The Church of the Ascension, New York, NY 03-1202

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The Church of the Ascension, New York, NY 03-1202 MAY 28,2017 7TH SUNDAY OF EASTER 7ODOMINGO DE PASCUA W ELCOME ! " ¡ B IENVENIDOS ! ServingtheUpperWestSide,ManhattanValley,and MorningsideHeightscommunitiessince1895. SirviendolascomunidadesdelUpperWestSide, ManhattanValley,yMorningsideHeightsdesde1895. THE !CHURCH!OF !THE !ASCENSION PastoralStaff Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev.Msgr. DanielS.Kearney RaymondRafferty DanielLeBlanc ThomasShelley WarrenThomas CiprianoLantigua Pastor InResidence InResidence SundayAssociate HospitalChaplain PastoralAssociate In observance of Memorial Day, May 29 th , there will be CelebrationoftheEucharist one bilingual Mass at 9:00AM after which the church will be closed. The rectory will be closed all day. Saturdays 12:10pm (Spanish) 5:00pm (English) En observancia del Día de Conmemoraci ón, el 29 de 6:15pm (Spanish) mayo, habrá una misa bilingüe a las 9:00AM después Sundays se cierra la iglesia. 8:15am (English) La rectoria estará cerrada todo el dia. 9: 30am (Walkirios) (Spanish) 11:00am (Choir) (English) 12:30pm (Spanish) 6:00pm (Jazz) (English) Weekdays Noon (English) 6:00pm Wednesdays(only( (English) 7:00pm (Spanish) Rectory 221West107thStreet·NewYork,NY10025 Phone:212 -222- 0666 New$Parishioners$and$Visitors$Welcome P ARISH !INFORMATION G ROUPS PARISH STAFF SACRAMENTS (E NGLISH ) CofradiadelaAltagracia YvelisseDiaz. [email protected] PrestonSmith Penance :Saturday4 -5pm Organist&DirectorofMusic Baptism :SecondSaturday&third Cursillistas [email protected] NicolasGomez. 347-717- 7740 Sunday.Calltherectory,e -mail JohnNorelli [email protected] DivineMercy BelkysRavelo 646-234- 4904 BusinessManager [email protected] Plansneedtobemadeatleast6weeks DivinoNiño inadvance. MeryMadera 646-812- 8002 YeseniaMoran ParishSecretary Marriage :Pleasemakearrangements Guadalupano [email protected] inadvancewiththePastororaPriest. CarmenSerrano.917 -504- 1429 [email protected] OS ACRAMENTOS SPAÑOL RicardoRios L S (E ) HermandaddelSagradoCorazondeJesus HeadCustodian Penitencia :Sábado4 -5pm FiorDelgadillo.12 -864- 3695 [email protected] Bautizos :2doDomingoy3erSábado HomelessShelter MichaelElmore delmes.Contactelarectoriapara Chris.917 -312- [email protected] Sacristan,SeniorAcolyte detalles,email LasAnimasdelPulgatorio [email protected] [email protected] AndreaVasquez.347 -812- 9395 AngelFalcon LectorsandEucharisticMinisters SpaceRentals(non -party), Planificacionestienenqueser6 English :AndreaGilbert.646 -943- 0916 semanasporadelantación. CoordinatorofSpecialProjects,Ad [email protected] HocAdvancementInitiatives, Bodas :Favordehacerarregloscon Español :EucharisticMinisters (212)810 –9004or anticipaciónconelPárrocoosacerdote. Lisa Rosario646 -245- 8959 r [email protected] [email protected] INISTRY OR HE ICK OMEBOUND M F T S /H Lectors GildaRodriguez.917 -242- 8971 RichardBrogna We are anxious to help anyone who [email protected] BulletinAdSales(LPi) cannot celebrate Mass with us in LegionofMary/LegióndeMaria 848-225-5120 church because of illness, handicap or ZoilaMarte.646 -267-8894 [email protected] age.Pleasecall CiprianoLantigua atthe MartiniNightFellowship rectory. Rita914 -319- 1979orLucia914 -924- 3065 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION MINISTERIO PARA LOS ENFERMOS MensajerosDelAmorDeCristo/ RobinBrooksKlueber,DR Ayudamos a todos los que no pueden 221West107 th St. JovenesAdultos veniracelebrarlaMisaporenfermedad FabianMartinez. NewYork,NY10025 o otra razón. Favor de llamar a [email protected] Phone:212 -749-5938 CiprianoLantigua enlaRectoría. Fax:212 -961-1086 MinisterioMariano DorisFelix.917 -601- 4665 [email protected] GROUPS MinisteriodeParejas 646-474- 1864 ASCENSION SCHOOL AltarServers MichaelElmore.212 -222- 0666 MissiontoD.R. MelissaMoore,Principal 220West108 th St. JonathanCasilla.646 -425- 3007 AscensionAdultsinAction [email protected] NewYork,NY10025 [email protected] Phone:212 -222-5161 RCIA/RICA AscensionCulinaryInstitute [email protected] Fax:212 -280-4690 ChefPaul.212 -203- 8759 [email protected] [email protected] St.VincentdePaulSociety EsperanzaJorge.347 -920- 9193 OFFICE HOURS AscensionFoodPantry SaturdayandSunday RobinKlueber212 -749- 5938 MovimientodeSchoenstatt InesMoscol.212 -866-5914 [email protected] SábadoyDomingo 9:00amto7:30pm AscensionGayFellowship SpiritSquadYouthProgram AscensionGayFellowshipGroupNYC@gmail. RobinKlueber212 -749- 5938 Weekdays com [email protected] Losdiasdesemana 9:00amto8:00pm AscensionReadingGroup ElizabethHitz. [email protected] Carismaticos/LunesEucaristico AuroraSanchez212 -932- 0283 Website: FaceBook: AscensionChurchNYC Twitter: @nyc_ascension pg 2 PASTOR ’SLETTER NOTAS DEL PASTOR Dear Parishioners and Friends of Ascension, Queridos Feligreses y Amigos de la Ascensión, Last Saturday evening, May 20th, we had a wonderful El sábado pasado en la tarde, 20 de mayo, tuvimos una celebration at the 6:15p.m. Mass, celebrated by maravillosa celebración en la misa de las 6:15, Bishop Josue Iriondo. (Bishop Iriondo is a retired presidida por el obispo Josu Iriondo (el obispo Iriondo auxiliary bishop of New York and the former director es un obispo auxiliar retirado de Nueva York y el of the Charismatic Center). On that evening we director anterior del Centro Carismático). Esa noche celebrated the 40th anniversary of our parish celebramos el 40 aniversario del grupo de oración charismatic prayer group. This prayer group has met carismático de nuestra parroquia. Este grupo de on a weekly basis, without fail, for the past 40 years. oración se ha reunido regularmente cada semana, sin During these 40 years they have faithfully turned to falta, durante los últimos 40 años. Durante estos 40 the Holy Spirit to be their help and their guide. años ellos fielmente se han apoyado en el Espíritu Through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the leaders Santo que ha sido su guía y su ayuda. A través del of the prayer group have been empowered by God’s derrame del Espíritu Santo los dirigentes del grupo de Spirit to teach, to preach, and to inspire. Over the oración se han fortalecido por el Espíritu de Dios para course of these 40 years, so many people have come enseñar, predicar e inspirar. Durante el curso de estos into the Catholic Church, and have come to know 40 años, tantas personas se han hecho miembros de la Christ and the Spirit through the Charismatic Renewal. iglesia católica y han llegado a conocer a Cristo y al Our prayer group continues to place themselves at the Espíritu Santo a través de la Renovación Carismática. service of others. They don't tire in their work Nuestro grupo de oración continúa poniéndose al because the Holy Spirit continues to breathe new life servicio de otros. No se cansan porque el Espíritu into them and renew them on a regular basis. A special Santo continúa respirando nueva vida en ellos y word of congratulations and thanks to Aurora renovándolos regularmente. Una palabra especial de Sanchez, and to the many who have had leadership felicidades y gracias a Aurora Sánchez y a los muchos roles in the prayer group over these many years, and to que han tenido el papel de dirigentes en el grupo de those who come and pray on a regular basis. The Holy oración durante todos estos años y a aquellos que Spirit is always young and always new. How vienen y oran regularmente. El Espíritu Santo siempre appropriate to have this celebration during the Easter es joven y siempre es nuevo. Fue muy apropiado Season. I know that the Prayer Group will continue to tener esta celebración durante la temporada de Pascua. keep all of us here at Ascension, as well as our special Yo sé que el grupo de oración continuará intentions in their prayers. manteniéndonos a todos los de aquí de la Ascensión al igual que a nuestras intenciones especiales en sus This weekend, I would also like to congratulate Fr. oraciones. Rafferty. Tomorrow, May 29th, Father Rafferty celebrates his fifty first anniversary to the Priesthood. Este fin de semana también me gustaría felicitar al Fr. Rafferty was ordained on, May 29th, in 1966, by Padre Rafferty. Mañana, 29 de mayo, el Padre Francis Cardinal Spellman, the then Archbishop of Rafferty celebra su cincuenta y un aniversario al New York. sacerdocio. El Padre Rafferty fue ordenado el 29 de mayo del 1966 por el Cardenal Francis Spellman, el Peace, entonces Arzobispo de Nueva York. Fr. Kearney Paz, Padre Kearney Website: FaceBook: AscensionChurchNYC Twitter: @nyc_ascension pg 3 PLEASE !PRAY !FOR !THE !SICK DAILY !MASS !INTENTIONS Deadline for names to appear in the bulletin is Laura Moore Brown, Joseph Anthony Desire, Jose Gomez, Tuesday of the prior week. CathleenMcCarthy,IsabelOrtiz,GeorgeRokenbrod,William La fecha para que los nombres aparezcan en el boletín es el Rosan,JuanCarlosSalazar,AntonioTaveras,YuanSu,Maria martes de la semana anterior. delCarmenVentura Sunday,May28 Aperson’snamewillappearforfourweeks,afterwhichitwillberemovedunless 8:15 AM F LORINDA BARCENAS PAHUTON wehearfromthefamily. 9:30 AM L IDIA &M ANUEL PICHARDO ,M ARIA EUGENIA REGALADO , Elnombredeunapersonaaparecerádurantecuatrosemanas,despuésdelocual ANUEL GRAMONTE NA ULIA OTO LTAGRACIA DE LA M A ,A J S ,A seeliminaráalmenosquelafamiliasecomuniqueconnosotros. C RUZ 11:00 AM PM NA UAREZ USTA UAREZ ERMANIA UAREZ OFIA 12:30 A S ,J S ,G S ,S WECAN DO IT TOGETHER!A
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