Simbang “Simbang Gabi is a Gabi religious festival for all, Filipino and non- Filipino. But no matter the language or dress, when you pray and sing during the Simbang If you believe this is your call, Gabi, you realize how please join us! truly universal the Christmas spirit is. Contact: Mildred Soriano at (773) 373-3970, or
[email protected]. What we do “And seeing the star Who we are they rejoiced with exceeding 6e ho$t$ the ann+al Simbang great joy” (Mt 2:10) 6e are a gro+! o" !ari$hioner$ o" Gabi in o+r !ari$h, ma&ing it a tr+ly St. 1homa$ the 7!o$tle *ho want to e:citing, +niting and $!irit+al !romote the (i$ion o" o+r !ari$h a$ e:!erience "or the entire )ari$h an incl+$i(e "amily in a caring "aith "amily. 1o do $o *e; Simbang Gabi (Fili!ino "or #Ma$$ comm+nity by $trengthening the < hold "+nd raising to raise "und$ in the %ar&') i$ a de(otional nine-day +nity among all the c+lt+ral gro+!$ "or our Simbang Gabi e(ent= $erie$ o" Ma$$e$ in the )hili!!ine$, a thro+gh !rayer, ho$!itality, and < care abo+t all the a$!ect$ o" the time *hen ili!ino$ come together $ervice. "e$ti(e celebration$; M+$ic and to !re!are "or the coming o" o+r hymn$ "or the Ma$$, traditional and ,ord -e$+$ .hri$t and to honor the ethnic .hristma$ carols, "aith /le$$ed 0irgin Mary, Mother o" God.