™ Zero

1 Importan t Informati on

Basic Informati on

2 Contro ller s and Acce ssor ies


4 Internet Enhancemen ts

5 Parent al Contro ls

Idntro unctio

6 AuTbo t hiGs am e

7 Geaam pl y Bassic

8 Saving an d Deleting D ata

Gtget in Srdta te

9 Mnai Muen

10 Story Progressi on

WUP-P-AFXE-00 11 GSame csreen

12 Items

Vehicl e Contro ls

13 Oper ati ng Veh icl es

14 Sapeci l Moves

T-awo Pl yeMr od e

15 C-po o Plya


16 Using aomiib

Abou t T his Pr odu ct

17 Intellectua l Property Warn ing

Tuero bl shtgoo in

18 Supp ort Inform ati on 1 Importan t Informati on

Please read this manual carefully before using this software. If the software will be used by children, the manual should be read and explained to them by an adult.

Also, before using this software, please read the content of the Health and Safety Information application on the U™ Menu. It contains important information that will help you enjoy this software. 2 Contro ller s and Acce ssor ies

This software can be used with any of the following controllers once they have been paired with the console.

Wii U GamePad

During co-op play 15 , one of the following controllers must be used in addition to the GamePad.

Wii U Pro + Controller Nunchuk

◆ Only one Wii U GamePad controller can be used. ◆ A Wii Remote™ Plus controller can be used instead of a Wii Remote controller.

Pairing Controllers

From the HOME Menu, select Controller Settings to di splay the screen s h o w n t o th e r i g h t . Select Pair, and then follow the on-screen instructions to pair the controller.

Information about Audio Output

This software supports linear PCM surround sound. In order to experience surround sound, select (System Settings) from the Wii U Menu, choose the TV item, and then change the audio- output type to Surround. 3 amiibo

This software supports . You can use compatible amiibo™ accessories by touching them to the NFC touchpoint () on the Wii U GamePad controller.

Using near-field communication (NFC), amiibo can connect to compatible software to open brand- new ways to interact with your favorite games. For more information, visit Nintendo's official amiibo website at www.nintendo.com/amiibo.

◆ Only the game data from one software title can be saved on an amiibo at a time. In order to create new game data on an amiibo that has existing data from another game, you must first delete the existing game data. To delete your gam e data, open Wii U Menu → System Settings ( ) and then select amiibo Settings. ◆ Data stored on amiibo can be read by multiple compatible games. ◆ If the data on an amiibo is corrupted and can't be restored, open Wii U Menu → System Settings ( ) → amiibo Settings and reset the data. 4 Internet Enhancemen ts

Connecting your system to the Internet lets you enjoy the following features: ・ 10 ・A downloadable demo of the game Star Fox Guard 9 ◆ You must connect to the Internet and set up Miiverse in advance in order to access these features. ◆ See the Internet Connection Requirements section of the printed Wii U Operations Manual for more information about the equipment required to connect to the Internet. ◆ For information about Miiverse, refer to the Miiverse section of the Wii U Electronic Manual, which you can access by pressing  w hile on the Wii U Menu and then selecting Manual on the HOME Menu. 5 Parent al Contro ls

You can restrict use of the following features by selecting (Parental Controls) from the Wii U Menu.

Item Content

On l i n e Rest ri cts onl i ne f e atur e s an d Interaction in exchange of content through games. Games

Restri cts postin g to Mi ive rse. Miiverse 10

◆ Access to this game (as well as other games) can also be restricted through the Game Rating item in Parental Controls. 6 AuTbo t hiGs am e

The Star Fox™ Zero game is an action-packed, vehicle-based shooter in which you journey to diverse planets across the depths of space, taking down enemies while dodging hails of laser fire, barrages of missiles, and storms of asteroids.

Transform and Triumph

Your aerial fighter, the Arwing, can transform into the Walker, a land vehicle. Use each form as the situation demands.

Arwing Walker

Team Star Fox

Your teammates will accompany you on missions and assist you in various ways. Peppy Gives you helpful information about things like enemy weak points.

Slippy Analyzes boss's shields (the damage they can take) and uploads that data to your visual display.

Falco Re l a ys i nf o r ma t i on ab ou t y ou r surroundings and the current situation.

Damaged Teammates

If a teammate's shield gauge is completely emptied, he will withdraw from the current mission and return in the next mission.

◆ You can check the status of your teammates via the pause menu 11 . 7 Geaam pl y Bassic

Dual-Screen Play

During gameplay, your TV screen and the Wii U GamePad controller screen will each show a different view of the action.

◆ Press  to swap the screens.

TV (Vehicle View)

Positioned behind your vehicle, this view provides a wide view of the action.

Wii U GamePad (Cockpit View)

A view from inside the cockpit. Handy when targeting enemies.

Basic Controls Piloting Your Vehicle

Over the course of this game, you'll get to pilot several different vehicles. While each has slightly different controls, you'll always use the control sticks (, ) to maneuver and  to fire your lasers.

Aiming Reticle

Use the GamePad motion controls to move your aiming reticle and line it up with your target.

Resetting Your Aiming Reticle

Press  or  to recenter your aiming reticle.

3D Voice

This software uses 3D audio technology. Using the GamePad, you will be able to hear characters' voices as if they were around you.

Fox Heard from the front.

Other Characters Heard close to your ears, as if through an intercom.

◆ You can activate and deactivate 3D Voice via the pause menu 11 . ◆ This effect won't work if you're using headphones or if the GamePad volume is set too low. 8 Saving an d Deleting D ata

This software uses an autosave feature. Progress and mission records (such as the number of enemy units shot down) will be saved whenever a mission is completed.

Deleting Data

To delete save data, go to System Settings on the Wii U Menu and choose Data Management.

◆ Deleted save data cannot be restored, so make absolutely sure that you want to delete your data before proceeding. 9 Mnai Muen

Press  at the title screen to display the main menu.

Join Fox in the main game, Main Game and help him defeat the evil forces of Andross.

You can practice piloting your Arwing and polish Training other useful skills in this op ti on ' s t r a i ni ng simulations.

Se l e c t t h i s op ti on t o Prologue rewatch the game's opening cinematic.

◆ Some content will become available only as you progress through the main game.

Star Fox Guard Special Demo

Tap to download a demo version of the Star Fox Guard game from Nintendo eShop. Navigating Menus

Choose option  / 

Confirm 

Cancel 

Controls During Missions

Skip cutscene / Show  pause menu

Swap screen views  10 Story Progressi on

Stage-Selection Screen

Select a stage (planet or sector) to advance to the mission-selection screen.

Mission-Selection Screen

Select a mission to dispatch your team.

◆ You can repeat any mission you've cleared as often as you want. ◆ The medals ( ) 12 you've been awarded in a mission are shown on this screen.


Missions are generally split into multiple phases. Each phase's mode is predetermined and will be one of the two listed below. Scroll Mode

In this mode, you advance along a fixed path.

All-Range Mode

In this mode, you are able to move freely within a certain area.

◆ If you reach the outer boundary of the area, you will automatically perform a U-turn.

Branching Paths

Based on your actions, you may discover new paths or plot developments during a mission. The right course of action could even lead to a tougher mission... Mission Complete / Mission Accomplished

If you complete a mission normally, Mission Complete will appear on the screen. If you manage to achieve specific additional goals during certain missions, Mission Accomplished will appear on the screen instead.

Posting to Miiverse

After you clear a mission, tap to post info like your mission results to Miiverse™.

Mission Failure

If your shield gauge 11 is fully depleted or you fail to fulfill a mission's objectives, that mission is failed. What you're able to do next depends on whether you have a replacement vehicle in stock.

If You Have a You can restart from the Replacement beginning of the phase. Vehicle in Stock

If You Don't Have You can restart from the a Replacement beginning of the mission. Vehicle in Stock

◆ Collect three gold rings 12 to increase your replacement-vehicle stock by one.

11 GSame csreen


2 6


4 7 5

1 Shield gauge

Shows how much damage your craft can take.

2 Hits

This value reflects how much impact you've had in a battle and rises as you take down enemies.

3 Items found 12

Gold ring

◆ Your remaining stock is shown on the left.

Super gold ring

Medal token

◆ and appear only during certain missions.

4 Remaining smart bombs 12

Press  or  to launch a highly destructive smart bomb. It will detonate on impact, but you can press the button again to detonate it before impact occurs. 5 Boost meter

Drains when boosting, hovering, or braking, but recovers over time.

6 Aiming reticle

Your lasers will pass through these two boxes. Use them to line up your shots.

7 Marker

These will appear in certain situations.

◆ Some markers may appear only in cockpit view.

Your teammates

Your current target

Displays when an enemy is in close proximity.

◆ Perform a somersault to shake off enemies that are on your tail.

Pause Menu

Press  to open the pause menu. Here you can check the status of your teammates, restart the current mission, and more. The following options will appear on the Wii U GamePad. Ascend/ Tap thi s option to invert the Descend vertical controls.

Tap this option to swap between h av i n g mo t i o n c on tr ol s Motion permanently on and having them Controls activate only when you're firing your vehicle's weapons.

Tap this option to turn this audio 3D Voice feature on/off 7 .

Ta p t his op ti on to v i ew t he Controls controls. 12 Items

Laser Upgrade Doubles your lasers. If you pick up a second one of these items during a mission, your lasers will be upgraded once again and become powerful hyper lasers that can lock on to two targets at once. Hyper lasers will last until you take a certain amount of damage or the mission ends, whichever comes first.

Smart Bomb Adds a smart bomb to your stock that you can launch at will.

◆ You can hold up to five smart bombs at one time.

Silver Ring Restores a portion of your shield gauge.

Shield Star Restores a large portion of your shield gauge.

Gold Ring Restores a large portion of your shield gauge. Col l ect three of thes e to increase your replacement-vehicle stock by one.

◆ Your replacement-vehicle stock can increase only up to nine. Super Gold Ring Ther e are three of these i n most missions. They have the same effect as a gold ring, but collecting all three will also cause a medal to appear.

Medal Token These items can be col l ec ted by Direct-i 14 . Collect all 10 in a mission to earn a medal.

Medal You can find these hidden in missions and earn them by fulfilling certain objectives. If you collect enough of them, something good may happen...

◆ Extra vehicles, smart bombs, laser upgrades, and other upgrades acquired during a mission are not carried over to other missions.


If you fail a mission and have no replacement vehicles left, you'll be asked i f you want to try again. After a certain number of addi ti onal fai l ed attempt s, a suppl y container packed with an item that grants invincibility will be sent your way. At other times, you may be sent a supply container packed with an item such as a laser upgrade or a shield star.

13 Oper ati ng Veh icl es


A fighter craft built for aerial and space combat. Use  for general movement and  to adjust the speed. Ascend/Descend /

Turn /

Tilt /

Boost 

Brake 

/ Barrel roll (twice in quick succession)

Fl i ck + (at s ame Somersault time) / 

Fl i ck + (at s ame U-turn time) / 

Fire lasers 

 (hold to charge, then Fire charge shot release)

Launch smart  /  bomb

Reset reticle  / 

Transform 

Target view  (hold)

◆ You can invert the vertical-movement controls via the pause menu 11 . ◆ U-turns and target view are available only in all- range mode 10 . Walker

A bipedal land vehicle. Essentially the same as the Arwing, but with a different movement scheme.

Move 

Turn 

Dash 

Hover 

Sidestep (while holding )  / 

Quick turn Flick + (at same time) /  / 

◆ After a certain point in the story, the Walker transformation will become available. ◆ If the Walker can't find a proper foothold, it will automatically revert back into the Arwing.

Other Vehicles

While driving other vehicles, enter the pause menu to check the control scheme.

14 Sapeci l Moves

Charge Shot

Hold down  to charge up energy. During this time, you can lock on to enemies by targeting them. If you release the shot while an enemy is targeted, the blast will home in on that target. Let go the moment you lock on for a critical shot, which has increased speed and power.

◆ Press  to cancel a target lock.


Tilt  and  in the same direction (either left or right) simultaneously to turn at an even sharper angle.

Barrel Roll

Do a barrel roll with   /  to deflect incoming attacks such as laser fire. Somersaults and U-turns

Ascend () and boost () at the same time to perform a somersault. Ascend () and brake () at the same time to perform a U-turn. For both of these maneuvers, all it takes is a quick flick of the control sticks.

◆ You can also perform somersaults with  and U-turns with . ◆ U-turns can be performed only in all-range mode 10 .

Somersault U-turn

Target View

If an enemy, boss, or mission objective is marked with , you can hold  to focus on that objective in vehicle view. That way, you can fight without losing sight of your target.

◆ Target view is primarily used in all-range mode. ◆ Sometimes target view will be turned on automatically. Direct-i

This is the Gyrowing's onboard utility robot. Press  to lower it. Once it's on the ground, you can steer it with .

Hacking Terminals

Direct-i can directly interface with computer terminals it comes in contact with.


Lower Direct-i while positioned directly above a bomb to pick up the bomb. You can then drop the bomb by pressing  or —it will detonate on impact.

Hit Bonuses

Certain actions, such as destroying enemies with a charge shot or shooting down already-damaged ships, will add bonus hits to your hit count.

15 C-po o Plya

This feature enables you to team up with a friend or family member by splitting control of your vehicle between two people.

◆ Controls will vary depending on the controllers used.

Initiating Co-op Play

❶ Select Co-op Play from the mission-selection screen. ❷ When prompted, press  on Player 2's controller. (This controller must be either a Wii U Pro Controller or a Wii Remote and Nunchuk 2 .)

◆ Please note that in order to do this, Player 2's controller must already be paired with the Wii U console 2 .

Player 1

This player uses the Wii U GamePad and is in charge of shooting. He or she can aim using motion controls and fire weapons such as lasers, smart bombs, and charge shots.

Player 2

This player uses the Wii U Pro Controller or Wii Remote and Nunchuk and is primarily in charge of piloting. He or she can maneuver the vehicle and can fire lasers, but not smart bombs or charge shots.

Player 2's Laser Controls

Wii U Pro Controller 

Wii Remote and Nunchuk  16 Using aomiib

Scanning supported amiibo enables you to pilot different types of Arwings in the game.

How to Scan an amiibo

❶ At the stage-selection screen, tap . ❷ Hold a compatible amiibo to the NFC touchpoint .


Scanning a Fox amiibo swaps Fox and his teammates over to Retro Arwings, which are modeled on the original Arwing featured in Star Fox on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System™.


Scanning a Falco amiibo swaps Fox over to the Black Arwing. It has increased firepower and can lock on to two targets at once, but receives more damage than the normal Arwing when hit. For more information about compatible amiibo, visit www.nintendo.com/amiibo. 17 Intellectua l Property Warn ing


This game is not designed for use with any unauthorized device. Use of any such device will invalidate your Nintendo product warranty. Copying and/or distribution of any Nintendo game is illegal and is strictly prohibited by intellectual property laws.

Unauthorized copying or distribution is prohibited. This product contains technical protection measures. Your Wii U system and this software are not designed for use with any unauthorized device or any non- licensed accessory. Such use may be illegal, voids any warranty, and is a breach of your obligations under the End User License Agreement. Further, use of an unauthorized device or software, will render this game or your Wii U system permanently unplayable and result in removal of unauthorized content. Nintendo (as well as any Nintendo licensee or distributor) is not responsible for any damage or loss caused by the use of such device or non- licensed accessory. A system update may be required to play this game.

© 2016 Nintendo Trademarks are property of their respective owners. Wii U is a trademark of Nintendo.

This software product includes Autodesk® Beast™ software, © 2012 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved. Autodesk and Beast are registered trademarks or trademarks of Autodesk, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates in the USA and/or other countries.

3D Sound Effect Socionext Inc.

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■Ogg Vorbis ・Ogg Vorbis Libraries © 2014, Xiph.Org Foundation Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: •Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. •Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/ or other materials provided with the distribution. •Neither the name of the Xiph.org Foundation nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS “AS IS” AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.

18 Supp ort Inform ati on

Nintendo Customer Service SUPPORT.NINTENDO.COM

USA/Canada: 1-800-255-3700

Latin America/Caribbean: (001) 425-558-7078