AGENDA ITEM: 6/16 CABINET: 15 June 2010 Report of: Executive Manager Community Services Relevant Portfolio Holder: Councillor A Fowler Contact for further information: Mr S Kent (Extn. 5169) (E-mail:
[email protected]) SUBJECT: USE OF SECTION 106 MONIES IN BANKS, HESKETH BANK AND WRIGHTINGTON Wards affected: North Meols, Hesketh with Becconsall, Wrightington 1.0 PURPOSE OF THE REPORT 1.1 To consider requests from North Meols, Hesketh with Becconsall, and Wrightington Parish Councils regarding the use of monies received by the Borough Council from housing developers for the enhancement of public open space and recreation provision in their Parishes. 2.0 RECOMMENDATIONS TO CABINET 2.1 That the projects detailed in section 6 of this report be approved and the Section 106 sums of £104,510 for North Meols, £93,250 for Hesketh with Becconsall ( £29,400 from available funds and £63,850 when available from funds due), and £81,710 for Wrightington be made available to the respective Parish Councils for their projects. 2.2 That the commuted sums be paid to the respective Parish Councils subject to them entering into suitable legal agreements with the Council. 3.0 BACKGROUND 3.1 Members will recall that under policy LE.13 of the local plan developers must provide open space facilities as part of housing developments. Where developments are less than 20 dwellings or on sites where it is nor reasonable to expect a developer to provide on-site facilities, and where there is a deficiency of open space, the Council can require a commuted sum for the provision and maintenance of improvements to nearby open space or for the creation of new leisure related facilities in the area.