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Alvin, Le~as October 15 - 18 AFBC News Update

'95 Celebration in Song & Verse The school was the host for over 51 people. The folks who stayed with us were a blessing finan- During the Bible College closing exercises, cially as well as their graciousness in cleaning the a service was held to honor thm-L among us whom rooms. The Camp Meeting Committee gave the has given special talents such as poetry and Superintendent opportunity during one of the song writing. A video company was hired to record heavily attended night services to promote the this historical event. Bible College. The Bible College Ensemble was Nine poets and song writers gathered to asked to sing several songs during the Camp. sing or recite two of their pieces. The Poets include Lowell Long and Etta Mae Peters. The song writ- ers include Tommy Tolleson, Finley Duke, Harley AFBC WORK WEEK Davis, Hattie Boulware Jones, Jim Boyd, Joyce Lee, and Karen Grimmer. The cost of the master tape was $300.00. The following is a partial list of the major The cost of duplication was $8.00 a tape. The tapes work performed: sold for $15.00 each. To date we have sold 26 tapes! If you would like a copy of the video tape, sent $15 to AFBC, Box 110, Baxter Springs, KS 66713 and make a notation on your check.

'96 Celebration in Song & Verse

We are proud to announce the "96 Numerous smaller tasks were performed. Celebration In Song & Verse to be held Wednesday, For those who participated in Work Week, we are· May 1, 1996 at 2:00 p.m. Anyone who has written deeply indebeted to you. a song or poem is invited to participate. 14 Enrolled! Praise the Lord! We have had over a two- Tommy Tolleson & Savoy Grimmer held a fold increase in enrollment! A brief description of Revival at the Granby Gospel Tabernacle in each of the sstundents is found else where in this Granby, MO for Pastors Lowell & Thelma Long. publication. New Faculty Members of the Apostolic Faith Bible College worked in Four-State Youth Camp in Brother Howard & Sister Yvonna Whiteley, Baxter Springs, KS, the South Texas Youth Camp previous pastors of the Pampa Chapel in Pampa, in Sealy, TX, the Peaceful Pines Youth Camp in TX are now members of the AFBC Staff. Brother Clarks Fork, CA and the Pine Crest Youth Camp in Howard teaches the Pauline & General Epistles, Evangelism. He cooks breakfast and helps with Pine Crest, MS. Camp appearances are a vital part of the the noon meal. Sister Yvonna teaches Child & promotions of the school and are perhaps the most Youth Evangelism and helps in the office. effective. News cont. on next page AFBC News (Con't) Bethel Wayside Chapel Report New Board Mpmber Brother Randall Bensch of Logan, OK has On February 14, 1995 the school received replaced Brother Neil Ragan of Logan, OK. $7,500 from the Board of Directors of the Bethel Brother Bensch has expressed his burden for the Wayside Chapel in Stockton, CA from the sale of school by beginning the Apostolic Faith Bible the church. The money has been allocated for College Scholarship Fund which in just two years building repairs. None of this money has been has grown to over $1800. That may not seem like spent. much until you realize that money has been donat- ed by only two contributors. Risograph RA 4200 Brother Bench wrote and financed a radio spot that aired daily over on KJIL-FM99.1. A local business man has offered to let the college take over his 60 month rental contract to Short-cuts For Correct Grammar purchase a Risograph (high speed duplicator). The The short course was taught by Ms. machine works on the principal of a mimeograph Barbara Foster of Follett, TX. Topics included the machine except it is electronically operated. Principal Parts of Verbs, Pronouns, Plurals, The machine has three different color drums, Possessives, and Paragraphs. Ms. Foster has (black, red, blue). The purpose of the machine taught the course two years in a row. would be for both the Apostolic Faith Report and the Bible College. Memorial Fund We have committed ourselves to paying $209.20 a month for the next three months to try Report: $2,019 out the machine. If we decide to accept the machine in December of '95, we will have the above We have received money in memory of the payment for the next 36 months. As of Oct. '95 the following: contract cost was $8,857.80. This price encludes a 10% purchase price of $699.50 at the end of the 60 Alvin Meares Lealand Grimmer month lease. The company would let us buy the Sylvia Musselman Jim Randles machine outright at a price of $7,384.12 which O.ABusch Martha Brandon takes out the interest cost. Frank Regier Fred Urick The last AFBC Newsletter and 125 book- Jacob Regier Olen Bachler lets for the Short -Cuts For Correct Grammar G. D.Babb "\klmaNeff Short Course was printed on the machine. Earl Wzlliams With this machine, the computers, and the laser printers it appears we may be close to having a simplified print shop. Dickinson Apostolic Faith Church Report

On March 21, 1994 the school received Lowell Long from the Granby Tabernacle of $8.000 from the Board of Directors of the Dickinson Granby, MO has been scheduled to hold a revival Apostolic Faith Church in Dickinson, TX from the for the Bible School and for the local church begin- sale of the church. The money was designated for ning Oct. 1 thru Oct. 8. the purchase of new beds and for building repairs. The report is as follows: Financial Report

Rocky House Dozed 500 Outdoor Carpet 300 Roof Repair 560 Offerings: 27,480 (12) Twin Beds 1,286 Expenses: 26,480 AlC Repairs 928 New AlC Unit 2,648 Number of Students 14 '95 Work Week .l..Q15. Number of Faculty 10 Number of Children 5 7,297 ~jfrs~ jfacultp 1995-1996

Savory Grimmer Superintendent

Karen Grimmer Beverly Karber Choir Deaf Interpreting Music Ministries Sign Language

(l to r) Miranda, Karen, Kristen, Savoy & Joshua

Katherine Arnall Head Cook

Lyndel Arnall Prophecy, Revelation, Old Testament Survey, Christian Ministries, Life of Christ, Hebrew Literature, Church History, Teachings of Christ Office 316-856-3282 Paul Clanton Men's Dorm 316-856-9852 Doctrine, Acts Women's Dorm 316-856-9855 Lyndel & Kathryn Arnall 417-451-9184 of the Apostles Paul Clanton 216-856-5100 Savoy & Karen Grimmer 316-856-2831 Bev. Karber 417-781-4639 Howard & Yvonna Whiteley 316-856-5438 Apostolic Faith Report 316-856-5281 Karen Oakes 417-624-7525

Howard Whiteley General Epistles, Practical Evangelism, Pauline Epistles, Research, Assistant Cook

Yvonna Whiteley Principles of Christian Educatlon,Admwrnstration of Christian Education, Piano, Organ, Office

Mechele Doty Dean of Women Supper Cook Office Maintanence

Thomas Tolleson Dean of Men Maintanence Guitar say to the apprehensive and fearful assembly to The Power of Go stand still and see the of the Lord. In an ....by Ron Noble age of microwaves, highways, byways, and a .long Pampa, Texas list of other things to make our life easier and faster, I've wondered if we haven't tried to apply The year was 1987. the age was twenty- the same rapidness to our spiritual activities. and two and recently married. The task: pastoring a god is saying "Stand still and wait. Just wait and small church. My wife and I did this for nearly see what I can do." God's infinite (not having eight years, but having felt the call of God to move, bounds, limitless) power is there for people to see if resigned the church in Amarillo, TX. This was a they will only look. his power is divided into two difficult decision for several reasons, one of which realms: the supernatural or that which deals with was the very strong possibility that the church the stars, the moon, the universe, and the natural would close if I were to leave. I know I'm indis- or that which concerns man, his problems, affairs, pensable, but I did know that without a pastor, the etc. The Word has much to say. In Psa. 8:305, church would have a terrible struggle to stay open. "When I consider they heavens, the work of they I wrestled with the question of staying and I would fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou has pray, "Lord, what am I going w do? I don't want to ordained; (I think to myself,) What is (little, leave, and have quilt in my conscience. Yet, I don't insignificant, feeble) man, that thou are mindful of want to stay for the wrong reasons, etc." So it went him? .." Psa 146:5-"Happy is he that hath the God when I prayed wdl the Lord really impressed on of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the Lord his me the necessity to Wait ...just Wait. We waited God: which made heaven and earth, the sea, and and time got closer for us to leave. Still we waited, all that therein is: (and then he speaks of God's and prayed. My last Sunday , I announced would dealing in the natural realm. It is God) which be May 28. On May 27, a gentleman that I had keepeth truth forever: which executeth judgment gone to Bible School called and said he had been for the oppressed, which giveth food to the hungry feeling the Lord wanted him to move. He had a (Israelites in the wilderness who asked "Can God truck rented and his furniture packed already, and furnish a table in the wilderness?" Psa. 78:19.) expressed an interest in the church. I told my The Lord looseth the prisoners (for in Isa. 61 we board member of his call, and the church was con- read, "The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, sulted Sunday morning. It was agreed that they because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good would invite this gentleman and his family to come tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up pastor the church. Two weeks after I left they had the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the cap- a new pastor. tives, and the opening of the prison to them that Ever increasingly God has been impressing are bowed down (with the spirit of infirmity. LK upon me the necessity to wait upon the Power of 13-the woman bowed down with a spirit of infirmi- Him. His power-vast, infinite, incomprehensible, ty or non stableness. many are they which walk and irresistible-has been sho\\

Scott Cloke. 19, Meeker, Ok. is the son of DarIa Oakes 19, Hohenwald, Tn. is the Gary and Jean Cloke. Scott graduated from daughter of Carol and Gaytha Oakes. She is the Meeker High School in 1993 and attended grand daughter of F. L. and Mary Oakes, Neosho, Seminole Junior College. His home church is the Mo. and Edsel and Patsy Martin of Hardesty, Ok. Church On The Rock pastored by Dan Newton. She graduated in 1994 from Lewis County High School. Her home church in Tennessee is the Mt. Pleasant Church of God, pastored by Buddy Baird.

Thomas Tolleson ,41, is from Campwood, Tx. Tommy's pastor is Marvin Boyd at Trinity Full Gospel Church, Campwood. In addition to being a full time student, he is in charge of maintainence and Dean of Men at AFBC.

Abby Bard - Joplin, Mo. is the daughter of Mark and Iletha Bard and the granddaugh- 35, comes from Joplin, ter of Clay & Vivian Mo. She graduated Bard, Joplin, Mo. and from Montgomery High F. L. and Mary Oakes, School in San Diego, Neosho, Mo. She grad- Ca. She has attended uated from Diamond, Tri-State Bible .Mo. High School, May Institute and Missouri 1995. She attends the Southern State Southside Apostolic College. Her home Faith Church, Joplin, church in Joplin is Mo. Rev. Richard Morris is her pastor. Christ Church, par,tored by Tim Chambers. Aug. - Oct. 1995 8 A.F.Report J. D. Cruse. 54 is from Perryton, Tx. He Jeremiah Hawley. 18, is the son of John graduated from Borger High School in 1959. J. D:s and Patricia Hawley of Riverton, Ks. He graduated home church is the Cornerstone Church of God. in 1994 from Chapel High School and attend- Jim Myers is his pas:,or. ed the University of Texas at EI Paso. Jeremiah's home church is the Apostolic Faith Church, Baxter Springs, KS. Paul Clanton is his pastor.

Kenneth Cruse. 48. graduated from Siloam Springs, High Jason Hill. 18, comes from School, Siloam Springs, Ar. He is attending AFBC with his brother. Lineville, AI. and is the son of J. D. Kenneth has a son, Steven age 15 who attends Baxter Springs Billy Hill. He graduated in May, High School and a daughter Rebecca, age 13. She attends the 1995 from Lineville High School. Middle School in Baxter Springs. Kenneth's home church in Jason was a Sunday School teach- Perryton, TX is the Cornerstone Church of God pastored by Jim er at Dingler's Chapel, Lineville, Myers. AI.

Rhonda FrazierJl... comes from Cave Clifford Satcher. Quitman, Ms. is the son of Springs, Ar. She graduated in 1991 from Benton- Arville and Karen Satcher. He graduated from ville High School, Benttlnville, Ar. She is the Quitman High School in May 1995. Clifford daughter of Carolyn Frazier, Cave Springs, Ar. attends the Apostolic Faith Church in Hinton, AI, Rhonda attends the Church of God in Rogers, Ar. where Myrtle Carney is the pastor. His grandpar- Her pastor is Lowell Sartin. ents are John and Opal Wimer of Murdock, Ks. and Rether Satcher, Quitman, Ms. Julie Taylor. 27, is the daughter of Mr. & Jenny Wheeler. 18, Mrs. Larry Taylor Sr, Prosperity, Mo. is the and comes from daughter of Rev. & Mrs. Ashland, Al. She Wayne Wheeler. She gi'aduated from Bibb graduated in May 1995 Graves High School in from Webb City High 1985. She attends the School, Webb City, Mo. Bethel Christian Jenny is very active in Church where Rev. church work at the Jim Arnall pastors. Prosperity Apostolic Faith Church where her R..-ueeWilson, 19, father pastors. is the daughter of David and Thelma Attention High School Seniors! Wilson of Carterville, Scholarships are available to assist you in Mo. She graduated in attending a 4-year college upon the comple- May, 1995 from Webb tion of study at the City High School, Apostolic Faith Bible College. Webb City, Mo. She For more Info or an application please write: attends the Prosperity AFBC Scholarships Apostolic Faith PO Box 110 Church pastored by Baxter Springs, KS 66713 Wayne Wheeler. 90-th .9l...nniversary - .9l...[vin" 'Te?Cas Oc-to6er 15 - 18

The ministry of the Apostolic Faith in Alvin began in the fall of 1905. Under the direction of Mr. Oscar Jones, services were conducted in a building at the corner of Gordon and Sealy. Later in 1905, Rev. Charles Fox Parham, founder of the original Apostolic Faith Movement conducted services, then returned in the spring of 1906 for services in the Old Hall at Gordon & Sidnor. This building was later purchased and the Apostolic Faith Mission established. The next church building location was at Gordon & Lang. In 1933, the lots were purchased and a two-bedroom parsonage was built. In 1934 a new church building was built and the "Old Hall" on Gordon & Signor was torn down. This church building and parsonage was moved from Gordon & Lang to its present location at 4th and Adoue during the mid-fifties. During 1960, plans evolved to make the church building into Sunday School rooms and add a new sanctuary. These plans developed into reality and on June 16, 1963 the new building was dedicated to God in a special service. Reports reveal some very outstanding revivals. An earlier historical record reports "a return visit of Rev. Parham to Alvin in 1916 brought one of the greatest revivals of all time. This revival was a forerunner of services conducted in 1918 by the Morton Sisters in which the great power of the Holy Spirit was poured out upon them as was according to Acts 2:4." Another record reveals th~t in 1933 on Easter Sunday, anoth- er revival was begun by Rev. Gail Schultz who was assisted by Mr. & Mrs. T. B. Tucker of Katy. Twenty-five conversions were claimed with several being sanctified and twenty-nine experienced the glOriOllSinfilling of the Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in other languages. Available information lists pastors as: Reverends S. W. Ditto, S. W. Swanson, Mark Cronenburger, Alfred Whitely, Claude Parham, Millard Brown, Piercy Campbell, Alfred Whitely ~2ndtime), Darrell Sutton, Roy D. Wooster, Millard Brown (2nd time), Earl Sherwood, M. D. Methvin, Millard Brown (3rd time), Winston Barker, Jack Pietcher, Winston Baker (2nd time), G. K Kerr, Winston Baker (3rd time), James E Wallis, Ron Martin, Jack Cornell, Neil Ragan, and Edwin Waterbury.

Schedule of Services ------Morning Services 10:30 A M. Sunday A M. Rev. Neil Ragan Noon Meal 12:00 Noon Sunday P. M. Rev. Jack Cornell Evening Services 7:00 P. M. Monday P. M. Rev. Winston Barker Mon. thru Wed. Tuesday P. M. Rev. Jim Wallis Wednesday P. M. Rev. Ron Martin A. F.Report If you're ever passing through Galena, stop ~tk by and worship with us. Our goal is that "The brethren will dwell together in unity" We need to ( NIAll pull together. God is working in Galena and we are ~ JJA(; blessed to be a part of it.

Greetings to you from Galena, Kansas! Dear Friends, Praise God because he is still working in I am presently in India teaching at a Bible hearts and lives today. We have seen his hand School and by God's grace shall be here a year. I extended to our church family in these past few am three months into my stay. It looks like I am months of time. Many times through victories and going to spend the year being a compound minister. many times through grief. I have a daily meeting with about 200 of the 900 Our church family has dearly missed Bro. children to share Jesus. Many are from Hindu Corky Hall, who passed away this August. He was background. What a place of opportunity. Once a a bright ray of sunsh· 'Ie to everyone he ever knew. week I share with the teacher of the school. Many He loved his church and the Lord, and his desire of them are Hindu. They can not find enough was to see his family come to know Jesus. Bro. christian teachers. Thank the Lord for this privi- Corky won the battle of life and now our church lege to share Jesus. Many other opportunities to and his family will pick up his sword and continue reach the lost are part of my life as well as getting the fight for these souls to be saved. God's grace is up at 3 a.m. to work on the computer. I came to sufficient to carry us through. spend a year helping to set up an accounting pro- Many of our teenagers and juniors attended gram data base and work processor. Youth Camp this year and received many blessings. They have started a small library for the Just recently, they traveled to Six Flags Over ~t. college. If anyone has any copies of lessons, books Louis and had a great time of fun and fellowshIp. or anything else that they could give to the college Our church is blessed abundantly to have Bro. it would be appreciated. The old lessons, books Jim and Sis. Ruth Whitlock as Youth Pastors. about Bro. Parham and others really helped me to They sold their home and left a secure job. in find a firm foundation in trusting the Lord and Colorado to come minister to the youth of Sprmg standing strong in my r(llationship with Christ. I Grove Church. They've devoted their lives to mak- look back over my life and know that I owe a debt ing a difference in the teens lives. The~ spend of gratitude to those who were at the Bible School much of their time with the youth and theIr home when I went, those who founded it and prayed for is always open to them. Thank you for being so it and those who had a vision to give young men a faithful. start and my aunt and uncle, who saw that just We were truly blessed to have Rev. Billy after accepting the Lord and my Saviour, I was and Lela Shaw of Alvin, Texas with us Aug. 6-9th taught the Bible. for a Kids Krusade. We has 82 enrolled and a great Thanks to everyone for teaching me that an turnout of adults. They're ministry included pup- altar before God is a rock to stand on. I can pray pets, ventriloquist, Bubba Bear, games, skits, lots and know I shall pray through at the cross. of love and prayers. It was successful, because now Thanks to each of you for helping if you can with we are seeing kids come back to Sunday School. the book request. VBS and Krusades are a vital tool for the growth Books can be mailed to: and character of our Sunday Schools. Bro. and Sis. Calvin Klaus Shaw would be a blessing to anyone that would ask do Faith Outreach them to come. Jharsugua P. O. DT The blessings of Heaven were poured out Orissa 768 201 on us once again with Revival Sept. 3-9th. Bro. Inda Calvin and Sister Doris Springer were evangelists. We had a full house and wonderful spirit of prayer If books are sen,t please write so I can and worship each night. Victories were won and expect -them. Any other correspondence can be sent the word was delivered each night with a mighty to the same address. If mentioning ministry here it anointing of the Holy Spirit. Thank you Bro. should be airmail registered as most other letters Calvin for going led to bring the word needed for are opened. our church. Pray for souls to be harvested. Some of our ladies are anxiously awaiting Calvin Klaus the retreat in Tyler, Texas. We know God is going to bless. Aug. - Oct. 1995 from him, but the Lord took care of Jesse. Within a few weeks he was walking and back to work. God answers prayer! I have been priveledged to have become Things here are fine. We've had a great acquainted in recent years with so many other in summer, packed with Youth Camp, Kid's Crusades, the body of Christ I had not known before Seldon and Camp Meetings. and I married. There are so many other groups out The first week in June we took 16 young there who preach the fullness of the gospel too. Of people from our church to the Apostolic FaithlFull course, we must be discerning, but it is a danger- Gospel Camp at the J-Bar-J Guest Ranch just west ous thing to reject others of the body of Christ sim- of Sealy, Texas. The Lord really blessed, as we saw ply because we do not know them. I thank God for several of our young people at the altars, some giv- the "Christian Family". He has given me in many ing their lives to the Lord, others renewing com- parts of the country. mittments already made. We [Ippreciate Bro. Tim Others from our church going to West Barker and all of the others who have joined with Virginia for Camp Meeting were my in-laws, Ron, us in carrying a burden for these young people. Shirley, and Veronica Freshour. and Rachel Please pray for the71. They may be at a turning Hernandez, a teenage girl from our church. They point in their lives, and many times their parents went ahead of us and spent a week visiting rela- are not really in there encouraging them to really, tives there. seriously, live for God. We have been having church in our new We had a 3-night Kids Crusade for them at building for a little over 2 years now. It is located the end of June. It was very impromptu, but the about 2 miles east of Columbus on Interstate 10. Lord led us to do things that were fun. and yet they The Lord has really blessed us and we have no debt learned from them. We carried on with the "Right on the building. At times it's almost unbelievable from gnorw" theme that we had a Youth Camp. We how the Lord will provide - when we trust in Him. played a game called "Choices" and had lessons Three of our church family, Pattie, Jordan, and Sky each night on Salvation, Sanctification, and the Fayette, recently moved to Vider, Tx because of Baptism of the Holy Spirit. We also incorporated Pattie's husband, Johnnie's job. We will miss them lessons on the Ten Commandments and how to desperately. Please pray that God will lead them to treat you Bible. It was a really enjoyable crusade. a good church there. And if you know of one please We attended the Kid's Crusade in Rock Island, let us know. Texas in July. billy and Lela Shaw, from Alvin, Seldon is still preaching. The Lord has Texas, were in charge of that one. (The Shaws also brought about change and growth in our lives - for did a lot with our Junior Camperr at Youth Camp) that we are thankful. I am learning not to walk by Our children always enjoy the activities at Rock feelings, but by faith. Sometimes we get frustrated Island as well. I believe they're much like adults - with people, when we must remember that we're we need Christian fellowship often. not wrestling against flesh and blood,... you know July 26th my sister-in-law, Debbie Harris the verse. We know there's work to do here. The and her five children, Brian, Matthew, Jonathan, fields are white unto harvest. We are praying for Rebecca, and Cody, my daughters, Bethany and the Lord to send forth labourors into the harvest, Kara and I traveled up to Baxter Springs to be in especially here. We know we need help. Camp Meeting there. We so enjoyed the few days Whatever the work is that we are doing for we got to spend there. There was such a sweet the Lord, we have to remember that it is God who spirit of fellowship on the camp ground. It was so gives the increase. that keeps us from beating our- hard to leave. I realized how much I have missed selves up when we don't see results, and also keeps being in the Apostolic Faith Camp Meeting. us from getting too proud when we do. Debbie's husband, Calvin; My husband, Many of you know that we (Seldon and I) Seldon; Sharon Hooper, from Rock Island; Cissy, have talked of moving to Missouri several times. Jesse, Jr., Cruz, and Kimberly Hernandez; Joseph At times I miss my folks terribly and it's really Reyes; and Rocky Hernandez of Columbus met us hard to be far from them. But, we have purposed in Baxter at the Camp Meeting on Saturday, July in our hearts to stay until the Lord releases us to 29th. We left that afternoon headed for the Singing go. Wejust want to be led by Him. Hills Campground near Elizabeth, West Virginia. Pray for us when you think of us and come Camp Meeting there, headed up by Bro. Everett visit any time you can. Our home and- our church Snyder, started on July 31st. and went through are open to you. August 4th. The Camp Meeting there, like Baxter, was wonderful. While we were gone, Cissy's hus- In His love, band Jesse received 1st and 2nd degree burns from Vanessa Harris his knees down. Cissy felt bad about being away Christian Gospel Church A "Five Night Tent Youth Rally" was held in Joplin in August on North Main Street. The Prosperity Youtl":Group conducted the services each night. We sang the choruses that we learned this year at Youth Camp and then special songs were brought. Next members of the Youth Group performed dra- mas to Christian songs, stressing the need that we all have to give our lives daily to the Lord and follow His leading in the things we do. We want to say thank you to our special speakers for sharing God's word with us. Bro. Randy· Dalton, Bro. Richard Morris and Bro. Ron Martin. Also thank you to these for their support. Sister Shari Cook played the keyboard, Bro Thmmy Thlleson and Jeremiah Hawley played the guitar. Scott Cloke and Josh Dorris played the drums. Song leaders were Julie Pulsiver, Stacy Bard and Cassie Wheeler. We thank all the visitors that attended and supported the efforts that the Youth Group put for- ward. We had a wonderful time in the Lord. The young people were getting ready for school to start and this was a special time for them to commit to be stronger Christians and to give more to others and show God's love. Prosperity Apostolic Faith Youth Leaders, Cassie Wheeler and Regina Shannon

V CANCER FREE ~ ~l.J I would like to express my thanks '1~ and appreciation to everyone that has prayed for me during these past 3 years. The Lord has wonderfully answered prayer. The last two reports from the Dr.'s said that I was cancer free. Bryan and Cindy Parkhurst are proud to Thanks be unto God for he is still announce the birth of their second child, a baby girl. Danielle Mae Parkhurst was born at 3:45 p.m. ~e divine Healer. Praise H;s Name! !~ Richard Barker on August 23rd. She weighted 8 lbs., 71/2 oz. and Katy, Texas was 21 inches long. She was born at Columbus Community Hospital. Dani Mae was welcomed home by her big brother, Tyler Ray, who was two on September 4th. Grandparents are Ray and Hiroko OPEN FOR Parkhurst of Lander, Wyoming and Ron and EVANGELISTIC CALLS Shirley Freshour of Columbus, Texas.

Max Pennington COpy DEADLINE 521 All Hallows FOR NEXT ISSUE IS Wichita, KS 67231 Ph. (316) 942-0709 OCTOBEB30 ''LIFE OF THE CHRISTIAN" by Dora Beydler

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, godliness, faith meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. " Galatians 5:22-23

This chapter and Colossians 3:8-17 have Ghost (or Spirit) as He sees we are needing them or many similarities. Galatians speaks of the fruit of can use them but we do not always need the one we the Spirit. Both the Beacon and the Clark have used before so the Spirit may give us a differ- Commentaries say approximately the same in the ent one to fit the situation of that time. In compar- fruit of the Spirit in compariso.iJ.to the works of the ison to the fruit of the Spirit-both the gifts and flesh. "Spirit" used in this place is often said to the fruit come from the Holy Ghost. The gifts are mean the Holy Ghost. The Spirit represents the just that. They are given to a person after the changed or purifie-'. state of the soul by the grace Christian has let the Holy Ghost baptize him and and spirit of god. The Clark Commentary explains let the Holy Ghost come to live within the it by saying of the works of the flesh (in verse 19 of Christian himself while the fruit of the Spirit this same chapter); that by flesh we understand it becomes a part of the Christian's life. As a to be the evil and fallen state of the soul and it is Christian we must be a witness for the Messiah. not under the guidance of God. To be a witness is much more than telling the story In Colossians 2:11 Paul uses the phrase, "In of salvation. It is also showing what salvation has putting off the body of the sins of the flesh." Then done for us. John 14"26, "But the Comforter, Romans 6:6 has these words, "Our old man is cru- which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father shall cified with Him (Jesus) that the body of sin might send in My name, He shall teach you all things, be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve and bring all things to your rememberance, what- sin." and again Paul says in a part of verses 9 and soever I have said unto you". Here John is telling 10 of Colossians 3, "Seeing that we have put off the us the Holy Ghost is with us from the moment we old man with his deeds; and have put on the new become Christians to teach us all things. One of man," These words are calling the works of the the things He will teach us is how to live that we flesh (part of them are listed in verse 8) the old might be effective witnesses. the fruit of the Spirit man. A longer list of the works of the flesh is listed is among the first things of evidence to show the in Galatians 5:19-21. world we have put off the old man and put on the God has never intended that the person who pro- new, (Colossians 3:9-10). We find the fruits in fesses Christ ever practice any of the works of the Galatians 5:22;23. flesh. When Christ saves us (and our past sins are LOVE is the very soul and spirit of true blotted out) we have put on the new life before Him religion, an intense desire to please God and to do and as Jesus told the woman taken in adultery good to man kind. It is the fulfilling of the law and (John -8:3-11) "Go and sin no more." He also told gives energy to faith itself. Nothing avails in the the impotent man whom He had healed by the pool, sight of God but that faith which is made active or "Sin no more," John 5:14. Just one sin-the sin of energetic by love.. It is the exultation that arises unbelief is enough to keep us from the Kingdom of from the knowledge of God's mercy to the soul in God. the pardon for our sins and iniquities. We are The Ungers Bible Dictionary tells us the indebted to our Lord and Savior for this full and name "Spirit of God," "Spirit of Truth (or Spirit), free pardon I~e has given us through the price He Holy Spirit (or Holy Ghost) all means the same per- paid for our Salvation. son who is the third Person of the Godhead. He is PEACE comes with the calm, quiet and not a part of God nor a part of Christ but a sepa- order which takes place in the justified soul replac- rate person with His special work to do. Some ing the doubts, fears, darms and dreadful forebod- have confused the Gifts of the spirit (Read I ings which everyone in sin feels and must feel until Corinthians 12:3-11). Let us look at some of the the assurance of pardon brings peace. Peace is an differences between the gifts of the Spirit and the evidence of the pardon of sin. fruit of the Spirit. Here in I Corinthians the gifts LONGSUFFERING is long mindedness in are listed as "the word of wisdom, the work of bearing with the frailties and provocations of oth- knowledge, Faith, gifts of healing, working of mira- ers because of the knowledge that God has borne cles, prophecy, many kinds of tongues, interpreta- long with us; and if He had not we should have tions of tongues, and discerning of spirits". These been speedily consummed. It also is the bearing up are gifts to be received, one or more, from the Holy through all the troubles and difficulties of life with- out murmurings or repining; submitting cheerfully regenerated as it is called in Titus 3"5-7 but it to every dispensation of God's providence and thus takes an experience in sanctification (some call it gaining benefit from each difficulty. consecration) to be . This is to be set GENTLENESS is a very rare grace, often aside by God after we have given ourselves to Him lacking in many who even have a considerable to do His will. This is the new birth and we are share of Christian excellance. a good education ready to grow and learn to be the kind of Christian and polished manners when brought under the God can use. Our lives can th~n show to those grace of God will bring out this quality with great around us the fruits of gentleness, meekness, good- effect. ness, faith, temperance and longsuffering. these GOODNESS is the perpetual desire and are taught to us that our lives can show forth the sincere study to not only abstain from every goodness of God and point even the person in the appearance of evil but to do good to the bodies and depths of sin to a saving knowledge of Jesus and souls of men to the uttermost of our ability. but all cause people to see that we have been with Him. this must come from a good heart-a heart that (Beginning with Philippians 5:13b-and 14, we read, has been purified by the blood of Christ. "This one thing I do, forgetting those things which FAITH is used here as fidelity. It is punc- are behind, and reaching forth unto those things tuality in performing promises; Hebrews 10:23 has which are before, I press toward the mark for the these words, "He is faithful that promised". Faith prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus". is a conscientious carefulness in preserving that Then in Hebrews 6:1 we read, "Let us go unto per- which is committed 00 our trust. God has entrust- fection, (Or maturity). ed us to serve Him faithfully, let us not betray that trust no be guilty of disappointing the confidence He has placed in us. MEEKNESS is the entire opposite to anger- -an indulgence in mildness toward the weak, a balance of all temper and passions, a patient suffering of injuries without feelings of revenge, an even balance. In the beattitudes in 50 cents a time is what the Post Matthew 5:5 Jesus said, "Blessed are the meek; for they shall inherit the earth". Office charges us whenever a copy of TEMPERANCE a self government or mod- the Report is returned with a reader's eration principally with regard to sensual or ani- new address. If you are moving, won't mal appetites. Moderation in eating, drinking, you please tell us at once, allowing at sleeping and etc. least 4 weeks for the change? Send the Paul continues with, "Against such mailing lable from the back page so we there is no law." These definitions are taken (in Part) from the Clark Commentary with the mean- will know your old address. ings found in the Greek words. The first three of these fruits are to be found in the beginning of our Christian life-- as soon as we accept the pardon purchased by Jesus through the shedding of His blood in the crucifixion. Love, joy and peace are the qualities which are manifested to ourselves and our fellow men that we have become a new creature. Paul has told us in Galatians 2:20, "I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live: yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in Submit yourselves the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who therefore loved me, and gave himself for me." Just what it is to put off the old man and put on the new: we must to God. die to the old desires and works of the flesh and let Resist the devil, the new life in Christ give us a new outlook and and he will flee desire to live in a way to please Him. Many teach that receiving Christ in justification is the new from you. birth bur John 1:12 says, "But as many as received Him, to them gave He the power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name." Here we see where John tells us that after we receive Christ we are given power to become children of God. A person in the justified state is Aug .. Oct. 1995 Apostolic Faith Bible College, The Apostolic Faith Report ~ Inc. Karen Oakes, Editor ARTICLE VII Post Office Box 653 Ph. (316) 856-5281 Doctrine Baxter Springs, KS 66713 EDITORIAL BOARD It is recognized that the true church of Jesus Christ consists of all believers in the saving grace RICHARD MORRIS DENNIE OAKES of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who have 10499 Hinkle Lane 6069 Goldfinch Rd. Joplin, MO Joplin, MO 64804 accepted Him as their personal Savior. It is recog- 64804 (417) 624-7525 nized and agreed that no organh:ation or man has (417) 781-9609 been granted authority by the Lord to exclude from RANDALL BENSCH or accept anyone into the Kingdom of Heaven, as BILL WATSON Rt. 2, BOX 159 this is done by Jesp,; Christ only. It is further rec- Box 257 Logan, OK 73849 ognized and agreed that we as Christians are to Booker, TX 79005 (405) 837-5595 love all members ofthe Body of Christ (Christians), (806) 658-9370 and this love and fellowship derives from the unity PAUL CLANTON instilled by the Holy Spirit. Although differences LYNDEL ARNALL Rt. 2, Box 346 Baxter Springs, KS in doctrinal beliefs and interpretations should not 10744 Hammer Rd. Neosho, MO 64850 66713 influence our love for one another, adherence to (417) 451-9184 (316) 856-5100 similar doctrinal beliefs and modes of worship have bonded together those of the Apostolic Faith GAYLON FLORA Movement as founded by Charles F. Parham in the 12310 CR203 early 1900's. The scripture teaches us to adhere to Danbury, TX 77534 the truth and proper doctrine. The common doctri- (409) 922-8128 nal beliefs are essentially as follows. Published as the Lord provides: sent to you upon request on the free will basis. Triune God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Please send all changes of address, giving both Creation and Formation. old and new addresses and Zip Codes. Man is basically sinful and in need of Salvation. Salvation by Grace upon repentance toward God and acceptance of Jesus Christ as one's personal Savior, which is the conception of Spiritual Life. Sanctification of the Spirit, Soul and Body, A sec- ond definite work of Grace by the Lord Jesus Christ. Baptism of the Holy Spirit; evidenced by the speaking in other languages. Water Baptism (of all believers) by immersion in water in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Washing of Feet. et) Divine Healing through Jesus Christ for all .... as.•.. ]'I'. believers. ~ r-. 1 <0 ~ r-... Do not condone divorce and remarriage, et)tO ::s ~ . Matt. 19:8-9. ~~ i 0:r:: Destruction of the Wicked. ~ , c:: Conditional Immortality. ~~ ~~ 0 ...~•.• Rapture of the Man Child Class. 00 .•.. ("" Return of Jesus Christ to earth again; bodily ~rJi -CJ '-' +- _ if! S~ ..0 , and visibly. ~~ 0t: t A ministry supported by tithes and offerings. 8 ; I- t0l!t .,.. These doctrines shall be adhered to in the teaching ~ A. I-< Q) of the Apostolic Faith Bible College, which in addi- \.;~. tion to other doctrinal teaching approved by the ~ 'tS ~ CO Board from time to time if they are not in consis- ~ tent with the above listed basic doctrines. Aug.·Oct. 1995 16 A. F.Report