
Cheat Sheet by brandidavis0 via cheatography.com/61682/cs/15917/

Adverse Reactio​ ns Addic​ tion Potenti​ al Age related dosage side effects (cont) Symptoms of Withdra​ wal

Negat​ ive: Posit​ ive Adderall will directly affect the Intense craving for more mesolimbic reward pathway in Adderall. You might be unable Increase in Increase an individ​ ual’s brain. As a result feel normal without it. BP Concent​ ration dry mouth of this function, Adderall has a Sleep problems. Some people Sudden Improved relatively high potential for alternate between Perform​ ance and abuse, headache (trouble falling or staying Heart Attack ​ particularly if the drug is abused agitation asleep) and sleeping too much. Death or taken by individ​ uals who are dizziness Intense hunger not classified with the Diminish Appetite Anxiety and irritab​ ility aforeme​ nti​ oned conditi​ ons. fast heart rate Panic attacks Infor​ mat​ Age related dosage side weakness or lack of energy Generic Brand Class​ ifi​ ca​ effects urinary tract infections Unhappi​ ness Name: Name: tion: In children 6 to 12 loss of Depression d- Adderall Psychos​ ti​ years old, side appetite Note Phobias or panic attacks amphe​ ta mulant effects may include: mine For those individ​ uals who take and Suicidal thoughts insomnia l-amphe​ tamine experience adverse side effects with Ritalin, stomach Adderall is often recomme​ nded as an How does it works pain effective substit​ ute. Clinical Use Extended Release: nausea Used to treat and Pictu​ res: The pill achieves ADHD; vomiting maximum plasma concent​ ration in roughly Composed Of: seven hours. When nervous​ n Ampheta​ mine Salts: Racemic ess ingested, the extended Ampheta​ mine Aspartate formula​ tion of Adderall uses In teens, the most loss of Monohyd​ rate, Racemic the Microtol common side appetite Ampheta​ mine , extende​ d-r​ elease delivery effects include: Dextroa​ mph​ eta​ mine system, which incorpo​ rates Saccaride and insomnia two types of beads into the Dextroa​ mph​ eta​ mine Sulfate stomach subject’s system. The first hoard of beads dissolves Purpo​ se pain immedia​ tely, releasing half nervous​ n Stimulates the brain and of the medicat​ ion, while the ess increases the span second set dissolves at a ​ as well as the concentration weight slower rate, releasing the by increasing the amount of loss medication four hours later. and Side effects in loss of norepin​ eph​ rine in the brain. Instant Release: adults may include: appetite Adderall acts as a potent Reaches maximum insomnia dopamine inhibitor plasma concent​ ration and norepin​ ephine reuptake within three hours. inhibitor.

By brandidavis0 Not published yet. Sponsored by Readability-Score.com cheatography.com/brandidavis0/ Last updated 27th May, 2018. Measure your website readability! Page 1 of 2. https://readability-score.com Adderall Cheat Sheet by brandidavis0 via cheatography.com/61682/cs/15917/

High Dosage; Chronic Intoxic​ ati​ on

Feelings of and excitement

Severe dermatosis (a skin condition)


Hyperac​ tivity

Irritab​ ility

Changes in persona​ lity

Do not take if certain medical conditi​ ons heart disease high blood pressure hardening of the arteries hyperth​ yro​ idism

Similar to other powerful drugs



By brandidavis0 Not published yet. Sponsored by Readability-Score.com cheatography.com/brandidavis0/ Last updated 27th May, 2018. Measure your website readability! Page 2 of 2. https://readability-score.com