Chancellor Criticized in House of Commons
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EIGHTEEN PAGES PRICE rUKEB CENTS VOL. U L, NO. 226. BfANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JUNE 28, DENY REPORTS Mitehell Smiles After Jury Acquits Him ESCAPED PRISON MARCH OF UME Of Tax Giaixe ■in IS DRAMATIZED ROOSEVELT TO i *m >• ' NINE YEARS AGO; / • ■ A T G R ^ A I I O N GOTOIDNDON JUST*• • ARRESTED '■ '4 High Sdiool Sodors Get U. S. Cntiser Merdy to Take Uved for Y ean Widnn 20 Ptresideiit o( Worid EcononF the PresideBt B a d to Hilet of Now.Haven Jai^ 5 OS Wireless Messdfge Diploniu Today Anudst 'y V - * ■'V k Conference Declares ft Modern Siting — Bad W ad^on After He '"'•'""'’y/'y,. Anonymons Phone CaD May Concern Mattetn Wffl Net Adjonm M d y/f Z, V '< . ^ <' •< X-: . -r-y //■y. ■■ ■' . ■.’/ /'liry r ‘ // Notifies tte Police. I Completes ffiaVacatioiL 'fy. Keep Conrage by Speaker. A. Progress Is Being Made-4- 'A A 'w A - y - Seattle, June 28,— (AP)—^Power-.^wlth whom, he said, the sender was } A.y'i'.VV ful wlrdess stations of the' NorthTtiying to communicate. Station New Haven, June 28.— (AP)— Padfio “listened, in!’ today for an i RMAZ la at Vladorska. 1& a drastic .sad Improved de Portland, Ma, June 28.—(AP) — . tttrrency Uncertainties Joseph Masserelli,-81, known for explanation ot a mysterious call in! The Naval operator, however, parture from the programs of othe^ Stephen T. Early, secretary to Presi which the signals' of “SOS and who heard the message on his home nine years as Joseph Morrow of yearSi the class o t- 1988 of Maa- dent Roosevelt denied today the “Aeroplane” were leard yesterday I set, said it sounded as though it Are Net Going to D eb ; Waterbury, today was back in the afternoon. With Jimmie Mattem, came from RMAZ or RMAP, an- chester High School held the for> chief executive would go to London. Rumors that the President would New Haven ooimty jail from which miiMrfng round-the-world flier,' other Siberian station farther north tleth arniiiai graduating exerdses at dwf^ across the Atlantic on the police say be eac&ped in 1924. sought off the Siberian coast, the al- up the coast, Work, He Asserts. the State Theater this morning, most unintelUgahla message, sent In, Both agreed the signals were so cruiser Indianapolis in a bold at An anonymous telephone call to presenting a most modem pan tempt to swing the world economic Russian, lent him that it might j faint and the static so bad they orama of worid wide events that de Waterbury police yesterday resulted bring word about him. could not decipher the Russian conference into line with his views, '/A '.y yyAy.’Y v// in his urrest after he had lived for London, June 23.— (AP)— Prime picted a-pageant of progress In the have been current and have as often It was beard here by Ed Stevens,' message. They both distinguished fields of architecture, sport, inter- years within twenty miles of th4 Minister Ramsay MacDonald as been denied. amateur operator, and by a Naval the words “Aeroplane” and “SOS.” /, / i / /v ' ' < / rlson from which he is said to radio operator at Bremerton, who, Mattem is now missing the ninth president of the world economic coh- The latest rumor came from :■ / y . v y z Eave fled. was otf ^ ty. i day since be took off from Khaba- Provincetown, Mass., where the In ' ' V, , ference declared in a statement to , Police assert be had served taro dianapolis, on her way to pick up ''A' 'y ,„ , A / i'U StaVens mid It apparmtiy was raovsk, Siberia, a week ago last the press this afternoon that tfte months of a sentence for theft, and sent from some Russian ship. He Wednesday from Nome, Alaska, the President at Eastport, Me., after burglary and that now he must fib- distinguished the call letters RMAZ, 2fiOO miles away. conference was not going to ad« he completes his cruise up the ish serving his okl seatsDcs snd-in joum bnt was continuing its woric Maine coast, laid over last night addition must stand trial on a *T am entering the third weA The announced plans call for the 'iA 0 ’ '>'4y,£ charge of jafi-brei|lciiig. with a very buoyant and hopeful cruiser to take Mr. Roosevelt back Admits tbe Esciqye. heart,” he added. to Washington. HUnON TO QUIT COMMODITY PRICES Despite jresterday’s Franco-Amer- The Presidential schooner, the Smiling his relief, Charles E. Mitchell (right), former chairman of the The authorities said Masserelli ad National City Bank of New York, is pictured with his attorney. Max ican rapproachmeht, which at least Amberjack n ., still lay at anchor In mitted fleeing to Pennsylvania and temporarily ended the currency sta Steuer, after a Federal court jury in New York acquitted him on charges Chandlers Cove, off Chebeague New York to avoid 'capture after bilization crisis that threatened lo he scaled thh the j^ with ANGELUS TEMPLE island in Casco Itoy, at mld-mom- of Income tax evasion. r o o t o t ARE ON INCREASE wreck the conference, the questioo in g today. Robert Guareno, a follow prisoner. of adjoiumment was again raised US Early was contacted aboard one Guareno was captiured and sentenc the steering conunittee this mom? ed to Wethersfield state prison for of the two naval destroyers guard tw o years. ing. ‘.5 ing the leisurely vacation sail of the Aimee McPherson’ s Hnsband Six Basic UnRs Jampod Six The British prime minister reves]^ Since going to Waterbury, Mas ed this in Ms talk with the presA P resid en t CHANCELLOR CRITICIZED serelli under the name of Morrow, He said Mr. Roosevelt “has no With a sweep of his hand he addid married and became the parent of Hans to Try His Hand at ty Per Cent Smee Fobm- dramatically: "But it was laug^xeo plans” nor Intention to go to Lon two children. He was employed by don. o ff.” IN HOUSE OF COMMONS a Waterbury uompany whose offi Air Is Oleored. cials say he had the reputation of tto Monos. ary, Board R ^ rts. PHILADELPHIA BEFOBBT <S- Mr. MacDonald said in substaaos being an industrious worker. that yesterday’s developihents had Philadelphia, June 28— (AP) — The hearing on the charge of jail Officers at the Philadelphia Navy cleardd the air and paved the breaking lodged against Masserelli Washington, June 23— (AP) — Yard, where the IndiaimpoUa was Laborite Says Ritish People Los Angeles, June 28.— (AP) for further progrees. He SPANISH AVIATORS In New Haven City (^urt was con The ample-glrthed husband o f American commodity prices have that success of the conference conditioned for her present cruise tinued until June 80. The bond said today they had no infipaation Aimee Semple McPherson, evan outstripped the fall of the dollar and pended on the stablization of cur? was set at |1,500. rencies,/but pointed out that Ameri an— Lncy Loolae Barrera. .that the cruiser will take President Wonid Batter Have gelist, is forsaking activities in her are pointing for President Ropse- Valedleteriaa can difficulties in stabilizing the doR* Roosevelt across the Atlantic. ARE S m Mi^lN^ Four Square Gospel /ngelus Tem^ 'velt’s goSJ of a level high enough to Captain 8. C Loomis, acting c .«m- bring the country some prosperity. lar are very reaL nationaT relationships, science and Roosevelt Than NeviOe pie, his new busineBS manager an- In any event currency uneertall^ mandant said the Indlani^lis left For the first ticis since tte stock literature. _ I. noimced today, for ' motion pifr ties are not going to be allowed ^ with stores aboard for several ARMS SUPERVISION inarkets and the commodity.^chcea The program was entitled *The ture eareer merely as David Hut- block the conference, the months, but that is In accordance Chantteriain. Not a Single dn e Fonnd S k o tim, J r. started their climb, an .gffldal Senior Year Passes,” and was pre with a Navy regulation. minister made clear, and “all t| ii| pared and presented by the honor “He is severing .aU ties with An- ^inalysia has now Indlcatea ‘ the work thatjean gs on is going ot£ ?f Captain Gordon W. Haid^, ehfet PEACEMAKERS'AIM gelua Temple,” saU H. (X Brandon, spread bikween. the triw price rise pupils of tile class, which numbered of staff, said the bruiser Is under It.MMkSfiW MacD^ald ‘ who 214 students. It began praaiptiy at London, J hqb Slrf(AP)—J< J^lpqptihg Iboea ^ d ix * him. to. i^JUML%ttWilU4Bpx»cmtim, as ordm to, Philadeiphia coasequen^^^'gold stypiardrabour ________ ______ r - T - — - - htti| 10 o’clock, apd wwHXfver shortiv C .‘ W edgew ood, a L abor rnemi been'‘ilg b ti^ ^ S«i^ tfte confeoreaoc S v ly ^ for fntther rApslrs,*particH- :^,.iOentiatied On^Page^iaeven) donment. The F^ei^ Reserve .-f Aucet* 11:30 ireibclc,* bC i^ climaxed lafty aUeratkms to tfie sailer room. stirred the House a t C ^ m o n if t<^ toV en ce. .{romt^coilapae^ahsr atablUaaties^' by the presentation of m^dtAas hy boardh-monthly -siltw m dut today Amue. Ain o f his Jm adM if brin glsg Chiplatir Haines said t^ repair day telling NeyiUe Chamberlain U. S.£n?oy O tfis on ffis Re^ with the statement that by the end Superintendmt of Schobls 7 . A. ^ r k 'Would consume about fifteen waixlptg men together hsd bees es- Verplanck. that ‘ibe people df Britain would of May—just bdbre t&e latest de^ ertsA and when the aolntbn. was days and then the ship is scheduled MexlOd, O.