Denver Catholic Register
DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER VOL. VI. NO, 28 DENVER, COLORADO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1911 11.60 PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE. PRICE FIVE CENTg. Archbishop Ryan Dead Summei^ongress Univer^ News New Provincial Peculiar Religious Conditions M Educational Meetings to Be Registered Students Now *‘God Bless Yon” His Last Words*-One of the Church’s '^*7' Archbishop Glennon Urges Necessity of Sociai Work in Most Distingaished Prelates—Noted for Work Held in Chicago and Number Three Hundred C. P., Noted Convert, Down-Town Parishes of St Lonis—Rectors Meet AmongXIndians, Negroes, and Boys Portland, Oye. and Sixty Is Promoted to Stop Proselytism of Catholic Children A meeting of the Diocesan School Philadelphia.—Serene and prepared to absolution. The sermon was preached TEMPERANCE LECTURES 'I he Rev. Father Fidelis K Stone of thv Last week Archbishop Glennon of St. schools of the Cathedral shoiira ae en Board, and of the repre.scntatives of all meet his God, whom lie had served so Y., Rishop Walsh of Portland, Mer, Bish Passionist order, and heretofore at Louis called the attention of 10 rectors larged) tlwse of the Anniincitttion i.pened the Catholic colleges in the Archdiocese well, the Most Rev. Patrick John Ryan, op Hartley of Columbus, 0., and Bishop tached to the monastery of St. Paul of of down-town parishes to the necessity and those of St. Alary’s, .Assuiaplaon, D. D., LL. D., archhihsop of Philadelplija Davis of Davenport, la., are other high of Chicago, was held recently at the Fathers Doyle and O’Calla the Cross, Pittsburg, has been appointed of providing schools and mission houses Sts.
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