Vol. 21 , No 2, Summer 2001 Assemblies of God .~....... Flower Pentecostal Heritage Center Archives - Re search Room - Audiovisual Room • Ex plore our vast coll ection of archi ved materials fo cusing on Assemblies of God hi story, as well as the Pentecostal , chari smatic. and evangeli cal traditions. • Study in an environment that is free of di stractions, yet close enough to statT members wh en ass istance is needed. • Make use of our audiovisual room to view our expanding multimedia coll ection. Open weekdays 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Flower Pentecostal Heritage Center 1445 N. Boonville Avenue - Springfi eld. Missouri 65802 (4 17) 862- 1447 ext. 4400 - E- mail us at
[email protected] l'uoll .. heJ qu,lr1erl~ o~ rhe 1·lo.... er P"'!llenhl,11 As:;ernblies of God Ilcnl<l ~e Center I.J.J~' Il(l(llllille \Ie SpTlIlgfldd \10 (,~)o;()~ t-tCJ Summer 2001 \'01. 21. '0.2 I'L'BLISHED B\ TilE FLo\\ EIlI'E' n :COS I ,,_ II ERlnGE CDT[1l H ill/I(" IIlIrIIl"!" I DlTOR\'\D DlRI( IUR A il1 ... \oncal glimlN! althe \",cmh]u:, orGod (lcll1!ral ('ounclb rrom 191410 the 2ht CC lltur) \1..0 feature,> a JO\('.· f(T I\R(] I[\[S I General Council Tum: LIIlC, \n updated Pl!lIIt'CO,HlIl Enlllgel kalun: 1'11',( publl'hcd III 1997, G/('II/t (;oll/' B) Cft'lIl1 GoII,. :ll1d 11 ,/1'1/(' !lorl/t'r ASSIST·\' T I\R(IlI\'IS r \'1) COl" I DITOR IJ""I/ /'111'111 (OORDI' \TOR 01 A concerned Illolher brought her IO·~l.:ar-old lerml1lally SI'ln'l I'ROJI CI S III ..,on 10 iI lopc";\ camp 1llI'l'ung, \lcdte,,1 profc",lOnab of IIHhl! day' 1!,llIllal;.:d hc \\ould 11\ c pcrhap.., an01ha .5 Fill'<' lIillm"" yl!:ln•.