(Odonata, Anisoptera) 2. a Revision of the Genus Neurogomphus KAR.Sch, with the Description of Some Larvae
Belgian Journal ofEntomology 6 (2004) : 91-239 Taxonomic studies on African Gomphidae (Odonata, Anisoptera) 2. A revision of the genus Neurogomphus KAR.scH, with the description of some larvae Roger CAMMAERTS Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Service de systematique et d'ecologie animates, CP 160/13, 50 av. F.D. Roosevelt, B-1050 Bruxelles, Belgium(e-mail: rcammaer@ulb.ac.be). Abstract A revision of the genus Neurogomphus is presented. Seventeen species and two distinct subspecies are recognised, i.e. N. fuscifrons KARscH, 1890, N. agilis (MARTIN, 1908), N. martininus {LACROIX, 1921), N. uelensis SCHOUTEDEN, 1934, N. vicinus SCHOUTEDEN, 1934, N. wittei SCHOUTEDEN, 1934, N. chapini {KLOTS, 1944), N. featheri PINHEY, 1967, N. pallidus CAMMAERTS, 1967, N. pinheyi CAMMAERTS, 1968, N. angustisigna PINHEY, 1971, N. a/ius sp. n., N. paenuelensis sp. n., N. cocytius sp. n., N. zambeziensis sp. n., N. carlcooki sp. n., N. chapini lamtoensis subsp. n., N. dissimilis sp. n. and N. dissimilis malawiensis subsp. n. The genus is divided into two subgenera, of which Mastigogomphus (type-species: Oxygomphus chapini KLOTS, 1944) is new. Of the former described species, all but one (Karschiogomphus ghesquierei SCHOUTEDEN, 1934) remain valid, but their names were often erroneously applied to unrelated taxa. Synonymy lists give evidence of this great amount of confusion. Nevertheless, the accurate status of five of the taxa here recognised as well as of some females (N. sp. cf zambeziensis from Tanzania and sp. indet. A, B, C, D) awaits further collecting of material. Generic larval characters are specified for the first time and the larvae of some species are described, among others that of N.
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