The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448
[email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus VOL 40 • YEAR END • DEDICATION OF THE NEW CARTIER FIELD (shown from the air with Klein Memorial Baseball Park and the probable site of a projected new athletic field house) was held on the morning of November 24. Officiating (facing camera, from left) were Rev. Jerome J. Wilson, C.S.C, vice-president for business affairs; Rev. Edmund P. Joyce, C.S.C, executive NOTRE vice-president and chairman of the Faculty Board in Control of Athletics; and Rev. Thomas J. O'Donnell, C.S.C, associate director of the Notre Dame Foundation. DAME (See story, overleaf.) ALUMNUS ALUMNI ASSOCIATION On the cover: BOARD OF DIRECTORS A New Cartier Field Officers fame was won by an offer, in 1899, to WALTER L. FLEMING, JR., '40. November 24, 1962, was a great day Honorary President for the Irish. In the stadium the build a badly needed athletic field WILLIAM P. MAHOJJEY, JR., '38 President football team scored a fifth and final east of the old Brownson campus. Com MAURICE CARROLL, 'IS-Ctass Vice-President pleted in 1905, Cartier Field was the ROGER J. HUTER, '40 Clnb Vice-President win for the season by trouncing Iowa HARRY J. MEHRE, '22 Fund Vice-President 35-12. The N.D. Marching Band scene of 25 years of Irish football JAMES E. ARJISTRONC, '25 played a Latin-American medley as a glory before the stadium was built in Executive Secretary musical salute to the University-spon 1930, and it has continued to breed Directors to 1963 sored U.S.