LUKE WADDING Irishman & Franciscan by FATHER LUCIUS Mcclean O.F.M
FATHER LUKE WADDING Irishman & Franciscan by FATHER LUCIUS McCLEAN O.F.M. A Tercentenary Tribute ASSISI PRESS DUBLIN 1956 All the Iacts in this brief life of Father Luke Wadding are taken from the Wadding Papers edited by Father Brendan Jennings, 0.F.M.: and published by the Irish Manu- scripts Commission, and from Saint Isido?,e's Chzwch and College of the Irish Franciscans Rome, by Father Hubert Quiran, 0 F.M. Nihil obsiat: Michael O'Halloran, Censor Deputatus. Zmprimi potest : Joannes Carolus, Archiep. Dubiinensis, Hibemiae Primas, die 29 Maii, 1956. Nihil obstat: P. Victor Sheppard, O.F.M., Censor Deputatus. Imprimatur: P. Hubertus Quinn, O.F.M., Min. Provl., in festo Ascensionis Domini, 1% 6. FRESCO BY EMrlNUELE DA COhlO SHOWING FATHER WADDING AND HIS COMPANIONS ENGAGED IN THEIR LITERARY LABOURS FATHER LUKE WADDING IRISHMAN AND FRANCISCAN TERCENTENARY OF AN EMIGRANT T WAS POPE PIUS XI who paid the tribute to our nation of saying that Irishmen were like God's fresh air ; they are everywhere. Driven Ifrom home bv necessitv or lured abroad by the green hills of faf-off plac&, urged on by ap&tolic zeal or compelled by an inner need for travel and adventure, we are a nation of wanderers. To leave our native land is traditional with us; to return to it is a desire no Irishman ever loses. Over three hundred years ago a young boy left Waterford, never to return to the country for which he Lived and which, in the coming year, will honour him as one of its most outstanding and loyal sons, perhaps one of its most influential representatives and its greatest emigrant and exile.
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