The CANTER Official Publication of Washington State Horsemen Inc. / PO Box 213 - Union WA 98592-0213 VOLUME TWENTY-FOUR FIRST QUARTER 2016 Kiss My Foxy Eight (Kali) Shines Bright in 2015 Owned and ridden by Kirstin Tharp, Kali took home the following awards at the 2015 WSH Con- vention - President’s Cup High Score English and Western Show Horse “A” System, President’s Cup High Point Driving Horse / Pony “A” System, Reserve “A” System Pinto Performance Horse Amateur Owner 19 and Over, Pinto Horse Halter “A” and “B” System, Pinto Performance English Horse “A” and “B” System, Pinto Performance Western Horse “A” and “B” System, High Point Performance Horse English and Western Perpetual Awards “A” and “B” System. Kirstin Tharp is from Yakima, Washington and a member of Zone One. Congratulations Kali and Kirstin! Page 2 - WSH Canter / January 2016 Executive Board President’s President - Chris Thompson Message 509.760.6760 /
[email protected] Happy New Year Vice President - Terri Lehnertz 509.993.5439 /
[email protected] Treasurer - To Be Announced The Board will vote upon this position on Jan. 9 First off, let me thank all who attended Convention. WSH Conven- Secretary - Glenna Eilers tion this year was fun...mechanical bull and everything. If you were 509.760.0713 /
[email protected] unable to join us in 2015, be sure to join us for the 2016 Conven- tion as you never know what fun is in store. We have a new year Immediate Past President - Erica Lackey and I am excited about it. With all that Washington State Horse- 509.526.3487 /
[email protected] men has to offer, I don’t know where to start.