Number 5 - November 7. 1980 edited by Roger Conant REPLY TO : 1108 SEO, UICC, Box 4348, Chicago 111. 60680 : 312/996-2308


PRlNTlNG THE NtWSLETTER SOCRATIC SYMPOSIA SERIES Barry Clemson by Roger Conant , and I was embarrassed at the low quality of Seymour Sarason are the featured guests the last newsletter, which was run off on for the 1980-81 Socratic Symposia Series a di~to machine to save money (the cost of at the University of Maine. The Symposia putt1ng out the issue and mailing it came a~e designed to provide extended, indepth to $23.04 altogether, a stingy job) and d1alog among scholars and practitioners. also a little horrified at the amount of time it takes to do the mechanical work. The Symposia with von Foerster and Beer Fortunately Stuart has discovered a person will be January 12 to 15 in Orono, Maine. who seems willing to take on the publica­ The schedule is: tion aspects of the Newsletter - Virginia Jan. 12; evening, von Foerster speaks; Holt. Consequently 1 wil I continue on as topic to be selected. the editor, putting things tagether and Jan. 13; all day, seminar on self­ producing the final copy, but she will do organizing ; von Foerster and all the dirty work. fsn't that a fine Beer. arrangement? Thanks, Virginia! Jan. 14; all day, seminar on self­ 1f you are not getting this newsletter organizing systems; von Foerster and Beer. please notify Stuart Umpleby who in the Jan. 15; morning, research consul­ abs~nce .of a membership chairman (see tation with Beer. not1ce 1n this issue) is keeping the The all day seminarswill be limited to a records. maximum of thirty and to those familiar with at least some of the relevant ~lease, you readers out there, come on 1nto the newsletter with your comments 1 iterature. guiding question, puzzles, jokes, problem~ The Symposium with Seymour Sarason does to solve ... And to do that kindly ad­ not yet have a firm date, but will occur dress your entries to me at the above semetime during spring semester. address. Sarason will deliver a speech one evening and will hold an all day seminar the following day. We can provide a free (or nearly so) NEWS PAGE lN CYBERNETICS FORUM place for ASC members to sleep and restaurants are very cheap in Orono-­ by Stuart Umpleby so come join the festivities! I will gladly provide further infor­ Jean Weir, a former student of mine, has mation: tel. 207-581-2792. agreed to edit a one page news feature in College of Education Cybernetics Forum. It will contain short University of Maine items of long-term interest, somewhat in Orono, Maine 04469 the manner of the Periscope page in Newsweek. Look for it! ------page 2 GLOSSING OVER CYBERNETlCS MODEL BUlLOlNG LAWS by Stuart Umpleby by Barry Clemson Two glossaries on cybernetics are now The following statement is slightly_adapt­ available, one through Paul Henshaw and ed from A. Oexter Chapin's formulation of one through Stuart Umpleby. Henshaw's his vocation: glossary contains 203 terms in 19 pages. Each term has one short definition. There "Model building ts part science, are two appendices. part art, part magic. The second glossary contains 198 defini­ ti ons and i s 47 pages 1 ong. 1 t was The model builder is subject to the fol­ developed between 1977 and 1980 by cyber­ lowing immutable laws of nature: neticians and svstem theorists in the US, Canada and Europe using the Electronic 1 - the data you want is not what you Information Exchange (EIES) at New need; the data you need is not readi ly Jersey Institute of Technology. The glos­ available; the data readily available is sary developed at the International Insti­ not reliable; al I remaining data is pros­ tute for Applied in Aus­ cribed by the privacy code! tria is included within this glossary. Since it is being developed on line, the 2 - any model that is readily acceptable glossary can easily be updated, and anyone to your client(s) is trivial. with access to EIES can participate in the discussions that produce the definitions 3 building a model that is not trivial anct examples. Henshaw's terms will be is a grimly expensive business. added to the ElES glossary as soon as 1 get a chance to do so. 4- a \'Jell-built, profound model .always looks trivial. Fora copy of Henshaw's glossary, write to Paul Henshaw, 6050 Camino fsquina, Tuscon 5 - finding employment as a model builder AZ 85718. For a copy of the EIES glos­ tsexceeded;n difficulty only by remaining sary, send $4 to cover duplicating and employed as such. mailing expenses to ASC, 2131 G Street NW, Washington DC 20052. 1o find out how to A. Dexter Chapin, when last sighted, was get access to EIES, see Newsletter #3. busily applying his laws of model building to large scale health systems tor the TlE CLASPS .ANO P!NS federal government.

by Stuart Umpleby LIBRARY SUBSCRIPTIONS The archives of the Society include some jev1el ry! We have forty ti e cl asps, seven by Stuart Umpleby tie tacks and fifteen pins. 1he design consists of the ASC symbol in blue enamel letters and the word "cybernetics" in Please check the list of schools on three-dimensional letters down the right page 9 to see whether your library hand side. The finish is 22K gold. The currently subscribes to Cybernetics tie tacks and pins are almost a square, Forum or the Journal of Cybernetics and Information Science. Library 3/8" x 7/16". The tie clasps have this same square mounted on a gold bar. They subscriptions are an important source are quite attractive. Six designs were of income for every academic society. Submitted and the final choice was made at temember, the few minutes it takes to a Board of Directors meeting in 1970. The ask a library to subscribe will gene­ tie clasps are $12 and the tie tacks and rate income for the Society for years pins are $9. Make checks payable to the to come and make the work of leading American Society for Cybernetics and send cyberneticians available to future generations. To find out how to ask your order to 2131 G Street NW, Washing­ your library to order the ASC publi­ ton, DC 20052. Don't wait! They may not last long. cations, see page 9. LEVELS AND BOUNOARIES page 3 from Prof. Dr. G. de Zeeuw essential, in helping to understand, improve and solve business (and personal) has come for a conference to be situations. Reflecting on my formal engi­ 1d in Amsterdam on April 21-23, 1981, neering and business education I would under the aegis of the Systeemgroep Neder­ judge Ashby's cybernetics to be as valuable land. The emphasis at the conference will to a business and management career as any be on clarifying problems of levels and subject learned (self-taught) during my boundaries, using experience gained by educational experience. I have used it to participants in various . disciplines. consistently get agreement among members Rather than reproduce the conference blurb of a group, to succinctly but precisely here:- if you ·are interested contact define complex manufacturing (and other) Stuart UMpleby or Roger Conant who have processes, to define the nucleus of a new copies. Hurry though - the deadline for form of administration that deals realis­ submission of abstracts is December 15, tically with the bureaucratic problems of 1980. the large organization, and to fix every­ thing from difficulties caused by muni­ SOME THOUGHTS ON DIRECTION cipal bureaucratic bungling to a motor­ cycle. by BRUCE ABELE For there to be any significant social I would like to use the newsletter to benefits from the discipline there are two solicit views on an aspect of cybernetics important conditions which must be met: about which there seems to be a lack of awareness and much misunderstanding. In an • The discipline must be clearly dis­ attempt to keep this aspect separate from tinguished from other bodies of many other subjects using the label "cyber­ knowledge also labeled "cybernetics" netics",I refer to it as Ashby's cyberne­ (Upgraded Technology·, Information tics or the discipline of cybernetics. It Technology, Computer Technology, is a clear cut body of knowledge well de­ Goal-seeking Behavior, and Communi­ fined in Ashby's classic "Introduction to cation in the Anima! and Machine to Cybernetics". name a few). The important attributes of the discipline, in particular the Ashby's cybernetics is a "math" or disci­ careful use of a developed vocabul­ pline consisting of a vocabulary (of about ary, become diluted and forgotten 90 words) and a set of associated generali­ when the discipline is confused with ties. It is similar to geometry except other bodies of knowledge with the that the vocabulary relates to a world of same labe!. change and complexity instead of to a world of shapes and space. In addition • There must be broad public education Ashby's emphasis is on the careful devel­ in the subject. In contrast to most opment of a vocabulary in contrast to the of the other types of cybernetics it emphasis on formal proofs found in geome­ is unlikely that a small body of try. Because of this "development" process experts armed solely with Ashby's the vocabulary has an unusual combination discipline will discover truths or of attributes, namely broad generality make predictions of much value to combined with concreteness, and it is this society. On the other hand if taught combination that brings much of the value in high school it would speed up and to the discipline. Like geometry the improve education in the sciences. If truths are logical and do not require the discipline were part of a business empirical verification, and like geometry and/or government administration the limitation in its value is not in curriculum the students would find on whether the generalities are true but entering a working environment that whether the vocabulary and generalities they were able to exert far more relate to real world situations in a . influence, and we would see the start practical and useful way.

During a career in business which now exceeds 20 years I have found the dis­ cipline consistently valuable, almost page 4

the frequency with which this simpli­ of a nurober of totally new, practical fication process can-he used, rather and realistic ways to deal with the than the magnitude of any-particular administrative problems that plague solution that makes it important. us today. Taught to the middle management of large business it would • It makes it possible to take ques­ not only have a very positive effect tions, problems, policies, hypotheses on the bottarn line, but would make and make them actionable and testa­ the organization more socially ble. Stated another way, it helps responsive, getting away from bur­ answer the classic "What is the real eaucratic type behavior and getting problem?". I would argue that by closer to the responsiveness of the going through this process that some of small organization. If taught in the "guiding questions" that have medical schools students would find been presented in the Newsletter that it opens doors to new ways of would be changed into either non- understanding and controlling physio­ valid "What is the universal sol­ logical or psychological behavior. vent?" type questions or translated Law students would find it close to into more actionable questions where a math of law and would find that it answers can be directly researched. helps in a broad range of areas ranging from rules of evidence to Most of the doors that have been opened developing contracts without loop­ for research during the last several holes. centuries have come from technological breakthroughs that provide new eyes to the What is remarkable and exciting about scientist. With the notable exception of Ashby's discipline are two things: the statistics,new disciplines have rarely broad range of direct everyday uses, and been responsible for these breakthroughs, the fact that it opens doors to areas of and as a result we tend to forget the research which have remained untouched important part disciplines play in the almost since their inception. development of a science. Geometry, for example, is essential for the existence of Most of the direct, everyday type benefits optics, and in a manner similar to the start by translating a problem, question, way geometry's language of space supports or situation into Ashby's language (a optics,Ashby's language of change supports process that sometimes takes months). The empirical Seiences dealing with the management results are twofold: · of complex change. Some exciting possi­ bilities: • The translation simplifies one's perspective of a complex situation, • Science of Administration: Admin­ and it does this in a way that preserves istration is the subject dealing with the important. The result is that a how people in an organization are complex Situation becomes manageable. best guided toward a commom goal, and The process is similar to what one it is a field where the wheel has does when one puts one's office in barely been invented. Most of the order. In the messy state there are work being done deals with the communi­ close to an infinite nurober of piles cative and coordinative aspects of of paper and conscious selection is the task (computer systems for exam­ difficult. In the neat one there are ple). The assumption is that the only three or four piles and con- individuals being guided have perfect scious and reasoned choice is pos­ organizational rationality or in some sible. Because the vocabulary is more extreme cases they behave like only 90 words the translation per se simple machines or computersl! Both essentially limits the piles. It is assumptlons, of course,are far from page 5

correct and the result is the bureau­ to present what is fundamentally a set of cracy and ineffectiveness that we see hypotheses for testing against the expe­ in so many !arge government and riences of ASC members. I hope that each business organizations. of you will provide me wTth at-least an informal response. The impositio~in • Science of repair or analysis of generating this response is, I think, complex mechanisms (A better labe! offset by the benefits that may derive to will probably emerge in time):This both members and the Society if this science deals with the practical subject can be brought to the surface. One application of certain common con­ learns more from criticism than from cepts that should be applied in compliments, so do not hold back. Responses fixing a complex machine, a !arge could be either written or by phone and system or even a medical problem. might be directed toward any or all of the These concepts apply over a broad following questions: range of subjects ranging from get­ ting the hostages freed to fixing • Have you, or anyone you know, had your automobile or oil burner, or experiences, either educationally or eliminating the pain in a sore elbow. in actual practice, which tend to disprove or support the above hypo­ • Science of changing behavior through theses? interpersonal communication (Better labeling is also expected) : Inter­ • Generalizing about generalities is a personal communication is an extre­ difficult communication task. Any mely complex subject, and over the comments on how I could improve the years many rather astute seat-of-the­ clarity of the above explanation pants type guidelines have been would be valuable. developed to deal with the subject. Unfortunately,communicating these • Are the hypotheses Contradietory with ideas to the inexperienced is diffi­ your experiences? In what way? cult because of the lack of a lan­ guage that is concrete but still I can be reached at (617) 527-6875 or by general enough to cover the broad writing to Bruce Abele, 23 Russell Ct., array of situations that must be Newtonville, MA 02160. If there is sig­ addressed. In addition these guide­ nificant interest I will try to respond to lines are similar to common sense in your comments in future issues of the that they are sort of local generali­ Newsletter. ties, not broadly applicable,and the result is that they are often mis­ applied. Ashby's language portends that by reexpressing the existing ASC TABLE lN TORONTO guidelines into this language, misunderstanding and misapplication by Stuart Umpleby could be minirnized. ASC has purchased a table in the exhibit In summary: Ashby's cybernetics (or the hall during the AAAS meeting in Toronto. discipline of cybernetics), if kept seman­ Weshall pass out brochures and back issue tically separate from other subjects forms and display copies of journals and called 11 Cybernetics" and if given reason­ proceedings. No doubt the table would be able publicity,could provide broad and in more effective if someone were there to some cases,significant direct and indirect' engage curious passerYhy in conversation. social benefits. This is a great opportunity to practice your charM and sales technique and to help The purpose of this explanation has been ASC grow at the same time. The exhibit hall will probably be busiest during the opening days of the January 3-8 confer­ ence. To sign up tor an hour or two, send a note to Virginia Holt, 4520 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22302. SCIENCE AND ETHICS HOW TO 00 A CONFERENCE page 6 by Paul Henshaw from Stuart Umpleby At the ASC workshop in Washington DC, Discussion of how to improve academic April 1980, one of the subjects recognized conferences has been going on at least as as in need of attention was ethics in the long as I have been attending them and I field of science. Feeling appeared to be am sure much langer. In the last that ASC action on this matter would be in newsletter Barry Clemson noted that the keeping with goals and principles of cy­ plans for the August 1981 conference in bernetics, and thus desirable. The ques­ Mexico City call for circulating the pa­ t i on, however, was left for people to pick pers beforehand and devoting the confer­ up as they were inclined to do. ence to discussion of the papers. later the same day I came across the following When the science and ethics problem, op­ Statement by John Kemeny (who was Chairman portunity or need (as the case may be) is of the Three Mile Island Commission) in examined closely, it becomes evident that the ASC Forum, November 1968: that action by any individual, society or publisher risks appearing audacious, bold I would first like to dismiss the sug­ and presumptuous. gested proposal that speeches be writ- ten out ahead of time and read before It happens though that during the spring the conference, because I was co­ semester, 1980, at the University of organizer of a conference where we Arizona, the writer conducted a colloquium tried that brilliant idea and 1 can of Honors Students on the subject of Sci­ tell you the result. Quite simply, 90 ence and Ethics. This culminated in a percent of the participants had not Science Manifeste intended as a guide use­ read a single one of the papers before ful to young people entering the field of they appeared. This,, of course, did science. Since this document is hard­ not stop them from showing their ig­ hitting, and was prepared mainly by stu­ norance in front of the entire audi­ dents for use by students, it contains ence. needed subject matter and does not involve the element of presumptuousness so far as He goes on to discuss some uses of Video­ other kinds of groups are concerned. lt tape. In fact . ASC, through larry Fogel, thus can be used generally without impuni­ received a $6900 grant from NSF in 1968 to ty, and accordingly has been Submitted for do an experiment with a videotaped meet­ publication in the CYBERNETICS FORUM. ing. See ASC Forum June 1968 and November 1968. It is believed that real benefit would come to science, and to cybernetics in For our meeting in November 1981 1 suggest particular, if readerswill offer comments we Videotape the tutorials and presenta­ pro and con to the ASC NEWSLETTER and tions that look most promising. The best elsewhere - perhaps suggesting publication Videotapes can be replayed at future of the article in other journals and maga­ conferences, and we shall have a more zines. Surely science itself will benetit interesting historical record. to the extent that this is done.

(P.H. ·s address is 6050 Camino Esquina, THE MACY FOUNDATION PROCEEOINGS Tuscon,AZ 85718.) by Stuart Umpleby The volumes on Cybernetics, records of the farnaus conferences which were so important in the beginnings of cybernetics, are out of print. The proceedings of the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th conferences are available on mierefilm at a cost of $8.30, $10.25, $1Q.40, $8.25, and $4.00 respec­ tively (designated symbol OP26,037) from University Microfilms, 200 North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106. page 7

KEY PUBL1CATIONS IN CYBERNETICS by Stuart Umpleby and Heinz Von Foerster

1943 Warren McCulloch, "A Logica1 Calculus of the ldeas Immanent in Nervous Activi ty"

1944 John Von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern, Theory of Garnes and Economic Behavior, Wiley

1948 , Cybernetics: Control and Communication in the Anirnal and the Machine, MIT Press

1949 and Warren Weaver, The Mathematical Theory of Comrnunication, University of 111inois Press

1950 Norbert Wiener, The Human Use of Human Beings, Doubleday Anchor Gert Sommerhoff, Analytical Biology, Oxford University Press

1952 W. Ross Ashby, Design for a Brain, Chapman & Hall

1955 Heinz Von Foerster, M. Mead, and H. Teuber (eds.), Cybernetics: Circular Causal and Feedback Mechanisrns in Biological and Social Systems, Macy Foundation Conference Proceedings, 5 volumes

1959 Stafford Beer, Cybernetics of Management, The En-glish University Press

1960 W. Ross Ashby, An Introduction to Cybernetics, Chaprnan & Hall

1961 Jay Forrester, Industrial Dynarnics, MIT Press Norbert Wiener, God and Golem, Inc., MIT Press

1962 Thornas S. Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, University of Chicago Press

1963 Feigenbaum and Feldman (eds.), Computersand Thought, McGraw-Hill

1965 Warren McCulloch, Ernbodirnents of Mind, MIT Press

1966 Stafford Beer, Decision and Control , Wiley

1968 Walter Buckley (ed.), Modern Systems Research for the Behavioral Scientist, Aldine

1969 G. Spencer-Brown, Laws of Form, Allen & Unwin

1971 JUrgen Habermas, Knowledge and Human lnterests, Beacon Press Nigel Howard, Paradoxes of Rationality, MIT Press W.R. Fuchs, Cybernetics for the Modern Mind, McMillan

1972 Stafford Beer, Brain of the Firm, McGraw-Hill Donella Meadows, et. a·l., The Lirni ts to Growth , Universe Books Heinz Von Foerster (ed.), Cybernetics of Cybernetics, Biologica1 Computer Laboratory page 8

Mihajlo Mesarovic and Eduard Pestel, Mankind at the Turning Point, Dutton

1975 Stafford ~er, Platform for Change, Wiley Michael Arbib and Ernest Manes, Arrows, Structures and Functors: The Categorical Imperative

1979 Stafford Beer, The Heart of Enterprise, Wi1ey

1980 S.J. Heims, John Von Neumann and Norbert Wiener, MIT Press • (ed.), The Next Whole Earth Cata1og, Random House

LOOKING FOR A JOB? MEMBERSHlP CHAIRPERSON NEEDEO from Rammohan K. Ragade by Stuart Umpleby The Institute of the Phyllis Carr has had to step down as University of Louisville is presently con­ membership chairman due to her husband's ducting a search for a new director. The serious illness. we need someone to take anticipated positionwill begin August 1, over this job. Calls to several people 1981. have not located a successor. This is a society of very busy people. We are searching for a person who can administer a diverse research and educa­ The membership chairman would keep the tional program which aims to solve inter­ membership list current, send out an­ disciplinary problems in decision, ecolog­ nouncements for each year's membership ical, energy, health, psychological, so­ dues, and coordinate the membership drive cial and urban systems. The University of which is already well underway in terms of Louisville has many faculty members who planning. This position has been vacant are involved in interdisciplinary studies. for several weeks and I have been fil ling The director should be conversant in gen­ in. But I do not have the time to contin­ eral as it applies to the ue doing this job. At the present time no above problern areas. Both theoretical and one is keeping the membership list up to applied research in systems theory are date. This is a very important function. . presently being done at the Systems Sci­ We need to fill this post as soon as pos­ ence Institute. The director should have sible. If you would be willing to serve had successful administrative and publish­ as memberhip chairman or would like to ing experience. Other requirements are a recommend someone, please call or write to Ph.D. and an established reputation in a me at 202/676-7530, 2131 G Street NW, field related to systems science. Respon­ Washington DC 20052. sibilities will include teaching, conduct­ i ng persona 1 research, i nteracti ng wi th We also need a publicity chairman and university and community leaders and ob­ someone to encourage, organize and coordi­ taining grants. Please send applications nate local chapters. and nominations, or request further infor­ mation, by writing the Chairman of the Search for the Director Committee, Systems Science Institute, University of Louis­ ville, Louisville, Kentucky 40292. page 9 HELP NEEDED ON LIBRARY SUBSCRIPTIONS

Below is a list of U.S. libraries that subscribe either to the Journal (J) or the Forum (F) or both. If any library in your area does not now subscribe, please call or write to the serials librarian. Ask that the library subscribe to Cybernetics Forum and that all back publications of the ASC be purchased. Every back issue order that we get is worth $350 to the Society. We need these back issue orders right away in order to deal with a short term cash flow problem. This is very important. Please act right away.

1. Argonne National Laborstory J 23. Tufts University J 2. Drexel University JF 24. u. of California-Berkeley J 3. Duke University J 25. u. of California-Santa Barbara JF 4. Florida State University J 26. u. of California-Santa Cruz J 5. George Washington University JF 27. Univac J 6. Georgia Institute of Technology J 28. University of Alaska J 7. F 29. University of Arizona F 8. Illinois Institute of Technology J 30. University of Calgary J 9. Illinois State University F 31. University of Chicago J 10. Johns Hopkins University J 32. University of Hawaii J 11. McGill University J 33. University of Houston J 12. McMaster University J 34. University of Iowa J 13. Michigan State University J 35. University of Maryland F 14. MIT J 36. University of Rochester J 15. National Library of Medicine J 37. University of South Florida F 16. Naval Research Laborstory J 38. University of Texas J 17. Princeton University J 39. University of Utah F 18. Purdue University J 40. University of Washington JF 19. San Jose State University J 41. University of Wisconsin JF 20. Southern Illinois University J 42. Virginia Polytech University J 21. SUNY - Albany J 43. Yale University J 22. Texas A&M J

If we get our membership up the way we hope to in the next few years, our few back copies (about 100 to 150) will become rare. We would like to place them in major university libraries.

The proceedings and journals contain articles by the founders of cy­ bernetics including Warren McCulloch, Ross Ashby, Heinz Von Foerster, Gordon Pask, Larry Fogel, and many more. These publications are a fascinating record of the thinking going on at the time the ASC was being born.

Please make copies of the attached materials for friends in your area. Ask them to have their institutions subscribe. Then send the forms to your library.

To the Serials Librarian:

Attached is a list of the back copies of the publications of the American Society for Cybernetics. I would like for our library to have these publications so that they will be available to my students and colleagues. Would you please order these back copies and enter a subscription to Cybernetics Forum. Sincerely, AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR CYBERNETICS 2131 G Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20052 202/676-7530


ORDER FORM FOR BACK ISSUES 50% Discount for Members

Cybernetics Forum lssues (if not entire Cost vo1ume) V 6, issues #2-4 (1974) $5/issue V 7, issues #1-4 (1975) $5/issue V 8, issues 111-4 (1976) $5/issue V 9. issues 111-4 (1979) $7.50/issue

Journal of Cybernetics and Information Science v 1. issues #1-4 (1977) $45/volume v 2. issues 111-4 (1979) $55/volume v 3. issues #1-4 (1980) $60/volume


V 1 (196 7) Purposive Systems $15 V 2 (1968) Cybernetics and the Management of Large Systems $15 V 3 (1969) Cybernetics, Simulation, and Conflict Resolution Out of Print V 4 (1970) Cybernetics, Artificial Intel1igence, and Ecology $15 V 5 (1971) Cybernetics Technique in Brain Research and the Educational Process $12

Journal of Cybernetics

V 1 #1 (1971) $10 ____ V 1 112 (1971) $10 ____ V 2 1/1-2 (1972) $10 ____ V 2 1/3-4 (1972) $10 ____ V 3 1/1 (1973) $5 _____ V 3 1/2 (1973) $5 _____

Total Purehase Cast (50% Discount to Members) (10% Discount to Libraries) ____~~~-- Handling Charge 1.00 Total Cast

PREPAYMENT IS REQUIRED Make checks to American Society for Cybernetics Name ------­ Address·------