2018 Dive in Festival Brochure
25 – 27 September 2018 www.diveinfestival.com #time4inclusion #diveinfest An initiative of 17 Attracting Diverse Talent, Together Nick Godson, Oliver James Associates 24 Why 2018 is the Year for Action on Inclusion Contents Pauline Miller, Lloyd’s 30 06 Power of Language 16 17 Diversity is the Engine of Katherine Bryant, The Progress Innovation Partnership Limited Marguerite Soeteman-Reijnen, Aon Holdings & Bianca Tetteroo, Achmea 31 Practical Actions for Everyone’s Mental Health Jen Denby, Willis Towers Watson 07 The Starting Point for CEOs Dr Kamel Hothi OBE 36 Building Resilience in the Face of Adversity 10 Gian Power, TLC Lions Emerging from Unimaginable 30 31 Adversity 37 Martine Wright MBE Confronting Misconceptions in the Modern Workplace Kate Hughes, Zurich 11 Glassed In Dive In Festival 40 Aaida Abu Jaber, IGI Browse Our Global Events 45 16 Turning the Corner on the Road Working Women in the Kingdom to Inclusion of Saudi Arabia Day Bishop, Willis Towers Watson Emma Millar, Marsh & Sagal Awad, & Margaret Resce Milkint, The Lloyd’s Jacobson Group 36 40 Welcome to Dive In 2018 Dominic Christian Chair Inclusion@Lloyd’s, Global Chairman Aon Benfield International When we launched Dive In in London, CEOs told us in 2017 that time is the we knew there was a job to do in raising biggest barrier they see to creating more awareness as to why diversity and inclusive workplaces; though this may inclusion should be front of mind if we are be true in some cases, the rewards from to build a sector fit for the future. We’ve allocating extra time to these initiatives made tangible progress in terms of our will be felt across our businesses for global reach and in fostering greater generations to come.
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