Loretto Borealis Expeditionary Society East Greenland 2019 In the footsteps of the 1930-31 British Arctic Air Route Expedition Expedition Chief Leader: Nigel Bidgood FRGS email:
[email protected] Expedition co-Leader: Dr Richard Phillips ML, FRGS email:
[email protected] Deputy Leader: David Howie MIC, MBE email:
[email protected] Expedition Assistant Leaders: Anna Bidgood ML & Jen Howie ML INTRODUCTION In the summer of 2019 the fifth expedition of the Loretto Borealis Expeditionary Society will be to East Greenland. This follows on from a successful expedition to North-West and Central Iceland that took place this summer (2017). The Borealis Expeditionary Society is dedicated to furthering the education of Sixth Form pupils in matters relating to the arctic and sub-arctic areas of our planet and, at its core, exists the opportunity for members of the Society to experience major mountaineering and trekking expeditions to these boreal areas. This document is intended to provide details of the background to this major and challenging expedition and hopefully to answer many of the questions that immediately spring to mind. If you have any queries then please do not hesitate to contact Dr Richard Phillips in the first instance. LOCATION East Greenland – Angmagssalik and Sermilik Fjords Complex 66°N ETHOS The emphasis will be on self-sufficiency, allowing lightweight exploration of the remote wilderness areas of East Greenland. The entire trip will be under canvas, apart from the use of a mountain hut for a few days, and our activities will include trekking, mountain and glacial ascents. There will be a strong academic research undercurrent to this essentially arctic mountaineering and trekking expedition (see below).