Engine Log and Maintenance Record
652 Oliver Street ~Lycomlng WtIRamsport. PA 17701 U.S.A. 5701323·6181 ENGINE LOG AND MAINTENANCE RECORD RECORD OF TEXTRON LYCOMING1'"o - 3"0- a/!J?..;;.,.D ----=L:.....-----='~:.....1.-:::....._-_1.:.....3___;....r--- MAKE MODEL SER~ . FROM AvGvsr_~;;;....;..--!.( .1DJ1-TO ---- 19 __ DETAILING TIME FROM ~~w» O~n10~o 70(9· ----HOU-R-S--- SSP 1872-1 01994 by Tatron Lya>minS"AI\ Ri..... ~ October 1994 ~ . ~ . j,,,'"'«"4_0I283) redel-iTt 'IV ·W .be.",,"#1tN:\i- ,,2',.'-dM',.'wr· lrl-¥tfgf\zti 60/uti tjM'~- it~ r#¥umtfmtf"·'w'rtitditeWtwyttff'·,f,w ;tf&1ti~~~i ~Lycoming FonnNo.365 . 852 OlIver street WIllIamsport, PA 17701 U.SA This engine h8!i been overhauled/rebuUt in accordance with the applicable Textron Lycoming manu als. Allapplicable Federal Aviation Administration Airworthiness Directives and Textron Lycoming Service Bulletins have been complied with. All parts have been inspected and have ~en determined airworthy to return to service. All accessories as part of the type certificate are either new or newly overhauled. Refer to enclosed Form ETOOl for applicable accessory part numbers and serial num ~~ :"Model: T0-360-E1A6D Signed Serial II: L-152-73T Textron Lycoming Service Center Total Time: 2552.3 Williamsport/Lycoming Co. Airport Work Order #: A-7549 Montoursville, PA 17754 Date Completed; 819102 Repair Station: EDlRI09K C1ZAtNllS~~(-r~~tlJri.,+f ~ V1-8Cf t.f ~"""""""'~'-~" ~~-''''''~'''''''-~-'''''''''*-'' ·,··-:-<~ <I-:-<~"""'·,~-"~ ~_ ·:-~ri~-::""'"':<"""'_:" r;'1_('i!_--~""""'T . ,.... .....: ..... ....." ...._.,;'......;- .....f.' ......' .,.................""",,""..... ...... '........'Y.................""""....... ' .....,.,·_W..... ~ ~ Date Hrs Min REPAIRS· ADJUSTMENTS - SERVICE· REMARKS Signature Number I I r [, ! Page Total All Repair Data Must Bear the Endorsement of a Brought Forw~rd Certificated Mechanic, and his Rating and Total to Date Certificate Number MUST be Shown.
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