Merseyside Health Profile
Health Profile: Merseyside, United Kingdom Taking cities to a healthier future AAA Skopje, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia NNN TromsTromsøø , Norway BBB Tetovo, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia OOO Bistri ța, Romania CCC Bordeaux, France PPP Craiova, Romania DDD Montpellier, France QQQ IaIaIa și, Romania EEE Oberhausen, Germany RRR Bratislava, Slovakia FFF KölnKöln,, Germany SSS Košice, Slovakia GGG Liepāja, Latvia TTT Ljubljana, Slovenia HHH Riga, Latvia UUU Maribor, Slovenia III Kaunas, Lithuania VVV Birmingham, United Kingdom JJJ Šiauliai, Lithuania WWW Cardiff, United Kingdom KKK Amsterdam, The Netherlands XXX Glasgow, United Kingdom LLL Utrecht, The Netherlands YYY Merseyside, United Kingdom MMM Oslo, Norway ZZZ Greater Manchester, United Kingdom Depression and anxiety were as often reported in Merseyside as in the other EUROEURO----URHISURHIS 2 cities. AllAllAll-All ---causecause mortality in both males and females is similasimilarr in Merseyside compared to other EUROEURO----URHISURHIS 2 cities. Mortality from malignant neoplasms and from diseases of the respiratory system is substantially higher than the overall EUROEURO----URHISURHIS 2 mean. Mortality from diseases of the circulatory system does not differ. Both heavy episodic drinking in Merseyside youth and binge drinking in adults occur more often than in other EUROEURO----URHISURHIS 2 cities. Smoking in both youth and adults ococcurscurs less often in Merseyside than in other EUROEURO----URHISURHIS 2 cities. The proportion of overweight or obese adults is higher in Merseyside compared to the overall EUROEURO----URHISURHIS 2 proportion. Health and health determinants in Merseyside vary considerably by age, gender and level of education. This health profile describes the health situation and associated health determinants in Merseyside compared with those observed in other European urban areas.
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