Middle Jurassic Volcanism in the Northern and Central Andes
Middle Jurassic volcanism in the Northern and Central Andes Natalie Romeuf Laboralolre de Pélrologie Magmalique, URA CNRS 1277, CEREGE, BP 80, Universilé d' Aix-Marsellle 111, 13545 Aix-en-Provence Cédex 04, France Luis Aguirre Laboralolre de Pélrologie Magmalique, URA CNRS 1277, CEREGE, BP 80, UniversHé d' Aix Marseille 111, 13545 Aix-en-Provence Cédex 04, France Presenl address: Departamenlo de Geologla, Universidad de Chile, Casilla 13518, Correo 21, Sanllago Pierre Soler OrsIom, URl H, Départemenl TOA, 213 rue lafayeHe, 75480 Paris Cédex lO, France el Laboralolre de Mlnéralogle, URA CNRS 736, MNHM, 61 rue BuHon, 75005 Paris, France Gilbert Féraud Inslilul de Géodynamique, URA CNRS 1279,UniversHé de Nice-Sofia Anlipolis, Pare Valrose, 06034 Nice Cédex, France Etienne Jaillard Misión Orslom, Apartado 17-11-06596, Cuno, Ecuador and Orslom, UR1H, Départemenl TOA, 213 rue LafayeHe, 75480 Paris Cédex lO, France Gilles Ruffet Inslilul de Géodynamique, URA CNRS 1279,UniversHé de Nice-Sofia Anlipolls, Pare Val rose , 06034 Nice Cédex, France ABSTRACT Stratigraphical, petrographical, geochronological and geochemical data available suggest that the various segments 01 the westem margin 01 South America experienced a different geodynamic evolution throughout the Jurassic_ In the early Jurassic, the Northem Andes were characterized by an extensional tectonic regime whereas in the Central Andes subduction led to the emplacement 01 a calc-alkaline magmatism. During the middle Jurassic (Bathonian to Oidordian), an active subduction, perpendicular to the continental margin, generated a magmatic arc (Misahuallí/Colán are) along the Northem Andes, The volcanic products are medium to high K calc-alkaline rocks composad 01 basaltic andesitic t:> myolitic lavas and acid pyroclastic rocks (ignimbrites, unwelded tuffs, volcanogenic sandstones and breccias).
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