Pope's Mass at Madison Square Garden

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Pope's Mass at Madison Square Garden CELEBRATION OF THE EUCHARIST FOR THE PRESERVATION OF PEACE AND JUSTICE HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCIS FRIDAY OF THE TWENTY-FIFTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME MADISON SQUARE GARDEN NEW YORK CITY SEPTEMBER 25, 2015 6:30 P.M. MSG_S1391 StPatrick MSG Mass.indd 1 9/11/15 12:29 PM HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCIS 2 MSG_S1391 StPatrick MSG Mass.indd 2 9/11/15 12:29 PM 3 MSG_S1391 StPatrick MSG Mass.indd 3 9/11/15 12:29 PM HIS EMINENCE TIMOTHY MICHAEL CARDINAL DOLAN ARCHBISHOP OF NEW YORK 4 MSG_S1391 StPatrick MSG Mass.indd 4 9/11/15 12:29 PM 5 MSG_S1391 StPatrick MSG Mass.indd 5 9/11/15 12:29 PM N Y C 2 015 6 MSG_S1391 StPatrick MSG Mass.indd 6 9/11/15 12:29 PM MINISTERS OF THE PAPAL MASS PRINCIPAL CELEBRANT His Holiness, Pope Francis CONCELEBRANTS His Eminence, Pietro Cardinal Parolin, Secretary of State His Eminence, Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York Most Reverend Carlo Maria Viganò, Apostolic Nuncio to the United States Most Reverend Bernardito Auza, Apostolic Nuncio to the United Nations His Eminence, Peter Cardinal Turkson, President, Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace His Eminence, Edwin Cardinal O’Brien, Grand Master, Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem Most Reverend Giovanni Angelo Becciu, Substitute of the Secretary of State Most Reverend Paul Richard Gallagher, Secretary for Relations with States His Eminence, Theodore Cardinal McCarrick, Archbishop Emeritus of Washington Most Reverend Joseph E. Kurtz, President, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Most Reverend Matthew Harvey Clark, Bishop Emeritus of Rochester Most Reverend Robert Joseph Cunningham, Bishop of Syracuse Most Reverend Thomas Vose Daily, Bishop Emeritus of Brooklyn Most Reverend Nicholas Anthony DiMarzio, Bishop of Brooklyn Most Reverend Howard James Hubbard, Bishop Emeritus of Albany Most Reverend Edward Urban Kmiec, Bishop Emeritus of Buffalo Most Reverend Terry Ronald LaValley, Bishop of Ogdensburg Most Reverend Richard Joseph Malone, Bishop of Buffalo Most Reverend Salvatore Ronald Matano, Bishop of Rochester Most Reverend James Michael Moynihan, Bishop Emeritus of Syracuse Most Reverend William Francis Murphy, Bishop of Rockville Centre Most Reverend Edward Bernard Scharfenberger, Bishop of Albany Most Reverend Robert John Brennan, Auxiliary Bishop of Rockville Centre Most Reverend Robert Anthony Brucato, Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of New York Most Reverend Peter John Byrne, Auxiliary Bishop of New York 7 MSG_S1391 StPatrick MSG Mass.indd 7 9/11/15 12:29 PM Most Reverend Raymond Francis Chappetto, Auxiliary Bishop of Brooklyn Most Reverend Octavio Cisneros, Auxiliary Bishop of Brooklyn Most Reverend Thomas Joseph Costello, Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Syracuse Most Reverend John Charles Dunne, Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Rockville Centre Most Reverend Edward Michael Grosz, Auxiliary Bishop of Buffalo Most Reverend Josu Iriondo, Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of New York Most Reverend John Joseph Jenik, Auxiliary Bishop of New York Most Reverend Dominick John Lagonegro, Auxiliary Bishop of New York Most Reverend James Massa, Auxiliary Bishop of Brooklyn Most Reverend Witold Mroziewski, Auxiliary Bishop of Brooklyn Most Reverend John Joseph O’Hara, Auxiliary Bishop of New York Most Reverend Nelson Jesus Perez, Auxiliary Bishop of Rockville Centre Most Reverend Paul Robert Sanchez, Auxiliary Bishop of Brooklyn Most Reverend Guy A. Sansaricq, Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Brooklyn Most Reverend René Arnold Valero, Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Brooklyn Most Reverend Gerald Thomas Walsh, Auxiliary Bishop of New York Most Reverend Emil Aloysius Wcela, Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Rockville Centre Most Reverend Andrzej Jerzy Zglejszewski, Auxiliary Bishop of Rockville Centre Archbishops, Bishops, and Priests DEACONS OF THE MASS Deacon James Bello, Archdiocese of New York Deacon Joachin Pereira, Archdiocese of New York Deacon James Murphy, Diocese of Rockville Centre Deacon Jaime Varela, Diocese of Brooklyn Permanent Deacons from the Archdiocese of New York and the Dioceses of Brooklyn and Rockville Centre, Ministers of Holy Communion MASTERS OF CEREMONIES Reverend Monsignor Guido Marini, Master of Apostolic Ceremonies Reverend Monsignor John Richard Cihak Reverend Monsignor Vincenzo Peroni Reverend Ján Dubina Reverend Matthew Ernest, Director of Liturgy Reverend Andrew King Reverend James Cruz Reverend Robert Bubel 8 MSG_S1391 StPatrick MSG Mass.indd 8 9/11/15 12:29 PM SERVERS OF SAINT JOSEPH’S SEMINARY Marcial Thomas, Thurifer Thomas Colucci, Crucifer Ralph Edel, Candle Anthony Giacona, Candle Hartley Bancroft, Candle Uririoghene Okrokoto, Candle Ambiorix Osorio, Candle Cruz Alejandro Sanchez, Candle James Sheridan, Candle Daniel Rivera, Mitre Diego Hernandez, Pastoral Staff Christian Amah, Book Jiha Lim, Microphone Assistants: Reverend Joseph Franco Reverend Christopher Argano Reverend Carlos Velasquez Reverend Matthew Reiman LECTOR Mo Rocca UNIVERSAL PRAYER READERS Thomas Moran (Gaelic) Alice Sim (Mandarin) John Cahill (English) Lyticia Nsangou (French) Niccolo Falez (Italian) GIFT BEARERS Melody Di Piazza Kaley de Nicola James Gill Peter Johnson Kaitlin Anne Kelly Henry Millette Thomas Moore Robert Niehaus Ruth Woolard MUSIC MINISTRY Jennifer Pascual, D.M.A., Director of Music Daniel Brondel, Organist Michael Hey, Organist Kathryn Whitaker, Cantor Papal Choir and Orchestra Saint Patrick’s Cathedral Choir New York Archdiocesan Festival Chorale Saint Joseph’s Seminary Choir Jennifer Donelson, D.M.A., Director of Music 9 MSG_S1391 StPatrick MSG Mass.indd 9 9/11/15 12:29 PM 10 MSG_S1391 StPatrick MSG Mass.indd 10 9/11/15 12:29 PM P ROCESSIONAL M USIC “Overture” from Paulus, Op. 36 Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy T HE O RDER O F M ASS T HE I NTRODUCTORY R ITES A RRIVAL O F THE H OLY F ATHER “Hymnus Pontificius” Charles Gounod arr. Alberico Vitalini O happy Rome - O noble Rome You are the seat of Peter, whose blood was shed in Rome, Peter, to whom the keys of the kingdom of heaven were given. Pontiff, You are the successor of Peter; Pontiff, You are the teacher, you confirm your brethren; Pontiff, You who are the servant of the servants of God, and fisher of men, You are the shepherd of the flock, linking heaven and earth. Pontiff, You are the vicar of Christ on earth, a rock amidst the waves, You are a beacon in the darkness; You are the defender of peace, You are the guardian of unity, watchful defender of liberty; in You is the authority. Pontiff, you are the unshakable rock, and on this rock was built the Church of God. O happy Rome - O noble Rome. “Processional for a Pontiff” Michael Valenti “Christus Vincit” Joseph Noyon arr. Gerre Hancock orch. Peter Latona Christ conquers, Christ reigns, Christ rules! Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. 11 MSG_S1391 StPatrick MSG Mass.indd 11 9/11/15 12:29 PM E NTRANCE H YMN “All Creatures of Our God and King/ Oh Criaturas del Señor” LASST UNS ERFREUEN The choir will sing verses 3, 4, and 6. arr. John Rutter 2. Thou rushing wind that art so strong, 3. Thou flowing water, pure and clear, Ye clouds that sail in heaven along, Make music for thy Lord to hear, O praise Him! Alleluia! Alleluia, alleluia! Thou rising morn, in praise rejoice, Thou fire so masterful and bright Ye lights of evening, find a voice: That givest man both warmth and light. 12 MSG_S1391 StPatrick MSG Mass.indd 12 9/11/15 12:29 PM 4. Dear mother earth who day by day 5. And thou, most kind and gentle death, Unfoldest blessings on our way, Waiting to hush our latest breath, O praise him, alleluia! O praise him, alleluia! The flowers and fruits that in thee grow, Thou leadest home the child of God, Let them his glory also show: And Christ the Lord the way hath trod: 7. Let all things their Creator bless, And worship God in humbleness, O praise Him, alleluia! Praise, praise the Father, praise the Son, And praise the Spirit, Three in One: P ROCESSIONAL M USIC “Tu es Petrus” Lorenzo Perosi Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I shall build my Church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I shall give thee the keys to the kingdom. P ENITENTIAL A CT I confess to Almighty God and to you, my brothers and sisters, that I have greatly sinned, in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done and in what I have failed to do, And, striking their breast, all say: through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault; therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all the Angels and Saints, and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God. 13 MSG_S1391 StPatrick MSG Mass.indd 13 9/11/15 12:29 PM K YRIE Kyrie XVI Missa L’Hora Passa Ludovico da Viadana ed. Richard Proulx Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. C OLLECT BE SEATED T HE L ITUR G Y O F THE W ORD P RIMERA L ECTURA Isaías 9,1-3. 5-6 (Proclaimed in Spanish) El pueblo que caminaba en tinieblas The people who walked in darkness vio una gran luz; have seen a great light; sobre los que vivían en tierra de sombras, upon those who dwelt in the land of gloom una luz resplandeció. a light has shone. Engrandeciste a tu pueblo You have brought them abundant joy e hiciste grande su alegría. and great rejoicing, Se gozan en tu presencia como gozan al cosechar, as they rejoice before you as at the harvest, como se alegran al repartirse el botín. as people make merry when dividing spoils. Porque tú quebrantaste su pesado yugo, For the yoke that burdened them, la barra que oprimía sus hombros the pole on their shoulder, y el cetro de su tirano, and the rod of their taskmaster como en el día de Madián.
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