derive from perceptions of lack of love in some form. As we already have access to all Love within, we must connect in Unity with the Self and then give Love to the personal self that is experiencing lack or negativity. This allows us to experience that we are more than a personality whose experience does not define or limit who we are. We can let the personality just be embraced by Love. We are now at Peace Knowing that it is not us.


828. Creation Now The ego thinks of past, present and future and time as a linear process where cause produces effect. The Self doesn’t think but experiences only in the Timeless Now that is Eternally unfolding

408 Christ Self Reflections

New. Jesus tells us that cause and effect are one in God and immediate. As we are the effect of the Creation of God, we are One with God in the Unity of the Self where that Creation happened. Why does this matter? If the future already IS, all that is for us is to create, extend and manifest that future in form. This doesn’t take time as it is a process that proceeds in timelessness. This results from the action implicit in Being. We create through sharing our Being/Self. This is a Self to Self relationship in the living Now that allows the seeds of the potentials within to be discovered, Known and extended into the world. This will allow the manifestation of Christ in humanity collectively and thus in all the kingdoms of the planet. As this has already happened inwardly, it will seem to take time outwardly until human consciousness is no longer bound by time.


829. Love in duality to Love in Unity In the search for love, the ego is looking for that special relationship where it can find that special person to really love and be loved by. Other than having this special relationship it cannot really totally express love, which otherwise remains locked up inside. Naturally we all yearn to give and receive love, to assuage our loneliness and to feel connected. Because even the ego realizes that its separation is a state that must be ameliorated by love and relationship. When we become aware that there is an inner Self, soul or Presence that we can connect to and become One with, we can then experience Love through loving and accepting this Unity that we then share with the Self that we experience in all. Love is no longer experienced in separation but in Oneness. Giving and receiving are likewise unified. Love no longer requires special conditions but is integral to Reality, which is One. We then express Love all the time rather than only in special moments.


830. Accepting human imperfections Reflecting on one’s life is like thinking about a long trip one has been on. There have undoubtedly been some poor decisions, some regrets and missed opportunities, some detours and

409 Christ Self Reflections delays along the way, but one just has to accept it as it was, and move on to the present. Otherwise one continues to stay in one’s mind and not be fully engaged in life in the moment which will create more regrets. One has to accept that human life is intrinsically imperfect and that’s alright and let it go. If one is in the present one can connect to the completion and perfection of the Self which is not affected by anything that has or hasn’t happened in the past or any apparent imperfections and suffering in human nature. Suffering comes from the ego’s experience and judgements it makes. The sooner we can begin to live a Self centered life, the sooner we can move away from the sorrows, limitations and unfullfillment of a separate human life. Wherever we are is where we are meant to be now. As we live in Trust, whatever needs to happen, will.


831. The law of correspondence Everything is symbolic or representative of something more. Therefore everything physical corresponds to something spiritual. By this law we may understand spiritual or metaphysical reality. The outer is a reflection of the inner and causal. When we maintain this awareness we may appreciate the Divine Perfection of the Whole and understand the place of the particular in the greater scheme of Creation. There is therefore a reason for everything, even where we might not think there is. When we join our mind with the Heart, we may begin to intuit the ‘whys’ of life which otherwise are beyond comprehension. Science’s operative explanations don’t really explain the underlying reasons for things being the way they are that can be intuited when the Divine mirror of correspondences is understood.


832. Embodying Christ together Radical awakening is the realization that in this very moment is the Presence of the Self, Who is another level of Reality that we can choose to identify with, become and Be. We no longer need to strive to realize something that takes time and effort. We are no longer separate from our goal. Separation is past and Unity is now. All we need is given if we do not fear to choose this

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Presence that is within the moment. We make this real by sharing, expressing and extending it. This is Christ moving into our collective awareness and pervading the world. He likewise needs to move through us as we embody the One Self we really are. As we express this loving awareness and what we are intuitively coming to Know as we listen within, we will Create a New Reality on Earth which will be the manifestation of the Kingdom of God.


833. When the sun appears Often it seems that we walk in a mist, clouds blocking the sun and obscuring the light. We know the sun is there but we cannot see it and it is harder to know our direction. Then the sun appears again and all is good. Light brings vision and clarity, peace and confidence. So is it with the inner Son. There is an inner Presence, an ‘I’, a Self and a Reality that, being subtle, can be difficult to notice. This requires a sensitivity, a receptive stillness and open awareness that can easily be disrupted. It can also be hard to notice as it is the Ever-present background of our awareness that we unconsciously take for granted. It’s like not noticing our eye (I) by which we see because it is part of us. Now, however, we are becoming aware of the Son. He seems to be separate only because we are coming out of the mists of separation where we perceived everything as separate. As we join and accept our Unity we will realize that we have always been One inwardly. The Sonship is One. We can now Be.


834. Living in Trust Built into the ego is the fear of death and not being able to survive unless it has control. The ego takes what it thinks are necessary measures to stay safe and get its felt needs met in a world it perceives as threatening. It doesn’t believe that life is safe as it can see obvious dangers. It doesn’t believe that God will support and protect it so it usurps God’s power and authority and takes these for itself. Yet, in choosing the Self we will realize that we are supported by God, our needs are met and that we are actually invulnerable and not affected by outward actions unless we believe we are. We can Trust God.

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This is a fundamental change. We are reminded of this Truth every day when we see “In God we Trust” on our coins, but do we actually live this? During this time of transition we may gradually become reassured that this is Truth by joining in Unity and living as Self. We will not need to intrude on the Divine flow of unfolding Life by trying to take control or realize any separate goals. Living in the Eternal Now is living in Love and Joy. Surrender to God is the Bountiful Path leading into the Infinite Garden of Life.


835. The new conditions There are new conditions that characterize the transition we are now in between the time of the separate self/ego and the timelessness of the Self. We are moving from fear to Love, from doubt to certainty, from a threatening universe to a supportive one, from control to Grace, from denial to Acceptance, from degeneration to regeneration, from limitation to Freedom, from time to Presence, from a continuation of the old and the past to living New Now, from special relationships to Holy Relationships, from learning to intuitive Knowing, from ego mind to Heart, from discovery to Reverence, from a locus of reality based on externals to a locus based on withinness, from duality to Unity and Oneness, from singularity to an expansion that will embrace all, from man made creation to Divine co-Creation, from a distant Christ to Christ embodied, and from a separate God to God Immanent.


836. Wielding the divine scepter We think that unless we are feeling good, inspired, confident and at one, that we cannot speak with authority and power. Yet if we are conscious we are conscious as a representative of Christ and an exponent of the Power of Love in the world. This Power is not dependent on having specific feelings or thoughts. It flows through us as we affirm our Unity with Christ and Love. It embraces all circumstances. By this power we are master of all situations. The Power of Love Creates itself and transforms all. Love is a mighty scepter that bestows Miracles, Grace, Revelation, Light and Blessing. We wield this divine scepter

412 Christ Self Reflections when we choose to embody Christ. His Power becomes ours to extend.


837. Waiting on God Wait. Do not be troubled by the Silence — take refuge in it. Do not be impatient in the Stillness for Movement is coming. Be grateful to gather your resources. In the seeming emptiness notice what IS within. If the noise of the world grates, listen for the Call and the Song from beyond. If your mind is empty do not wonder — a chalice must be empty to be filled with the New. If you feel nothing, rejoice, when Love is all, there is nothing to contrast with it. God IS Now, noticed or not, felt or not, we cannot be anywhere but in God now. Beyond time and space God IS here now.


838. Salvation We can be agents of salvation by seeing all in the Unity of the One Self and by extending Love and Self awareness to all. To save is to affirm that all are already saved. To save is to help each and all awaken to their reality as extensions of the same Self by sharing this Self and being who we are in Truth. We need not perform any special service or initiate any special action. The Light and Love of the Being of Christ will have its unavoidable effect. We are saved by recognizing that we are each part of the same Eternal Life, Consciousness and Mind.


839. One Self Instead of living in our head, we can live in the space outside our head where the Self resides. We can live at ease there, no longer preoccupied with our thoughts or worries. The Self interpenetrates all space and allows us to experience Unity with what IS in relationship. Imagine looking into another’s eyes and seeing the spacious Self within. Now imagine seeing everyone’s eyes revealing the same Self. How would that awareness change our relationships? If we no longer had our separate personal locus of reality, what implications would this have?

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This Self is a movement of Love that passes through us back to its Self. Our feelings of Love of Self are our new sense organs. This Self is an expression of Knowing that unfolds, revealing ever more of the living potential within as we share it. Two thousand years ago Jesus embodied Christ and showed us how we can live as the One Self in the world. He did this in a world that didn’t understand him. We can do this now in the company of others now choosing Unity. We can begin the next phase of life on Earth by collectively Being who we really are and Extending the Self’s Knowing together.


840. Fear In an earlier Age fear might have seemed to play a legitimate part in the process of developing a separate human personality that was divided off from the Whole. However in this Age of Love, the evolutionary process entails a movement back toward Unity with the Source of Creation. Therefore fear, which inhibits Love and unification, does not play a useful role and should be ignored. Fear is all about perpetuating the separate self while Love moves us to awaken to our real Self and to consciously join with it. Jesus turned his back to Satan, knowing he had no reason to fear him and relegated him to the past. We should do likewise, as the reign of fear and separate belief is over, and the time of Love, Unity and Conscious Oneness is Now. Every thought based on fear is a lie that will delay choosing our destined and divine inheritance. Every emotion based on fear delays our realization that Love has nothing to fear. The separate human form has been built to be inhabited by Christ Who is our Self in Unity. Let us choose our Self of Love and Be Free.

Then we can even turn around and Love Satan, who desperately wants to be loved, and heal the planet. The dark forces are, after all, just part of the material planes whose role is to serve the Forces of Light. When Light and Love encompass, all will be in Harmony. This is why Jesus tells us not to reject anything, but rather encompass the void created by fear, in Love. Rejection gives it reality and power. Love heals as it unifies. We should, therefore, affirm the Good, the Beautiful, the Truth and the Real in the world and not just fight the bad. The bad is really just

414 Christ Self Reflections showing us places where we are unconscious or ignorant of the Truth and where it needs to be articulated and advocated. Love will solve all the problems in the world if we apply it to those problems. The problems of war, economy and ecology can all be easily solved if we let Love for the Good of the Whole guide our thinking and not old preconceptions based on fear and separation.


841. A quiet transformation is happening There is a quiet change going on in the world that we cannot see through the eyes of the ego — through its concepts based on assumptions of separation, lack, fear, or external need. Unseen, a New Energy is transforming the matrix of reality. Our minds are totally incapable of appreciating or understanding this shift because they are programmed with ideas that are based on the denial of the Unity, Wholeness and Oneness that is now pervading the world. This vision requires a new organ of perception that can perceive this New Energy — and that is the Heart. Only the Heart can become aware of a Presence that is here now in this very moment that is connecting us and awakening us to a larger Life and Consciousness that is the answer to our collective prayers. The mind cannot perceive it, but the Heart can feel it and Know that something wondrous and long hoped for is in process of happening. To align ourselves with this New Reality we must get out of our heads and connect through the Heart with what IS here now. We will discover that this requires living in a different way that is aligned with the inner flow of Life in the moment.


842. Living in a new Way How do we express ourselves when our sense of who we are is now so different? We are the same, yet we are not who we were. The only language that can make this translation is the language of love. Love has not changed and is, if anything, more real and ever present than before. Rather than just being splashed by Love now and then, we are swimming in Love that connects us all in a Unity we might have felt on occasion with a beloved, but which now suffuses our entire life. How do we explain this? How

415 Christ Self Reflections do we function in a world now when living in such a different way to the norm? The only thing we can do is forget the world and just live in this new heaven now, trusting our intuition, listening to our inner voice, being who we really are.


843. Living without boundaries Psychology teaches about maintaining proper boundaries. Living as the One Self, however, is living without boundaries. This is not the poor boundaries of the ego who would intrude on or disrespect another, but the Spacious Self who respects others’ felt needs for separation while living in an encompassing space that embraces all. The energy of the Self harmlessly passes through boundaries as Love, allowing others to feel safe and not threatened. What is One includes all, whether people realize this or not. When we no longer have a separate agenda, we no longer have to get anything from anyone, justify ourselves or impose ourselves. We leave others free and just share a loving awareness that supports others in likewise trusting in their Self and Love. Good boundaries make sense in the ego’s reality, but are no longer needed when living in the boundless space of the Heart.


844. The process of Knowing Knowing and not knowing are interconnected parts of the same process or cycle of awareness. Like in breath and out breath one leads to the other. Not knowing, like emptiness, establishes a condition or tension that is resolved by intuitively coming to Know. It’s a dialogue with God that results in an extension of Creation. Likewise, attachment to the Known blocks the process that requires conscious detachment from the objects of Knowing. Our attachment must be with ever new Spirit that acts to continually reveal God. And we must act to express what we are coming to Know and what Love would bid us to share or else the process of Creation becomes blocked. What we discover within has always been there. We are just remembering what we Know and sharing this Truth that others likewise Know. And when we release it we may discover even greater Treasure. We needn’t be in awe of anyone’s knowledge — we all Know the

416 Christ Self Reflections same thing. Knowing isn’t a thought — it’s an awareness of what IS.


845. Sickness Jesus tells us that sickness results from rejected or ejected feelings that then manifest so that we can know their cause — which are beliefs. These are feelings of unhappiness in some form that come from a belief that our life and experience should be other than what it is. This is a judgement of blame that does not recognize who we really are or the power we have to create our reality. Who we really are is a Self unthreatened by any experience who can accept and embrace that experience knowing it is more. All feelings, therefore, must be embraced in Love. The exigencies of human experience are not ultimately overcome by optimizing that experience but through the realization that experience does not define one. We are more than a human who demands security, comfort, love, satisfaction, pleasure, interest and reward. We are spirit seeking to awaken to our true Self and to live in the freedom of our Being. Suffering and sickness has their cause. We can address it operatively by remedying what we believe we lack or existentially by changing who we believe we are. Acceptance of the Self within is the key to ending the suffering of the planet. This doesn’t imply rejecting human need, just placing it in a holistic context. Love will see to it that all needs are met.


846. Seasons change There is a time and a season for everything — a time for inwardness and a time for action, for solitude and for community, for learning and for release of knowledge. However, some things don’t change. We have been lost for too long, and now that we are finding our Self, we must stay conscious and connected to who we are. Let us be grateful for this moment of finding and for the Path of the Heart that is leading us from delusion and belief to Reality. This Reality is what IS experienced now rather than what we think is real. This Reality is One and Living, rather than being a secondhand symbol. Leaving the separate mind and the world which is its

417 Christ Self Reflections externalization, we move within the Life that animates the outer forms of Creation as we join with the Divine. We have gained from our experience in the wilderness. However, the gates of the Kingdom of God are ahead and the celebrations are already underway.


847. Overcoming artificial divisions Reading Christian commentary we find many loving thoughts, and sensitive reflections on faith and belief — but these are not enough now. Faith must be grounded in the Reality of experience. Good intentions must be grounded on the bedrock of Divine Will. In a world that is fast becoming one, we cannot continue to live in private realities at odds with the system that orders the world. And this system has major flaws that do not reflect our deepest faith and the spiritual Reality that belief is based on. Love must be complemented by Truth, and the Truth is that the outer world continues to be ruled by the forces of selfishness, materialism, aggression, greed and violence. The discrepancy between the rich and the poor, faith and reality is too great to be overlooked or wished away. Those who would dissuade us from changing the status quo are those who are benefiting by it. However, the time has come to make the world a better and more just place for all, that serves the many as well as the few. The world political and economic system is perpetuating unnecessary suffering. Those who have faith must recognize that artificial divisions of church and state are blocking the transformation that needs to happen now to make the world a heaven for all.


848. Overcoming emptiness When we feel empty or bereft it’s helpful to express one’s Self. As giving and receiving are one, expressing is remembering who one is and what one knows. Not expressing can mean there is a block that therefore inhibits owning and being one’s Self. What the personality assumes is a lack, is really just a temporary inhibition from ongoing creativity. Seeming emptiness results from not calling on the Self within. Once we call on the Self, and express what we are given, we are filled and feel whole and

418 Christ Self Reflections complete. Not separation but Wholehearted relationship and sharing is the path to fulfillment. Love is the easiest way to get back to Wholeness — Love of our human self, Love of our Divine Self and Love which expresses all that we are.


849. The humility of the Truth The easiest approach to humility is realizing that we are all expressing the same Self and the same Truth and that therefore no one knows anything that we don’t all know. This realization saves us from the glamour of specialness and keeps us from giving away our power and authority. We can then listen to anyone with an open mind. Things we don’t understand or relate to we can then simply let go or ignore with no worry that we might need it. What we need to know, we will know. Just because an idea is formulated in a complex, erudite, esoteric or abstract way doesn’t make it better, for the Truth is simple as it is One. Ultimately the Truth is Love, so that if an idea doesn’t reflect or inspire Love then it really isn’t worth much. We are coming from an Age where separate knowledge seemed to be legitimate. Now, however, if it does not reflect what IS real in our awareness now, it is not anything that has value.


850. The Power of Oneness In any given moment it is important to affirm the Power we have that comes from our relationship with our total experience. We are in relationship with what IS all of the time. This Power of Being comes from God and the Wholeness of the Self that we are consciously joining. In Unity there is Power. We are supported by this Power and can rely on it to sustain our Self awareness. This is the Power of Love to create and manifest itself. This Power affirms that nothing can oppose us or the One Self. Oneness cannot be opposed because it is all encompassing. Let the world be as it is, we walk in Oneness that is unperturbed. The New World will be created from this Oneness.


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851. Many teachers, One learning There are many teachers in the world, but unless we are learning that we are all part of the same Self, we are not learning the most important awareness. This fact is not learned with our mind but is experienced. It’s an experience that changes our perception of who we are — and therefore, our identity. We cease believing that we are separate personalities and start realizing that we really share a common life, consciousness and will. This will, that comes from God, is first of all to make the shift in identity and become who we really are. Our real and eternal Self is of God. It is here now as the Presence of God or Christ. This is not a separate individual but rather an awareness of a Self that we share in common that is who we really are. Just as Jesus became One with His Christ Self, we can too. In fact we are meant to. This is the destined opportunity that we have now that is part of the externalization of the Consciousness of God that is happening now in the world. Let us awaken to what is really going on. This transition has been prophesied, but we have expected it to look different. Christ is not coming in the clouds, but is coming in Peace into our awareness if we will notice. It’s happening as quietly as the sun rising over the horizon bringing a new day.


852. A time for change from the rule of money It can be difficult to notice the quiet Truth in the loud cacophony of the world. The media and popular culture are increasingly lurid, sensational, vulgar, fantastic, maudlin, trite, superficial, graphic, and distressing. They are loosing decorum and decency. Whatever makes money rules. Money corrupts everything and those speaking reason and basic values are pushed off stage for the flamboyant shysters, the promoters and self servers. The media is definitely part of the problem as it is owned by and acts for the special interests, and not for the general good. It is an agent of social indoctrination and control working hand in hand with the forces of money. This makes it harder for the actual facts and Truth to be known and for the public to make informed decisions. One has to get away from it all and turning within, find the Truth that really informs us. The standard answers will not do. In this time of change, more far reaching reforms in our institutions are needed. The rule of

420 Christ Self Reflections money and special interests must give way to the general good, decency, peace, reason and fairness.


853. The human computer program The human brain is like a computer. A computer requires software programs to be used. The ego is like the brain’s operating system or core software. It is an internally consistent program based on interrelated arbitrary assumptions that we believe are true. The ego believes that we are our body, that is defined by our particular conditioning and inheritance. We believe therefore that we are vulnerable and doomed to die. The ego therefore is a survival program that uses the concrete mind and self will to meet its felt needs, to control life, survive and be happy. Happiness results not only from establishing material security, comfort and interests, but by establishing special relationships where one is loved and valued by particular others who are determined to be important. The ego is thus based on the mind and what the mind learns and holds as real. Although the ego gets information from unconscious psychic sources it assumes that it is all personal. The ego thus assumes that it is separate from everything in life and develops philosophies and religions to explain what everything means. Everything that the ego believes is then projected on to external reality and experienced there as fact. The ego, as a learning program, is always trying to improve itself. Its ideals describe its goals. Its emotions and drives describe its more instinctive life as a biological organism that it tries to control with its mind and will. The ego therefore has core fear and anxiety about its adequacy to succeed in meeting its goals. It believes that it is in competition with other egos for the limited resources on Earth and that it is entitled to use power over others to gain advantage. This is moderated by an internalized moral code that describes group behavior ideals. Life based on the ego results in all the stories, myths and dramas of tragedy, success, suffering and glory celebrated in history and tradition. Because others also believe in the legitimacy of the ego, its reality is reinforced by consensus. Although there have been individuals who have lived by a different programming, like Jesus and Buddha, these stories are interwoven into the dominant ego reality for the most part. That is, the ideals embodied by these

421 Christ Self Reflections exemplary individuals are assumed to be ego ideals that crown the separate reality of the ego.


854. Another reality and way to live Although humanity has lived in accordance with ego programming overall, as the ego is not in accord with spiritual reality, another awareness is not only possible but is increasingly happening as the matrix of the Earth’s energy changes. This newer experience of states of reality, dimensions and possibilities beyond the ego and the temporal are increasingly pervading the collective awareness of humanity. This infusion of spiritual energy is permeating the wall built around the separate identity of the ego and allowing the human soul to enlarge its sphere of consciousness and get in touch with its authentic Source and eternal Self. The vision of reality described by exemplars such as Jesus and Buddha is beginning to seem more real and achievable. Although individually we are opening to a more spiritual and loving reality, there is still a pronounced dissonance between this expanding awareness and the reality of civilization built on ego programming. The forerunners of humanity are attempting to articulate the needed changes humanity needs to make in its thinking and behaviors to adjust. These changes embody a move away from the separate assumptions of the ego to an acceptance of the underlying loving spiritual unity that is becoming more apprehensible. The One Divine Life of God that humanity has ever been an expression of is consciously moving into our awareness and therefore transforming our experience of reality. We not only can, but must accept these changes which are destined, for they bring a better world and fulfillment of long held hopes and dreams.


855. Living in a new way If one is beginning to realize that another reality and way of living is possible outside of the ego program then of course the question is how to change, to expand one’s consciousness and live in a new and more fulfilling way. There are many teachers who propose different ways to do this, but most are ego based.

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That is, they unconsciously try to make the ego better through mental effort. True spiritual realization is based on the understanding that we are not the ego and therefore needn’t try to enlighten or save it. As Jesus has taught, we utilize the Heart, which is the connective center, to consciously align with the Self who we really are, who is already there within. It’s really quite simple and easy, it just requires that we detach from old patterns of ego belief and identity that don’t reflect who we really are. And it requires living from an intuitive inner sense that takes some time to adjust to. As everyone around us are living ego based lives, it is also an adjustment to dissociate from this reality and live by a more subtle sensitivity. However, as living as one’s Self is authentic and rewarding, it is Self reinforcing. It is something that we naturally want and need to share as the Self is really One in all and is only realized through relationship. A solitary realization is of the ego. The true creativity that is our destiny as spirit only comes from the Unity of our shared relationship with Life, God and Spirit. The key is finding this awareness now and expressing it. This involves expressing what Love would express.


856. The Energy of Synthesis There is a New Energy of Synthesis that is transforming and resolving the dualities and conflicts of Earth — mind and heart, soul and personality, consciousness and form, spirit and matter. Rather than spirit being abstracted from matter, there is a new form created by this Energy — the elevated form of Self, as Jesus calls it — that can embody the Consciousness of the nondual Self on Earth. This allows the conscious manifestation of spirit in matter and the conscious extension of God into the dense physical realm where we reside. This new energy can transform any conflict or disharmony by stimulating the underlying energy that both poles of the apparent conflict are an expression of and then combine them in a new manifestation that is a whole. It is being applied to the many conflicts that have characterized Earth to create a new epoch of Peace, Harmony and Oneness. The conflicts between the nations, classes, races, sexes, religions, beliefs and values will be resolved as the underlying Unity of God asserts Itself. We can channel this Energy to help Earth become a sacred planet.

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857. A New Reality The Reality that is here now is One and whether we deny it or recognize it, it is still One. It is not recognized with the mind but with conscious awareness. It encompasses our personal selves and yet is the Self we are. As we join with it in Unity we become Whole. As we share this Self we become who we really are as an embodiment of Christ. This Self is One in all. Consequently we are all connected and part of the same Self whether we acknowledge this or not. This is the miracle. Another level of Reality has come into our awareness awakening us to God. For Christ Consciousness is God moving into the world. God has always been within creation, but we have lived in separation and not noticed. Now the Presence of God is pervading separate human reality. This changes everything. Our entire world and experience of life is now different. It can feel a little disconcerting until we realize that everything is better now. Love is coming into the world, Peace, Joy, Oneness and Beauty. Now we can live in a more authentic and real way than we ever have. There is no loss, except a belief in separation that was a delusion. Now we can begin to create a new world that comes from our shared Being, from God. Look around. In the Silence of the Now a Presence asserts Itself.


858. Being One Self Christ is emerging into the world through us. As we unite with the One Self within, and Be this shared Self, we will express Christ Self Consciousness. It is a small step from identifying as a separate person to identifying as the One Self expressing through that separate person. It is a process of collective awakening as we do this together. As we look around and begin to grasp the enormity of the change we are in the midst of, we will not know what to think. And indeed our thoughts and beliefs will prove inadequate to navigate the changing circumstances we are transitioning through. We will need to rely on the intuitive Knowing of the Conscious Awareness of the Self — which is Love. It is enough to realize that collectively awakening to God is the next stage in the evolution of humankind on Earth. And

424 Christ Self Reflections that by doing this together and Being our One Self, we will begin to manifest a new and destined Reality on Earth. The Age of separation is ending and the Age of Unity is beginning now. This Unity is the recognition of the One Divine Life of God within creation. Of course there are necessary changes to be made in society, our institutions, laws and way of life. However, if we can sustain our shared Christ Consciousness and begin to live as the Self we are, these changes will happen almost by themselves.


859. A new choice You probably think that living as Christ is beyond you and entirely too far fetched to be real. However, being Whole is really quite simple. It simply requires that we open up and connect with our Wholeness and quit believing that we are separate people. We are separate expressions of the same Self. We connect with our Wholeness by connecting to the Heart which is One in all. The Heart is really a portal to a unified space within. This space has a Consciousness that can be intuitively Known. This Consciousness is an aspect of the Self who we really are, which is Christ. Once we realize that this seeming emptiness beyond thought is really full of a Self that we are awakening to, who we are, we can begin to live from this awareness and gradually shift into a new identity as an embodiment of Christ. We need not use this religious term — we may simply say we are now being Whole — but this is really what this shift entails. The Oneness of the Divine Life within is beginning to intrude into our awareness and offer us a choice we didn’t know we had before. We can stay identified as the separate human person who we thought we were. Or we can choose to be the Divine Self who is now accessible within.


860. A new mind Every time we allow ourselves to be drawn into thought, debate or discussion we strengthen the ego and its judgements. There is no right or wrong, good or bad unless we think there is. This statement may astound or elicit reaction, but if we are really serious about moving away from the ego, we have to be

425 Christ Self Reflections consistent about living from the Heart. The Heart doesn’t judge, it just IS. Love reveals the Truth within that is Whole. We can continue to live from our mind. Or we can live from awareness of the Self. When we live from the Heart, our investment in thought drops away. We cease being interested in defending a point of view, a belief or a system of thought. Life just IS unfolding new every moment and we flow with it in Love, Joy and Peace. The mind is used in a different way — to formulate our intuitive awareness and knowing. Not to hold onto preformed notions. In the garden of life, everything is new and alive in the moment. Why would we want to hold onto dead beliefs from the past? We have never been in this moment before now. It demands a new creation to give it expression. Let us create a New World. We cannot do this if we continue to live from the old mind.


861. The end of belief and separation Human life and consciousness just didn’t arise from a vacuum or from the random activity of matter as the secularists suppose. We are conscious because God, the basis of our Being, is conscious. We live and have our Being in relationship to God, little as we realize this. We have imagined that we were separate but we were separate only in our belief which created an experience of separation. But how can one really be separate from the Whole which is the All? We can change our experience simply by abandoning belief and by getting in conscious contact with the Whole or All of God through the Heart — as there is really only one Heart in All. When we realize this, we realize our relationship with God. We are each a conscious extension of God. By sharing our One Self, and what we are coming to intuitively Know by awakening to our connection with God, we extend the Creation of God. We become God or Christ in form. We are not separate selves as we have believed as a result of establishing identity in the separate mind, we are all part of One Self. The separate mind was meant to allow relationship and extend Creation, not to deny Being. We can now correct our mistake and end the suffering which resulted from it. The New Millennium and time of Christ has begun.


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862. Surgery is needed Humans have believed that there is not enough for everyone to have what they need. This is a fake belief that just justifies a system where the few can have and control more. When we get in touch with Christ we will no longer have need for fake beliefs based on illusion. Then we will create a society where we all are loved and where we each have all that is needed. There will be no basis for fear when we realize our Eternal Life in God. Then each will live to create and extend the Good, the Beautiful and the True. In a healthy organism, each cell has all that it needs to fulfill its particular function, which contributes to the good of the Whole. Now we have a cancer in society where a tumor has grown to a gigantic size and is taking nutrients needed by other cells in the body. We must exorcize this tumor and restore blood flow to restore health to the human body of civilization.


863. Becoming Free There are, of course, many self righteous religionists who are each pushing their particular brand of truth. However, unless we go beyond the mind to the common life and consciousness we share, we will all just be dealing in different brands of illusion. Christ is not interested in what we think. The civilization we have created on the basis of separation no longer has value. Its time has come and gone. There is a new movement of spirit in the world that is changing how everything is ordered. What is now coming to the fore is something authentic, real and immediate that is not based on recycled old thoughts from the past. Or notions of specialness or personal importance. Those who are wanting followers and trumpeting their authority are peddling an outdated and expired product. Each one now is an authority. Each one is their own law giver. When we own the Power that comes from our Oneness with Christ, we are Free. People can say what they will, it will not matter. When we accept our Unity with God, we move through a doorway and enter into an Infinite Divine Life. What do we care then for the beliefs of a world that was based on illusion? We have no interest in arguing with the deluded. Life more abundant is ours now to share.


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864. Life ever New Christ affirms that we are each equal and the same. No one has special prerogatives, privileges, or power that we do not all have. No one is specially chosen by God. We may each choose God and then we have all. We may not realize that we have all, right away, but it will come. Choosing God is accepting that we are complete and whole and thus lacking nothing. This produces Peace. This establishes Trust. We do not have to worry, compare ourselves with others, or make an effort to do or be anything except what we are. God supports us in living in Love. This is perpetual Joy. Remaining empty, we are filled. Not knowing, we remember. Giving and sharing all, we are given all. The simplicity of Life lived as One is revealed in a moment that is ever New. We live life in a new way when we choose to be our Self.


865. In every moment In languid summer when the day is already sunny and warm early in the morning, one seeks solace under the cool green leaves, giving thanks for a refreshing breeze. Nature is bursting and alive. Yet our awareness seeks the Life within and those feelings unspoken, waiting like fruit hanging ripe to be picked and savored. In the Silence and Stillness moving through the boughs is a Presence that would have our attention. The birds can feel it as they go about their business. The flowers open their petals to it and release their perfume in thanks. The Earth is suffused with it and only mankind seems not to notice. A sacredness pervades the Holy moment. Are we here just to carry on without noticing the heavenly song of Life? Tears fall in recognition of the Divine chord that fills space from a Source beyond this world. This might not be the highest sphere, but we can feel the Energy from the Throne of God even here in everything. Nature is alive with the Living Spirit of God.


866. Creating with God Our God has taken upon Himself a great challenge — to incarnate here in the hardest stone and turn dead matter into a living form to become alive in. It’s no easy task to cohere the

428 Christ Self Reflections formless living energies of Unitary Spirit into physical beings who can begin to realize what life is all about. Its takes great patience to wait the eons while the forms slowly develop. Mankind has been in the nursery for millennia and then rebelled in adolescence against the destiny God has in store. However, now a new cycle begins and some of us are ready to wake up and claim the future and the inheritance we have from God. We have messed around, fought and played but now it is time to begin anew. God has extended His hand. Let us take it and begin to Create with God. This will work as God will do it all for us. We merely have to surrender to His Will — which is ours as we are God in form.


867. Ending the rule of the few The rulers have always tried to rule the masses and created laws and punishments for breaking the laws. The kings and priests did so, and now the capitalists and financiers do so through the politicians and ruling elites. Soon we will have universal artificial surveillance and control. Yet the spirit is Free and cannot be controlled. It is the ego that believes it must control life and circumstance. If the global system was based on Love there would be little need to control people for people would be naturally happier. But as the global political economic system is unjust and exploitive, it can only create dissension and conflict. Although the media is mostly used to indoctrinate and control people, there is enough real information coming through along with the internet to vote more reasonable people and policies into office. We must. Because the present rule by the few can’t create a sustainable future for the planet.


868. Releasing an outmoded idea of God We have conceived of God as a separate Divine Being, because the ego conceives of everything in separate terms, as the ego program is based in the separate concrete mind from which its contents/beliefs are projected on to external reality where they are experienced as reality. However, God, as the Living Conscious Whole has never really been separate from us. We have only separated ourselves in consciousness. Now we can

429 Christ Self Reflections consciously rejoin the Whole through the Heart which is One and join with Christ — the Consciousness of God. We can consciously experience God because we are each individual extensions of God. Christ is our real and Eternal Self Consciousness. Therefore it’s only the false attachment to a belief in the reality of separation that is keeping us from realizing our Being in God. Having a separate body that this Wholeness is expressing itself through doesn’t effect the basic Reality of Oneness. Oneness or Wholeness encompasses all separate forms as the molecules of air are encompassed by the sky. When we look out at the world through the eyes of Christ we see through the forms to the One Self within. We are thus living in God and no longer separate. The separate mind could never establish the reality of God it separated from. But it is easy to rejoin God by Uniting with the One Heart of God — which is Christ.


869. Sharing together Whenever I am talking to anyone I am always talking with the same One. That may sound boring and repetitive but the Self is Infinite and Life Ever New, so the particulars are never the same, even if the relationship is. Looking out through the Heart is really looking within where new treasure always awaits discovery. When we listen, we are not just hearing words but listening to the Silence within which really tells us what we want to Know. We can endeavor to translate this into normal human conceptions. Or we can speak more freely and release thoughts like doves flying into space. Together we must create a new language of the Heart. The old ways of thought don’t do the Heart justice. When we sit together, the world becomes New. With newly opened eyes we see as we never have before. Love moves through us like the veil of a mighty angel. Words are insufficient but the Heart Knows and must find ways to share its awareness. In the Holy Relationship of Love, we are giving birth to something wondrous. A New Time is beginning.


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870. A New Reality presents itself As I stay connected to my Self now, I also stay connected to your Self, as we share the same Self. If we can consciously acknowledge this, we can begin to share on this basis. What are the implications? Love, Oneness, Peace. We admit that we are part of Christ now. We extend this to each other through our separate selves. This is a new and exciting development— to be part of the process of establishing the reality of Christ now. The more people can join in this awareness, the more grounded and manifest it will become. This changes everything. An entirely new reality is being born and lived now. This is the main event — Christ is now in the world and our lives are consequently transformed. A new energy now defines our Reality. We are no longer the separate persons we thought we were but are awakening to the new Light of a New Day on Earth. For the moment, all we can do is rejoice in astonishment. However, as we begin to Be as One, a new world must unfold from our Being.


871. Surrendering to a deeper Self Jesus has made a great effort to describe some of the facets, qualities, characteristics, and conditions of being one’s Self. However, these are but ideas to induce us to take the plunge into the experience of the nondual Self. This is a step away from everything we think we have known into what we have always Known, but had forgotten. So it’s familiar, like going Home. Functioning in buddhi, in the formless Light and Love that pervades Creation, we have to rely on our intuitive sense as there are no clear markers to delineate the Way. However, the Heart Knows, and as we align our interior compass to the Heart, we find that moving in the right direction happens naturally, as a river flows naturally to the sea. When we are at Home in the Self, all is One, and things just are. Everything seems to happen by itself in perfect harmony. There is a flow that we can dance to, and music seems to be part of life. Let us take a chance and release the fear that would keep us from this embrace of Life, and surrender to the Spirit and Who we really are.


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872. Love and Beauty unspeakable Who knows what one is capable of when One with God? Today I flew above the city, and stretching my arms and embrace as far as they would go soon held a good part of the Earth. Tears streamed down as I felt the unspeakable Love flowing through all. What great Beauty is being manifest on Earth! What a glorious Divine Purpose is being consummated! Human suffering will all be forgotten if we could see what really IS!


873. The fertile Now As we open up to the Now, we open up to Eternity, and everything we are or have ever been is here — everything that was, is or will be lies within this moment. Love resounds and reverberates until the end of time and back again. A stillness and Holiness pervades. Which of all the treasures within this moment we choose to focus our attention on is our free choice. Likewise, is what we would express and create. Plumbing the Heart’s well can yield a wondrous dream waiting to be given form. Weaving this with vision and imagination can create a new and timeless landscape. We are Creators, and as we attune to the Mind of God, hitherto unimagined possibilities arise to awareness, like seeds fertilized by the energy of our attention. The Cosmos is comprised of an Infinite panorama of Lives, Beings and Worlds. It boggles the mind, but offers to the Heart wondrous gardens to explore and sow. Earth must be sown now with new seeds so that Her garden will bloom with a new Beauty that has yet to be seen. We are the gardeners. The Now is fertile with New Inspiration.


874. Soaring as spirit A bird leaves no tracks as it crosses the sky. Similarly with us nothing is left as we move through life. We are not held by words or actions, places or conditions. We move as free spirit, undefined by any condition. Each moment is new. Each act an unpremeditated discovery. Only Love remains — the sky we cross in our voyage Home. We embrace the Infinite with every beat of our wings. And with Joy soar through the Light with New Vision every moment. This is no material flight for we can fly as

432 Christ Self Reflections readily through the Earth as above it. By going within we merge with God and meet those Angels Whose body is Life. We have freed our Self from form. Only spirit IS, Whole and Absolute.


875. Taking up our place At a certain moment God wills that we take our anointed place and like a star or planet, let the flame of our Being radiate out to those within our sphere of relationship. We are Love in form, and that form occupies a particular place in the Cosmos of God. We are here to Be and include all within the circle of our life. Love is the Fire that transforms, purifies, reveals and creates a new synthesis. The Self, like a flaming star, burns up all dross within its periphery leaving but the pure essence in a chastened form. All molecules are raised to a higher vibration. All Consciousness is expanded and made Whole. Spirit and living matter dance with each other and new worlds come into Being. We will create those worlds and become those stars, our Selves. But for the moment, our spirit has found its orbit and lives, taking up its responsibility, Being its Self.


876. ‘Be My Voice’


877. The universal response How do we cope with sexual desires, emotions, and judgements, whether within our personality or within someone else? Love. Love is always the answer and the response to every challenge. Love embraces the particular in a larger reality which is the Reality of the Self. Jesus advises against rejection, which separates the particular from consciousness while giving it a reality that allows it to manifest in another form. Love embraces all in awareness without attachment. We allow things to be but without identification. When we affirm Love, we affirm the Whole that is unblemished and immaculate. We acknowledge the particular but listen within for the answer. What intuitively arises is a Knowing that is an appropriate expression of Love.

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878. The Power of Love Love is an active Force that creates itself in the world. As the most powerful Force in the universe, it is the master of all and shapes circumstances and situations to manifest itself. Therefore, Love is more than a feeling or a passive response, it is a Power and a Reality that is invincible if lived and applied. To fully apply it we must fully align and identify with it. Then its undeniable effects are immediate. However, Love’s effects are also Eternal. Who has not experienced the powerful effect of word or act of Love years after it took place. These live forever. Let our life be an embodiment of Love and we shall live in the forever of the Eternal Now.


879. The test of our understanding The test of our understanding is to what extent we are willing to Be Who we really are — to live as the Unitary Self. What we believe only gets us so far. We must actually move from belief to experience — from the mind to the Consciousness of the Heart. Unless we live from the Self we will remain in separation — in hope but not in realization. We must have more faith in our experience of the awareness of Self, than our ideals. We must live our faith by trusting the Spirit within and what we are coming to Know by listening to the inner Voice. Many will try to challenge our faith in our Self by telling us that we must believe in their authority. Our authority must be our authentic Self and the actual Spirit within. If we don’t have faith in what is real and experienced within, we don’t have anything. We are moving from an Age where the beliefs in the separate mind were paramount to an Age of authentic soul awareness. Each is now able to rely on their own intuitive Knowing and their direct access to Christ Consciousness. This is not a separate state, but a state where we realize that we are really all part of One Divine Life, Consciousness and Spirit. We are transitioning from the Age of separation and ego to the Age of Unity and Christ.


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880. Creating the New World Let us turn our backs on the world as it is, with its trivial pursuits and entertainments, its commercialism and consumerism, its inequalities, injustice and violence, its exploitation, conflicts and wars, its insecurity, uncertainty and fear. Let us move forward to that promised land that we can each access through our Heart. We don’t have to go anywhere or do anything special to begin to live from Love and Trust in the Self within. Let us reform the world if we are so moved, but more importantly let us begin to create a new world that will be the manifestation of being who we truly are and living in the Love and Consciousness of the Christ Self. It is simply the matter of stepping across a small gap between the concrete ego mind and into the Presence of the spacious One Heart. This is the Self we are, now emerging into our awareness. This is the New Reality that will unfold on Earth as we choose to live in it. Let us move from the concept to the experience, from hope to fulfillment, and from separation to Unity.


881. Anger from Self denial The reservoir of anger that we all tap into at times, ultimately comes from our anger toward ourself for buying into the ego belief system that has been universally internalized. We are thus angry at ourselves for not trusting our Self and for not having the faith or courage to live a completely honest and authentic life. Instead we live lives based on what we have been told we should do, and what we should believe, value and achieve. It all makes sense from the world’s point of view, and is reinforced by everyone around us. However, on a deep level we know that we are selling out by doing this and are angry as a result. That anger may be repressed, but it comes to the surface every time we are disappointed in our expectations about people, circumstances or events in the world. Anger comes from our identification with the mind and its judgements. As Jesus has told us, anger thus manifests from our belief that we have to work to get what we need in life. The ego believes that nothing is given to us without effort. So, we live lives that affirm the reality of this fear. Yet the Self lives by a different law, and as we begin to trust it and the Truth of our Spirit, we will discover that we no longer have to compromise ourselves to survive. We will

435 Christ Self Reflections not only survive but will flourish in Love and Joy as we live as One with the Self that we are.


882. The living Self is here now Until and unless we are able to tune into the living and Divine Now that is emerging into our awareness through the Heart within all, we shall continue to feel that we are a victim of circumstances to a degree, struggling in a world we are at odds with. Yet, the Self that we really are, is unaffected by the world and is as new, fresh and unblemished as when the world began. Love is Eternally calling and asking to be heard and expressed. Our beliefs about how things are and should be prevent us from seeing the Beauty and Reality of what IS. Let us align ourselves with the Spirit within and remember why we are here. We have not come to complain and criticize or to react or even reform the world. Rather we have come here to release the full power of our Being into the world, and to freely express all the Light, Love and Power that is intrinsic to who we are as Divine Spirit. Christ is now moving into the noosphere as awakening us. Our time has come. The Earth is pregnant with the Consciousness of God emerging into awareness. This is the moment of our birth and the beginning of a future we have dreamed of. Let us step out of our minds and into the living Now and the Presence of the Self who is here and who is us as we really are.


883. The effects of ascension Ascension is an ongoing process. The vibration of all creation is increasing. We are all being lifted up. This is causing people to feel stretched. Circumstances are becoming more polarized, dissociated and divergent as the forms are coping to assimilate the higher energies. If people don’t adjust they can regress into fundamentalism and retrograde attitudes out of fear. If the system doesn’t integrate the new energies it creates the disparities and conflicts that we see today around the world. The higher energies are of consciousness and Oneness. Thus consciousness is expanding and the world is shrinking and becoming more integrated. To go with the flow of ascension requires bringing Love into the world that would distribute these

436 Christ Self Reflections energies for the good of all. However, the self servers who continue to control the world system are blocking the distribution of energy and thus creating imbalances and suffering. We need to shift individually and collectively out of fear and separation so that we may be freely lifted to a higher level of Unity, Consciousness and Love.


884. Life on the other side The Heart is the portal into Life and Life more abundant. Let us move through that portal and embrace Life as it IS. Life unfolds new in an Eternal Now that flows unimpeded in all. We all live in Eternity whether we realize this or not. In Eternity we are all part of One Divine Self and have as our Abode, the Infinite Mind of God. Love pervades and moves through the Moment in many ways. Like a Divine Song it calls us, as a Divine Music it lifts our spirits, as a Divine Voice it speaks to us, as a Divine Chord it orders and supports all Creation. All Creation results from the Divine Sound released by God that has created all that IS. When we move through the portal into Life Divine we become aware of a Higher Light from spiritual dimensions beyond. We sense the interrelated worlds that exist in a great chain of Being extending to heights beyond comprehension. Like the stars in the heavens, we need not understand it all. We are simply here to Be in Love and Unity with all — and to create and manifest what we are given.


885. The importance of relationship Sometimes, for whatever reason, it is just not there — the door is closed, love is hiding and life feels as bereft and hollow as an empty bell. Of course if we are patient the universe will right itself and all will be well again. But in these moments of emptiness our relationships are very helpful. We are each carrying the Light and Love of the Self, and can therefore remind each other of the Truth. We live in relationship and the Love which is our lifeblood is only experienced in relationship. Those who have beloveds who they can share their Hearts with are the most fortunate of us. Our strength comes from our sharing. We remember who we are and what life is really about by

437 Christ Self Reflections expressing what we really feel. We are really here for each other. Let’s face it — we need each other.


886. Life in the garden I love sitting in the garden under the swaying canopy of green with the birds flitting about. Flowers are blooming here and there, sweet scents waft on the breeze, peace pervades and all is wonderful and as it should be. And I am not alone. Angels and spirits move about, companions are nearby and life unfolds in fullness and Love. My time is mine to do as I am given and the chores of daily life all fit together harmoniously without burden. There is much to be grateful for. Who needs the entertainments, distractions and interests of modern life when life itself is overflowing with satisfaction and inspiration. Each moment has its beauty. Each moment offers new rewards and treasure.


887. The emerging Self awareness We are going through a period that is testing our beliefs and that is actually bringing a new awareness to the forefront of consciousness. This awareness has always been there but has been covered up by our stronger collective ego belief system. This new soul awareness is a perception of what IS in the moment rather than what we think is happening by virtue of being caught up in an egoic stream of consciousness. It entails a subtle shift out of the brain and into a more energetic state. This energy state is more dissociated from what we think and thus also more dissociated from who we thought we were. It’s a bit like having an out of body experience while in the body. You look around as if you have freshly incarnated into your personality from another sphere of reality. We don’t know what to make of this disconcerting experience at first, but as it persists we begin to realize that it is bringing to conscious awareness another part of ourselves — a part, that on reflection, is actually more authentic and real. So it is that awareness of the Self begins to gradually emerge from within. So it is that we are now able to transcend our conditioning and connect with a deeper flow of Reality.

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888. The changing matrix of reality God is altering the energetic matrix of reality so that we might more easily wake up to who we really are as Divine Spirit and free ourselves from the collective illusion of reality that we have been living in. That collective illusion is a separative ego state of consciousness that is identified in the concrete mind with its fear based belief system. As we wake up we shift the locus of our reality from our thoughts and emotions to our awareness in the living moment. This energetic flow is part of the creative stream of the living energies of God. Humanity has been blocking the flow of the energy of the Whole as a result of its separatism. Humanity is just one center in the larger organism which needs to function in harmony with the Whole. Love must prevail over fear, Wholeness over separation. This new energetic awareness is part of the movement of Christ into the world. Because Christ is that collective Self Consciousness that we are awakening to that is integral to the creative energies of God.


889. A new choice This new awareness of the living moment gives us a choice we didn’t realize that we had before. We can now detach ourselves from the dramas that we have been acting out and living in. We may continue on from here in a new way and by a different means. No longer do we have to think our way through life, altering and controlling circumstance to meet our agenda of felt need. No, along with this new Self awareness comes an apprehension of an intuitive sense that is intrinsic that can guide us if we trust it. This inner Heart felt Knowing has always been within but has mostly been overridden by the programming we have internalized in our long acculturation. Years of education have taught us to believe what we have learned, not what we feel. Now we can begin to unlearn and get in touch with a natural and spiritual intuitive sense that will lead us out of the alienating artificiality of modern life and into the living reality of the soul that is opening before us. For with this choice comes a new world and the opportunity to be co-creators with God, living in Oneness, Peace and Love. Let’s not pass this up!

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890. The opportunity of failure Sometimes failure is a step forward. Failure implies poor assessment, planning or execution. Any or all of these imply erroneous assumptions that we have believed and been acting on. Failure thereby gives us an opportunity to reassess and incorporate beliefs and values that are more realistic. Failures in life, disappointments and suffering give us an opportunity to release old and inadequate learning. Ultimately, we can be forced back on our Self to find the Truth within and perhaps access inner resources we didn’t know we had. It’s often only when nothing works and we feel that we are at the end of the road, that we are humbly willing to give up our investment in our internalized belief system. We’ve believed in it for so long that it’s hard to accept that it’s really not working very well and not bringing us what we hope for. We think that we’re just not making a sufficient effort, but finally have to admit failure. So it is with our investment in the ego. If we are honest we will have to recognize that we are not completely happy — at least not for long. Something is always missing. We keep hoping it will turn up. But it doesn’t. The problem is our identity with the ego. Fortunately that’s not who we really are. Failure can be an opportunity to discover a more authentic and accomplished Self within.


891. Speaking words of Love We all yearn to speak words of Love we feel and to hear them spoken to us. We all yearn to feel Eternal Love and to be able to share this experience. We all yearn to feel the Oneness of Love when that Love is reciprocated. We all yearn to experience that we are part of a shared Life in all its intimacy and tenderness. We can all begin to have this experience together now as we collectively open up to the One Self. This Love isn’t just for a special beloved, a special moment, but is actually beginning to move through the world as a sacred Presence and Energy. Let us share this Holy embrace with each other and realize that we are beginning the Age of Love. Divine Love is encompassing us now. Let us proclaim this Love for all to hear.

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892. Manifesting our Heart’s desire We are moving toward the ability to instantly manifest our Heart’s desire. Therefore it is necessary to purify our desire and clarify our vision. The key and the essential element is Christ. As long as we identify with the One Self and live from Oneness we are safe. If we began to impose a separate agenda, then ego is creeping in that will cause our creations to rebound on us, in the negativity implicit in a separate focus. We can live in the Whole of God and still maintain our individual interests. The universe contains a plethora of interesting factors. However, we must act for the good of the Whole and see no difference between the collective good and our individual good. Mind must serve the One Heart.


893. Spirit, Consciousness and Form We cannot help but appreciate the beauty of the life energies of the forms that comprise all creation. Not only our bodies, but our thoughts, emotions and souls are composed of these alive energies. This is the deva evolution of intelligent living matter, which in the last analysis emanates from the Mind of God. Humanity as the Consciousness of God exists in interdependent relationship with the Manifested Mind of God. We need each other to work out the Purpose of the Spirit of God. The highest Beauty is to experience the Spirit and Consciousness united in form. Then, as a living flame it irradiates like a shimmering diamond. This flaming diamond transforms matter, purifying it and raising its vibrations. Who has not been impressed by experiencing someone consciously channeling the Spirit they are. This serves the deva evolution too by consciously connecting it to its Source.


894. Manifesting in the Time of Christ Reality is changing. The rules for how we successfully live are changing. As forerunners we have the opportunity to create the

441 Christ Self Reflections template for the coming Age that is beginning now. As we open our mind and Heart to the new energy flowing in, we will learn to flow with it and create with it what our Heart desires in the moment. This entails turning the possibilities of Love into tangible manifestations. This is making the intent of spirit manifest in form. We will learn to intuitively sense the potential of the moment and actualize it. Our creatorship will reach new levels when it is based on the good of the Whole. Co-creation with God is all about extending and sharing the seeds of potentials dormant within the Heart. Once we set a creation in motion, we may release it and let it be in harmony with the energetic flow. Realizing the highest possibility is an art that requires sensing the full vibrational landscape and forming a creation to account for lower aspects. With skill one can offset deep seated patterns. We can bring Love into Being and transform conditioning based on fear.


895. Adjusting to the new awareness As we meditate — using whatever technique we might choose — we will each develop an inner knowing that is now available. This is to cultivate a new awareness of what IS beyond the concepts that have hitherto defined our experience of reality. This is an awareness defined by what we feel that we will have difficulty describing in the thoughts and beliefs held in the minds we have been identified with. A new level of Reality is emerging into conscious awareness. We may want to control the process of revelation we are experiencing as the ego wants to control life, but if we can just open to what is going on and surrender to it, we may more easily get through this initial transition. Allow the process itself to liberate you from the old mindset that has circumscribed your reality. Along with this new awareness, life lessons are being completed and issues we have been grappling with are coming to resolution. The prophesies of religion have prepared us for this new time, although our actual experience will undoubtedly be different from our imaginings. The experience of an inner Self Who is Christ is now possible although we may not realize at first that this is the nature of the Self awareness that we are opening to. We will undoubtedly assume that it is a personal state, while in reality it is an individual experience of a universal state. Because the Self that

442 Christ Self Reflections is emerging now into conscious apprehension is One in all. The separation intrinsic to the ego identity that has defined us has not prepared us for a totally different experience. However, the Self who we really are and have always been, Knows and remembers. It is like awakening from a long sleep. We are rubbing our eyes as we adjust to the Light, but it’s a good and familiar feeling of waking up.


896. A time of liberation is beginning This is a collective time of conscious expansion, Love and Liberation. We are being released from our confinement and are entering a New Day. What we choose to do now, is not limited by old preconceived ways and habits of thought. We can begin life again and make a new world. As Light irradiates our mind, Love infuses our feeling, allowing us to feel a hopeful enthusiasm devoid of fear. Love is moving through the world bringing everything together and uniting all humankind in Unity. Those problems that we see in the news are merely revealing where Love has been blocked and where it thus needs application. There is no problem that this Love and Light will not resolve. The answer will not be in terms of a system that is an expression of the problem, but in terms a new Unity. The old system was based on the endeavor to impose separate advantage. The new civilization must affirm the rights of all. Let us claim the power we have to create a world that is based on our highest vision and our divine nature, not our fears. Let the people realize the power they have to change the system so that it works for all. The time of our victimization is over if we will claim the power that is ours.


897. As suddenly as that Who is that rare being whose beauty surpasses all the flowers, whose scent is a fragrance of enchantment, who gives off a radiance as she moves? It is you, as you are, when spirit shines through as light through glass. Then the sound of your voice is as Love given in form so tangible one wants to wrap one’s arms around it and be transported to heaven. When we give Love expression the Earth is transformed and as suddenly as that we

443 Christ Self Reflections are in another world — a world where the Angels pass and each Eternal moment rings with Holy chimes.


898. Spirit as fire As a flame ascends, sparks rising in the heated air, so does our spirit rise, giving off heat and light until, unseen, it merges with its Source. Rising kundalini fire is met by a corresponding downflow of spirit, meeting in the Heart where the Consciousness of the One who is both spirit and form is realized. Spirit rises through matter whose resistance gives off sparks of heat and light. Light is related to vision, understanding and mind. Heat is related to Love, and the force of unification. Each flame is self sustaining and requires no support. It is sufficient unto itself. So is spirit free. It is a spark of the Whole it arises from and is integral to. Its manifestation may appear separate but it is really an expression of the Whole at a lower level. When we identify with spirit we may not know what we are doing or why, but only that we are expressing the spirit of who we are. Mental understanding follows spiritual realization as a bridge Love constructs to connect and Unify. The Heart and mind become synthesized.


899. Seeing through the eyes of Christ As we look at the world and one another through the eyes of Christ, it is as if we are seeing through form into a sea of living conscious Life that is within all. We are each expressing this One Life through our personal forms that we may be temporarily identified with. As we let go of our separate personal identity we can relate as the One Self to the One Self. We don’t loose our individuality as we awaken to our Self and Be Who we really are. We just begin a new phase of life on Earth as together we begin to extend and manifest the Consciousness of God. Our interest and intent are now totally different from the personal mindset that had determined our agenda. We each will delve into the living Moment and discover what is here now to be known and shared. The Self includes all, and what we choose to focus on is a free choice. We are no longer limited by the conditioned contents of the personal mind, but now have at our disposal the

444 Christ Self Reflections unlimited content of the Mind of God. Life is now more alive and no longer represented by finite thought forms. Thought now proceeds from living awareness. Self awareness is now primary.


900. Reaching a new plateau After long travels, across seas, through towns and forests, we finally have ascended to a wide steppe. There are mountains in the distance but we are content here. There is water, food and a warm sun. We can rest and just be, far from the concerns of the world we have left. We have gathered into our groups, happy with our unspoken companionship. We are feeling the success of our venture so far. We have come a long way. Already things are quite different. The air is rarefied and imbued with the violet ethers from space. The sun seems to fill us with light. The wind is free and a Silence pervades. One is naturally inspired. New vistas seem to cohere in the ethers.


901. Astrology Astrology informs us that the planets and stars are not just orbs, but living Beings qualified with distinctive energies and purposes that impact us, as everything in the living cosmos is interrelated. Therefore, as we ponder our place in the hylozoistic Whole, it behooves us to consider astrological influences. Although science cannot as yet empirically measure these energies, our psyche can, so we must learn to trust the sensitivity of our consciousness to the spiritual energies that inform us. This resulting understanding enriches our experience and provides Light and clarity. As we move beyond the circumscribed limits of our linear consensus beliefs, we will begin to experience the larger living context of the manifold Beings and Lives who share the living Cosmos with us. I’m sure one day, these will be part of humanity’s daily experience.


902. The Divine Plan in four steps One Life and Consciousness — the Logos of each planet — pervades the creations on each planet. On Earth we are the

445 Christ Self Reflections creative offspring of our God Who is the base chakra of the solar system. This means humans are units of solar kundalini meant to infuse other planets and bring the Consciousness of the Mind of God to illumine and awaken. In sharing the One Self that we are, we are thus to bring down the Mind of God into this physical world so that it may be extended to other worlds beyond our own. The Purpose and the Plan are quite simple: Develop human consciousness to the place where it may fuse with the soul. Shift to soul identity. Live as co-creative soul to manifest the Divine Ideas and Intentions within the Mind of God. Extend this Consciousness to other worlds.


903. A new option So many of the goals held in the noosphere have to do with the mind and will — knowledge, wisdom, enlightenment, achievement, accomplishments, courage, etc. Heart qualities — being loving, moral, virtuous, good, stalwart and responsible are also recognized as valuable. Then there are more psychological goals — authenticity, honesty, integrity, integration, communication and awareness, etc. However, being Whole and Self conscious are little spoken about because these don’t have to do with perfecting the ego, but involve stepping beyond the personality into uncharted waters. Yet this new possibility is now available if we will recognize it. A new doorway is opening and offering us a new choice about how we can live our lives. It is really a path beyond the world as we have known it. Individuals have somehow made it on to this path in the past, but now it is easily accessible to all if we look for it and are interested. Through joining the Heart we may move into the Life of the One Self within, moving beyond the old ego mind and into the living Divine Moment. It’s like stepping into a boat on a river that is now taking us to the sea.


904. Awakening We are not just meant to be occasionally touched by the Divine so that we are reassured that we are Loved and that God is

446 Christ Self Reflections always there. We are touched that we may awaken from our sleep in form to the reality of who we are as Divine Beings. These spiritual experiences are meant to foster remembrance and not just reassurance. We are not to go back to sleep and happier dreams, but to awaken from our separate life and the world that dreams along with us. We may carry this remembrance with us in every moment as a Knowing that allows us to reinterpret the world and see it in a different way. The world now becomes a place where another level of Reality appears and IS. Our awareness is now infused with a larger inner Self. We may now step out of the personality we have been into a Presence that is here now. Let us not go back to sleep, but stay conscious and connected to the Presence who has awakened us, who is our Self.


905. Being Whole We have all acted out many roles, aspects, qualities and sub personalities but for ascension all must be present and subsumed in the fundamental Self who we are. The lover, the leader, the child, the innocent, the knower and the divine being are facets of the diamond Self but integrated into Oneness. Being always the same Self doesn’t imply a monotonous uniformity but like a living flame, a Wholeness that is always new. This allows deeper aspects of our Self to also emerge and be expressed — things we have never said or even thought will arise spontaneously in the moment to amaze ourselves as much as anyone else. Living without fear we will no longer have to restrict our self expression to who we are supposed to be or what is supposed to be proper to be expressed. We will have joy in a new freedom and capacity to express aspects of our Self that we didn’t even know were there. We will discover that we are more than we thought we were — and a lot more interesting and fun!


906. Daily Eucharist The bread that Christ shares is the Presence of the Christ Self that is now a tangible reality in our awareness. The wine is the Spirit of Christ moving within and bringing with it the Purpose of

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God. To the extent that we can consume this bread and wine now, to that extent are we made new in Christ and embody him. Every morning on awakening we can participate in this Holy ritual until we are totally aligned and identified with the Christ Self we are, and living in the Eternal Now of Divine Oneness. Life and Spirit, Consciousness and Living form are the two Divine aspects that in their play, create the manifest universe and unfold the Purpose and Nature of God. This New Covenant is ours to be lived and fulfilled now.


907. Belief vs experience The difference between a Christian religionist or church goer and a Christian spiritualist is that the former believes Christ and Heaven are hopes that he has faith in, while to the latter these are intermittent experiences he has faith in. The former, dualistically identified as an ego, interprets Christ and Heaven as fulfillment or reward for the separate self. The spiritualist is more likely to interpret these as transformative states of a higher reality. The church goer has faith in his belief system and those who authoritatively proclaim it. The spiritualist holds that religious beliefs are symbols of realities that are meant to be experienced. This experience of spiritual Reality is the whole point and purpose of faith. The spiritualist is therefore willing to trust his actual experience of spirit and his spiritual intuition. He realizes that his understanding or interpretation of spirit may not be perfect, but he would rather have this than the beliefs of others, no matter how authoritative. Faith in belief has fear within it related to fear of trusting one’s Self and one’s actual experience. Therefore those inclined to authority are usually less open, trusting and loving — as Love ultimately comes from Self acceptance.


908. Resolving our issues We are not free until we have completed and resolved the issues that have been central to the dramas of our life. Whether these have been related to love, sex, power, success, self esteem, fear or whatever, we are not free until we totally accept and believe in our self and realize that whatever limitations our personality

448 Christ Self Reflections has, that it really doesn’t matter because we are more than this. Therefore all the dramas based on getting our imagined lacks and deficiencies remedied are unnecessary. We can no longer get hooked into the reactive responses based on ego dynamics because we Know that we are not ego and are not therefore attached to outcome. The Self is already complete and Whole. We can be Free because the Self is free from all temporal conditions and limitations. This establishes a Peace, Contentment and Trust in life.


909. The implications of our new authenticity The New Age and Time of Christ that we are now in, is all about embracing a deeper authenticity — one that is related to our Heart rather than our head. Our heads have been filled with an assortment of internalized beliefs, many in conflict with each other, that may reflect what we think but which doesn’t actually reflect who we are. However, as we align ourselves with the Heart we will connect with the intuitive Knowing of the spiritual and real Self within which is the authentic Self who we really are. This is a different center of consciousness from the outer ego or personality who we have believed ourselves to be and it operates by different laws. As we learn to attune to it, trust it and live by it we will discover that our experience will change and that we will embody a deeper authenticity and Self. Because living at One with the Heart is to live in the flow of spirit that comes from the eternal soul. This soul is One with Christ, so we are actually embodying a collective Consciousness and Life as we learn to shift our center of identity to the Heart. This is not a belief or ideal that we think, but an experience that we can now feel, as this Heart energy emerges into our collective awareness now. It has always been there, but now it is a more distinct Presence as Christ moves into the world now. So as we awaken to the Self in the Heart, we are also awakening to our Christ Self and our role and purpose of collectively embodying Christ and bringing a new level of Creation into the world.


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910. Signs of spirit in the world When we look for examples of this new spiritual awareness in the world we must recognize the growing empowerment that is being demonstrated by many. People are taking action based on what they feel needs to be done. They are not waiting for the leaders or authorities or for permission, but are taking matters into their own hands more. This growing empowerment and trust in themselves is a sign of spirit moving in the world. People are trusting their intuitive Knowing and acting on what their Hearts are impulsing them to do, as much as what their minds are telling them they should do. Our leaders and the establishment elite have failed us but the spirit and Heart of humanity is sound so as more people begin to take action based on Love of the planet and humankind, we will gradually make the changes that we need to make in the world now. There are the retrograde and fear based authoritarians, but the spirit of Truth and Love must ultimately triumph.


911. The media hindrance to collective enlightenment One of the biggest problems in the world now isn’t just the control of our governments and society by money and those who have it, but also the related control of the information that comes through the media. These media corporations are secular special interests who shape the news we get and our values by their agenda. The more important the news item, the more likely we are to encounter spin, bias and propaganda. Many important issues are not addressed at all or with a meaningful context. Much real investigative journalism has been pushed off the MSM to the Internet where journalists have an outlet but not a salary. As citizens need facts to make informed decisions about policies and politicians to support, this is a real problem. We would be better able to make the necessary changes in our laws, institutions and beliefs if our media — including the entertainment industry — were not controlled by the monied secular special interests. Likewise, the values promoted by the secular media and entertainment industries often have a subtly corrosive effect. We need more objective fact and meaningful context rather than the level of distraction, disinformation and deception purveyed on many important issues. This is often hard to recognize because the MSM is an

450 Christ Self Reflections echo chamber reinforcing the prejudiced viewpoints disseminated. The small differences between various news outlets reinforce an illusion of substantial difference, as do the occasional independent stories. More people are realizing that they are getting a lot of fake news and unwanted distraction and now go to social media or the Internet for their daily information about what is happening in the world. This involves a movement away from trusting establishment authority to trusting one’s own intuitive Knowing in sorting through all the sources and viewpoints available online. This is a good development in the long run although there are counter movements by the establishment to censure and control access now.


912. Simply Being To the mind it is complicated but to the Heart it is simple — what Love, Joy and Life call us to is affirmed. What is real now is acknowledged. The fears and qualifications of the world do not dampen one’s Trust in Spirit and one’s intuitive inner Knowing. The Heart’s visions and dreams are given priority over the world’s wisdom and the arguments of the mind. Our Spirit urges us forward and inspires movement and expression and we would be foolish to doubt it as we are living Spirits and on Earth to fulfill our Being and Purpose, as given by God. Living life as One is naturally reinforcing and validating. Who would sell out their divine integrity for transient temporal rewards. It is not about achieving great success — that’s a worldly notion — it’s about experiencing all the Divine Joy, Peace and Inspiration that comes from simply being Whole.


913. Moving beyond the personal One would think that in sharing more deeply and intimately that it would be more personal — and it is up to a certain point. At that point we break through and move beyond the personal because our deepest, most real and eternal life is one that we all share in together. The Love and Self Consciousness that moves and IS within each of us is the same. Discovering this fact releases us from any fear related to self disclosure. The personal issues, concerns, fears and judgements ultimately don’t matter

451 Christ Self Reflections because these don’t reflect who we really are. It’s like awakening from a dream. Does it really matter what happened in the dream if it was all just an imagination? When we break through the barrier enclosing the personal self and emerge into the collective Self that has always unconsciously been who we really are, we break through into the Peace, Freedom and Knowing intrinsic to our Eternal Self that we have in God. Suddenly we are in a different dimension of Reality. Life in this unified dimension proceeds differently too. It doesn’t revolve around the ego’s projections but rather unfolds in Love and Oneness. Our choices aren’t about what to think or do, or how to react to circumstances. Our choices relate to which of the infinite possibilities of Being do we want to extend into Creation. What do we want to create, share and manifest? Exploring what IS and discovering the Treasure within becomes a collective and collaborative process. We cooperate with one another because the relationship we share with one another is the essential condition necessary for our Self discovery and Co-Creation.


914. A new dawn Perhaps it’s unavoidable to go through a ‘dark night of the Soul’ period, where one seems subject to the fears, confusions and limitations of personal experience and aloneness. However, eventually the sun comes out and in the reassuring Light we can see where we are and that all is Good. We have never been separate and lost — we just thought we were. It’s as if we have been traveling on a path that we lost sight of in the night, but in the daylight we can see that we are wandering through Paradise. Such is the vista that appears before our eyes when lit up by the One Light and Love within. And now, emerging as the sun rising over our collective horizon, is the Light of the Son of God Who is now moving into our world, awakening us from fear and the illusion of separation that has defined human civilization up to now. Our collective night is ending in a dawn we have yearned for, prayed for and imagined for two thousand years or more. And just as light eradicates darkness immediately and easily, so will our collective fears and illusions of separation be overcome by the Light of Reality. Let us realize the full implications of the dawn we are beginning to experience.

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915. The doorway within If we would explore in our subconscious, going down into the basement of memory and ancient thought, we will find, if we look around, a doorway that opens on to an entirely different world than we left above ground. Rather than opening on to some dark cavernous place, it is an eternal green world of enchantment with its own inner sun. Here myth is alive and everything symbolizes archetypes that have a timeless resonance. Such is the world of the Self, where everything reflects Ideas held in the Mind of God. We must go within to find this Living realm, with its denizens who live here beyond time. And we will discover that we can, by maintaining an awareness of it, bring it above ground, making the two worlds One. This is an opportunity we now have in the Time of Christ, to unite the inner with the outer and to live as One. Christ is coming from within. The doors have been unlocked and all is accessible.


916. An Angel resplendent with Light Some days and some moments for whatever reason, connection with the Self within, feels more tenuous and difficult. Then outer life seems bereft of that which gives it life and meaning. One realizes that all is just an empty show, a charade without the real Self participating. Then all one can do is wait patiently for him to show up again. Whether he has been off on a mission to Betelgeuse or just in close conference with the Logos we don’t know. Most of what really goes on behind the skein of reality that we can perceive through our senses is unknown to us. We have been living in the shadow images of a cave world. But new Light is beginning to enlighten us and for longer periods we can see in a day light that is shinning into our cave. An Angel resplendent with Light is now here at the entrance, beckoning.


917. The power of a one pointed mind We don’t fully realize the power of our minds which are like great computers we are only playing video games with. Every thought

453 Christ Self Reflections and intention activates its power but because we flit from one transient thought and emotion to the next, we don’t realize what this computer could accomplish with one pointed attention. Certainly the greater thinkers and creators throughout history have been more single minded. Miracles can be readily accomplished if we can sustain our faith and attention on our God Self and quit sabotaging this by a contrary belief in fearful and personal thought. This is easier said than done, as habit exerts a powerful influence and karma. Yet the Spirit is strongest, and united with consciousness, can realize what needs to be done and can do it. Let us realize that it is our destiny to become One our Source, and decide once and for all to completely surrender to it and Be as we really are. The mind will then be harnessed to the Purpose which must direct it. And as that Purpose is One, so must the mind become empowered by a unified focus.


918. Thine be done We like to move as free as a bird, flying hither and yon with little care. But one day an Angel will come and set us down saying here we must stay until all the dross is burned off. Finally a day will come when we move again, but not for separate purpose. We are now plighted to the good of the Whole. Not my will but Thine be done. §

919. Ending pain and suffering Pain and suffering are the result of mechanisms built into our consciousness that allow us to recognize when we are out of alignment with our Self, God and the good of the Whole by acting on fearful misguided beliefs. Take for example the never ending mass shootings in the US. It should be obvious that the presumed right to have and use an assault rifle should not trump the right of the collective to live free of threat of violence. But until we change our belief by putting pressure on our political representatives to change the laws, we shall continue to suffer. Or take suffering from poverty. Until we realize that we are all brothers and sisters and that each is entitled to the necessities of life — and force our ‘leaders’ to enact laws to that effect — we have continued unnecessary suffering. Most pain

454 Christ Self Reflections and suffering have human cause. These are not being inflicted by God or circumstance but by choice. Let us choose differently and make the world a better place.


920. The unknown Now On reflection we know that the particular moment we are in has never happened before. And that, if we are honest, we really don’t know what to make of it, what it means or what we are doing in it. The miracle of life is a mystery. And to be conscious within life is an even greater wonder. We can only gaze about in reverential awe. However, on further reflection we must realize that answer to this conundrum can not be found alone. The answer is revealed through our relationships with one another and the Love that underlies and informs these. This answer to the meaning and mystery of life only appears to us in and through relationship in the present moment. Because only the present moment is real and alive. Therefore it is only here, now, and with whoever we are with, that we can affirm the reality of the Love which gives life more abundance, meaning, and purpose. The words, ‘I love you’ reverberate through the firmament and echo back Love from a Presence beyond space and time. A channel seems to open up leading straight to God. The present is embraced by the Eternal, the particular embraced by the Infinite.


921. Divine process The moment seems to have a spiral cyclic movement to it, as the Earth not only moves around the sun, but also moves forward around the sun’s greater center. Issues are repeated, but each circle seems to bring increasing resolution of old concerns while bringing new elements into the mix. Repetition allows integration and the continual infusion of new agents into the process. It’s a divine chemical distillation process creating ever more refined and conscious syntheses. This is the evolution of consciousness going on in the universe. This is the incremental process of divine incarnation as new Ideas from the Mind of God are continually infused into incarnate consciousness. When this consciousness can cooperate with

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God, the whole process can be quickened. This is where we are at now. Human consciousness has been rebelling by acting on a separate agenda, but is now beginning to move into alignment with Divine will. When we are living as One, Christ will be consciously incarnate on Earth and a New Reality can be manifest.


922. Christ overshadows everyone How does it work when one Being overshadows and inspires an entire planet at once? I don’t think it is a personal process. Rather the frequency of the inner soul consciousness, which is really one, is quickened so that each personality can notice it, align with it and live it. When each person has made the shift in identity then the Consciousness of the Whole or Christ can directly inspire individual units of Christ Consciousness with New Ideas, Intents, Visions, and Creations which may then be co-created and manifested. We each become outposts of Christ and embody that portion of the Whole which is our particular task and service. We don’t act on a separate or personal agenda, but act for the good of the Whole as we are now identified with it. The Great Ones are all expressions of the same inner Life, Spirit and Consciousness. They aren’t identical because they each express this in their own unique way.


923. The Truth demonstrated by Jesus The average Christian thinks about Jesus Christ in some dualistic and judgmental ways that do not really reflect the Truth. Christ did not come to save us from sin — which doesn’t characterize who we really are — but to reveal to us the true nature of our life — which is Eternal and One — and the true nature of God — which is Love and Spirit. And he taught and demonstrated how we could Know and embody this Divine Life and Consciousness — by seeing Christ in all, in Love, and responding to that One Self in all. In other words, to live by, in, and for Love. Then we will embody our eternal Christ Self. For Christ is who we really are within. We merely need to realize this and choose this. We are meant to become One with Christ just as Jesus did. Christianity has developed a complex theology of

456 Christ Self Reflections belief, but the Truth is simple because it is One and unchanging. It’s meant to be lived now, not just believed in for a future reward.


924. We are more We are more than the roles people see us as — the spouse, parent, employee, neighbor, teacher or friend. Nobody knows who we really are by looking at our appearance or assessing our behavior. Everyone wants to assign a label or name, but we cannot be named. Nothing two dimensional or linear can define us. We are more, larger, always new, unfolding even as we speak. Spirit is a living flame. Consciousness a space that includes all. We may embrace a divine Idea today. But who knows what will have our attention tomorrow. Fortunately this is not a problem except for those who want to control and restrict life. Being able to freely Be is Joy. Having no definition is to embrace the New. The unknown is the gateway to life. And we encompass it all.


925. You’re a star! Just for today let the world go by. Don’t pick up that paper or watch that news. The world won’t miss your attention. You need not reinforce its reality. Your vibration won’t be lowered then and your spirit tested. Make your reality, as it bubbles up in the moment, the exciting news. Let your imagination as it flashes before your eyes, be the video of the moment. Keep that channel on — there may be some static, but the scenes will come into view in living technicolor. This is the real exciting stuff — the drama of a lifetime with you the main character. No second hand script could be so arresting. And this story is live now. You are living it out with a new twist in the plot everyday. God has scripted it out, but trusts you to improvise as you like. Lights, camera, action — let it roll!


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926. Glory to the Dreamers There are good conversations. And then there are sharings from the Heart where our dreams weave and dance together. These Heart sharings transport us to a realm where these dreams are real and come to life. These dreams of God that we can sense are the future that already IS, living in the Eternal Mind of God until we awaken to them. By awakening to them by giving them our attention and energy they transform our reality, lifting it to a living yet timeless realm. Glory to the dreamers who weave on Earth the gossamer threads of a Beauty beyond this world so that we might have a glimpse of a higher realm. As in the heavenly strains of an Angel choir, the visions of the inspired lift us to a landscape of Eternal Being, beyond care and description. Glory and gratitude to all Dreamers! These will not be escapes but the bread of the New World.


927. Life not based on learning Our civilization is based on the need and necessity of learning. We spend a fifth of our lives in school and it never stops after that. However, when we live from the Heart as the Self, we no longer are focused on learning but on Being. We rely on our intuitive Knowing that eliminates the need to figure things out with our minds. We still use our minds but don’t rely on them to determine what is real. We live by Love rather than by thought. Living by Love, we see everything as an interconnected Unity rather than a relation of separate creations. This greatly simplifies life. However, it can make communication with those who still reside in nominal reality more difficult. One’s interests are naturally different. Communication becomes about sharing feelings, intuition and imagination more than thoughts, beliefs or emotions. One’s whole orientation to life changes to going with the flow of life rather than trying to control life. One listens within to determine how to navigate the flow of life rather than trying to use the mind and internalized learning. One realizes that one can trust the intuitive Knowing of the Self. Learning only gets one so far. Then it’s necessary to trust one’s Self to experience a larger Life.


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928. Releasing dependency The church, instead of having us pray to a God separate from us, should have helped us connect and become conscious of a God Self already within us. The church, instead of telling us we are judged to be sinful and dependent, should have been telling us that we are already immortal and complete within. The church, instead of instilling a sense of inadequacy, powerlessness and a false reliance on the priesthood, should have been facilitating our reliance on the Holy Spirit that has been available to all to connect us to Christ. Now however, it is too late to reform a church that hasn’t been helpful and is no longer needed. Access to Christ and the Self we really are is available to all. We no longer need anyone’s approbation, approval or authority to claim our Power and Knowing. The church has had two thousand years. Now it is time for us to claim the Spirit within and become our own law giver. That law is the Law of Love and the Freedom given to those who identify with the Whole. Let us release ourselves from the mind which can only misinterpret life, and Choose the Heart and Christ. The church has been all about faith in belief, but belief is now superseded by experience of the Divine.


929. Our experience of Christ When we connect in the Heart to the Self who is there, we connect with Christ. How could Christ be different from what is most real and essential within us? Christ is the ‘I’ beyond the personality, the awareness of the Self of Love beyond the ego. We assume this space and consciousness is personal, but it isn’t. It is One within all humanity. We just connect with it individually. Just as Jesus learned to center his awareness and identity in Christ, we must do likewise if we are to become who we really are. There is but one Self in humanity as there is but One God manifest through Earth. We are destined to know ourselves as the conscious extension of God. This implies recognizing that our separate human forms aren’t who we are but how we manifest to share our Self and our Knowing. Just because our entire civilization has believed in separate identity doesn’t mean this perception of reality will continue in the coming civilization. For many, it won’t, and a Holy new experience will replace the collective belief in the ego. Let us

459 Christ Self Reflections take Christ off the pedestal of idealized belief and claim him as our Self.


930. A new level of Reality Our purpose is to consciously join the human and the Divine, the self and the Self, so that we become identified as Self expressing through self. This has always been our destiny but the gap between these two different levels of reality was too large for most to be able to cross in the past so we maintained ego identity. Now, because of the change in the energetic matrix of Earth, everyone can begin to become aware of a more authentic Self within by an apprehension that transcends the concrete mind. We are no longer confined to the brain and its circumscribed reality of thought, emotion, and sensation. A new sense begins to come into awareness that informs us of another level of reality more real than the secondhand thoughts about reality heretofore formulated in the brain. Suddenly we begin to wake up to an entirely different experience of life. We can continue running on the old program which interpreted what everything meant. Or we can begin to look around with new eyes on a landscape that has been transformed. Outwardly it looks the same, but it is now pervaded by an energy, a conscious Presence and a Reality that we hadn’t noticed before. It’s subtle but undeniable. Religion has prophesied this time of change, but of course we expected it to look differently, defined in terms of a separate mind that is now being transcended. Let’s take a moment to become aware and notice our actual experience now.


931. Knowing our Self Jesus has told us that we have to quit relying on ourself and trying to be our own teacher because we can only discover and know our Self in him. This paradoxically requires surrender to the Self that we already are. He tells us that “it is only through Union that you can learn, because it is only in Union with me that you are your Self.” ACOL L3:5 In the separation intrinsic to the ego we became habituated to the idea of the need for individual effort and accomplishment. However, now we are

460 Christ Self Reflections beginning to realize that it is only through Oneness that we can access the Knowing that we already have within us. The Knowing of God can only happen in God. Outside is a world of judgement. It is only within that we join with what is real. We can join the Reality within the world by forgiveness of the judgements we have projected on it. This forgiveness is already accomplished in Christ.


932. Seeing Love in the world It is natural to be disturbed by the conflicts and chaos in the world. Therefore it is necessary to go deep within one’s Self in the moment to tap into the Love and Peace that is always there. The outer disturbances don’t characterize the nature of Reality, merely what happens when Reality is denied in fear and misinformed belief. However, crystallized fear is being broken up by the energies of Light, Love and Spirit moving in the world. It behooves us to identify with these positive energies and not the conflicts and suffering that we can see. The energy matrix based on separation, power, selfish aggrandizement and material accumulation is being broken up so a new world based on the Unity of the One Divine Life within all can arise to awareness and become manifest. We need to identify with this new energy and consciousness to help it come into outer being. It is a time of planetary birth. Let us support those efforts, movements, politics, economics and attitudes that embody Love. As we experience Love moving in the world, it will become the Reality we see. As we choose Peace we will feel it.


933. Creative tension There is a tension that we experience as a result of our unmanifest potential. We can feel a pressure from Truth, Spirit and Love yet unexpressed, and Being not yet fully lived. In the moment through relationship we can release this energy and be fully who we are. Love unblocks and frees us to express and be our Self. When we shift our focus and begin to identify with the Whole, blocks held in the separate self are naturally resolved. Blocks are merely fears that keep us from freely expressing everything that IS there in the moment that Love would express.

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This is different than everything we might be aware of. We can and do encompass everything, but must choose what we want to give expression to out of the myriad objects of awareness. This tension is part of the creative process of life. What, as co- creators, do we desire to give reality to and bring into manifest being? What is our particular role? What is the Divine Idea we embody?


934. The ego’s house The ego is something like a house wherein one resides. It is a structure enclosing space. Upstairs is one’s higher mind, where one reflects and contemplates. The main floor is one’s everyday consciousness, concerns and interactions. In the basement are one’s subconscious, past and collective inheritance. The front door opens through the senses on to the everyday world we share with others who also live in their own houses. The Heart is like a beautiful stained glass window letting in the light and life of love. The ego doesn’t realize that this window in the back of the house is really a door that leads out of the separate world it resides in to another dimension of being. We can open the door and move through into the Oneness of God. We can consciously live in this Divine Life if we choose to. Then the house becomes transparent and we reside in the garden Paradise of God. Awareness is the key to open this Heart door. Willingness is all it takes to move through it. Surrender to Reality is all that’s necessary to live in Paradise — and sharing with others who are also there.


935. The miracle of One Self in all A miracle is an experience which reflects that underlying the apparent separation of form is a Unity and Oneness that is a different level of reality. If all separate personalities are really extensions of the same Self, then all separate minds are really joined. Awareness of the reality of Oneness transcends time and reflects Eternity. The One Self exists in the Eternal Now. When we shift our identity to the Self, then we also live in the Eternity of God as does all we experience, even if the various personalities we encounter are not aware of this. However, we

462 Christ Self Reflections can share our awareness and experience and thus make a connection in consciousness to the Self within each. This awakens each to the Self that they really are. By sharing, expressing and extending who we really are, we enable others to also discover who they really are as embodiments of the same Self. This is what is happening on Earth now — we are collectively awakening from our sleep of separation to the underlying reality of the One Self of God that we really are.


936. The purpose of humanity What has been the purpose of humanity’s long process of development of separate individuality and form? Obviously the soul required an instrument that could maintain an integrated and grounded identity in the dense world of time and space where we have incarnated. However, the ultimate purpose of human life is not to sustain a separate existence but to now become an instrument and vehicle for the spiritual being that is humanity’s Source and essence. We are now at that historical point where the next phase in our evolutionary journey can begin. Humanity is sufficiently developed to begin to consciously become aware of the soul and to begin to shift its identity from the separate form, to the One Self within. Humanity’s purpose isn’t just for itself but its role in the larger planetary and solar Whole. Although we don’t know it, the solar system is a living Being, and Earth and humanity have functions to perform in this Whole, much as each cell and organ in the body has its specific function to play. As the solar system is part of the Heart chakra of its encompassing Life, Earth is the base chakra of the solar Life. And humanity is the throat chakra of Earth. Thus we are meant to become creative units of the Mind of God to bring this to the solar Whole so that Love is manifest. We cannot do this until we are centered in Christ — the Consciousness of the One.


937. Gratitude Gratitude aligns us to the positive flow of spirit which is blocked by preoccupation and doubt. Gratitude reminds us of the Truth that God is speaking to us continually and offering us unlimited

463 Christ Self Reflections opportunity. Gratitude allows us to remember all the support provided by the Divine in our life. Gratitude shows us that the nature of Reality is Good and Love and thus encourages us to live in Love and Trust. Gratitude is the same as our ongoing prayer of connection and Unity.


938. Becoming Self reliant The ego looks without, to outer authority and the mind for answers and for its reality. Let us learn to always go within and rely on our connection to the Self within for everything. Let us stay rooted and centered in our awareness of what IS here. Let us release our attachment to thought and attune to the Heart and what we feel now. Joining with Love, let us Trust our intuitive Knowing and the Spirit’s Intention. In Oneness we can cease our effort and striving and merely express our Being and what we are given to share in Love.


939. Finding Christ In Christianity, Christ is talked about as if very far removed from us — a high exalted Being who we can hardly conceive, let alone contact. Although we may pray to Christ, we can only hope that these prayers are answered. In reality Christ is our innermost Eternal Self, nearer to us than our hands and feet. Just as there is only one God Who is the Whole, there is only one Self which embodies the Consciousness of God. This Self is Conscious within the manifest Creation of God which is a reflection of the Mind of God. Thus we have the Trinity — the Spirit, the Consciousness and the Creative Intelligent Life, or Father, Son and Mother. We are each an extension of the Son and meant to consciously Be the Son. As this is who we really are, then all that is required to become our Christ Self is to become aware of it, and quit identifying with the ego. We become aware of it through the Heart which is the connective and unifying agency. As we shift our focus from concrete ego mind to the Self in the Heart we will also learn how we can live and Be from this Unitary center. We come to rely on our intuitive inner sense rather than our mind. Functioning from and as the Self implies experiencing everyone also within the Self. We enter

464 Christ Self Reflections the soul kingdom and begin to manifest the Knowing of the Self on Earth. This results in the creative unfolding of Spirit, through the interaction of expanding Consciousness and evolving Life. Consciousness incarnates through the forms and levels of intelligent life by the power and purpose of spirit. In this process matter is redeemed and spirit fulfilled. Everything proceeds by simply Being and Sharing our Self with One another.


940. Purity is enlightenment There is a wise aphorism that states that ‘purity is enlightenment’. The enlightened mind is pure, transparent, and without thought of separate self. Enlightenment is often confused with filling the mind with wisdom and knowledge that, as often as not, just creates more egotism. With purity, the Heart and Spirit are given prominence and an identification that doesn’t separate my good from yours. What Love would express is expressed without reservation. The Light shinning through the Self is allowed to shine without distortion. Purity must be established on all levels, both inner and outer. Jesus says we must join the mind with Heart and become Wholehearted. The mind then becomes enlightened by the pure Heart.


941. A New Day dawns Imagine all of humanity and the world pervaded by an upwelling Light and Love, that now lights all creation from within. Now we can see that we all live in the same Light and Love. Instead of being separate we now realize that we are equal expressions of the same One Life, Light and Love, which completes and fulfills us. This spiritual experience establishes a deep Peace, Harmony and Safety. Our sense of having lacks and imperfections is no more. Neither is our belief in our need to compete, accomplish and strive. Life is here now to be lived, explored and shared. All of the thoughts we had matter little in a world flooded by vivifying, inspiring Life. This Light, Love and Life is beginning to emerge from within into our awareness. Let us awaken to this New Day on Earth.

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942. Feeling an intimacy with the Whole Loosing our ego and sense of being a separate self, we do not feel less but more by experiencing a greater intimacy with the Whole of Life. We just loose the wall which had kept us within a circumscribed experience within the concrete mind. Now we experience true freedom by being part of all that IS as this unfolds within the Eternal Now. We have even more choice now because our experience is open to a wider landscape of Being. We will feel a greater sense of purpose when released from the narrow confines of personal identity. Allowing the energy of Life to flow through us, we do not loose our individuality, just our fear.


943. A Voice crying in the wilderness Here and there a Voice cries out in the wilderness. The separate world we have made in fear is a wildernesses of suffering and vain hopes until the Voice of the One within is heard above the cacophony. The Love which all love is an expression of will be given an expression that will awaken us from our false separate illusions. The Call will begin to be echoed and reflected by more individuals in growing Unity. Who will want to remain alone when the inner Light of Reality is seen, revealing a new Divine World. It will take some time before we are able to discover how to give form to this New Energy and Consciousness. We will begin by reformulating our institutions so that they embody Love and Sharing for all in One Divine world. Now the exploitive civilization we have made allows some to live in comfort while most suffer. The purpose of Life will change from ‘getting’, ‘making’ and ‘using’ to creating out of Love and Spiritual Inspiration. We shall share from our Heart with each other as beloveds. Those who fully embody the Divine will appear and demonstrate the Way. A new Sun is rising within us.


944. God is Love Modern man, stuck in his head, searches for God he can find if he would only shift his consciousness to his Heart. God is Love

466 Christ Self Reflections and in feeling Love, we connect with God. We misinterpret what Love is. We take it for a personal state, an emotion related to someone or some ideal or circumstance. These may stimulate an experience of Love, but Love itself is the Energy of God. If we would express what we become aware of when we feel Love and really unfold this experience we would discover that it would take us far beyond the personal circumstances that may have aroused our feeling. We would soon be reveling in an eternal field of Light. We would discover that Heaven lives within us in an Eternal Day, that we can live in as well. When we catch a feeling of Love we can follow it back to its Source — the Presence of the Divine Who we live within. We are of God — extensions of God. When we feel Love, let us turn around and meet God.


945. The purpose of the crucifixion Jesus Christ did not die for our sins, but allowed himself to be crucified to show us the resurrected Life that is ours. There has been too much emphasis placed on the crucifixion and sin in Christianity. The Holy Spirit, given to mankind, has allowed us to know the Truth of who we are in Christ. Now we may know Christ directly, as our Self through the Heart we share. We may thus embody Christ and become the resurrected Self who we really are. By unifying the mind and the Heart, we can choose to be at One and move beyond faith and belief to realized experience. Christianity has idealized Christ as an ‘other’ when Christ is actually the Consciousness of the One Self who we really are. This Self is waiting to be recognized and identified with.


946. Standing in the Heart portal Joining the mind and Heart can be experienced as standing in the portal of the Heart and allowing the Energy of Life, Light and Love to flow through one as these course from the Infinite Universe within. There is no thought in this state but an awareness that the actions of the world and personality life are all on the outside and external to the Self within all. If we can then release our attachment to the belief that we are a personal

467 Christ Self Reflections identity, we may rest in the Infinite Self and awaken to an apprehension of Reality as an extension of God. We then realize that we are all part of this same Divine Self with a purpose related to this new Identity. This Divine awakening is now a possibility for us. This is not a personal enlightenment but a realization that we are more than a separate human person. We are breaking through to a new level of Reality of Conscious Oneness. Underlying multifarious creation is One Divine Life and Conscious Self. The personality may conceive this, but the experience is different. In the experience we leave thought behind. What we become aware of and share is the next stage in the conscious evolution of the Earth. It is the New Reality which will be manifested as we embody our Christ Self.


947. Human creation There is the expression ‘making love’ which characterizes the human approach to realizing visions or ideas. Effort, doing, will, thought and force are all involved in this process. It requires the coordinated arrangement of actions and understandings. Realizing an experience of oneness through love is thus normally also dependent on the other. Human creation results from the combined action of the mind and will for the separate purpose of the personal self. For the Self, Love and Oneness are not made but received as what IS and shared.


948. You are an Idea of God “You are a thought of God. An idea. This thought, or idea, is what you seek. It can be found only at its source. Its source is love, and its location is your own heart.” ACOL L26:21 It therefore behooves us to reflect in our Heart as to the Purpose or Idea that is the most moving and meaningful to us. By expressing and living out this Divine Idea we fulfill our Self and our co-creative role in the Plan of God.


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949. Knowing vs conceiving We cannot understand the Truth with our minds because our minds think in terms of separation and singularity. However, the Heart can Know the Truth because the Heart can feel it as a pervading Reality. The Heart Knows the Truth as a Unitary state, as the Consciousness of the Heart is One. We cannot really Know anything with our minds because the mind is not the center of Knowing but of conceiving and formulating the Heart’s Knowing. What IS is intuited and experienced in the Heart and then given form through the mind. However, the separate form is not the Truth which is Whole and One. The purpose of the mind is to extend and manifest Love. And the only way to Know the Self of Love is through relationship.


950. Listening in the Heart When we stand in the Heart’s portal, listening in the Silence to the Infinite, we can hear the chorus of a great Angel Host advancing invincibly before Christ as He comes to retake outer Earth from the forces of separation, selfishness and darkness. The cyclic moment has come. Evolution has done the needed work of developing mankind to the point where we can accept Christ while maintaining individuality. Christ is coming from within, as God has always been within us, and now we may choose to embody and manifest Christ. There is great Joy that the time of the Earth’s suffering is nearing an end, and the Bliss of Earth’s destined future is approaching. Let us listen within the Heart and Harken to the Presence there.


951. Living in the Reality of the Self When Jesus became One with Christ he brought the Energy of Christ — the Conscious Self of God — down to the emotional plane where we could connect to it through Love. However, we experienced it within the context of the ego duality that was human reality. Now we may, by Wholeheartedly joining our mind with the Heart, collectively bring the Energy of Christ to the physical plane by choosing Oneness and Unity as the Reality of Life. Christ will not just be experienced as the Love which informs us, but as the One Self within all that we live in, express

469 Christ Self Reflections and share. We will all eventually become embodiments of Christ and therefore co-creators with God, bringing down and manifesting the Divine Ideas and Intentions God has planned for Earth and beyond. In moving from the Age of separation or ego, to the Age of Unity or Oneness, the Reality of the One Divine Life and Consciousness within all will become our chosen Reality that we will express and create from. Jesus has established the connection and Path back to Conscious Oneness with Self we are. Let us recognize that the Reality of God can be chosen now as what IS. Let us shift our identity from separate self to the One Self within all.


952. Explaining the need for spiritual awareness It’s difficult to describe the value and need for spiritual consciousness to people. Everyday consciousness seems to be all there is and sufficient to most. What is this additional state or awareness about? It’s not about calming normal consciousness or feeling positive emotions or inspired thoughts. It’s about having an awareness of an inner reflective consciousness that is outside of our normal stream of consciousness. This is the ‘I’ without the thoughts, emotions or sensations that it is usually identified with. It is thus naked awareness without the trappings that usually cover it. What is the value of exploring this empty ‘I’? First of all one discovers that the conscious ‘I’ is not totally empty, but is imbued with Love, Light or mind, and Intention or will. These seem to be the core aspects of the inner spiritual Self. What is the value or need to cultivate an awareness of this essential Self? First of all it creates a satisfying peaceful sense of authentic integration or Wholeness. Secondly it facilitates the establishment of a different and more Self reflective communication with one another if we are not just sharing our thoughts and emotions.


953. The naked Self By being the naked Self, we perforce share the Love and Peace intrinsic to this Self. We also share the sense of Wholeness or Oneness by feeling a sense of connection and Oneness with others that transcends the separation of the bodies we are

470 Christ Self Reflections communicating through. We have a feeling of stepping into an unknown moment as we don’t know what will come next. Patiently we wait, listening in the Heart, feeling, enjoying the Peace, Love and Light. In this state we don’t need to do anything or get anything. We can rest and relax in this inner Self awareness, feeling complete. One awareness or intuitive knowing that we come to is that knowing arises through the relationships that we have with one another. Although our consciousness seems to be individual, it is integral to the larger Whole that we exist within. Our Self Consciousness seems to be shared or an expression of the same energy field. It can then be said that we all have the same Self. By consciously uniting with our own inner ‘I’ we also seem to unite with the inner ‘I’ within everyone. So now we greet one another with minds like an open sky filled with Light, with Hearts filled with Love, with a sense of being extensions of the same space.


954. A new epoch Let us just assume that we have begun a new epoch in the evolution of Earth, that will come from Being the Self, rather than the separate personalities we have been. This shift in identity is now a choice. We will only know what will come from this by the experience that results. However, we know that it will be more loving, peaceful, unified and harmonious because these qualities are intrinsic to the Self. The civilization that will result must also embody these qualities. We naturally feel a sense of responsibility to share this positive awareness and state of being with those unaware of this possibility, however, if we would just focus on developing its potential within the community of those awakening to it, what might be our process? I feel an initial project would be the development of a new language that would be a reflection of this emerging Self awareness. As we all embody different Ideas, Spiritual Rays and Archetypes within Universal Self Consciousness, there might also develop group differentiations constellated around varying purposes. However, the first step is recognizing and shifting to the One Self within. This entails consciously joining the buddhic Brotherhood of Christ. §

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955. Adjusting our eyes to the Light One factor that will be helpful is distinguishing between the raw intuitive Knowing or Spiritual Impressions we sense and our interpretations of what these mean and imply. The latter draws us back into old beliefs and thoughts that may not be accurate or relevant. Direct Intuitive Knowing relates to the Truth of the Reality of what IS, not what we might mentally conceive. Truth is a Reality, not a thought. Another realization that will be helpful is that the seeming emptiness of the Self is an illusion that we must be patient with. We are actually opening to formless realms that take time to apprehend. As we might be temporarily blinded by entering a bright room from darkness, with patience we will adjust and gradually begin to see. It is helpful to realize that the dense concrete world we have been living in contains and reflects the higher spiritual realms which are its Source, and that the movement toward Oneness of the Self is related to our increasing awareness of the One Divine Spiritual Life which is its Creative Source. Infinite Pathways are opening before us into the Eternal Mind of God. Now we are breaking through the concrete barrier that has kept us within a circumscribed separate reality.


956. The miracle project One project that Jesus enjoins us to adopt is sharing miracles. Miracles collapse time by connecting the future or the Eternal Truth with the present moment and thereby making it real in the moment or alive. Miracles share the mind of Christ with others who thereby realize that it is also their mind and that they are therefore joined in a Unity. Jesus enjoins us to believe that we can share these miracle thoughts, because these will come from Jesus Christ. Widespread miracles will hasten the advent of the Time of Unity.


957. Mary presaged Jesus We assume that the incarnation of the Son of God began with the Immaculate Conception, however, it actually began earlier with Mary who wasn’t just chosen by God, but rather chose in her life to Be One with Christ or the Love of God. Being

472 Christ Self Reflections immaculate meant being devoid of separate thought or ego. Therefore she could provide a vehicle for Jesus that was already imbued with the energy of Christ.


958. Living as Self We share the same Self, the same Life, the same Consciousness, the same Mind. We are of God, who we live in and express. The only thing separate is the body that we communicate through. We have released our personal identities and now exist in a Unity as equal extensions of the same Divine Self. We include all. We now look out on to realms of Light and Love. We accept what IS. What is our concern now as we begin this New Time together? What do we desire? What would Love express? What is God’s Will and Purpose now?


959. Wandering in the Timeless Garden of the Self As satisfying as personal reminiscences and reflections can be, when we cultivate Self awareness our reflections are of a different order. It is as if we leave our cozy cup of tea by the blazing hearth, and step out the door into the beauty and wonder of the day. Our personal memories may be imbued with wonderful feelings, but these can’t compare with those imbuing the Eternal Now wherein our Self resides. One’s home may contain the cherished memories of a lifetime, however, the Self inhabits an Infinite Living World that supersedes the particulars of our personal life. Let us free our minds from attachment to our personal story and begin to wander in the timeless Glades wherein the Self lives free. The down-flow of Divine Love is bringing Heaven to Earth.


960. Knowledge is relative What we think we know is very partial and relative. For example, we believe we know that our Earth circles the sun, as scientists have told us, but there is really no static point around which we circle. Rather both Earth and sun move together around the galaxy as it makes its own movement through the universe in a

473 Christ Self Reflections combination of rotary, spiral and cyclic movements. And although we can describe some of the behaviors of these components, as we really don’t know what space, the galaxy, the sun or Earth really are, our knowledge is decidedly partial. Esotericism gives us a more complete description by saying that the Earth as a living Being composed of globes in differing dimensions is an organ in our solar Being Who Himself is a component part of His larger cosmic Whole that moves by the Will of God to the fulfillment of His Purpose. Yet these ideas are just words without the experience of the Realities they symbolize. Therefore it is better to rely on the Heart’s Knowing which provides the necessary understanding and direction that we can actually live by in every moment.


961. The Creative Word It is said that the world was created by the Word or Sound of God by which manifold beings arose. Around this Divine Proem the Angels wove their myriad chorus and the Created Worlds came into being. This Divine Song orders the spheres in Beauty and moves all in a fulfilling perfection. When we gaze out from the Heart, we feel the sublime serenity within timeless life. The cycles and forms come and go as Creation unfolds from within, gradually revealing the seeds or Divine Ideas slowly coming to fruition. Humanity has its role in this Divine process and now we may begin to fulfill it. Humanity has been focused on its own development, however, now we must begin to consciously align with God. By accepting our Christ Self, as who we are, we may begin to manifest the next phase of Creation on Earth. When the collective embodies Christ, Heaven will descend on Earth.


962. Being as I AM Gradually energy is being withdrawn from personal identity. I look out now, more and more, as a conscious extension of God on Earth. I hold a secret treasure unseen by others. These others are also, unknowingly, part of me. So is Jesus, Mary and those other embodiments of Christ Consciousness. Listening within, I move as I am given to. I trust that everything will be as it IS. My prayer is merely to Be as I AM.

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963. The unknown future One caution on the dire scientific predictions of climate catastrophe is that science can only extrapolate on the basis of known facts. However, most of Reality is unknown to science as it is unable to empirically ascertain it with its current instruments. Just as the dark matter and energy which science was unaware of only a few years ago is now recognized to comprise most of the physical universe, so newer discoveries of realities, principles, and dimensions will totally change our current understanding of what is and what is possible.

This doesn’t imply that we should not make the necessary changes to our world economy and culture. These are needed to establish the beginnings of a change to a loving spiritual world civilization that is sustainable. We have no choice, except to destroy ourselves and the planet, so hopefully that is sufficient reason. However, once we choose love and a unitary harmonious world, we will be surprised at new revelations that will totally transform our experience of who we are and the reality we live in.

Unbeknownst to science, our outer world is merely the effect of and extension of inner causes that are capable of transforming the world by changing the energy matrix that sustains it. These causal energies are purposeful and aligned with the Divine Plan for the Earth. Central to this transition for humanity is humanity’s change from being polarized in separate ego identity, to now being infused with the Unitary Consciousness that has ever been within humanity and that has fostered humanity’s development. Humanity is thus destined to shift from separate selfhood to identification with the One Self of God, so that it can be an outpost of God on the physical plane. When this shift is in process, totally new possibilities will be discovered that are currently hidden in the Mind of God.


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964. Meditation in the Heart Shifting my meditation practice to my Heart these last couple of years has totally changed my experience of my self. Normal meditation takes place in the mind which is separate from the reality which encompasses it. So although we may experience some peace, centeredness, clarity and inspiration from the soul level, we aren’t able to consciously join that soul and become One with who we really are. The energy of love, however, which the ego takes to be just a personal emotion, is really an emanation from the soul that allows us to shift our center of identity to the soul if we stay centered in it. And all souls are part of One interconnected Self Consciousness. It is as if the Heart is really a doorway to another Unitary plane of reality.


965. The Vision of Christ The eyes of Christ see only One Loving Self in the myriad forms of creation. The vision of Christ does not judge, resist, fear, exclude or coerce anyone. It looks past the surface to the Life and Consciousness within — which is Joined in Oneness. One Life, One Consciousness and One Self offer an Infinite realm to explore, share, create and manifest. Accepting and being our One Self is just the first step. To follow is the extension of the Mind of God on Earth.


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Stanza Index

1. Something wondrous and long 33. Christ is the bridge foretold is happening now 34. We now have more awareness of 2. It's a relief not to be concerned for choice the ego 35. The impediment of judgment 3. The vision of a collective awakening 36. To redeem the world to the One Self 37. Detaching from thought 4. It’s easier than we think 38. A tenuous connection 5. Let’s reimagine the world 39. Speaking as the spacious Self 6. The Hierarchy of Light is emerging 40. What are some of the into the world implications of the One Self? 7. The blessing of inspiration 41. The place that is always new 8. The different manner of expression 42. Living in the land of love of self and Self 43. The Word 9. Christ is calling us to wake up now 44. February moments 10. Let us claim the freedom of the 45. Finding the portal ‘in’ Self 46. Choosing to dream with God 11. Christ will spread the fire of His 47. Choosing the shortest path of Love until it is felt by all Love and Joy 12. We are not separate egos 48. Recognizing the Word 13. Let us not be in conflict but 49. The simplicity of Being affirm the Truth instead 50. Christ is here like a ‘thief in the 14. Our separate form has changed night’ 15. Living in a Divine Story 51. Choosing to awaken to Love 16. Flowing with the timeless Divine 52. From ego projection to the Self’s Song extension 17. Listening to the Self within all 53. The war against our Self 18. The spectrum of Love 54. Moving from thinking to feeling 19. Invoking Christ’s Love 55. Not an impersonal abstraction 20. All hail those who love! but a growing intimacy 21. Expressing from the Heart, not 56. The new education ‘talking about’ 57. The appeal of timeless myth 22. Manifesting Heaven on Earth 58. Finding one’s Idea 23. Humanity’s vibration is increasing 59. Awareness provides the 24. Beyond duality conscious connection beyond 25. Acceptance 60. Realism is reductionist 26. Withdrawing investment in 61. Our society’s lopsided valuation thought of the concrete mind 27. Finding an access to Unity 62. From intellectual futurism to the 28. What might be some simple steps Heart’s imagination to becoming whole? 63. The end of seeking is now 29. A spiritual dialogue 64. We are really not the ego 30. The right time for Revelation 65. Let us release ourselves to the 31. Oneness as the alpha and omega dance of Oneness 32. Everything is part of the same 66. Love embraces the world One Life 67. Entering the river of Love

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68. Our need to join in Love 105. Jesus expresses and extends our 69. The Heart knows all Self to us 70. From Pisces to Aquarius 106. The Word awakens us 71. Creating a New World 107. We all have both male and 72. 60’s energy as a precursor to the female qualities New Millennium 108. Jesus is within us now 73. Visualizing a spiritual place 109. Accepting Brotherhood 74. What makes relationship possible? 110. The elevated Self of form 75. Overcoming the illusion of 111. Seeking solace within separation 112. The challenge of sustaining 76. Being grateful to Be identification with the Self 77. Resting in the ever new Self 113. Infinite Love embraces all 78. Emptiness 114. Life unfolds new in each 79. Discovering the key to the moment mystery of Life 115. Love heals all 80. Becoming agents of redemption 116. Seeing our Self in one another 81. Remaining in Unity 117. Our minds are joined 82. The encompassing Self 118. The New Age of Love and Light 83. Moving into the Now with an 119. The new human empty mind 120. The impacts of cosmic energy 84. Accepting the reality of divine 121. The timeless Now revelation 122. Extending our vision 85. Miracles 123. What do we desire most? 86. Teaching through being 124. Realizing a world dream 87. The false block of ego 125. Being Whole assumptions 126. The meaning of sex 88. Humanity is better than the 127. Riding the crest of a wave that political economic system will sweep the planet 89. The holy relationship with Christ 128. Our perception or vision is our 90. The miracle of Jesus’ historical life choice 91. The indomitable human is 129. Remembering who we are beginning to assert its power 130. Imagine Loving all the time 92. Uniting higher mind with Heart 131. In Truth we are One with God 93. Christ is the Consciousness of 132. Our relationship to Jesus, Mary the Whole and God 94. Christ may awaken in every living 133. Everything is in process of kingdom transformation 95. Thought is a prison 134. Christ is now accessible 96. From thought based reality to 135. There is a new way given into what IS — Truth Reality the destined future 97. Not spiritualizing the ego 136. The holographic Self 98. The ego interprets everything in 137. The challenge of personal the terms of separation identity 99. Sending Love to Earth 138. The meaning of this historical 100. The planetary shift moment 101. The priority of demonstrating 139. Choosing to honor what we feel over proselytizing 140. The big difference between the 102. Extraterrestrials past and the future 103. The inspiration of what IS here 141. We already have what we have 104. Letting Love flow been trying to get

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142. God is calling us 178. It’s easy to realize what is always 143. Being life artists here 144. Bridging what is only a small gap 179. The key to making the imminent 145. In the garden of life shift 146. Choosing the Real 180. We must share who we are 147. Let us Love it all 181. All we really need we already 148. Choosing to give up separate have will 182. Grappling with the world 149. Moving into the Fourth and Fifth 183. There is no negativity, fear, or dimensions evil in the Heart 150. Our personal ‘I Am’ is borrowed 184. Our experience is our choice from the Self 185. Moving into the destined future 151. Moving from separation to 186. The New morning that IS Union with Christ 187. Let us give thanks that we are 152. Moving beyond the belief in awakening separate knowledge 188. The Holy dance of life 153. There is a new energy grid 189. When a bird sings emerging 190. Let us open our minds to our 154. Hearing the Call Heart and what IS 155. Finding the answer outside the 191. Escaping the ego’s world mind 192. Belief creates experience that 156. Aims of the mind and the Heart manifests it 157. The rules of the game have been 193. Detachment and surrender changed 194. Necessary World change 158. The coming Age of Mary 195. Holy Relationship 159. Are we to worship God? 196. Living the divine Idea that we 160. Tremulous at Wesak are 161. The energy of Synthesis 197. Seeing the Self in one another 162. The Power of Love 198. We each have our necessary 163. The real underlying trend contribution 164. The antidote to modern life 199. Relationship is key 165. Personality vs. Self 200. We need to embody Christ 166. Living as a conscious soul 201. Seeing with new eyes 167. A time of increasing synthesis 202. The new leadership 168. Without guilt or blame we 203. Remembering who we really are choose the Whole Self 204. We can reimagine memory 169. In Spring, the moment opens up 205. Our need to embrace each like a flower other in Love 170. The ascending fire of the Heart 206. Moving from seeking to finding 171. Judgment is a habit we need to 207. The challenge of authenticity overcome 208. The transformation of the world 172. The challenge of stepping away 209. The newness of life when from consensus reality merged with the Heart 173. Reimagining one’s life 210. The ego in time 174. As free spirits, we choose what 211. Realizing Love we give reality to 212. Moving from a ‘getting’ 175. Shifting from self to Self orientation 176. Living from rather than talking 213. What is our deepest desire? about 214. The gradual ascension 177. Staying open to inspiration 215. The unity of giving and receiving

479 Christ Self Reflections

216. Brotherhood 256. Accessing Unity 217. There is only One real Self in the 257. Our need to share world 258. Leaving the chrysalis 218. The change wrought by Jesus 259. Our need to stand in spiritual 219. The moment and it’s treasure being 220. Steps to Oneness 260. Accepting Love 221. The lizard brain 261. Living in an in between time 222. Disidentifying with the ego mind 262. Accept all feelings 223. Our world happenings are 263. Being born again reflections of ego dynamics 264. Learning to speak from the Self 224. Our illusory habit of personal 265. Humanity’s main groupings identity 266. Repurposing the mind 225. The ego’s experience is a 267. Feelings guide us projection 268. Who is Christ? 226. Moving beyond thought 269. Sitting in the garden 227. The Heart portal 270. Making what is within, manifest 228. From separation to the One Self 271. Finding our resonate idea 229. The need for mindfulness in the 272. An internally directed life Heart 273. Creating our Heart’s desire 230. The ego is the problem 274. Visualizing the goal 231. The ego’s agenda compared to 275. Our relationship with Jesus the Self 276. The intimate change 232. Love is eternal 277. In the garden of life 233. The habit of consciousness 278. Giving Love its due 234. Nonduality 279. Living as the Self 235. The ‘emptiness’ of the Self 280. The Heart is a doorway 236. I Am connects to the Whole 281. Moving away from learning 237. Our destiny of Oneness 282. The difference between then and 238. The triadic Reality now 239. The limit of empiricism 283. Reimagining our reality 240. Choosing the Heart over the 284. Christ’s emergence mind 285. Christ is here now 241. Our person needs Love 286. Our reality is changing 242. Communication of the same Self 287. From the world’s fear to trust in 243. The miracle reveals the Self of Love 244. Moving away from judgment 288. Using the higher mind that has 245. Living from within united with the Heart 246. Being the Heart center 289. The ego’s compulsion to control 247. The New Covenant 290. Pain 248. Moving from learning to 291. The change in our relationship awareness of what IS to God 249. The Self awaits recognition 292. Meta mindfulness 250. Moving from fear to Love 293. The integration of the chakras 251. Moving away from ego thinking 294. The wonder of life now 252. The blessing of the morning 295. Communing with Christ 253. We all have a relationship with 296. Releasing our habitual identity the Hierarchy 297. Change or transformation? 254. Beyond change to 298. The Word resounds to Infinity transformation 299. Christ is bringing Synthesis 255. Realization

480 Christ Self Reflections

300. It’s hard to explain the New in 345. Miracle thoughts terms of the old 346. Conscious space 301. The resolution of World conflict 347. God’s evolutionary Plan 302. When we wake up 348. A world wide Pentecost 303. What are we here for? 349. A possible shift in vision 304. Men and Angels 350. Dreaming with God 305. Christ is here and coming 351. Our redemption and original 306. Moving in the air... purpose 307. Let us be soothed by the 352. What are we trying to do? Mother 353. Let’s make the shift 308. Our shared destiny 354. The Golden Bird 309. The confusion of thought 355. Seeing You 310. We all now have a choice 356. Embracing You 311. What do we love the most? 357. She shows a path to Heaven 312. Our new story 358. To the land of love 313. The Self embraces all 359. Consciously 314. Step by step 360. To Begin 315. Our need to share to overcome 361. It's Here Now fear 362. Spirits Invincible 316. Christ is speaking to us 363. The Wayshower 317. The Self is omnipresent 364. Through the Door 318. Unknowing and emptiness 365. Entering the Stream 319. How do we live in the Self? 366. Thou Shalt Be Given a New 320. A Light is being turned on Name 321. No solution of the ego will 367. Relating to the Self in others succeed 368. From thought to experience 322. We are an idea of God’s 369. Relaxing into our God nature 323. Functioning as the separate ego 370. A New Covenant 324. Knowledge vs. Knowing 371. God invisible 325. Fulfillment of the ego vs. the Self 372. The Heart of the world 326. The ego doesn’t become Whole 373. The call for Love 327. The Present heals the past 374. Moving beyond religion 328. The inner space beyond thought 375. How to become Whole 329. Creating a new story 376. The purpose of the ascension 330. Now is sufficient 377. More than detachment is 331. The simplicity of what IS needed 332. Shifting out of the foreground of 378. Beyond what was believed to be consciousness possible 333. The Second coming 379. Expanding into space 334. The roles of Mary and Jesus 380. Another level of reality 335. The Peace of Wholeness 381. Earth and kundalini 336. New creation 382. Expanded consciousness 337. Love holds the world together 383. The Coming Second Creation 338. At Home 384. Letting the old go 339. Accepting what IS 385. Beyond thought 340. Feeling is now the path 386. Trust Christ 341. We all know the same thing 387. A new choice 342. Surrendering 388. The banner of Adamant 343. Join the dance! 389. Immortal spirit, we 344. The intellectual conundrum 390. Trusting the Higher Will

481 Christ Self Reflections

391. “Ask and it shall be given.” 440. On the edge of the Unknown 392. Using visualization 441. God Consciously incarnates 393. It’s not personal 442. Being inspired 394. Wake up! 443. The Son/sun and the personality 395. Communing with Jesus 444. Accepting our resurrection 396. Living in the New 445. Uniting in consciousness 397. Noticing a Presence 446. How to Love 398. The end of learning 447. Claiming our God given Power 399. Desire 448. The Way of Mary 400. Women will lead us 449. The utility of need and suffering 401. Expressing thought vs feeling 450. A Course of Love 402. The Heart 451. From wanting and seeking to 403. The Call of the Self finding and having 404. The inner church 452. A dissociative process 405. Ending suffering 453. Only One Relationship 406. To express love fully 454. Our unique opportunity 407. The path to Oneness 455. When all is Light 408. Transforming special 456. Sharing feelings relationships 457. The common denominator of 409. Living in Unity Wholeness 410. Choosing to listen 458. Utilizing Wholehearted desire 411. The dreaming Self 459. Leadership 412. Soaring free 460. Creation 413. On the mountaintop 461. Ego belief 414. The transition 462. Transforming devotion 415. Without thought 463. Accepting Jesus 416. Arise 464. A consciousness for everyday 417. Group initiation 465. Unity is here 418. A deepening authenticity 466. Living in Christ 419. A new holism 467. Overcoming fear 420. Love, Truth and Power 468. The Divine marriage 421. The saving Truth 469. Living matter 422. A simple change 470. Yoga 423. In the Heart cave 471. Holy relationship 424. Peace 472. Embodying Christ 425. From duality to Unity 473. Christ Consciousness 426. The Unity of all Hearts 474. Not by the mind, but by the 427. Love embodied Heart now 428. Moving away from judgement 475. Surrendering to Love 429. Simply being 476. Listening within 430. Ending violence 477. The Sacred Heart 431. Thinking with Light 478. Suffering and choice 432. The need for change 479. Acting on trust 433. Christ’s work — and ours 480. Finding the answer 434. Improving our investments 481. Opening to what IS now 435. Living one’s dream 482. Strains of bliss 436. Healing acceptance 483. Being here now 437. I dreamed we awoke 484. Moving beyond a world based 438. Love is silently succeeding on denial 439. Risking love 485. Finding God

482 Christ Self Reflections

486. The self/Self confusion 533. I dreamed of Love and You 487. Giving thanks for the miracle of answered God’s Love 534. The need to experience the Self 488. Living in a New moment 535. The present moment 489. The advancing Host 536. The dialogue with God 490. A wind shakes the world 537. At One with Christ 491. The touch of Love 538. Self in relation to Christ 492. Not alone 539. Redemption through Christ 493. Living by Love 540. On the path of return 494. Signs and changes 541. God is turning up the dial 495. Becoming Whole 542. Thy Will 496. Christ Self? 543. Taking Christ off the pedestal 497. Sharing One Self 544. The end of conflict 498. Co-creating a New World 545. Meeting need 499. The power of Love 546. Special relationships 500. Let us accept Jesus Christ 547. Speaking in the language of the 501. The end of separate thinking Heart 502. Floating free in the Self space 548. Living at One 503. Greeting the Self in each 549. The accomplishment of Jesus 504. The coming sea change and Mary 505. Stepping forth in Trust 550. Sin and evil 506. Craftsman of the Stars 551. The basis for redemption 507. Living Free 552. Finding the doorway 508. Radical awakening 553. Where is God? 509. The two purposes of thought 554. The Lord’s Prayer 510. Standing in the Light 555. The new approach to life 511. Mary 556. Recognizing One Self 512. Joining in Unity 557. Now that we have everything 513. Becoming Wholehearted 558. Women’s love connects and 514. Reorientation of the chakras reveals 515. The equalizing Self 559. Responding in the language of 516. Standing in the Light of Love Love 517. Transported in Love 560. Through the portal 518. The fulcrum point of change 561. Creating new patterns of 519. Extending our Self communication 520. We are here to awaken and 562. Hologramic Consciousness resurrect 563. Can we loose by choosing Self? 521. Leaving judgment behind 564. Prayer as communion 522. ‘Thy Will’ 565. The centrality of the Heart 523. Our prayer 566. Attaining a conscious rhythm 524. A change in education 567. The evolutionary need for 525. Creating a community of fundamental change experiencers 568. The Newest Covenant 526. From doing to Being 569. The soul is tripartite— 527. Being Present 570. Organic development 528. A planetary birth 571. A nondual realization 529. Oneness is claimed not made 572. Meeting in gratitude and peace 530. Under an open vault of blue 573. Detachment from ego mind 531. A New Day coming 574. The power of music 532. Only Love IS 575. Love is the key

483 Christ Self Reflections

576. Learning to live in space 620. Christ as Self 577. I dreamed of Love and You 621. Our divine purpose answered 622. Healing 578. Ascension 623. Oneness with the Creative 579. A new Oneness is precipitating Force on Earth 624. Responding to Love 580. A shared Self 625. Awareness 581. Choosing Christ now 626. The paths of Jesus and Mary 582. A passing touch 627. Giving up effort 583. The ‘battle’ with Satan 628. At the end of history as we 584. Enlightenment know it 585. The problem of expectation 629. A necessary transformation 586. Translating experience of what IS 630. Christ emerges into words 631. The Reality of spirit 587. Becoming artists of life 632. Channeling Love 588. Communion 633. The possible future 589. The field of consciousness 634. A bell sounds 590. It’s not personal 635. Inscrutable spirit 591. The New Reality 636. Living in the Kingdom of God 592. On the edge of Revelation 637. Sharing love 593. The travail of birth 638. Giving permission 594. Trusting the process 639. The shift to Being Whole 595. Waking up Whole 640. Being creators 596. Going with the flow 641. Some steps to Being Whole 597. Enlightenment 642. Extending the One Self of God 598. Accepting Jesus 643. The Self includes all 599. A new Light and a new Earth 644. The way of feeling appearing 645. Across the unknown 600. Choosing the Way Home 646. Creating scientifically 601. Anger and Self denial 647. Energy follows thought 602. Becoming congruent 648. The new path within 603. Abundance 649. Becoming Wholehearted 604. Acceptance 650. Choosing Love for the planet 605. All or nothing 651. Building the new civilization 606. The keynote of synthesis 652. Christ is the bridge 607. The rhythm of spiritual contact 653. Creating a path 608. Overcoming the temptation to 654. Working magic think 655. Overcoming separate will 609. Beyond learning 656. Finding God 610. Incarnation and return to our 657. Meditation Divine Source 658. Without boundary 611. Moving across the field of Light 659. Resolving our differences 612. The basic duality of Earth 660. The Holy relationship 613. Channeling our Self 661. Becoming artists of Life 614. Floating in space 662. Love and Light are permeating 615. Spirit is moving in the world the noosphere 616. The refuge within 663. Integrating personality 617. Using mind 664. The Self is being born 618. Self awareness 665. Putting experienced Truth first 619. Self as doorway to Christ 666. Escape

484 Christ Self Reflections

667. Managing ascension 713. Moving from being inspired, to 668. Our need to be fully present Being 669. Crossing the field of Light 714. Not by effort but by Trust 670. Humanity’s purpose 715. Birthing the New 671. The wonder of Spirit 716. How to Be Here Now 672. Becoming Wholehearted 717. Jesus shows us the way 673. Becoming One 718. Holy relationship 674. New realities are emerging 719. The necessity of relationship 675. The Heart’s dream 720. From seeking to expressing 676. Sharing One Self spirit 677. Sharing consciousness 721. The ego 678. Finding my Self 722. Forgiving ourselves 679. Moving beyond personal will 723. Getting free of the mind 680. Imagine 724. Using the New Mind 681. Christ is here now 725. The dance of Creation 682. A dimensional shift 726. Romantic love 683. The Sacred Heart 727. Flowing in Love 684. A new Reality 728. Discovering a transforming fact 685. We are being lifted up 729. Transforming idealism 686. Something remarkable is 730. The Path of the Heart happening 731. Sounding the Word 687. Why have we experienced 732. The opportunity for radical separation? awakening 688. Accepting it all 733. Correcting our error 689. The world’s irrelevance 734. The Heart sees, hears, knows 690. Joy in the opportunity of Now and creates 691. Freeing ourselves 735. Spirit is Self reliant 692. Harmony through conflict 736. Using imagination 693. Channeling God 737. A New World of Light is 694. The apocalypse emerging 695. Oppression 738. Taking the air out of the ego 696. The power of Love 739. Love is all powerful 697. Christ’s Call 740. Sin 698. Discovering the living Universe 741. The Fall 699. Waking up 742. The requirement for learning 700. Love is a mighty river 743. Everyone has faith 701. From individual attainment to 744. Spiritual reductionism collective attainment 745. The ego can’t let things be as 702. Letting go of conscious control they are 703. Grounding Oneness 746. A miracle experience 704. Functioning in a new way 747. We are coming! 705. Challenges 748. Just simply being one’s Self 706. Forgiveness 749. Releasing knowing 707. Living as the Self 750. Life is the teacher 708. Completing life themes 751. Truth comes from Unity 709. Not from the mind 752. The miracle of being joined 710. Easter 753. Being attacked 711. Living in Oneness 754. Service 712. What is happening now 755. Creating the future now

485 Christ Self Reflections

756. Cultivating a sense of an inner 802. Moving away from argument Self 803. The field of Light 757. Home can be a spiritual center 804. Life is an art 758. New experience means new 805. Beauty is beyond reason creation 806. New Laws 759. Soul awareness leading to Self 807. Love has magic 760. Getting spiritual guidance 808. All are chosen 761. Observing without commentary 809. Observing what IS 762. Two types of relationship 810. Communicating with God 763. Ego ideas cause suffering 811. The new relationship 764. Aligned with Reality 812. ACOL 765. We are not alone 813. Creation is the body of Christ 766. A new bird in the garden 814. Thine Will is really mine 767. Knowledge vs understanding 815. Unity 768. Jesus’ most advanced Teaching 816. Changing energies and patterns 769. Earth is on a spiritual path 817. Awakening to a new Light 770. Seeing with the Heart 818. Love beckons 771. Creation is a call 819. Love denied 772. Oneness through Love 820. More than an unconscious 773. Reimagining our life 821. Beyond the secular 774. Relating to Self 822. A new God 775. Living as Self 823. Releasing the ego mind 776. Coping with the ego’s fear 824. Knowing Unity 777. Beyond fear 825. Self Consciousness is shared 778. Becoming the new you 826. Functioning as Self 779. The imitation of Christ 827. Embracing the self in Love 780. Living in the immaculate now 828. Creation Now 781. Translating duality to Oneness 829. Love in duality to Love in Unity 782. Moving from the outside to the 830. Accepting human imperfections inside 831. The law of correspondence 783. Suffering is a call to change 832. Embodying Christ together 784. Thought separates 833. When the sun appears 785. The treasure within 834. Living in Trust 786. The Angels are waiting 835. The new conditions 787. Feelings of Love 836. Wielding the divine scepter 788. Thinking without thought 837. Waiting on God 789. The Purpose of Life 838. Salvation 790. The walls are dissolving 839. One Self 791. Making the shift 840. Fear 792. Responding to the Call 841. A quiet transformation is 793. Unlearning must accompany happening new learning 842. Living in a new Way 794. The New approach to life 843. Living without boundaries 795. Trust 844. The process of Knowing 796. Addressing the lesson of anger 845. Sickness 797. Miracles 846. Seasons change 798. Jesus is here now 847. Overcoming artificial divisions 799. Opening to the New 848. Overcoming emptiness 800. Salvation by what IS 849. The humility of the Truth 801. Awareness from Venus 850. The Power of Oneness

486 Christ Self Reflections

851. Many teachers, One learning 899. Seeing through the eyes of 852. A time for change from the rule Christ of money 900. Reaching a new plateau 853. The human computer program 901. Astrology 854. Another reality and way to live 902. The Divine Plan in four steps 855. Living in a new way 903. A new option 856. The Energy of Synthesis 904. Awakening 857. A New Reality 905. Being Whole 858. Being One Self 906. Daily Eucharist 859. A new choice 907. Belief vs experience 860. A new mind 908. Resolving our issues 861. The end of belief and separation 909. The implications of our new 862. Surgery is needed authenticity 863. Becoming Free 910. Signs of spirit in the world 864. Life ever New 911. The media hindrance to 865. In every moment collective enlightenment 866. Creating with God 912. Simply Being 867. Ending the rule of the few 913. Moving beyond the personal 868. Releasing an outmoded idea of 914. A new dawn God 915. The doorway within 869. Sharing together 916. An Angel resplendent with Light 870. A New Reality presents itself 917. The power of a one pointed 871. Surrendering to a deeper Self mind 872. Love and Beauty unspeakable 918. Thine be done 873. The fertile Now 919. Ending pain and suffering 874. Soaring as spirit 920. The unknown Now 875. Taking up our place 921. Divine process 876. ‘Be My Voice’ 922. Christ overshadows everyone 877. The universal response 923. The Truth demonstrated by Jesus 878. The Power of Love 924. We are more 879. The test of our understanding 925. You’re a star! 880. Creating the New World 926. Glory to the Dreamers 881. Anger from Self denial 927. Life not based on learning 882. The living Self is here now 928. Releasing dependency 883. The effects of ascension 929. Our experience of Christ 884. Life on the other side 930. A new level of Reality 885. The importance of relationship 931. Knowing our Self 886. Life in the garden 932. Seeing Love in the world 887. The emerging Self awareness 933. Creative tension 888. The changing matrix of reality 934. The ego’s house 889. A new choice 935. The miracle of One Self in all 890. The opportunity of failure 936. The purpose of humanity 891. Speaking words of Love 937. Gratitude 892. Manifesting our Heart’s desire 938. Becoming Self reliant 893. Spirit, Consciousness and Form 939. Finding Christ 894. Manifesting in the Time of Christ 940. Purity is enlightenment 895. Adjusting to the new awareness 941. A New Day dawns 896. A time of liberation is beginning 942. Feeling an intimacy with the 897. As suddenly as that Whole 898. Spirit as fire 943. A Voice crying in the wilderness

487 Christ Self Reflections

944. God is Love 945. The purpose of the crucifixion 946. Standing in the Heart portal 947. Human creation 948. You are an Idea of God 949. Knowing vs conceiving 950. Listening in the Heart 951. Living in the Reality of the Self 952. Explaining the need for spiritual awareness 953. The naked Self 954. A new epoch 955. Adjusting our eyes to the Light 956. The miracle project 957. Mary presaged Jesus 958. Living as Self 959. Wandering in the Timeless Garden of the Self 960. Knowledge is relative 961. The Creative Word 962. Being as I AM 963. The unknown future 964. Meditation in the Heart 965. The Vision of Christ